Deeper into Go


 OO Approach vs Go approach

Custom  Type Declaration

Functions with Receivers 


package main

func main() {
	cards := deck{"Ace of Diamonds", newCard()}
	cards = append(cards, "Six of Spades")

	 for i, card := range cards {

    	fmt.Println(i, card)


func newCard() string {

	return "Five of Diamonds"

package main

import "fmt"

// Create a new type of 'deck'
// which is a slice of strings
type deck []string

PS E:\software\golang\goprojects\goproject1\cards> ls

    Directory: E:\software\golang\goprojects\goproject1\cards

Mode                 LastWriteTime         Length Name
----                 -------------         ------ ----
-a----         1/11/2023   6:49 AM            100 deck.go
-a----         1/11/2023   6:49 AM            260 main.go

PS E:\software\golang\goprojects\goproject1\cards> go run main.go deck.go
0 Ace of Diamonds
1 Five of Diamonds
2 Six of Spades
PS E:\software\golang\goprojects\goproject1\cards>

same as below

package main

func main() {
	cards := deck{"Ace of Diamonds", newCard()}
	cards = append(cards, "Six of Spades")

	// for i, card := range cards {

	// 	fmt.Println(i, card)
	// }


func newCard() string {

	return "Five of Diamonds"

package main

import "fmt"

// Create a new type of 'deck'
// which is a slice of strings
type deck []string

func (d deck) print() {
	for i, card := range d {
		fmt.Println(i, card)
PS E:\software\golang\goprojects\goproject1\cards> go run main.go deck.go
0 Ace of Diamonds
1 Five of Diamonds
2 Six of Spades
PS E:\software\golang\goprojects\goproject1\cards> 


 Test your knowleges for Functions with Receivers



 Creating a New Deck


package main

func main() {
	cards := newDeck()



package main

import "fmt"

// Create a new type of 'deck'
// which is a slice of strings
type deck []string

func newDeck() deck {
	cards := deck{}

	cardSuits := []string{"Spades", "Diamonds", "Hearts", "Clubs"}
	cardValues := []string{"Ace", "Two", "Three", "Four"}

	for _, suit := range cardSuits {
		for _, value := range cardValues {
			cards = append(cards, value+" of  "+suit)

	return cards

func (d deck) print() {
	for i, card := range d {
		fmt.Println(i, card)
PS E:\software\golang\goprojects\goproject1\cards> go run main.go deck.go
0 Ace of  Spades
1 Two of  Spades
2 Three of  Spades
3 Four of  Spades
4 Ace of  Diamonds
5 Two of  Diamonds
6 Three of  Diamonds
7 Four of  Diamonds
8 Ace of  Hearts
9 Two of  Hearts
10 Three of  Hearts
11 Four of  Hearts
12 Ace of  Clubs
13 Two of  Clubs
14 Three of  Clubs
15 Four of  Clubs
PS E:\software\golang\goprojects\goproject1\cards> 

Slice Range Syntax

 Multiple Return Values


package main

func main() {
	cards := newDeck()

	hand, remainingCards := deal(cards, 5)



package main

import "fmt"

// Create a new type of 'deck'
// which is a slice of strings
type deck []string

func newDeck() deck {
	cards := deck{}

	cardSuits := []string{"Spades", "Diamonds", "Hearts", "Clubs"}
	cardValues := []string{"Ace", "Two", "Three", "Four"}

	for _, suit := range cardSuits {
		for _, value := range cardValues {
			cards = append(cards, value+" of  "+suit)

	return cards

func (d deck) print() {
	for i, card := range d {
		fmt.Println(i, card)

func deal(d deck, handSize int) (deck, deck) {
	return d[:handSize], d[handSize:]
PS E:\software\golang\goprojects\goproject1\cards> go run main.go deck.go
0 Ace of  Spades
1 Two of  Spades    
2 Three of  Spades  
3 Four of  Spades   
4 Ace of  Diamonds  
0 Two of  Diamonds  
1 Three of  Diamonds
2 Four of  Diamonds 
3 Ace of  Hearts    
4 Two of  Hearts    
5 Three of  Hearts  
6 Four of  Hearts   
7 Ace of  Clubs     
8 Two of  Clubs     
9 Three of  Clubs   
10 Four of  Clubs   
PS E:\software\golang\goprojects\goproject1\cards>

Test Your Knowledge: Multiple Return Values

Question 1:

In the following code snippet, what will the value and type of 'title' and 'pages' be?

Question 2:

What will the following program log out?

 Question 3:

What will the following program log out?

Question 4:

Which of the following best explains the describe  function listed below?


 Byte Slices


package main

import "fmt"

func main() {
	cards := newDeck()


package main

import (

// Create a new type of 'deck'
// which is a slice of strings
type deck []string

func newDeck() deck {
	cards := deck{}

	cardSuits := []string{"Spades", "Diamonds", "Hearts", "Clubs"}
	cardValues := []string{"Ace", "Two", "Three", "Four"}

	for _, suit := range cardSuits {
		for _, value := range cardValues {
			cards = append(cards, value+" of  "+suit)

	return cards

func (d deck) print() {
	for i, card := range d {
		fmt.Println(i, card)

func deal(d deck, handSize int) (deck, deck) {
	return d[:handSize], d[handSize:]

func (d deck) toString() string {
	return strings.Join([]string(d), ",")


PS E:\software\golang\goprojects\goproject1\cards> go run main.go deck.go
Ace of  Spades,Two of  Spades,Three of  Spades,Four of  Spades,Ace of  Diamonds,Two of  Diamonds,Three of  Diamonds,Four of  Diamonds,Ace of  Hearts,Two of  Hearts,Three of  Hearts,Four of  Hearts,Ace of  Clubs,Two of  Clubs,Three of  Clubs,Four of  Clubs
PS E:\software\golang\goprojects\goproject1\cards> 

Saving Data to the Hard Drive


package main

func main() {
	cards := newDeck()


package main

import (

// Create a new type of 'deck'
// which is a slice of strings
type deck []string

func newDeck() deck {
	cards := deck{}

	cardSuits := []string{"Spades", "Diamonds", "Hearts", "Clubs"}
	cardValues := []string{"Ace", "Two", "Three", "Four"}

	for _, suit := range cardSuits {
		for _, value := range cardValues {
			cards = append(cards, value+" of  "+suit)

	return cards

func (d deck) print() {
	for i, card := range d {
		fmt.Println(i, card)

func deal(d deck, handSize int) (deck, deck) {
	return d[:handSize], d[handSize:]

func (d deck) toString() string {
	return strings.Join([]string(d), ",")

func (d deck) saveToFile(filename string) error {
	return ioutil.WriteFile(filename, []byte(d.toString()), 0666)

Suffling a Deck



package main

func main() {
	cards := newDeck()


package main

import (

// Create a new type of 'deck'
// which is a slice of strings
type deck []string

func newDeck() deck {
	cards := deck{}

	cardSuits := []string{"Spades", "Diamonds", "Hearts", "Clubs"}
	cardValues := []string{"Ace", "Two", "Three", "Four"}

	for _, suit := range cardSuits {
		for _, value := range cardValues {
			cards = append(cards, value+" of  "+suit)

	return cards

func (d deck) print() {
	for i, card := range d {
		fmt.Println(i, card)

func deal(d deck, handSize int) (deck, deck) {
	return d[:handSize], d[handSize:]

func (d deck) toString() string {
	return strings.Join([]string(d), ",")

func (d deck) saveToFile(filename string) error {
	return ioutil.WriteFile(filename, []byte(d.toString()), 0666)

func newDeckFromFile(filename string) deck {
	bs, err := ioutil.ReadFile(filename)

	if err != nil {
		// Option #1 - log the error and return a call to newDeck()
		// option #2 - log the error and entirely quit the program
		fmt.Println("Error:", err)

	s := strings.Split(string(bs), ",") // Ace of Spades, Two of Spades, Three of Spades,
	return deck(s)


func (d deck) shuffle() {
	for i := range d {
		newPosition := rand.Intn(len(d) - 1)

		d[i], d[newPosition] = d[newPosition], d[i]
PS E:\software\golang\goprojects\goproject1\cards> go run main.go deck.go
0 Two of  Hearts
1 Ace of  Spades     
2 Three of  Spades   
3 Two of  Diamonds   
4 Ace of  Clubs      
5 Four of  Diamonds  
6 Three of  Hearts   
7 Three of  Clubs    
8 Ace of  Diamonds   
9 Four of  Hearts    
10 Four of  Spades   
11 Ace of  Hearts    
12 Two of  Spades    
13 Two of  Clubs     
14 Four of  Clubs    
15 Three of  Diamonds
PS E:\software\golang\goprojects\goproject1\cards> 

Random Number Generation

package main

func main() {
	cards := newDeck()

package main

import (

// Create a new type of 'deck'
// which is a slice of strings
type deck []string

func newDeck() deck {
	cards := deck{}

	cardSuits := []string{"Spades", "Diamonds", "Hearts", "Clubs"}
	cardValues := []string{"Ace", "Two", "Three", "Four"}

	for _, suit := range cardSuits {
		for _, value := range cardValues {
			cards = append(cards, value+" of  "+suit)

	return cards

func (d deck) print() {
	for i, card := range d {
		fmt.Println(i, card)

func deal(d deck, handSize int) (deck, deck) {
	return d[:handSize], d[handSize:]

func (d deck) toString() string {
	return strings.Join([]string(d), ",")

func (d deck) saveToFile(filename string) error {
	return ioutil.WriteFile(filename, []byte(d.toString()), 0666)

func newDeckFromFile(filename string) deck {
	bs, err := ioutil.ReadFile(filename)

	if err != nil {
		// Option #1 - log the error and return a call to newDeck()
		// option #2 - log the error and entirely quit the program
		fmt.Println("Error:", err)

	s := strings.Split(string(bs), ",") // Ace of Spades, Two of Spades, Three of Spades,
	return deck(s)


func (d deck) shuffle() {
	source := rand.NewSource(time.Now().UnixNano())
	r := rand.New(source)

	for i := range d {
		newPosition := r.Intn(len(d) - 1)

		d[i], d[newPosition] = d[newPosition], d[i]

Writing a useful test


最近,对于图神经网络的研究日益深入,引起了广泛关注。图神经网络是一种能够对图数据进行建模和分析的神经网络模型。它可以处理任意结构的图形数据,如社交网络、蛋白质互作网络等。 在过去的几年中,研究者们提出了许多图神经网络的模型和方法。然而,这些方法仍然面临一些挑战,例如有效地处理大型图形数据、学习高质量的图嵌入表示以及推理和预测复杂的图结构属性等。 为了克服这些挑战,研究人员开始通过增加神经网络的深度来探索更深的图神经网络模型。深度模型具有更强大的表达能力和学习能力,可以更好地捕捉图数据中的关系和模式。这些深层图神经网络可以通过堆叠多个图神经网络层来实现。每个图神经网络层都会增加一定的复杂性和抽象级别,从而逐渐提高图数据的表达能力。 除了增加深度外,研究人员还提出了一些其他的改进来进一步提高图神经网络的性能。例如,引入注意力机制可以使模型能够自动地选择重要的节点和边来进行信息传播。此外,研究人员还研究了如何通过引入图卷积操作来增强图数据的局部性,从而提高图神经网络模型的效果。 综上所述,对于更深层的图神经网络的研究将在处理大规模图形数据、学习高质量的图表示以及进行复杂图结构属性的推理方面取得更好的性能。随着深度图神经网络的推广和应用,我们可以预见它将在许多领域,如社交网络分析、推荐系统和生物信息学中发挥重要作用,为我们带来更多的机遇和挑战。




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