Working with Struts 2 actions 读书笔记

Introducing Struts 2 actions  (介绍struts2动作相关知识 -- 角色、组件、职责、平等)

To set the stage, we’ll start with a sketch of the role that actions play in the framework.


We’ll contrast the Struts 2 action with the similarly named component in Struts 1.


And we’ll study the obligations that an object serving in the role of an action has toward the framework in general.


Struts 2 is an egalitarian enterprise.

(Struts 2是一个平等的系统)

Any class can be an action as long as it satisfies its obligations to the framework.


What does an action do?(动作要做哪些事情呢 -- 封装、数据搬运、回应请求)

First, from the perspective of the framework’s architecture, is encapsulating the actual work to be done for a given request.


The second major role is to serve as a data carrier in the framework’s automatic transfer of data from the request to the view.


Finally, the action must assist the framework in determining which result should render the view that’ll be returned in the request response.


ACTIONS ENCAPSULATE THE UNIT OF WORK(动作封装工作单元 -- execute()、business logic、业务组件、)

Earlier in this book, we saw that the action fulfills the role of the MVC model for the framework.


The code inside this method should concern itself only with the logic of the work associated with the request.


In this case, the business logic amounts to little more than a concatenation.


If it were much more complex, we’d probably have bumped that logic out to a business component and injected that component into the action.


ACTIONS PROVIDE LOCUS FOR DATA TRANSFER(动作为了数据转移提供场所 -- 携带、JavaBeans properties、简洁、techniques、mechanisms、compare struts1、store)

Being the model component of the framework also means that the action is expected to carry the data around.


There might be a bunch of JavaBeans properties adding lines of code to the action, but when the execute() method references the data in those properties, the proximity of the data makes that code all the more succinct.


In addition to receiving the incoming data from the request, these JavaBeans properties on the action will also expose the data to the result.


The HelloWorld action’s logic sets the custom greeting on the customGreeting property, which makes it available to the result as well.


In addition to these simple JavaBeans properties, there are a couple of other techniques for using the action as a data transfer object.


We’ll examine these alternatives later in this chapter, and will also examine the mechanisms by which the actual data transfer occurs.


For now, we just want to recognize that the action serves as a centralized data transfer object that can be used to make the application data available in all tiers of the framework.


The use of actions as data transfer objects should probably ring some alarms in the minds of alert Struts 1 developers.


If this were still true, we couldn’t use the action object itself as a data carrier for the request.

(如果strtus 2也是这样,就不能将动作自身作为请求的数据携带者)

This fundamental difference allows Struts 2 objects to exist as dedicated data transfer objects for each request.

(就因为他们本质的不同,才使得Struts 2对象针对每个请求专有的数据转移对象)

ACTIONS RETURN CONTROL STRING FOR RESULT ROUTING (动作为结果路线返回控制范围内的字符串 -- return、routing、must return string)

The final duty of an action component is to return a control string that selects the result that should be rendered.


Previous frameworks passed routing objects into the entry method of the action.


Returning a control string eliminates the need for these objects, resulting in a cleaner signature and an action that is less coupled to specific routing code.


Packaging your actions(打包动作  --  inherit、portfolio、two distinct region、)

They provide a mechanism for grouping your actions based on commonality of function or domain.

(针对动作分组,Struts 2提供了一种基于功能或领域的共性机制)

Many important operational attributes, such as the URL namespace to which actions will be mapped, are defined at the package level. 


And, importantly, packages provide a mechanism for inheritance, which among other things allows you to inherit the components already defined by the framework.


In this section, we’ll check out the details of Struts 2 packages by examining the Struts 2 Portfolio application’s packaging.

(在这个章节中,我们会开发和研究一个Struts 2公文包的示例应用程序)

Artists can use the application to create an online portfolio of their work.


The portfolio is a simple gallery of images.


Artists must first register with the system to have a portfolio.


It’s free, but we’ll collect some harmless personal information.


Once the artist has an account, she can log in to the secure portion of the application to conduct such sensitive business as creating new portfolios, as well as adding and deleting images from those portfolios.


The other side of the portfolio is the public side.

(Struts 2公文包应用程序的另一个区域是公共的)

A visitor to the public site can view the images in any of the portfolios.


This public face of the portfolio won’t be protected by security.


Organizing your packages(组织你的包  --  declare、configure、name、namespace、extends、abstract)

We’ll organize the Struts 2 Portfolio’s packages based upon commonality of functionality, a common strategy.

(我们根据功能的共通性来组织Struts 2公文包应用程序的包,这也是最常用的策略)

A glance at the names of these actions should be sufficient to give a good idea of their functional purpose.


We want to make sure that the user who’s removing images from the portfolio actually owns that portfolio.


Grouping these together allows us to share declarations of components that might be useful to our authentication mechanism.


While it may be challenging to choose the strategy by which you divide your actions into packages, declaring them is simple.


The name attribute is merely a logical name by which you can reference the package.


We’ve used the Struts 2 packaging mechanism to isolate these versions from one another.

(我们使用Struts 2包机制来隔离这些不同的版本)

Not only does this allow us to offer versions of the Struts 2 Portfolio that focus on the specific goals of each chapter, thus decreasing the learning curve, it also serves to further demonstrate the usefulness of packages.

(这不但让我们能够关注每一章的特定目的,提供不同版本的Struts 2公文包应用程序(这样能够降低学习曲线),而且更深入地展示了包的用途)

The default namespace sits beneath all of the other namespaces waiting to resolve requests that don’t match any explicit namespace.


It’s important to distinguish between the empty default namespace, which can catch all request patterns as long as the action name matches, and the root namespace, which is an actual namespace that must be matched.


Most of the intelligent defaults are defined in a built-in package called struts-default.


Using the components of the struts-default package (讲述如何来使用struts-default包  --  interceptor)

 declares a huge set of commonly needed Struts 2 components ranging from complete interceptor stacks to all the common result types.

(struts-default声明了大量常用的struts 2组件,从完整的拦截器栈到常用的结果类型)

This important params interceptor has been the one moving data from the request parameters to our action’s JavaBeans properties.


The work is getting done with good old-fashioned lines of code. For the curious, these specific lines of code provide good insight into the inner workings of Struts 2;

(这些工作由编写的很好的普通代码完成。对于好奇的人来说,具体的代码可以让你让深入理解Struts 2的内部工作,)

While you’re not required to extend the struts-default package when you create your own packages, omitting this bit of inheritance amounts to rejecting the core of the framework.


Implementing actions(实现动作  --  就算不实现Action接口,也会有一个默认的execute方法默认返回一个SUCCESS字符串常量)

The optional Action interface (可选的Action接口)

Struts 2 gives developers both a fast development path built on intelligent defaults and an extremely high degree of flexibility to elegantly solve the most arcane use cases.

(Struts 2既为开发人员提供了一个基于智能默认值的快速开发路径,又提供了高度的灵活性来优雅的解决最晦涩的案例)

Without a good understanding of the straight and narrow, the framework’s flexibility can admittedly leave one feeling concerned about which path to follow.


Since the framework doesn’t make any type requirements, you could just put the method in your class without having your class implement this interface.


This means that using these predefined control strings allows you to tap into even more intelligent default behavior.


Since our sole result forgoes defining its own name, it inherits this default and is automatically selected by our action.


This is the general pattern by which many of the intelligent defaults operate.


The ActionSupport class (ActionSupport 类  --  data validation、localization of error messages)

This convenience class is a perfect example of the Struts 2 straight and narrow we spoke of a bit earlier.

(这个类的便利性是前面说的Struts 2简单方法的一个完美示例)

BASIC VALIDATION(基本验证  --  validation actually work、基本验证是通过继承:struts-default 和 ActionSupport)

The workflow interceptor must fire after the params interceptor has had a chance to move the data on to the action object.


When we submit the form, the validation fails and diverts the workflow back to the input form again, as seen in figure 3.2.


Where were those error messages stored, and how did the workflow interceptor check to see whether any had been created?


A class that implements this important interface must maintain a collection of error messages for each field that can be validated, as well as a collection of general error messages that pertain only to the action as a whole.


Adding an action-scoped error message is even easier, as you don’t need to specify anything other than the message.


A more subtle point is that the control flow of the validation process is also separated from the action.


The validation workflow is itself layered away from the action’s workflow because the validation logic is invoked by the workflow interceptor.


This separation of control flow is what allows the workflow interceptor to abort the whole request processing and redirect back to the input page without ever entering the action’s execute() method.


This is exactly the kind of separation that interceptors are meant to provide.


Before moving on, some of you are probably wondering how the error message made its way onto the registration form when we sent the user back to try again.


All of this is handled for you with the Struts 2 UI component tags.

(所有这些内容都由Struts 2 UI标签完成)

Now it’s beginning to feel like we’ve really learned something.


That’s cool, but let’s not get distracted from the real topic at hand.


The real lesson to take out of this section is about how actions work together with interceptors to get common chores done without polluting the action’s core logic.


If you can wrap your mind around this action/interceptor teamwork, then you’ll find the rest of the book merely an elaboration on that theme.


USING RESOURCE BUNDLES FOR MESSAGE TEXT (使用资源包处理文本信息  --  TextProvider、LocaleProvider)

Furthermore, changing languages for different user locales is virtually impossible without some layer of separation between the source code and the messages themselves.


The well-established best practice is to bundle these messages together into external and maintainable resource bundles, commonly implemented with simple properties files.


ActionSupport implements two interfaces that work together to provide this localized message text functionality.

(ActionSupport 实现了两个接口,它们协作提供了本地化消息文本功能)

This interface exposes a flexible set of methods by which you can retrieve a message text from a resource bundle.


The TextProvider methods will return the message associated with that key from the properties file associated with your action class.


This layer of separation makes our message text much more manageable.


ActionSupport implements this interface to retrieve the user’s locale based upon the locale setting sent in by the browser


Even when we weren’t taking advantage of it, ActionSupport’s TextProvider implementation has been checking the locale every time it retrieves a message text for us.


Of course, you have to provide the properties file for the locale in question, or it will just serve up the standard English.


Transferring data onto objects(向对象传递数据  --  )

Struts 1 to Struts 2 Perspective.

(从Struts 1 看 Struts 2)

For each domain object, you typically had to create a mirroring form bean.


To add insult to injury, you were then tasked with an additional manual data transfer when you finally moved the valid data from the form bean onto your domain object.


Object-backed JavaBeans properties (对象支持的JavaBean属性  --  到底是个什么意思)

To enable this transfer, the developer needs only to provide JavaBeans properties on her actions, using the same names as the form fields being submitted.


This tedious task consists of collecting these individually transferred data items and transferring them to an application domain object that we must instantiate ourselves.


While we were impressed with the succinct quality of this method only a few pages ago, we can now see that five of the seven lines do nothing more than assemble the individual pieces of data ① that the framework has transferred onto our simple Java- Beans properties.


We’re still psyched that the data has been automatically transferred and bound to our Java data types, but why not ask for more?


Why not ask the framework to go ahead and transfer the data directly to our User object?






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