

Ext4 Disk Layout

This document attempts to describe the on-disk format for ext4 filesystems. The same general ideas should apply to ext2/3 filesystems as well, though they do not support all the features that ext4 supports, and the fields will be shorter.

NOTE: This is a work in progress, based on notes that the author (djwong) made while picking apart a filesystem by hand. The data structure definitions should be current as of Linux 4.12 and e2fsprogs-1.43. All comments and corrections are welcome, since there is undoubtedly plenty of lore that might not be reflected in freshly created demonstration filesystems.




ext4 divides a storage device into an array of logical blocks both to reduce bookkeeping overhead and to increase throughput by forcing larger transfer sizes. Generally, the block size will be 4KiB (the same size as pages on x86 and the block layer's default block size), though the actual size is calculated as 2 ^ (10 + sb.s_log_block_size) bytes. Throughout this document, disk locations are given in terms of these logical blocks, not raw LBAs, and not 1024-byte blocks. For the sake of convenience, the logical block size will be referred to as $block_size throughout the rest of the document.

When referenced in preformatted text blocks, sb refers to fields in the super block, and inode refers to fields in an inode table entry.


An ext4 file system is split into a series of block groups. To reduce performance difficulties due to fragmentation, the block allocator tries very hard to keep each file's blocks within the same group, thereby reducing seek times. The size of a block group is specified in sb.s_blocks_per_group blocks, though it can also calculated as 8 * block_size_in_bytes. With the default block size of 4KiB, each group will contain 32,768 blocks, for a length of 128MiB. The number of block groups is the size of the device divided by the size of a block group.

All fields in ext4 are written to disk in little-endian order. HOWEVER, all fields in jbd2 (the journal) are written to disk in big-endian order.


ext4 allocates storage space in units of "blocks". A block is a group of sectors between 1KiB and 64KiB, and the number of sectors must be an integral power of 2. Blocks are in turn grouped into larger units called block groups. Block size is specified at mkfs time and typically is 4KiB. You may experience mounting problems if block size is greater than page size (i.e. 64KiB blocks on a i386 which only has 4KiB memory pages). By default a filesystem can contain 2^32 blocks; if the '64bit' feature is enabled, then a filesystem can have 2^64 blocks.

File System Maximums
 32-bit mode
File System Size4TiB8TiB16TiB256PiB
Blocks Per Block Group8,19216,38432,768524,288
Inodes Per Block Group8,19216,38432,768524,288
Block Group Size8MiB32MiB128MiB32GiB
Blocks Per File, Extents2^322^322^322^32
Blocks Per File, Block Maps16,843,020134,480,3961,074,791,4364,398,314,962,956 (really 2^32 due to field size limitations)
File Size, Extents4TiB8TiB16TiB256TiB
File Size, Block Maps16GiB256GiB4TiB256TiB
File System Maximums
 64-bit mode
File System Size16ZiB32ZiB64ZiB1YiB
Blocks Per Block Group8,19216,38432,768524,288
Inodes Per Block Group8,19216,38432,768524,288
Block Group Size8MiB32MiB128MiB32GiB
Blocks Per File, Extents2^322^322^322^32
Blocks Per File, Block Maps16,843,020134,480,3961,074,791,4364,398,314,962,956 (really 2^32 due to field size limitations)
File Size, Extents4TiB8TiB16TiB256TiB
File Size, Block Maps16GiB256GiB4TiB256TiB

Note: Files not using extents (i.e. files using block maps) must be placed within the first 2^32 blocks of a filesystem. Files with extents must be placed within the first 2^48 blocks of a filesystem. It's not clear what happens with larger filesystems.


The layout of a standard block group is approximately as follows (each of these fields is discussed in a separate section below):

Group 0 Paddingext4 Super BlockGroup DescriptorsReserved GDT BlocksData Block Bitmapinode Bitmapinode TableData Blocks
1024 bytes1 blockmany blocksmany blocks1 block1 blockmany blocksmany more blocks

For the special case of block group 0, the first 1024 bytes are unused, to allow for the installation of x86 boot sectors and other oddities. The superblock will start at offset 1024 bytes, whichever block that happens to be (usually 0). However, if for some reason the block size = 1024, then block 0 is marked in use and the superblock goes in block 1. For all other block groups, there is no padding.

The ext4 driver primarily works with the superblock and the group descriptors that are found in block group 0. Redundant copies of the superblock and group descriptors are written to some of the block groups across the disk in case the beginning of the disk gets trashed, though not all block groups necessarily host a redundant copy (see following paragraph for more details). If the group does not have a redundant copy, the block group begins with the data block bitmap. Note also that when the filesystem is freshly formatted, mkfs will allocate "reserve GDT block" space after the block group descriptors and before the start of the block bitmaps to allow for future expansion of the filesystem. By default, a filesystem is allowed to increase in size by a factor of 1024x over the original filesystem size.

The location of the inode table is given by grp.bg_inode_table_*. It is continuous range of blocks large enough to contain sb.s_inodes_per_group * sb.s_inode_size bytes.

As for the ordering of items in a block group, it is generally established that the super block and the group descriptor table, if present, will be at the beginning of the block group. The bitmaps and the inode table can be anywhere, and it is quite possible for the bitmaps to come after the inode table, or for both to be in different groups (flex_bg). Leftover space is used for file data blocks, indirect block maps, extent tree blocks, and extended attributes.

Flexible Block Groups

Starting in ext4, there is a new feature called flexible block groups (flex_bg). In a flex_bg, several block groups are tied together as one logical block group; the bitmap spaces and the inode table space in the first block group of the flex_bg are expanded to include the bitmaps and inode tables of all other block groups in the flex_bg. For example, if the flex_bg size is 4, then group 0 will contain (in order) the superblock, group descriptors, data block bitmaps for groups 0-3, inode bitmaps for groups 0-3, inode tables for groups 0-3, and the remaining space in group 0 is for file data. The effect of this is to group the block metadata close together for faster loading, and to enable large files to be continuous on disk. Backup copies of the superblock and group descriptors are always at the beginning of block groups, even if flex_bg is enabled. The number of block groups that make up a flex_bg is given by 2 ^ sb.s_log_groups_per_flex.

Meta Block Groups

Without the option META_BG, for safety concerns, all block group descriptors copies are kept in the first block group. Given the default 128MiB(2^27 bytes) block group size and 64-byte group descriptors, ext4 can have at most 2^27/64 = 2^21 block groups. This limits the entire filesystem size to 2^21 ∗ 2^27 = 2^48bytes or 256TiB.

The solution to this problem is to use the metablock group feature (META_BG), which is already in ext3 for all 2.6 releases. With the META_BG feature, ext4 filesystems are partitioned into many metablock groups. Each metablock group is a cluster of block groups whose group descriptor structures can be stored in a single disk block. For ext4 filesystems with 4 KB block size, a single metablock group partition includes 64 block groups, or 8 GiB of disk space. The metablock group feature moves the location of the group descriptors from the congested first block group of the whole filesystem into the first group of each metablock group itself. The backups are in the second and last group of each metablock group. This increases the 2^21 maximum block groups limit to the hard limit 2^32, allowing support for a 512PiB filesystem.

The change in the filesystem format replaces the current scheme where the superblock is followed by a variable-length set of block group descriptors. Instead, the superblock and a single block group descriptor block is placed at the beginning of the first, second, and last block groups in a meta-block group. A meta-block group is a collection of block groups which can be described by a single block group descriptor block. Since the size of the block group descriptor structure is 32 bytes, a meta-block group contains 32 block groups for filesystems with a 1KB block size, and 128 block groups for filesystems with a 4KB blocksize. Filesystems can either be created using this new block group descriptor layout, or existing filesystems can be resized on-line, and the field s_first_meta_bg in the superblock will indicate the first block group using this new layout.

Please see an important note about BLOCK_UNINIT in the section about block and inode bitmaps.

Lazy Block Group Initialization

A new feature for ext4 are three block group descriptor flags that enable mkfs to skip initializing other parts of the block group metadata. Specifically, the INODE_UNINIT and BLOCK_UNINIT flags mean that the inode and block bitmaps for that group can be calculated and therefore the on-disk bitmap blocks are not initialized. This is generally the case for an empty block group or a block group containing only fixed-location block group metadata. The INODE_ZEROED flag means that the inode table has been initialized; mkfs will unset this flag and rely on the kernel to initialize the inode tables in the background.

By not writing zeroes to the bitmaps and inode table, mkfs time is reduced considerably. Note the feature flag is RO_COMPAT_GDT_CSUM, but the dumpe2fs output prints this as "uninit_bg". They are the same thing.

Special inodes

ext4 reserves some inode for special features, as follows:

0Doesn't exist; there is no inode 0.
1List of defective blocks.
2Root directory.
3User quota.
4Group quota.
5Boot loader.
6Undelete directory.
7Reserved group descriptors inode. ("resize inode")
8Journal inode.
9The "exclude" inode, for snapshots(?)
10Replica inode, used for some non-upstream feature?
11Traditional first non-reserved inode. Usually this is the lost+found directory. See s_first_ino in the superblock.

Block and Inode Allocation Policy

ext4 recognizes (better than ext3, anyway) that data locality is generally a desirably quality of a filesystem. On a spinning disk, keeping related blocks near each other reduces the amount of movement that the head actuator and disk must perform to access a data block, thus speeding up disk IO. On an SSD there of course are no moving parts, but locality can increase the size of each transfer request while reducing the total number of requests. This locality may also have the effect of concentrating writes on a single erase block, which can speed up file rewrites significantly. Therefore, it is useful to reduce fragmentation whenever possible.

The first tool that ext4 uses to combat fragmentation is the multi-block allocator. When a file is first created, the block allocator speculatively allocates 8KiB of disk space to the file on the assumption that the space will get written soon. When the file is closed, the unused speculative allocations are of course freed, but if the speculation is correct (typically the case for full writes of small files) then the file data gets written out in a single multi-block extent. A second related trick that ext4 uses is delayed allocation. Under this scheme, when a file needs more blocks to absorb file writes, the filesystem defers deciding the exact placement on the disk until all the dirty buffers are being written out to disk. By not committing to a particular placement until it's absolutely necessary (the commit timeout is hit, or sync() is called, or the kernel runs out of memory), the hope is that the filesystem can make better location decisions.

The third trick that ext4 (and ext3) uses is that it tries to keep a file's data blocks in the same block group as its inode. This cuts down on the seek penalty when the filesystem first has to read a file's inode to learn where the file's data blocks live and then seek over to the file's data blocks to begin I/O operations.

The fourth trick is that all the inodes in a directory are placed in the same block group as the directory, when feasible. The working assumption here is that all the files in a directory might be related, therefore it is useful to try to keep them all together.

The fifth trick is that the disk volume is cut up into 128MB block groups; these mini-containers are used as outlined above to try to maintain data locality. However, there is a deliberate quirk -- when a directory is created in the root directory, the inode allocator scans the block groups and puts that directory into the least heavily loaded block group that it can find. This encourages directories to spread out over a disk; as the top-level directory/file blobs fill up one block group, the allocators simply move on to the next block group. Allegedly this scheme evens out the loading on the block groups, though the author suspects that the directories which are so unlucky as to land towards the end of a spinning drive get a raw deal performance-wise.

Of course if all of these mechanisms fail, one can always use e4defrag to defragment files.


Starting in early 2012, metadata checksums were added to all major ext4 and jbd2 data structures. The associated feature flag is metadata_csum. The desired checksum algorithm is indicated in the superblock, though as of October 2012 the only supported algorithm is crc32c. Some data structures did not have space to fit a full 32-bit checksum, so only the lower 16 bits are stored. Enabling the 64bit feature increases the data structure size so that full 32-bit checksums can be stored for many data structures. However, existing 32-bit filesystems cannot be extended to enable 64bit mode, at least not without the experimental resize2fs patches to do so.

Existing filesystems can have checksumming added by running tune2fs -O metadata_csum against the underlying device. If tune2fs encounters directory blocks that lack sufficient empty space to add a checksum, it will request that you run e2fsck -Dto have the directories rebuilt with checksums. This has the added benefit of removing slack space from the directory files and rebalancing the htree indexes. If you _ignore_ this step, your directories will not be protected by a checksum!

The following table describes the data elements that go into each type of checksum. The checksum function is whatever the superblock describes (crc32c as of October 2013) unless noted otherwise.

Superblock__le32The entire superblock up to the checksum field. The UUID lives inside the superblock.
MMP__le32UUID + the entire MMP block up to the checksum field.
Extended Attributes__le32UUID + the entire extended attribute block. The checksum field is set to zero.
Directory Entries__le32UUID + inode number + inode generation + the directory block up to the fake entry enclosing the checksum field.
HTREE Nodes__le32UUID + inode number + inode generation + all valid extents + HTREE tail. The checksum field is set to zero.
Extents__le32UUID + inode number + inode generation + the entire extent block up to the checksum field.
Bitmaps__le32 or __le16UUID + the entire bitmap. Checksums are stored in the group descriptor, and truncated if the group descriptor size is 32 bytes (i.e. ^64bit)
Inodes__le32UUID + inode number + inode generation + the entire inode. The checksum field is set to zero. Each inode has its own checksum.
Group Descriptors__le16If metadata_csum, then UUID + group number + the entire descriptor; else if gdt_csum, then crc16(UUID + group number + the entire descriptor). In all cases, only the lower 16 bits are stored.


At the moment, the default size of a block is 4KiB, which is a commonly supported page size on most MMU-capable hardware. This is fortunate, as ext4 code is not prepared to handle the case where the block size exceeds the page size. However, for a filesystem of mostly huge files, it is desirable to be able to allocate disk blocks in units of multiple blocks to reduce both fragmentation and metadata overhead. The bigalloc feature provides exactly this ability. The administrator can set a block cluster size at mkfs time (which is stored in the s_log_cluster_size field in the superblock); from then on, the block bitmaps track clusters, not individual blocks. This means that block groups can be several gigabytes in size (instead of just 128MiB); however, the minimum allocation unit becomes a cluster, not a block, even for directories. TaoBao had a patchset to extend the "use units of clusters instead of blocks" to the extent tree, though it is not clear where those patches went-- they eventually morphed into "extent tree v2" but that code has not landed as of May 2015.

Inline Data

The inline data feature was designed to handle the case that a file's data is so tiny that it readily fits inside the inode, which (theoretically) reduces disk block consumption and reduces seeks. If the file is smaller than 60 bytes, then the data are stored inline in inode.i_block. If the rest of the file would fit inside the extended attribute space, then it might be found as an extended attribute "system.data" within the inode body ("ibody EA"). This of course constrains the amount of extended attributes one can attach to an inode. If the data size increases beyond i_block + ibody EA, a regular block is allocated and the contents moved to that block.

Pending a change to compact the extended attribute key used to store inline data, one ought to be able to store 160 bytes of data in a 256-byte inode (as of June 2015, when i_extra_isize is 28). Prior to that, the limit was 156 bytes due to inefficient use of inode space.

The inline data feature requires the presence of an extended attribute for "system.data", even if the attribute value is zero length.

Inline Directories

The first four bytes of i_block are the inode number of the parent directory. Following that is a 56-byte space for an array of directory entries; see struct ext4_dir_entry. If there is a "system.data" attribute in the inode body, the EA value is an array of struct ext4_dir_entry as well. Note that for inline directories, the i_block and EA space are treated as separate dirent blocks; directory entries cannot span the two.

Inline directory entries are not checksummed, as the inode checksum should protect all inline data contents.

Orphan File [PROPOSED]

Proposed by Jan Kara in early 2015, the orphan file feature aims to reduce locking contention during delete operations by replacing the singly linked orphan inode list (and lock) with a file containing multiple blocks. Each CPU ought to be able to claim its own block, which implies that the orphan list can be updated locklessly. Each block contains a list of orphaned inodes; recovery involves iterating all blocks of the orphan file looking for non-zero inode numbers to erase. This feature will come with a rocompat feature flag to indicate the ability to use an orphan file and a compat flag indicating that the orphan file actually contains orphaned inode records. The format of an orphan file block is as follows:

inodes__le32[]A list of orphaned inodes. 0 means the entry is empty. The length of the array is the size of the block minus the tail.
magic__le32Magic number of orphan file blocks, 0x0B10CA04.
checksum__le32Checksum of the UUID + inode number + inode generation + the orphan block up to but not including the footer.

The inode number of the orphan file itself has not been settled; as of May 2015 the test patches re-use inode #9.

Large Extended Attribute Values

To enable ext4 to store extended attribute values that do not fit in the inode or in the single extended attribute block attached to an inode, the EA_INODE feature allows us to store the value in the data blocks of a regular file inode. This "EA inode" is linked only from the extended attribute name index and must not appear in a directory entry. The inode's i_atime field is used to store a checksum of the xattr value; and i_ctime/i_version store a 64-bit reference count, which enables sharing of large xattr values between multiple owning inodes. For backward compatibility with older versions of this feature, the i_mtime/i_generation may store a back-reference to the inode number and i_generation of the one owning inode (in cases where the EA inode is not referenced by multiple inodes) to verify that the EA inode is the correct one being accessed.

The Super Block

The superblock records various information about the enclosing filesystem, such as block counts, inode counts, supported features, maintenance information, and more.

If the sparse_super feature flag is set, redundant copies of the superblock and group descriptors are kept only in the groups whose group number is either 0 or a power of 3, 5, or 7. If the flag is not set, redundant copies are kept in all groups.

The superblock checksum is calculated against the superblock structure, which includes the FS UUID.

The ext4 superblock is laid out as follows in struct ext4_super_block:

0x0__le32s_inodes_countTotal inode count.
0x4__le32s_blocks_count_loTotal block count.
0x8__le32s_r_blocks_count_loThis number of blocks can only be allocated by the super-user.
0xC__le32s_free_blocks_count_loFree block count.
0x10__le32s_free_inodes_countFree inode count.
0x14__le32s_first_data_blockFirst data block. This must be at least 1 for 1k-block filesystems and is typically 0 for all other block sizes.
0x18__le32s_log_block_sizeBlock size is 2 ^ (10 + s_log_block_size).
0x1C__le32s_log_cluster_sizeCluster size is (2 ^ s_log_cluster_size) blocks if bigalloc is enabled, zero otherwise.
0x20__le32s_blocks_per_groupBlocks per group.
0x24__le32s_clusters_per_groupClusters per group, if bigalloc is enabled.
0x28__le32s_inodes_per_groupInodes per group.
0x2C__le32s_mtimeMount time, in seconds since the epoch.
0x30__le32s_wtimeWrite time, in seconds since the epoch.
0x34__le16s_mnt_countNumber of mounts since the last fsck.
0x36__le16s_max_mnt_countNumber of mounts beyond which a fsck is needed.
0x38__le16s_magicMagic signature, 0xEF53
0x3A__le16s_stateFile system state. Valid values are:
0x0001Cleanly umounted
0x0002Errors detected
0x0004Orphans being recovered
0x3C__le16s_errorsBehaviour when detecting errors. One of:
2Remount read-only
0x3E__le16s_minor_rev_levelMinor revision level.
0x40__le32s_lastcheckTime of last check, in seconds since the epoch.
0x44__le32s_checkintervalMaximum time between checks, in seconds.
0x48__le32s_creator_osOS. One of:
0x4C__le32s_rev_levelRevision level. One of:
0Original format
1v2 format w/ dynamic inode sizes
0x50__le16s_def_resuidDefault uid for reserved blocks.
0x52__le16s_def_resgidDefault gid for reserved blocks.
These fields are for EXT4_DYNAMIC_REV superblocks only.

Note: the difference between the compatible feature set and the incompatible feature set is that if there is a bit set in the incompatible feature set that the kernel doesn't know about, it should refuse to mount the filesystem.

e2fsck's requirements are more strict; if it doesn't know about a feature in either the compatible or incompatible feature set, it must abort and not try to meddle with things it doesn't understand...

0x54__le32s_first_inoFirst non-reserved inode.
0x58__le16s_inode_sizeSize of inode structure, in bytes.
0x5A__le16s_block_group_nrBlock group # of this superblock.
0x5C__le32s_feature_compatCompatible feature set flags. Kernel can still read/write this fs even if it doesn't understand a flag; fsck should not do that. Any of:
0x1Directory preallocation (COMPAT_DIR_PREALLOC).
0x2"imagic inodes". Not clear from the code what this does (COMPAT_IMAGIC_INODES).
0x4Has a journal (COMPAT_HAS_JOURNAL).
0x8Supports extended attributes (COMPAT_EXT_ATTR).
0x10Has reserved GDT blocks for filesystem expansion (COMPAT_RESIZE_INODE).
0x20Has directory indices (COMPAT_DIR_INDEX).
0x40"Lazy BG". Not in Linux kernel, seems to have been for uninitialized block groups? (COMPAT_LAZY_BG)
0x80"Exclude inode". Not used. (COMPAT_EXCLUDE_INODE).
0x100"Exclude bitmap". Seems to be used to indicate the presence of snapshot-related exclude bitmaps? Not defined in kernel or used in e2fsprogs (COMPAT_EXCLUDE_BITMAP).
0x200Sparse Super Block, v2. If this flag is set, the SB field s_backup_bgs points to the two block groups that contain backup superblocks (COMPAT_SPARSE_SUPER2).
0x60__le32s_feature_incompatIncompatible feature set. If the kernel or fsck doesn't understand one of these bits, it should stop. Any of:
0x2Directory entries record the file type. See ext4_dir_entry_2 below (INCOMPAT_FILETYPE).
0x4Filesystem needs recovery (INCOMPAT_RECOVER).
0x8Filesystem has a separate journal device (INCOMPAT_JOURNAL_DEV).
0x10Meta block groups. See the earlier discussion of this feature (INCOMPAT_META_BG).
0x40Files in this filesystem use extents (INCOMPAT_EXTENTS).
0x80Enable a filesystem size of 2^64 blocks (INCOMPAT_64BIT).
0x100Multiple mount protection. Not implemented (INCOMPAT_MMP).
0x200Flexible block groups. See the earlier discussion of this feature (INCOMPAT_FLEX_BG).
0x400Inodes can be used to store large extended attribute values (INCOMPAT_EA_INODE).
0x1000Data in directory entry (INCOMPAT_DIRDATA). (Not implemented?)
0x2000Metadata checksum seed is stored in the superblock. This feature enables the administrator to change the UUID of a metadata_csum filesystem while the filesystem is mounted; without it, the checksum definition requires all metadata blocks to be rewritten (INCOMPAT_CSUM_SEED).
0x4000Large directory >2GB or 3-level htree (INCOMPAT_LARGEDIR). Prior to this feature, directories could not be larger than 4GiB and could not have an htree more than 2 levels deep. If this feature is enabled, directories can be larger than 4GiB and have a maximum htree depth of 3.
0x8000Data in inode (INCOMPAT_INLINE_DATA).
0x10000Encrypted inodes are present on the filesystem. (INCOMPAT_ENCRYPT).
0x64__le32s_feature_ro_compatReadonly-compatible feature set. If the kernel doesn't understand one of these bits, it can still mount read-only. Any of:
0x1Sparse superblocks. See the earlier discussion of this feature (RO_COMPAT_SPARSE_SUPER).
0x2This filesystem has been used to store a file greater than 2GiB (RO_COMPAT_LARGE_FILE).
0x4Not used in kernel or e2fsprogs (RO_COMPAT_BTREE_DIR).
0x8This filesystem has files whose sizes are represented in units of logical blocks, not 512-byte sectors. This implies a very large file indeed! (RO_COMPAT_HUGE_FILE)
0x10Group descriptors have checksums. In addition to detecting corruption, this is useful for lazy formatting with uninitialized groups (RO_COMPAT_GDT_CSUM).
0x20Indicates that the old ext3 32,000 subdirectory limit no longer applies (RO_COMPAT_DIR_NLINK). A directory's i_links_count will be set to 1 if it is incremented past 64,999.
0x40Indicates that large inodes exist on this filesystem (RO_COMPAT_EXTRA_ISIZE).
0x80This filesystem has a snapshot (RO_COMPAT_HAS_SNAPSHOT).
0x100Quota (RO_COMPAT_QUOTA).
0x200This filesystem supports "bigalloc", which means that file extents are tracked in units of clusters (of blocks) instead of blocks (RO_COMPAT_BIGALLOC).
0x400This filesystem supports metadata checksumming. (RO_COMPAT_METADATA_CSUM; implies RO_COMPAT_GDT_CSUM, though GDT_CSUM must not be set)
0x800Filesystem supports replicas. This feature is neither in the kernel nor e2fsprogs. (RO_COMPAT_REPLICA)
0x1000Read-only filesystem image; the kernel will not mount this image read-write and most tools will refuse to write to the image. (RO_COMPAT_READONLY)
0x2000Filesystem tracks project quotas. (RO_COMPAT_PROJECT)
0x68__u8s_uuid[16]128-bit UUID for volume.
0x78chars_volume_name[16]Volume label.
0x88chars_last_mounted[64]Directory where filesystem was last mounted.
0xC8__le32s_algorithm_usage_bitmapFor compression (Not used in e2fsprogs/Linux)
Performance hints. Directory preallocation should only happen if the EXT4_FEATURE_COMPAT_DIR_PREALLOC flag is on.
0xCC__u8s_prealloc_blocks# of blocks to try to preallocate for ... files? (Not used in e2fsprogs/Linux)
0xCD__u8s_prealloc_dir_blocks# of blocks to preallocate for directories. (Not used in e2fsprogs/Linux)
0xCE__le16s_reserved_gdt_blocksNumber of reserved GDT entries for future filesystem expansion.
Journaling support valid if EXT4_FEATURE_COMPAT_HAS_JOURNAL set.
0xD0__u8s_journal_uuid[16]UUID of journal superblock
0xE0__le32s_journal_inuminode number of journal file.
0xE4__le32s_journal_devDevice number of journal file, if the external journal feature flag is set.
0xE8__le32s_last_orphanStart of list of orphaned inodes to delete.
0xEC__le32s_hash_seed[4]HTREE hash seed.
0xFC__u8s_def_hash_versionDefault hash algorithm to use for directory hashes. One of:
0x1Half MD4.
0x3Legacy, unsigned.
0x4Half MD4, unsigned.
0x5Tea, unsigned.
0xFD__u8s_jnl_backup_typeIf this value is 0 or EXT3_JNL_BACKUP_BLOCKS (1), then the s_jnl_blocks field contains a duplicate copy of the inode's i_block[] array and i_size.
0xFE__le16s_desc_sizeSize of group descriptors, in bytes, if the 64bit incompat feature flag is set.
0x100__le32s_default_mount_optsDefault mount options. Any of:
0x0001Print debugging info upon (re)mount. (EXT4_DEFM_DEBUG)
0x0002New files take the gid of the containing directory (instead of the fsgid of the current process). (EXT4_DEFM_BSDGROUPS)
0x0004Support userspace-provided extended attributes. (EXT4_DEFM_XATTR_USER)
0x0008Support POSIX access control lists (ACLs). (EXT4_DEFM_ACL)
0x0010Do not support 32-bit UIDs. (EXT4_DEFM_UID16)
0x0020All data and metadata are commited to the journal. (EXT4_DEFM_JMODE_DATA)
0x0040All data are flushed to the disk before metadata are committed to the journal. (EXT4_DEFM_JMODE_ORDERED)
0x0060Data ordering is not preserved; data may be written after the metadata has been written. (EXT4_DEFM_JMODE_WBACK)
0x0100Disable write flushes. (EXT4_DEFM_NOBARRIER)
0x0200Track which blocks in a filesystem are metadata and therefore should not be used as data blocks. This option will be enabled by default on 3.18, hopefully. (EXT4_DEFM_BLOCK_VALIDITY)
0x0400Enable DISCARD support, where the storage device is told about blocks becoming unused. (EXT4_DEFM_DISCARD)
0x0800Disable delayed allocation. (EXT4_DEFM_NODELALLOC)
0x104__le32s_first_meta_bgFirst metablock block group, if the meta_bg feature is enabled.
0x108__le32s_mkfs_timeWhen the filesystem was created, in seconds since the epoch.
0x10C__le32s_jnl_blocks[17]Backup copy of the journal inode's i_block[] array in the first 15 elements and i_size_high and i_size in the 16th and 17th elements, respectively.
64bit support valid if EXT4_FEATURE_COMPAT_64BIT
0x150__le32s_blocks_count_hiHigh 32-bits of the block count.
0x154__le32s_r_blocks_count_hiHigh 32-bits of the reserved block count.
0x158__le32s_free_blocks_count_hiHigh 32-bits of the free block count.
0x15C__le16s_min_extra_isizeAll inodes have at least # bytes.
0x15E__le16s_want_extra_isizeNew inodes should reserve # bytes.
0x160__le32s_flagsMiscellaneous flags. Any of:
0x0001Signed directory hash in use.
0x0002Unsigned directory hash in use.
0x0004To test development code.
0x164__le16s_raid_strideRAID stride. This is the number of logical blocks read from or written to the disk before moving to the next disk. This affects the placement of filesystem metadata, which will hopefully make RAID storage faster.
0x166__le16s_mmp_interval# seconds to wait in multi-mount prevention (MMP) checking. In theory, MMP is a mechanism to record in the superblock which host and device have mounted the filesystem, in order to prevent multiple mounts. This feature does not seem to be implemented...
0x168__le64s_mmp_blockBlock # for multi-mount protection data.
0x170__le32s_raid_stripe_widthRAID stripe width. This is the number of logical blocks read from or written to the disk before coming back to the current disk. This is used by the block allocator to try to reduce the number of read-modify-write operations in a RAID5/6.
0x174__u8s_log_groups_per_flexSize of a flexible block group is 2 ^ s_log_groups_per_flex.
0x175__u8s_checksum_typeMetadata checksum algorithm type. The only valid value is 1 (crc32c).
0x178__le64s_kbytes_writtenNumber of KiB written to this filesystem over its lifetime.
0x180__le32s_snapshot_inuminode number of active snapshot. (Not used in e2fsprogs/Linux.)
0x184__le32s_snapshot_idSequential ID of active snapshot. (Not used in e2fsprogs/Linux.)
0x188__le64s_snapshot_r_blocks_countNumber of blocks reserved for active snapshot's future use. (Not used in e2fsprogs/Linux.)
0x190__le32s_snapshot_listinode number of the head of the on-disk snapshot list. (Not used in e2fsprogs/Linux.)
0x194__le32s_error_countNumber of errors seen.
0x198__le32s_first_error_timeFirst time an error happened, in seconds since the epoch.
0x19C__le32s_first_error_inoinode involved in first error.
0x1A0__le64s_first_error_blockNumber of block involved of first error.
0x1A8__u8s_first_error_func[32]Name of function where the error happened.
0x1C8__le32s_first_error_lineLine number where error happened.
0x1CC__le32s_last_error_timeTime of most recent error, in seconds since the epoch.
0x1D0__le32s_last_error_inoinode involved in most recent error.
0x1D4__le32s_last_error_lineLine number where most recent error happened.
0x1D8__le64s_last_error_blockNumber of block involved in most recent error.
0x1E0__u8s_last_error_func[32]Name of function where the most recent error happened.
0x200__u8s_mount_opts[64]ASCIIZ string of mount options.
0x240__le32s_usr_quota_inumInode number of user quota file.
0x244__le32s_grp_quota_inumInode number of group quota file.
0x248__le32s_overhead_blocksOverhead blocks/clusters in fs. (Huh? This field is always zero, which means that the kernel calculates it dynamically.)
0x24C__le32s_backup_bgs[2]Block groups containing superblock backups (if sparse_super2)
0x254__u8s_encrypt_algos[4]Encryption algorithms in use. There can be up to four algorithms in use at any time; valid algorithm codes are given below:
0Invalid algorithm (ENCRYPTION_MODE_INVALID).
1256-bit AES in XTS mode (ENCRYPTION_MODE_AES_256_XTS).
2256-bit AES in GCM mode (ENCRYPTION_MODE_AES_256_GCM).
3256-bit AES in CBC mode (ENCRYPTION_MODE_AES_256_CBC).
0x258__u8s_encrypt_pw_salt[16]Salt for the string2key algorithm for encryption.
0x268__le32s_lpf_inoInode number of lost+found
0x26C__le32s_prj_quota_inumInode that tracks project quotas.
0x270__le32s_checksum_seedChecksum seed used for metadata_csum calculations. This value is crc32c(~0, $orig_fs_uuid).
0x274__le32s_reserved[98]Padding to the end of the block.
0x3FC__le32s_checksumSuperblock checksum.

Total size is 1024 bytes.

Block Group Descriptors

Each block group on the filesystem has one of these descriptors associated with it. As noted in the Layout section above, the group descriptors (if present) are the second item in the block group. The standard configuration is for each block group to contain a full copy of the block group descriptor table unless the sparse_super feature flag is set.

Notice how the group descriptor records the location of both bitmaps and the inode table (i.e. they can float). This means that within a block group, the only data structures with fixed locations are the superblock and the group descriptor table. The flex_bg mechanism uses this property to group several block groups into a flex group and lay out all of the groups' bitmaps and inode tables into one long run in the first group of the flex group.

If the meta_bg feature flag is set, then several block groups are grouped together into a meta group. Note that in the meta_bg case, however, the first and last two block groups within the larger meta group contain only group descriptors for the groups inside the meta group.

flex_bg and meta_bg do not appear to be mutually exclusive features.

In ext2, ext3, and ext4 (when the 64bit feature is not enabled), the block group descriptor was only 32 bytes long and therefore ends at bg_checksum. On an ext4 filesystem with the 64bit feature enabled, the block group descriptor expands to at least the 64 bytes described below; the size is stored in the superblock.

If gdt_csum is set and metadata_csum is not set, the block group checksum is the crc16 of the FS UUID, the group number, and the group descriptor structure. If metadata_csum is set, then the block group checksum is the lower 16 bits of the checksum of the FS UUID, the group number, and the group descriptor structure. Both block and inode bitmap checksums are calculated against the FS UUID, the group number, and the entire bitmap.

The block group descriptor is laid out in struct ext4_group_desc.

0x0__le32bg_block_bitmap_loLower 32-bits of location of block bitmap.
0x4__le32bg_inode_bitmap_loLower 32-bits of location of inode bitmap.
0x8__le32bg_inode_table_loLower 32-bits of location of inode table.
0xC__le16bg_free_blocks_count_loLower 16-bits of free block count.
0xE__le16bg_free_inodes_count_loLower 16-bits of free inode count.
0x10__le16bg_used_dirs_count_loLower 16-bits of directory count.
0x12__le16bg_flagsBlock group flags. Any of:
0x1inode table and bitmap are not initialized (EXT4_BG_INODE_UNINIT).
0x2block bitmap is not initialized (EXT4_BG_BLOCK_UNINIT).
0x4inode table is zeroed (EXT4_BG_INODE_ZEROED).
0x14__le32bg_exclude_bitmap_loLower 32-bits of location of snapshot exclusion bitmap.
0x18__le16bg_block_bitmap_csum_loLower 16-bits of the block bitmap checksum.
0x1A__le16bg_inode_bitmap_csum_loLower 16-bits of the inode bitmap checksum.
0x1C__le16bg_itable_unused_loLower 16-bits of unused inode count. If set, we needn't scan past the (sb.s_inodes_per_group - gdt.bg_itable_unused)th entry in the inode table for this group.
0x1E__le16bg_checksumGroup descriptor checksum; crc16(sb_uuid+group+desc) if the RO_COMPAT_GDT_CSUM feature is set, or crc32c(sb_uuid+group_desc) & 0xFFFF if the RO_COMPAT_METADATA_CSUM feature is set.
These fields only exist if the 64bit feature is enabled and s_desc_size > 32.
0x20__le32bg_block_bitmap_hiUpper 32-bits of location of block bitmap.
0x24__le32bg_inode_bitmap_hiUpper 32-bits of location of inodes bitmap.
0x28__le32bg_inode_table_hiUpper 32-bits of location of inodes table.
0x2C__le16bg_free_blocks_count_hiUpper 16-bits of free block count.
0x2E__le16bg_free_inodes_count_hiUpper 16-bits of free inode count.
0x30__le16bg_used_dirs_count_hiUpper 16-bits of directory count.
0x32__le16bg_itable_unused_hiUpper 16-bits of unused inode count.
0x34__le32bg_exclude_bitmap_hiUpper 32-bits of location of snapshot exclusion bitmap.
0x38__le16bg_block_bitmap_csum_hiUpper 16-bits of the block bitmap checksum.
0x3A__le16bg_inode_bitmap_csum_hiUpper 16-bits of the inode bitmap checksum.
0x3C__u32bg_reservedPadding to 64 bytes.

Total size is 64 bytes.

Block and inode Bitmaps

The data block bitmap tracks the usage of data blocks within the block group.

The inode bitmap records which entries in the inode table are in use.

As with most bitmaps, one bit represents the usage status of one data block or inode table entry. This implies a block group size of 8 * number_of_bytes_in_a_logical_block.

NOTE: If BLOCK_UNINIT is set for a given block group, various parts of the kernel and e2fsprogs code pretends that the block bitmap contains zeros (i.e. all blocks in the group are free). However, it is not necessarily the case that no blocks are in use -- if meta_bg is set, the bitmaps and group descriptor live inside the group. Unfortunately, ext2fs_test_block_bitmap2() will return '0' for those locations, which produces confusing debugfs output.

Inode Table

In a regular UNIX filesystem, the inode stores all the metadata pertaining to the file (time stamps, block maps, extended attributes, etc), not the directory entry. To find the information associated with a file, one must traverse the directory files to find the directory entry associated with a file, then load the inode to find the metadata for that file. ext4 appears to cheat (for performance reasons) a little bit by storing a copy of the file type (normally stored in the inode) in the directory entry. (Compare all this to FAT, which stores all the file information directly in the directory entry, but does not support hard links and is in general more seek-happy than ext4 due to its simpler block allocator and extensive use of linked lists.)

The inode table is a linear array of struct ext4_inode. The table is sized to have enough blocks to store at least sb.s_inode_size * sb.s_inodes_per_group bytes. The number of the block group containing an inode can be calculated as (inode_number - 1) / sb.s_inodes_per_group, and the offset into the group's table is (inode_number - 1) % sb.s_inodes_per_group. There is no inode 0.

The inode checksum is calculated against the FS UUID, the inode number, and the inode structure itself.

The inode table entry is laid out in struct ext4_inode.

0x0__le16i_modeFile mode. Any of:
0x1S_IXOTH (Others may execute)
0x2S_IWOTH (Others may write)
0x4S_IROTH (Others may read)
0x8S_IXGRP (Group members may execute)
0x10S_IWGRP (Group members may write)
0x20S_IRGRP (Group members may read)
0x40S_IXUSR (Owner may execute)
0x80S_IWUSR (Owner may write)
0x100S_IRUSR (Owner may read)
0x200S_ISVTX (Sticky bit)
0x400S_ISGID (Set GID)
0x800S_ISUID (Set UID)
These are mutually-exclusive file types:
0x1000S_IFIFO (FIFO)
0x2000S_IFCHR (Character device)
0x4000S_IFDIR (Directory)
0x6000S_IFBLK (Block device)
0x8000S_IFREG (Regular file)
0xA000S_IFLNK (Symbolic link)
0xC000S_IFSOCK (Socket)
0x2__le16i_uidLower 16-bits of Owner UID.
0x4__le32i_size_loLower 32-bits of size in bytes.
0x8__le32i_atimeLast access time, in seconds since the epoch. However, if the EA_INODE inode flag is set, this inode stores an extended attribute value and this field contains the checksum of the value.
0xC__le32i_ctimeLast inode change time, in seconds since the epoch. However, if the EA_INODE inode flag is set, this inode stores an extended attribute value and this field contains the lower 32 bits of the attribute value's reference count.
0x10__le32i_mtimeLast data modification time, in seconds since the epoch. However, if the EA_INODE inode flag is set, this inode stores an extended attribute value and this field contains the number of the inode that owns the extended attribute.
0x14__le32i_dtimeDeletion Time, in seconds since the epoch.
0x18__le16i_gidLower 16-bits of GID.
0x1A__le16i_links_countHard link count. Normally, ext4 does not permit an inode to have more than 65,000 hard links. This applies to files as well as directories, which means that there cannot be more than 64,998 subdirectories in a directory (each subdirectory's '..' entry counts as a hard link, as does the '.' entry in the directory itself). With the DIR_NLINK feature enabled, ext4 supports more than 64,998 subdirectories by setting this field to 1 to indicate that the number of hard links is not known.
0x1C__le32i_blocks_loLower 32-bits of "block" count. If the huge_file feature flag is not set on the filesystem, the file consumes i_blocks_lo 512-byte blocks on disk. If huge_file is set and EXT4_HUGE_FILE_FL is NOT set in inode.i_flags, then the file consumes i_blocks_lo + (i_blocks_hi << 32) 512-byte blocks on disk. If huge_file is set and EXT4_HUGE_FILE_FL IS set in inode.i_flags, then this file consumes (i_blocks_lo + i_blocks_hi << 32) filesystem blocks on disk.
0x20__le32i_flagsInode flags. Any of:
0x1This file requires secure deletion (EXT4_SECRM_FL). (not implemented)
0x2This file should be preserved, should undeletion be desired (EXT4_UNRM_FL). (not implemented)
0x4File is compressed (EXT4_COMPR_FL). (not really implemented)
0x8All writes to the file must be synchronous (EXT4_SYNC_FL).
0x10File is immutable (EXT4_IMMUTABLE_FL).
0x20File can only be appended (EXT4_APPEND_FL).
0x40The dump(1) utility should not dump this file (EXT4_NODUMP_FL).
0x80Do not update access time (EXT4_NOATIME_FL).
0x100Dirty compressed file (EXT4_DIRTY_FL). (not used)
0x200File has one or more compressed clusters (EXT4_COMPRBLK_FL). (not used)
0x400Do not compress file (EXT4_NOCOMPR_FL). (not used)
0x800Encrypted inode (EXT4_ENCRYPT_FL). This bit value previously was EXT4_ECOMPR_FL (compression error), which was never used.
0x1000Directory has hashed indexes (EXT4_INDEX_FL).
0x2000AFS magic directory (EXT4_IMAGIC_FL).
0x4000File data must always be written through the journal (EXT4_JOURNAL_DATA_FL).
0x8000File tail should not be merged (EXT4_NOTAIL_FL). (not used by ext4)
0x10000All directory entry data should be written synchronously (see dirsync) (EXT4_DIRSYNC_FL).
0x20000Top of directory hierarchy (EXT4_TOPDIR_FL).
0x40000This is a huge file (EXT4_HUGE_FILE_FL).
0x80000Inode uses extents (EXT4_EXTENTS_FL).
0x200000Inode stores a large extended attribute value in its data blocks (EXT4_EA_INODE_FL).
0x400000This file has blocks allocated past EOF (EXT4_EOFBLOCKS_FL). (deprecated)
0x01000000Inode is a snapshot (EXT4_SNAPFILE_FL). (not in mainline)
0x04000000Snapshot is being deleted (EXT4_SNAPFILE_DELETED_FL). (not in mainline)
0x08000000Snapshot shrink has completed (EXT4_SNAPFILE_SHRUNK_FL). (not in mainline)
0x10000000Inode has inline data (EXT4_INLINE_DATA_FL).
0x20000000Create children with the same project ID (EXT4_PROJINHERIT_FL).
0x80000000Reserved for ext4 library (EXT4_RESERVED_FL).
Aggregate flags:
0x4BDFFFUser-visible flags.
0x4B80FFUser-modifiable flags. Note that while EXT4_JOURNAL_DATA_FL and EXT4_EXTENTS_FL can be set with setattr, they are not in the kernel's EXT4_FL_USER_MODIFIABLE mask, since it needs to handle the setting of these flags in a special manner and they are masked out of the set of flags that are saved directly to i_flags.
0x244 bytes

Union osd1:

0x0__le32l_i_versionInode version. However, if the EA_INODE inode flag is set, this inode stores an extended attribute value and this field contains the upper 32 bits of the attribute value's reference count.
0x2860 bytesi_block[EXT4_N_BLOCKS=15]Block map or extent tree. See the section "The Contents of inode.i_block".
0x64__le32i_generationFile version (for NFS).
0x68__le32i_file_acl_loLower 32-bits of extended attribute block. ACLs are of course one of many possible extended attributes; I think the name of this field is a result of the first use of extended attributes being for ACLs.
0x6C__le32i_size_high / i_dir_aclUpper 32-bits of file/directory size. In ext2/3 this field was named i_dir_acl, though it was usually set to zero and never used.
0x70__le32i_obso_faddr(Obsolete) fragment address.
0x7412 bytes

Union osd2:

0x0__le16l_i_blocks_highUpper 16-bits of the block count. Please see the note attached to i_blocks_lo.
0x2__le16l_i_file_acl_highUpper 16-bits of the extended attribute block (historically, the file ACL location). See the Extended Attributes section below.
0x4__le16l_i_uid_highUpper 16-bits of the Owner UID.
0x6__le16l_i_gid_highUpper 16-bits of the GID.
0x8__le16l_i_checksum_loLower 16-bits of the inode checksum.
0x2__u16h_i_mode_highUpper 16-bits of the file mode.
0x4__le16h_i_uid_highUpper 16-bits of the Owner UID.
0x6__le16h_i_gid_highUpper 16-bits of the GID.
0x8__u32h_i_authorAuthor code?
0x2__u16m_i_file_acl_highUpper 16-bits of the extended attribute block (historically, the file ACL location).
0x80__le16i_extra_isizeSize of this inode - 128. Alternately, the size of the extended inode fields beyond the original ext2 inode, including this field.
0x82__le16i_checksum_hiUpper 16-bits of the inode checksum.
0x84__le32i_ctime_extraExtra change time bits. This provides sub-second precision. See Inode Timestamps section.
0x88__le32i_mtime_extraExtra modification time bits. This provides sub-second precision.
0x8C__le32i_atime_extraExtra access time bits. This provides sub-second precision.
0x90__le32i_crtimeFile creation time, in seconds since the epoch.
0x94__le32i_crtime_extraExtra file creation time bits. This provides sub-second precision.
0x98__le32i_version_hiUpper 32-bits for version number.
0x9C__le32i_projidProject ID.

Inode Size

In ext2 and ext3, the inode structure size was fixed at 128 bytes (EXT2_GOOD_OLD_INODE_SIZE) and each inode had a disk record size of 128 bytes. Starting with ext4, it is possible to allocate a larger on-disk inode at format time for all inodes in the filesystem to provide space beyond the end of the original ext2 inode. The on-disk inode record size is recorded in the superblock as s_inode_size. The number of bytes actually used by struct ext4_inode beyond the original 128-byte ext2 inode is recorded in the i_extra_isize field for each inode, which allows struct ext4_inode to grow for a new kernel without having to upgrade all of the on-disk inodes. Access to fields beyond EXT2_GOOD_OLD_INODE_SIZE should be verified to be within i_extra_isize. By default, ext4 inode records are 256 bytes, and (as of October 2013) the inode structure is 156 bytes (i_extra_isize = 28). The extra space between the end of the inode structure and the end of the inode record can be used to store extended attributes. Each inode record can be as large as the filesystem block size, though this is not terribly efficient.

Finding an Inode

Each block group contains sb->s_inodes_per_group inodes. Because inode 0 is defined not to exist, this formula can be used to find the block group that an inode lives in: bg = (inode_num - 1) / sb->s_inodes_per_group. The particular inode can be found within the block group's inode table at index = (inode_num - 1) % sb->s_inodes_per_group. To get the byte address within the inode table, use offset = index * sb->s_inode_size.

Inode Timestamps

Four timestamps are recorded in the lower 128 bytes of the inode structure -- inode change time (ctime), access time (atime), data modification time (mtime), and deletion time (dtime). The four fields are 32-bit signed integers that represent seconds since the Unix epoch (1970-01-01 00:00:00 GMT), which means that the fields will overflow in January 2038. For inodes that are not linked from any directory but are still open (orphan inodes), the dtime field is overloaded for use with the orphan list. The superblock field s_last_orphan points to the first inode in the orphan list; dtime is then the number of the next orphaned inode, or zero if there are no more orphans.

If the inode structure size sb->s_inode_size is larger than 128 bytes and the i_inode_extra field is large enough to encompass the respective i_[cma]time_extra field, the ctime, atime, and mtime inode fields are widened to 64 bits. Within this "extra" 32-bit field, the lower two bits are used to extend the 32-bit seconds field to be 34 bit wide; the upper 30 bits are used to provide nanosecond timestamp accuracy. Therefore, timestamps should not overflow until May 2446. dtime was not widened. There is also a fifth timestamp to record inode creation time (crtime); this field is 64-bits wide and decoded in the same manner as 64-bit [cma]time. Neither crtime nor dtime are accessible through the regular stat() interface, though debugfs will report them.

We use the 32-bit signed time value plus (2^32 * (extra epoch bits)). In other words:

Extra epoch bitsMSB of 32-bit timeAdjustment for signed 32-bit to 64-bit tv_secDecoded 64-bit tv_secvalid time range
0 010-0x80000000 - -0x000000011901-12-13 to 1969-12-31
0 0000x000000000 - 0x07fffffff1970-01-01 to 2038-01-19
0 110x1000000000x080000000 - 0x0ffffffff2038-01-19 to 2106-02-07
0 100x1000000000x100000000 - 0x17fffffff2106-02-07 to 2174-02-25
1 010x2000000000x180000000 - 0x1ffffffff2174-02-25 to 2242-03-16
1 000x2000000000x200000000 - 0x27fffffff2242-03-16 to 2310-04-04
1 110x3000000000x280000000 - 0x2ffffffff2310-04-04 to 2378-04-22
1 100x3000000000x300000000 - 0x37fffffff2378-04-22 to 2446-05-10

This is a somewhat odd encoding since there are effectively seven times as many positive values as negative values. There have also been long-standing bugs decoding and encoding dates beyond 2038, which don't seem to be fixed as of kernel 3.12 and e2fsprogs 1.42.8. 64-bit kernels incorrectly use the extra epoch bits 1,1 for dates between 1901 and 1970. At some point the kernel will be fixed and e2fsck will fix this situation, assuming that it is run before 2310.

The Contents of inode.i_block

Depending on the type of file an inode describes, the 60 bytes of storage in inode.i_block can be used in different ways. In general, regular files and directories will use it for file block indexing information, and special files will use it for special purposes.

Symbolic Links

The target of a symbolic link will be stored in this field if the target string is less than 60 bytes long. Otherwise, either extents or block maps will be used to allocate data blocks to store the link target.

Direct/Indirect Block Addressing

In ext2/3, file block numbers were mapped to logical block numbers by means of an (up to) three level 1-1 block map. To find the logical block that stores a particular file block, the code would navigate through this increasingly complicated structure. Notice that there is neither a magic number nor a checksum to provide any level of confidence that the block isn't full of garbage.

i.i_block OffsetWhere It Points
0 to 11Direct map to file blocks 0 to 11.
12Indirect block: (file blocks 12 to ($block_size / 4) + 11, or 12 to 1035 if 4KiB blocks)
Indirect Block OffsetWhere It Points
0 to ($block_size / 4)Direct map to ($block_size / 4) blocks (1024 if 4KiB blocks)
13Double-indirect block: (file blocks $block_size/4 + 12 to ($block_size / 4) ^ 2 + ($block_size / 4) + 11, or 1036 to 1049611 if 4KiB blocks)
Double Indirect Block OffsetWhere It Points
0 to ($block_size / 4)Map to ($block_size / 4) indirect blocks (1024 if 4KiB blocks)
Indirect Block OffsetWhere It Points
0 to ($block_size / 4)Direct map to ($block_size / 4) blocks (1024 if 4KiB blocks)
14Triple-indirect block: (file blocks ($block_size / 4) ^ 2 + ($block_size / 4) + 12 to ($block_size / 4) ^ 3 + ($block_size / 4) ^ 2 + ($block_size / 4) + 12, or 1049612 to 1074791436 if 4KiB blocks)
Triple Indirect Block OffsetWhere It Points
0 to ($block_size / 4)Map to ($block_size / 4) double indirect blocks (1024 if 4KiB blocks)
Double Indirect Block OffsetWhere It Points
0 to ($block_size / 4)Map to ($block_size / 4) indirect blocks (1024 if 4KiB blocks)
Indirect Block OffsetWhere It Points
0 to ($block_size / 4)Direct map to ($block_size / 4) blocks (1024 if 4KiB blocks)

Note that with this block mapping scheme, it is necessary to fill out a lot of mapping data even for a large contiguous file! This inefficiency led to the creation of the extent mapping scheme, discussed below.

Notice also that a file using this mapping scheme cannot be placed higher than 2^32 blocks.

Extent Tree

In ext4, the file to logical block map has been replaced with an extent tree. Under the old scheme, allocating a contiguous run of 1,000 blocks requires an indirect block to map all 1,000 entries; with extents, the mapping is reduced to a single struct ext4_extent with ee_len = 1000. If flex_bg is enabled, it is possible to allocate very large files with a single extent, at a considerable reduction in metadata block use, and some improvement in disk efficiency. The inode must have the extents flag (0x80000) flag set for this feature to be in use.

Extents are arranged as a tree. Each node of the tree begins with a struct ext4_extent_header. If the node is an interior node (eh.eh_depth > 0), the header is followed by eh.eh_entries instances of struct ext4_extent_idx; each of these index entries points to a block containing more nodes in the extent tree. If the node is a leaf node (eh.eh_depth == 0), then the header is followed by eh.eh_entries instances of struct ext4_extent; these instances point to the file's data blocks. The root node of the extent tree is stored in inode.i_block, which allows for the first four extents to be recorded without the use of extra metadata blocks.

The extent tree header is recorded in struct ext4_extent_header, which is 12 bytes long:

0x0__le16eh_magicMagic number, 0xF30A.
0x2__le16eh_entriesNumber of valid entries following the header.
0x4__le16eh_maxMaximum number of entries that could follow the header.
0x6__le16eh_depthDepth of this extent node in the extent tree. 0 = this extent node points to data blocks; otherwise, this extent node points to other extent nodes. The extent tree can be at most 5 levels deep: a logical block number can be at most 2^32, and the smallest n that satisfies 4*(((blocksize - 12)/12)^n) >= 2^32 is 5.
0x8__le32eh_generationGeneration of the tree. (Used by Lustre, but not standard ext4).

Internal nodes of the extent tree, also known as index nodes, are recorded as struct ext4_extent_idx, and are 12 bytes long:

0x0__le32ei_blockThis index node covers file blocks from 'block' onward.
0x4__le32ei_leaf_loLower 32-bits of the block number of the extent node that is the next level lower in the tree. The tree node pointed to can be either another internal node or a leaf node, described below.
0x8__le16ei_leaf_hiUpper 16-bits of the previous field.

Leaf nodes of the extent tree are recorded as struct ext4_extent, and are also 12 bytes long:

0x0__le32ee_blockFirst file block number that this extent covers.
0x4__le16ee_lenNumber of blocks covered by extent. If the value of this field is <= 32768, the extent is initialized. If the value of the field is > 32768, the extent is uninitialized and the actual extent length is ee_len - 32768. Therefore, the maximum length of a initialized extent is 32768 blocks, and the maximum length of an uninitialized extent is 32767.
0x6__le16ee_start_hiUpper 16-bits of the block number to which this extent points.
0x8__le32ee_start_loLower 32-bits of the block number to which this extent points.

Prior to the introduction of metadata checksums, the extent header + extent entries always left at least 4 bytes of unallocated space at the end of each extent tree data block (because (2^x % 12) >= 4). Therefore, the 32-bit checksum is inserted into this space. The 4 extents in the inode do not need checksumming, since the inode is already checksummed. The checksum is calculated against the FS UUID, the inode number, the inode generation, and the entire extent block leading up to (but not including) the checksum itself.

struct ext4_extent_tail is 4 bytes long:

0x0__le32eb_checksumChecksum of the extent block, crc32c(uuid+inum+igeneration+extentblock)

Inline Data

If the inline data feature is enabled for the filesystem and the flag is set for the inode, it is possible that the first 60 bytes of the file data are stored here.

Directory Entries

In an ext4 filesystem, a directory is more or less a flat file that maps an arbitrary byte string (usually ASCII) to an inode number on the filesystem. There can be many directory entries across the filesystem that reference the same inode number--these are known as hard links, and that is why hard links cannot reference files on other filesystems. As such, directory entries are found by reading the data block(s) associated with a directory file for the particular directory entry that is desired.

Linear (Classic) Directories

By default, each directory lists its entries in an "almost-linear" array. I write "almost" because it's not a linear array in the memory sense because directory entries are not split across filesystem blocks. Therefore, it is more accurate to say that a directory is a series of data blocks and that each block contains a linear array of directory entries. The end of each per-block array is signified by reaching the end of the block; the last entry in the block has a record length that takes it all the way to the end of the block. The end of the entire directory is of course signified by reaching the end of the file. Unused directory entries are signified by inode = 0. By default the filesystem uses struct ext4_dir_entry_2 for directory entries unless the "filetype" feature flag is not set, in which case it uses struct ext4_dir_entry.

The original directory entry format is struct ext4_dir_entry, which is at most 263 bytes long, though on disk you'll need to reference dirent.rec_len to know for sure.

0x0__le32inodeNumber of the inode that this directory entry points to.
0x4__le16rec_lenLength of this directory entry.
0x6__le16name_lenLength of the file name.
0x8charname[EXT4_NAME_LEN]File name.

Since file names cannot be longer than 255 bytes, the new directory entry format shortens the rec_len field and uses the space for a file type flag, probably to avoid having to load every inode during directory tree traversal. This format is ext4_dir_entry_2, which is at most 263 bytes long, though on disk you'll need to reference dirent.rec_len to know for sure.

0x0__le32inodeNumber of the inode that this directory entry points to.
0x4__le16rec_lenLength of this directory entry.
0x6__u8name_lenLength of the file name.
0x7__u8file_typeFile type code, one of:
0x1Regular file.
0x3Character device file.
0x4Block device file.
0x7Symbolic link.
0x8charname[EXT4_NAME_LEN]File name.

In order to add checksums to these classic directory blocks, a phony struct ext4_dir_entry is placed at the end of each leaf block to hold the checksum. The directory entry is 12 bytes long. The inode number and name_len fields are set to zero to fool old software into ignoring an apparently empty directory entry, and the checksum is stored in the place where the name normally goes. The structure is struct ext4_dir_entry_tail:

0x0__le32det_reserved_zero1Inode number, which must be zero.
0x4__le16det_rec_lenLength of this directory entry, which must be 12.
0x6__u8det_reserved_zero2Length of the file name, which must be zero.
0x7__u8det_reserved_ftFile type, which must be 0xDE.
0x8__le32det_checksumDirectory leaf block checksum.

The leaf directory block checksum is calculated against the FS UUID, the directory's inode number, the directory's inode generation number, and the entire directory entry block up to (but not including) the fake directory entry.

Hash Tree Directories

A linear array of directory entries isn't great for performance, so a new feature was added to ext3 to provide a faster (but peculiar) balanced tree keyed off a hash of the directory entry name. If the EXT4_INDEX_FL (0x1000) flag is set in the inode, this directory uses a hashed btree (htree) to organize and find directory entries. For backwards read-only compatibility with ext2, this tree is actually hidden inside the directory file, masquerading as "empty" directory data blocks! It was stated previously that the end of the linear directory entry table was signified with an entry pointing to inode 0; this is (ab)used to fool the old linear-scan algorithm into thinking that the rest of the directory block is empty so that it moves on.

The root of the tree always lives in the first data block of the directory. By ext2 custom, the '.' and '..' entries must appear at the beginning of this first block, so they are put here as two struct ext4_dir_entry_2s and not stored in the tree. The rest of the root node contains metadata about the tree and finally a hash->block map to find nodes that are lower in the htree. If dx_root.info.indirect_levels is non-zero then the htree has two levels; the data block pointed to by the root node's map is an interior node, which is indexed by a minor hash. Interior nodes in this tree contains a zeroed out struct ext4_dir_entry_2 followed by a minor_hash->block map to find leafe nodes. Leaf nodes contain a linear array of all struct ext4_dir_entry_2; all of these entries (presumably) hash to the same value. If there is an overflow, the entries simply overflow into the next leaf node, and the least-significant bit of the hash (in the interior node map) that gets us to this next leaf node is set.

To traverse the directory as a htree, the code calculates the hash of the desired file name and uses it to find the corresponding block number. If the tree is flat, the block is a linear array of directory entries that can be searched; otherwise, the minor hash of the file name is computed and used against this second block to find the corresponding third block number. That third block number will be a linear array of directory entries.

To traverse the directory as a linear array (such as the old code does), the code simply reads every data block in the directory. The blocks used for the htree will appear to have no entries (aside from '.' and '..') and so only the leaf nodes will appear to have any interesting content.

The root of the htree is in struct dx_root, which is the full length of a data block:

0x0__le32dot.inodeinode number of this directory.
0x4__le16dot.rec_lenLength of this record, 12.
0x6u8dot.name_lenLength of the name, 1.
0x7u8dot.file_typeFile type of this entry, 0x2 (directory) (if the feature flag is set).
0xC__le32dotdot.inodeinode number of parent directory.
0x10__le16dotdot.rec_lenblock_size - 12. The record length is long enough to cover all htree data.
0x12u8dotdot.name_lenLength of the name, 2.
0x13u8dotdot.file_typeFile type of this entry, 0x2 (directory) (if the feature flag is set).
0x18__le32struct dx_root_info.reserved_zeroZero.
0x1Cu8struct dx_root_info.hash_versionHash version, one of:
0x1Half MD4.
0x3Legacy, unsigned.
0x4Half MD4, unsigned.
0x5Tea, unsigned.
0x1Du8struct dx_root_info.info_lengthLength of the tree information, 0x8.
0x1Eu8struct dx_root_info.indirect_levelsDepth of the htree. Cannot be larger than 3 if the INCOMPAT_LARGEDIR feature is set; cannot be larger than 2 otherwise.
0x1Fu8struct dx_root_info.unused_flags 
0x20__le16limitMaximum number of dx_entries that can follow this header, plus 1 for the header itself.
0x22__le16countActual number of dx_entries that follow this header, plus 1 for the header itself.
0x24__le32blockThe block number (within the directory file) that goes with hash=0.
0x28struct dx_entryentries[0]As many 8-byte struct dx_entry as fits in the rest of the data block.

Interior nodes of an htree are recorded as struct dx_node, which is also the full length of a data block:

0x0__le32fake.inodeZero, to make it look like this entry is not in use.
0x4__le16fake.rec_lenThe size of the block, in order to hide all of the dx_node data.
0x6u8name_lenZero. There is no name for this "unused" directory entry.
0x7u8file_typeZero. There is no file type for this "unused" directory entry.
0x8__le16limitMaximum number of dx_entries that can follow this header, plus 1 for the header itself.
0xA__le16countActual number of dx_entries that follow this header, plus 1 for the header itself.
0xE__le32blockThe block number (within the directory file) that goes with the lowest hash value of this block. This value is stored in the parent block.
0x12struct dx_entryentries[0]As many 8-byte struct dx_entry as fits in the rest of the data block.

The hash maps that exist in both struct dx_root and struct dx_node are recorded as struct dx_entry, which is 8 bytes long:

0x0__le32hashHash code.
0x4__le32blockBlock number (within the directory file, not filesystem blocks) of the next node in the htree.

(If you think this is all quite clever and peculiar, so does the author.)

If metadata checksums are enabled, the last 8 bytes of the directory block (precisely the length of one dx_entry) are used to store a struct dx_tail, which contains the checksum. The limit and count entries in the dx_root/dx_node structures are adjusted as necessary to fit the dx_tail into the block. If there is no space for the dx_tail, the user is notified to run e2fsck -D to rebuild the directory index (which will ensure that there's space for the checksum. The dx_tail structure is 8 bytes long and looks like this:

0x4__le32dt_checksumChecksum of the htree directory block.

The checksum is calculated against the FS UUID, the htree index header (dx_root or dx_node), all of the htree indices (dx_entry) that are in use, and the tail block (dx_tail).

Extended Attributes

Extended attributes (xattrs) are typically stored in a separate data block on the disk and referenced from inodes via inode.i_file_acl*. The first use of extended attributes seems to have been for storing file ACLs and other security data (selinux). With the user_xattr mount option it is possible for users to store extended attributes so long as all attribute names begin with "user"; this restriction seems to have disappeared as of Linux 3.0.

There are two places where extended attributes can be found. The first place is between the end of each inode entry and the beginning of the next inode entry. For example, if inode.i_extra_isize = 28 and sb.inode_size = 256, then there are 256 - (128 + 28) = 100 bytes available for in-inode extended attribute storage. The second place where extended attributes can be found is in the block pointed to by inode.i_file_acl. As of Linux 3.11, it is not possible for this block to contain a pointer to a second extended attribute block (or even the remaining blocks of a cluster). In theory it is possible for each attribute's value to be stored in a separate data block, though as of Linux 3.11 the code does not permit this.

Keys are generally assumed to be ASCIIZ strings, whereas values can be strings or binary data.

Extended attributes, when stored after the inode, have a header ext4_xattr_ibody_header that is 4 bytes long:

0x0__le32h_magicMagic number for identification, 0xEA020000. This value is set by the Linux driver, though e2fsprogs doesn't seem to check it(?)

The beginning of an extended attribute block is in struct ext4_xattr_header, which is 32 bytes long:

0x0__le32h_magicMagic number for identification, 0xEA020000.
0x4__le32h_refcountReference count.
0x8__le32h_blocksNumber of disk blocks used.
0xC__le32h_hashHash value of all attributes.
0x10__le32h_checksumChecksum of the extended attribute block.

The checksum is calculated against the FS UUID, the 64-bit block number of the extended attribute block, and the entire block (header + entries).

Following the struct ext4_xattr_header or struct ext4_xattr_ibody_header is an array of struct ext4_xattr_entry; each of these entries is at least 16 bytes long. When stored in an external block, the struct ext4_xattr_entry entries must be stored in sorted order. The sort order is e_name_index, then e_name_len, and finally e_name. Attributes stored inside an inode do not need be stored in sorted order.

0x0__u8e_name_lenLength of name.
0x1__u8e_name_indexAttribute name index. There is a discussion of this below.
0x2__le16e_value_offsLocation of this attribute's value on the disk block where it is stored. Multiple attributes can share the same value. For an inode attribute this value is relative to the start of the first entry; for a block this value is relative to the start of the block (i.e. the header).
0x4__le32e_value_inumThe inode where the value is stored. Zero indicates the value is in the same block as this entry. This field is only used if the INCOMPAT_EA_INODE feature is enabled.
0x8__le32e_value_sizeLength of attribute value.
0xC__le32e_hashHash value of attribute name and attribute value. The kernel doesn't update the hash for in-inode attributes, so for that case this value must be zero, because e2fsck validates any non-zero hash regardless of where the xattr lives.
0x10chare_name[e_name_len]Attribute name. Does not include trailing NULL.

Attribute values can follow the end of the entry table. There appears to be a requirement that they be aligned to 4-byte boundaries. The values are stored starting at the end of the block and grow towards the xattr_header/xattr_entry table. When the two collide, the overflow is put into a separate disk block. If the disk block fills up, the filesystem returns -ENOSPC.

The first four fields of the ext4_xattr_entry are set to zero to mark the end of the key list.

Attribute Name Indices

Logically speaking, extended attributes are a series of key=value pairs. The keys are assumed to be NULL-terminated strings. To reduce the amount of on-disk space that the keys consume, the beginning of the key string is matched against the attribute name index. If a match is found, the attribute name index field is set, and matching string is removed from the key name. Here is a map of name index values to key prefixes:

Name IndexKey Prefix
0(no prefix)
7"system." (inline_data only?)
8"system.richacl" (SuSE kernels only?)

For example, if the attribute key is "user.fubar", the attribute name index is set to 1 and the "fubar" name is recorded on disk.


POSIX ACLs are stored in a reduced version of the Linux kernel (and libacl's) internal ACL format. The key difference is that the version number is different (1) and the e_id field is only stored for named user and group ACLs.

Multiple Mount Protection

Multiple mount protection (MMP) is a feature that protects the filesystem against multiple hosts trying to use the filesystem simultaneously. When a filesystem is opened (for mounting, or fsck, etc.), the MMP code running on the node (call it node A) checks a sequence number. If the sequence number is EXT4_MMP_SEQ_CLEAN, the open continues. If the sequence number is EXT4_MMP_SEQ_FSCK, then fsck is (hopefully) running, and open fails immediately. Otherwise, the open code will wait for twice the specified MMP check interval and check the sequence number again. If the sequence number has changed, then the filesystem is active on another machine and the open fails. If the MMP code passes all of those checks, a new MMP sequence number is generated and written to the MMP block, and the mount proceeds.

While the filesystem is live, the kernel sets up a timer to re-check the MMP block at the specified MMP check interval. To perform the re-check, the MMP sequence number is re-read; if it does not match the in-memory MMP sequence number, then another node (node B) has mounted the filesystem, and node A remounts the filesystem read-only. If the sequence numbers match, the sequence number is incremented both in memory and on disk, and the re-check is complete.

The hostname and device filename are written into the MMP block whenever an open operation succeeds. The MMP code does not use these values; they are provided purely for informational purposes.

The checksum is calculated against the FS UUID and the MMP structure. The MMP structure (struct mmp_struct) is as follows:

0x0__le32mmp_magicMagic number for MMP, 0x004D4D50 ("MMP").
0x4__le32mmp_seqSequence number, updated periodically.
0x8__le64mmp_timeTime that the MMP block was last updated.
0x10char[64]mmp_nodenameHostname of the node that opened the filesystem.
0x50char[32]mmp_bdevnameBlock device name of the filesystem.
0x70__le16mmp_check_intervalThe MMP re-check interval, in seconds.
0x3FC__le32mmp_checksumChecksum of the MMP block.

Journal (jbd2)

Introduced in ext3, the ext4 filesystem employs a journal to protect the filesystem against corruption in the case of a system crash. A small continuous region of disk (default 128MiB) is reserved inside the filesystem as a place to land "important" data writes on-disk as quickly as possible. Once the important data transaction is fully written to the disk and flushed from the disk write cache, a record of the data being committed is also written to the journal. At some later point in time, the journal code writes the transactions to their final locations on disk (this could involve a lot of seeking or a lot of small read-write-erases) before erasing the commit record. Should the system crash during the second slow write, the journal can be replayed all the way to the latest commit record, guaranteeing the atomicity of whatever gets written through the journal to the disk. The effect of this is to guarantee that the filesystem does not become stuck midway through a metadata update.

For performance reasons, ext4 by default only writes filesystem metadata through the journal. This means that file data blocks are /not/ guaranteed to be in any consistent state after a crash. If this default guarantee level (data=ordered) is not satisfactory, there is a mount option to control journal behavior. If data=journal, all data and metadata are written to disk through the journal. This is slower but safest. If data=writeback, dirty data blocks are not flushed to the disk before the metadata are written to disk through the journal.

The journal inode is typically inode 8. The first 68 bytes of the journal inode are replicated in the ext4 superblock. The journal itself is normal (but hidden) file within the filesystem. The file usually consumes an entire block group, though mke2fs tries to put it in the middle of the disk.

All fields in jbd2 are written to disk in big-endian order. This is the opposite of ext4.

NOTE: Both ext4 and ocfs2 use jbd2.

The maximum size of a journal embedded in an ext4 filesystem is 2^32 blocks. jbd2 itself does not seem to care.


Generally speaking, the journal has this format:

Superblockdescriptor_block (data_blocks or revocation_block) [more data or revocations] commmit_block[more transactions...]
 One transaction 

Notice that a transaction begins with either a descriptor and some data, or a block revocation list. A finished transaction always ends with a commit. If there is no commit record (or the checksums don't match), the transaction will be discarded during replay.

External Journal

Optionally, an ext4 filesystem can be created with an external journal device (as opposed to an internal journal, which uses a reserved inode). In this case, on the filesystem device, s_journal_inum should be zero and s_journal_uuid should be set. On the journal device there will be an ext4 super block in the usual place, with a matching UUID. The journal superblock will be in the next full block after the superblock.

1024 bytes of paddingext4 SuperblockJournal Superblockdescriptor_block (data_blocks or revocation_block) [more data or revocations] commmit_block[more transactions...]
   One transaction 

Block Header

Every block in the journal starts with a common 12-byte header struct journal_header_s:

0x0__be32h_magicjbd2 magic number, 0xC03B3998.
0x4__be32h_blocktypeDescription of what this block contains. One of:
1Descriptor. This block precedes a series of data blocks that were written through the journal during a transaction.
2Block commit record. This block signifies the completion of a transaction.
3Journal superblock, v1.
4Journal superblock, v2.
5Block revocation records. This speeds up recovery by enabling the journal to skip writing blocks that were subsequently rewritten.
0x8__be32h_sequenceThe transaction ID that goes with this block.

Super Block

The super block for the journal is much simpler as compared to ext4's. The key data kept within are size of the journal, and where to find the start of the log of transactions.

The journal superblock is recorded as struct journal_superblock_s, which is 1024 bytes long:

0x0journal_header_t (12 bytes)s_headerCommon header identifying this as a superblock.
Static information describing the journal.
0xC__be32s_blocksizeJournal device block size.
0x10__be32s_maxlenTotal number of blocks in this journal.
0x14__be32s_firstFirst block of log information.
Dynamic information describing the current state of the log.
0x18__be32s_sequenceFirst commit ID expected in log.
0x1C__be32s_startBlock number of the start of log. Contrary to the comments, this field being zero does not imply that the journal is clean!
0x20__be32s_errnoError value, as set by jbd2_journal_abort().
The remaining fields are only valid in a version 2 superblock.
0x24__be32s_feature_compat;Compatible feature set. Any of:
0x1Journal maintains checksums on the data blocks. (JBD2_FEATURE_COMPAT_CHECKSUM)
0x28__be32s_feature_incompatIncompatible feature set. Any of:
0x1Journal has block revocation records. (JBD2_FEATURE_INCOMPAT_REVOKE)
0x2Journal can deal with 64-bit block numbers. (JBD2_FEATURE_INCOMPAT_64BIT)
0x4Journal commits asynchronously. (JBD2_FEATURE_INCOMPAT_ASYNC_COMMIT)
0x8This journal uses v2 of the checksum on-disk format. Each journal metadata block gets its own checksum, and the block tags in the descriptor table contain checksums for each of the data blocks in the journal. (JBD2_FEATURE_INCOMPAT_CSUM_V2)
0x10This journal uses v3 of the checksum on-disk format. This is the same as v2, but the journal block tag size is fixed regardless of the size of block numbers. (JBD2_FEATURE_INCOMPAT_CSUM_V3)
0x2C__be32s_feature_ro_compatRead-only compatible feature set. There aren't any of these currently.
0x30__u8s_uuid[16]128-bit uuid for journal. This is compared against the copy in the ext4 super block at mount time.
0x40__be32s_nr_usersNumber of file systems sharing this journal.
0x44__be32s_dynsuperLocation of dynamic super block copy. (Not used?)
0x48__be32s_max_transactionLimit of journal blocks per transaction. (Not used?)
0x4C__be32s_max_trans_dataLimit of data blocks per transaction. (Not used?)
0x50__u8s_checksum_typeChecksum algorithm used for the journal. 1 = crc32, 2 = md5, 3 = sha1, 4 = crc32c. 1 or 4 are the most likely choices.
0xFC__be32s_checksumChecksum of the entire superblock, with this field set to zero.
0x100__u8s_users[16*48]ids of all file systems sharing the log. e2fsprogs/Linux don't allow shared external journals, but I imagine Lustre (or ocfs2?), which use the jbd2 code, might.

Descriptor Block

The descriptor block contains an array of journal block tags that describe the final locations of the data blocks that follow in the journal. Descriptor blocks are open-coded instead of being completely described by a data structure, but here is the block structure anyway. Descriptor blocks consume at least 36 bytes, but use a full block:

0x0journal_header_t(open coded)Common block header.
0xCstruct journal_block_tag_sopen coded array[]Enough tags either to fill up the block or to describe all the data blocks that follow this descriptor block.

Journal block tags have any of the following formats, depending on which journal feature and block tag flags are set.

If JBD2_FEATURE_INCOMPAT_CSUM_V3 is set, the journal block tag is defined as struct journal_block_tag3_s, which looks like the following. The size is 16 or 32 bytes.

0x0__be32t_blocknrLower 32-bits of the location of where the corresponding data block should end up on disk.
0x4__be32t_flagsFlags that go with the descriptor. Any of:
0x1On-disk block is escaped. The first four bytes of the data block just happened to match the jbd2 magic number.
0x2This block has the same UUID as previous, therefore the UUID field is omitted.
0x4The data block was deleted by the transaction. (Not used?)
0x8This is the last tag in this descriptor block.
0x8__be32t_blocknr_highUpper 32-bits of the location of where the corresponding data block should end up on disk. This is zero if JBD2_FEATURE_INCOMPAT_64BIT is not enabled.
0xC__be32t_checksumChecksum of the journal UUID, the sequence number, and the data block.
This field appears to be open coded. It always comes at the end of the tag, after t_checksum. This field is not present if the "same UUID" flag is set.
0x8 or 0xCcharuuid[16]A UUID to go with this tag. This field appears to be copied from the j_uuid field in struct journal_s, but only tune2fs touches that field.

If JBD2_FEATURE_INCOMPAT_CSUM_V3 is NOT set, the journal block tag is defined as struct journal_block_tag_s, which looks like the following. The size is 8, 12, 24, or 28 bytes:

0x0__be32t_blocknrLower 32-bits of the location of where the corresponding data block should end up on disk.
0x4__be16t_checksumChecksum of the journal UUID, the sequence number, and the data block. Note that only the lower 16 bits are stored.
0x6__be16t_flagsFlags that go with the descriptor. Any of:
0x1On-disk block is escaped. The first four bytes of the data block just happened to match the jbd2 magic number.
0x2This block has the same UUID as previous, therefore the UUID field is omitted.
0x4The data block was deleted by the transaction. (Not used?)
0x8This is the last tag in this descriptor block.
This next field is only present if the super block indicates support for 64-bit block numbers.
0x8__be32t_blocknr_highUpper 32-bits of the location of where the corresponding data block should end up on disk.
This field appears to be open coded. It always comes at the end of the tag, after t_flags or t_blocknr_high. This field is not present if the "same UUID" flag is set.
0x8 or 0xCcharuuid[16]A UUID to go with this tag. This field appears to be copied from the j_uuid field in struct journal_s, but only tune2fs touches that field.

If JBD2_FEATURE_INCOMPAT_CSUM_V2 or JBD2_FEATURE_INCOMPAT_CSUM_V3 are set, the end of the block is a struct jbd2_journal_block_tail, which looks like this:

0x0__be32t_checksumChecksum of the journal UUID + the descriptor block, with this field set to zero.

Data Block

In general, the data blocks being written to disk through the journal are written verbatim into the journal file after the descriptor block. However, if the first four bytes of the block match the jbd2 magic number then those four bytes are replaced with zeroes and the "escaped" flag is set in the descriptor block tag.

Revocation Block

A revocation block is used to prevent replay of a block in an earlier transaction. This is used to mark blocks that were journalled at one time but are no longer journalled. Typically this happens if a metadata block is freed and re-allocated as a file data block; in this case, a journal replay after the file block was written to disk will cause corruption.

NOTE: This mechanism is NOT used to express "this journal block is superseded by this other journal block", as the author (djwong) mistakenly thought. Any block being added to a transaction will cause the removal of all existing revocation records for that block.

Revocation blocks are described in struct jbd2_journal_revoke_header_s, are at least 16 bytes in length, but use a full block:

0x0journal_header_tr_headerCommon block header.
0xC__be32r_countNumber of bytes used in this block.
0x10__be32 or __be64blocks[0]Blocks to revoke.

After r_count is a linear array of block numbers that are effectively revoked by this transaction. The size of each block number is 8 bytes if the superblock advertises 64-bit block number support, or 4 bytes otherwise.

If JBD2_FEATURE_INCOMPAT_CSUM_V2 or JBD2_FEATURE_INCOMPAT_CSUM_V3 are set, the end of the revocation block is a struct jbd2_journal_revoke_tail, which has this format:

0x0__be32r_checksumChecksum of the journal UUID + revocation block

Commit Block

The commit block is a sentry that indicates that a transaction has been completely written to the journal. Once this commit block reaches the journal, the data stored with this transaction can be written to their final locations on disk.

The commit block is described by struct commit_header, which is 32 bytes long (but uses a full block):

0x0journal_header_s(open coded)Common block header.
0xCunsigned charh_chksum_typeThe type of checksum to use to verify the integrity of the data blocks in the transaction. One of:
0xDunsigned charh_chksum_sizeThe number of bytes used by the checksum. Most likely 4.
0xEunsigned charh_padding[2] 
0x10__be32h_chksum[JBD2_CHECKSUM_BYTES]32 bytes of space to store checksums. If JBD2_FEATURE_INCOMPAT_CSUM_V2 or JBD2_FEATURE_INCOMPAT_CSUM_V3 are set, the first __be32 is the checksum of the journal UUID and the entire commit block, with this field zeroed. If JBD2_FEATURE_COMPAT_CHECKSUM is set, the first __be32 is the crc32 of all the blocks already written to the transaction.
0x30__be64h_commit_secThe time that the transaction was committed, in seconds since the epoch.
0x38__be32h_commit_nsecNanoseconds component of the above timestamp.

Areas in Need of Work

New patchsets to track with regards to changes in on-disk formats (in no particular order):

  • Amir's ext4 snapshot work (dead as of Oct. 2013?)

Other References

Also see http://www.nongnu.org/ext2-doc/ for quite a collection of information about ext2/3. Here's another old reference: http://wiki.osdev.org/Ext2

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水资源是人类社会的宝贵财富,在生活、工农业生产中是不可缺少的。随着世界人口的增长及工农业生产的发展,需水量也在日益增长,水已经变得比以往任何时候都要珍贵。但是,由于人类的生产和生活,导致水体的污染,水质恶化,使有限的水资源更加紧张。长期以来,油类物质(石油类物质和动植物油)一直是水和土壤中的重要污染源。它不仅对人的身体健康带来极大危害,而且使水质恶化,严重破坏水体生态平衡。因此各国都加强了油类物质对水体和土壤的污染的治理。对于水中油含量的检测,我国处于落后阶段,与国际先进水平存在差距,所以难以满足当今技术水平的要求。为了取得具有代表性的正确数据,使分析数据具有与现代测试技术水平相应的准确性和先进性,不断提高分析成果的可比性和应用效果,检测的方法和仪器是非常重要的。只有保证了这两方面才能保证快速和准确地测量出水中油类污染物含量,以达到保护和治理水污染的目的。开展水中油污染检测方法、技术和检测设备的研究,是提高水污染检测的一条重要措施。通过本课题的研究,探索出一套适合我国国情的水质污染现场检测技术和检测设备,具有广泛的应用前景和科学研究价值。 本课题针对我国水体的油污染,探索一套检测油污染的可行方案和方法,利用非分散红外光度法技术,开发研制具有自主知识产权的适合国情的适于野外便携式的测油仪。利用此仪器,可以检测出被测水样中亚甲基、甲基物质和动植物油脂的污染物含量,为我国众多的环境检测站点监测水体的油污染状况提供依据。


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