Algorithmic Heights第32题:2-Satisfiability


In the 2SAT problem, you are given a set of clauses, where each clause is the disjunction (OR) of two literals (a literal is a Boolean variable or the negation of a Boolean variable). You are looking for a way to assign a value  or  to each of the variables so that all clauses are satisfied — that is, there is at least one true literal in each clause. For example, here’s an instance of 2SAT:  This instance has a satisfying assignment: set , , , and  to , , , and , respectively.

  1. Are there other satisfying truth assignments of this 2SAT formula? If so, find them all.
  2. Give an instance of 2SAT with four variables, and with no satisfying assignment.

The purpose of this problem is to lead you to a way of solving 2SAT efficiently by reducing it to the problem of finding the strongly connected components of a directed graph. Given an instance  of 2SAT with  variables and  clauses, construct a directed graph  as follows.

  •  has  nodes, one for each variable and its negation.
  •  has  edges: for each clause  of  (where  are literals),  has an edge from the negation of  to , and one from the negation of  to .

Note that the clause  is equivalent to either of the implications  or . In this sense,  records all implications in .

  1. Carry out this construction for the instance of 2SAT given above, and for the instance you constructed in 2.
  2. Show that if  has a strongly connected component containing both  and  for some variable , then  has no satisfying assignment.
  3. Now show the converse of 4: namely, that if none of ’s strongly connected components contain both a literal and its negation, then the instance  must be satisfiable. (Hint: Assign values to the variables as follows: repeatedly pick a sink strongly connected component of . Assign value  to all literals in the sink, assign  to their negations, and delete all of these. Show that this ends up discovering a satisfying assignment.)
  4. Conclude that there is a linear-time algorithm for solving 2SAT.

Source: Algorithms by Dasgupta, Papadimitriou, Vazirani. McGraw-Hill. 2006.

Given: A positive integer  and  2SAT formulas represented as follows. The first line gives the number of variables  and the number of clauses , each of the following  lines gives a clause of length  by specifying two different literals: e.g., a clause  is given by 3 -5.

Return: For each formula, output  if it cannot be satisfied or  followed by a satisfying assignment otherwise.

在2SAT问题中,为您提供了一组子句,其中每个子句是两个文字的析取(OR)(一个文字是一个布尔变量或一个布尔变量的取反)。您正在寻找一种分配值的方法 要么 到每个变量,以便所有子句都得到满足-也就是说,每个子句中至少有一个真实的文字。例如,这是2SAT的一个实例:  此实例的分配令人满意:set , , 和  至 , , 和 , 分别。

  1. 这个2SAT公式还有其他令人满意的真值分配吗?如果是这样,请全部找到。
  2. 给出一个2SAT实例,该实例具有四个变量,并且没有令人满意的分配。

此问题的目的是通过将2SAT简化为查找有向图的强连接组件的问题,从而引导您有效地解决2SAT 。给定一个实例  的2SAT与  变量和  子句,构造有向图  如下。

  •  具有  节点,每个变量及其取反。
  •  具有  边:对于每个子句  的  (哪里  是文字),  从否定中有优势  至 和一个来自否定的  至 。

注意该条款  等同于任何一种含义  要么 。在这个意义上, 记录所有含义 。

  1. 对上面给出的2SAT实例以及您在2中构造的实例进行此构造。
  2. 证明是否  具有紧密连接的组件,其中包含  和  对于一些变量 , 然后  没有令人满意的任务。
  3. 现在显示4的反面:即,如果没有 的高度连接的组件包含文字及其取反,然后是实例 必须令人满意。(提示:按如下所示为变量分配值:反复选择一个接收器的强连接组件。赋值 接收器中的所有文字,分配 他们的否定,并删除所有这些。证明这最终找到了令人满意的任务。)
  4. 结论存在一种用于求解2SAT的线性时间算法。


给定:正整数 和 2SAT公式表示如下。第一行给出变量的数量  和子句数 ,以下每个  行给出了一个长度子句  通过指定两个不同的文字:例如,子句 由给出3 -5

返回值:对于每个公式,输出 如果无法满足或者  后面是令人满意的作业。

Sample Dataset


2 4
1 2
-1 2
1 -2
-1 -2

3 4
1 2
2 3
-1 -2
-2 -3

Sample Output

1 1 -2 3




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