Deep Learning Reading List

Review Book List:
[2009 Thesis] Learning Deep Generative Models.pdf
[2009] Learning Deep Architectures for AI.pdf
[2013 DengLi Review] Deep Learning for Signal and InformationProcessing.pdf

[1996 Nature] sparse coding.pdf
[1997 Vision] Sparse coding with an overcomplete basisset.pdf
[1998 NIPS] EM Algorithms for PCA and SPCA.pdf
[1998 PIEEE] Gradient-Based Learning Applied to DocumentRecognition.pdf
[1999] Probabilistic Principal Component Analysis.pdf
[2002 NC] Training Products of Experts by Minimizing ContrastiveDivergence.pdf
[2005 JMLR] Estimation of non-normalized statistical models byscore matching.pdf
[2006 NC] A fast learning algorithm for deep belief nets.pdf
[2006 NIPS] Efficient Learning of Sparse Representations with anEnergy-Based Model.pdf
[2006 NIPS] Efficient sparse coding algorithms.pdf
[2006 Science] Neural Network Dimension Reduction.pdf
[2006] A Tutorial on Energy-Based Learning.pdf
[2006] To Recognize Shapes, First Learn to Generate ImagesmontrealTR.pdf
[2007 BOOK] Scaling Learning Algorithms towards AI.pdf
[2007 CVPR] Unsupervised Learning of Invariant Feature Hierarchieswith Applications to Object Recognition.pdf
[2007 ICML] Self-taught learning transfer learning from unlabeleddata.pdf
[2007 NIPS TR] Greedy Layer-Wise Training of DeepNetworks.pdf
[2007 NIPS] Sparse deep belief net model for visual areaV2.pdf
[2007 NIPS] Sparse Feature Learning for Deep BeliefNetworks.pdf
[2007] Energy-Based Models in Document Recognition and ComputerVision.pdf
[2008 ICML] Extracting and Composing Robust Features with DenoisingAutoencoders.pdf
[2008 ICML] Training restricted Boltzmann machines usingapproximations to the likelihood gradient.pdf
[2008 PSD] Fast Inference in Sparse Coding Algorithms withApplications to Object Recognition.pdf
[2009 AISTATS] Deep Boltzmann Machines.pdf
[2009 CVPR] Learning invariant features through topographic filtermaps.pdf
[2009 CVPR] Linear Spatial Pyramid Matching Using Sparse Coding forImage Classification.pdf
[2009 ICCV] What is the Best Multi-Stage Architecture for ObjectRecognition.pdf
[2009 ICML] Using Fast Weights to Improve Persistent ContrastiveDivergence.pdf
[2009 JMLR] Exploring Strategies for Training Deep NeuralNetworks.pdf
[2009 NIPS] Nonlinear Learning using Local CoordinateCoding.pdf
[2010 AISTATS] Efficient Learning of Deep BoltzmannMachines.pdf
[2010 AISTATS] On the convergence properties of contrastivedivergence.pdf
[2010 CVPR] Learning Mid-Level Features For Recognition.pdf
[2010 CVPR] Locality-constrained Linear Coding for ImageClassification.pdf
[2010 CVPR] Modeling Pixel Means and Covariances Using FactorizedThird-Order Boltzmann Machines.pdf
[2010 ECCV] Image classification using super-vector coding of localimage descriptors.pdf
[2010 ICML] A Theoretical Analysis of Feature Pooling in VisualRecognition.pdf
[2010 ICML] Deep learning via Hessian-free optimization.pdf
[2010 ICML] Learning Deep Boltzmann Machines using AdaptiveMCMC.pdf
[2010 ISCAS] Convolutional Networks and Applications inVision.pdf
[2010 JMLR] Stacked Denoising Autoencoders Learning UsefulRepresentations.pdf
[2010 JMLR] Why Does Unsupervised Pre-training Help DeepLearning.pdf
[2010 NIPS] Learning Convolutional Feature Hierarchies for VisualRecognition.pdf
[2010 NIPS] Regularized estimation of image statistics by ScoreMatching.pdf
[2011 CACM] Unsupervised Learning of Hierarchical Representationswith Convolutional Deep Belief Networks.pdf
[2011 CVPR] Learning image representations from the pixel level viahierarchical sparse coding.pdf
[2011 ICCV] Adaptive Deconvolutional Networks for Mid and HighLevel Feature Learning.pdf
[2011 ICML] Contractive Auto-Encoders.pdf
[2011 ICML] Learning Deep Energy Models.pdf
[2011 ICML] On Autoencoders and Score Matching for Energy BasedModels.pdf
[2011 ICML] On optimization methods for deep learning.pdf
[2011 ICML] Unsupervised Models of Images by Spike-and-SlabRBMs.pdf
[2011 JMLR] Unsupervised and transfer learning challenge a deeplearning approach.pdf
[2011 NC] A Connection Between Score Matching and DenoisingAutoencoders.pdf
[2011 NIPS] Algorithms for Hyper-Parameter Optimization.pdf
[2011 NIPS] Spike-and-Slab Sparse Coding for Unsupervised FeatureDiscovery.pdf
[2011 UAI] Asymptotic efficiency of deterministic estimators fordiscrete energy-based models Ratio matching andpseudolikelihood.pdf
[2011] On the Expressive Power of Deep Architectures.pdf
[2012 Book] A Practical Guide to Training Restricted BoltzmannMachines.pdf
[2012 Dropout] Improving neural networks by preventingco-adaptation of feature detectors.pdf
[2012 ICML] A Generative Process for Sampling ContractiveAuto-Encoders.pdf
[2012 ICML] Building High-level Features Using Large ScaleUnsupervised Learning.pdf
[2012 ICML] Large-Scale Feature Learning With Spike-and-Slab SparseCoding.pdf
[2012 JMLR] Random Search for Hyper-ParameterOptimization.pdf
[2012 NC] An Efficient Learning Procedure for Deep BoltzmannMachines.pdf
[2012 NIPS] A Better Way to Pre-Train Deep BoltzmannMachines.pdf
[2012 NIPS] Discriminative Learning of Sum-ProductNetworks.pdf
[2012 NIPS] ImageNet Classification with Deep Convolutional NeuralNetworks.pdf
[2012 NIPS] Practical Bayesian Optimization of Machine LearningAlgorithms.pdf
[2012] Deep Learning via Semi-Supervised Embedding.pdf
[2013 BOOK] Deep Learning of Representations.pdf
[2013 ICLR] Stochastic Pooling for Regularization of DeepConvolutional Neural Networks.pdf
[2013 ICLR] What Regularized Auto-Encoders Learn from the DataGenerating Distribution.pdf
[2013 ICML] Better Mixing via Deep Representations.pdf
[2013 ICML] No more pesky learning rates.pdf
[2013 ICML] On autoencoder scoring.pdf
[2013 ICML] On the importance of initialization and momentum indeep learning.pdf
[2013 ICML] Regularization of Neural Networks usingDropConnect.pdf
[2013 NIPS] Adaptive dropout for training deep neuralnetworks.pdf
[2013 NIPS] Deep Fisher Networks for Large-Scale ImageClassification.pdf
[2013 NIPS] Deep Neural Networks for Object Detection.pdf
[2013 NIPS] Dropout Training as Adaptive Regularization.pdf
[2013 NIPS] Generalized Denoising Auto-Encoders as GenerativeModels.pdf
[2013 NIPS] Learning a Deep Compact Image Representation for VisualTracking.pdf
[2013 NIPS] Learning Multi-level Sparse Representations.pdf
[2013 NIPS] Understanding Dropout.pdf
[2013 PAMI] Deep Hierarchies in the Primate Visual Cortex What CanWe Learn For Computer Vision.pdf
[2013 PAMI] Deep Learning with Hierarchical Convolutional FactorAnalysis.pdf
[2013 PAMI] Invariant Scattering Convolution Networks.pdf
[2013 PAMI] Learning Hierarchical Features for SceneLabeling.pdf
[2013 PAMI] Learning with Hierarchical-Deep Models.pdf
[2013 PAMI] Representation Learning A Review and NewPerspectives.pdf
[2013 PAMI] Scaling Up Spike-and-Slab Models for UnsupervisedFeature Learning.pdf
[2013 TR] Maxout networks.pdf
[2013 TR] Practical recommendations for gradient-based training ofdeep architectures.pdf
[2013] Network in Network.pdf
[2013] Visualizing and Understanding ConvolutionalNetworks.pdf

2007 Deep Belief Nets by hinton on nips2007.pdf
2009 Learning Deep Architectures by Yoshua Bengio.pdf
2010 Tutorial on Deep Learning and Applications by Honglak Lee onnips2010 workshop.pdf
2010 Unsupervised Learning by ranzato on nips2010workshop.pdf
2012 A Tutorial on Deep Learning by yukai.pdf
2012 Deep Learning Methods for Vision on cvpr2012.pdf
2013 Deep Learning for Computer Vision by Rob Fergus onicml2013.pdf
2013 Deep Learning for Vision Tricks of the Trade by ranzato onbavm2013.pdf
2013 Deep Learning of Representations by Yoshua Bengio onaaai2013.pdf
2013 Deep Learning of Representations by Yoshua Bengio onsstic2013.pdf
2013 Deep Learning Tutorial by 
lecun &&ranzato on icml2013.pdf
2013 Large-Scale Visual Recognition With Deep Learning by ranzatoon cvpr2013.pdf
2013 Recent Advances in Deep Learning by Kevin Duh.pdf
2013 Recent Developments in Deep Neural Networks by hinton onicassp2013.pdf
DeepLearning_SummerSchool\2012 Advanced Hierarchical Models bySalakhutdinov on ipam2012.pdf
DeepLearning_SummerSchool\2012 An Algebraic Perspective on DeepLearning on ipam2012.pdf
DeepLearning_SummerSchool\2012 An Informal Mathematical Tour ofFeature Learning on ipam2012.pdf
DeepLearning_SummerSchool\2012 Deep Gated MRF's onipam2012.pdf
DeepLearning_SummerSchool\2012 Deep Learning & Feature LearningMethods for Vision on ipam2012.pdf
DeepLearning_SummerSchool\2012 Deep learning in the visual cortexon ipam2012.pdf
DeepLearning_SummerSchool\2012 Deep Learning Tutorial by hinton onipam2012.pdf
DeepLearning_SummerSchool\2012 Deep Learning, Graphical Models,EnergyBased Models, Structured Prediction by LeCun onipam2012.pdf
DeepLearning_SummerSchool\2012 From natural scene statistics tomodels of neural coding and representation on ipam2012.pdf
DeepLearning_SummerSchool\2012 Introduction to MCMC for DeepLearning on ipam 2012.pdf
DeepLearning_SummerSchool\2012 Large-Scale Deep Learning onipam2012.pdf
DeepLearning_SummerSchool\2012 Learning Hierarchical GenerativeModels on ipam2012.pdf
DeepLearning_SummerSchool\2012 Learning Hierarchies of InvariantFeatures by LeCun on ipam 2012.pdf
DeepLearning_SummerSchool\2012 Machine Learning and AI via Brainsimulations by Andrew Ng on ipam2012.pdf
DeepLearning_SummerSchool\2012 Multiview Feature Learning onipam2012.pdf
DeepLearning_SummerSchool\2012 Neural Networks RepresentationNon-linear hypotheses on ipam2012.pdf
DeepLearning_SummerSchool\2012 Scattering Invariant Deep Networksfor Classification by Mallat on ipam2012.pdf




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