

Table of contents
  1. Restlet overview
  2. Retrieving the content of a Web page
  3. Listening to Web browsers
  4. Overview of a REST architecture
  5. Components, virtual hosts and applications
  6. Serving static files
  7. Access logging
  8. Displaying error pages
  9. Guarding access to sensitive resources
  10. URI rewriting, attribute extraction and redirection
  11. Routers and hierarchical URIs
  12. Reaching target Resources
  13. Conclusion
1. Restlet overview

The Restlet framework is composed of two main parts. First, there is the "Restlet API", a neutral API supporting the concepts of REST and facilitating the handling of calls for both client-side and server-side applications. This API is backed by the Restlet Engine and both are now shipped in a single JAR ("org.restlet.jar").

Framework structure

This separation between the API and the implementation is similar to the one between the Servlet API and Web containers like Jetty or Tomcat, or between the JDBC API and concrete JDBC drivers.

2. Retrieving the content of a Web page

As we mentioned in the introduction paper, the Restlet framework is at the same time a client and a server framework. For example, Restlet can easily work with remote resources using its HTTP client connector. A connector in REST is a software element that enables the communication between components, typically by implementing one side of a network protocol. Restlet provides several implementations of client connectors based on existing open-source projects. The connectors section lists all available client and server connectors and explain how to use and configure them.

Here we will get the representation of an existing resource and output it in the JVM console:

  1. // Outputting the content of a Web page  
  2. new ClientResource("").get().write(System.out);  

Note that the example above uses a simplified way to issue calls via the ClientResource class. If you need multi-threading or more control it is still possible to manipulate use the Client connector class or the Request objects directly. The example below how to set some preferences in your client call, like a referrer URI. It could also be the languages and media types you prefer to receive as a response:

  1. // Create the client resource  
  2. ClientResource resource = new ClientResource("");  
  4. // Customize the referrer property  
  5. resource.setReferrerRef("");  
  7. // Write the response entity on the console  
  8. resource.get().write(System.out);  
3. Listening to Web browsers

Now, we want to see how the Restlet framework can listen to client requests and reply to them. We will use the internal Restlet HTTP server connector (even though it is possible to switch to others such as the one based on Mortbay's Jetty) and return a simple string representation "hello, world" as plain text. Note that the Part03 class extends the base ServerResource class provided by Restlet:

  1. public class Part03 extends ServerResource {  
  3.     public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {  
  4.         // Create the HTTP server and listen on port 8182  
  5.         new Server(Protocol.HTTP, 8182, Part03.class).start();  
  6.     }  
  8.     @Get  
  9.     public String toString() {  
  10.         return "hello, world";  
  11.     }  
  13. }  

If you run this code and launch your server, you can open a Web browser and hit the http://localhost:8182. Actually, any URI will work, try also http://localhost:8182/test/tutorial. Note that if you test your server from a different machine, you need to replace "localhost" by either the IP address of your server or its domain name if it has one defined.

So far, we have mostly showed you the highest level of abstraction in the Restlet API, with the ClientResource and ServerResource classes. But as we move forward, you will discover that those two classes are supported by a rich API, letting you manipulate all the REST artifacts.

4. Overview of a REST architecture

Let's step back a little and consider typical web architectures from a REST point of view. In the diagram below, ports represent the connector that enables the communication between components which are represented by the larger boxes. The links represents the particular protocol (HTTP, SMTP, etc.) used for the actual communication.

REST architecture

Note that the same component can have any number of client and server connectors attached to it. Web Server B, for example, has both a server connector to respond to requests from the User Agent component, and client connectors to send requests to Web Server A and the Mail Server.

5. Components, virtual hosts and applications

In addition to supporting the standard REST software architecture elements as presented before, the Restlet framework also provides a set of classes that greatly simplify the hosting of multiple applications within a single JVM. The goal is to provide a RESTful, portable and more flexible alternative to the existing Servlet API. In the diagram below, we can see the three types of Restlets that are provided in order to manage these complex cases. Components can manage several Virtual Hosts and Applications.

Virtual Hosts support flexible configuration where, for example, the same IP address is shared by several domain names, or where the same domain name is load-balanced across several IP addresses. Finally, we use Applications to manage a set of related Restlets, Resources and Representations. In addition, Applications are ensured to be portable and reconfigurable over different Restlet implementations and with different virtual hosts. In addition, they provide important services like access logging, automatic decoding of request entities, configurable status page setting and more!

Restlet components, virtual hosts and applications

In order to illustrate these classes, let's examine a simple example. Here we create a Component, then add an HTTP server connector to it, listening on port 8182. Then we create a simple trace Restlet and attach it to the defaut VirtualHost of the Component. This default host is catching any request that wasn't already routed to a declared VirtualHost (see the Component.hosts property for details). In a later example, we will also introduce the usage of the Application class. Note that for now you don't see any access log displayed in the console.

  1. public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {  
  2.     // Create a new Restlet component and add a HTTP server connector to it  
  3.     Component component = new Component();  
  4.     component.getServers().add(Protocol.HTTP, 8182);  
  6.     // Then attach it to the local host  
  7.     component.getDefaultHost().attach("/trace", Part05.class);  
  9.     // Now, let's start the component!  
  10.     // Note that the HTTP server connector is also automatically started.  
  11.     component.start();  
  12. }  
  14. @Get  
  15. public String toString() {  
  16.     // Print the requested URI path  
  17.     return "Resource URI  : " + getReference() + '\n' + "Root URI      : "  
  18.             + getRootRef() + '\n' + "Routed part   : "  
  19.             + getReference().getBaseRef() + '\n' + "Remaining part: "  
  20.             + getReference().getRemainingPart();  
  21. }  

Now let's test it by entering http://localhost:8182/trace/abc/def?param=123 in a Web browser. Here is the result that you will get:

Resource URI  : http://localhost:8182/trace/abc/def?param=123
Root URI      : http://localhost:8182/trace
Routed part   : http://localhost:8182/trace
Remaining part: /abc/def?param=123
6. Serving static files

Do you have a part of your web application that serves static pages like Javadocs? Well, no need to setup an Apache server just for that, use instead the dedicated Directory class. See how simple it is to use it:

  1. // URI of the root directory.  
  2. public static final String ROOT_URI = "file:///c:/restlet/docs/api/";  
  4. [...]  
  6. // Create a component  
  7. Component component = new Component();  
  8. component.getServers().add(Protocol.HTTP, 8182);  
  9. component.getClients().add(Protocol.FILE);  
  11. // Create an application  
  12. Application application = new Application() {  
  13.     @Override  
  14.     public Restlet createInboundRoot() {  
  15.             return new Directory(getContext(), ROOT_URI);  
  16.     }  
  17. };  
  19. // Attach the application to the component and start it  
  20. component.getDefaultHost().attach(application);  
  21. component.start();  

In order to run this example, you need to specify a valid value for ROOT_URI, In this case, it is set to "file:///c:/restlet/docs/api/". Note that no additional configuration is needed. If you want to customize the mapping between file extensions and metadata (media type, language or encoding) or if you want to specify a different index name, you can use the Application's "metadataService" property.

7. Access logging

Being able to properly log the activity of a Web application is a common requirement. Restlet Components know by default how to generate Apache-like logs or even custom ones. By taking advantage of the logging facility built in the JDK, the logger can be configured like any standard JDK log to filter messages, reformat them or specify where to send them. Rotation of logs is also supported; see the java.util.loggingpackage for details.

Note that you can customize the logger name given to the java.util.logging framework by modifying the Component's "logService" property. In order to fully configure the logging, you need to declare a configuration file by setting a system property like:

  1. System.setProperty("java.util.logging.config.file",  
  2.         "/your/path/logging.config");  

For details on the configuration file format, please check the JDK's LogManager class.

You can also have a look at the Restlet 2.0 logging documentation.

8. Displaying error pages

Another common requirement is the ability to customize the status pages returned when something didn't go as expected during the call handling. Maybe a resource was not found or an acceptable representation isn't available? In this case, or when any unhandled exception is be intercepted, the Application or the Component will automatically provide a default status page for you. This service is associated to the org.restlet.util.StatusService class, which is accessible as an Application and Component property called "statusService".

In order to customize the default messages, you will simply need to create a subclass of StatusService and override the getRepresentation(Status, Request, Response) method. Then just set an instance of your custom service to the appropriate "statusService" property.

9. Guarding access to sensitive resources

When you need to secure the access to some Restlets, several options are available. A common way is to rely on cookies to identify clients (or client sessions) and to check a given user ID or session ID against your application state to determine if access should be granted. Restlets natively support cookies via the Cookie and CookieSetting objects accessible from a Request or a Response.

There is another way based on the standard HTTP authentication mechanism. The Restlet Engine currently accepts credentials sent and received in the Basic HTTP scheme and also the credentials sent in the Amazon Web Services scheme.

When receiving a call, developers can use the parsed credentials available in Request.challengeResponse.identifier/secret via the ChallengeAuthenticator filter. Filters are specialized Restlets that can pre-process a call before invoking and attached Restlet or post-process a call after the attached Restlet returns it. If you are familiar with the Servlet API, the concept is similar to the Filter interface. See below how we would modify the previous example to secure the access to the Directory:

  1. // Create a simple password verifier  
  2. MapVerifier verifier = new MapVerifier();  
  3. verifier.getLocalSecrets().put("scott""tiger".toCharArray());  
  5. // Create a Guard  
  6. ChallengeAuthenticator guard = new ChallengeAuthenticator(  
  7.                 getContext(), ChallengeScheme.HTTP_BASIC, "Tutorial");  
  8. guard.setVerifier(verifier);  
  10. // Create a Directory able to return a deep hierarchy of files  
  11. Directory directory = new Directory(getContext(), ROOT_URI);  
  12. directory.setListingAllowed(true);  
  13. guard.setNext(directory);  
  15. return guard;  

Call handling flow

Note that the authentication and authorization decisions are clearly considered as distinct concerns and are fully customizable via dedicated filters that inherit from the Authenticator (such as ChallengeAuthenticator) and the Authorizer abstract classes. Here we simply hard-coded a single user and password couple. In order to test, let's use the client-side Restlet API:

  1. // Prepare the request  
  2. ClientResource resource = new ClientResource("http://localhost:8182/");  
  4. // Add the client authentication to the call  
  5. ChallengeScheme scheme = ChallengeScheme.HTTP_BASIC;  
  6. ChallengeResponse authentication = new ChallengeResponse(scheme,  
  7.         "scott""tiger");  
  8. resource.setChallengeResponse(authentication);  
  10. // Send the HTTP GET request  
  11. resource.get();  
  13. if (resource.getStatus().isSuccess()) {  
  14.     // Output the response entity on the JVM console  
  15.     resource.getResponseEntity().write(System.out);  
  16. else if (resource.getStatus()  
  17.         .equals(Status.CLIENT_ERROR_UNAUTHORIZED)) {  
  18.     // Unauthorized access  
  19.     System.out  
  20.             .println("Access authorized by the server, check your credentials");  
  21. else {  
  22.     // Unexpected status  
  23.     System.out.println("An unexpected status was returned: "  
  24.             + resource.getStatus());  
  25. }  

You can change the user ID or password sent by this test client in order to check the response returned by the server. Remember to launch the previous Restlet server before starting your client. Note that if you test your server from a different machine, you need to replace "localhost" by either the IP address of your server or its domain name when typing the URI in the browser. The server won't need any adjustment due to the usage of a VirtualHost which accepts all types of URIs by default.

10. URI rewriting and redirection

Another advantage of the Restlet framework is the built-in support for cool URIs. A good description of the importance of proper URI design is given by Jacob Nielsen in his AlertBox.

The first tool available is the Redirector, which allows the rewriting of a cool URI to another URI, followed by an automatic redirection. Several types of redirection are supported, the external redirection via the client/browser and the connector redirection for proxy-like behavior. In the example below, we will define a search service for our web site (named "") based on Google. The "/search" relative URI identifies the search service, accepting some keywords via the "kwd" parameter:

  1. // Create a root router  
  2. Router router = new Router(getContext());  
  4. // Create a Redirector to Google search service  
  5. String target = "{keywords}";  
  6. Redirector redirector = new Redirector(getContext(), target,  
  7.         Redirector.MODE_CLIENT_TEMPORARY);  
  9. // While routing requests to the redirector, extract the "kwd" query  
  10. // parameter. For instance :  
  11. // http://localhost:8182/search?kwd=myKeyword1+myKeyword2  
  12. // will be routed to  
  13. //  
  14. Extractor extractor = new Extractor(getContext(), redirector);  
  15. extractor.extractQuery("keywords""kwd"true);  
  17. // Attach the extractor to the router  
  18. router.attach("/search", extractor);  

Note that the Redirector needs three parameters only. The first is the parent context, the second one defines how the URI rewriting should be done, based on a URI template. This template will be processed by the Template class. The third parameter defines the type of redirection; here we chose the client redirection, for simplicity purpose.

Also, we are relying on the Route class to extract the query parameter "kwd" from the initial request while the call is routed to the application. If the parameter is found, it is copied into the request attribute named "keywords", ready to be used by the Redirector when formatting its target URIs.

11. Routers and hierarchical URIs

In addition to the Redirector, we have another tool to manage cool URIs: Routers. They are specialized Restlets that can have other Restlets (Finders and Filters for example) attached to them and that can automatically delegate calls based on a URI template. In general, you will set a Router as the root of your Application.

Here we want to explain how to handle the following URI patterns:

  1. /docs/ to display static files
  2. /users/{user} to display a user account
  3. /users/{user}/orders to display the orders of a particular user
  4. /users/{user}/orders/{order} to display a specific order

The fact that these URIs contain variable parts (between accolades) and that no file extension is used makes it harder to handle them in a typical Web container. Here, you just need to attach target Restlets to a Router using the URI template. At runtime, the route that best matches the request URI will received the call and be able to invoke its attached Restlet. At the same time, the request's attributes map will be automatically updated with the value of the URI template variables!

Call handling flow

See the implementation code below. In a real application, you will probably want to create separate subclasses instead of the anonymous ones we use here:

  1. // Create a root router  
  2. Router router = new Router(getContext());  
  4. // Attach a guard to secure access to the directory  
  5. Guard guard = new Guard(getContext(), ChallengeScheme.HTTP_BASIC,  
  6.         "Restlet tutorial");  
  7. guard.getSecrets().put("scott""tiger".toCharArray());  
  8. router.attach("/docs/", guard);  
  10. // Create a directory able to expose a hierarchy of files  
  11. Directory directory = new Directory(getContext(), ROOT_URI);  
  12. guard.setNext(directory);  
  14. // Create the account handler  
  15. Restlet account = new Restlet() {  
  16.     @Override  
  17.     public void handle(Request request, Response response) {  
  18.         // Print the requested URI path  
  19.         String message = "Account of user \""  
  20.                 + request.getAttributes().get("user") + "\"";  
  21.         response.setEntity(message, MediaType.TEXT_PLAIN);  
  22.     }  
  23. };  
  25. // Create the orders handler  
  26. Restlet orders = new Restlet(getContext()) {  
  27.     @Override  
  28.     public void handle(Request request, Response response) {  
  29.         // Print the user name of the requested orders  
  30.         String message = "Orders of user \""  
  31.                 + request.getAttributes().get("user") + "\"";  
  32.         response.setEntity(message, MediaType.TEXT_PLAIN);  
  33.     }  
  34. };  
  36. // Create the order handler  
  37. Restlet order = new Restlet(getContext()) {  
  38.     @Override  
  39.     public void handle(Request request, Response response) {  
  40.         // Print the user name of the requested orders  
  41.         String message = "Order \""  
  42.                 + request.getAttributes().get("order")  
  43.                 + "\" for user \""  
  44.                 + request.getAttributes().get("user") + "\"";  
  45.         response.setEntity(message, MediaType.TEXT_PLAIN);  
  46.     }  
  47. };  
  49. // Attach the handlers to the root router  
  50. router.attach("/users/{user}", account);  
  51. router.attach("/users/{user}/orders", orders);  
  52. router.attach("/users/{user}/orders/{order}", order);  

Note that the routing assumes that your request contains an absolute target URI that identifies a target resource. During the request processing the resource's base URI is continuously updated, for each level in the hierarchy of routers. This explains why the default behavior of routers is to match only the beginning of the remaining URI part and not the totality of it. In some cases, you might want to change this default mode, and this is easy to do via the "defaultMatchingMode" property on Router, or by modifying the "matchingMode" property of the template associated with the route created by the Router.attach() methods. For the modes, you can use the Template.MODE_EQUALS or Template.MODE_STARTS_WITH constants.

Please note that the values of the variables are directly extracted from the URI and are therefore not percent-decoded. In order to achieve such a task, have a look to the Reference#decode(String) method.

12. Reaching target Resources

In the previous example, we took advantage of the flexible routing features of the framework to route the requests while extracting interesting parts from the target URI. But, we didn't pay attention to the request method, nor to the client preferences regarding the response that he expects. Also, how do we connect our Restlet resources with the backend systems, the domain objects?

So far, we introduced features that go beyond the traditional Servlet API and introduced our support for REST that justify our Restlet name! If haven't done so already, you can learn more about the REST architecture style and the best practices to follow when applying it to a Web application. There is a related FAQ entry that will give you some starting pointers and we also maintain a REST search engine (based on Google) that can be useful. If you have some experience with a traditional MVC framework, you can read more about the relationship to Restlets in this other FAQ entry.

To summarize, a request contains an URI that identifies the target resource that is the subject of the call. This information is stored in the Request.resourceRef property and serves as the basis of the routing as we saw. So the first goal when handling a request is to find the target resource which is in the framework... an instance of the ServerResource class or more precisely one of its subclasses. To help us in this task, we can use the dedicated Finder, a subclass of Restlet, which takes a ServerResource class reference as an argument and which will automatically instantiate it when a request comes in. The resource will dynamically dispatch the call to either a matching annotated method or to a predefined method (get(), post(), put(), delete(), etc.). Of course, this behavior can be customized. There is even an attach() method on Router that can take two arguments, an URI template and a ServerResource class and that transparently creates the Finder for you. Now, let's have a look at this overall diagram, showing the relationship between the main framework classes involved in this example:

Component diagram

Back to the code, here is our refactored Application.createRoot() method. For simplicity purpose, we didn't keep the Directory serving static files as this part wouldn't change. You can notice the way that resource classes are directly attached to the router.

  1. // Create a router  
  2. Router router = new Router(getContext());  
  4. // Attach the resources to the router  
  5. router.attach("/users/{user}", UserResource.class);  
  6. router.attach("/users/{user}/orders", OrdersResource.class);  
  7. router.attach("/users/{user}/orders/{order}", OrderResource.class);  

We will finally review one of the resource classes, the UserResource class. This class derives from org.restlet.resource.ServerResource. We override the init() method to retrieve the attribute "user" that is automatically extracted from the "/users/{user}" URI template and store its value in a convenient member variable. At this point, in a full application, we would lookup our associated "user" domain object. Finally, we declare a toString() method that supports the GET method as indicated by the @Get annotation.

  1. public class UserResource extends ServerResource {  
  2.     String userName;  
  4.     Object user;  
  6.     @Override  
  7.     public void init() {  
  8.         this.userName = (String) getRequestAttributes().get("user");  
  9.         this.user = null// Could be a lookup to a domain object.  
  10.     }  
  12.     @Get  
  13.     public String toString() {  
  14.         return "Account of user \"" + this.userName + "\"";  
  15.     }  
  16. }  

You can have a look at the rest of the code in the tutorial package and test the application. You will obtain the same behavior as in Part11, with the difference that only GET requests will be accepted. If you want to enable PUT for example, you have to create a Java method in UserResource and annotate it with @Put. You can check the Javadocs for further details.


We have already covered many aspects of the framework. Before you move on by yourself, let's take a step back and look at two hierarchy diagrams showing the main concepts covered in this tutorial and their relationships:

Restlet hierarchy

Now, here is the hierarchy with the core Representation classes:

Resource and Representation hierarchy

Beside this tutorial, your best source of information will be the Javadocs available for the Restlet API, the Restlet Extensions and the Restlet. Have also a look at the connectors section that lists all available client and server connectors and explain how to use and configure them, and the integrations section for a list of all available extensions providing pluggable features such as integration with servlet containers, generation of dynamic representations, etc. You can also post your questions and help others in our discussion list.

  • We encourage you to run the examples. The full source code is available in the latest release.
  • Thanks to Jean-Paul Figer, Christian Jensen, Jim Ancona, Roger Menday, John D. Mitchell, Jérôme Bernard, Dave Pawson, Peter Murray, Alex Combs and Leonardo Maranhão for the feed-back on this tutorial.
  • Chinese translation is available via the site.





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