

l 执行备注中的代码创建测试数据表。
l 简单的数据检索: SELECT * FROM Student
l 只检索需要的列: SELECT sName FROM Student SELECT sName,sAge FROM Student
l 列别名: SELECT sName AS 姓名 , sAge AS 年龄 , sBirthday AS 出生日期 FROM Student
l 使用 where 检索符合条件的数据: SELECT sName FROM Student WHERE sSex =‘
l 还可以检索不与任何表关联的数据: select 1+1;select select getdate ();

Top  Distinct

Top 获取前几条数据
Distinct 去除重复数据
select distinct sName from student
select distinct sName,sAge from student

Select top 5 sName,sAgefrom student

Select top 30 percentsName,sAgefrom student 非四舍五入,返回最大整数2.1返回3


l SQL 聚合函数: MAX (最大值)、 MIN (最小值)、 AVG (平均值)、 SUM (和)、 COUNT (数量)
l 平均成绩 select avg ( english ) from score
l 男学生出生日期的最大值和最小值: SELECT select max( sBirthday ),min( sBirthday ) from student where sSex =' '

selectcount(*) from student;

selectmax(english) fromscore;

selectmin(english) fromscore;

selectavg(english) fromscore

selectsum(english) fromscore;

selectcount(*) from student


Select …from…where
Between…and …在之间
select sName,sAge from student where sClassId=1 or sClassId=2 or sClassId=3
select sName,sAge from student where sClassId in (1,2,3)

select studentIdfrom score whereenglish< 60

select sName,sAge,sSexfrom student wheresAge>=20 andsAge<=30 andsSex=''

select sName,sAge,sSexfrom student wheresAgebetween 20 and 30 andsSex=''

带条件的查询 - 模糊查询
Select * from student where left(sName,1)=‘张‘  看上去很美,如果改成查询名字中带亮的学生怎么做?
Select  * from student where sName like ‘张%’   会吧所有姓张的都查询到,现在我想查询姓张并且名字是一个字的学生?
Select  * from student where sName like ‘%亮%’
通配符_ 单字符匹配,它匹配单个出现的字符
[] 只匹配一个字符  并且这个字符必须是[]范围内的    [0-9]  [a-z]
数据库中,一个列如果没有指定值,那么值就为null,这个null和C#中的null,数据库中的null表示“不知道”,而不是表示没有。因此select null+1结果是null,因为“不知道”加1的结果还是“不知道”。
select * from score where english= null ;
select * from score where english!= null ;都没有任何返回结果,因为数据库也“不知道”。
SQL中使用is null、is not null来进行空值判断:select * from score where englishis null ; select* from score where english is not null ;


ORDER BY子句位于SELECT语句的末尾,它允许指定按照一个列或者多个列进行排序,还可以指定排序方式是升序(从小到大排列,ASC)还是降序(从大到小排列,DESC)。
按照年龄升序排序所有学生信息的列表:SELECT * FROM  Student ORDER BY sAgeASC
按照英语成绩从大到小排序,如果英语成绩相同则按照数学成绩从大到小排序:SELECT * FROM  Score ORDER BY english DESC,math DESC
ORDER BY子句要放到WHERE子句之后: SELECT * FROM  Score where english>=60 and math>=60 ORDER BY englishDESC,mathDESC


select 语句中可以使用group by 子句将行划分成较小的组,然后,使用聚组函数返回每一个组的汇总信息

按照班级进行分组统计各个班级的人数: select sClassId,count(sName) from student group by sClassId
GROUP BY子句必须放到WHERE语句的之后
没有出现在GROUP BY子句中的列是不能放到SELECT语句后的列名列表中的(聚合函数中除外)
错误: select sClassId,count(sName),sAge from student group by sClassId
正确: select sClassId,count(sName),avg(sAge) from student group by sClassId

可以使用having子句限制返回的结果集。group by 子句可以将查询结果分组,并返回行的汇总信息按照group by 子句中指定的表达式的值分组查询结果。

--group by


select * from student

select sClassId,count(*)from student group bysClassId

use MySchool

select * from student

select sId, sName, sAge, sNo, sBirthday, sClassId, sSex, sIntime from student 

select sName from student

select sName as '姓名',sAge as '年龄' from student
select sName '姓名',sAge '年龄' from student
select '姓名'=sName,'年龄'=sAge from student

select sName as '姓名',sAge as '年龄',sSex as '性别'
from student where sSEx='女'

select sName as '姓名',sAge as '年龄',sSex as '性别'
from student where sAge > 20

select 2*3
select getdate()

--Top Distinct
select top 2 sName,sAge,sSex from student 
order by sAge

--百分之10个学生   如果有小数位数,直接进1
select top 10 percent sName,sAge,sSex
from student

select distinct * from student

select distinct sName from student
select distinct sName,sSex,sAge from student

--聚合函数max min avg sum count
select max(english) from score
select min(english) from score
select avg(english) from score
select sum(english)/count(*) from score

select sum(english) from score
select count(sId) from student

select count(*) from student where sSex='女'

select max(english) as '最大值',min(english) as '最小值',avg(english) as '平均值'
from score

select max(sBirthday),min(sBirthday) from student

select * from student
select * from score

select studentId from score where english >= 60

select sName,sAge,sSex from student
where sAge >=20 and sAge<=30 and sSex='男'

--between....and ....
select sName,sAge,sSex from student
where sAge between 20 and 30 and sSex='男'

select * from student
where sBirthday between '1988-1-1' and '1989-12-31'

select * from student
select * from score where english between 80 and 90
--in (1,2,3)
select * from student
where sClassId = 1 or sClassId=4 or sClassId = 3

select * from student
where sClassId in (1,2,4)


select left('123',1)
select * from student where left(sName,1)='张'

select * from student where sName like '张%'
select * from student where sName like '%亮%'

select * from student where sName like '张__'

select * from student where sName like '张[飞亮]%'

alter table student
add constraint CK_Student_sPhone check (sPhone like '[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]')

insert into Student (sClassId,sName,sAge,sSex,sNo,sBirthday,sPhone) values (4,'诸葛亮',20,'男',22315678801234561,'1989-8-8','123456')

select null + 123
select * from student where sPhone is null
select * from score where english is null
select * from score where english  is not null

--order by
select top 2 * from student
order by sAge desc

select * from student
order by sName desc

select * from score
order by english asc,math desc

select * from student
where sSex='男'
order by sAge desc

--group by sClassId


--第一个问题  使用group by后,select之后的列必须出现在group by子句中或者聚合函数中
select count(*),sClassId from student 
group by sClassId

select count(sId) as '个数',sClassId from student
where sSex='男'
group by sClassId

select count(sId),sClassId,avg(sAge)
from student
group by sClassId

select count(sId),sClassId,avg(sAge)
from student
where avg(sAge) > 20
group by sClassId

--having 对分组过后的数据进行筛选(和where的作用不用)
select sClassId,avg(sAge)
from student
group by sClassId
having avg(sAge) > 20

select sClassId,count(sId)
from student
group by sClassId
having count(sId) > 5

select count(sId),sSex from student
group by sSex
select count(sId),sClassId from student
where sSex='男'
group by sClassid
select count(sId),sClassId,avg(sAge) from student
where sSex='男'
group by sClassid

select count(sId),sClassId,avg(sAge) from student
group by sClassid
having avg(sAge) < 22

--排序  去除重复数据
select tName,tSex,-1 from teacher union
select sName,sSex,sClassId from student 

--union all
select tName,tSex from teacher union all
select sName,sSex from student

select '最高成绩',max(english) from score union all
select '最低成绩',min(english) from score union all
select '平均成绩',avg(english) from score

select tName,tSalary from teacher union all
select '平均工资',avg(tSalary) from teacher union all
select '最高工资',max(tSalary) from teacher

insert into Score(studentId,english,math)
select 1,80,100 union
select 2,60,80 union
select 3,50,59 union
select 4,66,89 union
select 5,59,100

select * from score

select * into newStudent from student
select * from newStudent

truncate table newStudent
insert into newStudent select sName, sAge, sNo, sBirthday, sClassId, sSex, sIntime, sPhone from student

use MySchool

select * from student

select sId, sName, sAge, sNo, sBirthday, sClassId, sSex, sIntime from student 

select sName from student

select sName as '姓名',sAge as '年龄' from student
select sName '姓名',sAge '年龄' from student
select '姓名'=sName,'年龄'=sAge from student

select sName as '姓名',sAge as '年龄',sSex as '性别'
from student where sSEx='女'

select sName as '姓名',sAge as '年龄',sSex as '性别'
from student where sAge > 20

select 2*3
select getdate()

--Top Distinct
select top 2 sName,sAge,sSex from student 
order by sAge

--百分之10个学生   如果有小数位数,直接进1
select top 10 percent sName,sAge,sSex
from student

select distinct * from student

select distinct sName from student
select distinct sName,sSex,sAge from student

--聚合函数max min avg sum count
select max(english) from score
select min(english) from score
select avg(english) from score
select sum(english)/count(*) from score

select sum(english) from score
select count(sId) from student

select count(*) from student where sSex='女'

select max(english) as '最大值',min(english) as '最小值',avg(english) as '平均值'
from score

select max(sBirthday),min(sBirthday) from student

select * from student
select * from score

select studentId from score where english >= 60

select sName,sAge,sSex from student
where sAge >=20 and sAge<=30 and sSex='男'

--between....and ....
select sName,sAge,sSex from student
where sAge between 20 and 30 and sSex='男'

select * from student
where sBirthday between '1988-1-1' and '1989-12-31'

select * from student
select * from score where english between 80 and 90
--in (1,2,3)
select * from student
where sClassId = 1 or sClassId=4 or sClassId = 3

select * from student
where sClassId in (1,2,4)


select left('123',1)
select * from student where left(sName,1)='张'

select * from student where sName like '张%'
select * from student where sName like '%亮%'

select * from student where sName like '张__'

select * from student where sName like '张[飞亮]%'

alter table student
add constraint CK_Student_sPhone check (sPhone like '[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]')

insert into Student (sClassId,sName,sAge,sSex,sNo,sBirthday,sPhone) values (4,'诸葛亮',20,'男',22315678801234561,'1989-8-8','123456')

select null + 123
select * from student where sPhone is null
select * from score where english is null
select * from score where english  is not null

--order by
select top 2 * from student
order by sAge desc

select * from student
order by sName desc

select * from score
order by english asc,math desc

select * from student
where sSex='男'
order by sAge desc

--group by sClassId


--第一个问题  使用group by后,select之后的列必须出现在group by子句中或者聚合函数中
select count(*),sClassId from student 
group by sClassId

select count(sId) as '个数',sClassId from student
where sSex='男'
group by sClassId

select count(sId),sClassId,avg(sAge)
from student
group by sClassId

select count(sId),sClassId,avg(sAge)
from student
where avg(sAge) > 20
group by sClassId

--having 对分组过后的数据进行筛选(和where的作用不用)
select sClassId,avg(sAge) as'平均年龄'
from student
group by sClassId
having avg(sAge) > 20

select sClassId,count(sId)
from student
group by sClassId
having count(sId) > 5

select count(sId),sSex from student
group by sSex
select count(sId),sClassId from student
where sSex='男'
group by sClassid
select count(sId),sClassId,avg(sAge) from student
where sSex='男'
group by sClassid

select count(sId),sClassId,avg(sAge) from student
group by sClassid
having avg(sAge) < 22

--排序  去除重复数据
select tName,tSex,-1 from teacher union
select sName,sSex,sClassId from student 

--union all
select tName,tSex from teacher union all
select sName,sSex from student

select '最高成绩',max(english) from score union all
select '最低成绩',min(english) from score union all
select '平均成绩',avg(english) from score

select tName,tSalary from teacher union all
select '平均工资',avg(tSalary) from teacher union all
select '最高工资',max(tSalary) from teacher

insert into Score(studentId,english,math)
select 1,80,100 union
select 2,60,80 union
select 3,50,59 union
select 4,66,89 union
select 5,59,100

select * from score

select * into newStudent from student
select * from newStudent

truncate table newStudent
insert into newStudent select sName, sAge, sNo, sBirthday, sClassId, sSex, sIntime, sPhone from student

truncate table score
truncate table student
truncate table class

create database Company
use company
create table department
dId int identity(1,1) primary key,
dName nvarchar(50)
create table employee
eId int identity(1,1) primary key,
eName nvarchar(50) not null,
eSex nchar(1),
eAge int,
eSalary money,
eDepId int not null

alter table employee
add constraint FK_employee foreign key (eDepId) references department(dId)
--on delete cascade

insert into department values('财务部')
insert into department values('开发部')
insert into department values('后勤部')

insert into employee(eName,eSex,eAge,eSalary,eDepId) 
values ('淡定哥','男',18,3000,2)
insert into employee(eName,eSex,eAge,eSalary,eDepId) 
values ('小月月','女',20,4000,1)
insert into employee(eName,eSex,eAge,eSalary,eDepId) 
values ('马户','男',18,3500,1)
insert into employee(eName,eSex,eAge,eSalary,eDepId) 
values ('凤姐','女',21,2500,2)
insert into employee(eName,eSex,eAge,eSalary,eDepId) 
values ('凤,姐','女',21,2500,2)

select avg(eSalary),eDepId from employee
group by eDepId
select avg(eSalary),eDepId from employee
where eSex = '男'
group by eDepId
select avg(eSalary),eDepId from employee
group by eDepId
having avg(eSalary)   > 2000





当前余额3.43前往充值 >
领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
钱包余额 0


