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原创 codeforces--goodbye2013 --B. New Year Present

B. New Year Presenttime limit per test1 secondmemory limit per test256 megabytesinputstandard inputoutputstandard outputThe New Year is coming! That's why many people tod

2013-12-31 01:04:17 916

原创 codeforces -- goodbye2013 ---A. New Year Candles

A. New Year Candlestime limit per test1 secondmemory limit per test256 megabytesinputstandard inputoutputstandard outputVasily the Programmer loves romance, so this year

2013-12-31 00:57:38 795

原创 2013年北京师范大学新生程序设计竞赛网络赛--C. Serious

C. SeriousTime Limit: 1000msCase Time Limit: 1000msMemory Limit: 65536KB64-bit integer IO format: %lld      Java class name: MainSubmit Status PID: 34054Font Size: + -

2013-12-29 19:46:38 1024

原创 2013年北京师范大学新生程序设计竞赛网络赛--B. 阿基米德螺线

B. 阿基米德螺线Time Limit: 1000msCase Time Limit: 1000msMemory Limit: 65536KB64-bit integer IO format: %lld      Java class name: MainSubmit Status PID: 34070Font Size: + -

2013-12-29 19:17:21 1629

原创 2013年北京师范大学新生程序设计竞赛网络赛--A. 卡路里

在最近的体检中,ch0588被查出肥胖,医生强烈建议控制饮食。总所周知,卡路里是一个能量单位,常见食物的卡路里如下: 鸡蛋(72)、香蕉(105) 、啤酒(一罐153) 、燕麦片(一杯166) 、糖(一茶匙16) 、加州卷寿司(255) 、酒(5盎司123) 、微波爆米花(1袋485) 、牛油果(一个322) 。 ch0588认为每顿饭最多只能吃1500卡路里的食物

2013-12-29 19:14:25 1123

原创 2013秋13级预备队集训练习2 --H - Immediate Decodability

Immediate Decodability An encoding of a set of symbols is said to be immediately decodable if no code for one symbol is the prefix of a code for another symbol. We will assume for this pro

2013-12-27 14:57:02 788

原创 2013秋13级预备队集训练习2 --D - Artificial Intelligence?

Artificial Intelligence? Physics teachers in high school often think that problems given as text are more demanding than pure computations. After all, the pupils have to read and understand

2013-12-27 14:52:44 683

原创 2013秋13级预备队集训练习2 --C - Automatic Poetry

Problem I Automatic Poetry Input: standard inputOutput: standard outputTime Limit: 2 secondsMemory Limit: 32 MB  “Oh God”, Lara Croft exclaims, “it’s one of these dumb riddle

2013-12-27 14:50:36 705

原创 2013秋13级预备队集训练习2 --A - Palindromes

Palindromes A regular palindrome is a string of numbers or letters that is the same forward as backward. For example, the string"ABCDEDCBA" is a palindrome because it is the same when th

2013-12-27 14:49:39 634

原创 2013秋13级预备队集训练习3 -- F - Box of Bricks

Box of Bricks Little Bob likes playing with his box of bricks. He puts the bricks one upon another and builds stacks of different height. ``Look, I've built a wall!'', he tells his older s

2013-12-27 14:46:55 576

原创 2013秋13级预备队集训练习3 --E - The ? 1 ? 2 ? ... ? n = k problem

The ? 1 ? 2 ? ... ? n = k problem The problemGiven the following formula, one can set operators '+' or '-' instead of each '?', in order to obtain a given k? 1 ? 2 ? ... ? n = kFor e

2013-12-27 14:43:06 930

原创 2013秋13级预备队集训练习3 --D - Secret Research

Secret Research At a certain laboratory results of secret research are thoroughly encrypted. A result of a single experiment is stored as an information of its completion:`positive

2013-12-27 14:40:35 632

原创 2013秋13级预备队集训练习3 --C - Cube painting

Cube painting We have a machine for painting cubes. It is supplied with three different colors: blue, red and green. Each face of the cube gets one of these colors. The cube's faces are nu

2013-12-27 14:32:12 592

原创 2013秋13级预备队集训练习3--B - Ant on a Chessboard

Problem A.Ant on a Chessboard   Background  One day, an ant called Alice came to an M*M chessboard. She wanted to go around all the grids. So she began to walk along the chessboard acc

2013-12-27 14:30:35 668

原创 2013秋13级预备队集训练习3--A - Power of Cryptography

Power of Cryptography BackgroundCurrent work in cryptography involves (among other things) large prime numbers and computing powers of numbers modulo functions of these primes. Wor

2013-12-27 14:28:56 573

转载 ACM进阶与方向


2013-12-09 09:18:06 1199

原创 2013秋13级预备队集训练习1 L - Linear Cellular Automata

Linear Cellular Automata A biologist is experimenting with DNA modification of bacterial colonies being grown in a linear array of culture dishes. By changing the DNA, he is able ``program" th

2013-12-09 09:08:47 556

原创 2013秋13级预备队集训练习1 K - The Collatz Sequence

The Collatz Sequence An algorithm given by Lothar Collatz produces sequences of integers, and is described as follows:Step 1:Choose an arbitrary positive integer A as the first item in

2013-12-09 09:07:37 680

原创 2013秋13级预备队集训练习1 J - Hangman Judge

Hangman Judge In ``Hangman Judge,'' you are to write a program that judges a series of Hangman games. For each game, the answer to the puzzle is given as well as the guesses. Rules are the

2013-12-09 09:04:14 625

原创 2013秋13级预备队集训练习1 I - Triangle Wave

Triangle Wave In this problem you are to generate a triangular wave form according to a specified pair of Amplitude and Frequency.Input and OutputThe input begins with a single positiv

2013-12-09 09:03:17 930

原创 2013秋13级预备队集训练习1 H - Marvelous Mazes

Marvelous Mazes Your mission, if you decide to accept it, is to create a maze drawing program. A maze will consist of the alphabetic charactersA-Z, * (asterisk), and spaces. Input an

2013-12-09 09:02:22 597

原创 2013秋13级预备队集训练习1 G - Rotating Sentences

Rotating Sentences In ``Rotating Sentences,'' you are asked to rotate a series of input sentences 90 degrees clockwise. So instead of displaying the input sentences from left to right and

2013-12-09 09:00:10 649

原创 2013秋13级预备队集训练习1 F - Machined Surfaces

Machined Surfaces An imaging device furnishes digital images of two machined surfaces that eventually will be assembled in contact with each other. The roughness of this final contact is t

2013-12-09 08:58:30 5415

原创 2013秋13级预备队集训练习1 E - Kindergarten Counting Game

Kindergarten Counting Game Everybody sit down in a circle. Ok. Listen to me carefully. ``Woooooo, you scwewy wabbit!'' Now, could someone tell me how many words I just said? Input

2013-12-09 08:56:30 633

原创 2013秋13级预备队集训练习1 D - The Decoder

The Decoder Write a complete program that will correctly decode a set of characters into a valid message. Your program should read a given file of a simple coded set of characters and prin

2013-12-09 08:53:08 517

原创 2013秋13级预备队集训练习1 C - Ecological Premium

Problem A Ecological Premium Input: standard input Output: standard output Time Limit: 1 second Memory Limit: 32 MBGerman farmers are given a premium depending on the conditions at their f

2013-12-09 08:51:30 590

原创 2013秋13级预备队集训练习1 B - Back to High School Physics

#includeint main(){ int a , b , c ; while(scanf("%d %d", &a, &b)!=EOF) {  c = 2*a*b;  printf("%d\n", c); } return 0;}

2013-12-09 08:48:34 511

原创 2013秋13级预备队集训练习1 A - Hashmat the Brave Warrior

#includeint main(){ long long a , b , c; while(scanf("%lld %lld", &a, &b)!=EOF) {  c = a - b ;  if(c    c = -c ;  printf("%lld\n", c); }}

2013-12-09 08:47:36 576

原创 G - 凯撒密码

#include #include int main(){    int i ;    char str[81];    while(gets(str)!=NULL)    {        for(i = 0 ; str[i]!='\0' ; i++)        {            if((str[i] >='d' && str[i] = 'D'

2013-12-06 08:58:19 825

原创 D - Zhuge Liang's Password

#includeint main(){    int i , n , j , k ,  t , max , count;    int a[31][31] , b[31][31] , c[31][31];    while(scanf("%d", &n)!=EOF)    {        max = 0 ;        if(n==0) break;   

2013-12-06 08:57:43 901

原创 C-阅读顺序

#include#includeint main(){    char str[101][201] ,ch;    int i , n , j , l ;    scanf("%d", &n);    getchar();    for(i = 0 ; i         gets(str[i]);    for(i = 0 ; i     {   

2013-12-06 08:56:48 805

原创 新起点


2013-12-01 23:20:38 803



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