SAT填空基础练习题(二 含答案
1. Because of its inclination to_________, most Indian art is_________ Japanese an, where symbols have been minimized and meaning has been conveyed by the merest suggestion.
(A exaggerate...related to
(B imitate...superior to
(C understate...reminiscent of
(D overdraw...similar to
(E sentimentalize...supportive of
2. Irony can, after a fashion, become a mode of escape: to laugh at the terrors of life is in some sense to_________ them.
(A overstate (B revitalize (C corroborate (D evade (E license
3. The contract negotiations were often surprisingly_________, deteriorating at times into a welter of accusations and counter-accusations.
(A perspicacious (B phlegmatic (C sedate (D acrimonious (E propitious
4. Black religion was in part a protest movement—a protest against a system and a society that was_________ designed to_________ the dignity of a segment of God’s creation.
(A unintentionally...reflect
(B explicitly...foster
(C inevitably...assess
(D deliberately...demean
(E provocatively...enhance
5 Either the Polynesian banquets at Waikiki arc_________, or the one I visited was a poor example.
(A delicious (B impeccable (C overrated (D untasted (E unpopular
参考答案:1.C 2.D 3.D 4.D 5.C