

  Critical Reading > Sentence Completions

  Choose the word or set of words that, when inserted in the sentence, best fits the meaning of the sentence as a whole.

  1.The editor denied any knowledge of the reporter’s alleged unethical interview techniques, claiming he had been ------- her finished work but not of her journalistic practices.

  Answer Choices

  (A cognizant of

  (B wary of

  (C acknowledged by

  (D bemused by

  (E vindicated by

  2.The play, which features ------- mix of comedy, pathos, and music, was correctly described by one honest critic as a -------.

  Answer Choices

  (A a seamless . . debacle

  (B an ungainly . . hodgepodge

  (C an unfortunate . . masterpiece

  (D an inappropriate . . success

  (E a harmonious . . failure

  3.With the 1969 film The Learning Tree, Gordon Parks proved what a truly ------- artist he was: he not only directed the film and composed its musical score, but also adapted its screenplay from his own novel.

  A. complacent

  B. protean

  C. lauded

  D. clairvoyant

  E. harried

  4.According to Burgess, a novelist should not ------- , for sermonizing has no place in good fiction.

  Answer Choices

  (A invent

  (B offend

  (C inform

  (D preach

  (E distort

  5.The play, which features ------- mix of comedy, pathos, and music, was correctly described by one honest critic as a -------.

  Answer Choices

  (A a seamless . . debacle

  (B an ungainly . . hodgepodge

  (C an unfortunate . . masterpiece

  (D an inappropriate . . success

  (E a harmonious . . failure

  6.Members of the research team were initially so adversarial that ------- seemed impossible; the project's inauspicious start made its final success all the more ------- .

  Answer Choices

  (A concentration . . incidental

  (B disagreement . . incongruous

  (C collaboration . . predictable

  (D hostility . . dazzling

  (E cooperation . . remarkable

  7.According to Burgess, a novelist should not ------- , for sermonizing has no place in good fiction.

  Answer Choices

  (A invent

  (B offend

  (C inform

  (D preach

  (E distort

  8.The research is so ------- that it leaves no part of the issue unexamined.

  (A comprehensive

  (B rewarding

  (C sporadic

  (D economical

  (E problematical


  1.The correct answer is A

  To be “cognizant of” something is to be informed about or aware of it. The sentence indicates that the reporter’s interview techniques were allegedly unethical — that is, the reporter was accused of using techniques that do not conform to approved standards. If the editor was unaware of the reporter’s journalistic practices, he could plausibly deny any knowledge of — and responsibility for — her techniques, whether ethical or unethical. Therefore, it makes sense to suggest that the editor would claim that he was cognizant of only the reporter’s finished work and not her journalistic practices.

  2.The correct answer is B

  Choice (B is correct. If the play is an “ungainly,” or clumsy, mixture of different elements, an honest critic would justifiably describe it as a “hodgepodge,” or a disorganized jumble.

  3.The correct answer is B

  Choice (B is correct. The structure of the sentence indicates that the word that fills in the blank will be explained by the part of the sentence that follows the colon. We are told that Gordon Parks adapted the screenplay for The Learning Tree "from his own novel," wrote music for the film, and directed the film. Because of his involvement in several different aspects of the film, it makes sense to describe Parks as "protean," or demonstrating great variety and diversity.

  4.The correct answer is D

  Burgess believes that preaching or sermonizing is not appropriate in good fiction.





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