Hyperion planning11.1.2 LCM(官方文档)

First-Time Oracle® Hyperion Enterprise Performance Management System Lifecycle Management Migration for Oracle® Hyperion Financial Management, Fusion Edition 11.1.2 with Hyperion® Shared Services 11.1.2


This tutorial covers a first-time lifecycle management (LCM) migration for Financial Management classic applications or for Financial Management applications that are created in Oracle Hyperion Enterprise Performance Management Architect (Performance Management Architect). This LCM migration utilizes Hyperion Shared Services 11.1.2.

Time to Complete

Approximately 2 hours.


In this tutorial, you perform a first-time lifecycle management migration with a Financial Management 11.1.2 application and with Shared Services 11.1.2 from a source environment to a destination environment.

The Financial Management application consists of artifacts from various products. For example:

  • Shared Services users, groups, provisioning artifacts, and task flows
  • Performance Management Architect dimensions, Calculation Manager, data synchronization, and import profile artifacts for Financial Management applications created in Performance Management Architect
  • Financial Management artifacts
  • Financial reports

Because the artifacts for Financial Management applications span multiple products, you must migrate the artifacts from each product as it relates to the Financial Management application.


You are tasked with a first-time migration for Financial Management 11.1.2 application from a source environment to a destination environment. The 11.1.2 release is installed and configured on the source and destination environments, which utilize separate Shared Services 11.1.2 instances. Consequently, the file system will be utilized for this migration.


Before starting this tutorial, you should:


Install and configure Financial Management 11.1.2 and all related Performance Management Architect 11.1.2 products in the source and destination environments (Hyperion Shared Services, Performance Management Architect, Oracle Hyperion Financial Reporting, Fusion Edition and so on).


Ensure that the source environment contains the Financial Management application with all metadata.

3 .

Ensure that the source and destination user who is performing the LCM activities is provisioned with the following roles:

  • Shared Services LCM administrator
  • Financial Management application administrator

Exporting a Financial Management Application to the File System in the Source Environment

In this part of the tutorial, you migrate a Financial Management application to the File System.


In the source environment, log on to Shared Services as the user who is provisioned with the appropriate LCM roles.

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Navigate to Foundation > Shared Services, and select the following native directory provisioning artifacts and the task flows that are applicable to the Financial Management application:

  • Users – Native Directory users
  • Groups – Native Directory groups
  • Assigned Roles – Roles granted to users and groups through the provisioning process. You should select the roles for the associated product artifacts that pertain to the Financial Management application.

Note: You should choose the assigned roles for all products that contain artifacts for the Financial Management application.

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Navigate to the default application group, and select the Financial Management application that you want to migrate; for example, Reports.

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Click Select All to select all Financial Management application artifacts.



For Financial Management applications created in Performance Management Architect,, navigate to Foundation >EPM Architect >Application Metadata >Consolidation Applications, and select the Performance Management Architect artifacts that reside under the Financial Management application that you are migrating. In the following example, it is Reports.

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Navigate to Hyperion Reporting and Analysis and perform the following actions:

a) Expand the Repository Objects folder.

b) Select the Financial Reports folder that contains the financial reports which are associated with the Financial Management application.

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On the Selected Artifacts tab, review the set of artifacts that you selected for the migration of the Financial Management application.

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Click the Define Migration button to define the migration of the Financial Management application.



Select the first product to migrate (for example, Reporting and Analysis).

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Click Next.



On the Source Options page, select Export with job output if you want that information to be migrated.

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Click Next.



On the Destination page, enter the name of the file system folder where the Financial Reporting artifacts will be extracted.

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Click Next.



Review the Destination Options page to ensure that the parameters are correct.

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Click Next.

You are directed back to the beginning of the migration wizard so that you can define other product migrations.



Select the next application to migrate (for example, Financial Management application that you created in Performance Management Architect).

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Click Next.



Review the source options.

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Click Next.



On the Destination page, enter the name of the file system folder where the Performance Management Architect artifacts will be extracted.

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Click Next.



Review the destination options to ensure that the parameters are correct.

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Click Next.



Select the next application to migrate (for example, the Reports application).

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Click Next.



Review the source options.

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Click Next.



On the Destination page, enter the name of the file system folder where the Financial Management artifacts will be extracted.

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Click Next.



Review the destination options to ensure that the parameters are correct.

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Click Next.



Select the next application to migrate (for example, the Shared Services application).

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Click Next.



On the Source Options page, filter the user, groups, and roles as needed.

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Click Next.



On the Destination page, enter the name of the file system folder where the Shared Services artifacts will be extracted.

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Click Next



Review the destination options to ensure that the parameters are correct.

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Click Next.



Review the Migration Summary to ensure that the defined migrations are correct.

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Click Save Migration Definition.

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Click Save.

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Enter the location and name for the migration definition file, and click Save.

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On the Migration Summary page, click Execute Migration.

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The migration of the Financial Management application is executed.



Click Launch Migration Status Report.

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On the Migration Status Report page, review the status of the migration. If needed, refresh the Migration Status Report to see that the migration was completed successfully.

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Copying Artifacts for the Financial Management Application from the Source Environment to the Destination Environment

The artifacts for the source environment application that exist on the file system must be moved to the destination environment file system. You can accomplish this task by copying and pasting the artifacts, sending them through FTP, or burning them to a DVD.

The default file system location for the Life Cycle Management artifacts is on the Shared Services Web application server at c:\oracle\Middleware\user_projects\epmsystem1\common\import_export.

The artifacts must also be copied into the user directory within this file system location.

In this example, you copy and paste the artifacts within Windows Explorer.


In the source environment, navigate to Windows Explorer on the file system.

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Select Tools > Map Network Drive.

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Enter the parameters for the destination environment file system location, and clickFinish.

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Navigate to the artifacts for the source environment application. Select the folders, right-click, and selectCopy.

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Navigate to the newly mapped destination location, right-click, and select Paste.

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The database artifact folders now reside in the destination server file system location.

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Creating a Financial Management Classic Application Shell in the Destination Environment

Before migrating a Financial Management classic application, you must create the Financial Management classic application shell in the destination environment.

Before following these steps Financial Management must be installed and configured in the destination environment.

Note: For Financial Management applications that you created in Performance Management Architect, you can skip this section.


Log on to Workspace in the destination environment.

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Select Navigate > Administer > Classic Application Administration > Consolidation Administration > Create Application.

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Enter the application properties to create a Financial Management classic application shell, and clickCreate.

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Confirm that the application was successfully created.

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Importing a Financial Management Application from the File System in the Destination Environment

You have exported the artifacts for the Financial Management application from the source environment to the file system and copied the artifacts to the destination environment file system.

You now import a Financial Management application from the file system to the destination environment.


In the destination, log on to Shared Services as the user who is provisioned with the appropriate LCM roles.

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Perform one of the following actions:

  • For Financial Management applications that were created in Performance Management Architect, proceed to step 3.
  • For Financial Management classic applications, skip to step 14.

3 .

If the Financial Management application was created in Performance Management Architect, under Application Group Management navigate toFile System.

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Select the artifacts for the Performance Management Architect file system that are applicable to the Financial Management application.

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Click Define Migration.


View the Source Options page.

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Click Next.


Select the destination (in this case, Performance Management Architect).

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Click Next.


Perform the following actions:

a) In the Dimension Import Mode list, select Merge or Replace.

b) Select Deploy after Import.

c) Enter the remaining parameters to deploy the application view to a physical Financial Management application.

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Click Next.


Review the Migration Summary.

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Click Save Migration Definition.


In the File Download dialog box, click Save.

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Enter the location and the file name for the migration definition, and click Save.

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Navigate to the Migration Summary page.

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Select Execute Migration.

The migration is executed.


Click Launch Migration Status Report to view the status of the migration

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Confirm that the migration is completed.

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Click Cancel to close the Migration Status Report.


Navigate to File System, and select the Financial Management application artifacts, the Financial Management application financial reports, and the Financial Management Shared Services artifacts.

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Select the Selected Artifacts tab to view the artifacts that you selected for the migration.

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Click Define Migration.


Select the Shared Services artifacts.

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Click Next.


Review the source options.

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Click Next.


On the Destination page, select the Shared Services repository.

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Click Next.


On the Destination Options page, select the import operation type and the number of maximum errors to allow before stopping the import.

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Click Next.


Select the Financial Management artifacts.

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Click Next.


Review the source options.

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Click Next.


Select the destination Financial Management application to which you want to import the artifacts.

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Click Next


For Import Dimension Mode and Import Phased Submission Assignment mode, selectmerge orreplace. Note: If dimensions or phased submission assignments are not being imported, these options will not be considered.

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Click Next.


On the Source page, select the Financial Reports artifacts.

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Click Next.


Review the source options.

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Click Next.


On the Destination page, select the Reporting and Analysis repository.

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Click Next.


Optional: On the Destination Options page, select Exclude Job Output on Import.

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Click Next.


Review the Migration Summary.

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Click Save Migration Definition.


In the File Download dialog box, click Save.

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Enter the location and the file name for the migration definition, and clickSave.

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Navigate back to the Migration Summary page.

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Click Execute Migration.


Click Launch Migration Status Report.

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Confirm that the migration is completed.

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In this tutorial, you learned how to:

  • Export the application artifacts from your source environment to the file system
  • Copy artifacts for the Financial Management application from the source environment to the destination environment
  • For Financial Management classic applications, create a Financial Management classic application shell in the destination environment
  • Import the application artifacts from the destination environment file system to the application


  • To learn more about life cycle management, refer to the Oracle® Hyperion Enterprise Performance Management System, Release 11.1.2, Lifecycle Management Guide.
  • To learn more about Financial Management, refer to additional OBEs in the Oracle Learning Library.
第 1 章. 使用 Planning ................................................................................................................... 19 关于 Planning .............................................................................................................................. 19 Planning 功能 .............................................................................................................................. 19 关于新增功能的重要信息 ............................................................................................................... 20 Smart View .................................................................................................................................. 20 Planning Web 客户端 ................................................................................................................... 20 Performance Management Architect ............................................................................................. 20 EPM Workspace .......................................................................................................................... 20 生命周期管理 ............................................................................................................................... 21 Essbase ...................................................................................................................................... 21 Financial Reporting ...................................................................................................................... 21 Business Rules ............................................................................................................................ 22 Web Analysis ............................................................................................................................... 22 预测性规划 .................................................................................................................................. 22 第三方软件的用户许可授权 ........................................................................................................... 22 Planning 使用方案 ........................................................................................................................ 22 部署 .................................................................................................................................... 23 设置应用程序 ....................................................................................................................... 23 构建规划 .............................................................................................................................. 27 启动业务规则 ....................................................................................................................... 27 启动预算审核流程 ................................................................................................................. 28 规划后活动 .......................................................................................................................... 29 第 2 章. Planning 入门 ................................................................................................................... 31 关于 Planning 应用程序 ................................................................................................................ 31 启动 Essbase .............................................................................................................................. 32 使用 Essbase 时的注意事项 ......................................................................................................... 32 了解 Planning 表单中的隐式共享 ................................................................................................... 33 连接到 Essbase 的多个实例 ......................................................................................................... 33 启动关系数据库 ............................................................................................................................ 34 优化 SQL 关系数据库 ................................................................................................................... 34
一、系统简介 1 (一)基本概念 1 (二)登录之前进行IE安全设置 2 (三)登陆地址 3 (四)修改密码 5 (五)主要操作 6 (六)上传及查看附件的操作方法 8 二、全面预算编制及系统操作流程图 12 (一)预算编制主体范围 12 (二)全面预算编制流程 13 (三)系统操作流程图 14 (四)系统编制表单、编制时间及责任部门 14 三、系统编制操作步骤及编制说明 19 (一)YZGF01中长期战略 20 1、YZGF01001-中长期目标分解表 20 2、YZGF01002-中长期目标校验表 21 (二)YZGF00预算准备 21 1、YZGF00001-新店拓展表 21 2、YZGF00002-新店损益模型 22 3、YZGF00004-新店损益表 24 4、YZGF00006-新店投资标准 24 (三)YZGF05资本性预算 25 1、YZGF05001-新店投资预算汇总表/YZGF05002-新店投资预算表 25 2、YZGF05003-旧店改造预算汇总表/YZGF05004-旧店改造预算表 27 3、YZGF05005-经常性资本性支出预算汇总表/YZGF05006-经常性资本性支出预算表 29 (四)YZGF02预报及测算 30 1、YZGF02001-预算准备表单(预报科目) 31 2、YZGF02002-业态目标预报表(次集团汇总) 31 3、YZGF02003-零售各集团预报表(报集团) 32 4、YZGF02006-营业额测算表 34 5、YZGF02007-考核利润测算表 34 6、YZGF02008-毛利率测算表 35 7、YZGF02009-销售费用率测算表 37 8、YZGF02010-费用率测算表 37 9、YZGF02005-试算平衡表(测算数) 38 10、YZGF02004-股份公司经营责任目标汇总表 40 (五)YZGF0403费用预算 41 1、YZGF0403002-人事费用审核表/YZGF0403030-人事费用审核表-专业公司 41 2、YZGF0403019-工会经费&职工教育经费计提比例参数表 42 3、YZGF0403004-济派人员薪酬参数表(单)/YZGF0403009-济派人员福利费参数表(单) 43 4、YZGF0403003-员工人数参数表/YZGF0403031-员工人数参数表-专业公司 44 5、YZGF0403005-济派人员职工薪酬预算表/YZGF0403032-济派人员职工薪酬预算表-专业公司 45 6、YZGF0403008-济派人员福利费人数预算表/YZGF0403035-济派人员福利费人数预算表-专业公司 47 7、YZGF0403010-济派人员福利费预算表/YZGF0403036-济派人员福利费预算表-专业公司 48 8、YZGF0403006-其他人员薪酬参数表/YZGF0403033-其他人员薪酬参数表-专业公司 49 9、YZGF040301901-其他人员社保计提比例&公积金计提比例参数表 50 10、YZGF0403007-其他人员职工薪酬预算表/YZGF0403034-其他人员职工薪酬预算表-专业公司 50 11、YZGF0403011-其他人员福利费人数预算表/YZGF0403037-其他人员福利费人数预算表-专业公司 51 12、YZGF0403012-其他人员福利费参数表/YZGF0403038-其他人员福利费参数表-专业公司 52 13、YZGF0403013-其他人员福利费预算表/YZGF0403039-其他人员福利费预算表-专业公司 53 14、YZGF0403015-济派人员加班费、劳保费、驻外补贴标准参数表(单) 53 15、YZGF040301501-其他人员加班费、劳保费、驻外补贴标准参数表/YZGF0403041-其他人员加班、劳保、驻外标准参数表-专业公司 54 16、YZGF0403014-加班费、劳保费、驻外补贴人数预算表/YZGF0403040-加班费、劳保费、驻外补贴人数预算表-专业公司 55 17、YZGF0403016-加班费、工会经费及职工教育经费预算表/YZGF0403042-加班费、工会经费及职工教育经费预算表-专业公司 56 18、YZGF0403017-劳保费预算表/YZGF0403043-劳保费预算表-专业公司 57 19、YZGF0403018-驻外补贴预算表/YZGF0403044-驻外补贴预算表-专业公司 58 20、YZGF04030180-劳务费预算表 59 21、YZGF0403020-员工人数统计(报集团) 60 22、YZGF0403021-采购费用审核表/YZGF0403045-采购费用审核表-专业公司 60 23、YZGF0403026-财务及其他费用审核表/YZGF0403050-财务及其他费用审核表-专业公司 62 24、YZGF0403022-营运费用审核表/YZGF0403046-营运费用审核表-专业公司 63 25、YZGF0403024-物业费用审核表/YZGF0403048-物业费用审核表-专业公司 64 26、YZGF0403023-办公费用审核表/YZGF0403047-办公费用审核表-专业公司 65 27、YZGF0403025-信息费用审核表/YZGF0403049-信息费用审核表-专业公司 67 28、YZGF0403001-费用汇总表 67 29、YZGF0403027-费用表分月分部门/YZGF0403051-费用表分月分部门-专业公司 68 30、YZGF0403052-集团费用预算表(分月) 70 31、YZGF0403053-费用汇总提报表1/YZGF0403054-销售费用汇总提报表2/YZGF0403055-费用汇总提报表3 71 32、YZGF04030550-费用汇总提报表3-归口用 73 (六)YZGF03目标分解 73 1、YZGF03001-公司总目标表 73 2、YZGF03002-业态目标分解表 74 3、YZGF03003-业态目标分解表(分月)-报集团 75 4、YZGF0300402-超市门店目标分解表(分区域) 76 5、YZGF03005-超市、百货目标分解表 76 6、YZGF03009-配送中心目标分解表 77 (七)YZGF0401收入预算 78 1、YZGF0401019-其他业务收支预算编制表 78 2、YZGF0401022-代扣税收入预算编制表 79 3、YZGF0401021-增值税折算率表 80 4、YZGF0401023-销售毛利率辅助分解表 81 5、YZGF0401001-超市门店收入预算 82 6、YZGF0401012-配送中心收入预算 82 7、YZGF0401014-绿色食品收入预算 83 8、YZGF0401018-某某食品门店收入预算 84 9、YZGF0401020-营业外收支预算编制表 85 (八)YZGF06财务预算 85 1、YZGF06001-超市、百货门店经营责任目标预算汇总表 85 2、YZGF06008-企业所得税预算编制表 87 3、YZGF06013-附加税率参数表 87 4、YZGF06007-应交税金及附加预算编制表 88 5、YZGF06009-长期投资预算表 89 6、YZGF06010-投资收益预算表 90 7、YZGF06011-对外筹资预算表 91 8、YZGF06012-资金成本预算表 91 9、YZGF06003-利润预算表 92 10、YZGF06004-现金流量预算表 94 11、YZGF06002-资产负债预算表 97 12、YZGF06014-零售业主要业务预算表 99 13、YZGF06016-其他业务预算表 100 14、YZGF06020-内部单位抵销损益预算表 100 15、YZGF06019-内部单位抵销资产负债预算表 101 16、YZGF06006-利润预算表-合并版 102 17、YZGF06005-资产负债预算表-合并版 102 18、YZGF06017-次集团对各门店考核指标预算表 103 19、报集团财务预算表 105 (九)YZGF07KPI指标预算 112 1、YZGF07001-超市、百货门店单店KPI 112 2、YZGF07009-配送中心业态KPI 115 3、YZGF07010-各专业公司KPI 116 4、YZGF07011-超市、百货KPI 117 (十)其他注意事项 117
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