[morals is a way to success]How to know a float number is equal to another

        Just now, I had a test about C programming language. But I was so sad to say that I debug an easy question for more than one hour.

        It blames to me. I haven't went to the C class to learn the class for the whole semester. So , I didn't receive the warning which the teacher told us.

        But now, I know it. And this thing encourages me to read the book I bought to learn C in a deep way.

        Now, I want to record the morals I learned and at the same time, I'll learn the algorithm.

        This is the first passage about the morals.

        I want to say that , when we meet the float number, we have to be more cautious about it. 

1、When we compare a float number to another, We cant use "==".(当我们比较两个浮点数的时候,一定不要使用“==”)

         Because of the particularity of the storage of a float, there are always a small deviation between the two float numbers.At this time, If we use "==" to judge that the left float number is equal to the right one, There will be an error. Because the "==" can only show complete equality, can't allow even a small deviation.


        So we must find another way to solve this trouble. 

        Usually, We use "fab(a-b)<1e-6"  to judge the two float number is equal or not. It allows a small deviation between the two numbers.


                 通常,我们通过判断 a-b的绝对值是否小于0.000001 来判断两个浮点数是否相等。这样,就允许出现一些误差。)

2、Amazing float number(神奇的浮点数)

        Here is a small question: what does this sentence "printf("%f",10/3);" finally output? 

       (这有一个问题:“语句 "printf("%f",10/3);" 将输出什么?”)

        You may say : " Of course 3.333333." . If your answer is it, congratulations to you, You are completely wrong. 

        Then you may say "Perhaps it's 3.000000?". Congratulations to you, too . You are also wrong.

        What is it finally output? The answer may be amazing. "The right answer is 0.000000.".




        Why do we get such an amazing answer?  Let's see.


        First, "10/3" is an int , It equals to "3". So the sentence is the same as "printf("%f",3);".


        Second, "%f" is a signal to the computer to suggest the computer to explain the number as the floating point representation. And "3"is stored in the memory as "000000000000000000000011",  If we use the floating point representation to explain it, we will get a very small number, But float can only output six number after the point. So, we get "0.000000".

         (其次,”%f“ 告诉计算机用浮点数表示法来解释后面的数,而3在内存中存储的数为000000000000000000000011 如果我们用浮点数表示法去解释它,我们将得到一个非常非常小的数,但是浮点数只能输出小数点后6位的有效数字,所以我们得到了0.000000。)






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