论文标题:Hybrid Code Networks: practical and efficient end-to-end dialog control
with supervised and reinforcement learning
作者:Jason D. Williams_Microsoft Research_email:jason.williams@microsoft.com
Kavosh Asadi_Brown University_email:kavosh@brown.edu
Geoffrey Zweig∗_Microsoft Research_email:g2zweig@gmail.com
简评:提出特定领域的对话系统,在有限数据下的强化学习。所谓的Hybrid Code就我个人理解,是将多种语句理解编码方式混合使用再加上特定领域的命名实体以及动作模板,最后加权对语句进行编码,从而做到对特定领域的针对性,所以该方法如果放到全领域可能会因为数据量过大而失效(毕竟全领域的命名实体和动作响应机制数据量过于庞大而且容易出现奇异)。
ps:该篇是对End-to-end LSTM-based dialog control optimized with supervised and reinforcement learning进行了一些新的改进。
1. Introduction
This paper presents a model for end-to-end learning, called Hybrid Code Networks (HCNs) which addresses these problems. In addition to learning an RNN, HCNs also allow a developer to express domain knowledge via software and action templates. Experiments show that, compared to existing recurrent end-to-end techniques, HCNs achieve the same performance with considerably less training data, while retaining the key benefit of end-to-end trainability. Moreover, the neural network can be trained with supervised learning or reinforcement learning, by changing the gradient update applied.
2. Model description
Figure 1: Operational loop. Trapezoids refer to programmatic code provided by the software developer,and shaded boxes are trainable components. Vertical bars under “6” represent concatenated vectorswhich form the input to the RNN.
1.a recurrent neural network;递归神经网络
2.domain-specific software; 特定领域的软件(例如图中的WeatherBot)
3.domain-specific action templates;特定领域动作模板
4.a conventional entity extraction module for identifying entity mentions in text.用于识别文本中实体引用的常规实体抽取模块
- 用户输入指令(2-5步将其信息特征化)
- 特征化输入信息,形成bag of words vector
- 预先设计好的话语嵌入模型(utterance embedding)
- 命名实体识别(exp:识别姓名,地名等)
- 实体跟踪,映射实体到数据库中的特定行
- 将1-5整合成一个特征向量(使用LSTM或GRU)
- RNN计算隐藏层向量
- 由RNN保留
- 通过一个 a dense layer with a softmax activation,输出不同模型的指令(细节在4-6部分)
- 归一化函数
- 产生不同行动的概率分布
- 选择执行哪一动作
- 接下来选定的操作传递给“实体输出”开发者代码,可以在实体中进行替换,比如特定指令
- 根据动作的类型控制分支:转到15 or 17
- 如果它是API操作,则调用开发代码中的相应API调用
- 添加向量,返回特征向量(第6步)
- 如果该动作是文本,则将其呈现给用户
3.Related work
通常有两个进行机器学习的思路应用到对话控制(dialog control)。
将对话系统分解成管道(a pipeline):语言理解language understanding, 对话状态跟踪dialog state tracking, 行动选择策略action selection policy, 语言生成language generation