1. 连接服务器,就好像打开QQ软件,看代码:
- if(!mXmppManager.isConnected()) {
- ConnectionConfiguration config = new ConnectionConfiguration(mHost, mPort);
- config.setSecurityMode(SecurityMode.required);
- config.setSASLAuthenticationEnabled(false);
- config.setCompressionEnabled(false);
- XMPPConnection connection = new XMPPConnection(config);
- mXmppManager.setConnection(connection);
- try {
- connection.connect();
- Log.i(LOGTAG, "XMPP connected successfully");
- /**
- * 这个就是对于通信的xml文本进行解析的解析器,再把信息转换成IQ,这个相当于QQ的聊天信息
- * 如果要用这个协议,其IQ的子类和IQProvider要进行重写
- */
- ProviderManager.getInstance().addIQProvider("notification",
- "androidpn:iq:notification",
- new NotificationIQProvider());
- } catch (XMPPException e) {
- Log.d(LOGTAG, "the connection is error ... ");
- }
- mXmppManager.runTask();
- } else {
- Log.i(LOGTAG, "XMPP connected already");
- mXmppManager.runTask();
- }
2. 如果没有用户,注册新的帐号和密码
- if(!mXmppManager.isRegistered()){
- final String newUsername = newRandomUUID();
- final String newPassword = newRandomUUID();
- Registration registration = new Registration();
- PacketFilter packetFilter = new AndFilter(new PacketIDFilter(
- registration.getPacketID()), new PacketTypeFilter(
- IQ.class));
- PacketListener packetListener = new PacketListener() {
- @Override
- public void processPacket(Packet packet) {
- // 服务器回复客户端
- if(packet instanceof IQ) {
- IQ response = (IQ) packet;
- if(response.getType() == IQ.Type.ERROR) { // 注册失败
- if (!response.getError().toString().contains(
- "409")) {
- Log.e(LOGTAG,"Unknown error while registering XMPP account! " + response.getError().getCondition());
- }
- } else if(response.getType() == IQ.Type.RESULT) { // 注册成功
- mXmppManager.setUsername(newUsername);
- mXmppManager.setPassword(newPassword);
- // 把用户名和密码都保存到磁盘
- Editor editor = mSharedPrefs.edit();
- editor.putString(Contants.XMPP_USERNAME, newUsername);
- editor.putString(Contants.XMPP_PASSWORD, newPassword);
- editor.commit();
- mXmppManager.runTask();
- }
- }
- }
- };
- // 给注册的Packet设置Listener,因为只有等到正真注册成功后,我们才可以交流
- mConnection.addPacketListener(packetListener, packetFilter);
- registration.setType(IQ.Type.SET);
- registration.addAttribute("username", newUsername);
- registration.addAttribute("password", newPassword);
- // 向服务器端,发送注册Packet包,注意其中Registration是Packet的子类
- mConnection.sendPacket(registration);
- } else { // 已经注册过了
- mXmppManager.runTask();
- }
3. 用注册的帐号和密码进行登陆(像用QQ号帐进行登陆一样)
- // 判断是否已经登陆过了,是否是在登陆状态
- if(!mXmppManager.isAuthenticated()) {
- try {
- mConnection.login(mUsername, mPassword, "AndroidpnClient");
- // 设置XmppConnection的监听器
- if(mXmppManager.getConnectionListener() != null) {
- mConnection.addConnectionListener(mXmppManager.getConnectionListener());
- }
- // 设置服务器端推送的监听器
- PacketFilter packetFilter = new PacketTypeFilter(NotificationIQ.class);
- PacketListener packetListener = mXmppManager.getNotificationPacketListener();
- mConnection.addPacketListener(packetListener, packetFilter);
- mXmppManager.runTask();
- } catch (XMPPException e) {
- // 登陆失败,应该重试
- String errorMessage = e.getMessage();
- // 如果只是因为没有注册,则进行重新注册
- if (errorMessage != null && errorMessage.contains(INVALID_CREDENTIALS_ERROR_CODE)) {
- mXmppManager.reregisterAccount();
- return;
- }
- mXmppManager.startReconnectionThread();
- } catch (Exception e) { // 有可能mConnection都为空
- Log.e(LOGTAG, "LoginTask.run()... other error");
- Log.e(LOGTAG, "Failed to login to xmpp server. Caused by: " + e.getMessage());
- mXmppManager.startReconnectionThread(); // 启动重连线程
- }
- } else {
- mXmppManager.runTask();
- }
对于服务器push过来的信息进行处理,是在PacketListener类里面,这个接口里,只要实现一个方法processPacket(Packet packet),从传过来的Packet(数据包)里获取自己需要的数据:
- public void processPacket(Packet packet) {
- if(packet instanceof NotificationIQ) {
- NotificationIQ notification = (NotificationIQ) packet;
- if(notification.getChildElementXML().contains("androidpn:iq:notification")) {
- String notificationId = notification.getId();
- String notificationApiKey = notification.getApiKey();
- String notificationTitle = notification.getTitle();
- String notificationMessage = notification.getMessage();
- String notificationUri = notification.getUri();
- Intent intent = new Intent(Contants.ACTION_SHOW_NOTIFICATION);
- intent.putExtra(Contants.NOTIFICATION_ID, notificationId);
- intent.putExtra(Contants.NOTIFICATION_API_KEY,notificationApiKey);
- intent.putExtra(Contants.NOTIFICATION_TITLE,notificationTitle);
- intent.putExtra(Contants.NOTIFICATION_MESSAGE, notificationMessage);
- intent.putExtra(Contants.NOTIFICATION_URI, notificationUri);
- mXmppManager.getContext().sendBroadcast(intent);
- }
- }
- }