
ll young programmers out there already aware by now, if they want to survive for years to come then they should prepare themselves for the waves of mobile application trends.

with the successful campaign of strings mobile phone, iPhone, Blackberry and Android, the future of web technology is destined for mobile applications.

so if you still got those learning bones in you, here are some of open source mobile application framework you can you use to help build your application on mobile devices.

1. Open Mobile

Open mobile IS is an open source project (GNU LGPL license) that aims to provide all the necessary tools, API and documents enabling effective nomad applications development. Heart of the project, the java framework is divided into components providing all the needed functionalities. The framework is developed in Java and is compatible with Java JDK 1.1.

2. PhoneGap

Recognized as a game-changer for mobile app development. The open source code has been downloaded more than 200,000 times and hundreds of apps built using PhoneGap are available in mobile app stores and directories. In 2009, PhoneGap was named by InfoWorld as a top emerging enterprise technology in the category “cross-platform mobile app development”.

The cross platform includes for iPhone, Blackberry, Android, Symbian and Palm.

3. Rhodes Mobile

Rhodes is an open source framework to rapidly build native apps for all major smartphone operating systems (iPhone, Windows Mobile, RIM, Symbian and Android). Write your code once and immediately build apps for every major smartphone. These are true native device applications which work with synchronized local data and take advantage of device capabilities such as GPS, PIM contacts and camera.

4. Appcelerator Titanium Development Platform

A free and open source application development platform, Titanium lets you create native mobile, tablet and desktop application experiences using existing web skills like Javascript, HTML, CSS, Python, Ruby, and PHP.

5. iPFaces

iPFaces is an open source framework developed by Edhouse for simple creation of native application for iPhone, iPod Touch, iPad, BlackBerry and devices with Mobile Java (J2ME). iPfaces is the framework for simple creation of native, form-oriented network applications for mobile devices. The aim of the solution is to screen the programmer completely out from the mobile platform itself, and transfer the entire application logic to central application server level.

6. JQTouch

A jQuery plugin for mobile web development on the iPhone, iPod Touch, and other forward-thinking devices. This is probably a jquery programmer dream platform as they are already familiar with years of playing around with one of the most famous javascript framework.

7. JoHTML5 Mobile App

Jo is a JavaScript framework for HTML5 capable browsers and devices. It was originally designed to work on mobile platforms as a GUI and light data layer on top of PhoneGap. Since its creation, Jo has also been tested successfully as a lightweight framework for mobile browsers, newer desktop browsers, and even Dashboard widgets.

8. ZK

ZK is the most proven Ajax + Mobile framework designed to maximize enterprise operation efficiency and minimize the development cost by its groundbreaking Direct RIA architecture.

9. Sencha

Sencha Touch is the world’s first app framework built specifically to leverage HTML5, CSS3, and Javascript for the highest level of power, flexibility, and optimization. We make specific use of HTML5 to deliver components like audio and video, as well as a localStorage proxy for saving data offline. We have made extensive use of CSS3 in our stylesheets to provide the most robust styling layer possible.

10. iPhone, Andoid Framework

Of course you always use directly from the source itself. iPhone and Android already have platform you can use to build the apps.





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