Virtools脚本语言(VSL)教程 - 值、类型与变量

<li>字符,如"Virtools,The Behavior Company"</li>
<a name="TOC-2"></a>类型</h3>
<p>VSL是一种类型化的语言,这意味着如我们所知的在编译时(compilation time)每个变量和每个表达式都带有类型。类型决定了运算的意义;强类型可以帮助在编译时检查错误。</p>
<li>C++ 类/结构类型</li>
<table border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="1"><tbody>
<td valign="top"><strong>类型</strong></td>
<td valign="top"><strong>内容</strong></td>
<td valign="top"><strong>大小</strong></td>
<td valign="top">
<td valign="top">bool</td>
<td valign="top">bool类型是一种整数类型。它用两个可能的值(用true或false来表示)代表逻辑数</td>
<td valign="top">4 Bytes</td>
<td valign="top">true 或false (0 or 1)</td>
<td valign="top">char</td>
<td valign="top">char类型也是一种整数类型,通常包含了ASCII字符集成员的执行。</td>
<td valign="top">4 Bytes</td>
<td valign="top">-128 to 127</td>
<td valign="top">int</td>
<td valign="top">int类型也是一种整数类型。等价于C/C++中的无符号的int类型。</td>
<td valign="top">4 Bytes</td>
<td valign="top">?147483647? to 2147483647</td>
<td valign="top">float</td>
<td valign="top">float类型是一种浮点数类型。等价于C/C++中的float类型。</td>
<td valign="top">4 Bytes</td>
<td valign="top">-3.402823466e+38F to 3.402823466e+38F</td>
<td valign="top">str</td>
<td valign="top">str类型等价于C/C+中的char*类型。</td>
<td valign="top">4 Bytes</td>
<td valign="top">-</td>
<pre>struct Car<br>{<br> Entity3D entity;<br> Vector direction;<br> float gaz;<br>};
<p>VSL来源于很多Virtools SDK中的约束类(bound classes)。大多数情况下,类的名称从Virtools SDK到VSL会发生改变。对于Virtools SDK用户来说,CK3dEntity是熟知的一个类,但到了VSL它的名字就变为"Entity3D"了。</p>
<a name="TOC-3"></a>变量</h3>
<p>变量是一个存储单元,且带有一个相关联的类型,可能是基本类型、VSL结构或C/C++类。变量总是包含一个和它的类型相兼容的所赋的值。变量值通过赋值或前缀式或后缀式 ++ / --运算符来进行改变。</p>
<pre><span>// Declare an integer variable named "i"</span>
int i;<br><span>// Declare an array of 123 float named "table"</span>
float table[123];<br><span>// Declare a Vector variable named "speed", initialized with values 1.0, 2.0 and 3.0</span>
Vector speed(1.0,2.0,3.0);<br><span>// Declare a variable referencing an Entity3D</span>
Entity3D bird;

<a name="TOC-4"></a>变量范围</h3>
<pre>void foo(int a) <span>// start of the function foo scope</span>
if (a) <span>// start of if scope</span>

} <span>// end of if scope</span>
} <span>// end of the function foo scope</span>

<pre>float angle; <span>// Declaring a global variable</span>

void foo()
angle = 0.01; <span>// ok</span>

void foo2(int a)
angle = a*180/P; <span>// error, P is not yet declared</span>
float P = 3.14159;

if (a) <span>// ok</span>
float angle2 = 360-angle; <span>// ok</span>
bc.OutputToConsole(angle2); <span>// it doesn't exist outside of the scope of the enclosing braces {...}<br></span>

<a name="TOC-5"></a>静态与共享全局变量</h3>
<pre>shared int a; <span>// a is a shared global variable</span>
static float b; <span>// b is a static global variable</span>

void main()
shared int i;<span>// i is not a shared variable (shared keyword is ignored)</span>
static float j;<span>// j is not a static variable (static keyword is ignored)</span>
<span>// ...</span>

<pre>shared int a = 0; <span>// error</span>
static Vector v(1.0,2.0,3.0); <span>// error</span>

void main()
static int b = 0; <span>// Not an error because static keyword is ignored</span>
shared Vector w(-1,0,0); <span>// Not an error because shared keyword is ignored</span>
<span>// ...</span>

<pre><span>// ...</span>
static int a;

void main()
if (iIn1) { <span>// iIn1 is a boolean global variable</span>
a = 0;
} else {

<pre><span>// First script</span>
shared Vector pos;

void main()

<pre><span>// Second script</span>
shared Vector pos;<span> // the second script also declares pos as a shared Vector</span>

void main()
Vector test(0,1,0.5)
if (pos == test) {
<span>// ...</span>

<p>如果我们在第二个脚本执行了第一个脚本,pos的值是 {0,1,0.5} ,所以在第二个脚本中条件 pos == test 为true。</p>
<a name="TOC-6"></a>变量名</h3>
<table style="width: 276px;" border="0" cellpadding="10"><tbody><tr valign="top">
<td width="8%">main<br>int<br>short<br>float<br>char<br>while<br>do<br>bool</td>
<td width="12%">if<br>for<br>then<br>else<br>true<br>false<br>TRUE<br>FALSE</td>
<td width="14%" valign="top">NULL<br>null<br>struct<br>class<br>enum<br>extern<br>shared<br>static<br>
<td width="66%" valign="top">
<pre>void foo(int a)<br>{<br> bc.OutputToConsole(pi); <span>// print 3.14159 (pi is a constant in VSL)</span>

float pi = 1.0;

if (a)
float pi = 0.5;
bc.OutputToConsole(pi); <span>// print 0.5</span>

bc.OutputToConsole(pi); <span>// print 1.0</span>

<pre>enum Const<br>{<br> pi,<br> epsilon,<br> maxint,<br>};<br><br>
void foo(int a)
bc.OutputToConsole(pi); <span>// print 0</span>

float pi = 1.0;

if (a)
float pi = 0.5;
bc.OutputToConsole(pi); <span>// print 0.5</span>

bc.OutputToConsole(pi); <span>// print 1.0</span>




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