2019/7/8_ 基因组视角下海绵和共生微生物的关系(lab paper 2012)

title: Genomic insights into the marine sponge microbiome


Marine sponges (phylum Porifera) often contain dense and diverse microbial communities, which can constitute up to 35% of the sponge biomass. These microorganisms can constitute up to 35% of the total sponge biomass and are found at densities exceeding 109 microbial cells per cubic centimetre of sponge tissue (3–4 orders of magnitude greater than the density in the surrounding sea water). 在每立方厘米的海绵组织中占据109个微生物细胞,这大概多于周围海水里3/4个数量级的密度。

Most sponge associated microorganisms inhabit the mesohyl tissue, an extracellular matrix that is populated by sponge cells and
constitutes most of the sponge body.
The mesohyl presents a conundrum: it is both the site of digestion of microorganisms (which can be food particles) and, in many
sponges, the home for extensive communities of symbiotic microorganisms.

How do these symbionts avoid being digested?

Feeding studies have revealed that putative symbionts which are ingested by their hosts pass through the host unscathed, whereas ingested nonsymbiont bacteria are generally consumed
可能共生菌产生了粘液胶囊使自己被海绵的识别系统所忽视, 从而免于被消化。

Sponges also have a surprisingly well-developed innate immune system and produce a wide range of antimicrobial compounds, a factor that adds to their complexity as a habitat for microorganisms.

microbial symbionts of sponges enjoy some benefits, including a stable nutrient supply as a result of the filter-feeding activities of the animal, as well as a supply of the scarce element nitrogen, which is excreted by the sponge in the form of ammonia as a metabolic end product.

Body plan and underwater images of marine sponges. a | A schematic overview of a typical demosponge. b | An enlargement of the internal structure of a typical demosponge.

with no aposymbiotic phase 很多生物的共生菌都是垂直传播的,整个生命体过程中不会有无菌阶段。而有一些海洋生物本来是无菌的,但是从海水中得到一些特殊的细菌从而使动物具有特殊的功能。 我们的海绵是这两种结合的,海绵的共生菌既有从海水里得到的,也有从母系遗传来的。


the genome of A. queenslandica encodes core components of the RNAi pathway, which is known to target invading viral RNA。

As a result of their sessile marine filter-feeding lifestyle, sponges are continuously challenged to differentiate between and respond appropriately to beneficial microorganisms — both food sources destined for ingestion and symbionts destined for retention — and harmful pathogens. This challenge is met primarily by the innate immune system, which was discovered in sponges more than a century ago.

Sponges are among the richest known sources of biologically active secondary metabolites and have yielded more compounds than any other group of marine organisms. 

海绵碳代谢,氮代谢, 共生作用,免疫, 化学作用(代谢产物)。








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