Scanner vs. StringTokenizer vs. String.Split

They're essentially horses for courses.

  • Scanner is designed for cases where you need to parse a string, pulling out data of different types. It's very flexible, but arguably doesn't give you the simplest API for simply getting an array of strings delimited by a particular expression.

  • String.split() and Pattern.split() give you an easy syntax for doing the latter, but that's essentially all that they do. If you want to parse the resulting strings, or change the delimiter halfway through depending on a particular token, they won't help you with that.

  • StringTokenizer is even more restrictive than String.split(), and also a bit fiddlier to use. It is essentially designed for pulling out tokens delimited by fixed substrings. Because of this restriction, it's about twice as fast as String.split(). It also predates the regular expressions API, of which String.split() is a part.

You'll note from my timings that String.split() can still tokenize thousands of strings in a few milliseconds on a typical machine. In addition, it has the advantage over StringTokenizer that it gives you the output as a string array, which is usually what you want. Using an Enumeration, as provided by StringTokenizer, is too "syntactically fussy" most of the time. From this point of view,StringTokenizer is a bit of a waste of space nowadays, and you may as well just useString.split().

As noted in our introduction to the String.split() method, the latter is around twice as slow as a bog-standard StringTokenizer, although it is more flexible.

Compiling the pattern

Using String.split() is convenient as you can tokenise and get the result in a single line. But it is sub-optimal in that it must recompile the regular expression each time. A possible gain is to compile the pattern once, then call Pattern.split():

Pattern p = Pattern.compile("\\s+");
String[] toks = p.split(str);

However, the benefit of compiling the pattern becomes marginal the more tokens there are in the string being tokenised. The graph below shows the time taken on one test system (2GHz Pentium running JDK 1.6.0 under Windows) to tokenise 10,000 random strings consisting of between 1 and 19 5-character tokens separated by a single space1.

Now, what these results highlight is that whatever method you use, there's also no need to panic unless you're doing a lot of tokenisation: even the fairly extreme case of tokenising 10,000 19-token strings took just 60 milliseconds. However, if you are doing a serious amount of tokenising (for example, in some of my corpus linguistics work, I frequently process corpora consisting of millions of words and occasionally shaving time off the "nuts and bolts" of parsing can be useful), then the good old StringTokenizer may still be worth using for performance reasons. If you can cope with its restrictions, of course. The results above suggest that compiling the pattern is comparatively most beneficial if you are tokenising a large number of strings each with few tokens.






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