


? Chapter 1. 引言

? 什么是Kickstart安装?



Fedora安装指南(http://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/index.html) 中有关于kickstart的详细说明。

? 如何使用kickstart进行系统安装?



  1. 创建一个kickstart文件
  2. 创建一个带有kickstart文件的启动磁盘,或者让kickstart可以通过网络访问
  3. 使能安装树
  4. 开始kickstart安装


? 创建Kickstart文件

kickstart文件是一个简单的文本文件,它包含了一个项目列表,列表中的每一个项目都有一个关键字用来识别。你可以通过Kickstart Configurator程序来生成kickstart文件,也可以手动编辑。Fedora或者红帽企业版Linux安装程序已经根据你在安装过程中的选择创建了一个简单的kickstart文件。它就是/root/anaconda-ks.cfg。你应该可以使用能够识别ASCII编码的文本编辑器或文字处理软件来编辑它。


  • 有一条并不严格的要求,kickstart文件中各部分(section)要遵循一定的顺序。每个部分中的项(Item)并不需要按照一定的顺序排列,除非有其他要求。各部分的顺序如下:
    1. 命令部分 -- (参考第二章节)列出的kickstart选项(option),必须包含要求的选项。
    2. %packages部分 -- 详细内容参见第三章节。
    3. %pre, %post, 以及%traceback部分 -- 这些部分的顺序可以任意排列,更详细的内容请参考第四和第五章节。
  • %packages, %pre, %post以及%traceback部分需要以%end结束。
  • 不要求的项(Item)可以被省略。
  • 省略任何一个被要求的项将会导致安装程序向用户询问相关的问题,就像典型安装过程向用户询问那样。一旦用户给出了答案,安装过程将会继续自动进行,除非又遇到缺失的项。
  • 以(#)开头的行作为注释行被忽略。
  • 如果在kickstart安装中使用了不推荐的命令、选项或者语法,警告日志将会被记录到anaconda日志中。因为在一个或者两个发行版之间这些不推荐的项经常会被删掉,所以检查安装日志以确保没有使用这些项非常必要。当使用ksvalidator的时候,这些不推荐的项会导致错误。

? 引用磁盘的特殊说明

传统上,Kickstart一直通过设备节点名(例如 sda)来引用磁盘。Linux内核采用了更加动态的方法,设备名并不会在重启时保持不变。因此,这会使得在Kickstart脚本中引用磁盘变得复杂。为了满足稳定的设备命名,你可以在项(Item)中使用/dev/disk代替设备名。例如,你可以使用:

part / --fstype=ext4 --onpart=/dev/disk/by-path/pci-0000:00:05.0-scsi-0:0:0:0-part1
part / --fstype=ext4 --onpart=/dev/disk/by-id/ata-ST3160815AS_6RA0C882-part1


part / --fstype=ext4 --onpart=sda1

这种方式提供了对磁盘的持久引用,因而比仅仅使用sda更加有意义。 这在大的存储环境中特别有意义。


ignoredisk --drives=sdaa,sdab,sdac


ignoredisk --drives=/dev/disk/by-path/pci-0000:00:05.0-scsi-*

最后,如果想要在任何地方引用已经存在的分区或者文件系统(例如,在part --ondisk=中),你可以通过文件系统标签(label)或者UUID来进行。例如:

part /data --ondisk=LABEL=data
part /misc --ondisk=UUID=819ff6de-0bd6-4bf4-8b72-dbe41033a85b

? Chapter 2. Kickstart选项

如下的选项可以放到kickstart文件中。如果你喜欢图形化的接口,可以使用Kickstart Configurator程序。

Stop (medium size).png

如果选项后接等号(=),等号后面必须指定选项的值。 在示例命令中, [方括号]中的选项是可选的。

Stop (medium size).png

pykickstart处理命令参数的方式和shell相似。 如果一个参数列表(多个参数)传进来,这些参数必须以逗号隔开,并且不能有多余的空格。 如果参数列表需要多余的空格,那么整个参数列表就要用双引号括起来。如果引号、空格或者其他特殊字符需要被加入到参数列表,必须将它们进行转义。

? auth 或者 authconfig(必需)



? autopart


Stop (medium size).png

autopart命令不能和part/partitionraidvolgroup 或者 logvol 命令存在与同一kickstart文件里。


选择自动分区机制。必须是lvm, btrfs, plain, thinp中的一个。Plain意味着常规分区,没有btrfs和lvm.








只在 --escrowcert指定时有效。除了存储数据密钥之外,在所有安装过程中产生的加密卷中加入随机生成的密码。然后在/root目录下以文件的形式存储这些使用--escrowcert指定的认证加密过的密码。(每个加密卷对应一个文件)



? autostep




? bootloader(必需)



从Fedora16开始,包含GPT/GUID的磁盘必须有一个bios引导分区,用来安装引导程序。该分区必须用kickstart选项part biosboot --fstype=biosboot --size=1创建。然而,如果一个磁盘已经有了bisoboot分区,就没有必要使用"part biosboot"了。


指定内核参数。引导程序默认的参数是"rhgb quiet"。无论--append的参数是什么,或者你把--append完全遗漏了,你都会得到这个参数。例如:

bootloader --location=mbr --append="hdd=ide-scsi ide=nodma"







bootloader --driveorder=sda,hda




如果使用了GRUB,设置GRUB引导程序的密码。该密码用于访问GRUB shell。(在GRUB shell中可以传递任意内核参数)











? btrfs




btrfs <mntpoint> --data=<level> --metadata=<level> --label=<label> <partitions*>


btrfs <mntpoint> --subvol --name=<path> <parent>





文件系统数据使用的RAID级别(0, 1, 10)。该选项对于子卷没有意义。


文件系统/卷的元数据使用的RAID级别(0, 1, 10)。可选。该选项对于子卷没有意义。








part btrfs.01 --size=6000 --ondisk=sda
part btrfs.02 --size=6000 --ondisk=sdb
part btrfs.03 --size=6000 --ondisk=sdc

btrfs none --data=0 --metadata=1 --label=f17 btrfs.01 btrfs.02 btrfs.03
btrfs / --subvol --name=root LABEL=f17
btrfs /home --subvol --name=home f17

? clearpart


Stop (medium size).png






clearpart --all --drives=sda,sdb



clearpart --list=sda2,sda3,sdb1





--none (default)


? cmdline


? device


device <moduleName> --opts=<options>





--opts="aic152x=0x340 io=11"

? dmraid

dmraid --name= --dev=

? driverdisk

kickstart安装过程可以使用磁盘(Driver diskettes)。你需要把磁盘的内容拷贝到系统硬盘上一个分区的根目录。然后使用driverdisk命令告诉安装程序哪里可以找到磁盘内容。

driverdisk <partition>|--source=<url>|--biospart=<part>







? fcoe

? firewall


firewall --enabled|--disabled <device> [options]

--enabled or --enable


--disabled or --disable



在这里列出一个设备,比如说eth0,允许来自该设备的数据包通过防火墙。可使用--trust eth0 --trust eth1列出多个设备,而不要使用such as --trust eth0, eth1这样逗号分隔的格式。



--ssh - ssh是被默认开启的,这个选项会被忽略.






firewall --port=imap:tcp,1234:ucp,47


该选项提供一种更高级别的方式来允许服务通过防火墙。一些服务(例如 cpus, avahi,等)需要多个端口打开或者其他特殊的配置。你可以用 --port或者--service=将它们一次打开。

所有可以被firewalld包中的firewall-offline-cmd程序识别的选项都是可用的。如果firewalld正在运行, firewall-cmd --get-services将会提供一个可以识别的服务的列表。

? firstboot

决定是否在第一次启动系统后运行设置代理程序(Setup Agent)。如果使能,firstboot包必须被安装。如果没有使能,firstboot缺省是禁用的。

--enable or --enabled


--disable or --disabled




? group


group --name=<name> [--gid=<gid>]




The group's GID. If not provided, this defaults to the next available non-system GID.


? graphical


? halt


? ignoredisk


ignoredisk --drives=[disk1,disk2,...]


ignoredisk --only-use=[disk1,disk2,...]


ignoredisk --interactive


? install




? cdrom



? harddrive

harddrive [--biospart=<bios partition> | --partition=<partition>] [--dir=<directory>]








harddrive --partition=hdb2 --dir=/tmp/install-tree

? liveimg

liveimg --url=<url> [--proxy=<proxyurl>] [--checksum=<sha256>] [--noverifyssl]

安装一个磁盘镜像而不是软件包。镜像可以是Live iso上的squashfs.img,也可以是任何可以被安装介质挂载的文件系统(例如ext4)。Anaconda预期该镜像包含完成系统安装所需的实用程序。因此,创建磁盘镜像最好的方法是使用livemedia-creator。如果该镜像包含/LiveOS/*.img(这是squashfs.img的构成),LiveOS中的第一个*.img将会被挂载,并用来安装目标系统。









? nfs

nfs --server=<hostname> --dir=<directory> [--opts=<nfs options>]









nfs --server=nfsserver.example.com --dir=/tmp/install-tree

? url

url --url=<url>|--mirrorlist=<url> [--proxy=<proxy url>] [--noverifyssl]










? iscsi


iscsi --ipaddr= [options]



--ipaddr= (mandatory)
















? iscsiname


iscsiname <iqn>

? keyboard(必需)




keyboard [--vckeymap=<keymap>] [--xlayouts=<layout1>,<layout2>,...,<layoutN>] [--switch=<option1>...<optionN>] [arg]

--vckeymap 或者 --xlayouts 之一必须使用。

另外,使用旧格式arg依然会被支持。arg 可以是一个X layout或者VConsole的字符映射表文件名。





指定应该使用的X layouts的列表(用逗号分隔,无空格)。

接受和setxkbmap(1)相同的值,但使用layout格式(例如cz)或者'layout(变种)'格式(例如'cz (qwerty)')。


keyboard --xlayouts=cz,'cz (qwerty)'





keyboard --xlayouts=cz,'cz (qwerty)' --switch=grp:alt_shift_toggle


如果只知道版式的说明(如Czech (qwerty)),你可以使用http://vpodzime.fedorapeople.org/layouts_list.py 来列出所有可用的版式,然后找到你想要的一种。方括号中的字符串有效的版式规格,因为Anaconda接受它。切换选项可以用同样的方法(http://vpodzime.fedorapeople.org/switching_list.py) (两个脚本都需要安装版本为>= 5.1-1的libxklavier)

? lang(需要)

lang <id>




? logvol


logvol <mntpoint> --vgname=<name> --size=<size> --name=<name> <options>


























Create a thin pool logical volume. (Use a mountpoint of "none")











part pv.01 --size 3000
volgroup myvg pv.01
logvol / --vgname=myvg --size=2000 --name=rootvol

? logging









? mediacheck


? monitor





使用指定的监视器;监视器的名字应该来自于hwdata软件包/usr/share/hwdata/MonitorsDB中监视器列表。该监视器列表也能在Kickstart Configurator的X配置界面中找到。如果--hsync或者--vsync被指定,该选项会被忽略,安装程序会试图自动探测它。





? multipath

multipath --name= --device= --rule=

? network





默认设置是dhcp. bootp和dhcp会被同等对待。


static方法需要你在kickstart文件中敲入所有网络信息。正如名字所暗示的,该信息是静态的,将会在安装过程中以及安装后使用。静态网络的配置行更为复杂,因为你必须在一行内包含所有的网络配置信息。你必须指定IP地址,网关以及域名服务器。例如:(\ 表示所有的内容在一行上):

network --bootproto=static --ip= \
--netmask= --gateway= \


  • 所有静态网络配置信息必须在同一行上指定;例如,你不能用反斜线来把多行内容封装成一行。



指定要使用network命令配置或者激活的设备。能够以和 ksdevice启动选项相同的方式指定。例如:

network --bootproto=dhcp --device=eth0

对于第一个network命令,如果选项没有被指定,它默认是 1)ksdevice启动选项, 2)为了获得kickstart而激活的设备,或者 3)UI上的选择框。对于如下的network命令,需要--device选项。




网络接口的IPv6地址。可以是<IPv6 address>[/<prefix length>]形式的静态地址,例如,3ffe:ffff:0:1::1/128(如果前缀被省略,会被假定为64),"auto"地址分配基于动态的邻居发现协议,而"dhcp"会使用DHCPv6协议。
































使用该选项指定的网卡作为多网卡绑定的从网卡,虚拟出的网卡的名字由--device指定。例如--bondslaves=eth0,eth1。自Fedora 19开始。




使用--device指定的设备作为父设备来创建的vlan设备的Id(802.1q标签)。例如,network --device=eth0 --vlanid=171将会创建vlan设备eth0.171。从Fedora 19起。


--device选项命名的组设备会以该选项指定的设备作为从设备。从设备之间用逗号分隔。一个从设备可以后接它的配置,一个单引号括起来的json格式字符串,其中的双引号用反斜线转义。例如:--teamslaves="p3p1'{\"prio\": -10, \"sticky\": true}',p3p2'{\"prio\": 100}'"。参考--teamconfig选项。从Fedora 20起。


指定双引号括起来的组设备配置,json格式的字符串,其中的双引号用反斜线转义。设备名由--device指定,从设备及其配置由--teamslaves选项指定。从Fedora 20起。例如:

network --device team0 --activate --bootproto static --ip= --netmask= --gateway= --nameserver=  \
--teamslaves="p3p1'{\"prio\": -10, \"sticky\": true}',p3p2'{\"prio\": 100}'" \
--teamconfig="{\"runner\": {\"name\": \"activebackup\"}}"

? part or partition(必需)


Stop (medium size).png


part <mntpoint>



例如 /, /usr, /home



为了自动决定交换分区的大小,可以使用--recommended选项。从Fedora 18开始,--hibernation选项可以被用来自动决定交换分区大小,以便其能足够大来支持系统休眠。













--onpart= or --usepart=

把分区放在已经存在的设备上。使用"--onpart=LABEL=name"或者"--onpart=UUID=name" 来通过各自的标签(label)或uuid来指定一个分区。

Stop (medium size).png


--ondisk= or --ondrive=
























Stop (medium size).png


? poweroff


? raid


raid <mntpoint> --level=<level> --device=<mddevice> <partitions*>




要使用的RAID级别(0, 1, 4, 5, 6, or 10).


Name of the RAID device to use (such as 'fedora-root' or 'home'). As of Fedora 19, RAID devices are no longer referred to by names like 'md0'. If you have an old (v0.90 metadata) array that you cannot assign a name to, you can specify the array by a filesystem label or UUID (eg: --device=LABEL=fedora-root).

要使用的RAID设备名(例如'fedora-root'或者'home')。到Fedora 19为止,RAID设备不再由名字(如'md0')引用。如果你有比较旧的(v0.90 metadata)、不能分配名字的阵列,可以通过文件系统标签或者UUID来指定阵列(例如: --device=LABEL=fedora-root)。






















part raid.01 --size=6000 --ondisk=sda
part raid.02 --size=6000 --ondisk=sdb
part raid.03 --size=6000 --ondisk=sdc

part swap1 --size=512 --ondisk=sda
part swap2 --size=512 --ondisk=sdb
part swap3 --size=512 --ondisk=sdc

part raid.11 --size=6000 --ondisk=sda
part raid.12 --size=6000 --ondisk=sdb
part raid.13 --size=6000 --ondisk=sdc

raid / --level=1 --device=md0 raid.01 raid.02 raid.03
raid /usr --level=5 --device=md1 raid.11 raid.12 raid.13

? realm


realm join <domain.example.com>













realm join --one-time-password=12345 DC.EXAMPLE.COM

? reboot




? repo

Configures additional yum repositories that may be used as sources for package installation. Multiple repo lines may be specified. By default, anaconda has a configured set of repos taken from /etc/anaconda.repos.d plus a special Installation Repo in the case of a media install. The exact set of repos in this directory changes from release to release and cannot be listed here. There will likely always be a repo named "updates".

Note: If you want to enable one of the repos in /etc/anaconda.repos.d that is disabled by default (like "updates"), you should use --name=<repoid> but none of the other options. anaconda will look for a repo by this name automatically. Providing a baseurl or mirrorlist URL will result in anaconda attempting to add another repo by the same name, which will cause a conflicting repo error.

repo --name=<name> [--baseurl=<url>|--mirrorlist=<url>] [options]


The repo id. This option is required. If a repo has a name that conflicts with a previously added one, the new repo will be ignored. Because anaconda has a populated list of repos when it starts, this means that users cannot create new repos that override these names. Please check /etc/anaconda.repos.d from the operating system you wish to install to see what names are not available.


The URL for the repository. The variables that may be used in yum repo config files are not supported here. You may use one of either this option or --mirrorlist, not both. If an NFS repository is specified, it should be of the form nfs://host:/path/to/repo. Note that there is a colon after the host--Anaconda passes everything after "nfs://" directly to the mount command instead of parsing URLs according to RFC 2224. Variable substitution is done for $releasever and $basearch in the url (added in F19).


The URL pointing at a list of mirrors for the repository. The variables that may be used in yum repo config files are not supported here. You may use one of either this option or --baseurl, not both. Variable substitution is done for $releasever and $basearch in the url (added in F19).


An integer value to assign a cost to this repository. If multiple repositories provide the same packages, this number will be used to prioritize which repository will be used before another. Repositories with a lower cost take priority over repositories with higher cost.


A comma-separated list of package names and globs that must not be pulled from this repository. This is useful if multiple repositories provide the same package and you want to make sure it comes from a particular repository.


A comma-separated list of package names and globs that must be pulled from this repository. This is useful if multiple repositories provide the same package and you want to make sure it comes from this repository.


Specify an HTTP/HTTPS/FTP proxy to use just for this repository. This setting does not affect any other repositories, nor how the install.img is fetched on HTTP installs. The various parts of the argument act like you would expect.


This option is used when composing installation trees and has no effect on the installation process itself. It tells the compose tools to not look at the package group information when mirroring trees so as to avoid mirroring large amounts of unnecessary data.


For a https repo do not check the server's certificate with what well-known CA validate and do not check the server's hostname matches the certificate's domain name.

? rescue

Automatically enter the installer's rescue mode. This gives you a chance to repair the system should something catastrophic happen.

rescue [--nomount|--romount]


Controls how the installed system is mounted in the rescue environment. By default, the installer will find your system and mount it in read-write mode, telling you where it has performed this mount. You may optionally choose to not mount anything or mount in read-only mode. Only one of these two options may be given at any one time.

? rootpw

This required command sets the system's root password to the <password> argument.

rootpw [options] <password>


If this is present, the password argument is assumed to already be encrypted. --plaintext has the opposite effect - the password argument is assumed to not be encrypted. To create an encrypted password you can use python: python -c 'import crypt; print(crypt.crypt("My Password", "$6$My Sault"))' This will generate sha512 crypt of your password using your provided salt.


If this is present, the root account is locked by default. That is, the root user will not be able to login from the console.

? selinux

Sets the state of SELinux on the installed system. SELinux defaults to enforcing in anaconda.

selinux [--disabled|--enforcing|--permissive]


If this is present, SELinux is disabled.


If this is present, SELinux is set to enforcing mode.


If this is present, SELinux is enabled, but only logs things that would be denied in enforcing mode.

? services

Modifies the default set of services that will run under the default runlevel. The services listed in the disabled list will be disabled before the services listed in the enabled list are enabled.

services [--disabled=<list>] [--enabled=<list>]


Disable the services given in the comma separated list.


Enable the services given in the comma separated list.

? shutdown

At the end of installation, shut down the machine. This is the same as the poweroff command. Normally, kickstart displays a message and waits for the user to press a key before rebooting.

? sshpw

The installer can start up ssh to provide for interactivity and inspection, just like it can with telnet. The "inst.sshd" option must be specified on the kernel command-line for Anaconda to start an ssh daemon. The sshpw command is used to control the accounts created in the installation environment that may be remotely logged into. For each instance of this command given, a user will be created. These users will not be created on the final system - they only exist for use while the installer is running.

Note that by default, root has a blank password. If you don't want any user to be able to ssh in and have full access to your hardware, you must specify sshpw for username root. Also note that if Anaconda fails to parse the kickstart file, it will allow anyone to login as root and have full access to your hardware.

sshpw --username=<name> <password> [--iscrypted|--plaintext] [--lock]


Provides the name of the user. This option is required.


If this is present, the password argument is assumed to already be encrypted. --plaintext has the opposite effect - the password argument is assumed to not be encrypted. The default is plaintext.


If this is present, the new user account is locked by default. That is, the user will not be able to login from the console.

? skipx

If present, X is not configured on the installed system.

? text

Perform the kickstart installation in text mode. Kickstart installations are performed in graphical mode by default.

? timezone

This required command sets the system time zone to <timezone> which may be any of the time zones listed by timeconfig.

timezone [--utc] <timezone>


If present, the system assumes the hardware clock is set to UTC (Greenwich Mean) time.


To get the list of supported timezones, you can either run this script: http://vpodzime.fedorapeople.org/timezones_list.py or look at this list: http://vpodzime.fedorapeople.org/timezones_list.txt



Starting with Fedora 18 the timezone command has two new options:

timezone [--utc] [--nontp] [--ntpservers=<server1>,<server2>,...,<serverN>] <timezone>


Disable automatic starting of NTP service.


Specify a list of NTP servers to be used (comma-separated list with no spaces).

For example:

timezone --ntpservers=ntp.cesnet.cz,tik.nic.cz Europe/Prague

? updates

Specify the location of an updates.img for use in installation. See anaconda-release-notes.txt for a description of how to make an updates.img.

updates [URL]

If present, the URL for an updates image.

If not present, anaconda will attempt to load from a floppy disk.

? upgrade


Note that from F18 onward, upgrades are no longer supported in anaconda and should be done with FedUp, the Fedora update tool.

Tells the system to upgrade an existing system rather than install a fresh system. You must specify one of cdrom, harddrive, nfs, or url (for ftp and http) as the location of the installation tree. Refer to install for details.

--root-device=<root> (optional)

On a system with multiple installs, this option specifies which filesystem holds the installation to be upgraded. This can be specified by device name, UUID=<uuid>, or LABEL=<fslabel> just like the harddrive command may be.

? user

Creates a new user on the system.

user --name=<username> [--gecos=<string>] [--groups=<list>] [--homedir=<homedir>] [--password=<password>] [--iscrypted|--plaintext] [--lock] [--shell=<shell>] [--uid=<uid>]


Provides the name of the user. This option is required.


Provides the GECOS information for the user. This is a string of various system-specific fields separated by a comma. It is frequently used to specify the user's full name, office number, and the like. See man 5 passwd for more details.


In addition to the default group, a comma separated list of group names the user should belong to.


The home directory for the user. If not provided, this defaults to /home/<username>.


If this is present, the new user account is locked by default. That is, the user will not be able to login from the console.


The new user's password. If not provided, the account will be locked by default.

If this is present, the password argument is assumed to already be encrypted. --plaintext has the opposite effect - the password argument is assumed to not be encrypted. To create an encrypted password you can use python: python -c 'import crypt; print(crypt.crypt("My Password", "$6$My Sault"))' This will generate sha512 crypt of your password using your provided salt.


Is the password provided by --password already encrypted or not? --plaintext has the opposite effect - the password argument is assumed to not be encrypted.


The user's login shell. If not provided, this defaults to the system default.


The user's UID. If not provided, this defaults to the next available non-system UID.

? vnc

Allows the graphical installation to be viewed remotely via VNC. This method is usually preferred over text mode, as there are some size and language limitations in text installs. With no options, this command will start a VNC server on the machine with no password and will print out the command that needs to be run to connect a remote machine.

vnc [--host=<hostname>] [--port=<port>] [--password=<password>]


Instead of starting a VNC server on the install machine, connect to the VNC viewer process listening on the given hostname.


Provide a port that the remote VNC viewer process is listening on. If not provided, anaconda will use the VNC default.


Set a password which must be provided to connect to the VNC session. This is optional, but recommended.

? volgroup

Use to create a Logical Volume Management (LVM) group.

volgroup <name> <partitions*> <options>


Name given to the volume group. The <partitions*> (which denotes that multiple partitions can be listed) lists the identifiers to add to the volume group.


Use an existing volume group. Do not specify partitions when using this option.


Use an existing volume group. Do not specify partitions when using this option.


Set the size of the physical extents.


Specify an amount of space to leave unused in a volume group, in megabytes. (new volume groups only)


Specify a percentage of total volume group space to leave unused. (new volume groups only)

Create the partition first, create the logical volume group, and then create the logical volume. For example:

part pv.01 --size 3000
volgroup myvg pv.01
logvol / --vgname=myvg --size=2000 --name=rootvol

? xconfig

Configures the X Window System. If this option is not given, anaconda will use X to attempt to automatically configure. Please try this before manually configuring your system.


Specify either GNOME or KDE to set the default desktop (assumes that GNOME Desktop Environment and/or KDE Desktop Environment has been installed through %packages).


Use a graphical login on the installed system.

? zerombr

If zerombr is specified, any disks whose formatting is unrecognized are initialized. This will destroy all of the contents of disks with invalid partition tables or other formatting unrecognizable to the installer. It is useful so that the installation program does not ask if it should initialize the disk label if installing to a brand new hard drive.

? zfcp




? %include

Use the %include /path/to/file or %include <url> command to include the contents of another file in the kickstart file as though the contents were at the location of the %include command in the kickstart file.

? %ksappend

The %ksappend url directive is very similar to %include in that it is used to include the contents of additional files as though they were at the location of the %ksappend directive. The difference is in when the two directives are processed. %ksappend is processed in an initial pass, before any other part of the kickstart file. Then, this expanded kickstart file is passed to the rest of anaconda where all %pre scripts are handled, and then finally the rest of the kickstart file is processed in order, which includes %include directives.

Thus, %ksappend provides a way to include a file containing %pre scripts, while %include does not.

? Chapter 3. 包的选择

Use the %packages command to begin a kickstart file section that lists the packages you would like to install.

Packages can be specified by group or by individual package name. The installation program defines several groups that contain related packages. Refer to the repodata/*comps.xml file on the first CD-ROM for a list of groups. Each group has an id, user visibility value, name, description, and package list. In the package list, the packages marked as mandatory are always installed if the group is selected, the packages marked default are selected by default if the group is selected, and the packages marked optional must be specifically selected even if the group is selected to be installed.

In most cases, it is only necessary to list the desired groups and not individual packages. Note that the Core group is always selected by default, so it is not necessary to specify it in the %packages section.

The %packages section is required to be closed with %end. Also, multiple %packages sections may be given. This may be handy if the kickstart file is used as a template and pulls in various other files with the %include mechanism.

Here is an example %packages selection:

@X Window System
@GNOME Desktop Environment
@Graphical Internet
@Sound and Video

As you can see, groups are specified, one to a line, starting with an @ symbol followed by the full group name as given in the comps.xml file. Groups can also be specified using the id for the group, such as gnome-desktop. Specify individual packages with no additional characters (the dhcp line in the example above is an individual package).

You can also specify environments using the @^ prefix followed by full environment name as given in the comps.xml file. If multiple environments are specified, only the last one specified will be used. Environments can be mixed with both group specifications (even if the given group is not part of the specified environment) and package specifications.

Here is an example of requesting the GNOME Desktop environment to be selected for installation:


Additionally, individual packages may be specified using globs. For instance:


This would install all packages whose names start with "vim" or "kde-i18n-".

You can also specify which packages or groups not to install from the default package list:

-@Sound and Video

The following options are available for the %packages option:


Install the default package set. This corresponds to the package set that would be installed if no other selections were made on the package customization screen during an interactive install.


Do not install any of the documentation from any packages. For the most part, this means files in /usr/share/doc* will not get installed though it could mean other files as well, depending on how the package was built.


Ignore any packages or groups specified in the packages section that are not found in any configured repository. The default behavior is to halt the installation and ask the user if the installation should be aborted or continued. This option allows fully automated installation even in the error case. It is used as follows:

%packages --ignoremissing


Specify the list of languages that should be installed. This is different from the package group level selections, though. This option does not specify what package groups should be installed. Instead, it controls which translation files from individual packages should be installed by setting RPM macros. Note: this option is not supported by anaconda at the moment, but is recognized by pykickstart for use in such tools as livecd-creator.


Enable yum's "all" multilib_policy as opposed to the default of "best".


Do not install the @core group (installed by default, otherwise).

In addition, group lines in the %packages section can take options as well:


Only install the group's mandatory packages, not the default selections.


In addition to the mandatory and default packages, also install the optional packages. This means all packages in the group will be installed.

? Chapter 4. 预安装脚本

You can add commands to run on the system immediately after the ks.cfg has been parsed and the lang, keyboard, and url options have been processed. This section must be at the end of the kickstart file (after the commands) and must start with the %pre command. You can access the network in the %pre section; however, name service has not been configured at this point, so only IP addresses will work.

Preinstallation scripts are required to be closed with %end.

Stop (medium size).png

If your script spawns a daemon process, you must make sure to close stdout and stderr. Doing so is standard procedure for creating daemons. If you do not close these file descriptors, the installation will appear hung as anaconda waits for an EOF from the script.

Stop (medium size).png

Note that the pre-install script is not run in the chroot environment.

--interpreter /usr/bin/python

Allows you to specify a different scripting language, such as Python. Replace /usr/bin/python with the scripting language of your choice.


If the pre-installation script fails, this option will cause an error dialog to be displayed and will halt installation. The error message will direct you to where the cause of the failure is logged.


Log all messages from the script to the given log file.

? Example

Here is an example %pre section:


for file in /sys/block/sd*; do
hds="$hds $(basename $file)"

set $hds
numhd=$(echo $#)

drive1=$(echo $hds | cut -d' ' -f1)
drive2=$(echo $hds | cut -d' ' -f2)

if [ $numhd == "2" ]  ; then
echo "#partitioning scheme generated in %pre for 2 drives" > /tmp/part-include
echo "clearpart --all" >> /tmp/part-include
echo "part /boot --fstype ext4 --size 512 --ondisk sda" >> /tmp/part-include
echo "part / --fstype ext4 --size 10000 --grow --ondisk sda" >> /tmp/part-include
echo "part swap --recommended --ondisk $drive1" >> /tmp/part-include
echo "part /home --fstype ext4 --size 10000 --grow --ondisk sdb" >> /tmp/part-include
echo "#partitioning scheme generated in %pre for 1 drive" > /tmp/part-include
echo "clearpart --all" >> /tmp/part-include
echo "part /boot --fstype ext4 --size 521" >> /tmp/part-include
echo "part swap --recommended" >> /tmp/part-include
echo "part / --fstype ext4 --size 2048" >> /tmp/part-include
echo "part /home --fstype ext4 --size 2048 --grow" >> /tmp/part-include

This script determines the number of hard drives in the system and writes a text file with a different partitioning scheme depending on whether it has one or two drives. Instead of having a set of partitioning commands in the kickstart file, include the line:

%include /tmp/part-include

The partitioning commands selected in the script will be used.

? Chapter 5. 后安装脚本

You have the option of adding commands to run on the system once the installation is complete. This section must be at the end of the kickstart file and must start with the %post command. This section is useful for functions such as installing additional software and configuring an additional nameserver.

You may have more than one %post section, which can be useful for cases where some post-installation scripts need to be run in the chroot and others that need access outside the chroot.

Each %post section is required to be closed with a corresponding %end.

Stop (medium size).png

If you configured the network with static IP information, including a nameserver, you can access the network and resolve IP addresses in the %post section. If you configured the network for DHCP, the /etc/resolv.conf file has not been completed when the installation executes the %post section. You can access the network, but you can not resolve IP addresses. Thus, if you are using DHCP, you must specify IP addresses in the %post section.

Stop (medium size).png

If your script spawns a daemon process, you must make sure to close stdout and stderr. Doing so is standard procedure for creating daemons. If you do not close these file descriptors, the installation will appear hung as anaconda waits for an EOF from the script.

Stop (medium size).png

The post-install script is run in a chroot environment; therefore, performing tasks such as copying scripts or RPMs from the installation media will not work.


Allows you to specify commands that you would like to run outside of the chroot environment.

--interpreter /usr/bin/python

Allows you to specify a different scripting language, such as Python. Replace /usr/bin/python with the scripting language of your choice.


If the post-installation script fails, this option will cause an error dialog to be displayed and will halt installation. The error message will direct you to where the cause of the failure is logged.


Log all messages from the script to the given log file.

? Examples

Run a script named runme from an NFS share:

mkdir /mnt/temp
mount /mnt/temp
open -s -w -- /mnt/temp/runme
umount /mnt/temp

Copy the file /etc/resolv.conf to the file system that was just installed:

%post --nochroot
cp /etc/resolv.conf /mnt/sysimage/etc/resolv.conf

Stop (medium size).png

If your kickstart is being interpreted by the livecd-creator tool, you should replace /mnt/sysimage above with $INSTALL_ROOT.

? Chapter 6. 让Kickstart文件可用

A kickstart file must be placed in one of the following locations:

  • On a boot diskette
  • On a boot CD-ROM
  • On a network

Normally a kickstart file is copied to the boot diskette, or made available on the network. The network-based approach is most commonly used, as most kickstart installations tend to be performed on networked computers.

Let us take a more in-depth look at where the kickstart file may be placed.

? Creating a Kickstart Boot Diskette

To perform a diskette-based kickstart installation, the kickstart file must be named ks.cfg and must be located in the boot diskette's top-level directory. Refer to the section Making an Installation Boot Diskette in the Red Hat Enterprise Linux Installation Guide for instruction on creating a boot diskette. Because the boot diskettes are in MS-DOS format, it is easy to copy the kickstart file under Linux using the mcopy command:

mcopy ks.cfg a:

Alternatively, you can use Windows to copy the file. You can also mount the MS-DOS boot diskette in Linux with the file system type vfat and use the cp command to copy the file on the diskette.

? Creating a Kickstart Boot CD-ROM

To perform a CD-ROM-based kickstart installation, the kickstart file must be named ks.cfg and must be located in the boot CD-ROM's top-level directory. Since a CD-ROM is read-only, the file must be added to the directory used to create the image that is written to the CD-ROM. Refer to the Making an Installation Boot CD-ROM section in the Red Hat Enterprise Linux Installation Guide for instruction on creating a boot CD-ROM; however, before making the file.iso image file, copy the ks.cfg kickstart file to the isolinux/ directory.

? Making the Kickstart File Available on the Network

Network installations using kickstart are quite common, because system administrators can easily automate the installation on many networked computers quickly and painlessly. In general, the approach most commonly used is for the administrator to have both a BOOTP/DHCP server and an NFS server on the local network. The BOOTP/DHCP server is used to give the client system its networking information, while the actual files used during the installation are served by the NFS server. Often, these two servers run on the same physical machine, but they are not required to.

To perform a network-based kickstart installation, you must have a BOOTP/DHCP server on your network, and it must include configuration information for the machine on which you are attempting to install Fedora or Red Hat Enterprise Linux. The BOOTP/DHCP server will provide the client with its networking information as well as the location of the kickstart file.

If a kickstart file is specified by the BOOTP/DHCP server, the client system will attempt an NFS mount of the file's path, and will copy the specified file to the client, using it as the kickstart file. The exact settings required vary depending on the BOOTP/DHCP server you use.

Here is an example of a line from the dhcpd.conf file for the DHCP server:

filename "/usr/new-machine/kickstart/";
server-name "blarg.redhat.com";

Note that you should replace the value after filename with the name of the kickstart file (or the directory in which the kickstart file resides) and the value after server-name with the NFS server name.

If the filename returned by the BOOTP/DHCP server ends with a slash ("/"), then it is interpreted as a path only. In this case, the client system mounts that path using NFS, and searches for a particular file. The filename the client searches for is:


The <ip-addr> section of the filename should be replaced with the client's IP address in dotted decimal notation. For example, the filename for a computer with an IP address of would be

Note that if you do not specify a server name, then the client system will attempt to use the server that answered the BOOTP/DHCP request as its NFS server. If you do not specify a path or filename, the client system will try to mount /kickstart from the BOOTP/DHCP server and will try to find the kickstart file using the same <ip-addr>-kickstart filename as described above.

? HTTP Headers

When Anaconda requests the kickstart over the network it includes several custom HTTP headers:

X-Anaconda-Architecture: x86_64 indicates the architecture of the system being installed to.

X-Anaconda-System-Release: Fedora indicates the product name being installed.

There are also 2 optional headers, controlled by the kernel command line options kssendmac and kssendsn

? Chapter 7. 让安装树可用

The kickstart installation needs to access an installation tree. An installation tree is a copy of the binary Fedora or Red Hat Enterprise Linux CD-ROMs with the same directory structure.

If you are performing a CD-based installation, insert the Fedora or Red Hat Enterprise Linux CD-ROM #1 into the computer before starting the kickstart installation.

If you are performing a hard-drive installation, make sure the ISO images of the binary Fedora or Red Hat Enterprise Linux CD-ROMs are on a hard drive in the computer.

If you are performing a network-based (NFS, FTP, or HTTP) installation, you must make the installation tree available over the network. Refer to the Preparing for a Network Installation section of the Red Hat Enterprise Linux Installation Guide for details.

? Chapter 8. 开始kickstart安装

To begin a kickstart installation, you must boot the system from a Fedora or Red Hat Enterprise Linux boot diskette, Fedora or Red Hat Enterprise Linux boot CD-ROM, or the Fedora or Red Hat Enterprise Linux CD-ROM #1 and enter a special boot command at the boot prompt. In order to get to the boot prompt you must hit escape at the CD or DVD boot menu. In case you don't know what I'm talking about I took a screenshot. The installation program looks for a kickstart file if the ks command line argument is passed to the kernel.


? Boot Diskette

If the kickstart file is located on a boot diskette as described in the Section called Creating a Kickstart Boot Diskette in Chapter 6, boot the system with the diskette in the drive, and enter the following command at the boot: prompt:

linux ks=floppy

? CD-ROM #1 and Diskette

The linux ks=floppy command also works if the ks.cfg file is located on a vfat or ext2 file system on a diskette and you boot from the Fedora or Red Hat Enterprise Linux CD-ROM #1.

An alternate boot command is to boot off the Fedora or Red Hat Enterprise Linux CD-ROM #1 and have the kickstart file on a vfat or ext2 file system on a diskette. To do so, enter the following command at the boot: prompt:

linux ks=hd:fd0:/ks.cfg

? With Driver Disk

If you need to use a driver disk with kickstart, specify the dd option as well. For example, to boot off a boot diskette and use a driver disk, enter the following command at the boot: prompt:

linux ks=floppy dd

? Boot CD-ROM

If the kickstart file is on a boot CD-ROM as described in the Section called Creating a Kickstart Boot CD-ROM in Chapter 6, insert the CD-ROM into the system, boot the system, and enter the following command at the boot: prompt (where ks.cfg is the name of the kickstart file):

linux ks=cdrom:<device>:/ks.cfg

? Other kickstart options:


The installation program will look for the kickstart file on the NFS server <server>, as file <path>. The installation program will use DHCP to configure the Ethernet card. For example, if your NFS server is server.example.com and the kickstart file is in the NFS share /mydir/ks.cfg, the correct boot command would be ks=nfs:server.example.com:/mydir/ks.cfg.


The installation program will look for the kickstart file on the HTTP server <server>, as file <path>. The installation program will use DHCP to configure the Ethernet card. For example, if your HTTP server is server.example.com and the kickstart file is in the HTTP directory /mydir/ks.cfg, the correct boot command would be ks=http://server.example.com/mydir/ks.cfg.


The installation program looks for the file ks.cfg on a vfat or ext2 file system on the diskette in /dev/fd0.


The installation program will look for the kickstart file on the diskette in /dev/fd0, as file <path>.


The installation program will mount the file system on <device> (which must be vfat or ext2), and look for the kickstart configuration file as <file> in that file system (for example, ks=hd:sda3:/mydir/ks.cfg).


The installation program will mount the file system on the specified partition on the specified BIOS device <biosdev> (for example, ks=bd:80p3:/mydir/ks.cfg). Note this does not work for BIOS RAID sets.


The installation program will try to read the file <file> from the file system; no mounts will be done. This is normally used if the kickstart file is already on the initrd image.

ks=cdrom:/<path> or in newer versions ks=cdrom:<cdrom device>:/<path>

The installation program will look for the kickstart file on CD-ROM, as file <path>.


If ks is used alone, the installation program will configure the Ethernet card to use DHCP. The kickstart file is read from the "bootServer" from the DHCP response as if it is an NFS server sharing the kickstart file. By default, the bootServer is the same as the DHCP server. The name of the kickstart file is one of the following:

* If DHCP is specified and the bootfile begins with a /, the bootfile provided by DHCP is looked for on the NFS server.

* If DHCP is specified and the bootfile begins with something other then a /, the bootfile provided by DHCP is looked for in the /kickstart directory on the NFS server.

* If DHCP did not specify a bootfile, then the installation program tries to read the file /kickstart/, where is the numeric IP address of the machine being installed.


The installation program will use this network device to connect to the network. For example, to start a kickstart installation with the kickstart file on an NFS server that is connected to the system through the eth1 device, use the command ks=nfs:<server>:/<path> ksdevice=eth1 at the boot: prompt. For more information, see Anaconda_Boot_Options.

? Example Kickstart Script

Since I got tons of errors I thought I would share an example of a kickstart script that works. This also has an example of an lvm setup. I couldn't find a good example of an lvm anywhere else. I also added comments where I thought would help. Please modify if you think you have some other good examples.

# Kickstart file automatically generated by anaconda.

#url --url http://mirrors.kernel.org/fedora/releases/7/Fedora/i386/os
url --url http://ftp.usf.edu/pub/fedora/linux/releases/14/Fedora/i386/os
lang en_US.UTF-8
keyboard us
network --onboot yes --device eth0 --bootproto dhcp --noipv6
timezone --utc America/New_York
rootpw  --iscrypted $6$s9i1bQbmW4oSWMJc$0oHfSz0b/d90EvHx7cy70RJGIHrP1awzAgL9A3x2tbkyh72P3kN41vssaI3/SJf4Y4qSo6zxc2gZ3srzc4ACX1
selinux --permissive
authconfig --enableshadow --passalgo=sha512 --enablefingerprint
firewall --service=ssh
# The following is the partition information you requested
# Note that any partitions you deleted are not expressed
# here so unless you clear all partitions first, this is
# not guaranteed to work

#I am deleting the old partitions with this
clearpart --all --drives=sda

#I am creating partitions here
#I will create the lvm stuff farther down
part /boot --fstype=ext4 --size=500 --ondisk=sda --asprimary
part pv.5xwrsR-ldgG-FEmM-2Zu5-Jn3O-sx9T-unQUOe --grow --size=500 --ondisk=sda --asprimary

#Very important to have the two part lines before the lvm stuff
volgroup VG --pesize=32768 pv.5xwrsR-ldgG-FEmM-2Zu5-Jn3O-sx9T-unQUOe
logvol / --fstype=ext4 --name=lv_root --vgname=VG --size=40960
logvol /home --fstype=ext4 --name=lv_home --vgname=VG --size=25600
logvol swap --fstype swap --name=lv_swap --vgname=VG --size=4096

bootloader --location=mbr --driveorder=sda --append="rhgb quiet"


# Reboot after installation








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