iOS H.264 硬件解码和编码

IOS H.264硬件解码和编码的介绍:Video Toolbox introduced in WWDC '14 session 513


NALUs: NALUs are simply a chunk of data of varying length that has a NALU start code header 0x00 00 00 01 YY where the first 5 bits of YY tells you what type of NALU this is and therefore what type of data follows the header. (Since you only need the first 5 bits, I use YY & 0x1F to just get the relevant bits.) I list what all these types are in the method NSString * const naluTypesStrings[], but you don't need to know what they all are. 

NALU:NALU仅仅是具有不同长度的数据块,其具有NALU起始码报头0x00 00 00 01 YY,其中YY的前5个比特告诉您这是什么类型的NALU,并且因此在报头之后是什么类型的数据。 (因为你只需要前5位,我使用YY&0x1F只是得到相关的位。)我列出了所有这些类型在方法NSString * const naluTypesStrings [],但你不需要知道他们 所有的。

Parameters: Your decoder needs parameters so it knows how the H.264 video data is stored. The 2 you need to set are Sequence Parameter Set (SPS) and Picture Parameter Set (PPS) and they each have their own NALU type number. You don't need to know what the parameters mean, the decoder knows what to do with them.

参数:您的解码器需要参数,因此它知道如何存储H.264视频数据。 您需要设置的2是序列参数集(SPS)和图像参数集(PPS),它们都有自己的NALU类型编号。 你不需要知道参数是什么意思,解码器知道如何处理它们。

H.264 Stream Format: In most H.264 streams, you will receive with an initial set of PPS and SPS parameters followed by an i frame (aka IDR frame or flush frame) NALU. Then you will receive several P frame NALUs (maybe a few dozen or so), then another set of parameters (which may be the same as the initial parameters) and an i frame, more P frames, etc. i frames are much bigger than P frames. Conceptually you can think of the i frame as an entire image of the video, and the P frames are just the changes that have been made to that i frame, until you receive the next i frame.

H.264流格式:在大多数H.264流中,您将接收到一个PPS和SPS参数的初始集合,后面跟着一个i帧(也称为IDR帧或刷新帧)NALU。 然后您将收到几个P帧NALU(可能几十个左右),然后另一组参数(可能与初始参数相同)和一个i帧,更多的P帧等。i帧比 P帧。 从概念上讲,你可以将i帧视为视频的整个图像,P帧只是对i帧所做的更改,直到接收到下一个i帧。


  1. Generate individual NALUs from your H.264 stream. I cannot show code for this step since it depends a lot on what video source you're using. I made this graphic to show what I was working with ("data" in the graphic is "frame" in my following code), but your case may and probably will differ. 

从H.264流生成单个NALU。 我无法显示此步骤的代码,因为它取决于您使用的视频源。 我使这个图形显示我正在使用的(图形中的“数据”是我的下面的代码中的“框架”),但你的情况可能和可能会有所不同。

  1. What I was working withMy method receivedRawVideoFrame: is called every time I receive a frame (uint8_t *frame) which was one of 2 types. In the diagram, those 2 frame types are the 2 big purple boxes.

    我的方法receivedRawVideoFrame:每次我收到一个帧(uint8_t *帧),这是2种类型之一。 在图中,这2种帧类型是2个大的紫色框。

  2. Create a CMVideoFormatDescriptionRef from your SPS and PPS NALUs with CMVideoFormatDescriptionCreateFromH264ParameterSets( ). You cannot display any frames without doing this first. The SPS and PPS may look like a jumble of numbers, but VTD knows what to do with them. All you need to know is that CMVideoFormatDescriptionRef is a description of video data., like width/height, format type (kCMPixelFormat_32BGRAkCMVideoCodecType_H264 etc.), aspect ratio, color space etc. Your decoder will hold onto the parameters until a new set arrives (sometimes parameters are resent regularly even when they haven't changed).

    使用CMVideoFormatDescriptionCreateFromH264ParameterSets()从SPS和PPS NALU创建CMVideoFormatDescriptionRef。 如果没有这样做,您将无法显示任何帧。 SPS和PPS可能看起来像一堆混乱的数字,但是VTD知道如何处理它们。 所有你需要知道的是,CMVideoFormatDescriptionRef是视频数据的描述,如宽度/高度,格式类型(kCMPixelFormat_32BGRA,kCMVideoCodecType_H264等),宽高比,颜色空间等。您的解码器将保持参数,直到一个新的集合 (有时参数会定期重新发送,即使他们没有改变)。

  3. Re-package your IDR and non-IDR frame NALUs according to the "AVCC" format. This means removing the NALU start codes and replacing them with a 4-byte header that states the length of the NALU. You don't need to do this for the SPS and PPS NALUs. (Note that the 4-byte NALU length header is in big-endian, so if you have a UInt32 value it must be byte-swapped before copying to the CMBlockBuffer using CFSwapInt32. I do this in my code with the htonl function call.)

    根据“AVCC”格式重新打包IDR和非IDR帧NALU。 这意味着删除NALU起始代码并用描述NALU长度的4字节标头替换它们。 您不需要为SPS和PPS NALU执行此操作。 (注意,4字节NALU长度头是大尾数法,所以如果你有一个UInt32值,它必须在使用CFSwapInt32复制到CMBlockBuffer之前进行字节交换,我在代码中使用htonl函数调用)。

  4. Package the IDR and non-IDR NALU frames into CMBlockBuffer. Do not do this with the SPS PPS parameter NALUs. All you need to know about CMBlockBuffers is that they are a method to wrap arbitrary blocks of data in core media. (Any compressed video data in a video pipeline is wrapped in this.)

    将IDR和非IDR NALU帧打包到CMBlockBuffer中。 不要使用SPS PPS参数NALU。 所有你需要知道的关于CMBlockBuffers是,他们是一个方法来包装任意数据块在核心媒体。 (视频流水线中的任何压缩视频数据都包含在此。)

  5. Package the CMBlockBuffer into CMSampleBuffer. All you need to know about CMSampleBuffers is that they wrap up our CMBlockBuffers with other information (here it would be the CMVideoFormatDescription and CMTime, if CMTime is used).

    将CMBlockBuffer打包到CMSampleBuffer中。 所有你需要知道的CMSampleBuffers是他们包装我们的CMBlockBuffers与其他信息(这里它将是CMVideoFormatDescription和CMTime,如果使用CMTime)。

  6. Create a VTDecompressionSessionRef and feed the sample buffers into VTDecompressionSessionDecodeFrame( ). Alternatively, you can use AVSampleBufferDisplayLayer and its enqueueSampleBuffer: method and you won't need to use VTDecompSession. It's simpler to set up, but will not throw errors if something goes wrong like VTD will.

    创建VTDecompressionSessionRef并将样本缓冲区馈送到VTDecompressionSessionDecodeFrame()。 或者,您可以使用AVSampleBufferDisplayLayer及其enqueueSampleBuffer:方法,您将不需要使用VTDecompSession。 它更容易设置,但不会抛出错误,如果出现问题像VTD会。

  7. In the VTDecompSession callback, use the resultant CVImageBufferRef to display the video frame. If you need to convert your CVImageBuffer to a UIImage, see my StackOverflow answer here.

    在VTDecompSession回调中,使用生成的CVImageBufferRef显示视频帧。 如果你需要将CVImageBuffer转换为UIImage,请参见我的StackOverflow答案。

Other notes:

  • H.264 streams can vary a lot. From what I learned, NALU start code headers are sometimes 3 bytes (0x00 00 01and sometimes 4 (0x00 00 00 01). My code works for 4 bytes; you will need to change a few things around if you're working with 3.

    H.264流可以有很大变化。 从我学到的,NALU起始码头有时是3字节(0x00 00 01),有时是4(0x00 00 00 01)。 我的代码工作4个字节; 如果你使用3,你对此进行改变。

  • If you want to know more about NALUs, I found this answer to be very helpful. In my case, I found that I didn't need to ignore the "emulation prevention" bytes as described, so I personally skipped that step but you may need to know about that.

    如果你想了解更多关于NALUs,我发现这个答案是非常有帮助的。 在我的情况下,我发现我不需要忽略“仿真预防”字节如所述,所以我个人跳过这一步,但你可能需要知道这一点。

  • If your VTDecompressionSession outputs an error number (like -12909) look up the error code in your XCode project. Find the VideoToolbox framework in your project navigator, open it and find the header VTErrors.h. If you can't find it, I've also included all the error codes below in another answer.

    如果您的VTDecompressionSession输出错误号(如-12909),请在XCode项目中查找错误代码。 在项目导航器中找到VideoToolbox框架,打开它并找到标题VTErrors.h。 如果你找不到它,我也包括下面的所有错误代码在另一个答案。

    Code Example:

    So let's start by declaring some global variables and including the VT framework (VT = Video Toolbox). 

    #import <VideoToolbox/VideoToolbox.h>
    @property (nonatomic, assign) CMVideoFormatDescriptionRef formatDesc;
    @property (nonatomic, assign) VTDecompressionSessionRef decompressionSession;
    @property (nonatomic, retain) AVSampleBufferDisplayLayer *videoLayer;
    @property (nonatomic, assign) int spsSize;
    @property (nonatomic, assign) int ppsSize;

    The following array is only used so that you can print out what type of NALU frame you are receiving. If you know what all these types mean, good for you, you know more about H.264 than me :) My code only handles types 1, 5, 7 and 8.

    仅使用以下数组,以便可以打印出您正在接收的是什么类型的NALU帧。 如果你知道所有这些类型是什么意思,对你有好处,你知道更多关于H.264比我:) :)我的代码只处理类型1,5,7和8。

    NSString * const naluTypesStrings[] =
        @"0: Unspecified (non-VCL)",
        @"1: Coded slice of a non-IDR picture (VCL)",    // P frame
        @"2: Coded slice data partition A (VCL)",
        @"3: Coded slice data partition B (VCL)",
        @"4: Coded slice data partition C (VCL)",
        @"5: Coded slice of an IDR picture (VCL)",      // I frame
        @"6: Supplemental enhancement information (SEI) (non-VCL)",
        @"7: Sequence parameter set (non-VCL)",         // SPS parameter
        @"8: Picture parameter set (non-VCL)",          // PPS parameter
        @"9: Access unit delimiter (non-VCL)",
        @"10: End of sequence (non-VCL)",
        @"11: End of stream (non-VCL)",
        @"12: Filler data (non-VCL)",
        @"13: Sequence parameter set extension (non-VCL)",
        @"14: Prefix NAL unit (non-VCL)",
        @"15: Subset sequence parameter set (non-VCL)",
        @"16: Reserved (non-VCL)",
        @"17: Reserved (non-VCL)",
        @"18: Reserved (non-VCL)",
        @"19: Coded slice of an auxiliary coded picture without partitioning (non-VCL)",
        @"20: Coded slice extension (non-VCL)",
        @"21: Coded slice extension for depth view components (non-VCL)",
        @"22: Reserved (non-VCL)",
        @"23: Reserved (non-VCL)",
        @"24: STAP-A Single-time aggregation packet (non-VCL)",
        @"25: STAP-B Single-time aggregation packet (non-VCL)",
        @"26: MTAP16 Multi-time aggregation packet (non-VCL)",
        @"27: MTAP24 Multi-time aggregation packet (non-VCL)",
        @"28: FU-A Fragmentation unit (non-VCL)",
        @"29: FU-B Fragmentation unit (non-VCL)",
        @"30: Unspecified (non-VCL)",
        @"31: Unspecified (non-VCL)",

    Now this is where all the magic happens.

    -(void) receivedRawVideoFrame:(uint8_t *)frame withSize:(uint32_t)frameSize isIFrame:(int)isIFrame
        OSStatus status;
        uint8_t *data = NULL;
        uint8_t *pps = NULL;
        uint8_t *sps = NULL;
        // I know what my H.264 data source's NALUs look like so I know start code index is always 0.
        // if you don't know where it starts, you can use a for loop similar to how i find the 2nd and 3rd start codes
        int startCodeIndex = 0;
        int secondStartCodeIndex = 0;
        int thirdStartCodeIndex = 0;
        long blockLength = 0;
        CMSampleBufferRef sampleBuffer = NULL;
        CMBlockBufferRef blockBuffer = NULL;
        int nalu_type = (frame[startCodeIndex + 4] & 0x1F);
        NSLog(@"~~~~~~~ Received NALU Type \"%@\" ~~~~~~~~", naluTypesStrings[nalu_type]);
        // if we havent already set up our format description with our SPS PPS parameters, we
        // can't process any frames except type 7 that has our parameters
        if (nalu_type != 7 && _formatDesc == NULL)
            NSLog(@"Video error: Frame is not an I Frame and format description is null");
        // NALU type 7 is the SPS parameter NALU
        if (nalu_type == 7)
            // find where the second PPS start code begins, (the 0x00 00 00 01 code)
            // from which we also get the length of the first SPS code
            for (int i = startCodeIndex + 4; i < startCodeIndex + 40; i++)
                if (frame[i] == 0x00 && frame[i+1] == 0x00 && frame[i+2] == 0x00 && frame[i+3] == 0x01)
                    secondStartCodeIndex = i;
                    _spsSize = secondStartCodeIndex;   // includes the header in the size
            // find what the second NALU type is
            nalu_type = (frame[secondStartCodeIndex + 4] & 0x1F);
            NSLog(@"~~~~~~~ Received NALU Type \"%@\" ~~~~~~~~", naluTypesStrings[nalu_type]);
        // type 8 is the PPS parameter NALU
        if(nalu_type == 8)
            // find where the NALU after this one starts so we know how long the PPS parameter is
            for (int i = _spsSize + 4; i < _spsSize + 30; i++)
                if (frame[i] == 0x00 && frame[i+1] == 0x00 && frame[i+2] == 0x00 && frame[i+3] == 0x01)
                    thirdStartCodeIndex = i;
                    _ppsSize = thirdStartCodeIndex - _spsSize;
            // allocate enough data to fit the SPS and PPS parameters into our data objects.
            // VTD doesn't want you to include the start code header (4 bytes long) so we add the - 4 here
            sps = malloc(_spsSize - 4);
            pps = malloc(_ppsSize - 4);
            // copy in the actual sps and pps values, again ignoring the 4 byte header
            memcpy (sps, &frame[4], _spsSize-4);
            memcpy (pps, &frame[_spsSize+4], _ppsSize-4);
            // now we set our H264 parameters
            uint8_t*  parameterSetPointers[2] = {sps, pps};
            size_t parameterSetSizes[2] = {_spsSize-4, _ppsSize-4};
            status = CMVideoFormatDescriptionCreateFromH264ParameterSets(kCFAllocatorDefault, 2, 
                                                    (const uint8_t *const*)parameterSetPointers, 
                                                    parameterSetSizes, 4, 
            NSLog(@"\t\t Creation of CMVideoFormatDescription: %@", (status == noErr) ? @"successful!" : @"failed...");
            if(status != noErr) NSLog(@"\t\t Format Description ERROR type: %d", (int)status);
            // See if decomp session can convert from previous format description 
            // to the new one, if not we need to remake the decomp session.
            // This snippet was not necessary for my applications but it could be for yours
            /*BOOL needNewDecompSession = (VTDecompressionSessionCanAcceptFormatDescription(_decompressionSession, _formatDesc) == NO);
                 [self createDecompSession];
            // now lets handle the IDR frame that (should) come after the parameter sets
            // I say "should" because that's how I expect my H264 stream to work, YMMV
            nalu_type = (frame[thirdStartCodeIndex + 4] & 0x1F);
            NSLog(@"~~~~~~~ Received NALU Type \"%@\" ~~~~~~~~", naluTypesStrings[nalu_type]);
        // create our VTDecompressionSession.  This isnt neccessary if you choose to use AVSampleBufferDisplayLayer
        if((status == noErr) && (_decompressionSession == NULL))
            [self createDecompSession];
        // type 5 is an IDR frame NALU.  The SPS and PPS NALUs should always be followed by an IDR (or IFrame) NALU, as far as I know
        if(nalu_type == 5)
            // find the offset, or where the SPS and PPS NALUs end and the IDR frame NALU begins
            int offset = _spsSize + _ppsSize;
            blockLength = frameSize - offset;
            data = malloc(blockLength);
            data = memcpy(data, &frame[offset], blockLength);
            // replace the start code header on this NALU with its size.
            // AVCC format requires that you do this.  
            // htonl converts the unsigned int from host to network byte order
            uint32_t dataLength32 = htonl (blockLength - 4);
            memcpy (data, &dataLength32, sizeof (uint32_t));
            // create a block buffer from the IDR NALU
            status = CMBlockBufferCreateWithMemoryBlock(NULL, data,  // memoryBlock to hold buffered data
                                                        blockLength,  // block length of the mem block in bytes.
                                                        kCFAllocatorNull, NULL,
                                                        0, // offsetToData
                                                        blockLength,   // dataLength of relevant bytes, starting at offsetToData
                                                        0, &blockBuffer);
            NSLog(@"\t\t BlockBufferCreation: \t %@", (status == kCMBlockBufferNoErr) ? @"successful!" : @"failed...");
        // NALU type 1 is non-IDR (or PFrame) picture
        if (nalu_type == 1)
            // non-IDR frames do not have an offset due to SPS and PSS, so the approach
            // is similar to the IDR frames just without the offset
            blockLength = frameSize;
            data = malloc(blockLength);
            data = memcpy(data, &frame[0], blockLength);
            // again, replace the start header with the size of the NALU
            uint32_t dataLength32 = htonl (blockLength - 4);
            memcpy (data, &dataLength32, sizeof (uint32_t));
            status = CMBlockBufferCreateWithMemoryBlock(NULL, data,  // memoryBlock to hold data. If NULL, block will be alloc when needed
                                                        blockLength,  // overall length of the mem block in bytes
                                                        kCFAllocatorNull, NULL,
                                                        0,     // offsetToData
                                                        blockLength,  // dataLength of relevant data bytes, starting at offsetToData
                                                        0, &blockBuffer);
            NSLog(@"\t\t BlockBufferCreation: \t %@", (status == kCMBlockBufferNoErr) ? @"successful!" : @"failed...");
        // now create our sample buffer from the block buffer,
        if(status == noErr)
            // here I'm not bothering with any timing specifics since in my case we displayed all frames immediately
            const size_t sampleSize = blockLength;
            status = CMSampleBufferCreate(kCFAllocatorDefault,
                                          blockBuffer, true, NULL, NULL,
                                          _formatDesc, 1, 0, NULL, 1,
                                          &sampleSize, &sampleBuffer);
            NSLog(@"\t\t SampleBufferCreate: \t %@", (status == noErr) ? @"successful!" : @"failed...");
        if(status == noErr)
            // set some values of the sample buffer's attachments
            CFArrayRef attachments = CMSampleBufferGetSampleAttachmentsArray(sampleBuffer, YES);
            CFMutableDictionaryRef dict = (CFMutableDictionaryRef)CFArrayGetValueAtIndex(attachments, 0);
            CFDictionarySetValue(dict, kCMSampleAttachmentKey_DisplayImmediately, kCFBooleanTrue);
            // either send the samplebuffer to a VTDecompressionSession or to an AVSampleBufferDisplayLayer
            [self render:sampleBuffer];
        // free memory to avoid a memory leak, do the same for sps, pps and blockbuffer
        if (NULL != data)
            free (data);
            data = NULL;

    The following method creates your VTD session. Recreate it whenever you receive newparameters. (You don't have to recreate it every time you receive parameters, pretty sure.) 

    If you want to set attributes for the destination CVPixelBuffer, read up on CoreVideo PixelBufferAttributes values and put them in NSDictionary *destinationImageBufferAttributes

    -(void) createDecompSession
        // make sure to destroy the old VTD session
        _decompressionSession = NULL;
        VTDecompressionOutputCallbackRecord callBackRecord;
        callBackRecord.decompressionOutputCallback = decompressionSessionDecodeFrameCallback;
        // this is necessary if you need to make calls to Objective C "self" from within in the callback method.
        callBackRecord.decompressionOutputRefCon = (__bridge void *)self;
        // you can set some desired attributes for the destination pixel buffer.  I didn't use this but you may
        // if you need to set some attributes, be sure to uncomment the dictionary in VTDecompressionSessionCreate
        NSDictionary *destinationImageBufferAttributes = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:
                                                          [NSNumber numberWithBool:YES],
        OSStatus status =  VTDecompressionSessionCreate(NULL, _formatDesc, NULL,
                                                        NULL, // (__bridge CFDictionaryRef)(destinationImageBufferAttributes)
                                                        &callBackRecord, &_decompressionSession);
        NSLog(@"Video Decompression Session Create: \t %@", (status == noErr) ? @"successful!" : @"failed...");
        if(status != noErr) NSLog(@"\t\t VTD ERROR type: %d", (int)status);

    Now this method gets called every time VTD is done decompressing any frame you sent to it. This method gets called even if there's an error or if the frame is dropped. 

    void decompressionSessionDecodeFrameCallback(void *decompressionOutputRefCon,
                                                 void *sourceFrameRefCon,
                                                 OSStatus status,
                                                 VTDecodeInfoFlags infoFlags,
                                                 CVImageBufferRef imageBuffer,
                                                 CMTime presentationTimeStamp,
                                                 CMTime presentationDuration)
        THISCLASSNAME *streamManager = (__bridge THISCLASSNAME *)decompressionOutputRefCon;
        if (status != noErr)
            NSError *error = [NSError errorWithDomain:NSOSStatusErrorDomain code:status userInfo:nil];
            NSLog(@"Decompressed error: %@", error);
            NSLog(@"Decompressed sucessfully");
            // do something with your resulting CVImageBufferRef that is your decompressed frame
            [streamManager displayDecodedFrame:imageBuffer];

    This is where we actually send the sampleBuffer off to the VTD to be decoded.

    - (void) render:(CMSampleBufferRef)sampleBuffer
        VTDecodeFrameFlags flags = kVTDecodeFrame_EnableAsynchronousDecompression;
        VTDecodeInfoFlags flagOut;
        NSDate* currentTime = [NSDate date];
        VTDecompressionSessionDecodeFrame(_decompressionSession, sampleBuffer, flags,
                                          (void*)CFBridgingRetain(currentTime), &flagOut);
        // if you're using AVSampleBufferDisplayLayer, you only need to use this line of code
        // [videoLayer enqueueSampleBuffer:sampleBuffer];

    If you're using AVSampleBufferDisplayLayer, be sure to init the layer like this, in viewDidLoad or inside some other init method.

    -(void) viewDidLoad
        // create our AVSampleBufferDisplayLayer and add it to the view
        videoLayer = [[AVSampleBufferDisplayLayer alloc] init];
        videoLayer.frame = self.view.frame;
        videoLayer.bounds = self.view.bounds;
        videoLayer.videoGravity = AVLayerVideoGravityResizeAspect;
        // set Timebase, you may need this if you need to display frames at specific times
        // I didn't need it so I haven't verified that the timebase is working
        CMTimebaseRef controlTimebase;
        CMTimebaseCreateWithMasterClock(CFAllocatorGetDefault(), CMClockGetHostTimeClock(), &controlTimebase);
        //videoLayer.controlTimebase = controlTimebase;
        CMTimebaseSetTime(self.videoLayer.controlTimebase, kCMTimeZero);
        CMTimebaseSetRate(self.videoLayer.controlTimebase, 1.0);
        [[self.view layer] addSublayer:videoLayer];





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