Firebird command Tools line switches

FBServer - command line switches
Server, FBGuard command line switches
  •  -a   run as application   This is default on Windows 95/98.
     -n  no icon in tray   Applicable only if Firebird runs as application
     -s  run as service   Used when installing service; obsolete.
    Priority of server process
     -b  run with high (boosted) priority  
     -r  run with normal priority   Default.
    TCP/IP parameters
     -p  specify port number/name or named pipe   It overrides setting in firebird.conf
    Connection protocols
     -i  accept tcp/ip connections   If neither of -i,-l,-w is specified, all protocols will be enabled
     -l  accept local connections   Superserver only
     -w  accept NetBEUI connections   Windows NT/2000/XP only
     -x  accept XNET connections   New version of local protocol (under development)
     -z  print server version and exit   (Does not work...)
GFIX Utility
FBGuard - command line switches
BServer, FBGuard command line switches
  •  -a   run both Server and Guardian as application    Not needed on Windows 95/98.
GFIX Utility
GFIX  - command line switches
GBAK Utility
  • Common switches
     -se[rvice]  <svname>  Use services manager
     -user  <username>   User name (either SYSDBA or database owner)
     -pas[sword]  <password>   User's password
     -v[erify]    Report each action taken
     -v[erify]  <num>   ... does not work yet ...
     -y  <path> | s[uppress]   Redirect/suppress status message output. File must not exist.
     -z     Print software version number
    Backup switches
     -b[ackup_database]     Backup database to file or device (default)
     -co[nvert]     Backup external files as tables.
     -e[xpand]     No data compression.
     -fa[ctor]  <n>   Blocking factor (for tape devices)
     -g[arbage_collect]     Inhibit garbage collection.
     -ig[nore]     Ignore bad checksums (errors are not reported)
     -l[imbo]     Ignore transactions in limbo.
     -m[eta_data]     Backup metadata only.
     -nt     Non-Transportable backup file format.
     -t[ransportable]     Transportable backup -- data in XDR format. (default)
    Restore switches
     -c[reate_database]     Create database from backup file.
     -r[eplace_database]     Create or Replace database from backup file.
     -bu[ffers]  <n>   Override page buffers default. (min. 50)
     -i[nactive]     Deactivate indexes during restore.
     -k[ill]     Restore without creating shadow.
     -mo[de]  read_write|read_only   Set r/w or r/o access.
     -n[o_validity]     Do not restore database validity conditions. (does not work correctly)
     -o[ne_at_a_time]     Restore one table at a time (commit after each relation).
     -p[age_size]  <n>   Override default page size (1024, 2048, 4196, 8192 or 16384).
     -use_[all_space]     Do not reserve space for record versions.
     -s[kip_bad_data]  <bytes>   Skip unknown attributes. (restore)
     -f[ile_names]  <file>   Can be put before file names, e.g. GBAK -BACK -F db.fdb -F db.fbk  
     -meta_data     Synonym for -metadata
     -verbose     Synonym for -verify
GFIX Utility
GFIX - command line switches
FIX Utility
  • Setting database parameters
     -b[uffers] 50..65535 set number of page buffers
     -h[ousekeeping] 0..2147483647 set sweep interval for automatic sweep
     -mo[de] {read_write | read_only} set read_only or read_write
     -w[rite] {sync | async} set forced write on/off
     -u[se] {full | reserve} use full space or reserve space for versions
     -s[ql_dialect] {1 | 3} set database dialect
    Database validation
     -v[alidate]   validate database structure
    -f[ull] validate record fragments
    -n[o_update] read-only validation
    -i[gnore] ignore checksum errors
     -m[end]   prepare corrupt database for backup
     -sw[eep] [-i[gnore] ] force garbage collection
    Shut-down/put on-line
     -sh[ut] -at[tach] number shutdown new database attachments
    -tr[an] number shutdown transaction startup
    -fo[rce] number force database shutdown
    -ca[che] number shutdown cache manager
     -o[nline]   database online
     -a[ctivate]   activate shadow file for database usage
     -k[ill]   kill all unavailable shadow files
    Two phase recovery
     -c[ommit] {all | number} commit limbo transaction
     -r[ollback] {all | number} rollback libmo transaction
     -t[wo_phase]{all | number} perform automated two-phase recovery
     -l[ist]   show limbo transactions
     -p[rompt] prompt for commit/rollback
     -user name user name (SYSDBA or database owner)
     -pa[ssword] password user's password
     -z   print software version number
Other Command Tools ( fb_lock_print ,gbak ,gdef ,gfix ,gpre ,gsec ,gsplit ,gstat ,instreg ,instsvc ,isql ,qli )
command line switches     -help   To Details





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