【ogg 】Error Messages(OGG-00001 to OGG-00520)


OGG-00001: Execution cannot continue - Program Terminating
Cause: This is a generic message that indicates a process failure.

Action: Look for other messages in the process report and error log that provide more context for this failure. If you cannot determine and resolve the problem, contact Oracle Support.

OGG-00002: Missing directory name
Cause: The directory name is missing from the DIRECTORY option of the TRANSMEMORY or LOBMEMORY parameter.

Action: Specify a directory for temporary storage with the DIRECTORY option, or use the default storage by removing the DIRECTORY option.

OGG-00003: Missing directory name end quote
Cause: A trailing (end) quote is missing from the directory specification in the DIRECTORY option of the TRANSMEMORY or LOBMEMORY parameter.

Action: Enclose the directory name within double quotes.

OGG-00004: Directory too long
Cause: The directory name that is specified with the DIRECTORY option of TRANSMEMORY or LOBMEMORY exceeds the length limit that is supported by the operating system.

Action: Specify a directory that has a path name that is within the operating system limitations.

OGG-00005: Invalid number for directory file size
Cause: The DIRECTORY option of TRANSMEMORY or LOBMEMORY contains an invalid value for the maximum file size, such as a non-numeric value or an invalid size specifier.

Action: Specify a valid value. See the Oracle GoldenGate reference documentation for valid directory size and valid size specifiers (such as GB for gigabytes and MB for megabytes).

OGG-00006: Directory options must be enclosed in parentheses
Cause: The directory specification of the DIRECTORY option of TRANSMEMORY or LOBMEMORY is not enclosed within parentheses.

Action: Enclose the entire directory specification in parentheses, as in this example: DIRECTORY (c:\test\dirtmp, 3000000000, 300000000)

OGG-00007: Invalid number for directory size
Cause: The DIRECTORY option of TRANSMEMORY or LOBMEMORY contains an invalid value for the maximum directory size, such as a non-numeric value or an invalid size specifier.

Action: Specify a valid value. See the Oracle GoldenGate reference documentation for valid directory size and valid size specifiers (such as GB for gigabytes and MB for megabytes).

OGG-00008: Missing directory file size
Cause: The file size specification is missing from the DIRECTORY option of TRANSMEMORY or LOBMEMORY.

Action: Specify a fully qualified directory name, a maximum directory size, and the maximum size of each file, as in: DIRECTORY (c:\test\dirtmp, 3000000000, 300000000).

OGG-00009: Directory parentheses must contain valid options
Cause: The DIRECTORY option of TRANSMEMORY or LOBMEMORY contains parentheses but no specification within them.

Action: Specify a fully qualified directory name, a maximum directory size, and the maximum size of each file, as in: DIRECTORY (c:\test\dirtmp, 3000000000, 300000000).

OGG-00010: Missing directory size and directory file size
Cause: The DIRECTORY option of TRANSMEMORY or LOBMEMORY does not contain a specification for the maximum directory and file size.

Action: Specify a fully qualified directory name, a maximum directory size, and the maximum size of each file, as in: DIRECTORY (c:\test\dirtmp, 3000000000, 300000000).

OGG-00011: Missing directory file size
Cause: The DIRECTORY option of TRANSMEMORY or LOBMEMORY does not contain a specification for the maximum file size.

Action: Specify a fully qualified directory name, a maximum directory size, and the maximum size of each file, as in: DIRECTORY (c:\test\dirtmp, 3000000000, 300000000).

OGG-00012: Command line error:invalid startup syntax: {0}
Cause: An unknown parameter is specified for the Extract or Replicat process that is being started from the command line

Action: Correct the syntax. The command can only contain PARAMFILE and REPORTFILE parameters, for example: /oggdir/Extract paramfile dirprm/ext.prm reportfile /user/reports/ext.rpt.

OGG-00013: Missing {0} argument at startup
Cause: An argument is missing from the specified parameter.

Action: Supply the correct syntax. For help, see the Oracle GoldenGate reference documentation.

OGG-00014: Unrecognized parameter: {0}. Parameter could be misspelled or unsupported.
Cause: The specified parameter is not valid for this version of Oracle GoldenGate.

Action: Check the parameter file for the correct syntax, spelling, and any required terminators such as the semi-colon. Also make certain the parameter is supported for this version of Oracle GoldenGate. To do both of those things, check the reference documentation for your version of Oracle GoldenGate.

OGG-00015: {0} is not supported. Check spelling or see Oracle GoldenGate Reference Guide for supported parameters.
Cause: The specified parameter is not valid for this version of Oracle GoldenGate.

Action: Check the parameter file for the correct syntax, spelling, and any required terminators such as the semi-colon. Also make certain the parameter is supported for this version of Oracle GoldenGate. To do both of those things, check the reference documentation for your version of Oracle GoldenGate.

OGG-00016: {0} is not supported. Check spelling or see Oracle GoldenGate Reference Guide for supported parameters.
Cause: The specified parameter is not valid for this version of Oracle GoldenGate.

Action: Check the parameter file for the correct syntax, spelling, and any required terminators such as the semi-colon. Also make certain the parameter is supported for this version of Oracle GoldenGate. To do both of those things, check the reference documentation for your version of Oracle GoldenGate.

OGG-00017: Not enough stack space. Specify FUNCTIONSTACKSIZE greater than {0,number,0}
Cause: The size of the memory stack that is used for processing Oracle GoldenGate column-conversion functions needs to be increased.

Action: Add the FUNCTIONSTACKSIZE parameter to the parameter file before the point where parameters that contain conversion functions are listed, and set it to at least the value shown in the error message. The value specifies the number of function arguments to allow in a parameter clause.

OGG-00018: {0} ignored when running as a RMTTASK.
Cause: The specified parameter is not supported for a remote task and is being ignored.

Action: Remove the parameter from the parameter file to avoid future messages like this.

OGG-00019: No GROUP value given for RMTTASK in EXTRACT parameter file. Correct: GROUP group_name.
Cause: The RMTTASK parameter is missing the required GROUP clause.

Action: Add the GROUP clause so that the syntax is RMTTASK REPLICAT, GROUP group_name, where group_name is the name of the Replicat group on the target.

OGG-00020: The GROUP value in RMTTASK in the EXTRACT parameter file is too long.
Cause: The name of the group in the GROUP clause of RMTTASK is probably too long. An Oracle GoldenGate group name can be up to eight characters long.

Action: Reduce the length of the group name.

OGG-00021: The REPLICAT parameter in RMTTASK in the EXTRACT parameter file is not present.
Cause: The RMTTASK parameter requires the REPLICAT keyword.

Action: The correct syntax is RMTTASK REPLICAT, GROUP group_name, where group_name is the name of the Replicat group on the target.

OGG-00022: The GROUP parameter in a RMTTASK line in the EXTRACT param file is not present. GROUP group_name
Cause: The RMTTASK parameter is missing the required GROUP clause.

Action: Add the GROUP clause so that the syntax is RMTTASK REPLICAT, GROUP group_name, where group_namethe name of the Replicat group on the target.

OGG-00023: TCPBUFSIZE and TCPFLUSHBYTES are not supported in RMTTASK mode
Cause: The RMTHOST parameter contains the TCPBUFSIZE or TCPFLUSHBYTES option (or both), which are not supported for a remote task.

Action: Remove these options from the parameter file.

OGG-00024: Cannot specify both FORMATASCII and ENCRYPTTRAIL for '{0}'
Cause: ENCRYPTTRAIL and NOENCRYPTTRAIL cannot be used when FORMATASCII is used to write data to a file in ASCII format. The trail or file must be written in the default Oracle GoldenGate canonical format when encryption is used.

Action: Remove either FORMATASCII or ENCRYPTTRAIL from the parameter file, depending on the configuration requirement.

OGG-00026: Bulk load not implemented for this database type.
Cause: The BULKLOAD parameter is being used for Replicat against a database that is not an Oracle database.

Action: Do not use the BULKLOAD initial load method. See the Oracle GoldenGate administration documentation for other supported load methods.

OGG-00027: {0} was not specified. Check Oracle GoldenGate documentation for correct usage.
Cause: The specified parameter is required but missing from the parameter file.

Action: Add the parameter. See the Oracle GoldenGate reference documentation for help with syntax and usage.

OGG-00028: Failed to retrieve column handle for table {0}, column #{1,number,0} while getting table definition.
Cause: The process could not retrieve the metadata for the specified table. Most likely, the table does not exist.

Action: Exclude the table from the TABLE or MAP statement.

OGG-00029: Failed to retrieve column list handle for table {0} while getting table definition.
Cause: The process could not retrieve the metadata for the specified table. Most likely, the table does not exist.

Action: Exclude the table from the TABLE or MAP statement.

OGG-00030: Could not resolve parameter {0}. Check spelling and usage in parameter file.
Cause: Oracle GoldenGate could not resolve the specified parameter. It might be misspelled or used incorrectly.

Action: Check the Oracle GoldenGate reference documentation for correct syntax and usage.

OGG-00031: Unspecified parameter name.
Cause: There are no runtime substitution parameters specified.

Action: To use parameter substitution, declare a runtime parameter instead of an actual value, and precede the runtime parameter name with a question mark (?), such as EXTFILE ?EXTFILE. Then, before starting the process, use the shell of the operating system to pass the runtime values by means of an environment variable. For more information, see the Oracle GoldenGate administration documentation.

OGG-00032: Parameter {0} was already specified.
Cause: The specified parameter appears more than once in the parameter file.

Action: Remove all but one instance of this parameter, and make sure it is the one that contains the correct options and values for your intended configuration.

OGG-00033: Parameter {0} was already specified ({1})
Cause: The specified parameter appears more than once in the parameter file.

Action: Remove all but one instance of this parameter, and make sure it is the one that contains the correct options and values for your intended configuration.

OGG-00034: Missing value for startup parameter {0}.
Cause: A value was not given for the specified parameter.

Action: Specify a value for this parameter. For permissible values, see the Oracle GoldenGate reference documentation.

OGG-00035: {0} does not take any additional parameters
Cause: Too many values are supplied for the specified parameter.

Action: See the Oracle GoldenGate reference documentation for correct syntax, options, and values.

OGG-00036: No tables specified in parameter file
Cause: The parameter file does not contain a TABLE or MAP parameter to specify the tables that are to be processed by Oracle GoldenGate.

Action: Add one or more TABLE parameters to an Extract parameter file or one or more MAP parameters to a Replicat parameter file.

OGG-00037: {0} file {1} already exists
Cause: The specified file name already exists.

Action: Specify a different file name or delete the existing file.

OGG-00038: Could not start TCP/IP (status {0,number,0}, err {1,number,0})
Cause: There was a Windows Sockets (Winsock) error when Oracle GoldenGate attempted to start TCP/IP services.

Action: Fix the problem that is reported in the Winsock error message.

OGG-00039: Invalid timeout value {0}
Cause: The value for the Collector timeout was not between 1 and 1800 seconds.

Action: Specify a value between 1 and 1800 for the -w Collector parameter.

OGG-00040: Missing timeout value
Cause: A value for the -w Collector timeout parameter was not provided.

Action: Specify a value between 1 and 1800 seconds for the -w Collector parameter.

OGG-00041: Data source not specified
Cause: The Oracle GoldenGate Extract process is configured with an unknown data source type.

Action: Recreate the Extract group with a supported data source type, such as TRANLOG, VAM, EXTTRAILSOURCE, or SOURCEISTABLE. For a complete list of data source options, see the ADD EXTRACT command in the Oracle GoldenGate reference documentation.

OGG-00042: {0} may not be used with this type of Extract
Cause: The specified parameter is not valid for use with the current Extract configuration.

Action: Remove the parameter. For help with configuring Extract for your requirements, see the Oracle GoldenGate documentation.

OGG-00044: PASSTHRU parameter can only be used with an Extract data pump
Cause: The PASSTHRU parameter is specified in the parameter file of a primary Extract or a Replicat group.

Action: Remove PASSTHRU or create the Extract group to be a data pump, as applicable to your requirements.

OGG-00045: Trails cannot be used with {0}
Cause: A remote task is specified for this configuration of Oracle GoldenGate, but the RMTTRAIL or EXTTRAIL parameter is also used.

Action: Remove the trail parameters.

OGG-00046: Begin time must be specified for a {0}
Cause: The parameter file contains the SPECIALRUN parameter, but not a BEGIN parameter.

Action: Add the BEGIN parameter to the parameter file to specify a start time for the special run.

OGG-00047: Expected {0} parameter for task
Cause: The RMTTASK parameter is missing from the parameter file.

Action: Add the RMTTASK parameter.

OGG-00049: Trails cannot be used when SOURCEISTABLE/SOURCEISFILE is specified
Cause: The ADD EXTRACT command that created the Extract process was issued with the SOURCEISTABLE or SOURCEISFILE option to create a remote task. A remote task does not use disk storage for data, but a trail parameter was specified in the parameter file.

Action: Remove the EXTTRAIL or RMTTRAIL parameter.

OGG-00051: Must specify Extract file when specifying {0}
Cause: The SPECIALRUN parameter is being used, but there is no EXTFILE or EXTTRAIL parameter to specify the output storage file.

Action: Add an EXTFILE or EXTTRAIL parameter.

OGG-00052: No Replication maps specified
Cause: There are no MAP parameters in the Replicat parameter file to specify source and target table mappings.

Action: Add one or more MAP parameters to the Replicat parameter file.

OGG-00053: No Extraction maps specified
Cause: There are no TABLE parameters in the Extract parameter file to specify source tables for which to capture data.

Action: Add one or more TABLE parameters to the Extract parameter file.

OGG-00054: Remote task entry encountered in the parameter file without a remote host entry given first
Cause: The RMTTASK parameter is used in the Extract parameter file to specify a remote task, but the target host is not specified with the RMTHOST parameter.

Action: Add the RMTHOST parameter to the Extract parameter file. For help with configuring a remote task, see the Oracle GoldenGate administration documentation. For more information about RMTHOST and RMTTASK, see the Oracle GoldenGate reference documentation.

OGG-00055: {0} is not supported for passive mode
Cause: The Extract group was created as a passive Extract by using the ADD EXTRACT command with the PASSIVE option, but the parameter file for this group contains the specified parameter, which is not supported in passive mode.

Action: Remove the parameter from the Extract parameter file.

OGG-00056: Too many trail/file definitions in passive mode
Cause: This Extract process is configured in PASSIVE mode, but there are multiple RMTFILE or RMTTRAIL definitions.

Action: Remove all but one RMTFILE or RMTTRAIL definition.

OGG-00057: Only REMOTE trail/file is allowed in passive mode
Cause: The Extract group was added in PASSIVE mode, but the parameter file specifies an EXTTRAIL or EXTFILE local trail or file.

Action: Remove the specification for the local file, and use the RMTTRAIL or RMTFILE parameter instead.

OGG-00058: Begin time ({0,date} {0,time}) must precede end time ({1,date} {1,time})
Cause: The parameter file contains a parameter that takes a begin and end time as input, but the end time is listed before the begin time.

Action: Edit the parameter syntax to specify the begin time before the end time. For help, see the Oracle GoldenGate reference documentation.

OGG-00059: GGS sets error {0,number,0} to {1} internally, cannot override the error response to {2}
Cause: The REPERROR parameter contains a response rule for the specified error number, but this error is handled internally by Oracle GoldenGate, and the REPERROR setting is ignored.

Action: Remove the REPERROR rule that caused the error.

OGG-00060: Extract requires a value specified for parameter {0} when in archived log only mode.
Cause: The specified parameter is a required parameter when Extract operates in archived-log mode.

Action: Add the parameter to the Extract parameter file, and then restart the process. For syntax and usage, see the Oracle GoldenGate reference documentation.

OGG-00061: DEFERAPPLYINTERVAL cannot be less than EOFDELAY.
Cause: The DEFERAPPLYINTERVAL parameter is used in the parameter file to control how long Replicat waits before applying data to the target; however, the value is lower than the value of EOFDELAY, which controls how often Replicat checks for new data in the trail.

Action: Set DEFERAPPLYINTERVAL to a higher value than that of EOFDELAY.

OGG-00062: DEFERAPPLYINTERVAL cannot be greater than 1 week.
Cause: The value of DEFERAPPLYINTERVAL is set to more than seven days (one week).

Action: Reduce the value to seven or fewer days (or the equivalent seconds, minutes, or hours). See the Oracle GoldenGate reference documentation for valid units.

OGG-00063: CHECKOPCOMPLETE: No operation type was set in the VAMRead
Cause: The operation type attribute of the record that is being passed by the VAM API was not set by the VAM module.

Action: Contact Oracle Support or, if you are working with an Oracle GoldenGate developer, contact that person.

OGG-00064: CHECKOPCOMPLETE: The DDL database object type has an invalid operation type: {0,number,0}
Cause: The operation type attribute for the record that is being passed by the VAM API does not match one of the DDL database object types.

Action: Contact Oracle Support or, if you are working with an Oracle GoldenGate developer, contact that person.

OGG-00065: CHECKOPCOMPLETE: The table database object type has an invalid operation type: {0,number,0}
Cause: The operation type attribute for the record being passed by the VAM API does not match the table database object type.

Action: Contact Oracle Support or, if you are working with an Oracle GoldenGate developer, contact that person.

OGG-00066: CHECKOPCOMPLETE: The database object type is invalid: {0,number,0}
Cause: The database object type attribute for the record being passed by the VAM API does not match any known database object types.

Action: Contact Oracle Support or, if you are working with an Oracle GoldenGate developer, contact that person.

OGG-00067: CHECKOPCOMPLETE: No DDL statement was received for a record with a DDL database object type
Cause: No DDL statement was given by the VAM API for the DDL record that is being processed.

Action: Contact Oracle Support or, if you are working with an Oracle GoldenGate developer, contact that person.

OGG-00068: CHECKOPCOMPLETE: No object name was set for operation type: {0,number,0}
Cause: The object name attribute for the record being passed by the VAM API was not set by the VAM module.

Action: Contact Oracle Support or, if you are working with an Oracle GoldenGate developer, contact that person.

OGG-00069: CHECKOPCOMPLETE: No object owner was set for operation type: {0,number,0}
Cause: The object owner attribute for the record being passed by the VAM API was not set by the VAM module.

Action: Contact Oracle Support or, if you are working with an Oracle GoldenGate developer, contact that person.

OGG-00070: CHECKOPCOMPLETE: No timestamp was set for operation type: {0,number,0}
Cause: The timestamp attribute for the record being passed by the VAM API was not set by the VAM module.

Action: Contact Oracle Support or, if you are working with an Oracle GoldenGate developer, contact that person.

OGG-00071: CHECKOPCOMPLETE: No transaction identifier was set for operation type: {0,number,0}
Cause: The transaction identifier attribute for the record being passed by the VAM API was not set by the VAM module.

Action: Contact Oracle Support or, if you are working with an Oracle GoldenGate developer, contact that person.

OGG-00073: CHECKOPCOMPLETE: No before keys in primary key update were added for operation type: {0,number,0}
Cause: No before image key fields were sent for a primary key update record being passed by the VAM API.

Action: Contact Oracle Support or, if you are working with an Oracle GoldenGate developer, contact that person.

OGG-00074: CHECKOPCOMPLETE: Before key in primary key update was not added for column(s): {1}: Operation type: {0,number,0}
Cause: No before image key fields were sent for a primary key update record being passed by the VAM API.

Action: Contact Oracle Support or, if you are working with an Oracle GoldenGate developer, contact that person.

OGG-00075: CHECKOPCOMPLETE: Key column was not added for column(s) {1}: Operation type: {0,number,0}
Cause: The value for the after image key column required for an update record was not passed by the VAM API.

Action: Contact Oracle Support or, if you are working with an Oracle GoldenGate developer, contact that person.

OGG-00076: GG_OBJ_RECORD: GG_ATTR_OBJECT_NAME: Object owner attribute was already set as part of the object name
Cause: The object owner attribute for the record being passed by the VAM API was already included in the object name attribute.

Action: Contact Oracle Support or, if you are working with an Oracle GoldenGate developer, contact that person.

OGG-00077: GG_OBJ_RECORD: GG_ATTR_OBJECT_NAME: Object owner attribute must be set before the object name is set
Cause: The object owner attribute for the record being passed by the VAM API was set after the object name attribute was set. It is a VAM API requirement that it be set before the object name attribute.

Action: Contact Oracle Support or, if you are working with an Oracle GoldenGate developer, contact that person.

OGG-00078: DDL processing is not implemented for this target
Cause: A DDL record was encountered in the transaction log. Oracle GoldenGate does not support the capture or replication of DDL for this type of database.

Action: Because DDL was applied on the source but not Replicated, the source and target definitions are out of synchronization. Future DML may result in errors. You can ignore this message and accept the inconsistencies, or you can apply the DDL on the target before allowing DML operations on this object. Stop and start Replicat after the DDL changes are made.

OGG-00079: Metadata object processing is not implemented for this target
Cause: The VAM API does not support the exchange of table metadata for the database being used.

Action: Contact Oracle Support or, if you are working with an Oracle GoldenGate developer, contact that person.

OGG-00080: Invalid I/O type encountered {0,number,0}
Cause: This message is specific to the Teradata VAM implementation. An end transaction record was expected, but another record type was received.

Action: Contact Oracle Support or, if you are working with an Oracle GoldenGate developer, contact that person.

OGG-00081: GG_OBJ_METADATA: GG_ATTR_MD_COLUMN_COUNT: Column count must be greater than zero
Cause: An insert, update, or delete record was sent by the VAM API, but no columns for the record were received.

Action: Contact Oracle Support or, if you are working with an Oracle GoldenGate developer, contact that person.

OGG-00082: GG_OBJ_METADATA: GG_ATTR_MD_COLUMN_COUNT: Previous table not completed
Cause: The metadata processing for the current table was not complete when an attempt was made to start processing the metadata for the next table in the sequence.

Action: Contact Oracle Support or, if you are working with an Oracle GoldenGate developer, contact that person.

OGG-00083: Transaction list update: Number of transactions has changed
Cause: This message is specific to the Teradata VAM implementation. Recovery processing cannot complete because the recovery trail file has been updated by another process after recovery processing started.

Action: Contact Oracle Support or, if you are working with an Oracle GoldenGate developer, contact that person.

OGG-00084: Transaction list processing only available in maximum protection mode
Cause: This message is specific to the Teradata VAM implementation. Recovery processing is only supported in maximum protection mode and maximum performance mode was specified.

Action: Contact Oracle Support or, if you are working with an Oracle GoldenGate developer, contact that person.

OGG-00085: {1}:Invalid attribute {0,number,0}]
Cause: The attribute type set by the VAM module is unknown.

Action: Contact Oracle Support or, if you are working with an Oracle GoldenGate developer, contact that person.

OGG-00086: {1}:Attribute {0,number,0} has invalid value
Cause: The attribute value set by the VAM module is invalid for the attribute type.

Action: Contact Oracle Support or, if you are working with an Oracle GoldenGate developer, contact that person.

OGG-00087: Transaction list update: Transaction ID has changed for index {0,number,0}
Cause: This message is specific to the Teradata VAM implementation. Recovery processing cannot complete because the recovery transaction list passed to the VAM module is no longer valid.

Action: Contact Oracle Support or, if you are working with an Oracle GoldenGate developer, contact that person.

OGG-00088: {1}: Attribute {0,number,0}: The pointer to the return parameter for the attribute length cannot be null
Cause: No return buffer was given to hold the length of the value when the VAM module is retrieving a value from the VAM kernel.

Action: Contact Oracle Support or, if you are working with an Oracle GoldenGate developer, contact that person.

OGG-00089: Object {0,number,0}: Attribute {1,number,0}: Attribute is invalid for object
Cause: The attribute type assigned by the VAM module is invalid for the VAM API object type it is setting.

Action: Contact Oracle Support or, if you are working with an Oracle GoldenGate developer, contact that person.

OGG-00090: Transaction list is not available for the generic VAM
Cause: The functionality being requested is only available for the Teradata VAM implementation.

Action: Contact Oracle Support or, if you are working with an Oracle GoldenGate developer, contact that person.

OGG-00091: {0}
Cause: The error message that is displayed is returned from a separate sub-subsystem called by the VAM API.

Action: Contact Oracle Support or, if you are working with an Oracle GoldenGate developer, contact that person.

OGG-00092: {0}: A maximum return length of zero and a null pointer to the return parameter for the attribute length are an invalid combination
Cause: No return buffer was given to hold the length of the value when the VAM module is retrieving the length of value from the VAM kernel.

Action: Contact Oracle Support or, if you are working with an Oracle GoldenGate developer, contact that person.

OGG-00094: Object {0,number,0}: Attribute {1,number,0}: Length ust be greater than zero
Cause: The attribute for the object being passed to the VAM API by the VAM module must contain a value.

Action: Contact Oracle Support or, if you are working with an Oracle GoldenGate developer, contact that person.

OGG-00095: {1}: Attempting to add attribute {0,number,0} before index set for column
Cause: A column attribute is being passed to the VAM API by the VAM module before the column index identifying that column has been set.

Action: Contact Oracle Support or, if you are working with an Oracle GoldenGate developer, contact that person.

OGG-00096: {3}: Attribute {0,number,0} Length given ({2,number,0}) exceeds maximum length allowed ({1,number,0})
Cause: The length of the attribute being passed to the VAM API by the VAM module exceeds the maximum length allowed for that attribute type.

Action: Contact Oracle Support or, if you are working with an Oracle GoldenGate developer, contact that person.

OGG-00097: {0}: Invalid length for an integer value
Cause: An integer value is being passed to the VAM API by the VAM module, but the length given is not either 1, 2, 4 or 8 bytes, which are the only lengths allowed.

Action: Contact Oracle Support or, if you are working with an Oracle GoldenGate developer, contact that person.

OGG-00098: Object {0,number,0}: Attribute {1,number,0}: Invalid length {2,number,0}
Cause: A C/C++ int value is being passed to the VAM API by the VAM module, but the length given is not the same as the length of an int as returned by that compiler.

Action: Contact Oracle Support or, if you are working with an Oracle GoldenGate developer, contact that person.

OGG-00099: {0}: Invalid data format type
Cause: The data format type assigned by the VAM module is invalid for the VAM API attribute type it is setting.

Action: Contact Oracle Support or, if you are working with an Oracle GoldenGate developer, contact that person.

OGG-00100: {1}: Attribute {0,number,0}: Column is not nullable]
Cause: A null value was passed to the VAM API by the VAM module for a column whose metadata marked it as not nullable.

Action: Contact Oracle Support or, if you are working with an Oracle GoldenGate developer, contact that person.

OGG-00101: {1}: Attribute {0,number,0}: Only integers are scalable]
Cause: A decimal scale was passed to the VAM API by the VAM module for a column data type for which it is invalid.

Action: Contact Oracle Support or, if you are working with an Oracle GoldenGate developer, contact that person.

OGG-00102: {1}: Attribute {0,number,0}: Scale does not match table definition
Cause: The decimal scale passed to the VAM API by the VAM module for a column does not match the table metadata definition.

Action: Contact Oracle Support or, if you are working with an Oracle GoldenGate developer, contact that person.

OGG-00103: {1}: {0}: GG_ATTR_MD_COLUMN_COUNT not set
Cause: A metadata attribute from the Extract parameter file is being retrieved via the VAM API by the VAM module before the metadata processing has started for that table.

Action: Contact Oracle Support or, if you are working with an Oracle GoldenGate developer, contact that person.

OGG-00104: VAM module calling GGColMetadataAddByIndex without setting GG_ATTR_MD_COLUMN_COUNT with the number of columns to be added
Cause: A column metadata attribute is being passed to the VAM API by the VAM module before the column processing has started.

Action: Contact Oracle Support or, if you are working with an Oracle GoldenGate developer, contact that person.

OGG-00105: {0}: Table lookup in database has either not taken place or failed: Check return code of GGAttrSet for GG_ATTR_OBJECT_NAME
Cause: The VAM module is attempting to continue processing the metadata for a table after the VAM API returned an error code on a previous call.

Action: Contact Oracle Support or, if you are working with an Oracle GoldenGate developer, contact that person.

OGG-00106: {0}: Adding column before operation type set
Cause: A column value is being passed to the VAM API by the VAM module before the operation type was set for the record.

Action: Contact Oracle Support or, if you are working with an Oracle GoldenGate developer, contact that person.

OGG-00107: GG_OBJ_RECORD: Invalid VAM operation type {0,number,0}
Cause: The operation type attribute being passed to the VAM API by the VAM module for the VAM API record object is unknown.

Action: Contact Oracle Support or, if you are working with an Oracle GoldenGate developer, contact that person.

OGG-00108: GG_OBJ_RECORD: No transaction ID was given in DCI interface call
Cause: No transaction identifier was given in the Direct Call Interface call when the VAM module was sending a record via the VAM API.

Action: Contact Oracle Support or, if you are working with an Oracle GoldenGate developer, contact that person.

OGG-00109: {0} requires maximum protection mode
Cause: This message is specific to the Teradata VAM implementation. The VAM module sent a prepare transaction record via the VAM API in maximum performance mode. This is only allowed in maximum protection mode.

Action: Contact Oracle Support or, if you are working with an Oracle GoldenGate developer, contact that person.

OGG-00110: {0}: VAM session using local ASCII format timestamps for position time: Integer format Julian GMT timestamps invalid.
Cause: The VAM module is sending timestamps in a Julian format as an integer value while the session protocol is to use ASCII timestamps.

Action: Contact Oracle Support or, if you are working with an Oracle GoldenGate developer, contact that person.

OGG-00111: {0}: VAM session using integer format Julian GMT timestamps for position time: Local ASCII format timestamps invalid.
Cause: The VAM module is sending timestamps in an ASCII format while the session protocol is to use a Julian format passed as an integer.

Action: Contact Oracle Support or, if you are working with an Oracle GoldenGate developer, contact that person.

OGG-00112: GG_OBJ_RECORD: {0} must be set before {1}
Cause: A required attribute in the VAM API record object was not set in the right order by the VAM module.

Action: Contact Oracle Support or, if you are working with an Oracle GoldenGate developer, contact that person.

OGG-00113: GG_OBJ_RECORD: GG_ATTR_BEFORE_AFTER can only be used with GG_OPTYPE_UPDATE for primary key updates
Cause: The VAM module tried to add a before key for a record that is not a primary key update.

Action: Contact Oracle Support or, if you are working with an Oracle GoldenGate developer, contact that person.

OGG-00115: GG_OBJ_RECORD: Attribute {0,number,0}: Null pointer passed for value
Cause: No buffer was given for the VAM kernel to retrieve the value when the VAM module is setting an attribute value via the VAM API.

Action: Contact Oracle Support or, if you are working with an Oracle GoldenGate developer, contact that person.

OGG-00116: VAMMessage error returned by VAM
Cause: A call from GGSCI to the VAMMessage function implemented by the user in the VAM module returned with an error.

Action: Contact Oracle Support or, if you are working with an Oracle GoldenGate developer, contact that person.

OGG-00117: VAMMessage called before VAM module initialized]
Cause: A call from GGSCI to the VAMMessage function was made before the VAM module was initialized by a call to VAMInitialize.

Action: Contact Oracle Support or, if you are working with an Oracle GoldenGate developer, contact that person.

OGG-00118: {1}: Index {0,number,0} is not in sequential order
Cause: A column was sent out of sequential order by the VAM module when sending the columns for an insert, update or delete record.

Action: Contact Oracle Support or, if you are working with an Oracle GoldenGate developer, contact that person.

OGG-00119: {1}: Index {0,number,0} is out of range of columns added to record
Cause: A column index was sent by the VAM module that is greater than the number of columns available for the table, when sending the columns for an insert, update or delete record.

Action: Contact Oracle Support or, if you are working with an Oracle GoldenGate developer, contact that person.

OGG-00120: The maximum length allowed for LOB row ID was exceeded
Cause: The maximum size of the buffer available to hold the unique ID generated for a LOB column was exceeded by the length of the ID that was generated.

Action: Contact Oracle Support or, if you are working with an Oracle GoldenGate developer, contact that person.

OGG-00121: {1}: Invalid VAM action {0,number,0}]
Cause: An invalid action type was passed by the VAM module when generating an informational, warning or error message to be sent to and output by the VAM API.

Action: Contact Oracle Support or, if you are working with an Oracle GoldenGate developer, contact that person.

OGG-00122: Large column support is not implemented in this release
Cause: The maximum column size was exceeded for the column value sent by the VAM module by the VAM API.

Action: Contact Oracle Support or, if you are working with an Oracle GoldenGate developer, contact that person.

OGG-00123: No columns given in DCI interface call
Cause: An insert, update or delete record was sent in the Direct Call Interface call to the VAM API but no columns for the record were received.

Action: Contact Oracle Support or, if you are working with an Oracle GoldenGate developer, contact that person.

OGG-00124: Input data format must be set to zero
Cause: The data format type was set by the VAM module for an attribute passed to the VAM API that does not possess a data type. The data format value should be set to zero in this case.

Action: Contact Oracle Support or, if you are working with an Oracle GoldenGate developer, contact that person.

OGG-00125: Object {0,number,0}: Attribute {1,number,0}: Column values can not be set directly
Cause: An attempt was made to use one of the deprecated column attributes that were originally used to set column values directly.

Action: Contact Oracle Support or, if you are working with an Oracle GoldenGate developer, contact that person.

OGG-00126: Object {0,number,0}: Attribute {1,number,0}: String does not contain a value
Cause: An attribute value was sent by the VAM module as a null-terminated string, but the null-terminated string has a length of zero instead of a value (required).

Action: Contact Oracle Support or, if you are working with an Oracle GoldenGate developer, contact that person.

OGG-00127: Object {0,number,0}: Attribute {1,number,0}: Maximum length allowed exceeded
Cause: The attribute value set by the VAM module for the transaction identifier in the VAM API record object exceeds the maximum length allowed for transaction identifier.

Action: Contact Oracle Support or, if you are working with an Oracle GoldenGate developer, contact that person.

OGG-00128: Large column processing in progress: invalid data format
Cause: An invalid data format type was passed by the VAM module when processing large and LOB columns that are sent in blocks across the VAM API.

Action: Contact Oracle Support or, if you are working with an Oracle GoldenGate developer, contact that person.

OGG-00129: Adding column before metadata retrieved
Cause: The VAM module is sending the column values for a table via the VAM API before the metadata exchange for that table has taken place.

Action: Contact Oracle Support or, if you are working with an Oracle GoldenGate developer, contact that person.

OGG-00130: Table {0}: Column {1} has invalid type for a key column
Cause: The data type of the primary key of this table is not supported by Oracle GoldenGate as a key.

Action: Specify an alternate key by using a KEYCOLS clause in the parameter file. For more information, see the Oracle GoldenGate reference documentation. For supported data types in keys, see the Oracle GoldenGate installation and setup documentation for your database.

OGG-00133: GG_OBJ_METADATA: {0} returned an error
Cause: There was an error trying to retrieve metadata with the specified VAM function.

Action: Contact Oracle Support or, if you are working with an Oracle GoldenGate developer, contact that person.

OGG-00134: VAM attempting retrieve GG_ATTR_MD_KEYCOLS when GG_ATTR_MD_KEYCOLS_COUNT is set to zero and there are no key columns to return
Cause: During the table metadata exchange the VAM module is attempting to retrieve the value of the KEYCOLS array specified in the Extract parameter file when there are no KEYCOLS values to retrieve.

Action: Contact Oracle Support or, if you are working with an Oracle GoldenGate developer, contact that person.

OGG-00135: GG_OBJ_METADATA: Table {0} has no key columns specified and no columns that can be used as key columns
Cause: The specified table contains no defined key columns and no other columns that Oracle GoldenGate can use as key columns. Oracle GoldenGate will attempt to use all of the columns as a key, or you can specify a KEYCOLS clause in the source TABLE and target MAP parameters. For more information, see the Oracle GoldenGate reference documentation.

Action: None

OGG-00136: {0} is a deprecated VAM API function and is longer in use
Cause: An incompatible version of the VAM API module is being used.

Action: Contact Oracle Support to obtain the current version.

OGG-00137: GG_OBJ_COLUMN: Invalid integer type {0,number,0}
Cause: An invalid integer was passed by the VAM module when sending the columns for an insert, update or delete record via the VAM API.

Action: Contact Oracle Support or, if you are working with an Oracle GoldenGate developer, contact that person.

OGG-00138: A SORTTRANLOG Extract requires either a TERADATA or a VAMTRD pre-processor define to build successfully
Cause: This message is specific to the Teradata VAM implementation. The executable was built without the defines that are required in order to enable the functionality being requested.

Action: Contact Oracle Support or, if you are working with an Oracle GoldenGate developer, contact that person.

OGG-00139: Extract was not built with VAM functionality included
Cause: This Extract build does not include a VAM module.

Action: Obtain the correct Extract build for your database from Oracle.

OGG-00140: Error {0,number,0}, source {1,number,0} - {2}
Cause: Inter-process communication failed. This error is related to the Oracle GoldenGate vendor access module (VAM).

Action: Contact Oracle Support or, if you are working with an Oracle GoldenGate developer, contact that person.

OGG-00141: {1} Invalid VAM type:{0,number,0}
Cause: The Extract type was not given in the TRANLOGOPTIONS clause in the Extract parameter file for the Teradata implementation of the VAM API.

Action: Specify the correct Extract type, either COMMITTEDTRANLOG, CREATETRANLOG, or SORTTRANLOG. If the problem persists, contact Oracle Support.

OGG-00142: {0}: Adding column before table owner set
Cause: The VAM module sent a column through the VAM API for an insert, update or delete operation before it set the required record attribute that specifies the object owner of the record.

Action: Contact Oracle Support or, if you are working with an Oracle GoldenGate developer, contact that person.

OGG-00143: {0}: Adding column before table name set
Cause: The VAM module sent a column through the VAM API for an insert, update or delete operation before it set the required record attribute specifying the object name of the record.

Action: Contact Oracle Support or, if you are working with an Oracle GoldenGate developer, contact that person.

OGG-00144: Fatal error reported by VAM reader thread
Cause: A fatal error was reported in another thread in the multi-threaded VAM Extract, and this thread terminated because of that error.

Action: Contact Oracle Support or, if you are working with an Oracle GoldenGate developer, contact that person.

OGG-00145: Call to {0} returned with error status {1,number,0}
Cause: One of the VAM API functions implemented in the VAM module returned an error status on completion of the call to that function in the VAM kernel.

Action: Contact Oracle Support or, if you are working with an Oracle GoldenGate developer, contact that person.

OGG-00146: Call to {0} returned with error status {1,number,0}: {2}
Cause: One of the VAM API functions implemented in the VAM module returned an error status on completion of the call to that function in the VAM kernel, after previously reporting a fatal error in the call.

Action: Contact Oracle Support or, if you are working with an Oracle GoldenGate developer, contact that person.

OGG-00147: Call to {0} returned with error status {1,number,0}: {2}
Cause: The VAM API VAMControl function returned an error when being called as part of the shutdown processing caused by a previously reported fatal error.

Action: Contact Oracle Support or, if you are working with an Oracle GoldenGate developer, contact that person.

OGG-00148: Prepare is invalid in maximum performance mode
Cause: This message is specific to the Teradata VAM implementation. The VAM module sent a prepare transaction record via the VAM API in maximum performance mode. This is only allowed in maximum protection mode.

Action: Contact Oracle Support or, if you are working with an Oracle GoldenGate developer, contact that person.

OGG-00149: Rollbacks of transactions are not allowed in maximum protection mode
Cause: This message is specific to the Teradata VAM implementation. The VAM module sent a rollback transaction record via the VAM API, but only successfully committed transactions can be sent by the VAM module for the Teradata implementation.

Action: Contact Oracle Support or, if you are working with an Oracle GoldenGate developer, contact that person.

OGG-00150: No value set for table name
Cause: The metadata for the table in the VAM kernel does not contain a valid table name. This is required for the standard header structure used to preface each output trail file record to identify the table in that file.

Action: Contact Oracle Support or, if you are working with an Oracle GoldenGate developer, contact that person.

OGG-00151: The GG_ATTR_OP_COMPLETE attribute was not checked after adding a record before the VAMRead completed
Cause: The optional validation checking is on, and the VAM module did not make the final call to verify that the validation was successful. This validation checking is on by default in debug builds to ensure that the VAM module completed all of the requirements for sending a record via the VAM API. It is designed to be used for development by third-parties that are building their own VAM module as a dynamic link library or shared library.

Action: Contact Oracle Support or, if you are working with an Oracle GoldenGate developer, contact that person.

OGG-00152: Begin transaction - transaction {0} already exists in file memory
Cause: A duplicate begin-transaction identifier was encountered for a database transaction. An identifier must be unique to maintain transaction integrity.

Action: Contact Oracle Support or, if you are working with an Oracle GoldenGate developer, contact that person.

OGG-00153: Invalid GG_ATTR_OPTYPE: {0}: Transaction type is invalid for VAM generic mode]
Cause: The VAM module sent an unknown or invalid operation type via the VAM API. An example of an invalid operation is a prepare-transaction record for implementations that do not support a two-phase commit mechanism. This can occur in the Teradata implementation, where Extract is in COMMITTEDTRANLOG mode and does not support prepare-transaction records (although in CREATETRANLOG and SORTTRANLOG modes it does).

Action: If using the Teradata implementation, check that Extract is being run in CREATETRANLOG or SORTTRANLOG mode. If the problem persists contact Oracle Support or, if you are working with an Oracle GoldenGate developer, contact that person.

OGG-00154: GG_OBJ_METADATA: The new table entry pointer is null
Cause: Table metadata is being looked up by the VAM module as the table is encountered dynamically, and there was an error in the defined protocol for exchanging the table metadata.

Action: Contact Oracle Support or, if you are working with an Oracle GoldenGate developer, contact that person.

OGG-00155: GG_OBJ_METADATA: Table name has a length of {0,number,0}, but the maximum allowed is {1,number,0}
Cause: The name of the table contains too many characters to be supported by Oracle GoldenGate.

Action: Contact Oracle Support or, if you are working with an Oracle GoldenGate developer, contact that person.

OGG-00156: GG_OBJ_METADATA: Owner name has a length of {0,number,0}, but the maximum allowed is {1,number,0}
Cause: The owner name of the table contains too many characters to be supported by Oracle GoldenGate.

Action: Contact Oracle Support or, if you are working with an Oracle GoldenGate developer, contact that person.

OGG-00157: GG_OBJ_METADATA: Number of tables processed ({1,number,0}) does not match the number given ({0,number,0})
Cause: The table metadata is being exchanged statically in the VAMInitialize function from the VAM module to the VAM kernel or vice-versa, and the number of tables that require a metadata exchange does not match the number of tables that were exchanged.

Action: Contact Oracle Support or, if you are working with an Oracle GoldenGate developer, contact that person.

OGG-00158: GG_OBJ_METADATA: REP_get_table_by_name returned without finding a match
Cause: A TABLE parameter in the Extract parameter file lists a table explicitly by its full name, but Oracle GoldenGate could not find the table name in the metadata dictionary that was retrieved from the database catalog.

Action: Check the parameter file for errors in the TABLE specification. Make certain that the table exists in the database.

OGG-00159: GG_OBJ_METADATA: WILDCARD_check_table returned without finding a match
Cause: The TABLE parameter in the Extract parameter file contains a wildcarded table list, but no tables to satisfy it could be found in the metadata dictionary that was retrieved from the database catalog.

Action: Check the parameter file for errors in the TABLE specification. Make certain that the database contains tables that match the wildcard specification and which you want to be captured.

OGG-00160: GG_OBJ_METADATA: WILDCARD_getNextStaticTable returned with no entry found
Cause: The TABLE parameter in the Extract parameter file contains a wildcarded table list, but no tables to satisfy it could be found in the metadata dictionary that was retrieved from the database catalog.

Action: Check the parameter file for errors in the TABLE specification. Make certain that the database contains tables that match the wildcard specification and which you want to be captured.

OGG-00161: More than one output queue file specified for CREATETRANLOG VAM
Cause: This is specific to the Teradata implementation of the VAM API. The Extract group is configured in CREATETRANLOG mode, but there is more than one EXTTRAIL entry in the Extract parameter file. In this mode, Extract can only write to one local trail.

Action: Edit the Extract parameter file to remove the extra EXTTRAIL specifications, and then restart the Extract process.

OGG-00162: Remote queue file specified for CREATETRANLOG VAM
Cause: This is specific to the Teradata implementation of the VAM API. The Extract group is configured in CREATETRANLOG mode, but there is a RMTTRAIL parameter in the Extract parameter file.

Action: Replace the RMTTRAIL parameter with an EXTTRAIL parameter. In CREATETRANLOG mode, Extract must write to one local trail, not a remote trail.

OGG-00163: Checkpointing is mandatory
Cause: This message is specific to the Teradata VAM implementation. Checkpointing is required for this implementation and checkpointing was not initialized.

Action: Contact Oracle Support or, if you are working with an Oracle GoldenGate developer, contact that person.

OGG-00164: The maximum item identifier length ({0,number,0}) has been exceeded
Cause: The VAM module set an attribute through the VAM API with a value that is longer than the maximum defined for that attribute in the VAM API specifications.

Action: Contact Oracle Support or, if you are working with an Oracle GoldenGate developer, contact that person.

OGG-00165: No options parameters were specified in the parameter file
Cause: The DSOPTIONS parameter is missing from the parameter file, but is required to specify the processing actions that this Extract group performs.

Action: Add DSOPTIONS with the correct processing options for this Extract group. For help with configuring Extract for Teradata, see the Oracle GoldenGate installation and setup documentation for the Teradata database.

OGG-00166: Lookup failure on table {0}
Cause: The specified table is listed in the TABLE parameter but the metadata for this table could not be found.

Action: Check the parameter file for a misspelling of the table name. If there are no mistakes in the parameter file, make certain that the table exists in the database. If the table exists and the parameter file is correct, contact Oracle Support.

OGG-00167: Only wildcarded table definitions are allowed in the parameter file for the transaction reader implementation of the VAM
Cause: In the Teradata VAM implementation, tables can only be looked up as they are encountered dynamically, so the table metadata cannot be exchanged statically in the VAM API VAMInitialize function.

Action: Contact Oracle Support or, if you are working with an Oracle GoldenGate developer, contact that person.

OGG-00168: WILDCARDRESOLVE DYNAMIC parameter is mandatory for the transaction reader implementation of the VAM
Cause: The WILDCARDRESOLVE parameter is not set to DYNAMIC, which is the required setting for the VAM implementation.

Action: Edit the parameter file to change WILDCARDRESOLVE to DYNAMIC, or add WILDCARDRESOLVE DYNAMIC if it is not present.

OGG-00169: No VAM parameters were specified in the parameter file
Cause: The parameter file for this VAM-based Extract process does not contain the VAM parameter. This parameter is required for VAM-based Extract groups for this source database.

Action: Add the VAM parameter with the associated PARAMS clause to the Extract parameter file. For syntax per source database type, see the Oracle GoldenGate reference documentation.

OGG-00170: No VAM PARAMS items were found in the param file
Cause: The parameter file for this VAM-based Extract process does not contain the VAM parameter with PARAMS options. PARAMS input is required for VAM-based Extract groups for this source database.

Action: Add the VAM parameter with the PARAMS clause to the Extract parameter file. For syntax and required input for PARAMS per source database type, see the Oracle GoldenGate reference documentation.

OGG-00171: The PARAMS section in the VAM options is invalid
Cause: The PARAMS clause of the VAM parameter in the Extract parameter file is incorrect.

Action: Check the parameter syntax for typographical errors. For syntax and valid options, see the VAM parameter in the Oracle GoldenGate reference documentation.

OGG-00172: No VAM PARAMS section was found in the param file
Cause: The parameter file for this VAM-based Extract process does not contain the VAM parameter with the PARAMS option. This parameter is required for VAM-based Extract groups for this source database to specify VAM input parameters.

Action: Add the VAM parameter with the PARAMS clause to the Extract parameter file. For syntax and required input for PARAMS per source database type, see the Oracle GoldenGate reference documentation.

OGG-00173: The {0} option is not implemented in this release
Cause: The specified option is not supported in this release of Oracle GoldenGate.

Action: For valid syntax, see the Oracle GoldenGate reference documentation.

OGG-00174: {0} is incompatible with the other options given
Cause: The specified parameter option is being used with other, incompatible options.

Action: To determine the correct syntax and valid options, see the Oracle GoldenGate reference documentation.

OGG-00175: Length of VAM load module exceeds maximum allowed
Cause: The length of the name of the VAM load module exceeds the allowed length.

Action: Rename the module to an acceptable length, then specify the new name wherever the module is specified in parameters, then restart the Extract process.

OGG-00176: No VAM load module was specified in the param file
Cause: The VAM load module is not specified with the VAM parameter in the Extract parameter file.

Action: Specify the load module with VAM and then restart Extract.

OGG-00177: {0} is not supported for VAM based Extracts.
Cause: The specified parameter is not supported for a VAM-based Extract.

Action: Remove the parameter from the parameter file, and then restart the Extract process.

OGG-00178: {0}
Cause: The specified VAM error occurred.

Action: Resolve the problem according to the error message or contact Oracle Support.

OGG-00179: Operation type {0,number,0} is invalid: Rollback to savepoint in a transaction is not allowed
Cause: The Oracle GoldenGate VAM does not support partial rollback operations. A transaction must be either committed or rolled back in its entirety.

Action: Contact Oracle Support.

OGG-00180: The transaction reader VAM cannot be run in single-threaded mode if HAVEPTHREADS is defined as a pre-processor build directive
Cause: The VAM API kernel was built in multi-threaded mode, but the rest of the Extract executable was built in single-threaded mode.

Action: Contact Oracle Support or, if you are working with an Oracle GoldenGate developer, contact that person.

OGG-00181: The transaction reader VAM cannot be run in multi-threaded mode unless HAVEPTHREADS is defined as a pre-processor build directive
Cause: The VAM API kernel was built in single-threaded mode, but the rest of the Extract executable was built in multi-threaded mode.

Action: Contact Oracle Support or, if you are working with an Oracle GoldenGate developer, contact that person.

OGG-00182: VAM API running in single-threaded mode
Cause: The Oracle GoldenGate VAM is running in single-threaded mode. Informational only.

Action: None

OGG-00183: VAM API running in multi-threaded mode
Cause: The Oracle GoldenGate VAM is running in multi-threaded mode. Informational only.

Action: None

OGG-00184: {0} is not supported for SQL/MX ODBC Replicat.
Cause: The specified parameter is not supported by Replicat for a SQL/MX database.

Action: Remove the parameter, and then restart the process.

OGG-00185: Warning table {0} does not exist in SQL/MX db.
Cause: The specified table is listed in the Oracle GoldenGate parameter file but does not exist in the database.

Action: Edit the parameter file to remove the table, or add the table to the database.

OGG-00186: Encountered SQL/MX fetching from table {0}
Cause: A fetch from the specified table failed.

Action: Look for further error messages to determine the cause.

OGG-00187: TMFVAM_read Record version mismatch.
Cause: The record version does not match the version that Extract expects. This indicates that the vamserv module is not the same version as that of Extract.

Action: Install the version of vamserv that matches the version of Extract.

OGG-00188: TMFVAM Error {1,number,0} returned from {0}
Cause: The specified error occurred in the vamserv module.

Action: If you cannot determine the cause and resolution based on the error text, contact Oracle Support.

OGG-00189: TMFVAM_init() was not called
Cause: This is an internal logic error.

Action: Contact Oracle Support.

OGG-00190: Unable to determine the Guardian filename for '{0}'
Cause: Extract cannot determine a valid Guardian filename. The symlink is either missing or pointing to an invalid file name.

Action: Contact Oracle Support or, if you are working with an Oracle GoldenGate developer, contact that person.

OGG-00191: Error {1,number,0} Completing I/O to {0}
Cause: An interprocess message from Extract to the vamserv module failed.

Action: Not recoverable. Restart Extract. If the problem persists, contact Contact Oracle Support.

OGG-00192: Unknown response code {1,number,0} from {0}
Cause: Extract received a message from the vamserv module that it cannot process.

Action: Not recoverable. Restart Extract. If the problem persists, contact Contact Oracle Support.

OGG-00193: Error {1,number,0} Posting WRITEREAD request to {0}
Cause: Extract encountered a file system error while initiating a request to vamserv.

Action: Not recoverable. Restart Extract. If the problem persists, contact Contact Oracle Support.

OGG-00194: Error '{0}' process not open.
Cause: The vamserv process is has not been opened for interprocess communication.

Action: Not recoverable. Restart Extract. If the problem persists, contact Contact Oracle Support.

OGG-00195: FILE_OPEN_ error {2,number,0} on process {0} ({1})
Cause: An open on the vamserv process failed.

Action: Not recoverable. Restart Extract. If the problem persists, contact Contact Oracle Support.

OGG-00196: PROCESS_CREATE_ error {1,number,0},{2,number,0} on {0}
Cause: The creation of a vamserv process failed. The OS error is shown in the message text.

Action: Evaluate the OS error in the message and take the appropriate action. If the problem persists, contact Oracle Support.

OGG-00197: Missing argument
Cause: A parameter contains a missing or invalid input argument.

Action: Edit the parameter file to correct the syntax. For help, see the Oracle GoldenGate reference documentation.

OGG-00198: Missing/invalid argument
Cause: A parameter contains a missing or invalid input argument.

Action: Edit the parameter file to correct the syntax. For help, see the Oracle GoldenGate reference documentation.

OGG-00199: Table {0} does not exist in target database
Cause: The specified table that is named in the Replicat parameter file does not exist in the target database.

Action: Verify the table specification in the parameter file and in the database. Edit the parameter file accordingly.

OGG-00200: Table name missing
Cause: A parameter requires the name of a table as input, and the name was not supplied.

Action: Edit the parameter file to supply the table name.

OGG-00201: Column {0} not found
Cause: A column that is specified in the parameter file cannot be found in the table metadata.

Action: Verify the column specification in the parameter file and in the table definition. Edit the parameter file accordingly.

OGG-00202: Record definition name missing
Cause: The DEF option for a TABLE parameter in a DEFGEN parameter file is missing a value that specifies the definitions template.

Action: Specify the name of the definitions template.

OGG-00203: Unknown param for Table/File {0}
Cause: The TABLE or FILE parameter contains an unknown or invalid option.

Action: Verify that the TABLE or FILE syntax is correct, and look for typographical errors. For help with syntax, see the Oracle GoldenGate reference documentation.

OGG-00204: Missing {0} specification
Cause: The specified parameter syntax is required.

Action: Add the specified syntax. For help, see the Oracle GoldenGate reference documentation.

OGG-00205: Syntax error in size specification: {0}
Cause: The size given as input to this parameter is either invalid or supplied in an invalid format.

Action: Specify a valid size specification for this parameter. For help, see the Oracle GoldenGate reference documentation.

OGG-00206: Invalid {0} specification
Cause: The parameter contains an invalid input specification.

Action: Specify a valid input specification for this parameter. For help, see the Oracle GoldenGate reference documentation.

OGG-00207: Invalid {0} specification ({1})
Cause: The parameter contains an invalid input specification.

Action: Specify a valid input specification for this parameter. For help, see the Oracle GoldenGate reference documentation.

OGG-00208: Missing/invalid {0} specification
Cause: An input specification is missing or invalid for the parameter.

Action: Specify a valid input specification for this parameter. For help, see the Oracle GoldenGate reference documentation.

OGG-00209: Missing value for {0}
Cause: The specified parameter does not contain an input value.

Action: Specify a value for this parameter. For help with syntax and values, see the Oracle GoldenGate reference documentation.

OGG-00210: Invalid option for {0}
Cause: The parameter could not be parsed because it contains an invalid option.

Action: Fix the syntax. For help with syntax and values, see the Oracle GoldenGate reference documentation.

OGG-00211: Invalid option: {0}
Cause: The parameter could not be parsed because the specified option is invalid.

Action: Fix the syntax. For help with syntax and values, see the Oracle GoldenGate reference documentation.

OGG-00212: Invalid option for {0}: {1}
Cause: The parameter could not be parsed because the specified option is invalid.

Action: Fix the syntax. For help with syntax and values, see the Oracle GoldenGate reference documentation.

OGG-00213: Missing or invalid option for {0}
Cause: The parameter could not be parsed because a given option is either invalid or missing.

Action: Check the syntax for the specified parameter. For help with syntax and values, see the Oracle GoldenGate reference documentation.

OGG-00214: Value must be between {0,number,0} and {1,number,0}
Cause: The value is not valid.

Action: Supply a value that is within the stated range.

OGG-00215: Value for {0} must be between {1,number,0} and {2,number,0}
Cause: The value given for the specified parameter is not valid.

Action: Supply a value that is within the stated range.

OGG-00216: Value for {0} must be numeric, found {1}
Cause: An invalid value was given for the specified parameter.

Action: Provide a numeric value. For valid values, see the Oracle GoldenGate reference documentation.

OGG-00217: Value for {0} must be numeric
Cause: An invalid value was given for the specified parameter.

Action: Provide a numeric value. For valid values, see the Oracle GoldenGate reference documentation.

OGG-00218: Invalid value for {0}
Cause: An invalid value was given for the specified parameter.

Action: Provide a valid value. For help with syntax and values, see the Oracle GoldenGate reference documentation.

OGG-00219: Invalid value for {0}: {1}
Cause: The specified parameter contains an invalid value.

Action: Fix the problem that is shown in the error in the message text. For help with syntax and values, see the Oracle GoldenGate reference documentation.

OGG-00220: Invalid number of arguments for {0} {1}
Cause: The specified parameter requires more option arguments than were provided.

Action: Add the required arguments. For help with syntax, see the Oracle GoldenGate reference documentation.

OGG-00221: Invalid {0} setting for {1}: {2}
Cause: The specified option of this parameter is set to an invalid value.

Action: Specify a valid value. For more information, see the Oracle GoldenGate reference documentation.

OGG-00222: The column(s) used for the @RANGE filter for table {0} contain only NULL value(s) : There must be at least one non-NULL value present
Cause: The columns that are specified for the @RANGE filter contain only null values.

Action: Specify columns that have values, or remove the columns specification so that @RANGE uses the KEYCOLS clause (if one exists) or the primary key as the columns on which to allocate the range. For more information, see the Oracle GoldenGate reference documentation for @RANGE.

OGG-00223: USESNAPSHOT option NOT available for Oracle 8
Cause: USESNAPSHOT is only available for Oracle 9i and later. It causes Extract to use the Flashback Query mechanism to fetch data needed to reconstruct certain operations.


OGG-00240: Already specified USERID or PASSWORD
Cause: There are duplicate USERID or PASSWORD database credentials specified in the parameter file. Only one set of credentials is allowed.

Action: Remove the invalid credentials statements, and then restart the process.

OGG-00241: Error on key name {0}, {1}
Cause: There was an error parsing the encryption key name that is specified with the ENCRYPT option.

Action: Fix the problem according to the error text that is given in the message.

OGG-00242: No KEYNAME given for BLOWFISH encryption
Cause: BLOWFISH encryption is specified, but the KEYNAME option is not included to specify the key name.

Action: Add the KEYNAME option to the ENCRYPT clause, as in ENCRYPT BLOWFISH, KEYNAME key_name. For more information, see the Oracle GoldenGate security documentation.

OGG-00243: A KEYNAME was supplied but encryption was not specified
Cause: A KEYNAME parameter was specified without an accompanying ENCRYPT parameter.

Action: Specify an ENCRYPT parameter with an optional algorithm, or remove the KEYNAME parameter. For help with syntax, see the Oracle GoldenGate security documentation.

OGG-00244: KEYNAME is not supported for GGS encryption
Cause: A KEYNAME parameter was specified incorrectly.

Action: Remove the KEYNAME parameter or use valid ENCRYPT syntax. For help, see the Oracle GoldenGate security documentation.

OGG-00245: Not logged on, cannot execute statement
Cause: Login credentials were not provided with the SOURCEDB or TARGETDB to execute the query or stored procedure.

Action: Add the SOURCEDB or TARGETDB parameter to the parameter file, including the USERID portion if required for your database. See the Oracle GoldenGate reference documentation for correct syntax for your database.

OGG-00246: Maximum input column length exceeded for col {0,number,0}
Cause: The size of the specified input or output parameter exceeds the supported length.

Action: Shorten the length of the column to 10,000 bytes or less.

OGG-00247: Invalid query - all result columns must be named explicitly (col {0,number,0})
Cause: The process could not find the name of a column that is specified in an output parameter for SQLEXEC.

Action: Check the Sybase error log to find the error that is associated with this SQLEXEC execution, and resolve the problem based on that message.

OGG-00248: Invalid query specified: {0}
Cause: The specified syntax is not a valid query for SQLEXEC.

Action: Fix the query syntax and then restart the process. For help with using SQLEXEC, see the Oracle GoldenGate reference documentation.

OGG-00249: Cannot handle an input parameter of type {0}
Cause: The specified SQLEXEC statement in the parameter file contains an unsupported parameter or column type.

Action: Specify a valid parameter or column type, and then restart the process. For help with using SQLEXEC, see the Oracle GoldenGate reference documentation.

OGG-00250: Stored procedure/function {0} does not exist
Cause: The SQLEXEC parameter refers to a stored procedure or function, but it does not exist in the database.

Action: Check the spelling of the name of the procedure or function in the parameter file. Create the procedure, if needed, and then restart the process.

OGG-00251: Stored procedure/function {0} does not exist ({1})
Cause: The SQLEXEC parameter refers to a stored procedure or function, but it does not exist in the database.

Action: Refer to the database error shown in the message, and check the spelling of the name of the procedure or function in the parameter file. Fix the problem according to the error message, and then restart the process.

OGG-00252: ODBC driver does not adequately support stored procedures (level={0,number,0})
Cause: The current version of the ODBC driver does not support stored procedures. Conformance level 2 is required.

Action: Upgrade to the ODBC driver that has a conformance level 2 (SQL_OAC_LEVEL2).

OGG-00254: {0} is a deprecated parameter
Cause: The specified parameter is deprecated and not valid for the current release of Oracle GoldenGate.

Action: Remove the parameter from the parameter file. Consult the current release notes and documentation for any newer parameters or enhanced functionality that is related to this parameter, and for any required migration steps, or contact Oracle Support.

OGG-00255: {0} value is too small, defaulting to minimum value ({1,number,0})
Cause: The value that is specified for the parameter is smaller than the allowable minimum value. The minimum value is being used.

Action: None

OGG-00256: Missing or invalid cache item count
Cause: The value for the SPMAXCACHEITEMS parameter is missing.

Action: Enter a valid value and then restart the process.

OGG-00257: Dynamic wildcarding is not supported for SOURCEISTABLE Extract
Cause: WILDCARDRESOLVE DYNAMIC (the default) is specified, but SOURCEISTABLE is being used. This combination is not supported.


OGG-00258: Missing table name specification
Cause: The name of the source table is missing from the TABLE or MAP parameter.

Action: Specify the name of the source table.

OGG-00259: Schema name cannot be wildcarded
Cause: Oracle GoldenGate does not support wildcarded schema names in parameter files or commands.

Action: Spell out the schema name in the parameter or command specification, and then restart the process.

OGG-00260: Tandem $Volume.Subvol Name can not be wildcarded
Cause: A wildcard has been specified as part of a file name. Oracle GoldenGate does not support the wildcarding of Guardian file names.

Action: Change the parameter file to uniquely list each file by name.

OGG-00261: Immediate wildcard resolution is not currently supported for c-tree (use WILDCARDRESOLVE DYNAMIC)
Cause: WILDCARDRESOLVE IMMEDIATE is not supported for c-tree.

Action: Change WILDCARDRESOLVE to DYNAMIC, and then restart the process.

OGG-00264: Unable to replace wildcard '*' with source table name
Cause: The wildcard resolution failed.

Action: Examine the wildcarded table names to make certain that the syntax is correct. Keep in mind that for source objects, you can use a partial name with a wildcard (like hq.t_*) but for target objects, you cannot use a wildcard with a partial name, because the asterisk is replaced with the name of the source object. Therefore, a target wildcarded specification can only be an asterisk (like rpt.*). For more information, see TABLE and MAP in the Oracle GoldenGate reference documentation.

OGG-00265: Unable to replace wildcard '*' with owner name
Cause: This message is deprecated.

Action: None

OGG-00266: Could not open obey file {0} (err {1,number,0}, {2})
Cause: The process could not open the specified OBEY file because of the operating system error that is shown in the message text.

Action: Fix the cause of the error (typically lack of read privilege) and then restart the process.

OGG-00267: Obey file {0} does not exist
Cause: The file that is specified with OBEY does not exist.

Action: Compare the specified file name with the actual name of the obey file. Make the appropriate corrections, and then restart the process.

OGG-00268: Parameter unterminated
Cause: OBEY is used without a file name as input.

Action: Use the correct syntax of OBEY file_name.

OGG-00269: No obey file specified
Cause: No file name is given for the OBEY parameter.

Action: Specify the name of the obey file, and then restart the process.

OGG-00270: Nested obey files not supported
Cause: There are one or more nested OBEY files in the current obey file. OBEY statements cannot be nested within other OBEY statements.

Action: Remove the nested OBEY statement, or merge the contents into the main OBEY statement. As an alternative to using nested obey files, you can use macros to call frequently used parameters, and then call the macro in the OBEY statement. For more information, see the Oracle GoldenGate documentation.

OGG-00271: Invalid options specified
Cause: The OBEY parameter contains more than one input file name.

Action: Fix the syntax to specify only one file, and then restart the process.

OGG-00272: Invalid MACRO invocation ({0})
Cause: There is a syntax error in the invocation of the specified macro.

Action: Correct the macro syntax. For help, see the Oracle GoldenGate reference documentation.

OGG-00273: Missing parameter name {1} in macro {0}
Cause: The parameter name is used in the body of MACRO, but is not specified in the PARAMS list.

Action: Add the parameter to the PARAMS list.

OGG-00274: Invalid MACRO invocation (macro {0}, {2,number,0} params specified, {1,number,0} required)
Cause: The invocation of the specified macro does not supply the same number of parameter values as the macro definition.

Action: Edit the invocation syntax to specify the correct number of parameter values. Remember to separate values with commas.

OGG-00275: Quoted string not terminated in MACRO invocation
Cause: A macro is invoked in the parameter file, with a quoted string as a parameter value, but the ending quote marks are missing.

Action: Add the ending quote marks.

OGG-00276: Missing open parentheses in MACRO {0} invocation
Cause: A macro is invoked in the parameter file, but a parentheses is missing.

Action: Add the parentheses. For help, see the Oracle GoldenGate reference documentation.

OGG-00277: No definition found for MACRO {0}
Cause: A definition for the specified macro could not be found.

Action: Define the macro within the MACRO parameter. For help, see the Oracle GoldenGate reference documentation.

OGG-00278: Invalid MACRO definition (body too long)
Cause: The body of the macro definition is too long.

Action: Shorten the body length to 99999 bytes or less.

OGG-00279: Invalid MACRO definition. The BEGIN keyword is not specified in the MACRO {0}.
Cause: Invalid MACRO definition. The BEGIN keyword is not specified in the MACRO {0}.

Action: Add the BEGIN keyword. For help, see the Oracle GoldenGate reference documentation.

OGG-00280: Duplicate MACRO name {0}
Cause: There are two identical macro names in the parameter file.

Action: Change one of the names to a different, unique value.

OGG-00281: Invalid MACRO name
Cause: The name in the MACRO statement is invalid.

Action: Make certain that the name is one word (alphanumeric with no spaces) and begins with a valid macro character (# symbol or one defined with the MACROCHAR parameter). For additional help, see the Oracle GoldenGate reference documentation.

OGG-00282: Invalid MACRO definition
Cause: The macro definition is not valid.

Action: Examine the macro syntax to find errors. For help, see the Oracle GoldenGate documentation.

OGG-00283: Duplicate macro parameter name {0} in the macro {1}.
Cause: The MACRO parameter contains a duplicate parameter name.

Action: Remove the duplicate name or change it to a unique one.

OGG-00284: Too many parameters specified in macro
Cause: The PARAMS clause of the MACRO definition is too long.

Action: Reduce the size of PARAMS to a maximum of 9999 bytes and no more than 99 parameters.

OGG-00285: Invalid macro parameter name in the MACRO {0}. ({1} - must begin with {2})
Cause: The name of the parameter is not preceded by the macro character.

Action: Add the macro character that is shown in this error message. This character must precede all macro parameter names.

OGG-00286: Invalid trailing characters in MACRO
Cause: The MACRO statement ends with the wrong character.

Action: Terminate the MACRO statement with the END keyword and a semicolon (END;).

OGG-00287: Invalid MACRO definition (params too long)
Cause: The PARAMS clause of the MACRO definition is too long.

Action: Reduce the size of PARAMS to a maximum of 9999 bytes and no more than 99 parameters.

OGG-00288: Unrecognized option in DDL statement [{0}]
Cause: The specified option is not a valid one for the DDL parameter.

Action: Specify a valid option. See the Oracle GoldenGate reference documentation for help with syntax.

OGG-00289: Unrecognized option in DDLOPTIONS [{0}]
Cause: The specified option is not a valid one for DDLOPTIONS.

Action: Specify a valid option. See the Oracle GoldenGate reference documentation for help with syntax.

OGG-00290: Error decoding encrypted password in DDLOPTIONS DEFAULTUSERPASSWORD [{0}]
Cause: The encrypted password is not correct.

Action: In GGSCI, encrypt the password with the ENCRYPT PASSWORD command and then copy and paste it into the DEFAULTUSERPASSWORD syntax. Check the Oracle GoldenGate reference documentation for the appropriate options to use with DEFAULTUSERPASSWORD and ENCRYPT PASSWORD.

Cause: A clear-text or encrypted password is not specified for DEFAULTUSERPASSWORD.

Action: Specify a password. See DDLOPTIONS in the Oracle GoldenGate reference documentation for parameter encryption options.

OGG-00292: Error code specified in DDLERROR, but no action (IGNORE, DISCARD, ABEND) [{0}]
Cause: An action for handling the error is not specified for the error code in the DDLERROR statement.

Action: Specify one of the actions, and then restart the process. For more information, see DDLERROR in the Oracle GoldenGate reference documentation.

OGG-00293: Error action for DDLERROR already specified (IGNORE, DISCARD, ABEND) [{0}]
Cause: The DDLERROR parameter contains duplicate error-handling (action) specifications.

Action: Remove the duplicate syntax, and then restart the process.

OGG-00294: Error code or DEFAULT already specified in DDLERROR [{0}]
Cause: The DDLERROR parameter contains duplicate specifications for the same error code or the DEFAULT keyword.

Action: Remove the duplicate syntax, and then restart the process.

OGG-00295: Not a valid option for [MAXRETRIES numberOfSeconds] [{0}]
Cause: The RETRYOP option of DDLERROR has a MAXRETRIES option, but an invalid value was supplied.

Action: Specify a value between 1 and 10000, and then restart the process.

OGG-00296: Not a valid option for [RETRYDELAY numberOfSeconds] [{0}]
Cause: An invalid value is given for RETRYDELAY.

Action: Specify RETRYDELAY in the form of a number of seconds that represents the desired delay before retrying the operation.

OGG-00297: Error code or DEFAULT already specified in DDLERROR
Cause: The DDLERROR parameter contains duplicate specifications for the same error code or the DEFAULT keyword.

Action: Remove the duplicate syntax, and then restart the process.

OGG-00298: error with property {1} in node {0}: {2}
Cause: An element or attribute is missing from the XML message. This is an internal error in Oracle GoldenGate Veridata Server.

Action: Contact Oracle Support.

OGG-00299: invalid true/false value ({2}) for expected property {1} in node {0}
Cause: A boolean attribute in an XML message does not have a true/false value. This is an internal error in Oracle GoldenGate Veridata Server.

Action: Contact Oracle Support.

OGG-00300: maximum length exceeded ({2,number,0}), property {1} in node {0}
Cause: An XML message has an element or attribute that exceeds the defined limit. This is an internal error in Oracle GoldenGate Veridata Server.

Action: Contact Oracle Support.

OGG-00301: could not find expected property {1} for {0}
Cause: An XML message is missing an expected attribute. This is an internal error in Oracle GoldenGate Veridata Server.

Action: Contact Oracle Support.

OGG-00302: Invalid compare files
Cause: A report, trace, status, or parameter file name in an XML message cannot be opened. This is an internal error in Oracle GoldenGate Veridata Server.

Action: Contact Oracle Support.

OGG-00303: {0}
Cause: The syntax of the specified parameter is incorrect.

Action: Check for spelling errors, or see the Oracle GoldenGate reference documentation for the correct syntax.

OGG-00304: {0}
Cause: This is an informational message that displays the result of checking permission.

Action: None

OGG-00306: Directory name missing
Cause: This message is deprecated.

Action: None

OGG-00307: user name missing
Cause: This message is deprecated.

Action: None

OGG-00308: Missing end quote
Cause: This message is deprecated.

Action: None

OGG-00309: Delimiter value missing
Cause: This message is deprecated.

Action: None

OGG-00310: Extension specifier missing
Cause: This message is deprecated.

Action: None

OGG-00311: Did not recognize argument: {0}
Cause: This message is deprecated.

Action: None

OGG-00312: Closing parenthesis missing for {0}
Cause: This message is deprecated.

Action: None

OGG-00313: Opening parenthesis missing for {0}
Cause: This message is deprecated.

Action: None

OGG-00314: Cannot specify COLUMNS or EXCLUDECOLUMNS more than once
Cause: This message is deprecated.

Action: None

OGG-00315: Delimiter must be a single character
Cause: This message is deprecated.

Action: None

OGG-00316: Delimiter must be a decimal value or enclosed in single quotes
Cause: This message is deprecated.

Action: None

OGG-00317: Delimiter must be between 1 and 127
Cause: This message is deprecated.

Action: None

OGG-00318: No columns specified for trigger
Cause: This message is deprecated.

Action: None

OGG-00319: Invalid rule specification
Cause: A rule in the ACCESSRULE parameter is not formatted properly.

Action: Correct the syntax and restart Manager. Note that this parameter is deprecated. For more information, contact Oracle Support.

OGG-00321: Invalid or missing argument in run command
Cause: An argument in a Manager parameter is either missing or invalid.

Action: Correct the parameter syntax. For help, see the Oracle GoldenGate reference documentation.

OGG-00322: Missing group specifier
Cause: A process was not specified for the specified parameter to act upon.

Action: This parameter accepts values of ER, EXTRACT, or REPLICAT. For more information, see the Oracle GoldenGate reference documentation.

OGG-00323: Missing group specification for {0}
Cause: A process was not specified for the specified parameter to act upon.

Action: This parameter accepts values of ER, EXTRACT, or REPLICAT. For more information, see the Oracle GoldenGate reference documentation.

OGG-00324: Must specify EXTRACT, REPLICAT or ER for group type
Cause: A process was not specified for the specified parameter to act upon.

Action: This parameter accepts values of ER, EXTRACT, or REPLICAT. For more information, see the Oracle GoldenGate reference documentation.

OGG-00325: Must specify ER, EXTRACT, or REPLICAT for {0}
Cause: A process was not given for the specified parameter to act upon.

Action: This parameter accepts values of ER, EXTRACT, or REPLICAT. For more information, see the Oracle GoldenGate reference documentation.

OGG-00326: Missing file set parameter ({0})
Cause: The process was not given a set of file names to act upon.

Action: Make certain that any parameters in the Manager parameter file that require file names contain them in a valid format. For help, see the Oracle GoldenGate reference documentation.

OGG-00327: Too many {0} entries (max is {1,number,0})
Cause: There are too many instances of the specified parameter.

Action: Reduce the instances of this parameter to the permitted number. You may be able to combine options from these multiple instances into fewer instances or one instance of this parameter. For more information, see the Oracle GoldenGate reference documentation.

OGG-00328: The maximum number of {0} parameters allowed is {1,number,0}
Cause: There are too many instances of the specified parameter.

Action: Reduce the instances of this parameter to the permitted number. You may be able to combine options from these multiple instances into fewer instances or one instance of this parameter. For more information, see the Oracle GoldenGate reference documentation.

OGG-00329: Invalid protocol ({0})
Cause: An unsupported communications protocol was specified.

Action: Specify either TCP or UDP as the protocol.

OGG-00330: Ending port must be greater than or equal to starting port ({0})
Cause: The specified port number at the end of the DYNAMICPORTLIST range of ports is a lower value than the one at the beginning of the range.

Action: Edit the parameter to specify a valid range that increases in value. Correct: 7830-7835 ; Incorrect: 7835-7830.

OGG-00331: Invalid ending port number ({0})
Cause: The specified port number at the end of the DYNAMICPORTLIST range of ports is not valid.

Action: Edit the Manager parameter file to specify a valid port range, and then restart Manager. An example is 7830-7835.

OGG-00332: Invalid port range ({0})
Cause: An invalid range of port numbers is specified for the DYNAMICPORTLIST parameter in the Manager parameter file.

Action: Specify a valid range of port numbers. For help with syntax, see the Oracle GoldenGate reference documentation.

OGG-00333: Invalid port number ({0})
Cause: The TCP/IP port number that is specified in the Manager parameter file is not a valid port number.

Action: Specify a valid, unused port number for the PORT parameter in the Manager parameter file, and then restart Manager.

OGG-00334: Must specify {0} or {1}
Cause: One of the two required parameters must be included in the parameter file, but not both.

Action: Add the required parameters, and then restart the process.

OGG-00335: Invalid specifier {0} for AFTER option, expected DAYS or HOURS
Cause: The PURGEOLDTASKS parameter is being used with the AFTER option, but the syntax is not correct.

Action: Specify AFTER n {DAYS | HOURS}.

OGG-00336: Must specify DAYS or HOURS for AFTER option
Cause: The PURGEOLDTASKS parameter is being used with the AFTER option, but the syntax is not correct.

Action: Use one of the time specifiers in this syntax: AFTER n {DAYS | HOURS}. Restart the process after correcting the syntax.

OGG-00337: Missing history table name
Cause: The PURGEOLDHISTORY parameter is being used, but the name of the DDL history table is not the default name, and the user-defined name is not specified with the DDLTABLE parameter in the GLOBALS file.

Action: Specify the name of the DDL history table with DDLTABLE, and then restart the process.

OGG-00338: SQL clause not specified
Cause: The SQL for the QUERY clause is missing.

Action: Specify the query in the QUERY clause. For help with syntax, see SQLEXEC in the Oracle GoldenGate reference documentation.

OGG-00339: Invalid interval for SQLEXEC
Cause: The interval that is defined with the EVERY option is not a whole, positive integer.

Action: Change the value to 1 or greater, and then restart the process.

OGG-00340: SQLEXEC interval must be 1 or greater
Cause: The interval that is defined with the EVERY option is not a whole, positive integer.

Action: Change the value to 1 or greater, and then restart the process.

OGG-00341: Error in SQLEXEC clause, id {0}: Missing/invalid argument for {1}
Cause: An argument is missing or incorrect in the specified syntax.

Action: Check for a typographical error, and refer to the SQLEXEC reference documentation for help with syntax.

OGG-00342: Error in SQLEXEC clause, id {0}: Invalid value for {1} option ({2})
Cause: The specified option contains an invalid value.

Action: Check the SQLEXEC documentation in the Oracle GoldenGate reference documentation for valid values.

OGG-00343: Error in SQLEXEC clause, id {0}: Invalid TRACE options
Cause: The TRACE syntax is incorrect.

Action: Specify TRACE with either ALL to trace input and output parameters for each invocation of the procedure or query (the default) or ERROR to trace the parameters for each invocation only after a SQL error occurs.

OGG-00344: Error in SQLEXEC clause, id {0}: Unrecognized option for SQLEXEC: {1}
Cause: The SQLEXEC statement contains the specified incorrect syntax.

Action: Check for a typographical error, and refer to the SQLEXEC reference documentation for help with syntax.

OGG-00345: Error in SQLEXEC clause, id {0}: SPNAME or QUERY is required
Cause: The SQLEXEC statement does not contain a clause that specifies whether it will execute a procedure (SPNAME) or a query (QUERY).

Action: Add the SPNAME or QUERY clause, based on syntax for SQLEXEC in the Oracle GoldenGate reference documentation.

OGG-00346: Error in SQLEXEC clause, id {0}: ID is required when QUERY specified
Cause: The ID specification is missing from the SQLEXEC statement. It is required so that a name can be used by Oracle GoldenGate to reference the column values returned by the query.

Action: Add the ID clause. For help, see SQLEXEC in the Oracle GoldenGate reference documentation.

OGG-00347: Error in SQLEXEC clause, id {0}: Invalid PARAMS specification ({1})
Cause: The specified SQLEXEC clause contains a PARAMS specification that has a syntax error.

Action: Fix the PARAMS clause according to the syntax listed for SQLEXEC in the Oracle GoldenGate reference documentation.

OGG-00348: Error in SQLEXEC clause, id {0}: Missing/invalid PARAMS specification for stored proc {1}
Cause: The specified SQLEXEC clause requires a PARAMS specification to supply input parameters.

Action: Add a PARAMS clause, or fix any syntax errors in the existing one. For help with syntax, see SQLEXEC in the Oracle GoldenGate reference documentation.

OGG-00349: Error in SQLEXEC clause, id {0}: Missing equals sign for param specifier ({1})
Cause: The parameter specifier must be in the format of parameter = value.

Action: Fix the error, and then restart the process. For more help with syntax, see the Oracle GoldenGate reference documentation.

OGG-00350: Error in SQLEXEC clause, id {0}: Invalid parameter name: {1}
Cause: There is an invalid parameter in the specified SQLEXEC clause.

Action: Check for a typographical error in the parameter name. For valid parameters, see SQLEXEC in the Oracle GoldenGate reference documentation. Fix the syntax, and then restart the process.

OGG-00351: Error in SQLEXEC clause, id {0}: Error in PARAM clause for {1}
Cause: There is a syntax error in the specified SQLEXEC clause.

Action: Fix the syntax for the specified parameter in the PARAMS clause, and then restart the process. For help, see SQLEXEC in the Oracle GoldenGate reference documentation.

OGG-00352: Error in SQLEXEC clause, id {0}: Missing required parameter: {1}
Cause: A required parameter is missing from the specified SQLEXEC clause.

Action: Check the Oracle GoldenGate reference documentation for the correct SQLEXEC syntax and required options.

OGG-00353: Could not find stored procedure param ({0})
Cause: A parameter is specified in a PARAMS clause of a SQLEXEC statement but cannot be found in the procedure.

Action: Compare the procedure with the PARAMS clause, and either add the required parameter to the procedure, or remove it from the SQLEXEC statement.

OGG-00354: Invalid BEFORE column: {0}
Cause: An invalid column name was specified.

Action: Specify the correct column name in your input.

OGG-00355: Programming error registering BEFORE image resource
Cause: A before image was registered twice to handle an update statement.

Action: This is an internal error. Contact Oracle Support.

OGG-00356: Must specify COMPARE before destination files or TABLE entries
Cause: This message is deprecated.

Action: None

OGG-00357: Missing equal sign
Cause: An equal sign is missing from the DDL history.

Action: Contact Oracle Support.

OGG-00360: {0} cannot be used with {1}
Cause: The specified parameters are incompatible or mutually exclusive.

Action: Remove one of the parameters, depending on the required Oracle GoldenGate configuration. For help, see the Oracle GoldenGate reference documentation.

OGG-00361: Must specify both {0} and {1}
Cause: Both of the specified parameters must be included in the parameter file.

Action: Add the required parameters, and then restart the process.

OGG-00362: {0} must be specified before {1}
Cause: The order of the parameters in the parameter file is incorrect.

Action: Change the order of the parameters, and then restart the process.

OGG-00363: {0} must occur before SOURCEDEFS/TARGETDEFS entries to have an effect. Parameter ignored.
Cause: The NUMFILES or ALLOCFILES parameter is specified after the SOURCEDEFS or TARGETDEFS parameter.

Action: Place NUMFILES or ALLOCFILES before SOURCEDEFS or TARGETDEFS in the parameter file.

OGG-00364: REPERROR clause {0} is not valid with DEFAULT/DEFAULT2. Parameter ignored.
Cause: The REPERROR syntax is incorrect.

Action: Correct the syntax. For help, see the Oracle GoldenGate reference documentation.

OGG-00365: {0} cannot be specified more than once per TABLE
Cause: The specified option can only be used once in a TABLE statement.

Action: Remove any extra instances of this option.

OGG-00366: Invalid column specified in {0}: {1}
Cause: The specified column does not exist. This message can apply to any of several different parameters that take a column name as input.

Action: Check the parameter file for parameters or options that take a column name as input, and verify that the names are valid. Specify a valid name or remove the parameter.

OGG-00367: Error in {0} list: {1}
Cause: There is a syntax error in the specified parameter, such as a missing double quote.

Action: Check and correct the syntax. For help, see the Oracle GoldenGate reference documentation.

OGG-00368: Already specified column list for current table
Cause: There are two or more COLS clauses for the same specified table.

Action: Remove all but one COLS clause for this table.

OGG-00369: Error in token clause for {0}
Cause: The TOKENS clause of the specified parameter contains an error in syntax.

Action: Fix the syntax error. For correct syntax, see the Oracle GoldenGate reference documentation.

OGG-00370: Invalid function definition
Cause: There is a syntax error in the definition of a column function, such as a missing parenthesis or an unmatched quote mark.

Action: Fix the syntax. For help, see the Oracle GoldenGate reference documentation.

OGG-00371: Function definition exceeds max length of {0,number,0}
Cause: This message is deprecated.

Action: None

OGG-00372: Missing TOKEN value/function
Cause: The TOKENS clause of TABLE does not contain a value.

Action: Supply a value that can be a constant that is enclosed within double quotes or the result of an Oracle GoldenGate column-conversion function.

OGG-00373: Bad TOKEN name
Cause: The name of the token in the TOKENS clause is invalid.

Action: Supply an ASCII alphanumeric name of any length. TOKENS is not case-sensitive.

OGG-00374: Expected TOKEN name
Cause: The name of the token in the TOKENS clause is missing.

Action: Supply an ASCII alphanumeric name of any length. TOKENS is not case-sensitive.

OGG-00375: Error in FILTER clause
Cause: The FILTER statement in TABLE or MAP contains a syntax error.

Action: Correct the syntax error. For more information, see the TABLE and MAP reference documentation.

OGG-00376: FILTER condition missing
Cause: The FILTER statement in TABLE or MAP does not contain a filter expression.

Action: Add a filter expression. For more information, see the TABLE and MAP reference documentation.

OGG-00377: Query/Table {0} already identified
Cause: Table metadata is resolved, but the table is specified by the QUERY parameter. This parameter is deprecated.

Action: Remove the QUERY parameter.

OGG-00378: Missing query statement
Cause: The query statement is missing from the QUERY parameter. This parameter is deprecated.

Action: Add the QUERY statement.

OGG-00379: Missing query name
Cause: The query name is missing from the QUERY parameter. This parameter is deprecated.

Action: Add the QUERY name.

OGG-00380: time zone must be LOC, GMT or SOURCE
Cause: An invalid option is specified for time zone.

Action: Provide a value that is one of LOC, SOURCE, or GMT.

OGG-00381: Invalid option
Cause: A parameter contains an invalid argument.

Action: Edit the parameter file to specify the correct argument. For help, see the Oracle GoldenGate reference documentation.

OGG-00382: Invalid option for {0}
Cause: The specified parameter contains an invalid option.

Action: Specify the correct option syntax. For help, see the Oracle GoldenGate reference documentation.

OGG-00383: Invalid parameter value
Cause: The specified parameter contains an invalid value.

Action: Specify the correct value. For help, see the Oracle GoldenGate reference documentation.

OGG-00384: {0} name must not have schema name.
Cause: Schema values are not allowed when specifying the table name for this parameter.

Action: Remove the schema name from the table name.

OGG-00385: Expecting table name after {0}
Cause: The specified parameter requires a table name.

Action: Specify the name of the table to be used with the parameter.

OGG-00386: Expecting schema name after {0}
Cause: The GGSCHEMA parameter in the GLOBALS file does not specify the schema that contains the database objects that support DDL synchronization for Oracle.

Action: Edit the GLOBALS file and supply the DDL schema name.

OGG-00387: Expecting service name after {0}
Cause: The MGRSERVNAME parameter in the GLOBALS file does not contain a Windows service name for Manager.

Action: Edit the GLOBALS file and supply the service name of Manager in the MGRSERVNAME parameter.

OGG-00388: Missing argument (line {0,number,0})
Cause: The process is generating a BCP format file to load data into a SQL Server table based on a template file, but the template file name is missing.

Action: Provide a template file name with the GENLOADFILES parameter.

OGG-00389: Invalid files section entry (line {0,number,0})
Cause: The section on the specified line of the template contains an invalid entry.

Action: Specify a valid file entry. For help, see GENLOADFILES in the Oracle GoldenGate reference documentation.

OGG-00390: {1} entry missing from template (line {0,number,0})
Cause: The specified section is missing from the control file template.

Action: Specify a valid entry. For help, see GENLOADFILES in the Oracle GoldenGate reference documentation.

OGG-00391: Cannot replace template {1}. Replacement too big. (line {0,number,0})
Cause: While generating a BCP format file for loading a SQL Server table based on a template file, the startup template parameter is too long.

Action: Correct the template parameter that is shown in the message.

OGG-00392: Bad delimiter specified
Cause: An invalid delimiter value is specified for the DELIMITER parameter in FORMATASCII.

Action: Specify a valid delimiter. For help, see the Oracle GoldenGate reference documentation.

OGG-00393: Missing delimiter
Cause: The DELIMITER parameter in FORMATASCII is missing the delimiter specification.

Action: Specify the delimiter. For help, see the Oracle GoldenGate reference documentation.

OGG-00394: Command is too long
Cause: A command in the parameter file is too long.

Action: Look for a syntax error like a missing delimiter or white space.

OGG-00395: Argument is too long
Cause: A command argument in the parameter file is too long.

Action: Look for a syntax error like a missing delimiter or white space.

OGG-00396: Command '{0}' not terminated by semi-colon
Cause: A command is not terminated by a semi-colon.

Action: Add the semi-colon.

OGG-00397: Missing {1} option for {0}
Cause: The specified parameter requires the specified option.

Action: Add the option and then restart the process. See the Oracle GoldenGate reference documentation for help with syntax.

OGG-00398: String before WITH in DDLSUBST cannot be empty
Cause: The DDLSUBST statement does not contain the string in the source DDL that is to be replaced in the target DDL.

Action: Supply a search string in this clause: DDLSUBST search_string WITH new_string. For more help, see the Oracle GoldenGate reference documentation.

OGG-00399: Missing string after WITH in DDLSUBST
Cause: The string that replaces the source string in the target DDL is missing.

Action: Supply a replacement string in this clause: DDLSUBST search_string WITH new_string.

OGG-00400: DDLSUBST parsing error: {0}
Cause: The specified error occurred while processing the DDLSUBST parameter.

Action: Fix the problem based on the reported error, and then restart the process.

OGG-00401: DDL Replication must be enabled in order to use {0} (use DDL statement earlier)
Cause: DDL Replication is not enabled.

Action: Install (if applicable) and enable DDL Replication. For help, see the Oracle GoldenGate administration documentation.

OGG-00402: WILDCARDRESOLVE parameter must be set to DYNAMIC when DDL Replication is enabled.
Cause: The WILDCARDRESOLVE parameter is not set to DYNAMIC.

Action: Set WILDCARDRESOLVE to DYNAMIC and restart the process.

OGG-00403: There can be only one DDL filtering statement. If DDL filter is long, use ampersand (&) sign to continue it on another line.
Cause: The parameter file contains more than one DDL statement.

Action: Combine the filtering in the statements into one DDL statement. See the Oracle GoldenGate reference documentation for help with syntax. You can divide a long DDL statement onto separate lines by using an ampersand at the end of each line.

OGG-00405: {0} must be used with DDL Replication.
Cause: The specified parameter is required when using DDL Replication.

Action: Add the parameter, and then restart the process. See the Oracle GoldenGate reference documentation for more information about this parameter.

OGG-00406: DDL Replication is not compatible with {0} parameter.
Cause: The specified parameter cannot be used when DDL Replication is enabled.

Action: Remove the parameter from the parameter file, and then restart the process.

OGG-00407: Not a valid error code for DDLERROR [{0}]
Cause: The specified error code is not valid.

Action: Specify a valid error code, or use the DEFAULT option. See the Oracle GoldenGate reference documentation for correct DDLERROR syntax.

OGG-00408: RETRYOP not specified prior to RETRYDELAY
Cause: RETRYOP MAXRETRIES must be specified before RETRYDELAY in the DDLERROR syntax.

Action: Fix the syntax. See the Oracle GoldenGate reference documentation for correct DDLERROR syntax.

OGG-00409: Error code or DEFAULT not specified prior to RETRYOP
Cause: The DDLERROR parameter does not specify an error type.

Action: Fix the syntax by providing an error type. See the Oracle GoldenGate reference documentation for correct DDLERROR syntax.

OGG-00410: {0} is limited by the DBMS to a maximum of {1,number,0}
Cause: The number specified in MAXSQLSTATEMENTS is greater than the maximum active statements allowed by the underlying database.

Action: Adjust the MAXSQLSTATEMENTS value to be at most the maximum number supported by the database.

OGG-00411: Must be PURGE or APPEND
Cause: The file specification is missing the PURGE or APPEND option.

Action: Specify the appropriate option.

OGG-00412: Invalid DISCARDFILE option. Valid options are PURGE, APPEND, MAXBYTES, or MEGABYTES
Cause: The DISCARDFILE parameter contains an invalid option.

Action: Valid options are APPEND or PURGE and MAXBYTES or MEGABYTES.

OGG-00413: {0} must include both date and time
Cause: An incomplete timestamp is supplied in the parameter file.

Action: Edit the parameter file to include both a date and time in the timestamp, in the format of yyyy-mm-dd hh:mi:ss[.cccccc].

OGG-00414: Invalid {0} format
Cause: An invalid date and time are specified for the BEGIN or END parameter.

Action: Specify a valid date and time.

OGG-00415: {0}
Cause: The user exit contains a bad argument.

Action: Supply a valid argument. See the Oracle GoldenGate reference documentation for user exit syntax.

OGG-00416: Value for {0} must be greater than 0
Cause: The value for the specified parameter must be greater than zero.

Action: Supply a valid value.

OGG-00417: Value for {0} must be greater than or equal to 0
Cause: The value for the specified parameter must be greater than, or equal to, zero.

Action: Supply a valid value.

OGG-00418: Error encountered when verifying deferrable constraint
Cause: The state of the target constraints could not be verified.

Action: Look for a subsequent error message that states the reason for the failure.

OGG-00419: TARGET doesn't have deferrable constraint when HANDLETPKUPDATE specified
Cause: The parameter file contains the HANDLETPKUPDATE parameter, and the integrity constraints on the target tables are not set to DEFERRABLE. If the target constraints are not DEFERRABLE, Replicat handles the errors according to existing rules specified with the HANDLECOLLISIONS and REPERROR parameters, or else it abends.

Action: Create the constraints on the target tables as DEFERRABLE INITIALLY IMMEDIATE.

OGG-00420: The value for {0} is too long
Cause: The specified parameter value is too long to fit into the internal buffer that is assigned to it at runtime.

Action: Contact Oracle Support or, if you are working with an Oracle GoldenGate developer, contact that person.

OGG-00422: {0} specification must be enclosed in quotes
Cause: The specified parameter must be in quotes.

Action: Edit the parameter file to add the quotes. For syntax help, see the Oracle GoldenGate reference documentation.

OGG-00423: Could not find definition for {0}
Cause: The process could not find a definition for the specified table when building the object cache on startup.

Action: Remove the table from the TABLE and/or MAP parameter. If using wildcards, you can exclude the table with TABLEEXCLUDE or MAPEXCLUDE.

OGG-00424: {0}, table {1} does not exist in target database
Cause: Replicat could not find metadata for the specified table in the target database. The table is listed in the MAP statement either explicitly or as the result of a wildcard.

Action: Remove the table from the MAP parameter. If using wildcards in that parameter, you can exclude the table with MAPEXCLUDE.

OGG-00425: No DB login established to retrieve a definition for table {0}
Cause: The DBLOGIN command must be issued before issuing commands that interact with the database or SOURCEDEFS must be used.

Action: Issue DBLOGIN or provide SOURCEDEFS or use automatic metadata in trail.

Cause: The response is not set correctly in a REPERROR statement.

Action: See the Oracle GoldenGate reference documentation for REPERROR syntax.

OGG-00428: Missing error number for REPERROR
Cause: The error specification is either missing or invalid.

Action: Supply a valid SQL error number, a user-defined error that is set with RAISEERROR, or the DEFAULT keyword. For more information, see the MAP and REPERROR reference documentation.

OGG-00429: Must be error number or DEFAULT
Cause: An invalid argument was supplied for the error specification.

Action: Supply a valid SQL error number, a user-defined error that is set with RAISEERROR or the DEFAULT keyword. For more information, see the MAP and REPERROR reference documentation.

OGG-00430: RESET not valid REPERROR on MAP statement
Cause: REPERROR is being used in a MAP statement, and the RESET option is included. This option is only supported for REPERROR at the root level of the parameter file (as a standalone REPERROR statement).

Action: Remove RESET from REPERROR in the MAP file.

OGG-00431: Unable to set {0}
Cause: The specified option for RMTHOST is not valid.

Action: Correct the syntax. For help, see the Oracle GoldenGate reference documentation.

OGG-00432: Unable to set {0} value to {1,number,0}
Cause: The specified parameter does not support the given value.

Action: Specify a valid value. For help, see the Oracle GoldenGate reference documentation.

OGG-00433: No RMTHOST has been specified yet
Cause: The parameter file does not contain the RMTHOST parameter.

Action: Add the RMTHOST parameter.

OGG-00434: Missing file name
Cause: A file name is expected for EXTFILE or RMTFILE.

Action: Specify a file name for this parameter.

OGG-00435: Valid options for {0} are: {1}.
Cause: An invalid argument was specified for EXTTRAIL, EXTFILE, RMTTRAIL, or RMTFILE.

Action: See the Oracle GoldenGate reference guide for valid options for the specified parameters.

OGG-00436: Table {0} is not defined
Cause: The process could not find metadata for the specified table. The DEFGEN utility probably was not run for the specified table, or it was run but the definitions were not added to the existing source- or target-definitions file.

Action: Make certain that the table is specified correctly in the TABLE or MAP parameter. If so, then run DEFGEN for the table and add those definitions to the file that is specified with SOURCEDEFS or TARGETDEFS.

OGG-00437: Record definition {0} is not defined
Cause: The process could not find metadata for the specified table that is in a DDL operation. The DEFGEN utility probably was not run for the specified table, or it was run but the definitions were not added to the existing source- or target-definitions file.

Action: Make certain that the table is specified correctly in the TABLE or MAP parameter. If so, then run DEFGEN for the table and add those definitions to the file that is specified with SOURCEDEFS or TARGETDEFS.

OGG-00438: Error retrieving GGS logtrail next checkpoint
Cause: The process could not open the next checkpoint file.

Action: Make certain that the process has read and write privileges on the checkpoint files. Make certain that the file that caused the error is not corrupted. If the process cannot open the next checkpoint file, contact Oracle Support.

OGG-00439: Failed to read checkpoint file {0}
Cause: The process could not open the checkpoint file.

Action: Check the operating system privileges on the file, and make certain that the process has read and write privileges on it. Make certain the file is not corrupted. If the file remains unreadable, contact Oracle Support.

OGG-00440: Failed to lock checkpoint file {0}, another collector instance might be using this file
Cause: The process could not lock the specified checkpoint file.

Action: Check to determine whether another Server/Collector process is using this checkpoint file. If you cannot resolve this issue, contact Oracle Support.

OGG-00441: Checkpoint file {0} doesn't exist
Cause: The process is trying to find the specified checkpoint file.

Action: Restore the file. Check to see if it was moved, renamed, or deleted.

OGG-00442: Cannot support DB checkpointing for this database.
Cause: The checkpoint table feature (database checkpointing) is not supported for the current database. The ADD CHECKPOINTTABLE command might have been issued, or parameters that support a checkpoint table might exist.

Action: Remove the CHECKPOINTTABLE parameter from the GLOBALS file, if present. Issue ADD REPLICAT without any CHECKPOINTTABLE options.

OGG-00443: Get checkpoint error
Cause: The reporting process encountered an IO error while reading the checkpoint file.

Action: Check the health of the file system where Oracle GoldenGate is installed. Correct any problems that could cause this error, and then restart the process. If the problem persists, contact Oracle Support.

OGG-00444: Get next checkpoint error
Cause: The reporting process encountered an IO error while reading the checkpoint file.

Action: Check the health of the file system where Oracle GoldenGate is installed. Correct any problems that could cause this error, and then restart the process. If the problem persists, contact Oracle Support.

OGG-00445: Detected migrated group {0}, updating DB checkpoint dir from {1} to {2}
Cause: The Replicat checkpoint table in the database was pointing to an invalid directory for the checkpoint file that is stored on disk. Every time that Replicat updates the checkpoint table, it verifies the location of the checkpoint file. If there is a mismatch, Replicat updates the table with the correct location. This is an informational message to notify you that the directory for the checkpoint file was the first value shown in the message, but now is the second one shown.

Action: None

OGG-00446: {0}
Cause: An error was encountered while processing the checkpoint file.

Action: Contact Oracle Support.

OGG-00447: Could not find definition for {0}, error {1}
Cause: The DDL metadata could not be obtained from the source database because of the error that is shown in the message.

Action: Correct the problem based on the error message. If you cannot resolve the problem, contact Oracle Support.

OGG-00448: DDL record definition found in sourcedefs file(s) will be ignored, continuing
Cause: DDL was executed on a table that has a source definitions file specified for it with the SOURCEDEFS parameter. This is informational only.

Action: None

OGG-00449: Target not resolved for source {0}.
Cause: The process could not find the specified target table.

Action: Create the target table or use IGNOREMISSINGTABLES in the DDLERROR parameter.

OGG-00450: Source sequence {0} cannot be resolved in any MAP statement
Cause: The process could not find the specified target sequence.

Action: Create the target sequence or use IGNOREMISSINGTABLES in the DDLERROR parameter.

OGG-00451: Source sequence {0} could not be resolved, error [{1}].
Cause: The specified sequence could not be found.

Action: Make certain the sequence exists.

OGG-00452: Target sequence {0} could not be resolved, error [{1}].
Cause: The process could not find the specified target sequence.

Action: Create the target sequence or use IGNOREMISSINGTABLES in the DDLERROR parameter.

OGG-00453: DDL Replication is not supported for this database
Cause: Oracle GoldenGate does not support DDL Replication for the current database.

Action: Remove any parameters that apply to DDL Replication. See the Oracle GoldenGate reference documentation for more information.

OGG-00454: Cannot initialize DDL/sequence processing, error [{0}]
Cause: Oracle GoldenGate could not initiate DDL processing because the specified error occurred.

Action: If you cannot resolve the problem based on the error that is returned, contact Oracle Support.

OGG-00455: Problem in resolving {0}: {1}, try to fix this issue in order to avoid possible fatal error
Cause: The process could not resolve the metadata for the specified table. The cause of the problem is stated in the message text.

Action: Try to resolve the problem to avoid a fatal error. If you cannot resolve the problem, contact Oracle Support.

OGG-00456: Object that is not Replicated "{0}" was renamed into object that is "{1}" even though DDLOPTIONS NOCROSSRENAME is in effect. This may result in new (renamed) objects not processed correctly.
Cause: The DDLOPTIONS parameter includes NOCROSSRENAME, and the table was renamed to one that is included in a TABLE statement (probably because of a wildcard). This can cause the object to be Replicated incorrectly, depending on whether a target exists and how it is defined. This might also cause data to be Replicated that you do not want to be Replicated.

Action: Ensure that the source and target tables match, for both the original and renamed tables. If you cannot resolve the problem, contact Oracle Support.

OGG-00457: Object {0} was renamed even though it's marked excluded with NORENAME. Renamed object (if included) may or may not be picked up (you should not rename objects marked with NORENAME)
Cause: The object is specified in a TABLEEXCLUDE parameter that has the NORENAME option enabled, and the table was renamed to one that is included in a TABLE statement (probably because of a wildcard). This can cause the object to be Replicated incorrectly, depending on whether a target exists and how it is defined. This might also cause data to be Replicated that you do not want to be Replicated.

Action: Ensure that the source and target tables match, for both the original and renamed tables. If you cannot resolve the problem, contact Oracle Support.

OGG-00458: Cannot find metadata property {0}. DDL metadata [{1}]
Cause: A metadata property that Oracle GoldenGate needs to resolve is not present.

Action: Contact Oracle Support.

OGG-00459: Cannot find metadata property {1} for object {0}. DDL metadata [{2}]
Cause: A metadata property that Oracle GoldenGate needs to resolve the specified object is not present.

Action: Contact Oracle Support.

OGG-00460: Cannot find metadata property {2} for object {0}.{1}. DDL metadata [{3}]
Cause: A metadata property that Oracle GoldenGate needs to resolve the specified object is not present.

Action: Contact Oracle Support.

OGG-00461: Cannot find metadata property {1} for column {0}. DDL metadata [{2}]
Cause: A metadata property that Oracle GoldenGate needs to resolve the specified object is not present.

Action: Contact Oracle Support.

OGG-00462: Error in substitute string in DDL statement. DDL metadata [{0}]
Cause: Oracle GoldenGate could not perform string substitution in the DDL statement.

Action: Contact Oracle Support.

OGG-00463: Cannot substitute string in DDL statement, old statement = [{0}], new statement is too big. DDL metadata [{1}]
Cause: The size of the substitute string that is specified in the DDLSUBST parameter is larger than the size that the database supports.

Action: Supply a string that is a supported size.

OGG-00464: Cannot remove DDL comments in DDL statement. DDL metadata [{0}]
Cause: Oracle GoldenGate could not parse the DDL statement for comments.

Action: Contact Oracle Support.

OGG-00465: Cannot restructure string in DDL statement for {0}, statement = [{1}]. DDL metadata [{2}]
Cause: Oracle GoldenGate could not process internal changes to the DDL data.

Action: Contact Oracle Support.

OGG-00466: Cannot restructure string in DDL statement for {0}. DDL metadata [{1}]
Cause: Oracle GoldenGate could not process internal changes to the DDL data.

Action: Contact Oracle Support.

OGG-00467: Wrong parameter when getting ddl property. DDL metadata [{0}]
Cause: An unexpected parameter was encountered when processing DDL data.

Action: Contact Oracle Support.

OGG-00468: Wrong format of ddl property string (missing equal sign). DDL metadata [{0}]
Cause: The DDL is of a format that is not known to or supported by Oracle GoldenGate.

Action: Contact Oracle Support.

OGG-00469: Wrong format of ddl property string (missing starting delimiter). DDL metadata [{0}]
Cause: The DDL is of a format that is not known to or supported by Oracle GoldenGate.

Action: Contact Oracle Support.

OGG-00470: Wrong format of ddl property string (missing end delimiter). DDL metadata [{0}]
Cause: The DDL is of a format that is not known to or supported by Oracle GoldenGate.

Action: Contact Oracle Support.

OGG-00471: DDL metadata item too big. DDL metadata [{0}]
Cause: The DDL data exceeds the allocated space.

Action: Contact Oracle Support.

OGG-00472: Expected number in metadata, can't convert it. DDL metadata [{0}]
Cause: A number was expected for this metadata, but it was not in numerical format.

Action: Contact Oracle Support.

OGG-00473: Error in restructure string in DDL statement when removing DDL signature string, trail record = [{0}]
Cause: The string could not be processed.

Action: Contact Oracle Support.

OGG-00474: Cannot restructure string in DDL statement when removing DDL signature string, statement = [{0}]. DDL metadata [{1}]
Cause: The string could not be processed.

Action: Contact Oracle Support.

OGG-00475: DDL is too large - DDL IGNORED, details: {0}.
Cause: The DDL exceeds 2 MB, the maximum that is supported by Oracle GoldenGate.

Action: Apply the DDL manually.

OGG-00476: Gathering metadata for {0} not successful even though object was resolved, retrying [{1,number,0}] times with {2,number,0} second interval
Cause: Extract could not obtain metadata for the specified object, and is trying again.

Action: Extract may produce other warning or error messages prior to or in between these messages. Examine the Extract report file for more information. If the problem persists, contact Oracle Support.

OGG-00477: Successfully added TRAN DATA for table {0}.{1}, operation [{2}]
Cause: Extract successfully added supplemental log data for the table.

Action: None

OGG-00479: Successfully deleted TRAN DATA for [{0}] DDL operation, table {1}.{2}, operation [{3}]
Cause: Extract successfully deleted the supplemental log data for the table. Extract sometimes creates temporary supplemental log data groups, and those are eventually deleted.

Action: None

OGG-00480: Derived object name "{0}" mapped to "{1}"
Cause: The specified derived object name was mapped to the target name, because a MAP statement exists for the derived object.

Action: None

OGG-00482: DDL found, operation [{0}]
Cause: A DDL operation was found in the data source.

Action: None

OGG-00483: DDL operation successful
Cause: Oracle GoldenGate successfully processed a DDL operation.

Action: None

OGG-00484: Executing DDL operation{0,choice,0#|1# trying again due to RETRYOP parameter}
Cause: Oracle GoldenGate is executing a DDL operation.

Action: None

OGG-00485: Comments removed (REMOVECOMMENTS {0}), DDL operation remained the same
Cause: DDLOPTIONS contains the REMOVECOMMENTS option, but the DDL contains no comments.

Action: None

OGG-00486: Comments removed from DDL operation (REMOVECOMMENTS {0}), new operation [{1}]
Cause: The comments were removed from the DDL operation according to the DDLOPTIONS parameter with REMOVECOMMENTS.

Action: None

OGG-00487: DDL operation included [{0}], optype [{1}], objtype [{2}], objowner {3}, objname {4}
Cause: The specified DDL operation was included in DDL Replication because it meets the criteria of an INCLUDE clause.

Action: None

OGG-00488: DDL operation excluded [{0}], optype [{1}], objtype [{2}], objowner {3}, objname {4}
Cause: The specified DDL operation was excluded from DDL Replication because it meets the criteria of an EXCLUDE clause or was not included in an INCLUDE clause.

Action: None

OGG-00489: DDL is of mapped scope, after mapping new operation [{0}]
Cause: The DDL operation is of MAPPED scope. This is a DDL operation that is included in a TABLE or MAP statement.

Action: None

OGG-00490: DDL operation is of unmapped scope
Cause: The DDL operation is of UNMAPPED scope. This is a DDL operation that is supported for use in a TABLE or MAP statement, but its base object name is not included in one of those parameters.

Action: None

OGG-00491: DDL operation is of default scope
Cause: The DDL operation is of the default OTHER scope. This is a DDL operation that cannot be mapped.

Action: None

OGG-00492: DDL error ignored: error code [{0}], filter [{1}], error text [{2}]
Cause: The specified DDL error was ignored according to the response rule in the DDLERROR parameter.

Action: None

OGG-00493: Error in DDL ignored, [{0,number,0}] more errors left to ignore, input data [{1}]
Cause: DDLOPTIONS with SKIPTRIGGERERROR is used in the parameter file, and the trigger error was ignored. Because SKIPTRIGGERERROR specifies a maximum number of trigger errors that can be ignored, this message shows how many are remaining.

Action: None

OGG-00494: DDL error discarded: error code [{0}], filter [{1}], error text [{2}]
Cause: The specified DDL error was ignored according to the response rule in the DDLERROR parameter.

Action: None

OGG-00495: DDL error ignored for next retry: error code [{0}], filter [{1}], error text [{2}], retry [{3,number,0}]
Cause: The specified DDL error was ignored according to the response rule in the DDLERROR parameter. The DDL will be retried for the specified number of times according to the RETRYOP option.

Action: None

OGG-00496: DDL error ignored [RESTARTCOLLISIONS]: error [{0}]
Cause: The specified error was ignored because RESTARTCOLLISIONS is being used. RESTARTCOLLISIONS applies HANDLECOLLISIONS logic for the first transaction after startup.

Action: None

OGG-00497: Writing DDL operation to Extract trail file
Cause: Extract is writing a DDL operation to the trail. Informational only.

Action: None

OGG-00499: DDL RENAME found, old owner "{0}" object "{1}", new owner "{2}" object "{3}"
Cause: A RENAME operation was processed. Informational only.

Action: None

OGG-00500: DDL RENAME found, old owner "{0}" object "{1}", new owner "{2}" object "{3}", RENAME converted to ALTER TABLE, new operation [{4}]
Cause: A RENAME was converted to the equivalent ALTER TABLE RENAME. The reason is that RENAME does not support the use of a schema name, but a schema name is required in case the DDL statement on the target maps to a different schema.

Action: None

OGG-00501: Skipping DDL operation due to RESTARTSKIP, [{0,number,0}] more left to skip, DDL operation [{1}]
Cause: The Extract parameter file contains DDLERROR with the RESTARTSKIP option. Extract is skipping the specified number of DDL operations.

Action: None

OGG-00502: DDL substitution [{0}] with [{1}] excluded [{2}]
Cause: Text substitution in the DDL was not performed because the DDL is listed in the EXCLUDE option in the DDLSUBST parameter.

Action: None

OGG-00503: DDL substitution [{0}] with [{1}] excluded [no matching include]
Cause: Text substitution in the DDL was not performed because the DDL is not listed with an INCLUDE in the DDLSUBST parameter.

Action: None

OGG-00504: DDL substitution [{0}] with [{1}] included [{2}], new operation [{3}]
Cause: Text substitution was performed according to the rules in the DDLSUBST parameter.

Action: None

OGG-00505: DDL substitution [{0}] with [{1}] included [{2}], DDL operation remained the same after substitution
Cause: Text substitution was performed according to the rules of DDLSUBST, but the DDL text remained the same after the substitution.

Action: None

OGG-00506: Both GETTRUNCATES and DDL Replication are enabled
Cause: The parameter file contains the GETTRUNCATES parameter, but DDL Replication is enabled.

Action: Specify GETTRUNCATES (it is TABLE and MAP-specific) only for tables for which truncates must be Replicated but are not part of the DDL configuration. GETTRUNCATES should not be used for tables that have DDL Replication enabled, because truncates are supported by the DDL feature.

OGG-00507: Target {0} is missing but ignored due to {1}
Cause: A DML operation on a non-existing table was ignored because the parameter file contains DDLOPTIONS with IGNOREMISSINGOBJECTS.

Action: None

OGG-00508: Fragment number gap detected (faulty data) in DDL object versioning table, fragment #{1,number,0} for SCN {0}, query [{2}]
Cause: The data in the DDL history table is corrupted.

Action: Contact Oracle Support.

Cause: A CREATE or ALTER USER with an IDENTIFIED BY clause was processed. The Extract parameter file contains DDLOPTIONS with the NOREPLICATEPASSWORD option to prevent the source password from being propagated, but the Replicat parameter file does not contain DDLOPTIONS with DEFAULTUSERPASSWORD to specify an alternate password for the target IDENTIFIED BY clause.


OGG-00510: Unexpected query selector in selecting DDL metadata
Cause: There was an internal error when querying the DDL history table.

Action: Contact Oracle Support.

OGG-00511: Cannot access DDL history table. DDL schema owner is {0}. It must match schema used in DDL installation as well as GGSCHEMA parameter in GLOBALS file. Currently logged user {1} must have been given privileges to access DDL history table
Cause: The database user by which the process is running cannot read the GGS_DDL_HIST table (history table).

Action: Make certain that the schema that is specified in the error text is the same one that is specified for the GGSCHEMA parameter in the GLOBALS file (and that this parameter exists there). If this parameter is correct, make certain that the specified user has full SELECT and DML privileges on the table. The privileges can be granted by running the role_setup.sql script to create the default GGS_GGSUSER_ROLE role, and then by granting the role to the Extract user. For more information, see the Oracle GoldenGate DDL installation and setup instructions.

OGG-00512: RECYCLEBIN must be turned off. For 10gr2 and up, set RECYCLEBIN in parameter file to OFF. For 10gr1, set _RECYCLEBIN in parameter file to FALSE. Then restart database and Extract
Cause: The Oracle database recycle bin is enabled.

Action: Disable the Oracle recycle bin by setting the Oracle initialization parameters according to the instructions in the message.

OGG-00513: Table with SOURCEDEF cannot have DDL operations (table {0}). Either remove SOURCEDEF or filter out table from DDL operations
Cause: The table is configured for DDL Replication, but also is configured to Replicate to a dissimilar target. Oracle Supports DDL synchronization only in a like-to-like database environment, where source and target tables have identical definitions and are of the same database type.

Action: Either map this table to an identical target, or remove it from the DDL INCLUDE or EXCLUDE options.

OGG-00514: Failed to substitute string in DDL operation [{0}], error [{1}]
Cause: The DDLSUBST parameter is being used, but the substitution failed.

Action: Make sure that the DDL INCLUDE specification is compatible with the DDLSUBST INCLUDE specification (for example, that the targeted object is contained in both). Also make sure that REMOVECOMMENTS BEFORE is not specified. For more information, see the guidelines in the DDLSUBST reference documentation.

OGG-00515: Unknown operation code in DDLERROR structure
Cause: There is syntax in the INCLUDE or EXCLUDE statement, or in the error-handling syntax, of the DDLERROR parameter that cannot be parsed correctly.

Action: Review the DDLERROR syntax and fix any errors. Consult the DDLERROR documentation for help with syntax.

OGG-00516: Fatal error executing DDL Replication: error [{1}], due to explicit ABEND error handling and filter [{0}]
Cause: The DDLERROR statement is configured to cause the process to abend on the specified DDL error.

Action: Fix the problem based on your data requirements. If ABEND is the error-handling rule, have a plan for manually fixing the problem, or contact Oracle Support.

OGG-00517: Fatal error executing DDL Replication: error [{0}], because it's not included in error handling
Cause: There was an error processing a DDL operation, and the error was not handled because the filtering criteria in the DDLERROR statement excluded that operation from error handling.

Action: Fix the problem based on the error text and then, if appropriate, include the operation type or object in the error handling.

OGG-00518: Fatal error executing DDL Replication: error [{1}], due to exclusion from error handling because of filter [{0}]
Cause: There was an error processing a DDL operation, and the error was not handled because the filtering criteria in the DDLERROR statement excluded that operation from error handling.

Action: Fix the problem based on the error text and then, if appropriate, include the operation type or object in the error handling.

OGG-00519: Fatal error executing DDL Replication: error [{0}], no error handler present
Cause: There was an error processing a DDL operation, but because there is no error handling specified with the DDLERROR parameter, the process abended.

Action: Fix the problem based on the error text in the message, and then add one or more DDLERROR parameters to handle future errors so that processing can continue.

OGG-00520: DDL Replication is not supported for standby databases
Cause: Oracle GoldenGate does not support DDL Replication to or from standby databases.

Action: Remove the DDL configuration parameters and objects from the standby database.






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