Error Messages(OGG-01562 to OGG-02044)

OGG-01562: Source schema {0} is mapped to target schema {1} to set the current schema for DDL execution.
Cause: The specified source session schema is now mapped to the target session schema specified in the TARGET clause of DDLOPTIONS MAPSESSIONSCHEMA. Any DDL executed from this source session schema will be Replicated under the TARGET session schema.

Action: None

OGG-01563: Transaction {0} contains {1,number,0} orphaned LOB buffers. These must be deleted before the transaction is completed.
Cause: An internal error occurred while storing a LOB column in the Cache Object Manager (COM).

Action: Contact Oracle Support or, if you are working with an Oracle GoldenGate developer, contact that person.

OGG-01564: LOB handle {0,number,0} is invalid.
Cause: An internal error occurred while storing a LOB column in the Cache Object Manager.

Action: Contact Oracle Support or, if you are working with an Oracle GoldenGate developer, contact that person.

OGG-01565: LOB handle {0,number,0} has already been associated with another base row column.
Cause: An internal error occurred while storing a LOB column in the Cache Object Manager.

Action: Contact Oracle Support or, if you are working with an Oracle GoldenGate developer, contact that person.

OGG-01566: LOB handle {0,number,0} has already been associated with a base row column and cannot be deleted explicitly.
Cause: An internal error occurred while storing a LOB column in the Cache Object Manager.

Action: Contact Oracle Support or, if you are working with an Oracle GoldenGate developer, contact that person.

OGG-01567: {1}: cannot find first POF: {0}
Cause: The oldest persisted-object file cannot be found. These files contain the persisted transaction data and other information that is needed for Extract to recover from the bounded-recovery checkpoint.

Action: None, unless the log files are not available. Extract will revert to normal recovery for this recovery, and then turn on Bounded Recovery again. If Extract stops because the log file that contains the oldest open transaction is not online, restore that log and any subsequent logs before restarting Extract.

OGG-01568: {3}: unsupported BR version: {0}: version expected: {1,number,0} version found: {2,number,0}
Cause: The persisted-object files were created by a version of Bounded Recovery that is different from the one that currently is running. An Extract upgrade was probably performed and the new version contains a newer Bounded Recovery version.

Action: Restart Extract from the command line with the BRRESET option. BRRESET starts the process as if this is the first run, and the process will use normal recovery. For syntax help, see the BRRESET option of the BR command in the Oracle GoldenGate reference documentation. If you cannot resolve the problem this way, manually remove all of the files that have the group name in the BRDIR directory. If the problem persists, contact Oracle Support.

OGG-01569: {1}: POF crc64 mismatch: POF: {0}
Cause: The recovery file did not pass the integrity check that the Bounded Recovery feature performs.

Action: None. Extract will revert to normal recovery for this recovery, and then turn on Bounded Recovery again.

OGG-01570: {3}: magic number mismatch: {0} expected: 0x{1} found: 0x{2}
Cause: The recovery file did not pass the integrity check that the Bounded Recovery feature performs.

Action: None. Extract will revert to normal recovery for this recovery, and then turn on Bounded Recovery again.

OGG-01571: {3}: footer magic number mismatch: filename: {0}: expected: 0x{1} found: 0x{2}
Cause: The recovery file did not pass the integrity check that the Bounded Recovery feature performs.

Action: None. Extract will revert to normal recovery for this recovery, and then turn on Bounded Recovery again.

OGG-01572: {2}: filename mismatch: POF: {0} mt_filename: {1}
Cause: The name of the persisted-object file is not what is expected based on the Extract Bounded Recovery checkpoint file.

Action: None. Extract will revert to normal recovery for this recovery, and then turn on Bounded Recovery again.

OGG-01573: {1}: failed in call to: {0}
Cause: An internal error occurred.

Action: Contact Oracle Support.

OGG-01574: {1}: failed in call to: {0}: error code: {2,number,0} ({3})
Cause: Bounded Recovery failed in the specified function invocation.

Action: If the error pertains to the Bounded Recovery storage directory, try to resolve the problem. If you cannot resolve the problem, contact Oracle Support.

OGG-01575: {2}: file operation failed in call to: {0}: filename {1}
Cause: Extract was unable to open the specified file. Extract will revert to normal recovery.

Action: None

OGG-01576: {0}: error code: {1,number,0} ({2})
Cause: An internal error occurred.

Action: Contact Oracle Support.

OGG-01577: {0}: NULL persisted objected pointer
Cause: An internal error occurred.

Action: Contact Oracle Support.

OGG-01578: {1}: unxepected flag in PO (CO): 0x{0}
Cause: An internal error occurred.

Action: Contact Oracle Support.

Cause: Bounded Recovery validated the specified checkpoint.

Action: None

OGG-01580: {2}: invalid crc64: CPF: {0} crc: 0x{1}
Cause: The recovery file did not pass the integrity check that the Bounded Recovery feature performs.

Action: None. Extract will revert to normal recovery for this recovery, and then turn on Bounded Recovery again.

OGG-01582: {2}: Extract group mismatch: group expected: {0} group found: {1}
Cause: The Extract group in the Bounded Recovery checkpoint file is not the one that is currently running.

Action: Restart Extract from the command line with the BRRESET option. BRRESET starts the process as if this is the first run, and the process will use normal recovery. For syntax help, see the BRRESET option of the BR command in the Oracle GoldenGate reference documentation. If you cannot resolve the problem this way, contact Oracle Support.

OGG-01584: {0}: Extract group not supplied
Cause: An internal error occurred.

Action: Contact Oracle Support.

OGG-01585: {1}: unique bounded recovery instance already exists: requested Extract group: {0}
Cause: An internal error occurred.

Action: Contact Oracle Support.

OGG-01586: {2}: {0} {1}: error code: {3,number,0} ({4})
Cause: While Extract was in Bounded Recovery mode, a request to the file system failed with the specified error.

Action: Fix the problem based on the error, if possible. If you cannot resolve the problem, contact Oracle Support.

OGG-01587: {3}: {0}: {1} error code: {4,number,0} ({5}) {2,number,0}
Cause: While Extract was in Bounded Recovery mode, a file system operation by the Cache Object Manager (COM) failed.

Action: Try to resolve the problem based on the error message that is returned. If you cannot resolve the problem, contact Oracle Support.

OGG-01588: {0}: failed
Cause: An internal message occurred in the Cache Object Manager.

Action: Contact Oracle Support.

OGG-01589: {1}: failed in call to: {0}
Cause: An internal message occurred in the Cache Object Manager.

Action: Contact Oracle Support.

OGG-01590: {1}: failed in call to: {0} error code: {2,number,0} ({3})
Cause: The calling internal function failed with the specified system error code. Examine the message text for the specific function and error code.

Action: This message can occur in many contexts. If it indicates a file system error, you might be able to resolve it yourself. If not, contact Oracle Support.

OGG-01591: {2}: failed in call to: {0} pool instance: {1,number,0}
Cause: An internal function failed.

Action: Contact Oracle Support.

OGG-01593: {0}: error code: {1,number,0} ({2})
Cause: The specified function failed with the given system error code.

Action: Contact Oracle Support.

OGG-01596: {2}: mmapc instance address: 0x{0} differs from base address: 0x{1}
Cause: An internal mapping error occurred.

Action: Contact Oracle Support.

OGG-01597: {1}: failed in call to: {0}
Cause: An internal error occurred.

Action: Contact Oracle Support.

OGG-01598: {1}: failed in call to: {0} error code: {2,number,0} ({3})
Cause: A library function call failed in the given function. This low-level error returns an exception to be handled at a higher level of code.

Action: Examine the error text, the error code, and any preceding related error messages. If a file system error occurred, determine if corrective action can be taken. If you cannot resolve the problem, contact GoldenGate Support.

OGG-01599: {2}: type: {0,number,0} subtype: {1,number,0}
Cause: An internal function failed.

Action: Contact Oracle Support.

OGG-01600: {1}: invalid mode: 0x{0}
Cause: The specified function has an invalid mode.

Action: Contact Oracle Support.

OGG-01601: {2}: memory map length: {0,number,0} differs from registered length: {1,number,0}
Cause: The specified length of the virtual memory map is not equal to its registered length.

Action: Contact Oracle Support.

OGG-01602: {0}: memory map out of space and extend operation failed
Cause: The virtual memory map could not be extended.

Action: Check the free swap size, and increase it if possible. If this message persists, contact Oracle Support.

OGG-01603: {0}: NULL data source pointer
Cause: The address of the internal virtual memory map is missing.

Action: Contact Oracle Support.

OGG-01604: {0}: cannot extend memory map: not marked for extend
Cause: An attempt has been made to extend a non-extendable virtual memory map. This low-level error returns an exception to be handled at a higher level of code.

Action: Contact Oracle Support.

OGG-01610: {0}: NULL dhv pointer found
Cause: An invalid bounded recovery redo state occurred.

Action: Contact Oracle Support.

OGG-01611: {0}: NULL object pointer found
Cause: An object necessary for Bounded Recovery is not present.

Action: Contact Oracle Support.

OGG-01612: {0}: NULL tag pointer found
Cause: A parameter necessary for Bounded Recovery is not present.

Action: Contact Oracle Support.

OGG-01613: {4}: NULL cache object pointer found: rc_co0: 0x{0} rc_co0->rst_co: 0x{1} rc_co1: 0x{2} rc_co1->rst_co: 0x{3},
Cause: A pointer to an object necessary for Bounded Recovery data persistence is not present.

Action: Contact Oracle Support.

OGG-01614: {5}: {0}: <{1,number,0}, {2,number,0}> <{3,number,0}, {4,number,0}>
Cause: A virtual memory map integrity error occurred.

Action: Contact Oracle Support.

OGG-01615: {7}: dhnode_map_traverse: {0} <{1,number,0}, {2,number,0}> (children: {3,number,0}, <{4,number,0}, {5,number,0}> (children: {6,number,0})
Cause: A virtual memory map integrity error occurred.

Action: Contact Oracle Support.

OGG-01616: {7}: {0} dn: <{1,number,0}, {2,number,0}> (children: {3,number,0}, <{4,number,0}, {5,number,0}> (children: {6,number,0})
Cause: An internal virtual memory map error occurred with a mismatch on node properties.

Action: Restart Extract. If the problem persists, contact Oracle Support.

OGG-01617: {7}: {0} <{1,number,0}, {2,number,0}> (len: {3,number,0}), <{4,number,0}, {5,number,0}> (len: {6,number,0})
Cause: The found length of child nodes in the virtual memory map does not match the expected length.

Action: Restart Extract. If the problem persists, contact Oracle Support.

OGG-01618: {4}: {0} <{1,number,0}, {2,number,0}> index: {3,number,0}
Cause: The virtual memory map node is invalid for the specified reason.

Action: Restart Extract. If the problem persists, contact Oracle Support.

OGG-01619: {7}: {0} <{1,number,0}, {2,number,0}>, <{3,number,0}, {4,number,0}> indexes: {5,number,0}, {6,number,0}
Cause: A virtual memory map integrity error occurred.

Action: Restart Extract. If the problem persists, contact Oracle Support.

OGG-01620: {3}: {0} <{1,number,0}, {2,number,0}>
Cause: An internal virtual memory map has an invalid type or subtype due to the condition specified in the error text.

Action: Restart Extract. If the problem persists, contact Oracle Support.

OGG-01621: {3}: {0} group type: {1,number,0} type found: {2,number,0}
Cause: An internal virtual memory map definition has an unterminated group entry.

Action: Restart Extract. If the problem persists, contact Oracle Support.

OGG-01622: {6}: count mismatch: HEADERS: in {0,number,0} found: {1,number,0} LEAFS: in {2,number,0} found {3,number,0} TERMINATORS: in {4,number,0} found: {5,number,0}
Cause: The recovery file did not pass the integrity check that the Bounded Recovery feature performs.

Action: None. Extract will revert to normal recovery for this recovery and then return to Bounded Recovery.

OGG-01623: {5}: count mismatch: processed_nodes: {0,number,0} found nodes: {1,number,0} (headers: {2,number,0} leafs: {3,number,0} terminators: {4,number,0}
Cause: The recovery file did not pass the integrity check that the Bounded Recovery feature performs.

Action: None. Extract will revert to normal recovery for this recovery and then return to Bounded Recovery.

OGG-01624: {1}: failed in call to: {0}
Cause: A library function call failed in the given function.

Action: Restart Extract. If the problem persists, contact Oracle Support.

OGG-01625: {2}: {0}: {1}
Cause: An attempt to compile an internal virtual memory map failed. A preceding error message should indicate the cause.

Action: Restart Extract. If the problem persists, contact Oracle Support.

OGG-01626: BOUNDED RECOVERY: Restore FAILED. {1}: {0}: error code: {2,number,0} ({3})
Cause: A Bounded Recovery file operation failed. The cause is indicated in the message text.

Action: Examine the file and directory to see if corrective action can be taken. If you cannot determine any file problems, restart Extract from the command line by using the BRRESET option of the BR parameter. For more information, see the BR parameter in the Oracle GoldenGate reference documentation. If the problem persists, contact Oracle Support.

OGG-01627: {2}: invalid file mode for: {0} mode: 0x{1}
Cause: The specified directory has an invalid permission mode.

Action: Change the directory permissions. If the problem persists, contact Oracle Support.

OGG-01628: {2}: rename({0}, {1}) error code: {3,number,0} ({4})
Cause: The rename of a stale Bounded Recovery file failed with the specified error.

Action: Try to resolve the file problem based on the error, and determine if it will occur for other Bounded Recovery files. If you cannot correct this problem, contact Oracle Support.

Cause: Extract successfully recovered the transaction data that was persisted to disk.

Action: None

OGG-01630: {4}: INVALID OBJECT COUNT: on OP list: {0,number,0} OP active count: {1,number,0} pool instance: {2,number,0} ({3})
Cause: The number of persisted objects expected for recovery differs from the actual number of long-running transactions that are detected. Bounded Recovery will resolve the difference or else revert to normal recovery.

Action: None

Cause: Extract created a new Bounded Recovery checkpoint, concluding another Bounded Recovery interval (as determined by the BRINTERVAL option of the BR parameter.)

Action: None

OGG-01632: {4}: Active object count differs from count from previous instance BCP: OP active count: {1,number,0} recovered count from previous BCP: {0,number,0} pool instance: {2,number,0} ({3})
Cause: Bounded Recovery detected an anomaly in the checkpoint and is using the previous Bounded Recovery checkpoint for recovery.

Action: None

OGG-01633: BOUNDED RECOVERY: NO VALID BCP FOUND: last file examined: {0}
Cause: Extract could not find a valid Bounded Recovery checkpoint, and will revert to normal recovery.

Action: None

OGG-01634: {2}: file operation failed in call to: {0}: filename {1}
Cause: Extract could not open the specified file, and will revert to normal recovery.

Action: None

OGG-01635: BOUNDED RECOVERY: reset to initial or altered checkpoint
Cause: The BR parameter contains the BRRESET option. Extract will use normal recovery for the current run and then turn on Bounded Recovery after the recovery is complete.

Action: None

OGG-01636: BOUNDED RECOVERY: DISABLED: error during its initialization.
Cause: Extract was unable to initiate a Bounded Recovery checkpoint, and is disabling Bounded Recovery. Extract will revert to normal recovery.

Action: None

OGG-01637: BOUNDED RECOVERY: DISABLED: error when creating its checkpoint
Cause: Extract was unable to create a Bounded Recovery checkpoint, and is disabling Bounded Recovery. Extract will revert to normal recovery.

Action: None

OGG-01638: BOUNDED RECOVERY: DISABLED: error restoring its checkpoint.
Cause: Extract was unable to recover from the expected checkpoint, and is disabling Bounded Recovery. Extract will revert to normal recovery.

Action: None

OGG-01639: BOUNDED RECOVERY: ACTIVE: for object pool {0,number,0}: {1}
Cause: Extract is reporting that Bounded Recovery is currently active.

Action: None

OGG-01640: BOUNDED RECOVERY: recovery start XID: {0}
Cause: Extract is reporting the ID of the transaction with which it will start Bounded Recovery.

Action: None

OGG-01641: BOUNDED RECOVERY: recovery start position: {0}
Cause: Extract is reporting the position in the transaction log where it will start Bounded Recovery.

Action: None

OGG-01642: BOUNDED RECOVERY: recovery end position: {0}
Cause: Extract is reporting the position in the transaction log where it finished its Bounded Recovery.

Action: None

OGG-01643: BOUNDED RECOVERY: CANCELED: for object pool {0,number,0}: {1}
Cause: The Bounded Recovery was abandoned, and Extract will revert to normal recovery.

Action: None

OGG-01644: BOUNDED RECOVERY: COMPLETE: for object pool {0,number,0}: {1} at {2}
Cause: Extract has completed the Bounded Recovery.

Action: None

OGG-01645: For an initial load EXTRACT, the SOURCEDB parameter must specify a single APPLID
Cause: This message is deprecated.

Action: None

OGG-01646: Unexpected record type {1,number,0} encountered in file {0}
Cause: This message is deprecated.

Action: None

OGG-01647: File {0} column {1,number,0}, name length {2,number,0} exceeds maximum supported length {3,number,0}
Cause: This message is deprecated.

Action: None

OGG-01648: File {0} column {1}, will be set to data type character, sub data type binary. SYSADATA values: {2,number,0}, {3,number,0}, {4,number,0}
Cause: This message is deprecated.

Action: None

OGG-01649: Data set name {0} length {1,number,0} exceeds maximum length {2,number,0}
Cause: This message is deprecated.

Action: None

OGG-01650: FLDATA failed for file {0}
Cause: This message is deprecated.

Action: None

OGG-01651: Open failed: {0}, error {1,number,0}: {2}
Cause: This message is deprecated.

Action: None

OGG-01652: Open File Read Only failed: {0}, file may be empty
Cause: This message is deprecated.

Action: None

OGG-01653: Unexpected EOF encountered on {0}
Cause: This message is deprecated.

Action: None

OGG-01654: File {0} has no columns
Cause: This message is deprecated.

Action: None

OGG-01655: File {0} key start or end is not on a field boundary. The specified SYSADATA member does not match the specified file
Cause: This message is deprecated.

Action: None

OGG-01656: File {0} type {1} is not supported
Cause: This message is deprecated.

Action: None

OGG-01657: Data set name {0} was not found in the criteria definition contained in the SOURCEDEFS file
Cause: This message is deprecated.

Action: None

OGG-01658: Criteria specification {0} {1} contains an unrecognized type {0}. Valid criteria types are FOR, USE and WHERE.
Cause: This message is deprecated.

Action: None

OGG-01659: Criteria specification {0} {1} type is out of sequence. Expecting USE type
Cause: This message is deprecated.

Action: None

OGG-01660: Criteria specification {0} {1} type is out of sequence. Expecting FOR or WHERE type
Cause: This message is deprecated.

Action: None

OGG-01661: An error occurred trying to position to the last criteria information record in the SOURCEDEFS file. The file may be empty.
Cause: This message is deprecated.

Action: None

OGG-01662: An invalid WHERE clause {0} was encountered. Expecting <column name>=<value>
Cause: Incorrect syntax was used to define a WHERE clause in a TABLE or MAP statement.

Action: See the permissible WHERE operators that are listed in the TABLE and MAP reference documentation, and then fix the syntax in the parameter file.

OGG-01663: An invalid quoted string was encountered in a criteria specification {0} {1}. Quoted strings are only valid for the value component of a WHERE clause. An embedded quote must be represented by a pair of quotes.
Cause: This message is deprecated.

Action: None

OGG-01664: Criteria value {0} is a duplicate for type {1}
Cause: This message is deprecated.

Action: None

OGG-01665: {0}
Cause: This message is deprecated.

Action: None

OGG-01667: {1}: process ID {0,number,0} waiting in sleep loop for diagnostician to attach debugger
Cause: When the _HANGATPROGRAMSTART internal option is specified, or the _HANGONFATALERROR internal option is used and a fatal error is encountered, Oracle GoldenGate will pause in order to allow point-in-time diagnosis.

Action: Remove the parameter from the parameter file and contact Oracle Support for additional assistance.

Cause: An unrecoverable error occurred and processing cannot continue.

Action: Examine previously issued error messages for possible causes and actions.

OGG-01669: Opening {0} (byte {1,number,0}, current EOF {2,number,0})
Cause: The Collector process is opening the specified file. Informational only.

Action: None

OGG-01670: Closing {0}
Cause: The Collector process is closing the specified file. Informational only.

Action: None

OGG-01671: Closing batch file {0} ({1})
Cause: The Collector process is closing the specified batch file. Informational only.

Action: None

OGG-01672: Opening batch file {0}
Cause: The Collector process is opening the specified batch file. Informational only.

Action: None

OGG-01673: Truncated {0}
Cause: The Collector process truncated the specified file. Informational only.

Action: None

OGG-01674: Executed system command "{0}" with status ({1,number,0})
Cause: The Collector process executed the specified system command. The return status is indicated. Informational only.

Action: None

OGG-01675: Terminating because Extract is stopped
Cause: The Collector process terminated because its associated Extract terminated.

Action: If the Extract process abended (did not stop normally), look at the Extract report file for errors that may need to be resolved, and resolve them based on their message content.

OGG-01676: Terminating after client disconnect
Cause: The Collector process terminated because the associated Extract client disconnected.

Action: Look for problems with network connectivity between the source system that hosts Extract and the local system. Check the Extract report file for more errors that might help you diagnose and resolve the problem.

OGG-01677: Waiting for connection (started dynamically)
Cause: The Collector process was started by Manager and will find a free listening port dynamically. Informational only.

Action: None

OGG-01678: Listening for requests
Cause: The Collector process was started from the command line on a designated listening port. Informational only.

Action: None

OGG-01679: Connecting to {0}
Cause: The Collector process is verifying the connection to the remote system where a passive Extract or data pump is running. Informational only.

Action: None

OGG-01680: {0}
Cause: The specified number of bytes was received. This message appears when Oracle GoldenGate is in debug mode, as specified with the tcpstats parameter when Collector was started.

Action: Unless you need tcpstats on for debugging purposes, turn it off to improve performance.

OGG-01681: Allocated {0} on DD: {1}
Cause: This message is deprecated.

Action: None

OGG-01682: Deallocated {0} on DD:{1}
Cause: This message is deprecated.

Action: None

OGG-01688: Thread: {0}, Message: {1}
Cause: This is a generic error that forwards another message that contains errors from the Java Agent component of Oracle GoldenGate Monitor.

Action: If you cannot resolve the error that is returned based on the context, contact Oracle Support.

OGG-01689: Thread: {0}, Message: {1}
Cause: This is a generic error that forwards another message that contains errors from the Java Agent component of Oracle GoldenGate Monitor.

Action: If you cannot resolve the error that is returned based on the context, contact Oracle Support.

OGG-01690: Thread: {0}, Message: {1}
Cause: This is a generic error that forwards another message that contains errors from the Java Agent component of Oracle GoldenGate Monitor.

Action: If you cannot resolve the error that is returned based on the context, contact Oracle Support.

OGG-01693: Aborting BATCHSQL transaction{0,choice,0#|1# in batch error mode}.
Cause: The batched SQL transaction encountered exceptions. Replicat will revert to normal processing (one operation at a time). For more information, see the BATCHSQL reference documentation.

Action: None

OGG-01702: Cannot get file status for '{0}'. Error {1,number,0} ({2})
Cause: While repairing a partial record at the end of a trail, the process could not get the status of the file.

Action: Contact Oracle Support.

OGG-01705: Input checkpoint position {2,number,0} for input trail file '{0}' is greater than the size of the file ({1,number,0}). Please consult Oracle Knowledge Management Doc ID 1138409.1. for instructions.
Cause: This inconsistency is caused by a disk or system failure during which data that was still in cache gets lost. The result is that the reader process (a data pump or Replicat) appears stalled waiting for more data. The writer process (Extract or data pump), when it performs its recovery, creates a new trail file and may write some of the data that has already been processed by the reader process.

Action: To avoid duplicate records, you need to perform a manual recovery, find the duplicate records, and alter the reader process to start processing after those records. See Oracle Knowledge Base solution 1138409.1 for instructions.

OGG-01706: Table {0} is an Index Organized Table (IOT) and only supported for Oracle 10gR2 and above.
Cause: This table type is not supported.

Action: Stop Extract. Edit the parameter file to remove the table and others of this type from the TABLE statements, and then restart Extract. (If TABLE uses a wildcard, you can exclude those tables with TABLEEXCLUDE.)

OGG-01707: Failed to retrieve the singleton instance of {0}
Cause: The metadata cache of the Oracle GoldenGate Monitor C-agent was not initialized properly.

Action: Contact Oracle Support.

OGG-01708: Failed to create an instance of {0}
Cause: The Oracle GoldenGate Monitor Java Agent was not installed properly, or the Java VM ran out of memory.

Action: Reinstall the Oracle GoldenGate Monitor Java Agent according to the instructions in the Oracle GoldenGate Monitor administration documentation.

OGG-01709: Failed to create an array of instances of {0}
Cause: The Oracle GoldenGate Monitor Java Agent was not installed properly, or the Java VM ran out of memory.

Action: Reinstall the Oracle GoldenGate Monitor Java Agent according to the instructions in the Oracle GoldenGate Monitor administration documentation.

OGG-01710: Failed to retrieve {0} from {1}
Cause: The metadata cache of the Oracle GoldenGate Monitor C-agent was not initialized properly.

Action: Contact Oracle Support.

OGG-01711: Failed to find the Java class ID of {0}
Cause: The Oracle GoldenGate Monitor Java Agent was not installed properly.

Action: Reinstall the Oracle GoldenGate Monitor Java Agent according to the instructions in the Oracle GoldenGate Monitor administration documentation. Make certain that the jagent.jar file exists in the dirjar directory.

OGG-01712: Failed to find the ID of method {1} in Java class {0}
Cause: The Oracle GoldenGate Monitor Java Agent was not installed properly.

Action: Reinstall the Oracle GoldenGate Monitor Java Agent according to the instructions in the Oracle GoldenGate Monitor administration documentation. Make certain that the jagent.jar file exists in the dirjar directory.

OGG-01713: Failed to retrieve the Java VM object
Cause: The Oracle GoldenGate Monitor Manager failed to load the Java VM or the Java VM that is loaded is invalid.

Action: Make certain that a supported version of Java is installed on the local system. For the supported Java versions, see the Oracle GoldenGate Monitor administration documentation.

OGG-01714: Failed to allocate memory for {0}
Cause: The Oracle GoldenGate Monitor C-agent failed to create a new Java object because the Java VM ran out of memory.

Action: Contact Oracle Support.

OGG-01715: Failed to call class {0} method {1}
Cause: The Oracle GoldenGate Monitor C-agent failed to call the Java Agent.

Action: Reinstall the Oracle GoldenGate Monitor Java Agent according to the instructions in the Oracle GoldenGate Monitor administration documentation. Make certain that the jagent.jar file exists in the dirjar directory.

OGG-01716: Failed to find the process {0} in the given process list
Cause: The specified Extract or Replicat process could not be found by Oracle GoldenGate Monitor.

Action: None. The process list will be refreshed in the next update interval.

OGG-01717: Failed to create a wrapper object {0} with the given object ID {1}
Cause: The Oracle GoldenGate Monitor C-agent detected an invalid monitoring point.

Action: Contact Oracle Support.

OGG-01718: Failed to retrieve {0} MpObjectInfo from loaded MP metadata
Cause: The Oracle GoldenGate Monitor C-agent detected an invalid monitoring point.

Action: Contact Oracle Support.

OGG-01719: Failed to load Metadata during initialization
Cause: Monitoring point metadata was not properly initialized in the Oracle GoldenGate Monitor C-agent.

Action: Contact Oracle Support.

OGG-01720: Failed to retrieve corresponding JNI type for {0}
Cause: The data type of a monitoring point in the Java agent is not consistent with the data type in the C-agent.

Action: Make certain that the version of the Java Agent is compatible with that of the C-agent, or contact Oracle Support.

OGG-01721: Failed to retrieve PseudoObjectProcAssociation object for object {0}.
Cause: A trail or database object that is maintained in the cache of the Oracle GoldenGate Monitor C-agent is invalid.

Action: Contact Oracle Support.

OGG-01722: Failed to retrieve input parameter {0} in {1} JNI invocation
Cause: An error occurred between the Java Agent and the C-agent because the JNI call parameter is not valid.

Action: Contact Oracle Support.

OGG-01723: Zero MPs returned for pseudo object {0}
Cause: The number of retrieved monitoring points for a trail or database object is not valid.

Action: Contact Oracle Support.

OGG-01724: Pseudo object {0} with associated process name {1} is not found
Cause: The metadata for the monitoring points that are maintained by the Oracle GoldenGate Monitor C-agent is inconsistent with the monitoring points that were captured by the Extract or Replicat process.

Action: Contact Oracle Support.

OGG-01725: Number of MPs {2,number,0} in Pseudo object list does not match the number of MPs {1,number,0} returned from the process {0}
Cause: The metadata for the monitoring points that are maintained by the Oracle GoldenGate Monitor C-agent is inconsistent with the monitoring points that were captured by the Extract or Replicat process.

Action: Contact Oracle Support.

OGG-01726: Failed to retrieve the singleton CprocessManager instance
Cause: An internal error occurred in the Oracle GoldenGate Monitor C-agent.

Action: Contact Oracle Support.

OGG-01727: Failed to retrieve the manager process from collectProcess call
Cause: An internal error occurred in the Oracle GoldenGate Monitor C-agent.

Action: Contact Oracle Support.

OGG-01728: MP id {0} should be in the form of objid:mpid
Cause: The monitoring point passed by the Java agent to the C-agent has an invalid format.

Action: Contact Oracle Support.

OGG-01729: Invalid In-Out type {0,number,0} for getMappedMpid call
Cause: The specified monitoring point is invalid.

Action: Contact Oracle Support.

OGG-01730: Appender '{0}' in configuration file '{3}' uses 'BinaryLayout' in a 'RollingFileAppender' with 'MaxFileSize' of {1}, which is smaller than the minimum of {2}.
Cause: The value for MaxFileSize for a RollingFileAppender when BinaryLayout is used must be larger than the specified size.

Action: Correct the appender definition in the XML file.

OGG-01731: Appender '{0}' in configuration file '{1}' uses 'BinaryLayout' with filters, which is not supported
Cause: Filters are not supported with the BinaryLayout layout.

Action: Remove the Filter element.

OGG-01733: Trail file header file size value {2,number,0} for trail file '{0}' differs from the actual size of the file ({1,number,0}).
Cause: There is a discrepancy between the expected size of the trail file, as stated in the file header, and the actual size of the file. The file was truncated because there is a shortage of disk space or a corruption in the file system.

Action: Contact Oracle Support. Extensive recovery is needed to prevent data loss.

OGG-01735: Synchronizing {0} to disk
Cause: The specified trail file on the target was opened, closed, or rolled over. Informational only.

Action: None

OGG-01736: {2}: Buffer overflow, needed: {1,number,0}, allocated: {0,number,0}. Table {3}, column {4}.
Cause: A numeric conversion failed because the value in the archive logs has more digits that the specified column can contain.

Action: Verify that the column definitions are correct.

OGG-01737: Failed to validate table {0}. This table is an IOT with mapping table and not supported by Extract. Remove this table from Extract's parameter file and restart Extract.
Cause: This table type is not supported.

Action: Edit the parameter file to remove the table and others of this type from the TABLE statements, and then restart Extract. (If TABLE uses a wildcard, you can exclude those tables with TABLEEXCLUDE.)

OGG-01738: BOUNDED RECOVERY: CHECKPOINT: for object pool {0}: {1}.
Cause: A Bounded Recovery checkpoint was issued. Informational only.

Action: None

OGG-01739: {0} must be used with the {1} parameter in order to function correctly.
Cause: A required option or parameter is missing in the parameter file.

Action: Add the specified option or parameter to the parameter file. Stop the process, and then restart it again for the new configuration to take effect.

OGG-01740: Invalid numeric data detected and replaced by _CONVERTBADNUMBER. Column {0}, table {1}, rowid {2}, row length {3,number,0}, rowdata: {4}
Cause: The redo data is corrupted. Either Extract assigned a zero value or a conversion was made (Oracle GoldenGate version 8 and later). This is a warning to alert you that data was converted.

Action: None

OGG-01741: Unexpected Log Sequence encountered at LSN {0}, previous LSN {1}.
Cause: The transaction records appear to be out of sequence.

Action: Contact Oracle Support with details of this message.

OGG-01742: Command sent to {0} {1} returned with {2,choice,-1#an ERROR|0#an empty|1#an invalid} response.
Cause: A command sent to Manager resulted in the specified error response. The expected response is either invalid data or an error indicator.

Action: Retry the command that caused the error. If it fails again, look at the process report file and the error log (and the Windows event browser if Manager is a Windows service) for errors generated before this message. These errors could indicate the cause and possible resolution. If you cannot resolve the error based on these logs, contact Oracle Support.

OGG-01745: Additional columns detected for table {0}. Change data processing may be less efficient until the table is reorganized.
Cause: An ALTER TABLE...ADD COLUMN command was issued to add one or more columns to the specified table.

Action: Reorganize the table to avoid the extra overhead in processing log data for this table. This will ensure that the before image for any future updates match the table definition.

OGG-01746: Support for parameter {0} is not available in the RDBMS version you are using.
Cause: The parameter is not supported for the database or database version (or both) that the associated Oracle GoldenGate process is connected to.

Action: Remove the parameter from the parameter file. See the Oracle GoldenGate documentation to find out if there is a similar parameter that is supported for the database or a specific release of the database.

OGG-01747: Error resetting AES cipher at trail file {0}, RBA {1,number,0} (error {2,number,0}, {3})
Cause: An error occurred while attempting to reset the AES cipher. This message is deprecated.

Action: None

OGG-01748: Error encrypting data record with AES cipher at trail file {0}, RBA {1,number,0} (error {2,number,0}, {3})
Cause: An error occurred while encrypting a data record with an AES cipher. This message is deprecated.

Action: None

OGG-01749: Successfully registered EXTRACT {0} to start managing log retention at SCN {1}.
Cause: An ADD EXTRACT or REGISTER EXTRACT command was issued to register the Extract group with the database to manage retention of the logs that Extract needs for recovery purposes.

Action: None

OGG-01750: Successfully unregistered EXTRACT {0} from database.
Cause: A DELETE EXTRACT or UNREGISTER EXTRACT command was issued to unregister the Extract group from the database.

Action: None

OGG-01751: Cannot register or unregister EXTRACT {0} because no database login was provided. Use DBLOGIN to establish a connection.
Cause: A REGISTER EXTRACT or UNREGISTER EXTRACT command was issued without first issuing a DBLOGIN command.

Action: Issue the DBLOGIN command, and then issue REGISTER EXTRACT or UNREGISTER EXTRACT again.

OGG-01752: Cannot register EXTRACT {0} with database because no database login was provided. You can manually register this group later with the REGISTER EXTRACT command with LOGRETENTION. Issue DBLOGIN first.
Cause: An ADD EXTRACT command was issued without first issuing a DBLOGIN command. This version of the RDBMS requires DBLOGIN before creating Extract groups.

Action: Issue the DBLOGIN command to log into the database, and then issue the REGISTER EXTRACT command with the LOGRETENTION option to register the Extract group.

OGG-01753: Cannot unregister EXTRACT {0} from database because no database login was provided. You can manually unregister this group later with the UNREGISTER EXTRACT command with LOGRETENTION. Issue DBLOGIN first.
Cause: A DELETE EXTRACT command was issued without first issuing a DBLOGIN command. This version of the RDBMS requires DBLOGIN before deleting Extract groups.

Action: Issue the DBLOGIN command to log into the database, and then issue the UNREGISTER EXTRACT command to unregister the Extract group.

OGG-01754: Cannot register or unregister EXTRACT {0} because the Extract is currently running. Stop the Extract and retry the command.
Cause: A REGISTER EXTRACT or UNREGISTER EXTRACT command was issued without first stopping the process.

Action: Stop the Extract process, then issue a DBLOGIN command, and then the REGISTER EXTRACT or UNREGISTER EXTRACT command.

OGG-01755: Cannot register or unregister EXTRACT {0} because of the following SQL error: {1}. See Extract user privileges in the Oracle GoldenGate for Oracle Installation and Setup Guide.
Cause: A REGISTER EXTRACT or UNREGISTER EXTRACT command was issued and an error occurred either while querying the database or when calling a PL/SQL procedure.

Action: Issue DBLOGIN with the appropriate privileges that are required for REGISTER EXTRACT or UNREGISTER EXTRACT. See the Oracle GoldenGate reference documentation.

OGG-01756: Cannot register EXTRACT {0} with database because of the following SQL error: {1}. See Extract user privileges in the Oracle GoldenGate for Oracle Installation and Setup Guide. You can manually register this group with the REGISTER EXTRACT command.
Cause: An ADD EXTRACT command was issued and an error occurred either while querying the database or when calling a PL/SQL procedure.

Action: Issue DBLOGIN with the appropriate privileges that are required for ADD EXTRACT, and then issue the REGISTER EXTRACT command for the Extract group. See the Oracle GoldenGate reference documentation.

OGG-01757: Cannot unregister EXTRACT {0} from database because of the following SQL error: {1}. See Extract user privileges in the Oracle GoldenGate for Oracle documentation. You can manually unregister this group with the UNREGISTER EXTRACT command.
Cause: A DELETE EXTRACT command was issued and an error occurred either while querying the database or when calling a PL/SQL procedure.

Action: Issue the DBLOGIN command with the appropriate privileges that are required for DELETE EXTRACT, and then issue the UNREGISTER EXTRACT command for the Extract group. See the Oracle GoldenGate reference documentation.

OGG-01758: This EXTRACT {0} is already registered with the database.
Cause: An ADD EXTRACT or REGISTER EXTRACT command was issued for an Extract group that is already registered with the database.

Action: None

OGG-01759: Cannot unregister EXTRACT {0} from database because this Extract is not currently registered.
Cause: An UNREGISTER EXTRACT command was issued for an Extract group that is not currently registered with the database.

Action: Make certain the correct Extract name was provided in the command.

OGG-01760: Ignoring REDO records for encrypted tablespace. This could cause data integrity issues.
Cause: The parameter _IGNORETSERECORDS is specified, and encrypted tablespace records were encountered in the redo log.

Action: Configure Extract to decrypt encrypted tablespace records. See DBOPTIONS with the DECRYPTPASSWORD parameter in the Oracle GoldenGate reference documentation.

OGG-01762: The Oracle GoldenGate Monitor service could not be started. Monitoring might not be supported on this platform or the agent might not be installed correctly.
Cause: Oracle GoldenGate failed to load the required Java VM, or failed to start the Java Agent or C Agent module, or failed to start the service that publishes information on the monitoring points. Monitoring services will not be available.

Action: Make certain that Oracle GoldenGate Monitor is installed on a supported platform, and if so, reinstall the agent. See the administration documentation for instructions.

OGG-01763: Problem generating keys from password, error [{0}]
Cause: The shared secret in the Oracle Wallet and in the Oracle GoldenGate installation are not the same.

Action: Take appropriate action to make the shared secret the same in both places. For help, see the Oracle GoldenGate documentation for the Oracle database.

OGG-01764: Failed to un-wrap the key with password, error [{0}]
Cause: The shared secret in the Oracle Wallet and in the Oracle GoldenGate installation are not the same.

Action: Take appropriate action to make the shared secret the same in both places. For help, see the Oracle GoldenGate documentation for the Oracle database.

OGG-01765: Key digest generation failed, error [{0}]
Cause: The shared secret in the Oracle Wallet and in the Oracle GoldenGate installation are not the same.

Action: Take appropriate action to make the shared secret the same in both places. For help, see the Oracle GoldenGate documentation for the Oracle database.

OGG-01766: Invalid key digest generation failed
Cause: The shared secret in the Oracle Wallet and in the Oracle GoldenGate installation are not the same.

Action: Take appropriate action to make the shared secret the same in both places. For help, see the Oracle GoldenGate documentation for the Oracle database.

OGG-01767: Error in TSE decryption, error [{0}]
Cause: Transparent Data Encryption (TDE) data at the tablespace level was not decrypted properly.

Action: Contact Oracle Support.

OGG-01768: Incorrect integrity algorithm [{0}]
Cause: Transparent Data Encryption (TDE) column data was not decrypted properly. It is possible that DDL was performed on the affected table.

Action: If DDL is to be performed on an encrypted table, install and configure Oracle GoldenGate DDL support. For help see the Oracle GoldenGate documentation for the Oracle database and the Oracle GoldenGate administration documentation.

OGG-01769: Error in TDE decryption: [{0}]
Cause: Transparent Data Encryption (TDE) data at the tablespace level was not decrypted properly.

Action: Contact Oracle Support.

OGG-01770: Error decrypting column {0}, table {1}, encalg [{2}], intalg [{3}], salt [{4}], keylen [{5}]: {6}
Cause: Transparent Data Encryption (TDE) column data was not decrypted properly. It is possible that DDL was performed on the affected table.

Action: If DDL is to be performed on an encrypted table, install and configure Oracle GoldenGate DDL support. For help see the Oracle GoldenGate documentation for the Oracle database and the Oracle GoldenGate administration documentation.

OGG-01771: DBOPTIONS DECRYPTPASSWORD must be used to decrypt data that is encrypted with Transparent Data Encryption. Otherwise, contact Oracle Support to use TRANLOGOPTIONS with _IGNORETSERECORDS to skip the capture of tables in an encrypted tablespace.
Cause: Data that is encrypted with Transparent Data Encryption was encountered, but DBOPTIONS with the DECRYPTPASSWORD option is not used in the parameter file.

Action: To support TDE, specify the DBOPTIONS parameter with the DECRYPTPASSWORD option; to ignore TDE data, contact Oracle Support for more information about using TRANLOGOPTIONS with the internal option _IGNORETSERECORDS. To configure Oracle GoldenGate to support TDE, see the Oracle GoldenGate installation and setup documentation for the Oracle database, and see the Oracle GoldenGate administration documentation.

OGG-01772: TSE decryption error: {0}, keylen [{1}]
Cause: Transparent Data Encryption (TDE) data at the tablespace level was not decrypted properly.

Action: Contact Oracle Support.

OGG-01773: TSE record found to be greater than 64K
Cause: A buffer that contains Transparent Data Encryption (TDE) data is too big.

Action: Contact Oracle Support.

OGG-01774: The AIX Oracle library is missing routine 'ztvp52' and needs a patch in order to use TDE/TSE
Cause: The patch for the Oracle libraries that is required by Oracle GoldenGate to support Transparent Data Encryption (TDE) cannot be found.

Action: Apply Oracle Patch 10395645 to the source Oracle database. If you cannot find this patch on the My Oracle Support website (, submit a service request (SR) and request a backport.

OGG-01775: TDE/TSE is not supported in this version of Oracle
Cause: Transparent Data Encryption is not supported for this version of the Oracle database.

Action: Either remove the parameters that relate to TDE from the Oracle GoldenGate parameter file, or upgrade and configure the database to a level that supports TDE.

OGG-01776: DBOPTIONS DECRYPTPASSWORD must be set in order to use TDE/TSE encrypted tables
Cause: Data that is encrypted with Transparent Data Encryption was encountered, but DBOPTIONS with the DECRYPTPASSWORD option is not used in the parameter file.

Action: To support TDE, specify the DBOPTIONS parameter with the DECRYPTPASSWORD option; to ignore TDE data, contact Oracle Support for more information about using TRANLOGOPTIONS with the internal option _IGNORETSERECORDS. To configure Oracle GoldenGate to support TDE, see the Oracle GoldenGate installation and setup documentation for the Oracle database, and see the Oracle GoldenGate administration documentation.

OGG-01777: Extract abended as it ran out of sequence numbers used to create TRAIL files. The maximum number of TRAIL files allowed is 999999.
Cause: Extract ran out of sequence numbers that it uses to create trail files.

Action: Contact Oracle Support

OGG-01778: Feature {0} unsupported on the current database version. Upgrade database version to {1} or higher.
Cause: The specified feature is not supported by Oracle GoldenGate for the current database version.

Action: Upgrade to at least the specified database version.

OGG-01779: Invalid specification on {0} command.
Cause: The specified command contains invalid input.

Action: Fix the invalid input. For help, see the Oracle GoldenGate reference documentation.

OGG-01780: Missing/Invalid argument(s) on {0} command.
Cause: Arguments that were provided for the specified command are either incomplete or invalid.

Action: Fix the invalid input. For help, see the Oracle GoldenGate reference documentation.

OGG-01781: Wildcard is not allowed on {0} command.
Cause: The specified command does not allow wildcards as input.

Action: Replace the wildcard with an explicit name specification. For help, see the Oracle GoldenGate reference documentation.

OGG-01782: Unknown command on {0}.
Cause: The specified command is invalid.

Action: Verify the syntax and then issue the command again. For help, see the Oracle GoldenGate reference documentation.

OGG-01783: Cannot verify existence of table function that is required to enable schema level supplemental logging, {0}.
Cause: The function that is used to enable schema level supplemental logging (ADD SCHEMATRANDATA command) is missing from the database.

Action: Apply Oracle Patch 10423000 to the source database.

OGG-01784: INFO SCHEMATRANDATA failed due to error during select start.
Cause: The SELECT statement that underlies the INFO SCHEMATRANDATA command failed.

Action: Try the command again. If the problem persists, contact Oracle Support.

OGG-01785: Schema level supplemental logging is enabled on schema "{0}".
Cause: Schema-level supplemental logging is enabled for all objects in the specified schema, as the result of the ADD SCHEMATRANDATA command. Informational only.

Action: None

OGG-01786: Schema level supplemental logging is disabled on schema "{0}".
Cause: Schema-level supplemental logging is disabled for the specified schema, as the result of the DELETE SCHEMATRANDATA command. Informational only.

Action: None

OGG-01787: INFO SCHEMATRANDATA failed on schema "{0}" because of the following OCI error: {1}-{2}
Cause: A OCI error prevented Oracle GoldenGate from getting information about schema-level supplemental logging through the INFO SCHEMATRANDATA command.

Action: Fix the OCI error and retry the INFO SCHEMATRANDATA command. If the OCI error cannot be resolved, contact Oracle Support.

OGG-01788: SCHEMATRANDATA has been added on schema "{0}".
Cause: The ADD SCHEMATRANDATA command enabled supplemental logging for all objects in the specified schema. Informational only.

Action: None

OGG-01789: Failed to ADD SCHEMATRANDATA on schema "{0}", because schema does not exist.
Cause: The schema that is specified in the ADD SCHEMATRANDATA command does not exist.

Action: Fix any typographical errors or create the schema, and then retry the command.

OGG-01790: Failed to ADD SCHEMATRANDATA on schema "{0}" because of the following SQL error: {1}
Cause: The specified SQL error prevented the ADD SCHEMATRANDATA command from enabling supplemental logging for the specified schema.

Action: Fix the SQL error and then retry ADD SCHEMATRANDATA.

OGG-01791: Failed to ADD SCHEMATRANDATA on schema "{0}" because of an internal error: {1}.
Cause: An internal error occurred.

Action: Contact Oracle Support.

OGG-01792: SCHEMATRANDATA has been deleted on schema "{0}".
Cause: Schema-level supplemental logging is disabled for the specified schema, as the result of the DELETE SCHEMATRANDATA command. Informational only.

Action: None

OGG-01793: Failed to DELETE SCHEMATRANDATA on schema "{0}", because schema does not exist.
Cause: The DELETE SCHEMATRANDATA command failed because the specified schema does not exist.

Action: Verify that the correct schema is specified in the command input, and try the command again.

OGG-01794: Failed to DELETE SCHEMATRANDATA on schema "{0}" because of the following SQL error: {1}
Cause: DELETE SCHEMATRANDATA failed because of the specified SQL error.

Action: Fix the SQL error and retry the command.

OGG-01795: Failed to DELETE SCHEMATRANDATA on schema "{0}" because of an internal error: {1}.
Cause: An internal error occurred.

Action: Contact Oracle Support.

OGG-01796: Schema: "{0}", does not exist.
Cause: The specified schema does not exist.

Action: Verify that the schema name is spelled correctly in the command or parameter input. Make certain that the schema still exists in the database.

OGG-01797: Table {0} column values will also be captured in native format: {1}
Cause: ADDNATIVE is used for the specified table in a TABLE statement. In this mode, Extract will also capture supported data values in their native format.

Action: None

OGG-01798: Native data for table {0}, column {1} is not consistent.
Cause: Replicat encountered native data for a column in one operation, but not another. This condition can occur when the _ADDNATIVE parameter is added to an Extract process without stopping and starting the associated Replicat processes.

Action: Restart Replicat. If the problem persists, contact Oracle Support.

OGG-01799: Unable to rename file "{0}" to "{1}" (error {2,number,0}, {3})
Cause: The process could not rename the specified file on the local file system. Oracle GoldenGate cannot continue.

Action: Correct the problem based on the operating system error message that is returned. If you cannot resolve the problem, contact Oracle Support.

OGG-01800: Unable to rename file "{0}" to "{1}" (error {2,number,0}, {3})
Cause: The process could not rename the specified file on the local file system. Oracle GoldenGate will continue processing.

Action: To avoid future warnings or possible failures related to this condition, correct the problem based on the operating system error message that is returned. If you cannot resolve the problem, contact Oracle Support.

OGG-01801: Failed to determine discard file name
Cause: An internal error occurred when trying to determine the name of the discard file.

Action: Contact Oracle Support.

OGG-01802: Discard file path name "{0}" is too long. Specify a name that is no more than 250 characters.
Cause: The fully qualified name of the discard file is longer than the 250 characters allowed.

Action: Change the DISCARDFILE parameter to specify a file name that is no more than 250 characters.

OGG-01803: {0} SCHEMATRANDATA option "{1}" is invalid. Valid options are: {2}.
Cause: An invalid option was specified for the ADD SCHEMATRANDATA or DELETE SCHEMATRANDATA command.

Action: See the Oracle GoldenGate Reference Guide for correct syntax.

OGG-01804: Option "{0}" is invalid. INFO SCHEMATRANDATA does not have options.
Cause: The INFO SCHEMATRANDATA command was issued with invalid options. This command takes no options.

Action: See the Oracle GoldenGate Reference Guide for correct syntax.

OGG-01805: Virtual memory allocation error: {0,number,0})
Cause: An attempt to allocate virtual memory failed.

Action: Contact Oracle Support.

OGG-01806: Virtual memory mmap allocation error: {0} (error: {1,number,0})
Cause: An attempt to allocate virtual memory failed.

Action: Contact Oracle Support.

OGG-01807: Virtual memory custom allocation error
Cause: An attempt to allocate virtual memory failed.

Action: Contact Oracle Support.

OGG-01808: Virtual memory file read error
Cause: An attempt to read a file failed.

Action: Contact Oracle Support.

OGG-01809: Virtual memory unmap error: {0} (error: {1,number,0})
Cause: An attempt to unmap virtual memory failed.

Action: Contact Oracle Support.

OGG-01810: Virtual memory custom deallocation error
Cause: An attempt to deallocate virtual memory failed.

Action: Contact Oracle Support.

OGG-01811: Virtual memory file write error
Cause: An attempt to write to a file failed.

Action: Contact Oracle Support.

OGG-01812: Virtual memory probe error: {0}
Cause: An attempt to probe virtual memory failed.

Action: Contact Oracle Support.

OGG-01813: invalid parameter
Cause: An invalid parameter was passed to the VMF constructor.

Action: Contact Oracle Support.

OGG-01814: file utility error: {0}: file: {1}: {2} (error: {3,number,0})
Cause: The specified file utility function failed.

Action: Contact Oracle Support.

OGG-01815: Virtual Memory Facilities for: {0} anon alloc: {1} anon free: {2} file alloc: {3} file free: {4} target directories: {5}
Cause: The virtual memory facilities for the specified module and directories have been determined. Informational only.

Action: None

OGG-01816: Partial operations are not supported in this release.
Cause: Partial LOB/XML update operations are not supported for this database source or target.

Action: Add FETCHPARTIALLOB or FETCHPARTIALXML options as appropriate in the TRANLOGOPTIONS parameter in the Extract parameter file, and then restart Extract.

OGG-01817: The DataFormat token encountered, 0x{0}, in the trail is unknown.
Cause: The data format token in the trail record contains invalid data.

Action: Verify that the version of Extract and Replicat are compatible.

OGG-01818: XMLDiff data is missing, can not continue: table {0}.
Cause: XMLDiff data for a column was read from trail but did not get processed.

Action: It is an internal error. Contact support.

OGG-01819: Operation on table {0} with a deferrable constraint is not supported because a workspace is active.
Cause: A table with a deferrable constraint was modified in a transaction that has an open workspace for handling transient duplicates.

Action: Remove the deferrable constraint, and then restart the process.

OGG-01820: Could not enable workspace
Cause: An attempt to handle transient duplicates in an update statement failed.

Action: Restart Replicat. If the problem persists, grant privileges to the Replicat user by running the dbms_goldengate_auth.grant_admin_privilege procedure. Also resolve any associated errors, such as OCI session errors.

OGG-01821: DYNAMICPORTREASSIGNDELAY parameter has been deprecated. Value will be ignored.
Cause: The DYNAMICPORTREASSIGNDELAY parameter is not valid for the current Oracle GoldenGate version.

Action: Remove the DYNAMICPORTREASSIGNDELAY parameter from the parameter file.

OGG-01822: Invalid trail FORMAT RELEASE {0} is specified.
Cause: Invalid trail FORMAT RELEASE is specified.

Action: Specify the correct FORMAT RELEASE release, such as 10.4, 11.1, 11.2, 12.1 and 12.2.

OGG-01823: Invalid SHELL syntax: {0}. Shell command must be enclosed in parentheses or double quotes.
Cause: The command in EVENTACTIONS SHELL is not enclosed within parentheses or double quotes.

Action: Enclose the command within parentheses or double quotes.

OGG-01824: Resume processing from SUSPEND state for process {0}.
Cause: The process is resuming after an EVENTACTIONS SUSPEND state.

Action: None required.

OGG-01825: DDL operation ignored due to EMI [{0}], optype [{1}], objtype [{2}], objowner "{3}", objname {4}
Cause: The specified DDL operation was ignored according to the rule specified in EVENTACTIONS.

Action: None required.

OGG-01826: SPECIALRUN task type is no longer supported for Extract (capture).
Cause: SPECIALRUN as a task type has been removed from Extract processes.

Action: Remove SPECIALRUN task type as a declaring attribute for Extract processes.

OGG-01827: SPECIALRUN task type is no longer supported for Extract (capture).
Cause: SPECIALRUN as a task type has been removed from Extract processes.

Action: Remove SPECIALRUN task type as a declaring attribute for Extract.

OGG-01828: Trail FORMAT {0} or higher is required for operation {1}.
Cause: The EXTFILE, EXTTRAIL, RMTFILE, or RMTTRAIL parameter contains the FORMAT option, but the given RELEASE value does not support the specified operation.

Action: To support the specified operation type, set FORMAT RELEASE to at least the version shown in the error message. Note that the reader process (data pump or Replicat) must be at least the specified version.

OGG-01829: Archive log file {0} is truncated. Expected size {1,number,0} bytes, actual size {2,number,0} bytes
Cause: The size of the archive log file is smaller than the size given in the log file header.

Action: Replace the specified log file with one that has the correct size.

OGG-01830: LOGRETENTION is disabled by default in ARCHIVEDLOGONLY mode
Cause: ARCHIVEDLOGONLY is specified in the parameter file. LOGRETENTION will be disabled by default.

Action: None required.

OGG-01831: Unable to select from sys.user$ and sys.obj$, using dba views instead. {0}
Cause: An OCI error occurred when accessing sys.user$ and sys.obj$.

Action: Read the detailed OCI error message and check whether privilege has been granted to access sys.obj$ and sys.user$.

OGG-01832: Failed to determine if the table is XMLType: table {0}.
Cause: An internal error occurred when trying to verify a table as XMLType.

Action: Contact Oracle Support.

OGG-01833: Missing OID value for table {0}.
Cause: An internal error occurred when processing an object table.

Action: Contact Oracle Support.

OGG-01835: No schema is specified for table {0} in statement '{1}'. Using default schema {2}.
Cause: A schema was not explicitly given in the specification for this table in the parameter file. The default login schema of the process is being used.

Action: To specify a schema other than the default login schema, edit the parameter file to specify the correct schema.

OGG-01836: No schema is specified for table {0} in statement '{1}'. No mapping will be applied.
Cause: A schema was not explicitly given in the specification for this table in the parameter file. No mapping will be applied.

Action: Specify a schema or add DBLOGIN parameter to use default schema. Edit the parameter file to specify the correct schema or add DBLOGIN parameter.

OGG-01837: Fetch requires database redo compatible version {0} or higher.
Cause: The specified database redo-compatible version does not support fetch.

Action: To support fetch, set the database redo-compatible version to at least the version shown in the error message.

OGG-01838: The internal token encountered, 0x{0}, in the trail is unknown.
Cause: The internal token in the trail record is unknown.

Action: Verify that the version of Extract and Replicat are compatible.

OGG-01839: RDBMS OCI Library does not support PARTIAL XML: table {0}.
Cause: RDBMS OCI Library does not support PARTIAL XML.

Action: A workaround is to use FETCHPARTIALXML option in Extract so that Replicat does not encounter PARTIAL XML.

OGG-01840: Internal error in forming SQL from PARTIAL XML: table {0}.
Cause: An internal error occurred while forming SQL from PARTIAL XML read from trail.

Action: A workaround is to use FETCHPARTIALXML option in Extract so that Replicat does not encounter PARTIAL XML. Contact Oracle support.

OGG-01841: {0}
Cause: CACHESIZE is below the valid minimum.

Action: Check the parameter file for an invalid CACHEMGR CACHESIZE setting. Check available swap space on the system. See CACHEMGR in the Oracle GoldenGate reference documentation for setting swap size.

OGG-01842: {0}
Cause: The virtual memory is below the recommended minimum.

Action: Check the swap space available on the system. See the CACHEMGR parameter in the Oracle GoldenGate reference documentation for the recommended swap size.

OGG-01843: {0}
Cause: An internal error occurred. Usually this message is logged along with other messages that provide more specific information. In some cases, the message text will indicate a cause and possible action.

Action: Contact Oracle Support.

OGG-01844: {0}
Cause: An internal error occurred. Usually this message is logged along with other messages that provide more specific information. In some cases, the message text will indicate a cause and possible action.

Action: Contact Oracle Support.

OGG-01845: {0}
Cause: A fatal mmap/MapViewOfFile error has occurred.

Action: Contact Oracle Support.

OGG-01846: {0}
Cause: A VMF (Virtual Memory Facilities) error occurred. See the message body for more details.

Action: Contact Oracle Support.

OGG-01847: {0}
Cause: A VMF (Virtual Memory Facilities) error occurred. See the message body for more details.

Action: Contact Oracle Support.

OGG-01848: cachemgr: filecaching: {0}
Cause: An error during CACHEMGR1 file caching has occurred. See the preceding error messages for the specific cause.

Action: Contact Oracle Support.

OGG-01849: cachemgr: filecaching: {0}
Cause: An error during CACHEMGR file caching has occurred. See the preceding error messages for the specific cause.

Action: Contact Oracle Support.

OGG-01850: CACHEMGR: invalid parameter: {0}
Cause: The CACHEMGR parameter is invalid.

Action: Refer to Oracle GoldenGate documentation for specification of the CACHEMGR parameter.

OGG-01851: filecaching started: thread ID: {0,number,0}
Cause: The file caching thread was started.

Action: None

OGG-01852: cachemgr: filecaching: {0}
Cause: The CACHEMGR file caching queue is in an invalid state.

Action: Contact Oracle Support.

OGG-01853: cachemgr: filecaching: {0}
Cause: An error occurred accessing the CACHEMGR temporary cache file.

Action: Contact Oracle Support.

OGG-01854: cachemgr: filecaching: {0}
Cause: An error occurred accessing CACHEMGR mbuf VM.

Action: Contact Oracle Support.

OGG-01855: cachemgr: filecaching: {0}
Cause: The CACHEMGR VM accounting is in an invalid state.

Action: Contact Oracle Support.

OGG-01856: cachemgr: filecaching: {0}
Cause: A threading error has occurred in the CACHEMGR file caching.

Action: Contact Oracle Support.

OGG-01857: cachemgr: filecaching: {0}
Cause: An error occurred accessing the CACHEMGR temporary cache file.

Action: Contact Oracle Support.

OGG-01858: cachemgr: filecaching: {0}
Cause: An error occurred closing a CACHEMGR temporary cache file.

Action: Contact Oracle Support.

OGG-01859: cachemgr: tpos: {0}
Cause: An error occurred when an item that should be in memory was not found.

Action: Contact Oracle Support.

OGG-01860: CACHEMGR: directory does not exist: {0}
Cause: The directory in question does not exist.

Action: Contact Oracle Support.

OGG-01861: CACHEMGR from client: processName: {0} id:{1} instance: {2,number,0}
Cause: CACHEMGR general information

Action: Contact Oracle Support.

OGG-01862: BR RESTORE error. Standard Recovery will be used instead. Please contact Oracle Support. Please keep the rpt file if possible
Cause: There was an error during BR RESTORE processing.

Action: Contact Oracle Support.

OGG-01863: BR RESTORE error
Cause: There was an error during BR RESTORE processing.

Action: Contact Oracle Support.

OGG-01870: The Operating System does not support IPv6 dual stack mode (error: {0,number,0}, {1}).
Cause: The system only has the IPv6 stack enabled or installed, or the IPv6 stack does not support dual stack mode.

Action: None

OGG-01871: Unexpected error fetching from table {0} - {1,number,0}
Cause: This is an internal error.

Action: Contact Oracle Support.

OGG-01872: Transaction delivery commencing with Transaction ID {0}, CSN {1}, {2,number,0} transaction(s) skipped.
Cause: A START EXTRACT command for a Primary Extract was issued with the ATCSN or AFTERCSN option. Extract is starting processing with the specified transaction in the trail. The number of transactions that were skipped is stated in the message.

Action: None

OGG-01873: The parameter TRANLOGOPTIONS PREPAREFORUPGRADETOIE has taken effect. Proceed to the next step in the upgrade process.
Cause: The parameter TRANLOGOPTIONS PREPAREFORUPGRADETOIE has taken effect and Extract is ready for the next step in the process to upgrade from Classic to Integrated Extract; applicable only when upgrading an Oracle RAC environment.

Action: None

OGG-01874: Unsupported trail FORMAT RELEASE {0} is specified.
Cause: Format release 9.0/9.5 or 10.0 is specified. These format releases are no longer supported.

Action: Specify the correct FORMAT RELEASE release, such as 10.4, 11.1, 11.2, 12.1 and 12.2.

OGG-01875: Classic Extract doesn't support RAC parallel direct load of table.
Cause: Oracle GoldenGate Classic Extract does not support parallel direct load with RAC.

Action: Switch to integrated Extract or remove the table from the Extract and Replicat configurations.

OGG-01876: Access to MGR is denied (request from {0}, rule #{1,number,0})
Cause: Access to Manager was denied to the specified address based on rules set in the ACCESSRULE parameter.

Action: Determine why the connection attempt was made. If it is legitimate, adjust the rules of ACCESSRULE.

OGG-01877: Missing explicit accessrule for server collector.
Cause: There was no explicit ACCESSRULE specified for SERVER.

Action: Only allow accessing SERVER from hosts where data pumps might send trail files to this host.

OGG-01878: Failed resolving ALLOWOUTPUTDIR {0} (error: {1,number,0}, {2})
Cause: Unable to locate the canonical path of the given directory.

Action: Resolve the reported error.

OGG-01879: ALLOWOUTPUTDIR {0} conflicts with reserved GoldenGate directory {1}
Cause: Specified ALLOWOUTPUTDIR entry is or is within a reserved path.

Action: Pick another directory.

OGG-01880: ALLOWOUTPUTDIR {0} is the same directory where this GoldenGate instance is installed.
Cause: Specified ALLOWOUTPUTDIR entry is the same directory as this Oracle GoldenGate installation. Note that no output files are allowed in GoldenGate home directory.

Action: None

OGG-01881: Output file {0} in the GolenGate installation directory is not allowed.
Cause: The remote party requested to open an output file in the Oracle GoldenGate home directory.

Action: Specify a different output file directory in the remote data pump parameter file.

OGG-01882: Output file {0} is not in any allowed output directories.
Cause: The remote party requests to open an output file in some directory that is not specified by ALLOWOUTPUTDIR

Action: Specify a different output file directory in the remote data pump parameter file, or add that directory in GLOBALS by ALLOWOUTPUTDIR statement.

OGG-01883: Failed resolving output file {0} (error: {1,number,0}, {2})
Cause: Not able to locate the canonical path of the given file name.

Action: Resolve the reported error.

OGG-01884: Output file {0} is in a reserved GoldenGate directory {1}
Cause: Specified RMTTRAIL in data pump is or is within a reserved path.

Action: Specify another RMTTRAIL location.

OGG-01885: Starting a VERIDATA or VERIAGT process remotely through MGR is not allowed.
Cause: Starting a VERIDATA or VERIAGT process remotely through MGR is not allowed.

Action: None

OGG-01886: Error tuning TCP nework parameters, error {0,number,0} - {1}.
Cause: Failed to tune the network parameters.

Action: Contact Oracle Support.

OGG-01887: Legacy parameter TCPBUFSIZE is overridden by option SNDBUF of INETOPT.
Cause: The new INETOPT.SNDBUF option overrides legacy TCPBUFSIZE option, if they are both specified at the same time.

Action: None

OGG-01888: TCP network is configured as {0}.
Cause: Undefined

Action: None

OGG-01889: Flush size (max message size) is set to {0}.
Cause: Undefined

Action: None

OGG-01890: Compression level is set to {0}.
Cause: Undefined

Action: None

OGG-01891: EXTRACT {0} must first be deleted before it can be registered.
Cause: A REGISTER EXTRACT command was issued for an Extract group that was unregistered, but not deleted.

Action: Delete then re-add the Extract group, and then retry the command.

OGG-01892: Distribution path network is configured as {0}.
Cause: Undefined

Action: None

OGG-01893: Error tuning UDT nework parameters, error {0} - {1}.
Cause: Failed to tune the network parameters.

Action: Contact Oracle Support.

OGG-01894: Trail record length {0} bytes exceeds the processing buffer size.
Cause: The process tried to process a trail record that is bigger than the maximum allowed size.

Action: Contact Oracle Support.

OGG-01895: Redo Thread {0}, object {1,number,0}, started Direct Load transaction {2,number,0}.{3,number,0}.{4,number,0}, at seqno {5,number,0}, rba {6,number,0}.
Cause: A direct load has been detected on RAC, which may be parallel.

Action: Make sure parallel direct loads are not performed on RAC.

OGG-01896: Table {0}.{1} has an identity column which is not supported. This table will be ignored by Extract.
Cause: Extract found a table with an identity column that is not supported. This table will be ignored by Extract.

Action: Remove the table with the identity column from the Oracle GoldenGate configuration.

OGG-01897: Table {0}.{1} has a temporal validity column which is not supported. This table will be ignored by Extract.
Cause: Extract found a table with a temporal validity column that is not supported. This table will be ignored by Extract.

Action: Remove the table with the temporal validity column from the Oracle GoldenGate configuration.

OGG-01898: Error ({0,number,0}, {1}) releasing stmt in {2}
Cause: An error occurred when releasing an internal cursor.

Action: Contact Oracle Support.

OGG-01899: Unable to set UDP send or receive buffer size {0}, because it exceeds the OS buffer size limit. Try with a smaller value or increase OS UDP send or receive buffer size limit.
Cause: Preferred UDP send or receive buffer size specified exceeds the limit set for the OS.

Action: Reduce the preferred send or receive buffer size for UDP or adjust the max UDP buffer size kernel limit for your OS.

OGG-01900: Key column {2} cannot be specified in {1} clause of {0}
Cause: A key column is specified in the ALLEXCLUDING clause of the MAP statement.

Action: Remove any key columns from the ALLEXCLUDING clause.

OGG-01901: Incompatible resolution {2} specified for {0}: {1}
Cause: An incompatible resolution was given for the specified conflict.

Action: Specify a valid resolution for this conflict. For valid resolutions per conflict type, see RESOLVECONFLICT Oracle GoldenGate reference documentation.

OGG-01902: Unsupported data type for column {1} specified in {0} clause
Cause: An unsupported data type is specified in the COMPARECOLS clause of the MAP statement or the GETBEFORECOLS of a TABLE statement.

Action: Specify a column that has a supported data type. For supported data types, see the Oracle GoldenGate reference documentation.

OGG-01903: Column {2} for {0}:{1} previously used in prior conflict resolution
Cause: The same column is specified in more than one conflict resolution type.

Action: Select a different column or column group for each resolution type.

OGG-01904: Missing COLS clause for non-default conflict resolution {0}:{1}
Cause: The RESOLVECONFLICT parameter specifies a non-DEFAULT resolution, but does not contain a COLS clause.

Action: Specify a COLS clause for a non-default resolution. For help with syntax, see the Oracle GoldenGate reference documentation.

OGG-01905: Missing apply col list for non-default conflict resolution {0}:{1}
Cause: The RESOLVECONFLICT parameter specifies a non-DEFAULT resolution, but does not list columns in the COLS clause. For help with syntax, see the Oracle GoldenGate reference documentation.

Action: Specify one or more columns in a COLS clause for a non-default resolution. For help with syntax, see the Oracle GoldenGate reference documentation.

OGG-01906: Missing resolution column for conflict resolution {0}:{1}
Cause: The RESOLVECONFLICT parameter specifies a USEMIN or USEMAX resolution, but no resolution columns are specified. For help with syntax, see the Oracle GoldenGate reference documentation.

Action: Supply a resolution column for USEMIN or USEMAX resolution. For help with syntax, see the Oracle GoldenGate reference documentation.

OGG-01907: Null column {0} cannot be used in delta resolution
Cause: A null column was specified in the USEDELTA resolution in the RESOLVECONFLICT parameter.

Action: Replace USEDELTA with an appropriate resolution for null columns.

OGG-01908: Duplicate specification found for {0} conflict
Cause: A conflict type was specified more than once in a MAP statement.

Action: Remove duplicate conflict specification.

OGG-01909: Invalid ({2}) columns specified in {1} resolution of conflict {0}
Cause: An invalid number of resolution columns was specified for the chosen conflict type.

Action: Specify only one resolution column per conflict type.

OGG-01910: Missing apply columns in non-default conflict resolution {0}:{1}
Cause: A non-default resolution was specified in RESOLVECONFLICT, but the apply (target) columns are not specified.

Action: Specify at least one apply column in a non-default conflict resolution.

OGG-01911: Missing column specification in {1} option of {0}
Cause: Missing column in COMPARECOLS/GETBEFORECOLS option.

Action: Specify at least one column in the COMPARECOLS/GETBEFORECOLS option.

OGG-01912: Duplicate specification of {1} {2} clause in {0} parameter
Cause: Duplicate specification of a COMPARECOLS/GETBEFORECOLS clause in a MAP statement.

Action: Remove duplicate COMPARECOLS/GETBEFORECOLS clause.

OGG-01913: Duplicate {0} parameter found
Cause: Duplicate specification of a conflict resolution parameter in a MAP statement.

Action: Remove the duplicate parameter specification.

OGG-01914: Duplicate {1} resolution found for conflict {0}
Cause: A duplicate resolution name is specified for this conflict.

Action: Specify a unique name for each resolution.

OGG-01915: Missing DEFAULT resolution for conflict {0}
Cause: The specified conflict does not contain a DEFAULT resolution.

Action: Specify a DEFAULT resolution for this conflict in the RESOLVECONFLICT parameter.

OGG-01916: Missing or incomplete specification of resolution {1} for conflict {0}
Cause: The resolution for the specified conflict is missing or incomplete.

Action: Specify a valid resolution for this conflict. For valid resolutions per conflict type, see RESOLVECONFLICT Oracle GoldenGate reference documentation.

OGG-01917: Incorrect or incomplete specification of RESOLVECONFLICT {0}
Cause: The conflict clause of the RESOLVECONFLICT statement is incomplete.

Action: Specify a valid conflict for this RESOLVECONFLICT parameter. For help, see the Oracle GoldenGate reference documentation.

OGG-01918: Missing option {1} or incomplete specification of {0}
Cause: Missing or incomplete specification in COMPARECOLS/GETBEFORECOLS parameter.

Action: Specify valid COMPARECOLS and GETBEFORECOLS options. For help, see the Oracle GoldenGate reference documentation.

OGG-01919: Missing RESOLVECONFLICT for SQL error {0}
Cause: An apply conflict was detected, but the Replicat parameter file does not contain a RESOLVECONFLICT parameter to resolve it.

Action: Specify a matching RESOLVECONFLICT to enable conflict resolution.

OGG-01920: Missing COMPARECOLS column "{0}" in before image, while mapping to target table "{1}". Add the column to GETBEFORECOLS.
Cause: The specified column is in a COMPARECOLS parameter, but is not specified with a GETBEFORECOLS parameter.

Action: Specify the column in a GETBEFORECOLS parameter in the Extract parameter file, so that before images are available for comparison.

OGG-01921: Missing GETBEFORECOLS with conflict detection enabled in target table {0}
Cause: The specified table has a RESOLVECONFLICT parameter, but the before columns required by COMPARECOLS are not specified with GETBEFORECOLS.

Action: Specify GETBEFORECOLS in the Extract parameter file so that before images are captured for COMPARECOLS.

OGG-01922: Missing RESOLUTION COLUMN "{0}" while mapping to target table "{1}"
Cause: The before image of the specified column is not available for the conflict resolution.

Action: Specify this column in a GETBEFORECOLS parameter in the Extract parameter file.

OGG-01923: Conflict resolution failed with SQL error {0} on original conflict with SQL error {1}
Cause: A conflict resolution failed with the specified SQL error.

Action: Identify the cause of the SQL error, and then restart Replicat.

OGG-01924: Missing parenthesis for {0}
Cause: The GETBEFORECOLS or COMPARECOLS parameter contains an invalid specification.

Action: Specify valid COMPARECOLS or GETBEFORECOLS options. For help, see the Oracle GoldenGate reference documentation.

OGG-01925: Ignoring redundant string {2} in {0} clause: {1}
Cause: A redundant string was found in the specified parameter.

Action: Remove the redundant string from the parameter.

OGG-01926: Cannot flush sequence {0}. Refer to the Oracle GoldenGate for Oracle documentation for instructions on how to set up and run the sequence.sql script. Error {1}
Cause: The sequence.sql script was not run properly to install the required Oracle database procedures that support FLUSH SEQUENCE.

Action: You must create a DDL user, configure Oracle GoldenGate to recognize this schema, create the procedures with the sequence.sql script, and assign privileges.

OGG-01927: Child process started, process ID {0,number,0}, command line '{1}'
Cause: The specified Oracle GoldenGate child process was started.

Action: None

OGG-01928: Child process terminated {0,choice,0#successfully|1#with exit code {0,number,0}}.
Cause: The specified Oracle GoldenGate child process was terminated.

Action: None

OGG-01929: Child process terminated with signal {0,number,0}
Cause: The specified Oracle GoldenGate child process was terminated with a signal.

Action: None

OGG-01931: data store '{0}' cannot be opened. Error {1,number,0} ({2})
Cause: The data store environment cannot be opened.

Action: Verify the data store is created with the GGSCI command INFO data store. To add the data store use the GGSCI command CREATE data store. To repair an existing data store stop all GoldenGate processes, including Manager, and issue the GGSCI command REPAIR data store. Contact Oracle Support if assistance is needed.

OGG-01932: data store already exists.
Cause: The data store environment cannot be created because it already exists.

Action: None

OGG-01933: data store create failed.
Cause: The data store environment cannot be created.

Action: Examine the accompanying warnings and contact Oracle Support if assistance is needed.

OGG-01934: data store repair failed.
Cause: The data store environment cannot be repaired.

Action: To repair an existing data store stop all GoldenGate processes, including Manager, and issue the GGSCI command REPAIR data store. If the issue persists contact Oracle Support.

OGG-01935: Error flushing file, handle: 0x{0}, err: {1,number,0} - {2}
Cause: The specified operating system error was returned when attempting to flush a file. This could be something you can resolve yourself, such as a disk failure, insufficient quota or a OS internal error. Otherwise, it probably is an internal Oracle GoldenGate error.

Action: If possible fix the operating system error, and then restart the process. If you cannot resolve the error, contact Oracle Support.

OGG-01936: Due to use of DDLERROR _SKIPDDL, DDL with marker sequence {0} was skipped.
Cause: DDLERROR _SKIPDDL was used to skip a DDL.

Action: None required.

OGG-01937: Extract is not configured to capture changes from thread {0}. To avoid data loss, the Extract must be dropped and recreated with the THREADS option to specify the correct number of RAC instances. See the Oracle GoldenGate administration documentation for the procedure to follow.
Cause: A redo thread was found that does not correspond to a known Extract producer thread. This occurs if the RAC configuration has more instances than were specified when ADD EXTRACT was issued.

Action: See the Oracle GoldenGate administration documentation for full procedure on changing the number of redo threads. You will: stop all processes, delete all processes, delete all trail files. Then: add back the primary Extract with THREADS set to the correct value, add back the local trail, add back the data pump, add back the remote trail, add back the Replicats, all with the same names as before. Then start the processes.

OGG-01938: OBEY or INCLUDE file is not supported in parameter file {0}.
Cause: The parameter file specifies one or more OBEY or INCLUDE files. OBEY and INCLUDE are not supported.

Action: Remove the OBEY/INCLUDE statement from the parameter file or merge the contents.

OGG-01939: Invalid table name "{0}" specified by parameter {1} in parameter file {2}.
Cause: The specified table name is not valid.

Action: Correct the table name.

OGG-01940: Invalid schema name "{0}" specified by parameter {1} in parameter file {2}.
Cause: The specified schema name is not valid.

Action: Correct the schema name.

OGG-01948: Invalid or unsupported character set {0} specified in parameter file {1}.
Cause: An invalid or unsupported character set is specified with the CHARSET parameter.

Action: Specify a valid character set.

OGG-01949: CHARSET parameter is only supported on the first line of parameter file {0}.
Cause: The CHARSET parameter is not specified on the first line of the parameter file.

Action: Move the CHARSET parameter to the first line of the parameter file or remove it from the file.

OGG-01950: Invalid MACRO definition in the MACRO {0}. The END keyword is not specified.
Cause: The MACRO definition does not end with the END keyword.

Action: Add the END keyword.

OGG-01951: Invalid MACRO definition in the MACRO {0}. The macro body is not specified.
Cause: The MACRO definition does not contain a macro body.

Action: Add the macro body.

OGG-01952: Missing open parentheses in MACRO {0} definition.
Cause: A macro is defined in the parameter file, but an open parentheses is missing in PARAMS clause.

Action: Add the open parentheses.

OGG-01953: Missing close parentheses in MACRO {0} definition.
Cause: A macro is defined in the parameter file, but a close parentheses is missing in PARAMS clause.

Action: Add the close parentheses.

OGG-01954: Invalid macro name ({0} - must begin with {1})
Cause: The name of the macro is not preceded by the macro character.

Action: Add the macro character that is shown in this error message. This character must precede all macro names.

OGG-01955: Unsued parameter {1} in the MACRO {0} definition.
Cause: A macro is defined in the parameter file, but there is an unused parameter in the macro body text.

Action: Add the parameter to the macro body text or remove it from the macro body.

OGG-01956: Missing close parentheses in MACRO {0} invocation.
Cause: A macro is invoked in the parameter file, but a close parentheses is missing.

Action: Add the close parentheses.

OGG-01957: Missing open parentheses in parameter {0}.
Cause: An open parentheses is missing from the specified parameter.

Action: Add the open parentheses.

OGG-01958: Missing close parentheses in parameter {0}.
Cause: A close parentheses is missing from the specified parameter.

Action: Add the close parentheses.

OGG-01959: Failed to validate table {0}. The IOT is created with the COMPRESS option to use key compression. This is not supported by Oracle GoldenGate and prevents further redo capture.
Cause: The index-organized table is created with key compression. Oracle GoldenGate does not support IOTs with key compression.

Action: Remove the table from the Extract and Replicat configurations, and then restart the processes.

OGG-01962: OCI Error {1} (status = {0,number,0}). {2}
Cause: An error occurred in the OCI.

Action: Resolve the problem based on the error that is shown in this message. If you cannot resolve the problem, contact Oracle Support.

OGG-01963: Network address and service translation call {0} failed with error (return code = {1,number,0}, errno = {2,number,0}, {3})
Cause: A call to an operating system-provided API regarding network address and service translation failed.

Action: Check the operating system and network configuration for related problems, and resolve them or contact your system administrator. If you cannot resolve the problem, contact Oracle Support.

OGG-01964: No available socket on port {0}.
Cause: Failed to create a socket on the given port.

Action: Check the operating system and network configuration for related problems, and resolve them or contact your system administrator. If you cannot resolve the problem, contact Oracle Support.

OGG-01965: Failed to write checkpoint file {0}
Cause: The process could not write to the checkpoint file.

Action: Check the operating system privileges on the file, and make certain that the process has read and write privileges on it. Make certain the file is not corrupted. If the file remains unwritable, contact Oracle Support.

OGG-01966: AUTOSTART or AUTORESTART group type of '{0}' is invalid.
Cause: The group type for an AUTOSTART or AUTORESTART parameter must be one of ER, EXTRACT, REPLICAT, or JAGENT.

Action: Correct the group type. For more information, see the Oracle GoldenGate reference documentation.

OGG-01967: A supplemental logging group cannot be found for table {0}. Issue the ADD TRANDATA command or enable logging of all columns.
Cause: Extract could not find a supplemental log group for the specified table. Supplemental logging is required so that the values of key columns are available to Extract.

Action: Add a supplemental log group with the ADD TRANDATA command in ggsci or enable supplemental logging of all columns through the database. For more information about logging requirements, see the Oracle GoldenGate for Oracle documentation.

OGG-01968: The supplemental log group for table {0} does not contain all of the columns that Oracle GoldenGate expects to use as the key.
Cause: The supplemental log group for the specified table does not contain all of the key columns that are required by Oracle GoldenGate.

Action: Add a supplemental log group with the ADD TRANDATA command, or enable logging for all of the columns.

OGG-01969: Cannot find metadata property {0}. DDL metadata [{1}]
Cause: A metadata property that Oracle GoldenGate needs to resolve is not present.

Action: Upgrade the DDL trigger to the current version by running the ddl_setup script. For help, see the Oracle GoldenGate documentation for the Oracle database.

OGG-01970: Database is not in archiving mode. Extract may be forced to fetch LONG columns and may miss transaction data if the online logs are recycled.
Cause: The database is not in archiving mode. As a result, the redo log may not contain the full image of LONG columns and Extract may need to fetch the missing data to maintain data integrity. In addition, if capture lag is significant, Extract may miss transaction data if the online log recycles before required data can be captured.

Action: Stop Extract, enable archiving mode, then restart Extract.

OGG-01971: The previous message, '{0} {1}', repeated {2,number,0} times.
Cause: The previous message repeated the specified number of times but was suppressed from logging.

Action: None

OGG-01972: Extract will fetch all LONG columns because archiving mode is disabled.
Cause: Archiving mode is disabled. The redo log may not contain the complete image of LONG columns, so Extract must fetch LONG columns to maintain data integrity.

Action: Enable database archiving mode or use the TRANLOGOPTIONS parameter with the NOFORCEFETCHLONGCOLUMN option.

OGG-01973: The redo record indicates data loss on object {0}.
Cause: Logging of the specified object is not enabled.

Action: Enable logging on the object or use the TRANLOGOPTIONS parameter with the ALLOWDATALOSS option.

OGG-01974: Synchronizing file data to disk is disabled due to system error. (error: {0,number,0}, {1}).
Cause: A system call to synchronize the data of a file to disk failed. This feature has been turned off.

Action: None

OGG-01975: Failed to synchronize input trail to disk. (error: {0,number,0}, {1}).
Cause: A system call to synchronize the input trail to disk failed.

Action: Disable this feature by setting the internal parameter _NOSYNCSOURCETRAILONCHKPT. Contact Oracle Support for usage.

OGG-01976: SCHEMATRANDATA for scheduling columns has been added on schema "{0}".
Cause: The ADD SCHEMATRANDATA command enabled supplemental logging for scheduling columns in all the objects in the specified schema. Informational only.

Action: None

OGG-01977: SCHEMATRANDATA for all columns has been added on schema "{0}".
Cause: The ADD SCHEMATRANDATA command enabled supplemental logging for all columns in all the objects in the specified schema. Informational only.

Action: None

OGG-01978: SCHEMATRANDATA for all columns has been deleted on schema "{0}".
Cause: The DELETE SCHEMATRANDATA command disabled supplemental logging for all columns in all the objects in the specified schema. Informational only.

Action: None

OGG-01979: SCHEMATRANDATA for scheduling columns has been deleted on schema "{0}".
Cause: The DELETE SCHEMATRANDATA command disabled supplemental logging for scheduling columns in all the objects in the specified schema. Informational only.

Action: None

OGG-01980: Schema level supplemental logging is enabled on schema "{0}" for all scheduling columns.
Cause: Schema-level supplemental logging is enabled on all scheduling columns for the specified schema, as the result of the ADD SCHEMATRANDATA command. Informational only.

Action: None

OGG-01981: Schema level supplemental logging is enabled on schema "{0}" for all columns.
Cause: Schema-level supplemental logging is enabled on all columns for the specified schema, as the result of the ADD SCHEMATRANDATA command. Informational only.

Action: None

OGG-01982: Schema level supplemental logging is disabled on schema "{0}" for all columns.
Cause: Schema-level supplemental logging is disabled on all columns for the specified schema, as the result of the DELETE SCHEMATRANDATA command. Informational only.

Action: None

OGG-01983: COMPRESSDELETES parameter is ignored since LOGALLSUPCOLS has been specified.
Cause: LOGALLSUPCOLS parameter takes precedence over the parameter COMPRESSDELETES.

Action: None

OGG-01984: IGNOREUPDATEBEFORES parameter is ignored since LOGALLSUPCOLS has been specified.
Cause: LOGALLSUPCOLS parameter takes precedence over the parameter IGNOREUPDATEBEFORES.

Action: None

OGG-01985: Legacy Teradata session character set {0} is not 100% compatible with {2}. Use the new Teradata session charater set {1} when possible.
Cause: The legacy Teradata session character set may not support the characters that are defined in the corresponding Windows code page.

Action: Use the new Teradata session character set.

OGG-01986: ODBC session character set of {0} does not match application code page of {1}.
Cause: The ODBC session character set is different from the application code page.

Action: Change ODBC session character set to match the Windows code page.

OGG-01987: Could not retrieve trandata information for table "{0}" because of the following OCI error: {1}-{2}.
Cause: An OCI error prevented Oracle GoldenGate from getting information about table-level supplemental logging.

Action: Fix the OCI error and retry the operation. If the OCI error cannot be resolved, contact Oracle Support.

OGG-01988: Could not find schematrandata function in source database: {0}.
Cause: There was a problem verifying the existence of the internal Oracle function used to retrieve information for schema supplemental logging.

Action: Contact Oracle Support.

OGG-01989: Failed to lookup object ID for table {0}. {1}.
Cause: There was a problem finding the Oracle object id associated with the given table name. This may have been produced by an error while querying the database.

Action: Try to resolve the problem based on the error description and contact Oracle Support.

OGG-01990: Cannot process table or schema supplemental logging operation because verification of database login failed with next error: {0}.
Cause: A request for information about TRANDATA or SCHEMATRANDATA was attempted without first issuing a DBLOGIN command or establishing a database connection.

Action: Establish a database connection or issue the DBLOGIN command, and then retry this operation.

OGG-01991: Start Replicat from the command shell of the operating system without writing results into the report file when using the SHOWSYNTAX parameter.
Cause: The parameter file contains the SHOWSYNTAX parameter, but Replicat was started from GGSCI or from the command shell using reportfile. To use SHOWSYNTAX, Replicat must be started from the command shell of the operating system without writing the results into the report file.

Action: Remove SHOWSYNTAX or start Replicat from the command shell of the operating system without using reportfile.

OGG-01992: SHOWSYNTAX cannot be used with BATCHSQL. BATCHSQL is disabled.
Cause: The parameter file contains the SHOWSYNTAX parameter, which is not compatible with the BATCHSQL parameter. BATCHSQL is disabled.

Action: Remove SHOWSYNTAX to use BATCHSQL or specify the NOBATCHSQL parameter to use SHOWSYNTAX.

OGG-01993: Invalid maximum LOB size {0} specified for SHOWSYNTAX INCLUDELOB parameter.
Cause: An invalid number is specified for SHOWSYNTAX with the INCLUDELOB option.

Action: Specify a valid maximum LOB size or remove SHOWSYNTAX with INCLUDELOB and allow the use of a default maximum LOB size. For valid values, see the Oracle GoldenGate reference documentation for SHOWSYNTAX.

OGG-01994: Replicat is stopping because Stop was specified at the SHOWSYNTAX prompt and the NOAPPLY option is specified.
Cause: Stop was specified at the SHOWSYNTAX prompt. Because NOAPPLY is specified for SHOWSYNTAX, Replicat abends instead of applying the SQL.

Action: None

OGG-01995: Could not create a SQL statement for display, continuing Replication. Error detail: {0}.
Cause: Check the error message for error detail.

Action: Resolve the error that is displayed in the error detail, and then restart Replicat.

OGG-01996: The parameter {0} is no longer supported. Contact Oracle Support for assistance with a possible migration procedure.
Cause: The specified parameter option is no longer valid for the current release of Oracle GoldenGate.

Action: Remove the option from the parameter file. Consult the current release notes and documentation for any newer options or enhanced functionality that is related to this feature, and for any required migration steps, or contact Oracle Support.

OGG-01997: Failure processing command {0}. Error response: {1} cannot be sent to client in streaming mode.
Cause: There was a failure when processing a command received from network. The error message cannot be sent back to the requester in streaming mode, except during checkpoint time.

Action: Contact Oracle Support.

OGG-01998: Oracle GoldenGate received an external signal: {0,number,0}. Process shutting down gracefully.
Cause: A system signal to terminate a program was delivered to Oracle GoldenGate. The receiving process will shutdown gracefully.

Action: None

OGG-01999: Unknown error sending data over TCP. Ensure that the intended receiver program is running; for example, server or manager. Also, ensure that an adequate number of ports is defined with the DYNAMICPORTLIST parameter if one is being used.
Cause: A TCP/IP error occurred. The process will retry based on the tcperrs file setting for retries.

Action: Ensure that the remote process is still running and that the number of ports requested do not exceed the number of ports defined in DYNAMICPORTLIST parameter. Check for any firewalls that forbid the connection, such as blocking certain ports or processes. Make certain that the RMTHOST parameter is configured correctly. Contact your Network Administrator if you cannot resolve the problem to rule out any other network issues before contacting Oracle Support.

OGG-02000: Ignoring option {0} because it is incompatible with an integrated capture configuration.
Cause: The specified option is not valid in an integrated capture configuration.

Action: Remove the incompatible option from the Extract parameter file.

OGG-02001: Ignoring integrated capture option {0} because it is incompatible with a classic capture configuration
Cause: The specified integrated capture option is not valid in a classic capture configuration.

Action: Remove the incompatible option from the Extract parameter file.

OGG-02002: Ignoring REGISTER LOGRETENTION because it is incompatible with an integrated capture configuration
Cause: REGISTER EXTRACT with LOGRETENTION is not necessary in an integrated capture configuration because log management is automatically enabled by REGISTER EXTRACT with the DATABASE option.

Action: None

OGG-02003: Extract {0} successfully registered with database at SCN {1}.
Cause: The specified Extract is now registered with the database to support integrated capture.

Action: Use ADD EXTRACT with INTEGRATED TRANLOG or ALTER EXTRACT with UPGRADE TO INTEGRATED TRANLOG to add or upgrade an Extract by the same name.

OGG-02004: This database lacks the required PL/SQL packages to support integrated capture
Cause: The database does not contain the PL/SQL packages that support integrated capture.

Action: Upgrade the Oracle database to a newer version.

OGG-02005: EXTRACT {0} already integrated
Cause: This Extract is already configured for integrated capture.

Action: None

OGG-02006: REGISTER EXTRACT {0} DATABASE must be performed before upgrading to integrated capture.
Cause: The REGISTER EXTRACT command was not issued.

Action: Issue the REGISTER EXTRACT groupDATABASE command before you upgrade Extract to integrated capture. For help, see the GGSCI help or the Oracle GoldenGate reference documentation.

OGG-02007: Error retrieving current Extract checkpoint value
Cause: Extract failed to obtain the current checkpoint from the checkpoint file.

Action: Make certain the checkpoint file is available.

OGG-02008: Error retrieving Extract recovery checkpoint value
Cause: Extract failed to obtain the recovery checkpoint value from the checkpoint file.

Action: Make certain the checkpoint file is available.

OGG-02009: Extract checkpoint file contains invalid checkpoint type {0}.
Cause: An internal error occurred, or the checkpoint file is corrupted.

Action: Contact Oracle Support.

OGG-02010: Extract {0} is not ready to be upgraded because recovery SCN values are not set
Cause: Extract has not yet established any checkpoints.

Action: Issue this command again after waiting for Extract to write to its checkpoint file. To determine whether Extract established a checkpoint, use the INFO EXTRACT command with the SHOWCH option.

OGG-02011: Extract {0} is not ready to be upgraded because recovery SCN {1,number,0} has not reached SCN {2,number,0}
Cause: Extract has not yet established a checkpoint that is new enough for Extract to be upgraded.

Action: Issue the INFO EXTRACT command with the UPGRADE argument to determine whether Extract is ready to be upgraded, and then issue the ALTER EXTRACT command with the UPGRADE TO INTEGRATED TRANLOG argument to perform the upgrade. For syntax help, see the Oracle GoldenGate reference documentation or online GGSCI help.

OGG-02012: Extract {0} is ready to be upgraded to integrated capture
Cause: Extract can be upgraded to integrated capture.

Action: Issue the ALTER EXTRACT command with the UPGRADE TO INTEGRATED TRANLOG argument. For help with syntax, see the Oracle GoldenGate reference documentation or the GGSCI online help.

OGG-02013: Extract {0} successfully upgraded to integrated capture
Cause: Extract was successfully upgraded to integrated capture.

Action: None

OGG-02014: Extract {0} successfully downgraded from integrated capture
Cause: Extract was successfully downgraded from an integrated capture configuration.

Action: None

OGG-02015: Extract {0} is ready to be downgraded from integrated capture. Archive logs corresponding to SCN {1,number,0} and higher must be accessible by the downgraded Extract
Cause: Extract can be downgraded from integrated capture.

Action: Issue the ALTER EXTRACT command with the DOWNGRADE FROM INTEGRATED TRANLOG argument. For help with syntax, see the Oracle GoldenGate reference documentation or the GGSCI online help.

OGG-02016: EXTRACT {0} is not configured for integrated capture
Cause: This Extract is downgraded from integrated capture and is now classic capture.

Action: None

OGG-02017: Extract {0} is not registered with this database
Cause: Extract cannot obtain registration information from this database.

Action: Make certain that you logged into the correct database from GGSCI.

OGG-02018: Invalid syntax for ALTER EXTRACT DOWNGRADE command
Cause: Invalid syntax was specified for the ALTER EXTRACT command with the DOWNGRADE option.

Action: The correct syntax is ALTER EXTRACT group DOWNGRADE FROM INTEGRATED TRANLOG. For additional information, see the Oracle GoldenGate reference documentation or the GGSCI online help.

OGG-02019: Invalid syntax for ALTER EXTRACT UPGRADE command
Cause: Invalid syntax was specified for the ALTER EXTRACT UPGRADE command.

Action: The correct syntax is ALTER EXTRACT groupUPGRADE TO INTEGRATED TRANLOG. For additional information, see the Oracle GoldenGate reference documentation or the GGSCI online help.

OGG-02020: Unable to initialize connection to MININGDB because of error {0}
Cause: Logon to the database specified by MININGDB was successful, but the connection could not be initialized because of the reported error.

Action: Correct the error, and then restart the process.

OGG-02021: This database lacks the required libraries to support integrated capture
Cause: The database does not contain the libraries that support integrated capture.

Action: Upgrade the Oracle database to a newer version which supports integrated capture or check if environment variables LD_LIBRARY_PATH/LIBPATH are pointing to the location containing the right version of oracle libraries. For instructions, see the Oracle GoldenGate installation and setup guide for Oracle database.

OGG-02022: Logmining server does not exist on this Oracle database.
Cause: An Logmining server cannot be found on this database.

Action: Make certain that you logged into the correct database from GGSCI.

OGG-02023: The attempt to stop Logmining server failed
Cause: The Logmining server could not be stopped because of the reported error.

Action: Correct the error, and then retry the operation.

OGG-02024: An attempt to gather information about the Logmining server configuration from the Oracle database failed.
Cause: The specified error occurred when Extract tried to get information about the Logmining server from the database.

Action: Correct the error and then retry the operation.

OGG-02025: Attempt to write rule checksum failed
Cause: The process failed to write a checksum for a filter rule.

Action: Make certain storage space is available on disk.

OGG-02026: Attempt to set checkpoint retention to value {0} failed
Cause: Extract failed to set checkpoint retention for the Logmining server.

Action: Correct the error and then retry the operation.

OGG-02027: Attempt to start Logmining server on Oracle database failed
Cause: The specified error occurred when Extract tried to start the Logmining server.

Action: Fix the error, and then retry the operation.

OGG-02028: Failed to attach to Logmining server {0}
Cause: The specified error occurred when Extract tried to attach to a Logmining server.

Action: Fix the error, and then retry the operation.

OGG-02029: Failed to obtain global database name from source database because of the reported error.
Cause: The specified error occurred when Extract tried to query the global database name.

Action: Fix the error, and then retry the operation.

OGG-02030: Failed to set Logmining server parameters back to default values
Cause: The specified error occurred when Extract tried to set Logmining server parameters to the default values.

Action: Fix the error, and then retry the operation.

Cause: A TRANLOGOPTIONS INTEGRATEDPARAMS parameter was specified without a value.

Action: Specify a value. For help, see the Oracle GoldenGate reference documentation.

Cause: A TRANLOGOPTIONS INTEGRATEDPARAMS parameter or value is invalid.

Action: Correct the parameter name or value. For help, see the Oracle GoldenGate reference documentation.

OGG-02033: Failed to clear filter rules
Cause: An error occurred when Extract tried to clear the filter rules for the Logmining server.

Action: Fix the error, and then retry the operation.

OGG-02034: Failed to add include filter rule {0}
Cause: An error occurred when Extract tried to pass an inclusion filter rule to the Logmining server.

Action: Fix the error, and then retry the operation.

OGG-02035: Failed to add exclude filter rule for {0}
Cause: An error occurred when Extract tried to pass an exclusion filter rule to the Logmining server.

Action: Fix the error, and then retry the operation.

OGG-02036: Integrated capture successfully attached to Logmining server {0}
Cause: Extract successfully attached to Logmining server.

Action: None

OGG-02037: Failed to retrieve the name of a missing Oracle redo log.
Cause: An error occurred when Extract tried to retrieve the name of a missing Oracle redo log.

Action: Fix the error, and then retry the operation.

OGG-02038: Failed to create a Logmining server ruleset
Cause: An error occurred when Extract tried to create a Logmining server ruleset.

Action: Fix the error, and then retry the operation.

OGG-02039: Failed to set Logmining server parameter {0} to value {1}.
Cause: An error occurred when Extract tried to set a Logmining server parameter.

Action: Fix the error, and then retry the operation.

OGG-02040: Extract USERID or TRANLOGOPTIONS MININGUSER {0} does not match the Logmining server connect user {1}
Cause: The Extract USERID or TRANLOGOPTIONS MININGUSER parameter does not match the user that issued DBLOGIN or MININGDBLOGIN and REGISTER EXTRACT.

Action: Make certain that the user shown in this message is the value given for USERID or TRANLOGOPTIONS MININGUSER.

OGG-02041: Failed to receive LCR record from Logmining server.
Cause: An error occurred when Extract tried to get an LCR from Logmining server.

Action: Fix the error, and then retry the operation.

OGG-02042: OCI Error {0}
Cause: An unexpected OCI error was returned.

Action: Fix the error, and then retry the operation.

OGG-02043: ID missing from SQLEXEC EXEC clause, id {0}. If an EXEC clause includes a schema name with the stored procedure name, ID is required due to bug 12989433. See the Oracle GoldenGate reference documentation for details.
Cause: Although ID is optional when SPNAME is present, a known issue documented in Bug 12989433 makes it required if SPNAME takes the form of schema.spname.

Action: To work around this issue, add a logical name with the ID option to the SQLEXEC statement. For syntax, see the Oracle GoldenGate reference documentation.

OGG-02044: Grouped transaction was aborted, most likely to use an Oracle workspace to handle a transient primary-key duplicate. Check for additional messages.
Cause: On encountering an ORA 00001 (unique constraint) error, Replicat disables its grouped transaction and then tries to handle transient primary-key duplicates to resolve the error. These are duplicates that occur temporarily during the execution of a transaction, but are resolved by transaction commit time. To do this, Replicat opens an Oracle workspace. See Bug 13105877 for more details.

Action: None





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