【ogg 】Error Messages(OGG-06152 to OGG-08000)

OGG-06152: 'Option {1} not supported for feature {0} on the current platform. Fallback to default behavior.
Cause: An option or resource that is not supported on the current platform has been selected. However, it is possible to continue execution using the default option.

Action: Use a correct option according to your platform to remove warning message.

OGG-06153: FIPS 140 support has been enabled. Process {0,number,0} is using compliant shared libraries to perform encryption for the rest of its execution.
Cause: You have designated CRYPTOENGINE FIPS140 in your parameter file. This message is positive confirmation that the selected option has been executed for the current process.

Action: None

OGG-06154: Attempt to enable FIPS 140 support for process {0,number,0} has failed. Error code: {1}, Error Detail: {2}.
Cause: You have designated CRYPTOENGINE FIPS140 in parameter file, but the selected option could no be executed for the current process.

Action: Confirm that the CRYPTOENGINE parameter options are valid. Check the error code and fix the root cause.

OGG-06155: An error was encountered when deleting a Parallel Replicat's database checkpoint.
Cause: An error was encountered when deleting a Parallel Replicat's database checkpoint.

Action: Retry the operation. If the problem persists, Contact Oracle Support.

OGG-06200: A catalog name {0} is specified in an environment where database does not support a catalog.
Cause: A catalog name is specified in a database that does not support a catalog.

Action: Provide a table specification that is valid for your database.

OGG-06201: Parameter {0} is invalid because wildcards in catalog names are not supported.
Cause: A wildcard was used to specify a catalog name. Wildcards in catalog names are not supported.

Action: Change the wildcarded names to their exact names.

OGG-06203: Failed to switch to catalog {0}. OCI Error {2} (status = {1,number,1}), SQL <{3}>
Cause: There was a failure when the process attempted to switch catalogs.

Action: Contact Oracle Support

OGG-06204: A catalog name {0} is specified in a parameter file. However, the target database does not support a catalog.
Cause: The database does not support catalogs.

Action: Provide a table specification that is valid for your database.

OGG-06205: Invalid configuration for capturing changes from a container database.
Cause: The Extract configuration does not support container databases.

Action: Use Integrated Capture v2 with Integrated dictionary support.

OGG-06206: The database connection must be to the root level database for user {0}.
Cause: Supply connection information for the root level database.

Action: Supply connection details to the root level database.

OGG-06207: Connection user {0} is not a common user.
Cause: The supplied connection user must be a common user.

Action: Supply a user who has common user privileges.

OGG-06208: DEFGEN was running against catalog {1}. Only tables in the login catalog {0} can be processed by DEFGEN.
Cause: Only tables in the login catalog can be processed by DEFGEN.

Action: Login to the catalog where target tables reside.

OGG-06209: Use either two-part or three-part names in the DEFGEN parameter file, but not both.
Cause: The DEFGEN parameter file contains TABLE specifications that have both two-part names (schema.table) and three-part names (catalog.schema.table). All table names in a given DEFGEN definitions file must be of the same format.

Action: Edit the DEFGEN parameter file to make the table names consistent.

OGG-06210: Replicat cannot apply transactions to catalog {0} while it is logged into catalog {1}.
Cause: Replicat can only apply transactions to its login catalog for the database.

Action: Specify a target catalog in the TARGET clause that is the same as the login catalog specified in the USERID clause or remove the catalog name from the TARGET clause to use the login catalog as the target catalog.

OGG-06211: DEFGEN failed to access catalog {0} to retrieve table definitions.
Cause: DEFGEN was not able to access the specified catalog to retrieve table definitions for the definitions file.

Action: Make certain the USERID user specified in the parameter file has sufficient privileges to access the catalog, and that the catalog is available in the database.

OGG-06212: Wildcarded catalog names is only supported if DEFGEN logs into the database at the root level.
Cause: DEFGEN is configured to log into a specific catalog, but the TABLE specification contains at least one wildcarded catalog specification. To use wildcarded catalog names, DEFGEN must log into the root catalog.

Action: Take either of these actions: To keep the wildcarded catalog specifications, configure DEFGEN to log into the root catalog, or else remove the wildcarded catalog specifications and change them to match the name of the catalog that DEFGEN logs into.

OGG-06213: DEFGEN cannot use the default catalog for table specification {0} while logged into the root level of a database.
Cause: The TABLE parameter does not include a catalog name.

Action: Specify the fully qualified table name, including the catalog name, in the TABLE parameter in the DEFGEN parameter file.

OGG-06214: Invalid version found in DEFGEN file: {0}
Cause: The version number found in the DEFGEN output file is not valid.

Action: Contact Oracle GoldenGate Support.

OGG-06215: Cannot obtain Pluggable Database information for metadata handle {0}.
Cause: Oracle GoldenGate could not obtain information about the Oracle Pluggable Database.

Action: Make certain that Oracle was installed correctly. If the problem persists, contact Oracle Support.

OGG-06216: The DDL OBJNAME specification {0} does not include a catalog name, and a default source catalog name is not specified for the SOURCECATALOG parameter.
Cause: The object name in the DDL OBJNAME statement does not include a catalog name. If a default source catalog name is not specified with the SOURCECATALOG parameter, DDL OBJNAME requires a catalog name.

Action: Add a catalog name to the DDL OBJNAME object name specification or specify a default source catalog name with the SOURCECATALOG parameter.

OGG-06217: A catalog name {0} is specified in DDL OBJNAME parameter, but the database does not support a catalog.
Cause: The database does not support catalogs.

Action: Provide a DDL OBJNAME specification that is valid for your database.

OGG-06218: The parameter {0} is invalid for a container database.
Cause: The specified parameter is not supported for container databases.

Action: Remove the unsupported parameter.

OGG-06219: Unable to Extract data from the Logmining server {0}
Cause: An error occurred while reading the input data stream from the Logmining server.

Action: Query the DBA_CAPTURE view from the mining database to obtain additional information on the specified Logmining server.

OGG-06220: Classic Extract does not support multitenant container databases.
Cause: Classic Extract is configured to capture from a multitenant container database.

Action: Use Integrated Extract for multitenant container database.

OGG-06221: Source container database requires trail FORMAT {0} or higher.
Cause: Source container database cannot be supported with the current trail file format.

Action: Specify a trail file format supported for the source container database.

OGG-06222: An invalid request was made to switch into an empty catalog name.
Cause: An attempt was made to switch into a catalog by specifying an empty catalog name.

Action: Specify a valid catalog name.

OGG-06300: The '{1}' option for the '{0}' parameter is no longer supported.
Cause: The parameter option specified is no longer supported by Oracle GoldenGate.

Action: Fix the syntax. For help with syntax and values, see the Oracle GoldenGate reference documentation.

OGG-06301: Error calling ftok() on file, '{0}'. Error {1,number,0} - {2}.
Cause: An operating system error was returned when attempting to obtain a token for a file.

Action: Check the local file systems for errors.

OGG-06302: File '{0}' is missing the expected token, '{1}'.
Cause: The file specified does not contain the expected contents.

Action: Correct the file contents and try again.

OGG-06303: Unable to read from file '{0}' (error {1,number,0}, {2}).
Cause: An error occurred while the process was reading from an open file.

Action: Check for related errors in the error log of the operating system. If you cannot resolve the problem, contact Oracle Support.

OGG-06304: Unable to write to file '{0}' (error {1,number,0}, {2}).
Cause: An error occurred while the process was writing to an open file.

Action: Check for related errors in the error log of the operating system. If you cannot resolve the problem, contact Oracle Support.

OGG-06305: Invalid option: expecting 'MMAP', 'SHM', or 'SHM ID N', but found '{0}'.
Cause: The data store was created with an invalid memory specification.

Action: Issue the data store command with the correct syntax. For help, see the GGSCI help or the Oracle GoldenGate reference documentation.

OGG-06306: data store alter failed.
Cause: The data store environment cannot be altered.

Action: After stopping all GoldenGate processes, including Manager, issue the ALTER data store command with the correct syntax. For help, see the GGSCI help or the Oracle GoldenGate reference documentation.

OGG-06307: data store does not exist.
Cause: The command failed because the data store does not exist.

Action: Issue the CREATE data store command with the correct syntax. For help, see the GGSCI help or the Oracle GoldenGate reference documentation.

OGG-06308: data store uses memory mapped (MMAP) environment files.
Cause: The data store uses memory mapping files for its environment resources.

Action: No action required.

OGG-06309: data store uses shared memory (SHM) environment files with a starting ID of 0x{0}.
Cause: The data store uses System V shared memory for its environment resources.

Action: No action required.

OGG-06310: The {0} data store command requires that all Oracle GoldenGate processes are stopped, including Manager.
Cause: Modifications to the data store cannot take place while other local Oracle GoldenGate processes are running.

Action: Stop all GoldenGate processes, including Manager, and try the original command again. For help, see the GGSCI help or the Oracle GoldenGate reference documentation.

OGG-06311: data store does not support shared memory on Windows platforms.
Cause: The SHM option was used in the command. This option is not supported on Windows.

Action: Retry the command using the MMAP option.

OGG-06312: '{0}' command unavailable because statistics collection is disabled.
Cause: The NOSTATS parameter in the file, GLOBALS, disables all statistics collection. When NOSTATS is present, the TRACE and TRACE2 commands cannot be used.

Action: Remove the NOSTATS parameter if statistics collection is desired.

OGG-06313: Collection profiles could not be loaded for this process and are disabled.
Cause: When the Collection Profiles cannot be loaded by EXTRACT or REPLICAT, all statistics collection is disabled.

Action: Enable Activity Logging for additional reasons for the failure.

OGG-06314: Default thread stack size could not be modified.
Cause: The default value of the stack size could not be increased because an internal function failed.

Action: Set PTHREAD_DEFAULT_STACK_SIZE directly in the command shell. If the problem persists, contact Oracle Support.

OGG-06315: Modified the default thread stack size to {0,number,0} bytes.
Cause: The putenv function succeeded in changing the PTHREAD_DEFAULT_STACK_SIZE. The value of PTHREAD_DEFAULT_STACK_SIZE was successfully changed.

Action: No action required.

OGG-06316: Table {0} cannot be processed. Capture is not supported for DB2 Catalog tables.
Cause: A DB2 Catalog table was specified for capture.

Action: Remove this table from the TABLE parameter.

OGG-06317: GG_OBJ_METADATA: Catalog name has a length of {0,number,0}, but the maximum allowed is {1,number,0}
Cause: The catalog name of the table contains too many characters to be supported by Oracle GoldenGate.

Action: Contact Oracle Support or, if you are working with an Oracle GoldenGate developer, contact that person.

OGG-06318: File name {0} is too long and caused truncation.
Cause: While formulating the group file name, a truncation error occurred.

Action: Use a fully qualified file name that is shorter than 250 characters.

OGG-06319: Could not retrieve definition for table {0}
Cause: Unable to retrieve definition for table.

Action: Contact Oracle Support.

OGG-06320: Replication of UROWID type is not supported. In table {0}, UROWID at Column {1,number,0} will not be Replicated.
Cause: UROWID is not currently a supported data type for Extract in classic capture mode.

Action: UROWID Replication support is currently supported by Extract in integrated capture mode. Contact Oracle Support.

OGG-06321: DDL Replication is not supported when the source and target databases are from different vendors.
Cause: Replication is not supported when the source and target are not from the same database vendor

Action: None

OGG-06322: Object {0} is an IBM i native name, which is incompatible with trail format level {1}.
Cause: The name of the IBM i native object is incompatible with trail formats prior to the 11.2.1 release format.

Action: Use a SQL alias for the object name, or specify 11.2.1 or later for the FORMAT RELEASE option the of EXTTRAIL, RMTTRAIL, EXTFILE, or RMTFILE parameters.

OGG-06323: {0} is specified. Non ANSI SQL string syntax is used for parameter.
Cause: NOUSEANSISQL parameter is specified. Multi byte and special character can not be used for object name for parameter file compatibility.

Action: None

OGG-06324: Expecting schema name in table name {0}.
Cause: Table name parameter doesn't have required schema name.

Action: Edit the parameter file and supply the schema name.

OGG-06325: Expecting schema name in checkpoint table name {0} in GLOBALS.
Cause: Checkpoint table name parameter doesn't have required schema name.

Action: Edit the GLOBALS parameter file and supply the schema name.

OGG-06326: Extract encountered a snapshot-related error retrieving table {0} during initial load. OCI Error {2} (status = {1,number,0}).
Cause: The initial load session encountered a snapshot-related error.

Action: Refer to the Oracle database documentation for information on the database error code.

OGG-06327: File {0} has invalid byte order specification of 0x{1}.{2,choice,-1#|0# Error when processing RBA {2}}
Cause: Oracle GoldenGate found an unrecognized byte order in the specified trail file.

Action: Contact Oracle Support.

OGG-06328: Invalid byte order found: 0x{0}.{1,choice,-1#|0# RBA: {1}}.
Cause: Oracle GoldenGate found an invalid byte order when processing a record or other type of information.

Action: Contact Oracle Support.

OGG-06329: Trail file {0} using compatibility level {1} is incompatible with byte order specification of {2}. Using default format of {3}.
Cause: Oracle GoldenGate found an incompatible byte order specification for a trail file and is replacing it with the proper format.

Action: Delete the BYTEORDER parameter or specify a compatible format.

OGG-06330: Failed to initialize the parameter file parser.
Cause: The parameter file parser could not be initialized.

Action: Contact Oracle Support.

OGG-06331: Failed to create backup file {0}.
Cause: The backup file could not be created.

Action: Verify that the file doesn't already exist and check the permissions for the parent directory.

OGG-06332: Parameter file {0} has already been converted.
Cause: The parameter file is specified more than once on the command line or is included more than once.

Action: None

OGG-06333: Converting string literals to ANSI SQL while NOUSEANSISQLQUOTES parameter is specified.
Cause: This will convert string literals to ANSI SQL (single quotes), and ignore the NOUSEANSISQLQUOTES parameter specified in GLOBALS.

Action: Remove NOUSEANSISQLQUOTES parameter from GLOBALS.

OGG-06334: Missing option: expecting 'MMAP', 'SHM', or 'SHM ID N'.
Cause: The data store statement requires a valid memory specification.

Action: Issue the ALTER data store command with the correct syntax. For help, see the GGSCI help or the Oracle GoldenGate reference documentation.

OGG-06350: Error adding item to transaction {0} for table={1}, op={2,number,0}, record id={3}, length={4,number,0}, errmsg={5}.
Cause: An internal error occurred in the Cache Object Manager (COM) when the process added an item to a transaction.

Action: Contact Oracle Support.

OGG-06351: The LOB columns in table {0} are not supported by the ALLOWTABLECOMPRESSION parameter.
Cause: The ALLOWTABLECOMPRESSION parameter is being used for tables that contain LOB columns. Compressed tables with LOB columns are not supported by Oracle GoldenGate for DB2 LUW v9.7.

Action: Remove the compressed tables that have LOB columns from the Oracle GoldenGate configuration or remove the ALLOWTABLECOMPRESSION parameter and use uncompressed table.

OGG-06352: cachemgr: filecaching: cm_mf_write_lower comErr: {0} write: {1} (errno {2}, {3})
Cause: An error occurred accessing the CACHEMGR temporary cache file.

Action: Contact Oracle Support.

OGG-06353: cachemgr: filecaching: cm_mf_write_lower WriteFile: {0} error: {1}
Cause: An error occurred accessing the CACHEMGR temporary cache file.

Action: Contact Oracle Support.

OGG-06354: cachemgr: filecaching: cm_mf_write_lower comErr: {0} write: {1}
Cause: An error occurred accessing the CACHEMGR temporary cache file.

Action: Contact Oracle Support.

OGG-06355: A cache file name is too long for an internal buffer
Cause: A cache file name is too long for an internal buffer.

Action: Contact Oracle Support.

OGG-06356: cm_cachedir_cleanup: ggGetFileList: directory: {0} filespec: {1} err_code: {2} ({3})
Cause: An error occurred while cleaning up cache files.

Action: Contact Oracle Support.

OGG-06357: cm_cachedir_cleanup: remove: file: {0} errno: {1} ({2})
Cause: An error occurred while cleaning up cache files.

Action: Contact Oracle Support.

OGG-06358: {1}: Bad Parameter Argument: {0}: invalid size specification
Cause: The CACHEMGR parameter contains invalid syntax.

Action: Correct the syntax and then restart the process. For syntax and usage of CACHEMGR, see the Oracle GoldenGate reference documentation.

OGG-06359: CMDSEC: Failed to retrieve group information ({0}, {1})
Cause: The specified error occurred when the process attempted to get group information from the operating system.

Action: Fix the cause of the error, and then restart the program.

OGG-06360: CMDSEC: Failed to retrieve token information ({0}, {1})
Cause: The specified error occurred when the process attempted to get group information from the operating system.

Action: Fix the cause of the error, and then restart the program.

OGG-06361: CMDSEC: Failed to retrieve token information buffer size ({0}, {1})
Cause: The specified error occurred when the process attempted to get group information from the operating system.

Action: Fix the cause of the error, and then restart the program.

OGG-06362: CMDSEC: Failed to open process token ({0}, {1})
Cause: The specified error occurred when the process attempted to get group information from the operating system.

Action: Fix the cause of the error, and then restart the program.

OGG-06363: CMDSEC: Failed to retrieve user information ({0}, {1})
Cause: The specified error occurred when the process attempted to get group information from the operating system.

Action: Fix the cause of the error, and then restart the program.

OGG-06364: Invald CMDSEC access specifier (line {0}): {1}
Cause: There is an invalid access specifier in the CMDSEC file.

Action: Fix the CMDSEC file to resolve the cause of the error.

OGG-06365: Invalid CMDSEC uid specifier (line {0}): must be between 0 and {1}
Cause: There is an invalid user ID specifier in the CMDSEC file.

Action: Fix the CMDSEC file to resolve the cause of the error.

OGG-06366: Invalid CMDSEC gid specifier (line {0}): must be between 0 and {1}
Cause: There is an invalid group ID specifier in the CMDSEC file.

Action: Fix the CMDSEC file to resolve the cause of the error.

OGG-06367: Missing CMDSEC entry (line {0}): {1}
Cause: There is a missing entry on the specified line in the CMDSEC file.

Action: Fix the CMDSEC file to resolve the cause of the error.

OGG-06368: The full name of the CMDSEC file is too long
Cause: The name of the CMDSEC file (including the path) exceeds the length that is supported by Oracle GoldenGate.

Action: Use a shorter file path for the CMDSEC file, up to the maximum number of characters supported by the operating system for file names.

OGG-06369: Failed to retrieve user information from the operating system
Cause: An error occurred when the process attempted to get group information from the operating system.

Action: Contact Oracle Support.

OGG-06370: Failed to retrieve user information from the operating system for this process, ({0}, {1})
Cause: The process could not retrieve user information from the operating system.

Action: Fix the cause of the cause of the error and then restart the process.

OGG-06371: Failed to retrieve group entry, ({0}, {1})
Cause: There was an error retrieving the user group for the process from the operating system.

Action: Fix the cause of the error and then restart the process.

OGG-06372: Failed to retrieve user entry, ({0}, {1})
Cause: There was an error retrieving the user group for the process from the operating system.

Action: Fix the cause of the error and then restart the process.

OGG-06373: Failed to retrieve primary group entry, ({0}, {1})
Cause: There was an error retrieving the user group for this process from the operating system.

Action: Fix the cause of the error and then restart the process.

OGG-06374: Invalid DDL statement: No INCLUDE
Cause: There is a DDL parameter that does not contain an INCLUDE clause. This parameter will always evaluate to false.

Action: Correct the DDL statement, remove it altogether, or comment the line out.

OGG-06375: Invalid DDL statement: Missing scope specification
Cause: There is a DDL parameter that is missing a scope specification.

Action: Specify a scope (MAPPED, UNMAPPED, OTHER) in the DDL parameter.

OGG-06376: {0} value must be quoted in single quotes (').
Cause: The required single quote marks are missing from a value in the specified parameter.

Action: Correct the parameter value.

OGG-06377: Single quote marks cannot be used to delimit {0}. Use double quotes.
Cause: A value in the specified parameter is enclosed within single quotes, but the correct syntax requires double quotes.

Action: Replace the single quote marks with double quote marks.

OGG-06378: Double quote marks cannot be used to delimit {0}. Use single quotes.
Cause: A value in the specified parameter is enclosed within double quotes, but the correct syntax requires single quotes.

Action: Replace the double quote marks with single quote marks.

OGG-06379: Operating system user group name {0} is too long for an internal buffer. Maximum supported length is {1}.
Cause: The specified operating system user group name is too long for an internal buffer.

Action: Use a user with a shorter group name.

OGG-06380: Operating system user name {0} is too long for an internal buffer. Maximum supported length is {1}.
Cause: The specified operating system user name is too long for an internal buffer.

Action: Use a user with a shorter user name.

OGG-06381: Error retrieving OS version ({0},{1})
Cause: The specified error was encountered while retrieving the operating system version.

Action: Fix the cause of the error and then restart the process.

OGG-06382: Unrecognized INCLUDE/EXCLUDE option: [{0}]
Cause: The specified option is not recognized as a valid INCLUDE or EXCLUDE option.

Action: Fix the invalid syntax.

OGG-06383: Error checking command security
Cause: The process could not verify the security of a command when checking the rules in the CMDSEC file.

Action: Contact Oracle Support.

OGG-06384: The definition for {0} is missing from the definitions file.
Cause: The specified definition template was not available in the definitions file.

Action: Remove the DEF option from the TABLE/MAP statement or provide a definitions file containing the missing table definition.

OGG-06385: Upgrade operation was not performed because the checkpoint table {0} is already upgraded.
Cause: The upgrade operation was not performed because the checkpoint table is already upgraded.

Action: None

OGG-06386: Purging log history from {0} older than {1}: {2}
Cause: Manager was not able to purge rows in the log table that were older than the date shown for the reason shown.

Action: None

OGG-06387: Purging log history from {0} older than {1}: {2}
Cause: Manager is purging history from the log table. Informational only.

Action: None

OGG-06388: {0} rows deleted from history table
Cause: Manager is purging history from the log table. Informational only.

Action: None

OGG-06389: Unknown number of rows deleted from history table
Cause: Manager is purging history from the log table. Informational only.

Action: None

OGG-06390: Could not delete rows because no database specified
Cause: Manager failed to purge history from the log table because no database was specified.

Action: Specify a database.

OGG-06391: Error deleting rows because of error: {0}
Cause: Manager failed to purge history from the log table because of the specified error.

Action: Correct the specified error.

OGG-06392: PURGEDDLHISTORY parameter will be ignored because it is not supported with this configuration.
Cause: Either the database does not support it or the DDL history table does not exist.

Action: Remove the PURGEDDLHISTORY parameter.

OGG-06393: The data length of {0} exceeds the maximum allowed record length of {1}.
Cause: The length of the specified record exceeds the maximum length that is allowed for a remote-task Replicat.

Action: Contact Oracle Support.

OGG-06394: BEFORE.<column name> syntax has been deprecated, use @BEFORE(<column name>) instead.
Cause: The BEFORE.column name syntax is deprecated.

Action: Use @BEFORE(column name) syntax instead.

OGG-06395: Extract is not configured to capture DDL, but a DDL operation has occurred for table "{0}", which could adversely affect the integrity of DML capture.
Cause: DDL occurred on a table that is in the Extract configuration, but Extract is not configured to capture DDL.

Action: Configure Extract to capture DDL by adding the appropriate parameters. See the Oracle GoldenGate reference documentation for parameter options.

OGG-06396: WARNING: SPECIALRUN not supported by Integrated Replicat. INTEGRATED keyword ignored
Cause: SPECIALRUN is not supported by Integrated Replicat.

Action: Remove the INTEGRATED keyword.

OGG-06397: The TRANSEXCEPTION option was specified in the REPERROR parameter, but no exceptions mapping was provided for table {0}. The exception cannot be handled.
Cause: The TRANSEXCEPTION option was specified for REPERROR, but a mapping to an exceptions table is missing.

Action: Create an exceptions MAP statement that includes either the MAPEXCEPTION or the EXCEPTIONSONLY option and a mapping of the source table to an exceptions table. For help, see the Oracle GoldenGate administration documentation.

OGG-06398: Unknown encryption type.
Cause: The specified encryption algorithm is unknown.

Action: Specify an encryption algorithm that Oracle GoldenGate supports. See the Oracle GoldenGate security documentation for supported encryption options.

OGG-06399: The specified encryption method is not supported for this platform.
Cause: The specified encryption method is not implemented for this platform.

Action: Specify an encryption method that Oracle GoldenGate supports for this platform. See the Oracle GoldenGate security documentation for supported encryption options.

OGG-06400: The key specified with KEYNAME is not present in the ENCKEYS file.
Cause: The ENCKEYS file does not contain a key name that matches the one in the KEYNAME specification.

Action: Make certain the key name is spelled correctly in the input, or add the key name to the ENCKEYS file.

OGG-06401: No value given for KEYNAME specification.
Cause: No key value was specified for the KEYNAME specification in the parameter file.

Action: Edit the parameter file to specify a key name for the KEYNAME option.

OGG-06402: KEYNAME value exceeds maximum allowed length.
Cause: The key value specified for KEYNAME exceeds the maximum allowed length.

Action: Specify a key value that is compatible with the selected encryption algorithm.

OGG-06403: KEYNAME key value is not a valid hex string.
Cause: The value specified for KEYNAME is not a valid hex string.

Action: Specify a key value that is a valid hex string.

OGG-06404: The key value in KEYNAME does not have a closing quote mark.
Cause: The syntax that specifies the key value in KEYNAME does not contain a closing quote mark.

Action: Add the closing quote mark.

OGG-06405: The length of the key specified in KEYNAME does not match the encryption method.
Cause: The length of the key is not appropriate for the encryption algorithm that is specified.

Action: Specify a key that is appropriate for the algorithm. For supported algorithms and key values, see the Oracle GoldenGate security documentation.

OGG-06406: An error occurred when implementing encryption.
Cause: An error occurred during encryption that Oracle GoldenGate could not identify.

Action: Contact Oracle Support.

OGG-06407: Error (-11) retrieving key for {0} in file ENCKEYS: {1} {2}.
Cause: The specified key could not be retrieved.

Action: Make sure that the key exists in the ENCKEYS file.

OGG-06408: Error initializing encryption context: {0}.
Cause: An error occurred during encryption context initialization.

Action: If the problem persists, contact Oracle Support.

OGG-06409: Error encrypting string.
Cause: The string could not be encrypted.

Action: Make certain that the string is valid or use a different one.

OGG-06410: Error freeing encryption context: {0}.
Cause: An internal error occurred when freeing the encryption context.

Action: If the error persists, contact Oracle Support.

OGG-06411: Error initializing decryption context: {0}.
Cause: An internal error occurred when initializing the decryption context.

Action: If the error persists, contact Oracle Support.

OGG-06412: Error (-12) decrypting string: {0}
Cause: The string could not be decrypted.

Action: Decrypt the string with the same algorithm that was used to encrypt it.

OGG-06413: No encryption key specified. Using default key.
Cause: An encryption key was not specified for the Blowfish encryption algorithm, so the default key is being used.

Action: None if the default key is acceptable. To use a specific key, use the ENCRYPTKEY option with a key name in the ENCRYPT command.

OGG-06414: Missing password specification.
Cause: The ENCRYPT PASSWORD command was issued without a password specification.

Action: Issue the command again and include the password that is to be encrypted. For help with syntax, see the Oracle GoldenGate reference documentation or the ggsci help.

OGG-06415: The specified encryption algorithm requires a key value
Cause: The specified encryption algorithm requires a key value.

Action: Specify an encryption key. For help, see the ggsci help or the Oracle GoldenGate security documentation.

OGG-06416: Default key is not allowed for AES encryption
Cause: An Oracle GoldenGate DEFAULT key was specified for AES encryption. AES requires a user-defined encryption key.

Action: Generate a valid encryption key for use with AES encryption. For more information, see the Oracle GoldenGate security documentation.

OGG-06417: Using Blowfish encryption with DEFAULT key.
Cause: The specified encryption is Blowfish with a DEFAULT key generated by Oracle GoldenGate.

Action: None

OGG-06418: Must include an 'ENCRYPTKEY' clause to specify a key value for AES algorithm.
Cause: AES encryption is specified without an appropriate key value.

Action: Specify a valid encryption key. For more information, see the Oracle GoldenGate security documentation.

OGG-06419: Must have 'ENCRYPTKEY' clause
Cause: The command was issued without an ENCRYPTKEY clause.

Action: Specify the ENCRYPTKEY clause with a valid keyname when executing this command. For help, see the Oracle GoldenGate security documentation.

OGG-06420: Encryption command invalid. Expecting 'ENCRYPTKEY' or an encryption algorithm.
Cause: The encryption command was issued without an ENCRYPTKEY clause or an algorithm specification.

Action: Issue the command again with the correct input. For help, see the Oracle GoldenGate security documentation or the ggsci help.

OGG-06421: Password encryption failed. Error, key must be specified.
Cause: The password could not be encrypted.

Action: Make sure the password is a valid string, and check for spelling errors. If using an encryption key, make certain that the selected algorithm and the key are compatible. See the Oracle GoldenGate security documentation for help.

OGG-06422: The specified password is not long enough to encrypt; size {0}
Cause: The password is too small to be encrypted.

Action: Make sure the password has a valid string length. For supported values, see the Oracle GoldenGate security documentation.

OGG-06423: Error decoding encrypted password for TRANLOGOPTIONS ASM password [{0}].
Cause: The ASM password in TRANLOGOPTIONS could not be decoded.

Action: Correct the problem that caused the error shown in the message.

OGG-06424: Error decoding encrypted password for TRANLOGOPTIONS MININGPASSWORD [{0}].
Cause: The password specified for the mining database user is not valid.

Action: Correct the problem that caused the error shown in the message.

OGG-06425: Error (-12) {0}
Cause: The mining database password could not be decrypted.

Action: Correct the problem that caused the error shown in the message.

OGG-06426: Decryption failed with error {0}.
Cause: The buffer could not be decoded.

Action: Correct the problem that caused the error shown in the message.

OGG-06427: Error decoding key name {0}, {1}.
Cause: The key specified with KEYNAME could not be decrypted.

Action: Correct the problem that caused the error shown in the message.

OGG-06428: The key specified with KEYNAME could not be decrypted {0}, {1}.
Cause: The key specified with the KEYNAME option could not be decrypted.

Action: Correct the problem that caused the error shown in the message.

OGG-06429: Specified key length does not match length of actual key
Cause: The length of the key is not appropriate for the encryption algorithm that is specified.

Action: Specify a key that is appropriate for the algorithm. For supported algorithms and key values, see the Oracle GoldenGate security documentation.

OGG-06430: Encryption algorithm specified without ENCRYPTKEY clause
Cause: The algorithm specified requires a key in the ENCRYPTKEY clause.

Action: Specify a key that is appropriate for the algorithm in the ENCRPYTKEY clause. For supported algorithms and key values, see the Oracle GoldenGate security documentation.

OGG-06431: Auto-encryption and decryption of password failed, passwords do not match
Cause: There was a problem with Auto-encryption and decryption of the password.

Action: Contact Oracle Support.

OGG-06432: '{0}': This feature is not supported by Oracle GoldenGate Replicat on PostgreSQL. Please refer to the Oracle GoldenGate reference documentation for more details.
Cause: This feature is not supported by Oracle GoldenGate Replicat on PostgreSQL.

Action: See the Oracle GoldenGate reference documentation for more details.

OGG-06433: No schema is specified for sequence {0} in statement '{1}'. Using default login schema {2}.
Cause: A schema was not explicitly given in the specification for this sequence in the parameter file. The default login schema of the process is being used.

Action: To specify a schema other than the default login schema, edit the parameter file to specify the correct schema.

OGG-06434: Invalid source sequence name {0} specified.
Cause: An invalid source sequence name is specified in the TABLE/MAP parameter.

Action: Specify the correct source sequence name.

OGG-06435: Invalid target sequence name {0} specified.
Cause: An invalid target sequence name is specified in the TABLE/MAP parameter.

Action: Specify the correct target sequence name.

OGG-06436: Missing sequence name specification in TABLE/MAP parameter.
Cause: The name of the source sequence is missing from the TABLE or MAP parameter.

Action: Specify the name of the source sequence.

OGG-06437: No schema is specified for sequence {0} in statement '{1}'. No mapping will be applied.
Cause: The sequence specification does not include a schema name. No mapping can be performed without a schema specification.

Action: Add a schema to the sequence specification, as in schema.sequence. Otherwise, Oracle GoldenGate will assume the login specified in the USERID or USERIDALIAS parameter.

OGG-06438: No schema is specified for table {0} in statement '{1}'. No mapping will be applied.
Cause: A schema was not explicitly given in the specification for this table in the parameter file. No mapping will be applied.

Action: Add a schema to the table specification, as in schema.table. Otherwise, Oracle GoldenGate will assume the login specified in the USERID or USERIDALIAS parameter.

OGG-06439: No unique key is defined for table {0}. All viable columns will be used to represent the key, but may not guarantee uniqueness. KEYCOLS may be used to define the key.
Cause: No unique key is defined for the specified table.

Action: Use a KEYCOLS clause in TABLE or MAP to define a key that contains unique values. Using a defined key ensures uniqueness and improves performance.

OGG-06440: No viable unique key is defined for table {0}. All viable columns will be used to represent the key, but may not guarantee uniqueness. KEYCOLS may be used to define the key.
Cause: The table definition does not contain a unique key of the type that can be used by Oracle GoldenGate.

Action: Use a KEYCOLS clause in TABLE or MAP to define a key that contains unique values. Using a defined key ensures uniqueness and improves performance.

OGG-06442: Little-endian byte order and targetdefs specification found.
Cause: Oracle GoldenGate found a possible misconfiguration in parameters. In case the target system is NSK, little-endian format for trail files is inadequate.

Action: Change byte order for output trails to big-endian format.

OGG-06443: No KEYNAME given for {0} encryption algorithm
Cause: The encryption or decryption method that is being used requires a key specification with the KEYNAME option.

Action: Add the KEYNAME option to the ENCRYPT clause, as in ENCRYPT AES128, KEYNAME key_name. For more information, see the Oracle GoldenGate security documentation.

OGG-06444: Database major/minor version not available.
Cause: Oracle GoldenGate does not have the database version in its database metadata.

Action: Contact Oracle Support.

OGG-06445: {0} {1} is starting
Cause: The specified process is starting.

Action: None

OGG-06446: Schema name is required for table specification "{0}"
Cause: The table specification does not include a schema name. A schema name is required when a catalog name is specified.

Action: Add the schema name to the table specification.

OGG-06447: Default schema name is not allowed for table specification {0}
Cause: A default schema name is not allowed to be used in this configuration.

Action: Specify schema names in the table specifications.

OGG-06448: Could not assign a default schema name for table specification "{0}"
Cause: A default schema name or a wildcard schema name is not supported for this configuration.

Action: Specify a schema name or enable wildcard schemas to be used.

OGG-06449: TARGETDEFS may adversely affect the DDL that is being captured.
Cause: The parameter file contains both TARGETDEFS and DDL parameters. DDL is only supported between like tables.

Action: Remove DDL support for tables affected by TARGETDEFS.

OGG-06450: WARNING: Source column {0} data cannot fit target column {1} buffer. The data will be truncated..
Cause: The source column has more bytes/characters than the target column can hold.

Action: Contact Oracle Support for workaround.

OGG-06451: Triggers will be suppressed by default
Cause: By default, Replicat suppresses DML triggers.

Action: Use SUPPRESSTRIGGERS or NOSUPPRESSTRIGGERS to explicitly indicate the trigger settings.

OGG-06452: DBOPTIONS NOSUPPRESSTRIGGERS is not supported for the RDBMS version you are using.
Cause: DML trigger firing is not available on the target database.

Action: Do not use DBOPTIONS NOSUPPRESSTRIGGERS in the Replicat parameter file.

OGG-06453: DBOPTIONS SUPPRESSTRIGGERS is not supported for the RDBMS version you are using.
Cause: DML trigger firing suppression is not available on the target database.

Action: Do not use DBOPTIONS SUPPRESSTRIGGERS in the Replicat parameter file.

OGG-06454: DBLINK {0} not supported.
Cause: The object type DBLINK is not supported in DDL.

Action: Filter out DDL operations that involve DBLINK. For filtering options, see the Oracle GoldenGate for Oracle documentation or the DDL parameter in the Oracle GoldenGate reference documentation.

OGG-06455: Empty DEFAULT resolution column group for conflict {0}
Cause: The specified conflict has an empty column group for the DEFAULT resolution.

Action: Ensure that DEFAULT column group contains columns.

OGG-06456: Default tracetable name not allowed on CDB.
Cause: A valid tracetable name was not provided in the parameter file.

Action: Include a valid tracetable name with TRACETABLE statement in parameter file.

OGG-06457: One part tracetable name in Replicat parameter file.
Cause: One part tracetable name given in Replicat parameter file.

Action: Include a valid 2 or 3 part tracetable name in Replicat parameter file.

OGG-06458: Wrong number of tracetable name parts in Extract parameter file.
Cause: 1 or 3 part tracetable name given in Extract parameter file.

Action: Include a valid 2 part tracetable name with TRACETABLE statement in Extract parameter file.

OGG-06460: Trail FORMAT {0} or higher is required to support {1} option for table {2}.
Cause: The EXTFILE, EXTTRAIL, RMTFILE, or RMTTRAIL parameter contains the FORMAT option, but the given RELEASE value does not support the specified option.

Action: To support the specified option, set FORMAT RELEASE to at least the version shown in the error message.

OGG-06461: Trail record option {0} is incompatible with {1} for table {2}.
Cause: Two different trail record options {0} and {1} are specified for the same table.

Action: Edit the parameter file so that there is only one trail record format per table.

OGG-06462: The trail file was generated by an Extract that has the UPDATERECORDFORMAT parameter in its parameter file. It is not supported for this database
Cause: The trail file was generated by an Extract that has the UPDATERECORDFORMAT parameter in its parameter file. This type of trail is supported only for Oracle version 12 and above.

Action: Remove the UPDATERECORDFORMAT [FULL|COMPACT] parameter from the Extract parameter file and then restart Extract. Restart the data pump. Stop Replicat and issue the ALTER REPLICAT command with the EXTSEQNO and EXTRBA options to reposition Replicat to the new trail file, and then start Replicat.

OGG-06463: Invalid or incomplete option {0} for UPDATERECORDFORMAT.
Cause: Invalid or incomplete option {0} specified for UPDATERECORDFORMAT.

Action: Edit the parameter file and provide valid UPDATERECORDFORMAT option.

OGG-06464: Duplicate specification of UPDATERECORDFORMAT.
Cause: The parameter file contains more than one UPDATERECORDFORMAT parameter.

Action: Edit the parameter file so that it contains only one UPDATERECORDFORMAT parameter.

OGG-06465: Missing option for UPDATERECORDFORMAT.
Cause: The parameter file contains no option for the UPDATERECORDFORMAT parameter.

Action: Edit the parameter file to add an option for UPDATERECORDFORMAT parameter. Options are FULL or COMPACT.

OGG-06471: Unable to disable trigger firing
Cause: Replicat was unable to disable trigger firing on the target database.

Action: Check if the Replicat user has the required privileges to enable trigger suppression.

Cause: Replicat was unable to disable trigger firing on the target database.

Action: Check if the Replicat user has the required privileges to enable trigger suppression or remove DBOPTIONS SUPPRESSTRIGGERS from the Replicat parameter file.

OGG-06473: The parameter list is too long for {0}.
Cause: The parameter list is too long for the specified parameter.

Action: Reduce the number of values for specified parameter, or see the Oracle GoldenGate reference documentation for the correct syntax.

OGG-06474: Cannot specify parameters {0} and {1} together.
Cause: The specified parameters cannot be used together in the same parameter file.

Action: Specify only one of the parameters. See the Oracle GoldenGate reference documentation for the correct syntax.

OGG-06475: {0} {1} was killed after {2,number,0} seconds
Cause: The specified process was killed because it did not terminate in a timely manner.

Action: None

OGG-06476: {0} {1} could not be stopped after {2,number,0} seconds
Cause: The specified process could not be stopped and is still running.

Action: None

OGG-06477: After image does not match table definition for {0} at {1}.{2,number,0}. Restart Extract to acquire the most current table definition.
Cause: The table may have been altered so that the current definition does not match the log record.

Action: Restart Extract to acquire the most current table definition.

OGG-06478: {2}: Buffer overflow, needed: {1,number,0}, allocated: {0,number,0}. Table {3}, column {4} at SeqNo {5,number,0} RBA {6,number,0} Transaction {7}.
Cause: A numeric conversion failed because the value in the archive logs has more digits that the specified column can contain.

Action: Verify that the column definitions are correct.

OGG-06479: Schema level supplemental logging, including non-validated keys, is enabled on schema "{0}".
Cause: Schema-level supplemental logging, including non-validated keys, is enabled for all objects in the specified schema, as the result of the ADD SCHEMATRANDATA command. Informational only.

Action: None

OGG-06480: Schema level supplemental logging, excluding non-validated keys, is enabled on schema "{0}".
Cause: Schema-level supplemental logging, excluding non-validated keys, is enabled for the specified schema, as the result of the ADD SCHEMATRANDATA command. Informational only.

Action: None

OGG-06481: The database character set {0} is not English. Use TRAILCHARSETASCII or TRAILCHARSETEBCDIC to ensure correct conversion by Replicat.
Cause: The database character set is not English and the TRAILCHARSETASCII or TRAILCHARSETEBCDIC is not specified. Replicat may not be able to correctly perform any required character set conversion.

Action: Specify either TRAILCHARSETASCII or TRAILCHARSETEBCDIC in the Extract parameter file.

OGG-06482: The parameter _ALLOWTABLECOMPRESSION is deprecated. Use ALLOWTABLECOMPRESSION instead
Cause: The startup parameter _ALLOWTABLECOMPREESION is deprecated.

Action: Use ALLOWTABLECOMPRESSION to capture compressed tables.

OGG-06483: ALLOWTABLECOMPRESSION is set. LOB columns in compressed tables are not supported with this parameter.
Cause: ALLOWTABLECOMPRESSION does not support compressed tables that contain LOB columns.

Action: For DB2 LUW version 9.7 and earlier, uncompress tables that contain LOB columns and capture them with a separate Extract group that does not include ALLOWTABLECOMPRESSION in the parameter file.

OGG-06484: ALLOWTABLECOMPRESSION is only valid for DB2LUW versions 9.7 and earlier. Ignoring this parameter.
Cause: ALLOWTABLECOMPRESSION is only valid for DB2 LUW versions 9.7 and earlier. For DB2 version 10, Oracle GoldenGate fully supports capturing LOB columns and data from compressed tables simultaneously, without the need for the ALLOWTABLECOMPRESSION parameter.

Action: Remove the ALLOWTABLECOMPRESSION parameter.

OGG-06485: The {0} link is missing or unreadable from the Oracle GoldenGate product directory. Error {1,number,0}: {2}
Cause: The required object link has not been created or may have been deleted. See the previous message for more information.

Action: Re-run the ggos400install installation script to recreate the link.

OGG-06486: Unable to resolve the object {0}. Error {1,number,0}: {2}
Cause: Possible permission issue accessing the object. See the previous message for more information.

Action: Ensure the user profile has permission to access {0}.

OGG-06487: Failure to load the native object {0}. Error {1,number,0}: {2}
Cause: Possible permission issue accessing the object. See the previous message for more information.

Action: Ensure the user profile has permission to access {0}.

OGG-06488: Failure to load symbol {3} from object {0}. Error {1,number,0}: {2}
Cause: The version of the specified Oracle GoldenGate object does not match the version of the installed Oracle GoldenGate build.

Action: Re-run the ggos400install installation script to update the version of the Oracle GoldenGate objects.

OGG-06489: data store created
Cause: The data store was created successfully.

Action: None

OGG-06490: data store altered
Cause: The data store was altered successfully.

Action: None

OGG-06491: data store repaired
Cause: The data store was repaired successfully.

Action: None

OGG-06492: data store deleted
Cause: The data store was deleted successfully.

Action: None

OGG-06493: Extract is ready to use triggerless DDL capture, but first remove _USETRIGGERMETADATA from the DDLOPTIONS parameter.
Cause: The DDL trigger can be safely removed, but the DDLOPTIONS parameter contains the _USETRIGGERMETADATA option, which forces the use of a trigger.

Action: Remove the _USETRIGGERMETADATA option from the DDLOPTIONS parameter and then restart Extract.

OGG-06494: Restart Extract to initiate triggerless DDL capture.
Cause: It is safe for Extract to switch to triggerless DDL capture.

Action: Allow Extract to abend, and then restart Extract.

OGG-06495: OGG created a session pool with SESSIONPOOLMAX {0}, SESSIONPOOLMIN {1} and SESSIONPOOLINCR {2}.
Cause: A session pool was created for Oracle GoldenGate. The default values are SESSIONPOOLMAX-10, SESSIONPOOLMIN-5, and SESSIONPOOLINCR-2.

Action: Make certain that SESSIONPOOLMAX is equal to the number of pluggable databases. For more information, refer to the Oracle database documentation for session pooling.

OGG-06496: Conflict detection is enabled for target table {0}, but the before values for the key columns are missing.
Cause: The specified table has a RESOLVECONFLICT parameter, but the before columns required by COMPARECOLS are not specified with GETBEFORECOLS.

Action: Specify GETBEFORECOLS in the Extract parameter file so that before images are captured for COMPARECOLS.

OGG-06497: The sequence number {1,number,0} for output trail file '{0}' is approaching the maximum threshold ({2,number,0}) at which point Extract will abend. Please consult Oracle Knowledge Management Doc ID 1559048.1 for further actions.
Cause: The output trail file sequence number is incremented each time the trail file rolls over. The output trail file sequence number is approaching the maximum threshold value. When this threshold has been exceeded, Extract will abend.

Action: To avoid this, Extract will need to be assigned a new trail. Consult Oracle Knowledge Management Doc ID 1559048.1 for further actions.

OGG-06498: The sequence number {1,number,0} for output trail file '{0}' has exceeded the maximum threshold ({2,number,0}). Please consult Oracle Knowledge Management Doc ID 1559048.1 for further actions.
Cause: The output trail file sequence number is incremented each time the trail file rolls over. The output trail file sequence number has reached the maximum threshold value.

Action: To continue, Extract will need to be assigned a new trail. Consult Oracle Knowledge Management Doc ID 1559048.1 for further actions.

OGG-06500: DDL of length [{5}], marker sequence [{0}], DDL sequence "{1}" for {2}.{3}/{4} is too large. It will be ignored because _IGNORE_TRUNCATE_DDL parameter is specified.
Cause: The DDL statement is larger than the supported size. It will be truncated and ignored because the _IGNORE_TRUNCATE_DDL is used in the Extract parameter file.

Action: Discarding the DDL may cause metadata inconsistencies and generate errors if subsequent DML is issued for the same object. Apply the original DDL on the target, so that the metadata is consistent for future DDL. You may need to restart processes if the condition caused an error.

OGG-06501: Extract is not configured to run on a snapshot standby database. To enable this mode, add TRANLOGOPTIONS MINEFROMSNAPSHOTSTBY to the Extract parameter file.
Cause: Oracle GoldenGate is not configured correctly for Extract to run on a snapshot standby database.

Action: To enable Extract to run on a snapshot standby database, use the TRANLOGOPTIONS parameter with the MINEFROMSNAPSHOTSTBY option in the Extract parameter file.

OGG-06502: Standalone EXCLUDETAG parameter is specified for a primary Extract.
Cause: EXCLUDETAG as a standalone parameter is only valid for data pump and Replicat.

Action: Specify EXCLUDETAG as a TRANLOGOPTIONS option for primary Extract, or use it as a standalone parameter for data pump or Replicat.

OGG-06503: Environment variable 'TAG' contains invalid value {0}.
Cause: The environment variable TAG must be in a format that represents the binary byte stream in hexadecimal.

Action: To customize the TAG variable, contact Oracle Support.

OGG-06504: A change record bearing tag {0} is excluded. All following changes with the same tag will also be excluded.
Cause: This tag value is specified in EXCLUDETAG clause in the parameter file.

Action: None

OGG-06510: Using the following key columns for target table {0}: {1}
Cause: Map resolved.

Action: Map resolved.

OGG-06514: Rollback ID {1,number,0} does not match last record ID of {0,number,0} in FM transaction manager. This will be ignored because _ALLOWMISMATCHEDROLLBACKID is set.
Cause: An internal inconsistency was detected in the Extract process while processing a transaction rollback.

Action: Contact Oracle Support.

OGG-06515: Record containing mismatched rollback ID has LSN : {0,number,0} and TID : {1,number,0}.
Cause: An internal inconsistency was detected in the Extract process while processing a transaction rollback.

Action: Contact Oracle Support.

OGG-06516: Could not find definition for {0}, possibly due to insufficient user access privilege.
Cause: The process could not find a definition for the specified table when building the object cache, possibly due to insufficient user privilege to access the table metadata.

Action: Check to make sure the user that is assigned to the process has access privilege to retrieve table metadata from the database. If the user privilege is verified to be sufficient, remove the table from the TABLE and/or MAP parameter. If using wildcards, you can exclude the table with TABLEEXCLUDE or MAPEXCLUDE.

OGG-06517: INFO TRANDATA failed on schema "{0}" because of the following OCI error: {1}-{2}
Cause: A OCI error prevented Oracle GoldenGate from getting information about schema-level supplemental logging through the INFO TRANDATA command.

Action: Fix the OCI error and retry the INFO TRANDATA command. If the OCI error cannot be resolved, contact Oracle Support.

OGG-06518: INFO TRANDATA failed due to error during select start.
Cause: The SELECT statement that underlies the INFO TRANDATA command failed.

Action: Try the command again. If the problem persists, contact Oracle Support.

OGG-06519: Error ({0,number,0}, no data found) selecting data in {1}. Check all DMLs and DDLs are processed before UDT DDLs are processed.
Cause: An error occurred when fetching data from an internal cursor. Extract did not complete all of the current DML and DDL before processing the DDL of a UDT.

Action: Make sure that all current DML and DDL are processed by Extract before issuing DDL for a UDT.

OGG-06520: BATCHSQL is disabled. An issue exists in IBM i that prevents BATCHSQL from functioning correctly. Once resolved through a PTF, BATCHSQL will require IBM i7.1 or greater.
Cause: The parameter file contains the BATCHSQL parameter, but BATCHSQL is currently not supported on IBM i due to an IBM issue.

Action: Remove BATCHSQL or specify the NOBATCHSQL parameter in the parameter file.

OGG-06521: BATCHSQL is disabled because the database or database version does not support it.
Cause: The parameter file contains the BATCHSQL parameter, but the database or the database version does not support BATCHSQL.

Action: Remove BATCHSQL or specify the NOBATCHSQL parameter in the parameter file.

OGG-06522: Cannot verify existence of table function that is required to {0} schema level supplemental logging, {1}.
Cause: The function that is used to enable/verify/delete schema level supplemental logging (ADD/INFO/DELETE SCHEMATRANDATA commands) is missing from the database.

Action: All pre-11204 RDBMS releases need be patched with fix for bug-13794550. Apply the Oracle Patch to the source database.

OGG-06523: DDLOPTIONS CAPTUREGLOBALTEMPTABLE is only supported when the Integrated Dictionary is in use.
Cause: DDLOPTIONS CAPTUREGLOBALTEMPTABLE was specified in the parameter file, but trigger-based DDL capture is being used.

Action: Remove DDLOPTION CAPTUREGLOBALTEMPTABLE from the parameter file.

OGG-06524: The trail or file has reached the 2GB size limit. Add a MAXFILES clause to RMTTFILE or EXTFILE.
Cause: The RMTFILE or EXTFILE parameter does not have a MAXFILES clause. Extract abends when the size of the file reaches the 2GB size limit unless a MAXFILES clause exists.

Action: Add a MAXFILES clause to the EXTFILE or RMTFILE parameter. MAXFILES permits as many files to be created as needed.

OGG-06525: Fetch failed for DBCLOB data type, column {0} in table {1}.
Cause: DB2 z/OS ODBC fails to correctly fetch data for data type DBCLOB > 2,000 bytes. IBM APAR PM99329 tracks this issue.

Action: Apply the fix for IBM APAR PM99329 if available, or, If possible, change Extract to avoid the fetch for this column.

OGG-06526: Internal error: Column with XMLDiff content does not have LOB data: (table {0}, column {1})
Cause: There was an internal error when the process tried to compose an UPDATE statement for an XML type column.

Action: Try using the TRANLOGOPTIONS parameter with the FETCHPARTIALXML option in Extract parameter file so that Replicat does not encounter PARTIAL XML. If the problem persists, contact Oracle support.

OGG-06527: Internal error: XMLDiff rewrite failed: (table {0}, column {1}) OCI Err: {2}
Cause: There was an internal error when the process tried to compose an UPDATE statement for an XML type column.

Action: Try using the TRANLOGOPTIONS parameter with the FETCHPARTIALXML option in Extract parameter file so that Replicat does not encounter PARTIAL XML. If the problem persists, contact Oracle support.

OGG-06528: Internal GG error: missing key columns for statement (table {0}, io_type={1})
Cause: The process could not compose a WHERE clause because the key columns are not available in the transaction record.

Action: Contact Oracle Support.

OGG-06529: Table name {0} specified in TABLE/MAP clause '{1}' contains a wildcarded catalog. The database does not support wildcards for those objects.
Cause: Wildcarded catalogs are not supported by this database.

Action: See the rules for catalog wildcarding in the Oracle GoldenGate documentation or contact Oracle Support.

OGG-06530: Berkeley Database encountered a critical error.
Cause: The Berkeley Database cannot be repaired automatically or there is a critical error, such as the system is out of memory.

Action: Repair the Berkeley Database environment and restart the Oracle GoldenGate groups to re-enable Oracle GoldenGate Monitor activity.

OGG-06531: Table {1} not in default catalog {0} specified in the ODBC connection. TRUNCATE on this table is not allowed by Informix. A DELETE was performed.
Cause: The specified table could not be truncated because it does not reside in the default catalog that is specified in the ODBC connection. A DELETE was performed on the table instead.

Action: None

OGG-06532: Failed to switch to Edition {0}. OCI Error {2} (status = {1,number,1}), SQL <{3}>
Cause: There was a failure when the process attempted to switch editions.

Action: Contact Oracle Support

OGG-06533: Failed to determine default Edition. OCI Error {1} (status = {0,number,0}), SQL <{2}>
Cause: There was a failure when the process attempted to query the default edition.

Action: Contact Oracle Support

OGG-06534: Reporting diagnostic information for unexpected fetching error. Table Name "{0}", Object Type {1,number,0}, Object ID {2,number,0}, Sequence # {3,number,0}, RBA {4,number,0}, SCN {5}, xid {6}
Cause: This is an internal error. The process is reporting diagnostic information to troubleshoot the root cause of an unexpected fetching error.

Action: Contact Oracle Support.

OGG-06535: Extract does not support the database compatible setting {0}.
Cause: Oracle GoldenGate Extract does not support the specified database compatible setting.

Action: To view a list of supported versions and compatible settings for this database, log onto http://support.oracle.com and select the Certifications tab.

OGG-06536: Extract is not registered for log retention.
Cause: The Extract group was not registered for log retention with the REGISTER EXTRACT command in GGSCI. However, the LOGRETENTION ENABLED parameter is set in the Extract parameter file.

Action: Either register Extract for log retention with REGISTER EXTRACT or remove the LOGRETENTION ENABLED parameter from the Extract parameter file. For more information, see the Oracle GoldenGate documentation.

OGG-06537: SOCKS proxy server replied with error: {0}
Cause: Oracle GoldenGate received an error reply from the SOCKS proxy server.

Action: Verify that the SOCKS proxy is configured adequately to accept requests from your host. If required, make sure the authentication information is correctly specified in the Oracle GoldenGate configuration. Finally, contact the server administrator to look for useful information reported by the proxy.

OGG-06538: An error occurred during network communication with the SOCKS proxy server. {0}
Cause: Oracle GoldenGate received an unexpected message or an error occurred when sending or receiving information from the network.

Action: Verify that the SOCKS proxy server is visible from your host. Next, verify that the proxy is running and that the correct host and port have been specified in the parameter file. Finally, contact the server administrator to look for useful information reported by the proxy.

OGG-06539: The server authentication method {0} is not valid.
Cause: The SOCKS proxy server asked the client to authenticate with an invalid or unexpected authentication method during the handshake.

Action: Contact the server administrator to look for useful information reported by the proxy.

OGG-06540: The SOCKS proxy destination address {0} with size {1} exceeds the maximum length of 255 characters allowed.
Cause: The address specified in the RMTHOST or RMTHOSTOPTIONS parameter, which the proxy tries to connect with your host, is too long to be managed by the SOCKS 5 protocol.

Action: Use a shorter name of the address specifying an IPV4 or IPV6 format.

OGG-06541: The SOCKS proxy username or password with size {0} exceeds the maximum length of 255 characters allowed.
Cause: Either the username or password specified to authenticate with the proxy server is too long to be managed by the SOCKS 5 protocol.

Action: Change the username or password for a shorter one.

OGG-06542: An invalid proxy destination address has been specified: {0}:{1}.
Cause: The target address and port which the application is trying to connect through the proxy is not valid.

Action: Verify that the parameter for proxy address and port number has been specified correctly or contact Oracle Support.

OGG-06543: The parameters FORMATASCII/FORMATXML/FORMATSQL are not supported in PASSTHRU mode.
Cause: When PASSTHRU mode is specified, table metadata is not available to support the FORMATASCII/FORMATXML/FORMATSQL parameters.

Action: Either remove the FORMATASCII/FORMATXML/FORMATSQL parameter or remove the PASSTHRU parameters from the parameter file, depending on your configuration requirement.

OGG-06544: Editioned objects are not supported by this version of the Oracle database.
Cause: A DDL on an editioned object was found. This DDL cannot be applied bec ause this version of the Oracle database does not support editioned objects.

Action: Filter the DDL out of the Oracle GoldenGate configuration.

OGG-06545: Failed to switch to edition {0} before applying the following DDL: {1}.
Cause: There was a failure when the process attempted to switch editions.

Action: Correct the error shown or filter the DDL out of the Oracle GoldenGate configuration.

OGG-06546: Failed to reset edition after applying the following DDL: {0}.
Cause: There was a failure when the process attempted to reset the edition back to the default.

Action: Correct the error shown or filter the DDL out of the Oracle GoldenGate configuration.

OGG-06547: Failed to remove the session tag before applying the DDL. DDLOPTIONS NOTAG will be disabled.
Cause: There was a failure when the process attempted to remove the session tag.

Action: No action necessary. DDLOPTIONS NOTAG will be automatically disabled.

OGG-06548: Failed to restore the session tag to {0}. DDLOPTIONS NOTAG will be disabled.
Cause: There was a failure when the process attempted to restore a session tag.

Action: No action necessary. DDLOPTIONS NOTAG will be automatically disabled.

OGG-06549: Value of column {1} in {0} is out of row and FETCHCOLS is not set for this column. Column value cannot be Extracted.
Cause: Extended row size is enabled for this database, but Extract is not configured to fetch the value from the database.

Action: Specify this column with the FETCHCOLS option of the TABLE parameter in the Extract parameter file. See the Oracle GoldenGate reference documentation for syntax.

OGG-06550: Unable to position in log buffer, current size {0}. Use parameter TRANLOGOPTIONS BUFSIZE to increase the size, within the range {1} to {2}.
Cause: An attempt to position in the log buffer failed because the buffer contained only records with duplicate LRSN values.

Action: Increase the buffer size, as indicated, to avoid the problem.

OGG-06551: Could not translate host name {0} into an Internet address.
Cause: There was an error resolving the host name into an IP address.

Action: Make sure the host name in the parameter file is specified correctly.

OGG-06552: TRANLOGOPTIONS parameter MINEFROMSNAPSHOTSTBY is not supported for a database that is not a Snapshot Standby database.
Cause: TRANLOGOPTIONS parameter MINEFROMSNAPSHOTSTBY is specified for a database that is not a Snapshot Standby database.

Action: Remove the parameter from the parameter file.

OGG-06553: DDL Annotation, operation [{0}], Number of Annotations: {1,number,0}
Cause: A DDL operation has annotations for DDL text

Action: None

OGG-06554: Failed to set default edition after applying the following DDL: {0}.
Cause: There was a failure when the process attempted to set the edition to the database default edition.

Action: Correct the error as described or filter the DDL out of the Oracle GoldenGate configuration.

OGG-06555: Set default session edition to [{0}].
Cause: The process set the session edition to the database default edition. This is an informational message.

Action: None

OGG-06556: The following columns will not be considered for CDR :{0}
Cause: This list of columns are not supported by CDR. Extract will not write the before image for these columns. Replicat will not include these columns for conflict detection.

Action: None

OGG-06557: PROCESS_GETINFOLIST_() failed, Cpu {0}, Pin {1}, err ({2}, {3}).
Cause: Unknown.

Action: Evaluate the error message details and correct.

OGG-06558: FILENAME_TO_PATHNAME_() failed, for {0}, error {1}.
Cause: Unknown.

Action: Evaluate the error message details and correct.

OGG-06559: FILE_GETINFOBYNAME_() failed, for {0}, error {1}.
Cause: Unknown.

Action: Evaluate the error message details and correct.

OGG-06560: Invalid device type ({0},{1}) for Hometerm {2}.
Cause: HOMETERM must be either a process or terminal.

Action: Change the HOMETERM option to valid entry

OGG-06561: PATHNAME_TO_FILENAME_() failed, for {0}, error {1}.
Cause: Unknown.

Action: Evaluate the error message details and correct.

OGG-06562: PROCESS_SPAWN_() failed result {0}, tcpErr/detail ({1}/{2}).
Cause: Either the CPU, PRI, HOMETERM, or PROCESSNAME parameter is not valid.

Action: Evaluate the error message details and correct.

OGG-06563: Value ({0}) out of range for {1}, Range is -1, {2} thru {3}.
Cause: Invalid CPU or PRI.

Action: Evaluate the error message details and correct.

OGG-06564: Invalid parameter {0} for PROCESS_SPAWN_().
Cause: Invalid parameter.

Action: Evaluate the error message details and correct.

OGG-06565: Formatting error on: table name {0}, rowid {1}. Error converting timestamp with time zone from Oracle to ASCII format for column "{2}"
Cause: An issue occurred during an attempt to convert column data from Oracle to ASCII format.

Action: Use either the INCLUDEREGIONID or the INCLUDEREGIONIDWITHOFFSET options. The INCLUDEREGIONIDWITHOFFSET option is for non-Oracle targets that do not support region ID; it forces conversion to TZH:TZM. Refer to Oracle GoldenGate Reference documentation.

OGG-06566: Invalid number ({0}) for {1}
Cause: Invalid CPU or PRI.

Action: Evaluate the error message details and correct.

OGG-06567: Missing attribute value for {0}
Cause: Invalid CPU or PRI.

Action: Evaluate the error message details and correct.

OGG-06568: DBLOGIN can only be used once on the IBM i platform. To use DBLOGIN again, you must restart the application.
Cause: DBLOGIN can only be used once on the IBM i platform. To use DBLOGIN again, you must restart the application.

Action: Exit from GGSCI then use DBLOGIN again.

OGG-06569: Remote Collector/Server version {0}.{1} receiving data is a different version than this Extract {2}.{3} sending data.
Cause: The version of the collector is different than the version of this installation.

Action: To avoid compatibility issues it is suggested to format to the lowest common version using the 'FORMAT RELEASE' parameter in the primary Extract.

OGG-06570: Unable to resolve the object {0}. OGGJRN not found in the GoldenGate installation library. Run the ggos400install script to create OGGJRN, and then run the ADD CHECKPOINTTABLE command again.
Cause: OGGJRN not found in the GoldenGate installation library.

Action: Run the ggos400install script to create OGGJRN, and then run the ADD CHECKPOINTTABLE command again.

OGG-06571: Unexpected path for GoldenGate Service program {0}. Expected {1} part. For example, '/QSYS.LIB/INSTALL_LIBRARY.LIB/OGGPRCJRN.SRVPGM'. Run the ggos400install script.
Cause: Unexpected path for Oracle GoldenGate Service program.

Action: Run the ggos400install script.

OGG-06572: Add journaling for the checkpoint table failed. Table name: "{0}". Physical file name: {1}. Journal name: {2}. Review the previous error logs and correct the issues. Run the ADD CHECKPOINTTABLE command after correcting the error log issues.
Cause: Review the previous error logs.

Action: Run the ADD CHECKPOINTTABLE command after correcting the issues specified in the previous error logs.

OGG-06573: Attempt to resolve the GoldenGate installation library failed. Review the previous error logs. Run the ggos400install script, and then run the ADD CHECKPOINTTABLE command again
Cause: Review the previous error logs.

Action: Locate the GoldenGate installation library. Run the ggos400install script, and then run the ADD CHECKPOINTTABLE command again.

OGG-06574: Attempt to resolve the native table name from SQL name failed. Verify that the table was created. Table:{0}. Run the ADD CHECKPOINTTABLE command again
Cause: Call to fetch native table name returned zero rows.

Action: Verify that the table exists then run the ADD CHECKPOINTTABLE command again.

OGG-06575: The value of CHECKPOINTSECS must be greater than zero (0).
Cause: The value specified for the CHECKPOINTSECS parameter is invalid.

Action: Supply a positive integer value for the CHECKPOINTSECS parameter.

OGG-06576: Extended Row Size feature in DB2LUW is not supported when UPDATERECORDFORMAT parameter is set in OGG. Table {0} seems to have columns outside the row due to DB2 extended row size feature.
Cause: OGG does not support extended row size when UPDATERECORDFORMAT is set in the Extract parameter file.

Action: Either remove the UPDATERECORDFORMAT parameter or move the table to a tablespace with larger page size.

OGG-06577: Invalid TRACETABLE parameter: {0}. Schema is required.
Cause: No schema is specified for the trace table in the TRACETABLE parameter.

Action: Edit the parameter file and specify the schema name for the TRACETABLE parameter.

OGG-06578: Invalid CHECKPOINTTABLE parameter: "{0}". Schema is required.
Cause: No schema is specified for the checkpoint table in the CHECKPOINTTABLE parameter.

Action: Edit the parameter file and specify the schema name for the CHECKPOINTTABLE parameter.

OGG-06579: Invalid {0} parameter: {1}. Schema is required.
Cause: The default schema is not allowed for the TABLEEXCLUDE/MAPEXCLUDE parameter.

Action: Edit the parameter file and specify the schema name.

OGG-06580: No schema is specified for the source table {0}. The default schema is not allowed.
Cause: No schema is specified for the source table in the TABLE/MAP parameter.

Action: Edit the parameter file and specify the schema for the source table.

OGG-06581: No schema is specified for the target table {0}. The default schema is not allowed.
Cause: No schema is specified for the target table in the TABLE/MAP parameter.

Action: Edit the parameter file and specify the schema for the target table.

OGG-06582: No schema is specified for the table {0} in the DEFGEN parameter file. The default schema is not allowed.
Cause: No schema is specified for the table in the DEFGEN parameter file.

Action: Edit the DEFGEN parameter file and specify the schema.

OGG-06583: No schema is specified for the source sequence {0}. The default schema is not allowed.
Cause: No schema is specified for the source sequence in the SEQUENCE parameter.

Action: Edit the parameter file and specify the schema for the source sequence.

OGG-06584: No schema is specified for the target sequence {0}. The default schema is not allowed.
Cause: No schema is specified for the target sequence in the SEQUENCE parameter.

Action: Edit the parameter file and specify the schema for the target sequence.

OGG-06585: No schema is specified for the DDL/DDLSUBST/DDLERROR INCLUDE/EXCLUDE object name {0}. The default schema is not allowed.
Cause: No schema is specified for the include/exclude object name in the DDL/DDLSUBST/DDLERROR parameter.

Action: Edit the parameter file and specify the schema for the target sequence.

OGG-06586: Trail {0} has an invalid number of digits for the sequence number {1,number,0}.
Cause: Trail files can have either 6 or 9 digits for the sequence number.

Action: Trail files can have either 6 or 9 digits for the sequence number.

OGG-06587: Seqno {0} is out of range, valid range is from {1} to {2}.
Cause: Sequence number provided is out of range for the trail's sequence length.

Action: Provide a sequence number that is within the range for trail's sequence length.

OGG-06588: The remote peer for remote trail {0} does not support 9 digit sequence number.
Cause: Remote trail is defined to have a 9 digit sequence number, but the remote peer does not support this feature.

Action: Recreate the remote trail with a 6 digit sequence number or upgrade the remote peer.

OGG-06589: The startup input position has been rolled back from trail file {0} seqno {1} RBA {2} to seqno {3} RBA {4}.
Cause: Recovery repositioned the input trail to an earlier position based on checkpoint information and output trail scanning results.

Action: None

OGG-06590: The output trail file {0} is not found, rescan for previous ones.
Cause: The output trail file indicated by checkpoint record is not found. A rescan will be scheduled to try to recover from a previous trail file.

Action: None

OGG-06591: Reading the output trail file {0} encounters an error from position {1}, rescan from the file header to recover.
Cause: Scanning the output trail file encountered an error, when starting from the position indicated by checkpoint record. A rescan will be scheduled to recover from the beginning of this trail file.

Action: None

OGG-06592: Recovering from output trail {0} is failed
Cause: A recovery attempt on corrupt input position failed.

Action: Contact Oracle Support.

OGG-06593: Not enough information from output trail {0} to rollback input position.
Cause: A recovery attempt on corrupt input position failed, not enough information to find a safe rollback point.

Action: Contact Oracle Support.

OGG-06594: Replicat {0} has been altered. Even the start up position might be updated, duplicate suppression remains active in next startup. To override duplicate suppression, start {0} with NOFILTERDUPTRANSACTIONS option.
Cause: The duplicate suppression is active at startup time by default, even the Replicat is altered by GGSCI. To skip duplicate suppression at startup time, use the NOFILTERDUPTRANSACTIONS command line option.

Action: None

OGG-06595: The Replicat command line option FILTERDUPTRANSACTIONS is already a default. It is not necessary to explicitly specify this option.
Cause: FILTERDUPTRANSACTIONS is a default option for Replicat.

Action: None

OGG-06596: Internal error processing Component Failed: {0}. Error Message: {1}. Error Text: {2}.
Cause: This is an internal processing error.

Action: Contact Oracle Support.

OGG-06597: Unexpected error when mapping from {0} to {1}. Wildcarded member encountered when it was not expected Member Name: {2}.
Cause: This is an internal processing error.

Action: Contact Oracle Support.

OGG-06598: {0} is a compressed table but TRANLOGOPTIONS ALLOWTABLECOMPRESSION parameter is not specified in the Extract parameter file.
Cause: OGG can capture compressed tables only when ALLOWTABLECOMPRESSION parameter is specified in the Extract parameter file. This applies to DB2 v9.7 and earlier.

Action: Add ALLOWTABLECOMPRESSION in Extract parameter file. Tables with LOB columns cannot be captured when this parameter is set.

OGG-06599: Unable to set Replication tag due to OCI error {1} (status = {0, number, 0}), SQL <{2}>
Cause: There was an error while setting Replication tag in database. This is expected behavior in some RDBMS versions, such as Oracle Database Standard Edition

Action: None

OGG-06600: The remote peer for remote trail {0} does not support 9 digit seqlen feature. Continuing with 6 digit seqlen.
Cause: Remote trail is defined to have a 9 digit sequence number, but the remote peer does not support this feature.

Action: Downgrade the remote trail with a 6 digit sequence number or upgrade the remote peer.

OGG-06601: Mismatch between the length of seqno from checkpoint ({1}) and recovery ({2}) for Extract trail {0}.
Cause: The sequence length of trail files returned by recovery process is different from the checkpoint. It's possible that residual trail files from a previous Extract process still exist.

Action: Upgrade/downgrade the sequence length of the trail to match existing trail files or remove any residual trail files from a previous Extract process.

OGG-06602: Invalid support_mode value on table {0}.
Cause: Query into DBA_GOLDENGATE_SUPPORT_MODE view returns an unexpected value.

Action: Contact Oracle Support.

OGG-06603: Invalid {0} specification ({1})
Cause: The parameter contains an invalid input substitution string.

Action: Specify a valid substitution string for this parameter. For help, see the Oracle GoldenGate reference documentation.

OGG-06604: Database {0} CPU info: CPU Count {1}, CPU Core Count {2}, CPU Socket Count {3}
Cause: Report the CPU stats.

Action: None

OGG-06605: Error ({0,number,0}, {1}) fetching schema n ame "{2}"
Cause: The process could not find the specified schema name in the database.

Action: Add the schema to the database.

OGG-06606: A root container connection is required when requesting the list of known containers.
Cause: The supplied connection must be connected to the root level database.

Action: Supply connection details to the root level database.

OGG-06607: The user must have common user privileges when requesting the list of known containers.
Cause: The supplied connection user must be a common user.

Action: Supply a user who has common user privileges.

OGG-06608: Cannot obtain container list because the database does not support catalogs.
Cause: The database does not support catalogs.

Action: Make sure the database supports catalogs.

OGG-06609: Cannot find any container matching the container specification {0}.
Cause: The container specification does not match any open containers in the database.

Action: Make sure the container specification is correct.

OGG-06610: Cannot retrieve checkpoint tables while logged into the root level of a database.
Cause: Do not retrieve checkpoint tables while logged into the root level of a database.

Action: Log into the specified container database.

OGG-06611: Multiple journal Extracts are not supported. Split your Extract so that each Extract is reading from only a single journal.
Cause: Multiple journal Extracts are not supported. The Extract will be reading from multiple journals based on the tables that are defined in the ALTER EXTRACT command in GGSCI.

Action: Split your Extract so that each Extract is reading from only a single journal.

OGG-06621: Cannot Replicate table {0} to database version {1} in Direct mode. The mininum required database version is
Cause: Replicat was unable to process a table with DML handlers because the target database was earlier than release.

Action: Use the dbms_apply_adm.set_dml_handler procedure to remove the DML handler by specifying the user_procedure as NULL. For more information, see the SET_DML_HANDLER Proceduredocumentation in the Oracle Database PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference, version 12.1 release.

OGG-08000: Could not create OCI environment.
Cause: Failed to create OCI environment by OCIEnvNslCreate() call.

Action: Ensure that your Oracle Database instance is installed and configured properly.





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