JavaScript call()和apply()与bind()?

本文翻译自:Javascript call() & apply() vs bind()?

I already know that apply and call are similar functions which set this (context of a function). 我已经知道applycall是用于设置this相似函数(函数的上下文)。

The difference is with the way we send the arguments (manual vs array) 区别在于我们发送参数的方式(手动vs数组)

Question: 题:

But when should I use the bind() method ? 但是我什么时候应该使用bind()方法呢?

var obj = {
  x: 81,
  getX: function() {
    return this.x;


jsbin jsbin




Use .bind() when you want that function to later be called with a certain context, useful in events. 当您希望以后在特定上下文中调用该函数时,请使用.bind() ,在事件中很有用。 Use .call() or .apply() when you want to invoke the function immediately, and modify the context. 若要立即调用该函数并修改上下文,请使用.apply() .call().apply()

Call/apply call the function immediately, whereas bind returns a function that, when later executed, will have the correct context set for calling the original function. 调用/应用立即调用该函数,而bind返回一个函数,该函数稍后执行时,将具有正确的上下文集来调用原始函数。 This way you can maintain context in async callbacks and events. 这样,您可以在异步回调和事件中维护上下文。

I do this a lot: 我经常这样做:

function MyObject(element) {
    this.elm = element;

    element.addEventListener('click', this.onClick.bind(this), false);

MyObject.prototype.onClick = function(e) {
     var t=this;  //do something with [t]...
    //without bind the context of this function wouldn't be a MyObject
    //instance as you would normally expect.

I use it extensively in Node.js for async callbacks that I want to pass a member method for, but still want the context to be the instance that started the async action. 我在Node.js中将它广泛用于异步回调,我想为其传递成员方法,但仍希望上下文成为启动异步操作的实例。

A simple, naive implementation of bind would be like: 一个简单,简单的bind实现是:

Function.prototype.bind = function(ctx) {
    var fn = this;
    return function() {
        fn.apply(ctx, arguments);

There is more to it (like passing other args), but you can read more about it and see the real implementation on the MDN . 它还有更多的功能(就像传递其他args一样),但是您可以阅读更多有关它的内容,并查看MDN上的实际实现。

Hope this helps. 希望这可以帮助。


It allows to set the value for this independent of how the function is called. 它允许设置值, this独立的功能是如何被调用。 This is very useful when working with callbacks: 这在使用回调时非常有用:

  function sayHello(){

  var obj = {
     message : "hello"
  setTimeout(sayHello.bind(obj), 1000);

To achieve the same result with call would look like this: call达到相同的结果看起来像这样:

  function sayHello(){

  var obj = {
     message : "hello"
  setTimeout(function(){}, 1000);


Assume we have multiplication function 假设我们有multiplication功能

function multiplication(a,b){

Lets create some standard functions using bind 让我们使用bind创建一些标准函数

var multiby2 = multiplication.bind(this,2);

Now multiby2(b) is equal to multiplication(2,b); 现在multiby2(b)等于乘法(2,b);

multiby2(3); //6
multiby2(4); //8

What if I pass both the parameters in bind 如果我在绑定中传递了两个参数怎么办

var getSixAlways = multiplication.bind(this,3,2);

Now getSixAlways() is equal to multiplication(3,2); 现在getSixAlways()等于乘法(3,2);


even passing parameter returns 6; 甚至传递参数返回6; getSixAlways(12); //6

var magicMultiplication = multiplication.bind(this);

This create a new multiplication function and assigns it to magicMultiplication. 这将创建一个新的乘法函数,并将其分配给magicMultiplication。

Oh no, we are hiding the multiplication functionality into magicMultiplication. 哦,不,我们将乘法功能隐藏在magicMultiplication中。

calling magicMultiplication returns a blank function b() 调用magicMultiplication返回一个空白function b()

on execution it works fine magicMultiplication(6,5); //30 在执行时,它可以正常工作magicMultiplication(6,5); //30 magicMultiplication(6,5); //30

How about call and apply? 打电话和申请怎么样?,3,2); //6

magicMultiplication.apply(this,[5,2]); //10

In simple words, bind creates the function, call and apply executes the function whereas apply expects the parameters in array 简单来说, bind创建函数, callapply执行函数,而apply期望数组中的参数


They all attach this into function (or object) and the difference is in the function invocation (see below). 他们都附加到这个函数(或对象)不同的是在函数调用(见下文)。

call attaches this into function and executes the function immediately: 调用附加到这个函数并立即执行的功能:

var person = {  
  name: "James Smith",
  hello: function(thing) {
    console.log( + " says hello " + thing);

person.hello("world");  // output: "James Smith says hello world"{ name: "Jim Smith" }, "world"); // output: "Jim Smith says hello world"

bind attaches this into function and it needs to be invoked separately like this: 绑定附加到这个函数和其需要被这样分开调用:

var person = {  
  name: "James Smith",
  hello: function(thing) {
    console.log( + " says hello " + thing);

person.hello("world");  // output: "James Smith says hello world"
var helloFunc = person.hello.bind({ name: "Jim Smith" });
helloFunc("world");  // output: Jim Smith says hello world"

or like this: 或像这样:

var helloFunc = person.hello.bind({ name: "Jim Smith" }, "world");
helloFunc();  // output: Jim Smith says hello world"

apply is similar to call except that it takes an array-like object instead of listing the arguments out one at a time: applycall类似,不同之处在于apply类似于数组,而不是一次列出一个参数:

function personContainer() {
  var person = {  
     name: "James Smith",
     hello: function() {
       console.log( + " says hello " + arguments[1]);
  person.hello.apply(person, arguments);
personContainer("world", "mars"); // output: "James Smith says hello mars", note: arguments[0] = "world" , arguments[1] = "mars"                                     


Both and Function.prototype.apply() call a function with a given this value, and return the return value of that function.使用给定的this值调用一个函数,并返回该函数的返回值。

Function.prototype.bind() , on the other hand, creates a new function with a given this value, and returns that function without executing it. Function.prototype.bind()在另一方面,创建一个具有给定一个新的功能this值,并返回该函数不执行它。

So, let's take a function that looks like this : 因此,让我们采用一个看起来像这样的函数:

var logProp = function(prop) {

Now, let's take an object that looks like this : 现在,让我们来看一个看起来像这样的对象:

var Obj = {
    x : 5,
    y : 10

We can bind our function to our object like this : 我们可以像这样将函数绑定到对象:

Obj.log = logProp.bind(Obj);

Now, we can run Obj.log anywhere in our code : 现在,我们可以在代码中的任何位置运行Obj.log

Obj.log('x'); // Output : 5
Obj.log('y'); // Output : 10

Where it really gets interesting, is when you not only bind a value for this , but also for for its argument prop : 真正有趣的地方是,您不仅this绑定一个值,而且为其参数prop绑定:

Obj.logX = logProp.bind(Obj, 'x');
Obj.logY = logProp.bind(Obj, 'y');

We can now do this : 我们现在可以这样做:

Obj.logX(); // Output : 5
Obj.logY(); // Output : 10
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