
本文翻译自:HTTP Error 503, the service is unavailable

I'm really new to setting up web servers in general. 我一般都很擅长设置Web服务器。 I've got IIS 8 on Windows 8, and I'm trying to set up a little site locally, while doing some development. 我在Windows 8上安装了IIS 8,我正在尝试在本地设置一个小站点,同时进行一些开发。 In IIS I choose Add Site, give a name, points to a location where I have a index.html file (I've tried different locations, latest in a c:\\inetpub\\wwwroot\\test -folder) and otherwise use all default settings. 在IIS中我选择添加站点,给出一个名称,指向我有一个index.html文件的位置(我尝试了不同的位置,最新的c:\\ inetpub \\ wwwroot \\ test -folder),否则使用所有默认值设置。 However, when I try to browse to localhost I get 但是,当我尝试浏览localhost时,我得到了

HTTP Error 503. The service is unavailable. http错误503服务不可用。

I've verified the pool is started, and I've given IIS_IUSRS Full Control on the target folder 我已验证池已启动,并且我已在目标文件夹上提供IIS_IUSRS完全控制

I've search around but not found anything that solved my issue, and there's nothing helpfull in the EventLog or in the C:\\Windows\\System32\\LogFiles\\HTTPERR folder 我一直在搜索,但没有找到解决我问题的任何内容,而且在EventLog或C:\\ Windows \\ System32 \\ LogFiles \\ HTTPERR文件夹中没有任何帮助

Could anyone tell me what's wrong? 谁能告诉我什么是错的?




It is possible that your domain requires the account used for running the AppPool to have batch logon rights. 您的域可能需要用于运行AppPool的帐户具有批量登录权限。 In which case you will see this same error message. 在这种情况下,您将看到相同的错误消息。 The way you can tell if that is the case, is by looking at the System events in the Event Viewer. 您可以通过查看事件查看器中的系统事件来判断是否是这种情况。 There should be an event saying that the account being used with the App Pool has either 'the wrong password or does not have batch logon rights'. 应该有一个事件表明与App Pool一起使用的帐户有“密码错误或没有批量登录权限”。

This is why developers quite often use IIS Express on their development machine, since it by passes the batch logon rights issue. 这就是开发人员经常在他们的开发机器上使用IIS Express的原因,因为它通过了批量登录权限问题。


Start by looking in Event Viewer, either under the System or the Application log. 首先查看事件查看器,在系统或应用程序日志下。

In my case the problem was that no worker process could be started for the App Pool because its configuration file couldn't be read - I had included an extra '.' 在我的情况下,问题是没有为App Pool启动工作进程,因为它的配置文件无法读取 - 我已经包含了一个额外的'。' at the end of its name. 在它的名字的末尾。




I ran into the same issue, but it was an issue with the actual site settings in IIS . 我遇到了同样的问题,但这是IIS实际站点设置的问题。

Select Advanced Settings... for your site/application and then look at the Enabled Protocols value. 为您的站点/应用程序选择Advanced Settings... ,然后查看Enabled Protocols值。 For whatever reson the value was blank for my site and caused the following error: 无论如何,我的网站的值为空白,并导致以下错误:

HTTP Error 503. The service is unavailable. http错误503服务不可用。

The fix was to add in http and select OK . 修复是在http添加并选择OK The site was then functional again. 该网站再次运作。


Check your application's respective Application Framework Pool - it could be stopped. 检查应用程序的相应应用程序框架池 - 可以停止它。 If it is, start it and check again. 如果是,请启动它并再次检查。

If you're still experiencing issues you can also check out Event Viewer to find the cause of that error in order to troubleshoot more. 如果您仍然遇到问题,还可以查看事件查看器以查找该错误的原因,以便进行更多故障排除。





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