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原创 在 Linux 下查看进程运行时间的命令

需要使用 ps 命令来查看关于一组正在运行的进程的信息。ps 命令提供了如下的两种格式化选项。etime 显示了自从该进程启动以来,经历过的时间,格式为 [[DD-]hh:]mm:ss。etimes 显示了自该进程启动以来,经历过的时间,以秒的形式。如何查看一个进程已经运行的时间?你需要在 ps 命令之后添加 -o etimes 或者 -o etime 参数。它

2017-05-12 09:41:20 2176


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大多数通信服务供应商 (CSP) 都在实施大 型数字化转型项目,以便应对困扰他们的 颠覆性因素。在此背景下,区块链技术的 运用不仅可帮助 CSP 改善当前运营环 境,而且能够开拓基于区块链技术的新服 务。此外,随着对透明度和信任度的需求 持续增加, 强大的区块链技术可以强化企 业参与生态系统的基础,支持新业务模 式,从而实现创收。区块链技术的重要程 度只会与日俱增。 CSP 应该从长远利益 出发,评估区块链在收入增长和平台业务 机遇,以及内部效率方面带来的积极影 响。 执行摘要 区块链是目前热议的技术之一。不同行业的企业都在探索区块链对其所 在领域的潜在影响,以及如何利用此项新兴技术获益。通信服务供应商 (CSP) 也不例外。 但是, CSP 面临的最大问题是, “能获取什么样的收益? ”以及“从何处、 如何着手? ”令人欣慰的是,从中获益的机会是真实存在的。区块链共享 总账方法的核心特征是在交易过程中,为各方参与者构建可信、安全、 透明且可控的生态系统。这可降低成本、提高效率,并改善所有参与者 的体验。我们最近开展的全球消费者调研显示,在处理个人数据和保护 隐私安全方面, CSP 竟然位居最可信组织的地位,在某些国家或地区甚 至超过金融机构和政府。 1 这为他们奠定了优势位置,有助于利用区块链 技术来获取收益。 对于 CSP 来说,区块链意味着效率的提升以及全新的收入增长机遇



游娱链white_paper 近年来,区块链技术与应⽤联盟,开展开源项⽬孵化在多个应⽤领域,得到⼴泛的 概念验证和落点落地。区块链是⼀种⾼級的数据库技术,提供了在不可信⽹络中进 ⾏信息与价值传递交换的可信机制,是构建未来价值互联⽹的基⽯。⽬前各国政府、 产业界和学术界都⾼度关注区块链的应⽤发展,未来企业应⽤是区块链的主战场, 联盟链/私有链将成为主流⽅向。 游娱链应⽤将脱虚向实,让更多游戏、娱乐使⽤游娱链提升协作效率、降低成本, 成为价值创新创造的娱乐产业互联⽹⽣态链,打造区块链游娱共享社区。



智能合约的理念,何谓“抵押品”? “抵押品”的目的是什么?它怎样梳理了我们的已 有的关系? 我认为,尤其是合约的规范化,在我们的关系层面实现了理想化抵押品 的蓝图。 多种类型的合约条款, 如抵押品,债券,产权界定等等, 可以嵌入在我 们执行条款的硬件和软件中,通过这样的方式使那些不遵守协议者的违约成 本很高,(如果需要的话,令人望而却步的)。举一个典型的活生生的例子, 我们可以认为智能的原始祖先,是不起眼的自动售货机。 在潜在的、 损失有 限的评估后,使钱箱里的钱远远少于破坏者付出的代价。 根据显示的价格该 机收取硬币, 通过一个简单的机制形成了最初的计算机设计科学,有限自动, 传递变化和制造。自动售货机是搬运合约:任何持有硬币的人可以与供应商 交易。锁箱和其他安全机制保护储藏的硬币和货物会不被破坏, 足以允许自 动售货机有利可图地在各种各样的区域部署。 优越于自动售货机,智能合约通过数字的方法来控制有价值的、所有类 型的任何资产。智能合约涉及到一个动态的、经常主动运作的财产,且提供 更好的观察和核查点,其中主动措施必须分毫不差。 作为另一个例子,为汽车而设计出的假想数字保障系统。智能合约设计 策略建议:持续完善抵押品协议以便其更充分地嵌入到处理资产的合约条款 中。根据合约条款, 这些协议将使加密密钥完全控制于具有操作属性的人,其人正当地拥有该财产。在最简单的实现中,为了防止偷窃,除非被合法的 拥有者完成正确的”挑战-应答“过程,否则车可以呈现出不可操作状态。 如果汽车用做以确保还贷,在这种传统的方式来在实现强大的安全性同 时将创造一个头痛的债权人 - 收款人将不再能够查收赖账的车。为了解决这 一问题,我们可以创建一个智能扣押权协议:如果物主不交费,智能合约调 用扣押权协议,其把车钥匙的控制权交给银行。该协议可能会比雇佣追债人 更便宜、 更有效。进一步的细化,如生成可证明的扣押权权注销,以及当贷 款已还清、处于困境和意外情况下的账户操作。例如,当车子在 75 号高速路 上奔跑的时候,撤销车子的操作将是粗鲁的。 在连续细化的过程中,我们从一个粗糙的抵押品体系,具体化到一个个 具体化的合约: (1)选择性地允许业主锁定和排除第三方 (2)允许债权人接入的秘密途径 (3A)只在违约一段时间且没有付款时秘密途径被打开; 并且 (3b)最后的电子支付完成后将永久地关闭秘密途径。 成熟的抵押品体系将针对不同的合约执行不同的行为。继续讨论我们的 例子,如果汽车的合约是一个租赁,最终付款将关闭承租人访问权; 购买了 债权,那就关掉债权人的访问。通过连续的重新设计方式,抵押品体系越来 越接近其合约的精髓:管理了覆盖财物,信息或被抵押的。可定性的、 不同 的合约条款,以及在财产在属性的技术差异,则引出不同的协议


智投链 (IIC) 白皮书

区块链 (Blockchain) 区块链是一种分布式分类帐技术,基于去中心化的对 等网络,用开源软件把密码学原理、时序数据和共识 机制相结合,来保障分布式数据库中各节点的连贯和 持续,使信息能即时验证、可追溯、但难以篡改和无 法屏蔽,从而创造了一套隐私、高效、安全的共享价 值体系。 根据麦肯锡公司的一份区块链技术报告显示,从 2016 年开始,已有 超过 100 种区块链技术解决方案探索。在全球区块链产业中,中国成 为最活跃的市场。 工信部联合多个行业公司编写的《中国区块链技术和应用白皮书》 中 列举了金融服务、供应链管理、智能制造、文化娱乐、医疗健康、社 会公益和教育就业等区块链可以实现的六个典型应用场景,并分析了 区块链与云计算、大数据、物联网、下一代网络、加密技术和人工智 能等 6 大类新技术的关系



中国区块链技术和应用发展白皮书,当前,全球新一轮科技革命和产业变革持续深入,国际产业格局加速 重塑,创新成为引领发展的第一动力。在这一轮变革中,信息技术是全球研发 投入最集中、创新最活跃、应用最广泛、辐射带动作用最大的领域,是全球 技术创新的竞争高地,是引领新一轮变革的主导力量。 区块链作为分布式数据存储、点对点传输、共识机制、加密算法等技术 的集成应用,近年来已成为联合国、国际货币基金组织等国际组织以及许多 国家政府研究讨论的热点,产业界也纷纷加大投入力度。目前,区块链的应 用已延伸到物联网、智能制造、供应链管理、数字资产交易等多个领域,将为 云计算、大数据、移动互联网等新一代信息技术的发展带来新的机遇,有能 力引发新一轮的技术创新和产业变革。 为推动区块链技术和产业发展,信息化和软件服务业司指导中国电子 技术标准化研究院,联合蚂蚁金融云、万向控股、微众银行、乐视、万达网 络、平安科技等骨干企业,开展区块链技术和应用发展趋势专题研究,编撰 形成了《中国区块链技术和应用发展白皮书(2016)》。白皮书总结了区块链 发展现状和趋势,分析了核心关键技术及典型应用场景,提出了我国区块链 技术发展路线图和标准化路线图等相关建议。白皮书内容详实、分析透彻, 具有较好的参考价值。希望各界共同努力,积极把握区块链发展趋势和规 律,营造良好的发展环境,加速推动我国区块链技术和产业发展。 工业和信息化部



As of November 2017, the total market cap of all cryptocurrencies stands at around $200 Billion USD. This is in comparison to a mere $40 Billion market cap at the beginning of the year, and a stunning success for a market that did not exist less than a decade ago. However, cryptocurrency as an asset class is still in its early days, as a single company’s stock valuation can be multiples of times larger than the entire cryptocurrency market. A simple comparison to the market cap of other asset classes in this visual shows the limited scale but also the great future potential of the cryptocurrency market. To point out a few figures, the global stock market is worth $73 Trillion, the debt market is worth $215 Trillion, the real estate market is worth $217 Trillion, and the derivatives market is worth $544 Trillion. We believe that the cryptocurrency market can become as developed as these existing asset classes, and it is our mission here at Olympus to create the cryptocurrency asset class. Our vision is to bring cryptocurrency-based financial products to main street and to financial institutions in a safe, secure, and transparent manner. This will make it so that the average investment portfolio in the future will include cryptocurrency financial products as much as it includes equity, fixed income, and real estate financial products. Cryptocurrency-based derivative products that are powered by blockchain and smart contract technology will play a key role in building cryptocurrencies into an asset class that is both mature and sustainable in the long term. The current cryptocurrency market experiences high levels of volatility and correlation of price movements tends towards 1 during market crashes. Both of these tendencies leave investors without any downside protection. This means that most of the risk that investors are exposed to is systematic market risk and not idiosyncratic risk, and thus diversification in terms of owning more cryptocurrency types will not solve the fundamental problem of extreme downside risk. The only viable strategy for most seems to be buy, hold and pray; this needs to change for cryptocurrencies to enter into its golden age. Cryptocurrency financial derivative products are critical because they allow the creation of well-diversified cryptocurrency portfolios that can hedge against market risk and extreme volatility. This can allows portfolio managers, asset managers, and private wealth managers to construct cryptocurrency portfolios that are suitable for their investors and meet their !3investment mandates. Average investors will also be able to participate in this market as they can gain exposure without massive volatility and risk to their portfolio and investment capital. Olympus will create cryptocurrency indexes akin to the S&P and work with fund managers to create cryptocurrency funds that meet the investment goals and risk tolerance of their investors. Of course, cryptocurrency derivative products can also be used by more experienced investment professionals to take on more customized exposure and to leverage up. Here, Olympus Labs presents an innovation known as leverage without margin that structurally changes the traditional derivatives framework. Olympus Labs is a blockchain-powered cryptocurrency financial ecosystem that defines the protocol for cryptocurrency-based financial products. The Olympus ecosystem provides investors with a comprehensive financial marketplace filled with financial products, services, and applications that serve their investment needs. Olympus Labs provides the products and tools for investors to properly manage their crypto-wealth, giving them the ability to construct a well-diversified portfolio, to hedge against downside risk, and to make positive returns in any market condition


(中文)Trinity Pitch Deck

(中文)Trinity Pitch Deck在线业务的性质要求资产能够快速私密地进⾏交易, 与传 统技术相⽐, ⽤户拒绝以牺牲性能作为代价。



香港金融管理局区块链白皮书(英文)To many, “fintech” is a term simply associated with the trendy banking or payment services they use via their smartphone apps, or at the virtual counters of their banks. Internet banking and mobile payment applications are certainly important areas in the application of fintech, but they are far from the only ones. Other technologies, from artificial intelligence to big data analytics to virtual reality, are pushing out the possible frontiers of fintech every day. These technologies could bring a sea change to banking and payment services. The subject of this report – distributed ledger technology (DLT) – is just one key example of this beginning to happen. DLT is perhaps better known as “blockchain”. It is essentially technology that supports networks of databases that enable participants to create, disseminate and store information in a secure and efficient manner. While database technologies are not new, what makes DLT special is that these networks of databases can operate smoothly and securely without necessarily being controlled and administered by a central party that is known and trusted by every participant. The potential applications of DLT, as the fintech industry and many central banks and regulatory authorities soon found, are not limited to dealing in virtual currencies or commodities. The very fact that DLT allows information or records to be transferred and updated by network participants, and this to be done in a trustworthy, secure and efficient way, carries enormous potential. However, while the value proposition of DLT is gradually materialising, the use of DLT in financial services is also introducing new risks and giving rise to new legal and governance issues. These require in-depth study before its full potential can be realised. As a regulatory authority, we need to have a thorough understanding of the various governance, risk management and legal issues associated with DLT before its wider use begins in earnest






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