
Specific Practices by Goals 特定实践和目的

SG 1 Establish an Organizational Test Training Capability


A training capability, which supports the organization’s test roles, is established and maintained.


SP 1.1 Identify the strategic test training needs 明确战略性的测试培训需求

The strategic test training needs of the organization are identified and maintained. Example work products 1. Training needs 2. Assessment analysis Sub-practices 1. Analyze the organization’s strategic business objectives, test policy and strategy and (test) process improvement plan to identify current and potential future test training needs Examples of categories of test training needs include the following:  Test engineering and process (e.g., organizational standard test process, test principles, test lifecycle, static test techniques, dynamic test techniques, test tools and test automation)  Test management (e.g., test estimation, tracking, and risk management)  IT related training (e.g., requirements engineering, configuration management, project management, system engineering, software development, development lifecycle models)  Interpersonal skills (e.g., communication, team building)  Domain expertise Note the identification of test process training is primarily based on the skills that are required to perform the organization’s set of standard test processes. 2. Periodically assess the test skill set of the people involved in testing 3. Document the strategic test training needs of the organization 4. Map the test training needs to the test functions (including test career paths) and test roles of the organization 5. Revise the organizations strategic test training needs as necessary


例子工作产品: 1. 培训需求。2. 分析评估

子实践:1.分析组织的战略商业目标。测试方针,和策略以及过程提升计划来明确现在和潜在的将来的培训需求。测试培训需求包括下面几个方面:测试工程和过程,测试管理,IT相关培训,人际关系技巧,经验域,测试过程的培训是建立执行一些列标准测试流程的基础上的。2.定期评估测试相关人的技能。 3.文档化组织的战略测试培训需求。4.对比测试培训需求和测试功能已经组织的测试角色。5.修改组织的战略测试培训需求

SP 1.2 Align the organizational and project test training needs


The organizational and project test training needs are aligned and it is determined which of the test training needs are the responsibility of the organization and which should be left to the individual projects. The organization’s training staff is responsible for addressing common cross-project test training needs. In some cases, however, the organization’s training staff may address additional test training needs of projects within the context of the training resources and the organization’s training priorities. Example work products 1. Common project test training needs 2. Training commitments to projects Sub-practices 1. Analyze the test training needs identified by various projects Analysis of specific project needs is intended to identify common test training needs that can be most efficiently addressed organization-wide. This analysis activity can also be used to anticipate future test training needs that are first visible at the project level. 2. Determine whether the training needs identified by the various projects are project specific or common to the organization Test training needs common to the organization are normally managed by means of the organizational test training program. 3. Negotiate with the various projects on how their specific training needs will be satisfied Examples of training appropriately performed by the project include the following:  Training in the application domain of the project  Training in the unique tools and methods used by the project 4. Document the commitments for providing test training support to the projects Refer to SP 4.2 Plan for test staffing from the process area Test Planning for more information on project specific plans for training.


例子工作产品:1.通用项目测试培训需求。2. 项目的培训承诺

子实践:1. 分析测试培训需求,被特定项目需求的各种项目分析明确。目的是明确通用的测试培训需求,能被高效的处理组织级别。这种分析行为被使用到将来的测试培训需求,首先是在项目级别可见。 2. 下决心是否各个项目明确的培训需求是项目特定的或者是组织级别通用的。3,和各个项目讨论他们的特定培训需求。例子如下:培训项目的应用域,培训项目使用的独特的方法和工具,文档化承诺来提供测试培训给项目。

SP 1.3 Establish an organizational test training plan

An organizational test training plan is established and maintained. Note that in many organizations this planning is performed annually with a review each quarter. Example work products 1. Test training plan 2. Test training commitments Sub-practices 1. Establish test training plan content Examples of elements of an organizational test training plan include the following:  Test training topics  Schedules based on test training activities and their dependencies  Methods used for training  Requirements and quality standards for training materials  Training tasks, roles and responsibilities  Required resources including tools, facilities, environments, and staffing  Required skills and knowledge of the trainers  Data to be collected for measuring training effectiveness 2. Review test training plan with affected groups and individuals, e.g., human resources, test resources and project management 3. Establish commitment to the test training plan 4. Revise test training plan and commitments as necessary

SP 1.4 Establish test training capability 建立测试培训能力

A test training capability is established and maintained to address the organizational training needs and to support the project-specific training needs. Example work products 1. Test training materials and supporting artifacts Sub-practices 1. Select the appropriate approaches to satisfy specific test training needs Examples of training approaches include the following:  Classroom training  Computer-aided instruction  Guided self-study  Formal apprenticeship and mentoring programs  Brown-bag lunch seminars  Structured on-the-job training 2. Determine whether to develop test training materials internally or acquire them externally Example criteria that can be used to determine the most effective mode of knowledge or skill acquisition include the following:  Time available to prepare the training materials  Availability of in-house expertise  Availability of training (materials) from external sources  Available budget  Time required for maintenance of training material 3. Develop or obtain test training materials 4. Develop or obtain qualified instructors 5. Describe the training in the organization’s test training curriculum Examples of the information provided in the test training descriptions for each course include the following:  Training objectives  Topics covered in the training  Intended audience  Prerequisites, e.g., other training courses and practical experience  Preparation for participating  Length of the training  Lesson plans  Completion criteria for the course 6. Revise the test training materials and supporting artifacts as appropriate Examples of situations in which the test training materials and supporting artifacts may need to be revised include the following:  Test training needs change (e.g., when new technology associated with the training topic is available)  When evaluation of the test training identifies the need for change (e.g., evaluations of training effectiveness surveys, training program performance assessments, or instructor evaluation forms)



子实践:1.选择适当的方法来符合特定测试培训需求。培训方法的例子包括:课堂培训。计算机辅助培训,自学,辅导项目,棕袋午饭研讨会,结构化的工作培训。2.决定是否开发测试培训内部材料或者需要的外部材料。 3. 开发和获得测试培训材料。4.开发或者获得有质量的指导。5.在组织的测试培训中描述培训。6修改测试培训材料和适当的支持产物。





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