
















众志成城 战争灾难

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原创 China earthquake contributionsWritten proposal

China earthquake contributionsWritten proposal All Chinese students studying in Australia students May 12, 2008 at 2:28 p.m., in Wenchuan County in Sichuan Province 7.8 earthquake that caused thousand

2008-05-17 15:23:00 587

原创 地震

  A:Hello.   你好   B:Hey,Marco.Its Drew.Are you watching TV now?   嘿,是我Drew.你看电视呢吗?   A:No why?   没有,怎么了?   B:Just turn it on and switch to CCTV channel 9.Theres a striking news   赶快打开电视,拨到中央九台,出大事儿了

2008-05-17 15:21:00 407

原创 关于唐山地震

Hundreds of thousands of people are feared dead following an earthquake measuring 8.3 on the Richter Scale in China. The quake has virtually destroyed the city of Tangshan, north-east of Beijing, and

2008-05-17 15:19:00 416

原创 四川地震感人事迹

汶川地震发生后,遵道镇欢欢幼儿园发生整体垮塌,而此时80多名孩子正在午睡,除园长在外出差,5名老师都在园内。此次地震共造成50多名小孩和3名老师死亡,目前仍有两名老师在医院抢救,一名孩子生死不明。 地震发生后,孩子家长很快就聚集在幼儿园废墟周围,不停地呼喊着孩子的名字,开始孩子们还能在废墟中发出微弱的回应,但随着时间一秒一秒地逝去,回应声越来越弱。家长们也只能无奈地坐在废墟边上,焦急地等待着救援队

2008-06-12 12:14:00 1814

原创 抗震救灾一线丈夫失去爱妻

四川汶川地震感人事迹感人故事:抗震救灾一线丈夫永失爱妻   5月20日,连续抗灾180多个小时的绵阳市小浮桥派出所民警唐勇军接到家中电话,谁知竟是一个噩耗:他的妻子——绵阳市社会福利院工作人员齐羽累倒在抗灾工作岗位上,抛下他和年仅6岁的女儿,永远地走了。这位34岁的硬汉半晌沉默不语,随后再也难忍伤悲,泪如泉涌。夫妻两人同在抗震一线,他怎么也接受不了爱妻离去的残酷事实。   同一城市 夫

2008-06-12 12:12:00 883

原创 奥运主题曲

LIGHT THE PASSION SHARE THE DREAM 《点燃激情 传递梦想》 作曲 鲍比达 作词 黄小茂 演唱 世界小姐 FLAME IS THE LIGHT , 圣

2008-06-03 18:45:00 358

原创 奥运·火炬传递

 奥运会火炬手选拔计划  官方网站6月23日讯 北京奥运会火炬手选拔计划今天在京发布。即日起,北京奥运会21880名火炬手将由各选拔主体以组织系统推荐、选拔,社会公开报名选拔的不同方式面向全球选拔,同时,在中国境内还要选拔5000名护跑手。   火炬手选拔工作是奥运会火炬接力运行筹备阶段重要的核心工作。在奥林匹克圣火从希腊奥林匹亚传递到举办城市的旅程中,火炬手化身为奥林匹克理想的承

2008-06-03 18:41:00 395

原创 北京奥运场馆:上海体育场 Shanghai Stadium

Shanghai is situated in the middle of the east coastline and southern wing of the Yangtze River Delta. It is Chinas major industrial and commercial centre. Shanghai has a population of over 13.5 mill

2008-05-27 20:48:00 601

原创 北京奥运场馆:沈阳奥林匹克体育中心 Shenyang Olympic Stadium

(BEIJING, May 9) -- The Shenyang Olympic Sports Center Stadium, one of the five football venues in the 2008 Olympic Games, is expected to be completed next month, constructors said.Projected to have

2008-05-27 20:47:00 1148

原创 秦皇岛市奥体中心体育场 Qinhuangdao Olympic Sports Center Stadium

Of all the new stadia to host the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games, the Qinhuangdao Olympic Sports Centre Stadium was the first to be completed in 2004. The six-story building boasts a distinctive desig

2008-05-27 20:45:00 802

原创 五福临门:北京奥运吉祥物象征解析

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2008-05-20 09:12:00 692

原创 奥运五环

The colours of the interlinked Olympic rings were chosen by the International Olympic Committee (IOC) , to represent the union of the 5 continents , Australia , Africa , America , Asia and Europe and

2008-05-20 09:09:00 384

原创 2008绿色奥运

 Business leaders, industry insiders and government officials flocked to Beijing (6-14), brought together by two words: "Green Olympics."   More than 30 enterprises, half from abroad, met to discuss c

2008-05-20 09:08:00 262

原创 北京2008年奥运会口号

"One World One Dream" fully reflects the essence and the universal values of the Olympic spirit -- Unity, Friendship, Progress, Harmony, Participation and Dream. It expresses the common wishes of peop

2008-05-20 09:07:00 952

原创 飘雪

You dont care for me,You dont care where I have been,Ive done all I could,So that I could be with you,Anyway you want,I did everything you need,Maybe now you can see,That our love was meant to be.B

2008-05-19 18:25:00 261

原创 sitting alone 心雨 英文版

sitting alonei keep thinking of your loveTrying to get byall of my lonely timei can feel the rainfalling down the whole night throughright now i feeling so bluesomehow someday somewhere sometimesyou a

2008-05-19 18:22:00 1054

原创 GG广告

<!--google_ad_client = "pub-5554951233024040";/* 160x600, 创建于 08-5-3 */google_ad_slot = "6969502619";google_ad_width = 160;google_ad_height = 600;//--><script type="text/javascript"src

2008-05-15 11:25:00 450

转载 伸出援手 众志成城——救灾专用帐号

中国红十字会总开户单位:中国红十字会总会人民币开户行:中国工商银行北京分行东四南支行人民币账号:0200001009014413252棉被       100元粮食       300元     大米、方便面、水等食用油     50元           5升执行费用   50元    用于救灾物资仓储、运输、发放等外币开户行:中信银行酒仙桥支行外币账号:711211148260

2008-05-15 11:10:00 914

转载 受灾人员亲属讲述:老公埋30个小时被救


2008-05-15 11:07:00 727

转载 救援人员已经救出64725名伤员

新华网北京5月15日凌晨电 (“新华视点”记者) 14日,汶川地震后第三天,时间在一分一秒地过去……第一位的任务仍是救人!自这场与唐山大地震震级相当的地震发生那一刻起,灾区废墟下的生命,就在和时间赛跑。虽然灾难严重、路途受阻,救援客观条件极端恶劣,但到14日13时,救援人员已进入四川震区所有受灾县,县一级的救援“盲点”全部打开,救援工作向纵深展开。截至目前,已经救出伤员64725人

2008-05-15 11:05:00 594



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