

[url=http://www.forgedui.com/]ForgedUI[/url] is a visual design tool that allows Titanium Studio developers to quickly and easily design and develop app interfaces for iPhone and Android platforms.

Developers have continued to choose the popular Titanium Studio development tool to develop mobile apps because of the low-learning curve required and the ease of which a single code-base can be used to manage and maintain apps on multiple platforms. However, interface design has for some time now been holding back a large portion of productivity gains Titanium Studio affords the developer, and it is ForgedUI’s goal to free the developer from that obstacle and turbo-charge app development.

[size=large][b]Its About Time-to-Market[/b][/size]

With a visual environment and drag-and-drop style interface to aid the developer, ForgedUI improves app development productivity by reducing the time it takes to develop interfaces. With the reduced overhead required to develop interfaces, apps get completed faster and time-to-market is reduced.

[size=large][b]Its About Productivity[/b][/size]

The component based nature of ForgedUI allows for quick access to update and modify the property values of objects all from the same visual interface within Titanium Studio without touching any code. Just click, type or select the desired properties from the list available in the properties inspector window and when code generation is triggered, the code output will have the properties inserted. This saves time in typing code, reference checking, and having to sensitivity test.

[size=large][b]Visual Graphical User Interface(GUI) Designer[/b][/size]

Full featured “What You See Is What You Get” (WYSIWYG) Editor supporting drag-and-drop component layout. Build interfaces in a snap visually without the complexity, tedium and overhead of writing code. Spend more time focusing on your app’s functionality and minimize time spent on pixel-pushing interfaces in order to get it “just right”.

[size=large][b]Supports iPhone and Android Platform Projects[/b][/size]

Supports designing interfaces for iPhone and Android platforms in multiple resolutions. Components scale and render proportionately following the designated resolution used. Simply create a new interface project, select the platform and choose the desired resolution to work on. ForgedUI then presents the appropriate workspace based on your selection making it easy to visualize the end result in real-time as you begin designing the interface.

*Currently includes support for Titanium Mobile API’s only. Tablet support is coming soon. Titanium Desktop API’s are currently not supported at all.

[size=large][b]1-Click Code Generation[/b][/size]

Generate Titanium compilable code with just one click that can be easily be integrated into exiting Titanium projects or run as new. Code generation is completely modular and is stored as a separate resource file within your Titanium project creating separation between functional and interface code. ForgedUI allows you to specify parent/child relationships between compatible components and intelligently generates code that conforms to the required layout and relationship rules.

[size=large][b]Integrates Directly into Titanium Studio[/b][/size]

Enhances work-flow and productivity by integrating directly into Titanium Studio. Once installed, ForgedUI implements itself as a perspective allowing the user to switch dynamically between the Titanium Studio and ForgedUI workspace. This allows the windows unique to ForgedUI to be toggled, to appear when needed, so as not to clutter the default Titanium Studio workspace. When ready to develop interfaces, simply switch perspectives to ForgedUI and the outline view, component palette, properties window, and designer view become accessible.

[size=large][b]How to install ForgedUI[/b][/size]

Open and login to your “Titanium Studio”, click the “Help” menu on top and click “Install New Software”

[size=large][b]How to use ForgedUI[/b][/size]

To begin using ForgedUI, please review the video tutorial below:
[url=http://www.youtube.com/embed/FvzF-6dxuMs]ForgedUI Tutorial @ YouTube[/url]
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声明:本人自己研发 现在免费使用 有需要帮助请登陆网站:www.moduleframework.com.cn Visual Web Developer(可视化Web开发工具) 可视化Web开发工具由Visual Web Developer开发环境, WebFramework运行环境 2大部分组成, Visual Web Developer是基于Windows的一个开发工具,提供了一系列控件, 让您的模块实现只需要通过拖沓控件,指定控件的属性,事件,完全让B/S开发工作 和VB,DELPHI这样的开发工具一样,简单方便,开发出来的界面完全和C/S操作一样,如窗口化的操作, 桌面程序的界面风格等。 WebFramework是基于J2EE技术的一个运行环境,主要负责解释Visual Web Developer开发出来的程序并运行。 开发工具的运行环境(WebFramework): Visual Web Developer开发出来的程序,最终要经过WebFramework解释运行。 WebFramework内置Log4j,Hibernate,DWR,cache等开源技术。 并且实现常用部分功能,如用户登录注册,用户角色与权限,系统模块管理,资源管理,文件上传与下载等。 可以跨操作系统,跨数据库(您不再需要关心数据库的厂商是采用什么了) 支持多种浏览器显示运行结果。如IE,FireFox,Opera,Maxthon,Netcape等。 开发流程: 开发工具主界面: 主界面上半部分由菜单,基本工具栏,控件工具栏(有文本框,Label,下拉框,复选框,按钮,树等控件) 中间是窗口设计,右边由控件列表和属性,事件组成(可编写代码,代码中可以直接调用Java中编写的类)。 图片:http://www.moduleframework.com.cn/images/vwd-main-full.jpg http://www.moduleframework.com.cn/images/webfk-main.jpg 点击放大 运行效果图: Visual Web Developer设计出来的程序,通过WebFramework解释运行后的效果图。 效果图中由2个窗口组成,当点击登录窗口中的注册时,弹出注册对话框,并且弹出是采用模式对话框。


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