Understanding Caching

Since the earliest days of microprocessors, system designers
have been plagued by a problem in which the speed of the CPU's operation
exceeded the bandwidth of the memory subsystem to which it was
connected. To avoid wasting CPU cycles while waiting for the
memory to fetch the requested data, the universally adopted solution
was to use an area of faster (and thus more expensive) memory to cache
main memory data. This solution allowed the CPU to operate at its natural speed as
long as the data it required was available in the cache.
The purpose of this article is to
explain caching from the point of view of a
kernel programmer. I also explain some
of the common terms used to describe caches.
This article is divided into
sections whose kernel programming relevance is
indicated; that is, some sections explain that
cache properties are irrelevant to understanding
the essentials of how the kernel handles caching.
If you're coming from an Intel IA32 background,
caching is practically transparent to you.
In order to write kernel code that
operates correctly on all the architectures Linux
supports, however, you need to know the essentials of how
caching works in general.
A Cache and Its Properties
Simply put, a cache is a place that buffers memory accesses and may
have a copy of the data you are requesting. Usually one thinks of
caches (there may be more than one) as being stacked; the CPU is at the
top, followed by layers of one or more caches and then the main memory. In this
hierarchy, caches are quantified by their level. The cache closest to
the CPU is called level one, L1 for short, and caches increase in level until
the main memory is reached.
A cache line is the smallest unit of memory that can be
transferred to or from a cache. The essential elements
that quantify a cache are called the read and write line
widths. These signify the minimum amount of data the cache
must read or write from the memory or cache below it. Frequently,
these quantities are the same, so caches often are quantified
simply by the line width. Even if they differ, the longest
width usually is called the line width.
The next property that quantifies a cache is its size. This
number is an indication of how much data could be stored in the cache.
Often, the performance rule of thumb is the bigger the cache, the
better the benchmarks.
A multilevel cache can be either inclusive
or exclusive. Exclusive means a particular
cache line may be present in exactly one of the cache levels and no more
than one.
Inclusive means the line may be present simultaneously in more than one
level of cache. Nothing prevents the line widths from being
different in differing cache levels.
Finally, a particular cache can be either write through or write back.
Write through means the cache may store a copy of the data, but the write
must be completed at the next level down before it can be signaled as
complete to the layer above. Write back means a write
may be considered complete as soon as the data is stored in the cache.
For a write back cache, as long as the written data is not
transmitted, the cache line is considered dirty,
because it ultimately must be written out to the level below.
Cache Management and Coherency
One of the most basic problems with caches is
A cache line is termed coherent when the data in the line is identical
to the data stored in the main memory being cached. If this is
not true, the cache line is termed incoherent. Lack of coherency can
cause two particular problems.
The first problem, which may occur for all caches, is stale data.
In this situation, data has changed in main memory but the cache hasn't been
updated to reflect the change. This usually manifests itself as an
incorrect read, as illustrated in Figure 1.
This is a transient error, because the correct data is sitting in main
memory; the cache simply needs to be told to bring it in.

Figure 1. Stale Data Problem
The second problem, which occurs only with write back caches,
can cause actual destruction of data and is much more insidious.
As illustrated in Figure 2, the data has
been changed in memory, and it also has been changed separately by a CPU write to the
cache. Because the cache must write out one line at a time, there now is
no way to reconcile the changes—either the cache line must be
purged without being written, losing the CPU's change, or the line
must be written out, thus losing the changes made to main
memory. All programmers must avoid reaching the
point where data destruction becomes inevitable; they can do this through
the judicious use of
the various cache management APIs.

Figure 2. Data Destruction by Dirty Cache Lines
Cache-Line Interference
The situation where two sets of independent data lie in the same
cache line, potentially leading to the data destruction
detailed above, is termed cache-line interference.
If you are laying out data structures in memory, the general
rule to avoid this situation is never, ever have data
that can be modified outside of the caches mixed with data the CPU
may ordinarily use. If you absolutely have to violate this rule,
make sure all externally modifiable elements of the structure are
aligned L1_CACHE_BYTES, a value set at
compile time to the largest possible cache width value for all the
processors on which your code may run.
The best thing to do is use kmalloc to
allocate two separate regions. kmalloc
never allocates two regions that overlap in a cache
Cache Management Instructions
The most basic instruction, called an invalidate, simply ejects
the nominated line from all caches. Any reference to data in that
line causes it to be re-fetched from main memory. Thus, the stale
data problem may be resolved by invalidating the cache line before
reading the data. In Linux, such an invalidation is done with:
dma_cache_inv(unsigned long address
              unsigned long size);
where address is the virtual address on which to begin,
and size is the length of data to
invalidate. Note that size
is rounded up automatically to a multiple of the cache line width.
For write back caches, any dirty cache line may be written out,
or flushed, to main memory using:
dma_cache_wback(unsigned long address,
                unsigned long size);
This flushing must be done before anything changes the main memory
under the dirty cache line. You therefore must issue the flush before an
external entity (such as a PCI card) modifies main memory and issue an
invalidate after this flush but before the CPU accesses any
data that has changed.
In theory, for write back caches an invalidate kills the
cache line without actually writing the data out, thus destroying the
data in the cache. A safer thing to do in this case is issue a flush and
invalidate instruction:
dma_cache_wback_inv(unsigned long address,
                    unsigned long size);
This flushes the cache lines to main memory and then invalidates them
from the cache.
Types of Caches
This section explains how a cache actually works.
The only vital piece of information you need from this section is a
property called aliasing, which means that the
same physical address in memory may be cached in multiple distinct
cache lines. How the kernel actually manages the aliases is
discussed in the following section.
In a directly mapped cache, as shown in Figure 3, the cache is divided up
into cache lines of known width (four in the example). Each line in the
cache is characterized by a unique index, so every byte in the cache is
addressed by the index of the line and offset into the line. Each index
of the cache also possesses a hidden number called the tag.

Figure 3. A Directly Mapped Cache
Every address in the system is divided into three pieces—tag,
index and offset—along a power of two boundary (Figure 4).
When a line is brought into the cache, the tag and index are
extracted from the address. The line is stored in the cache at the
required index, and the hidden tag is stored along with the line data.
When the CPU makes reference to a particular address, the cache is
consulted at the given index. If the tags match, the offset
into the line is fetched to satisfy the address reference. If the
tags do not match, the current line may be flushed back to main
memory and the correct line brought into the cache.
Every cache-able address has one and only one
corresponding index line, which can cause problems. For instance, if
the processor reads a sequence of addresses that accidentally happen
to correspond to the same cache index, the cache line must be
evicted and re-fetched on each read. Such a situation easily can happen in,
a for loop reading elements of a
structure that happens to be about the same size as the cache. For
directly mapped caches, the index sometimes is called the cache
color, and this problem is called the cache-line
coloring problem.
To get around the coloring problem of directly mapped caches,
cache circuitry sometimes is arranged so that a cache lookup can
compare tags simultaneously in more than one cache line. In an N-way
associative cache, each index corresponds to N cache lines (and tags);
thus, we can have up to N addresses with the same index simultaneously
in the cache. The added parallel cache lookup circuitry tends to
increase the cost of associativity somewhat, so it usually is
found only in higher-end CPUs.
At the very top of the range, you might find a
fully associative cache. This type of cache has
no index at all, and all lines are consulted at once when looking for a
particular tag.
All modern CPUs handle address translation, which means the virtual address used by the kernel or application
to refer to memory isn't the same as the physical address where the
data actually resides.
The caches can be placed before or after address translation, and sometimes in a hierarchical cache there is a mixture of
placements. Each of these placements has different properties and
features as described below.
In physically indexed, physically tagged (PIPT) caches, the tag and index
of the cache are both in physical memory, that is, after virtual address
translation has been done. This process is nice and simple, but the disadvantage of
PIPT caches is that a valid
address translation must be in the TLB (translation lookaside buffer)
of the CPU. If such a TLB entry needs to be fetched from memory
before the address translation can be done, the advantage of caching
the data is lost. Even if a TLB entry is present, the TLB lookup and
the cache lookup must be done sequentially, making these caches
In virtually indexed, virtually tagged (VIVT) caches, on the other hand,
both the index and tag are in the virtual address space in which
the CPU currently is operating. Although this makes cache lookups
much faster (no address translation needs to be done before the
lookup or after, if the cache lookup is successful), they
suffer from several other problems:

  • Virtual address translations usually are changed as
    part of normal kernel operation, so the cache must pay careful
    attention to changes in TLB entries (and changes in address space) and
    flush cache lines whose translations have changed.

  • Even in a single address space, multiple
    virtual addresses may exist for the same physical address. Each of these
    virtual addresses would be cached separately, even though they
    represent the same data. This is called the cache-line
    aliasing problem.
    Generally, though, the added lookup speed of a VIVT cache
    outweighs its disadvantages, making it the predominant cache
    type for non-x86 CPUs.
    A type of hybrid cache designed to overcome some of the shortcomings
    of the VIVT cache without sacrificing too much of its speed advantage
    is virtually indexed, physically tagged (VIPT) caching. The index is
    on the virtual address, but the tag is on the physical address, so the
    combination (tag, offset) must specify the full physical address. This
    requirement causes the tags to be larger than the tags for other cache
    The VIPT cache gains its speed advantage over PIPT because the
    address translation and the cache lookup now can be done in parallel.
    The CPU doesn't know if the cache line is valid (the tags
    match), however, until the address translation has completed.
    The disadvantages of VIVT are overcome because the tag is
    physical, thus the VIPT cache automatically detects aliasing when it
    sees that two tags are identical in the cache. Thus, a VIPT cache may
    be constructed in such a fashion that cache-line aliasing never
    This fourth theoretical type of cache, physically indexed, virtually tagged
    (PIVT), is basically useless and
    is not discussed further.
    The Aliasing Problem
    Any time the kernel sets up more than one virtual mapping for
    the same physical page, cache line aliasing may occur. The kernel is
    careful to avoid aliasing, so it usually occurs only in one
    particular instance: when the user mmaps a
    file. Here, the kernel has one virtual address for pages of the file
    in the page cache, and the user may have one or more different virtual
    addresses. This is possible because nothing prevents the user
    from mmaping the file at multiple locations.
    When a file is mmaped, the kernel adds the
    mapping to one of the inode's lists: i_mmap,
    for maps that cannot change the underlying data, or
    i_mmap_shared, for maps that can change the
    file's data. The API for bringing the cache aliases of a page into
    sync is:
    void flush_dcache_page(struct page *page);
    This API must be called every time data on the page is altered by the
    kernel, and it should be called before reading data from the page if
    page->mapping->i_mmap_shared is not empty. In
    architecture-specific code, flush_dcache_page
    loops over the i_mmap_shared list and flushes the
    cache data. It then loops over the i_mmap list and
    invalidates it, thus bringing all the aliases into sync.
    Separate Instruction and Data Caches
    In their quest for efficiency, processors often have separate
    caches for the instructions they execute and the data on which they operate.
    Often, these caches are separate mechanisms, and a data write
    may not be seen by the instruction cache. This causes problems if you
    are trying to execute instructions you just wrote into memory, for
    example, during module loading or when using a trampoline. You must use
    the following API:
    flush_icache_range(unsigned long start,
                       unsigned long end);
    to ensure that the instructions are seen by the instruction cache
    prior to execution. start and
    end are the starting and ending addresses,
    respectively, of the block of memory you modified to contain
    your instructions.
    General Cache Flushing
    Two APIs globally flush the CPU caches:
    void flush_cache_all(void);
    void flush_cache_mm(struct mm_struct *mm);
    These flush all the caches in the system and only the lines in the
    cache belonging to the particular process address space mm.
    Both of these are extremely expensive operations and should be
    used only when absolutely necessary.
    Caching in SMP Environments
    When more than one CPU is in the system, a
    level of caching usually exists that is unique to each CPU. Depending on the
    architecture, it may be the responsibility of the kernel to ensure
    that changes in the cache of one CPU become visible to the other CPUs.
    Fortunately, most CPUs handle this type of coherency problem in
    hardware. Even if they don't, as long as you follow the APIs
    listed in this article, you can maintain coherency across all the
    I hope I've given you a brief overview of how caches
    work and how the kernel manages them. The contents of this article
    should be sufficient for you to understand caching in most kernel
    programming situations you're likely to encounter. Be aware, however,
    that if you get deeply into the guts of kernel cache management
    (particularly in the architecture-specific code), you likely will
    come across concepts and APIs not discussed here.
    James Bottomley is the software architect for SteelEye.
    He maintains the SCSI
    subsystem, the Linux Voyager port and the 53c700 driver. He also has
    made contributions to PA-RISC Linux development in the area of
    DMA/device model abstraction.





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