salesforce 开源_将Salesforce承诺1开源

salesforce 开源

Did you know that contributing to open source is a great way to give back? Giving back to our community is one of our core values at Salesforce; in fact, it is actually built into our DNA with the 1:1:1 model! To stay true to Salesforce and also celebrate our love of open source, the Salesforce Open Source Programs team has launched internal quarterly volunteer events. It has been a success at Salesforce and we want to encourage other companies to do it as well. Our employees have the opportunity to spend 56 hours per year doing Volunteer Time Off (VTO), but, even if your company doesn’t offer this time, volunteering together can be a great way to build team camaraderie. It’s easy to do and we carefully outlined the steps below if you are interested in bringing this to your company! What qualifies an open source project as giving back or volunteering?If the open source project you contribute to is clearly philanthropic in nature, or belongs to a nonprofit, it is a great project to use as a volunteer activity. However, if your contributions align with your normal work function, we do not count it as a volunteer activity. Many open source projects belong to nonprofit foundations, such as:

您是否知道为开源做贡献是回馈的好方法? 回馈社区是Salesforce的核心价值观之一; 实际上,它实际上是通过1:1:1模型内置到我们的DNA中的! 为了忠于Salesforce并庆祝我们对开放源代码的热爱,Salesforce开放源代码计划团队已启动了内部季度性志愿者活动。 在Salesforce上取得了成功,我们也希望鼓励其他公司也这样做。 我们的员工每年有机会花费56个小时进行志愿者休假(VTO),但是,即使您的公司不提供此时间,但一起志愿服务也是建立团队友情的一种好方法。 这很容易做到,如果您有兴趣将其引入您的公司,我们会仔细概述以下步骤! 什么使开放源代码项目具有回馈或志愿服务的资格? 如果您参与的开源项目在性质上显然是慈善的,或者属于非营利组织,那么将其用作志愿者活动是一个很棒的项目。 但是,如果您的贡献与您的正常工作职能保持一致,则我们不会将其视为志愿者活动。 许多开源项目都属于非营利基金会,例如:

Because so many open source projects belong to nonprofit foundations, you may be surprised at the scope of what counts as volunteering. Motivation and intent are a big factor in determining whether something qualifies as giving back or not. In general, “If you have to ask, it’s probably not giving back.”

由于有许多开源项目属于非营利基金会,因此您可能会对志愿服务的范围感到惊讶。 动机和意图是确定某物是否符合回馈条件的重要因素。 通常,“如果您要问的话,可能就没有回报。”

计划开源VTO活动的步骤: (Steps to plan an Open Source VTO event:)

  1. Determine if your team or company has an area of focus that they would want to contribute to. For example: recent events such as wildfire relief or COVID-19 tools, projects that support an employee resource group (ERG), etc.

    确定您的团队或公司是否有他们想要贡献的重点领域。 例如:最近发生的事件,例如野火救济或COVID-19工具,支持员工资源组 (ERG)的项目等。

  2. Review the projects available in the HFOSS Project Directory.


  3. Select projects that you feel fit with your team or company’s interests.

  4. You can have everyone contribute to the same project, but we recommend giving three to four options. People can also work on a project of their own choice.

    您可以让每个人都为同一项目做出贡献,但是我们建议您提供三到四个选项。 人们还可以自己选择一个项目。
  5. We recommend choosing projects that have a Code of Conduct in place. Codes of Conduct help facilitate safe, welcoming, and productive work environments for contributors.

    我们建议选择已制定行为准则的项目。 行为准则有助于为贡献者提供安全,友好且富有成效的工作环境。
  6. Is there someone in your company who regularly contributes to open source? You can ask them to give a quick overview of Open Source and why it’s important. This can help motivate people who have never contributed before. (For reference, our events normally start with a one hour introductory talk and then provide three hours of time for participants to work on open source contributions.)

    您公司中是否有人定期为开源做出贡献? 您可以要求他们快速概述开放源代码及其重要性。 这可以激励那些从未做出过贡献的人们。 (作为参考,我们的活动通常从一个小时的介绍性演讲开始,然后为参与者提供三个小时的时间来进行开源贡献。)
  7. Provide some tips for first time contributors that will be joining, such as:


    - You can look for issues on the project’s GitHub repo tagged “Good First Issue,” “Beginners Only,” or “First Timers.”

    -您可以在项目的GitHub存储库中查找标记为“ Good First Issue”,“ Beginners Only”或“ First Timers”的问题。

    - Look for the project’s “Contributor Guide.” You can do a web search for the project name + “Contributor Guide.”

    -查找项目的“贡献者指南”。 您可以在网络上搜索项目名称+“贡献者指南”。

  8. Share the projects that they will be working on ahead of time. Some people might want to check them out to get ready.

    提前分享他们将要从事的项目。 有些人可能想检查一下以准备就绪。
  9. Encourage people to work in groups!


    - Open source can be intimidating for someone who hasn’t contributed before. Encouraging them to work in groups allows them to ask questions and receive support as they make their first contribution!

    -开源可能会威胁到以前从未做出过贡献的人。 鼓励他们分组合作,使他们在提出自己的第一稿时就可以提出问题并获得支持!

  10. Don’t have everyone in the same space? This is a great event for distributed teams. You do not need to all be in one place. When we run them they are fully virtual since open source can be done anywhere, anytime.

    不是每个人都在同一个空间吗? 对于分布式团队来说,这是一个伟大的事件。 您不必全都放在一个地方。 当我们运行它们时,它们是完全虚拟的,因为开源可以在任何地方,任何时间进行。

We would love to hear about an Open Source volunteer event you’ve held at your company! Share it on Twitter using the #opensourcevto hashtag.

我们希望听到您在公司举办的开源志愿者活动! 使用#opensourcevto标签在Twitter上共享它。


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