ai/ml_本月有关AI / ML的令人印象深刻的中等文章


意见 (Opinion)

At the end of each month, I reflect on the Medium articles that I’ve read, and I try to re-read and save the articles that provided some form of value.


Now, I’ve decided to share the top four articles I came across on Medium in July.


There are tons of interesting and well-written articles on Medium, and these four are just ones that stood out to me personally, so do consider that my selections are purely subjective.


If you come across any AI/ML related articles you would like me to read and include in my weekly/monthly article coverage, feel free to tag me in the comment section of articles and I’ll take a review. Or connect and send a link to the article on LinkedIn

如果您遇到任何与AI / ML相关的文章,希望我阅读并将其包括在每周/每月的文章报道中,请随时在文章的评论部分中为我添加标签,然后进行审核。 或连接并发送链接到 LinkedIn 上的文章

知道什么是雇主希望通过在-2020数据科学家角色谢里夫Shaik (Know What Employers are expecting for a Data Scientist Role in-2020 by Shareef Shaik)

The impressively well-written article by Shareef Shaik illustrates the state of the Data Science Job market in India, in an intuitive visual format.

Shareef Shaik令人印象深刻且写得很好的文章以直观的视觉形式说明了印度数据科学工作市场的状况。

Stating that there is a wealth of information to be gained from reading Shareef’s article is an understatement. The article leverages scraped data to provide statistical information with the following:

轻描淡写地指出,阅读Shareef的文章可以获得大量信息。 本文利用抓取的数据来提供以下统计信息:

  • Where in India are job postings based?

  • Percentage of the number of job postings categorized by companies

  • Particular Data Science roles in demand, along with what skills are generally sought after by employers.


Shareef, a self-taught Data Scientist, has gone through a standard data science project pipelines to present this information.


The content in this article is useful for anyone in the Data Science industry that is currently job seeking in India. The article informs you of where to search for roles, and even more useful, what skills you should acquire to land a position quickly.

本文的内容对目前正在印度求职的数据科学行业的任何人都非常有用。 本文向您介绍了在何处寻找职位,以及更有用的信息,您需要掌握哪些技能才能快速找到职位。

Apart from the information value of this article, Shareef has presented all code used to scrape, preprocess, tokenize and analyze the aggregated data. Therefore, this article is in as much a practical presentation of data science skills utilization, as well as it is an informative article.

除了本文的信息价值之外,Shareef还提供了用于刮擦,预处理,标记化和分析聚合数据的所有代码。 因此,本文不仅是对数据科学技能利用的实际介绍,而且还是内容丰富的文章。

本文是以下方面的绝佳读物: (This article is an excellent read for:)

  • Data Scientists in India


  • Data Scientists


忘记编码,未来的工作就是哲学作者: 卢卡·罗西 ( Luca Rossi) (Forget About Coding, The Job Of The Future Is Philosophy by Luca Rossi)

One of the most interesting article I read this week. Luca Rossi has written a piece that will send most readers down the path of self and environmental awareness.

我本周阅读的最有趣的文章之一。 卢卡·罗西(Luca Rossi )撰写了一篇文章,它将使大多数读者踏上自我意识和环保意识的道路。

After reading this article, I found my self questioning the impact of my actions and contributions that can lead to the imaginary worlds created within this article.


Luca’s article starts with statements on the effect of job loss as a result of the cyclic regular occurrence of global revolutions such as agricultural, industrial and technological revolution.


He then paints a glimmer of hope with the introduction of new roles and jobs as automation renders traditional manual work obsolete. But this glimmer of hope is blocked by his personal opinions.

然后,随着自动化使传统的手工工作过时,他引入了新的角色和工作,给人一线希望。 但是,他的个人见解阻止了这种一线希望。

Luca states in his article that the non-occurrence of massive job loss due to automation and AI does not guarantee or secure a future with loads of jobs for all. Luca also expresses his concern for a future where automation reigns in all aspect of life and renders us useless; he conveys a concern for the happiness and fulfilment of man.

卢卡(Luca)在他的文章中指出,没有发生由于自动化和AI而造成的大量工作流失,并不能保证或确保所有人都有未来的工作量。 卢卡(Luca)也表达了他对未来的关注,因为未来将在生活的各个方面占据主导地位,并使我们变得无用。 他表达了对人类幸福和成就感的关注。

Luca includes a lists professions that will be eventually doomed, and as I read down the list, I was relieved not to see any machine learning roles. This relief was quickly decimated as Luca points out explicitly that positions not mentioned are still equally victim to the impending job marker apocalypse as a result of machines and automation. He even provides an example of AI emulating the creativity of man through art to support his opinions further.

Luca列出了最终将注定要失败的职业,当我阅读该清单时,我很高兴没有看到任何机器学习角色。 卢卡(Luca)明确指出,由于机器和自动化的结果,未提及的职位仍然是即将来临的工作标志启示的受害者,这种救济很快就被削弱了。 他甚至提供了一个AI通过艺术模仿人类创造力的示例,以进一步支持他的观点。

No one is truly safe. Except for Philosophers

没有人是真正安全的。 除了哲学家

Luca argues that AI can’t replace philosophers, due to the fact the philosophy is the human expression of the ambiguity in the very nature of existence and life, and this is not correlated with ‘pure intelligence’. This is an opinion that I don’t entirely agree with. I could probably get a good debate going with Luca on this subject matter.

卢卡(Luca)辩称,人工智能无法取代哲学家,这是因为哲学是存在与生命本性中模棱两可的人类表达,而这与“纯粹的智力”无关。 我并不完全同意这一观点。 我可能会和卢卡就这个主题进行一次很好的辩论。

Regardless of my opposing views on Luca opinions, I still appreciate the structured approach to his presentation of four philosophical topics that are becoming more and more relevant: morality, consciousness, the meaning of life, and alignment problem.


Luca marries each presented philosophical topics with occurrence in current technology such as self-driving cars, and hypothetical future technologies such as mind transfer and teleportation.


By creating scenarios based on simple and complex events, Luca showcases the disparity between choices that a human could make and presents the possibility of the same decisions made by an AI system.


Luca’s article is probably different from the more technical and straight forward articles a lot of machine learning practitioners are used to reading. But I recommend the regular consumption of articles that explores the philosophical aspects of the advancement of technology. One great book I know that does this well is Superintelligence: Paths, Dangers, Strategies by Nick Bostrom.

Luca的文章可能与许多机器学习从业者习惯阅读的技术性和直截了当的文章有所不同。 但是,我建议您定期阅读一些文章,这些文章探讨了技术进步的哲学方面。 我知道做得很好的一本好书是《 超级智能:路径,危险,策略》 (作者Nick Bostrom)

To conclude an interesting article, Luca boldly states that the fate of the world is in the hands of philosophers, a view I find fascinating.


这篇文章有趣地读为: (This article is an interesting read for:)

  • Technologist


  • Those interested in the philosophical topics intertwined with AI


GPT-3:第一个人工智能? 朱利安·劳雷特(Julien Lauret) (GPT-3: The First Artificial General Intelligence? By Julien Lauret)

One-stop-shop to get information into the history, development and potential of GPT-3.


简短评论 (Short Review)

Julien Lauret’s article is a comprehensive summary of the journey taken so far to create GPT-3.

朱利安·劳雷特(Julien Lauret)的文章全面概述了迄今为止创建GPT-3的过程。

Julien has managed to summarize years of development and introductions of methodology and techniques to model language and solve natural language processing into several small, concise paragraphs.


As well as providing the reader with a background of GPT-3, Julien also gives a somewhat diplomatic answer to the question as to whether GPT-3 is AGI. His response truly reflects the nature of the question itself, in that the question is subjected to the definition of intelligence by whoever poses the question.

除了为读者提供GPT-3的背景知识外,Julien还对GPT-3是否为AGI提出了一些外交上的回答。 他的回答确实反映了问题本身的性质,因为提出问题的人都会对问题进行智力定义。

详细审查 (Detailed Review)

Julien’s latest article on GPT-3 is a well-needed article, as I feel the topic of Artificial General Intelligence(AGI) has almost taken a backseat in our imagination.


Julien points early in the article, two viewpoints on AGI. One viewpoint alludes to the fact that AGI is decades away; while the other questions the possibility of humans ever achieving AGI.

朱利安(Julien)在文章开头指出了关于AGI的两种观点。 一种观点暗示着AGI距今已有数十年之久。 而其他人则质疑人类实现AGI的可能性。

Julien’s article is littered with some technical and specialist terms, but each term is accompanied with a brief definition and in some cases an extensive background.


Terms such as ‘Deep Neural Networks’, ‘Machne translations’, ‘Word2vec’ and ‘Few-shot learning’ are presented and defined in a manner that provides readers with a crash course on language modelling and NLP, as well as the primary information around GPT-3.

呈现和定义“深度神经网络”,“ Machne翻译”,“ Word2vec”和“少量学习”等术语,为读者提供有关语言建模和NLP的速成课程以及主要信息大约是GPT-3。

The article doesn’t mention GPT-3 until halfway through the article, due to the fact that Julien cleverly takes the reader through a journey that outlines crucial developments and research that have contributed to the advancement of language modelling and GPT-3 itself.


Information on the intrinsic characteristics(number of weights) of both GPT-3 and its predecessor are provided to give the reader an understanding of the level of progress the GPT model has made at every released version.


The latter half of the article presents examples of the intuitive application of GPT-3, developed by early access API users.


But more importantly, Julien answers the question proposed in the article’s title. Julien’s conclusion at to whether if GPT-3 is AGI falls on the conclusion that it isn’. But even more so, the answer to the question itself is not as clear as one might think.

但更重要的是,朱利安回答了文章标题中提出的问题。 朱利安关于GPT-3是否为AGI的结论基于“它不是”的结论。 但更重要的是,问题本身的答案并不像人们想象的那么清晰。

The unclarity stems from the fact that the definition of intelligence is ambiguous and subject to an individual’s interpretation.


What Julien states that is an important matter to discuss is the application of GPT-3. We’ve already seen its ability to generate poems, gameplay scenarios and web components defined through language.

朱利安指出,讨论的重要事项是GPT-3的应用。 我们已经看到了其生成诗歌,游戏场景和通过语言定义的Web组件的能力。

What we now need to observe is how the latest feat of AI can be applied in a more general setting that involves videos and images.


Julien’s article interestingly contains segments of philosophical views and statements. For example, Julien points to the proposition that we can’t determine the level of intelligence GPT-3 possesses, just as we can’t determine the level of cognitive function of a paralyzed person or individual with physical limitations.

朱利安的文章有趣地包含了一些哲学观点和陈述。 例如,朱利安(Julien)指出我们无法确定GPT-3拥有的智力水平,就像我们无法确定具有身体限制的瘫痪者或个人的认知功能水平一样。

This article delves touches areas of AI that are worth pondering about.


这篇文章非常适合阅读: (This article is a great read for:)

Machine Learning Practitioners: The language and technical term used is very familiar with anyone involved in machine learning. And the definitions and papers included allows for further exploitation of topics related to GPT-3

机器学习从业者 :所使用的语言和技术术语对参与机器学习的任何人都非常熟悉。 并且所包含的定义和论文可以进一步利用与GPT-3相关的主题

4种超能力将使您成为数据科学事业中不可或缺的一员作者: Ganes Kesari (4 Superpowers That Will Make You Indispensable In a Data Science Career By Ganes Kesari)

You’ve read Miguel’s article and story above, and you are ready to take on a career in Data Science(or at least curious about one). Well, it’s only right you equip yourself with superpowers.

您已经阅读了上面Miguel的文章和故事,并且准备从事数据科学职业(或至少对一个职业感到好奇)。 好吧,装备超级大国才是对的。

The introduction of Ganes Kesari’s article is very vivid and creatively written. I love the analogies Ganes uses to describe the struggles of a data scientist. The comparisons of dealing and interaction with Project Managers to getting a tooth removed is just comical.

Ganes Kesari的文章介绍非常生动且富有创意。 我喜欢Ganes用这种比喻来描述数据科学家的努力。 与项目经理进行交易和互动以及拔牙的比较只是可笑的。

Ganes has to paint this rather scary work life of a Data Scientist to present the four superpowers you will need to preserves in the face of villainous adversity(I’m keeping with the superpower theme).

Ganes必须描绘数据科学家的这种相当恐怖的工作生活,以提出面对恶性逆境需要保留的四个超级大国( 坚持超级大国的主题 )。

But on a serious note, Ganes has presented four areas of challenges that a commonly faced by Data Scientist and has provided with tips and advice to help you navigate a career in data science.


Ganes includes tips on how to handle messy data and the importance of mastery. But one key point that struck a chord with me is the emphasis on the importance of focusing on techniques rather than tools and application. I’ll keep it simple, tools and applications come and go, but techniques stay the same.

Ganes包含有关如何处理凌乱数据和掌握重要性的提示。 但是,引起我共鸣的一个关键点是,强调注重技术而不是工具和应用程序的重要性。 我会保持简单,工具和应用程序来来往往,但是技术保持不变。

It’s paramount that Data Scientists can understand the fundamentals of techniques as opposed to the utilisation of applications that become outdated in a couple of years.


All the superpowers that Ganes has equipped the reader with are applicable regardless of what projects you are working on.


Give this article a read if you are currently stuck in a rut at work and need some advice.


这篇文章非常适合阅读 (This article is an excellent read for)

  • Data Science Practitioners


以下是一些与我在7月份脱颖而出的其他文章的链接 (Here are some links to other articles that stood out to me in July)







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