

As a marketer by day and a writer by night, I am always searching for the “next great platform.” You dream of being one of the first creatives on a new social media trend, playing a role in shaping its tone and direction. Think of how early Medium authors made listicle writing newsworthy and interesting or how the first Viners unlocked the recipe for 6-second comedy sketches.

作为白天的营销人员和夜间的作家,我一直在寻找“下一个伟大的平台”。 您梦想着成为新的社交媒体趋势中的首批创意者之一,在塑造其语气和方向方面发挥作用。 想一想早期的中型作者如何制作具有新闻价值和趣味性的清单,或者第一批Viners如何解锁6秒喜剧草图的配方。

So, when I learned that Google was quietly launching “Keen”, a supposed competitor to Pinterest, I was excited. In a post detailed by Google, the idea came about from a husband and wife who wanted to share activities and news that was important to them with each other.

因此,当我得知Google正在悄悄推出Pinterest竞争对手“ Keen ”时,我感到非常兴奋。 在Google详细介绍的帖子中,这个想法来自一对夫妻,他们希望彼此分享对他们很重要的活动和新闻。

“It was powerful to tell each other what we wanted to spend more time on. And once we did, we found that collecting related ideas, links and resources together gave us a way to spend more time on our shared passions real. To explore this idea further, four colleagues and I created a new experiment called Keen.”

“互相告诉我们我们想花更多的时间很强大。 一旦完成,我们发现将相关的想法,链接和资源收集在一起,为我们提供了一种将更多的时间花在真正的共享激情上的方式。 为了进一步探讨这个想法,我和四个同事创建了一个名为Keen的新实验。”

As Co-founder CJ Adams put, Keen provides a “home for long-term interests.” Keen is a part of Area 120, Google’s workshop for experimental projects. And it’s essentially banking on the idea that users care about having their interests housed in one collection to share with others while exploring similar topics in an organized “Keen.”

正如联合创始人CJ亚当斯(CJ Adams)所说,基恩(Keen)提供了“长期利益之家”。 敏锐(Ken)是Google实验项目工作坊120区的一部分。 实际上,这是基于这样一种想法,即用户关心的是将自己的兴趣放在一个收藏夹中,以便与他人分享,同时在有组织的“热衷”中探索相似的主题。

If you’re still slightly confused about Keen’s actual purpose, just know that you are not alone. I checked out Keen’s promotional video on YouTube and a majority of comments were asking something along the lines of “What exactly is this?” or “Let me know when Keen is in the Google graveyard.”

如果您仍然对Keen的实际目的感到困惑,那就知道您并不孤单。 我查看了Keen在YouTube上的宣传视频,大部分评论都在询问“ 这到底是什么? ”或“ 让我知道Keen何时在Google墓地里 。”

However, Keen may prove to be a beneficial tool for writers, serving as an impactful source of referral traffic. With Google Search and machine learning, there is a promise to build reliable backlinks while improving your searchability.

但是,Keen可能被证明是编写者的有益工具,是引荐流量的重要来源。 借助Google搜索和机器学习,可以建立可靠的反向链接,同时提高您的可搜索性。

So, the question is, will Keen be worth your time? Or will it fall in line with Google’s other discontinued social media products?

所以,问题是,基恩值得您度过时光吗? 还是会与Google其他停产的社交媒体产品保持一致?

Let’s find out.


初始React (Initial Reaction)

Keen is neat with a clean UI, minimalistic logo, and standard font. The site doesn’t overwhelm you with colors or flashy design hacks and is easy to figure out. Still, after doing some research and reading about Keen, the excitement quickly faded.

敏锐的用户界面整洁,简约的徽标和标准字体,让其变得整洁。 该网站不会因颜色或浮华的设计技巧而使您不知所措,而且很容易弄清楚。 尽管如此,在进行了一些研究并阅读了有关Keen的文章后,兴奋很快消失了。

My initial reaction was that nothing separates Keen from other social media platforms. I get that Keen is still in more of a testing phase, only available on web browsers and the Android marketplace. However, perennial products tend to know what they have and who they are for before launching. I’m not sure Keen can answer either of those yet.

我最初的React是,Keen与其他社交媒体平台没有任何区别。 我知道Keen仍处于测试阶段,仅在Web浏览器和Android市场上可用。 但是,多年生产品往往在发布之前就知道它们的用途和用途。 我不确定Keen能否回答其中任何一个。

It’s essentially a more organized version of Pinterest with an unproven ability to scale. Hobbyists may be interested in Keen’s dedication to targeted content, but I can’t say it will do much for your personal brand or your business.

本质上,这是Pinterest更有条理的版本,其扩展能力未经验证。 业余爱好者可能对Keen致力于目标内容感兴趣,但是我不能说这对您的个人品牌或您的业务有很大帮助。

It almost feels like Keen doesn’t know what it wants to be yet. I remember joining Medium, Twitter, and Facebook for the first time. There was a lasting feeling that you were building on a platform primed to take over the world.

几乎感觉像Keen还不知道自己想要什么。 我记得第一次加入Medium,Twitter和Facebook。 持久的感觉是,您正在建立一个准备接管世界的平台。

With Keen, I played around with it for about thirty minutes and got bored.


That doesn’t mean the platform is necessarily doomed to fail. And again, being an early adopter has its benefits.

这并不意味着该平台必然注定要失败。 再次,成为早期采用者有其好处。

创造敏锐 (Creating A Keen)

I do like how straightforward and simple to navigate Keen is. The setup took less than five minutes and I knew how to create new “Keens” almost instantly.

我确实很喜欢Keen的导航方式如此简单明了。 设置花费了不到五分钟的时间,而且我知道如何几乎立即创建新的“ Keens”。

After your profile is set up, you can follow other pre-made categories or create your own categories. I decided to make a few for personal branding, finance, marketing, and writing.

设置个人资料后,您可以遵循其他预制类别或创建自己的类别。 我决定为个人品牌,财务,市场营销和写作做一些准备。

Here’s what my page looked like on day one:


Example of Keen profile
Author Screenshot 作者截图

Within each Keen, there are three tabs:


  • Gems which are where you save links, text, and tags. It’s their alternative to boards on Pinterest.

    可以在其中保存链接,文本和标签的宝石 。 这是他们在Pinterest上的替代方案。

  • An explore section to find similar content to your tag. For example, my “Get Rich” Keen recommends articles like “6 ways to get rich without earning a six-figure salary.” There’s also a way to refine these searches to be more specific.

    探索部分,查找与标签相似的内容。 例如,我的“ 致富 ”基恩推荐诸如“六​​种不赚六位数工资的致富方法”之类的文章。 还有一种方法可以使这些搜索更精确。

  • Searches let you control the topics that will appear in your Keen. This is where machine learning comes in to recommend content.

    搜索使您可以控制将显示在Keen中的主题。 这是机器学习来推荐内容的地方。

You can also control whether your Keen is private, public, or accessible through a shared link. I will say that the profile section is rather underwhelming. Unless I missed the option to add copy or links to your profile, it’s hard to know who the users are and why I should bother following them. Social media is built on profiles, so it’s interesting to see that Keen is taking the opposite approach.

您还可以控制您的Keen是私人的,公共的,还是可以通过共享链接访问的。 我要说的是,个人资料部分相当令人印象深刻。 除非我错过了向您的个人资料添加副本或链接的选项,否则很难知道用户是谁以及为什么我要关注他们。 社交媒体基于个人资料,因此很有趣的是,基恩(Keen)正在采取相反的方法。

功能性 (Functionality)

Keen doesn’t throw any crazy bells and whistles in your face which is honestly kind of nice. The goal of the platform was to make “mindless scrolling” more targeted and even productive, which I think Keen accomplishes to an extent.

Keen不会在您的脸上丢下任何疯狂的铃声,这实在是太好了。 该平台的目标是使“无意识的滚动”更具针对性,甚至更具生产力,我认为Keen可以做到这一点。

In theory, I could see where Keen thinks they are exploiting a new space for growth. The big hitters like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter have made their impact on marketing the art of mindless scrolling. But younger generations of tech-savvy kids who were raised on social media were also raised on platforms that exploit that same kind of quick-hitting content. Will users be willing to jump onto a platform that is in essence a “smarter experience”?

从理论上讲,我可以看到基恩认为他们在利用新的增长空间的地方。 像Facebook,Instagram和Twitter这样的大人物,对无意识滚动艺术的营销产生了影响。 但是,在社交媒体上长大的年轻一代精通技术的孩子也在利用相同类型的快速内容的平台上长大。 用户是否愿意跳到实质上是“更智能的体验”的平台?

Only time will tell.


For now, the basic design, simple navigation, and user-friendly functionality work well enough.


流量结果 (Traffic Results)

Here’s the thing; if people don’t swarm to Keen, then the traffic and backlinking won’t matter. It’s not completely clear how you build an audience and there’s no data backing the power of their conversation rates. Google is the king of search engines, but the platform isn’t even easy to find on Google.

这是东西 如果人们不涌向Keen,那么流量和反向链接就无关紧要。 目前尚不清楚您如何建立受众群体,也没有数据支持其对话率的力量。 Google是搜索引擎之王,但该平台在Google上甚至不容易找到。

KEEN footwear dominates Google’s first page, and I only found the platform because another website linked to Keen’s login. I’m still concerned with the scalability of Keen and the likelihood that enough people will follow their favorite…“Keeners?”. And as I mentioned earlier, we don’t even know who the top influencers on Keen are because profiles are just a name and a picture.

KEEN鞋类主导了Google的首页,我之所以找到该平台是因为另一个网站链接到Keen的登录信息。 我仍然担心Keen的可扩展性以及足够的人会遵循他们喜欢的……“ Keeners?”的可能性。 正如我前面提到的,我们甚至不知道基恩最有影响力的人是谁,因为个人资料只是名字和图片。

最大的缺点 (The Biggest Flaws)

Keen exists as more of a cool idea than an innovative product. In a world gone digital, I can’t say that Keen will make much of an impact. It doesn’t innovate into a new category or even make Pinterest obsolete.

与创新产品相比,Keen的存在更是一个很酷的主意。 在这个数字化的世界中,我不能说基恩会产生很大的影响。 它不会创新到新的类别,甚至不会使Pinterest过时。

Keen does have Google in its back pocket, which is good or bad depending on how you look at it.


My other concern is that Keen doesn’t appear to have it’s own privacy policies falling under Google’s general privacy policies. This means that all of your hobbies and interests being saved may be used against you in the form of hyper-personalized ads.

我的另一个担心是,基恩(Keen)似乎没有将自己的隐私权政策归入Google的一般隐私权政策之内。 这意味着您保存的所有爱好和兴趣都可能以超个性化的广告形式对您不利。

我会推荐基恩吗? (Would I Recommend Keen?)

If you’re like me and driven to platforms like Keen out of curiosity, then yes I would say check it out. There is potential, and like I said earlier, maybe your presence is the one that gives Keen a direction. However, I can’t say the investment of time will be worth it until Keen develops an actual mission that resonates with their audience. I see this as a niche platform for hobbyists and enthusiasts, not marketers, designers, writers, or creatives.

如果您像我一样出于好奇而被驱逐到像Keen这样的平台,那么我会说出来。 有潜力,就像我前面说过的那样,也许您的存在可以为Keen指明方向。 但是,我不能说时间的投入是值得的,直到基恩发展出一个真正引起听众共鸣的使命。 我认为这是针对爱好者和发烧友的利基平台,而不是营销人员,设计师,作家或创意者。

Keen seems destined to follow Google’s other social media attempts in an overly hyped product that lacks sustainable growth unless they can figure out a real differentiator.


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