

Do you love your privacy? I know you do. Go through these malware types and save your buddy ( Computer ) from these aliens.

你喜欢你的隐私吗? 我知道你知道 仔细研究这些恶意软件的类型,并从这些外星人中拯救您的好友(计算机)。

简介:什么是恶意软件? (Introduction: What is Malware?)

Malware (a portmanteau for malicious software) is any software intentionally designed to cause damage to a computer, server, client, or computer network (by contrast, software that causes unintentional harm due to some deficiency is typically described as a software bug). A wide variety of types of malware exist, that you know as you proceed.

恶意软件 ( 恶意软件门户 )是有意设计成对计算机,服务器,客户端或计算机网络造成破坏的任何软件 (相比之下,由于某些缺陷而造成意外伤害的软件通常称为软件错误 )。 继续进行时,您会知道各种各样的恶意软件。

Programs are also considered malware if they secretly act against the interests of the computer user. For example, at one point Sony music Compact discs silently installed a rootkit on purchasers’ computers intending to prevent illicit copying, but which also reported on users’ listening habits, and unintentionally created extra security vulnerabilities.

如果程序秘密地违反计算机用户的利益,它们也被视为恶意软件。 例如,有一次,索尼音乐光盘在购买者的计算机上默默地安装了一个rootkit,目的是防止非法复制,但同时也会报告用户的收听习惯,并无意中造成了额外的安全漏洞。

病毒: (Viruses :)

A virus is a malicious executable code attached to another executable file. The virus spreads when an infected file is passed from system to system. Viruses can be harmless or they can modify, delete data. Opening a file can Trigger a virus, once a program virus is active, It will infect other programs on the computer.

病毒是附加到另一个可执行文件的恶意可执行代码。 当受感染的文件从系统传递到系统时,病毒会传播。 病毒可以是无害的,也可以修改,删除数据。 一旦程序病毒被打开,打开文件可能会触发病毒,它将感染计算机上的其他程序。

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蠕虫: (Worms :)

Worms replicate themselves on the system attaching themselves to different files and looking for Pathways between computers such as computer network that shares common file storage areas usually slow down networks. A virus needs a host program to run but worms can run by themselves after a worm affects a host, It can spread very quickly over the network.

蠕虫会在系统上复制自身,将自身附加到不同的文件,并在共享通用文件存储区域的计算机(例如计算机网络)之间寻找通路,这通常会降低网络速度。 病毒需要主机程序才能运行,但蠕虫在感染主机后可以自行运行蠕虫,并且可以在网络上快速传播。

间谍软件: (Spyware:)

Its purpose is to steal private information from a computer system for the third party. Spyware collects information and sends it to the hacker. Spyware is used for many purposes. Usually, it aims to track and sell your internet usage data, capture your credit card or bank account information, or steal your identity. How? Spyware monitors your internet activity, tracking your login and password information, and spying on your sensitive information.

其目的是从计算机系统中窃取第三方的私人信息。 间谍软件收集信息并将其发送给黑客。 间谍软件有多种用途。 通常,它旨在跟踪和出售您的互联网使用情况数据,捕获您的信用卡或银行帐户信息或窃取您的身份。 怎么样? 间谍软件监视您的互联网活动,跟踪您的登录名和密码信息,并监视您的敏感信息。

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Some types of spyware can install additional software and change the settings on your device, so it’s important to use secure passwords and keep your devices updated.


特洛伊木马: (Trojan horse:)

A Trojan Horse is Malware that carries out malicious operations under the appearance of a desired operation such as playing an online game. A trojan horse varies from a virus because the Trojan binds itself to non-executable files, such as image files, audio files.

特洛伊木马是一种恶意软件,会在所需操作的出现下执行恶意操作,例如玩在线游戏。 特洛伊木马与病毒不同,因为特洛伊木马会将自身绑定到不可执行的文件,例如图像文件,音频文件。

A Trojan acts as a bona fide application or file to trick you. It seeks to deceive you into loading and executing the malware on your device. Once installed, a Trojan can perform the action it was designed for.

特洛伊木马程序可作为真正的应用程序或文件来欺骗您。 它试图欺骗您在设备上加载和执行恶意软件。 安装后,特洛伊木马可以执行其设计的操作。

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A Trojan is sometimes called a Trojan virus or a Trojan horse virus, but that’s a misnomer. Viruses can execute and replicate themselves. A Trojan cannot. A user has to execute Trojans. Even so, Trojan malware and Trojan virus are often used interchangeably.

特洛伊木马有时被称为特洛伊木马病毒或特洛伊木马病毒,但这是用词不当。 病毒可以执行并自我复制。 木马不能。 用户必须执行木马。 即使这样,特洛伊木马恶意软件和特洛伊木马病毒也经常互换使用。

逻辑炸弹: (Logic bombs:)

A Logic bomb is a malicious program that uses a trigger to activate the malicious code. The logic bomb remains non-functional until that trigger event happens. Once triggered, a logic bomb implements a malicious code that causes harm to a computer. Cybersecurity specialists recently discovered logic bombs that attack and destroy the hardware components in a workstation or server including the cooling fans, hard drives, and power supplies. The logic bomb overdrives these devices until they overheat or fail.

逻辑炸弹是一种恶意程序,它使用触发器来激活恶意代码。 在触发事件发生之前,逻辑炸弹将一直不起作用。 一旦触发,逻辑炸弹就会实施恶意代码,从而对计算机造成伤害。 网络安全专家最近发现了逻辑炸弹,它们攻击并摧毁工作站或服务器中的硬件组件,包括冷却风扇,硬盘驱动器和电源。 逻辑炸弹会使这些设备过热,直到它们过热或发生故障。

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勒索软件: (Ransomware:)

Ransomware grasps a computer system or the data it contains until the victim makes payment. Ransomware encrypts data in the computer with the key which is unknown to the user. The user has to pay the ransom (price) to the criminals to retrieve data. Once the amount is paid the victim can resume using his or her system.

勒索软件会控制计算机系统或其中包含的数据,直到受害者付款为止。 勒索软件使用用户不知道的密钥来加密计算机中的数据。 用户必须向犯罪分子支付赎金(价格)才能检索数据。 一旦付款,受害者就可以继续使用他或她的系统。

There are several different ways that ransomware can infect your computer. One of the most common methods today is through malicious spam, or malspam, which is an unsolicited email that is used to deliver malware. The email might include booby-trapped attachments, such as PDFs or Word documents. It might also contain links to malicious websites.

勒索软件可以通过多种不同方式感染计算机。 如今,最常见的方法之一是通过恶意垃圾邮件(malspam),这是一种未经请求的电子邮件,用于发送恶意软件。 该电子邮件可能包含诱骗诱捕的附件,例如PDF或Word文档。 它还可能包含指向恶意网站的链接。

后门: (Backdoors:)

Backdoor bypasses the usual authentication used to access the system. The purpose of the backdoor is to grant the cybercriminals future access to the system even if the organization fixes the original vulnerability used to attack the system. As a threat, backdoors aren’t going away anytime soon. According to the Malwarebytes Labs State of Malware report, backdoors were the fourth most common threat detection in 2018 for both consumers and businesses — respective increases of 34 and 173 percent over the previous year.

后门绕过了用于访问系统的常规身份验证。 后门的目的是即使组织修复了用于攻击系统的原始漏洞,也可以授予网络罪犯将来访问系统的权限。 作为威胁,后门不会很快消失。 根据Malwarebytes Labs 的恶意软件状况报告 ,后门是2018年对于消费者和企业而言第四大最常见的威胁检测,分别比前一年增长了34%和173%。

Rootkit: (Rootkit:)

Rootkit modifies the OS to make a backdoor. Attackers then use the backdoor to access the computer distantly. Most rootkits take advantage of software vulnerabilities to modify system files.

Rootkit修改了操作系统以制造后门。 然后,攻击者使用后门远程访问计算机。 大多数rootkit都利用软件漏洞来修改系统文件。

It is difficult to detect rootkits. There are no commercial products available that can find and remove all known and unknown rootkits. There are various ways to look for a rootkit on an infected machine. Detection methods include behavioral-based methods (e.g., looking for strange behavior on a computer system), signature scanning and memory dump analysis. Often, the only option to remove a rootkit is to completely rebuild the compromised system.

很难检测到Rootkit。 没有可找到并删除所有已知和未知rootkit的商业产品。 有多种方法可以在受感染的计算机上查找rootkit。 检测方法包括基于行为的方法(例如,在计算机系统上寻找奇怪的行为),签名扫描和内存转储分析。 通常,删除rootkit的唯一选择是完全重建受感染的系统。

键盘记录器: (Keylogger:)

Keylogger records everything the user type on his or her computer system to obtain passwords and other sensitive information and send them to the source of the keylogging program.


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Criminals can exploit information by accessing your accounts before you even know that your sensitive data has been compromised. Keylogger malware may reside in the computer operating system, at the keyboard API level, in memory or at the kernel level itself. Keylogging can be hard to detect because it doesn’t always cause noticeable computer problems, like slow processes or glitches. It can be hard to detect even by some antivirus programs because spyware is good at hiding itself — it often appears as normal files or traffic, and can also potentially reinstall itself.

犯罪分子甚至可以在知道敏感数据已遭到破坏之前通过访问您的帐户来利用信息。 键盘记录程序恶意软件可能驻留在计算机操作系统中,键盘API级别,内存中或内核级别本身。 键盘记录可能很难检测,因为它并不总是会引起明显的计算机问题,例如进程缓慢或故障。 即使是某些防病毒程序也可能很难检测到,因为间谍软件擅长隐藏自身-它通常以正常文件或流量的形式出现,并且还可能自行重新安装。

I hope you got some idea about malware! for more details about malware, you can prefer to read this.

希望您对恶意软件有所了解! 有关恶意软件的更多详细信息,您可以阅读此内容

快乐学习家族! (Happy Learning Fam!)

翻译自: https://medium.com/swlh/types-of-malware-3rd-degree-torture-for-computers-e4dc099582a






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