node.js 前后分离_使用Node.js中的事件实现关注点分离

node.js 前后分离

Separation of Concerns (SoC) one of the important concepts in software design and architecture, it's about decomposing the system into parts that highly independent and slightly overlapping in functionality.


In the case of OOP languages, encapsulation and inheritance are one of the main ways to achieve SoC. Event-Driven Programming (EDP) can be also a major concept in SoC too, ideally, the modules that are throwing the events should not be aware of the modules that will handle them. In this article, I will take you through implementing EDP in NodeJS with a real-life example.

对于OOP语言, 封装继承是实现SoC的主要方法之一。 事件驱动编程(EDP)也是SoC中的一个主要概念,理想情况下,引发事件的模块不应意识到将处理这些事件的模块。 在本文中,我将通过一个真实的示例指导您在NodeJS中实现EDP。

带有示例的基本概念 (Basic concepts with example)

I will talk about an AI system that processes inputs, move across a couple of states, and do actions accordingly. I can give an example of that in reinforcement learning through the Q-learning algorithm.

我将讨论一个AI系统,该系统处理输入,跨几个状态移动并相应地执行操作。 我可以举一个通过Q学习算法进行强化学习的例子。

While the core idea about the Q-learning algorithm is using rewards to optimize the knowledge base of the agent, then action execution would be another topic that can be separated apart from the learning procedure.


And an example of that is the Pacman game where the actions will be confined in the following list (Move up- Move down — Move left — Move right) and the SoC will be achieved by separating the Q-Learning algorithm implementation and applying actions to the screen to move the Pacman to one of the directions.


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In my example, I will use a very interesting library to implement the event-driven system:


EventEmitter component inside that library supports the ability to dispatch events through “emit” function and to attach handlers to the events using “on” function, and we will talk next more about these concepts next.

该库中的EventEmitter组件支持通过“ emit”函数分发事件并使用“ on”函数将处理程序附加到事件的功能,接下来我们将进一步讨论这些概念。

An Events-driven system composed usually from the following parts:


  • Event: The type of event that can occur inside the system, in our case (Top, bottom, Left, Right) and that can be implemented using an enum, I implemented that inside events.js file that exports the following object which composed of only key-value pairs, a good practice would be to use Object.freeze() on that object if you don’t want anyone by mistake to modify on it:


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  • Event Handler: a function that will be attached to the event, so whenever the dispatcher dispatched that event, the function will be fired to handle that event with specific logic, I will implement that through a class composed of handlers as functions, and in the initialize function I am passing the dispatcher and link the events handlers with that dispatcher according to event types as next:


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  • Event Dispatcher: The core that will dispatch the events according to a specific context, next is a quick example of that:

    Event Dispatcher:将根据特定上下文调度事件的核心,接下来是一个快速的示例:

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So to summarize that quickly, QCore is my main component that is responsible for the Q-Learning algorithm and deciding the next states and just dispatching the action that should be taken. Then any other handler can listen to these events to move the Pacman, to do some logging, to send a message to someone…etc. Please note that multiple handlers can be attached to the same events, and it would be great of you encapsulate each group of handlers in a specific class has single responsibility like logging, communication, rendering …etc.

因此,总而言之,QCore是我的主要组件,负责Q-Learning算法并确定下一个状态并只是调度应采取的措施。 然后,其他任何处理程序都可以侦听这些事件,以移动“吃豆人”,进行一些日志记录,向某人发送消息等。 请注意,可以将多个处理程序附加到同一事件上,并且最好将每个处理程序组封装在一个特定类中,该类具有单一职责,例如日志记录,通信,呈现等。

Note: That I used a library to implement the event-driven system, but you can design that by your own, next is a very basic example on how to do that in Javascript:


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So I believe an example always helps to understand the case faster than theoretical speech. My example was in AI, but you can apply that pattern in any field, most of the time when you have a pipeline to process some inputs and you want also to do some other stuff that is not related to processing business logic, then one of the best solutions is to dispatch event for every step in your pipeline and then design handlers modules that will handle the events according to the other needs.

因此,我相信一个例子总是比理论上的讲话更有助于理解案例。 我的示例是在AI中进行的,但是您可以在任何字段中应用该模式,大多数情况下,当您有管道来处理一些输入并且您还想做其他与处理业务逻辑无关的工作时,可以使用以下一种方法:最好的解决方案是为管道中的每个步骤调度事件,然后设计处理程序模块,这些模块将根据其他需求处理事件。

I hope this quick overview of this pattern helps someone while starting his new project, cause I know implementing that on a pre-designed project is not easy, will include a lot of refactoring and testing :) But believe me you will be more than happy if your project has a lot of overlaps in functionality.



node.js 前后分离





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