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Sitting among peers at a gathering a few years ago, an exasperated Silicon Valley CEO seemed ready to get rid of Slack. “It’s one of my biggest regrets,” he said.

小号同行中itting在聚会前几年,被激怒的硅谷CEO似乎准备摆脱松弛。 他说:“这是我最大的遗憾之一。”

The app was fueling drama inside his company, and he wondered aloud whether it was worth the trouble. From a few feet away, I was surprised to overhear anything other than the often-repeated mantra that Slack would replace email. Yet since then, more executives have privately confessed concerns about how workplace chat apps were upending their cultures.

该应用程序正在推动公司内部的戏剧发展,他大声地想知道这是否值得麻烦。 从几英尺远的地方,我惊讶地听到了除了经常重复的Slack取代电子邮件的口头禅以外的任何内容。 然而自那时以来,更多的高管私下承认对工作场所聊天应用程序如何改变其文化的担忧。

“They create problems, high-school-type problems,” one CEO of a midsized firm told me. “People are making fun of co-workers, they’re acting unprofessionally, and it’s technically a company system.”

“他们创造p roblems,高中类的问题,”一家中型公司的一位CEO告诉我的。 “人们在取笑同事,他们的行为不专业,从技术上讲,这是一个公司系统。”

A reckoning for workplace chat apps like Slack and Microsoft Teams is coming; just ask the people who pay for them. As companies deploy these systems en masse — and rely on them to work from home — executives are starting to confront a set of issues that early adopters know well. Workplace chat can amplify corporate infighting, help divide companies like social media divides countries, and facilitate employee organizing. Top executives, not employees, sign the checks for these services. And though they’re unlikely to get rid of them, many will inevitably crack down on their freewheeling nature.

Slack和Microsoft Teams等工作场所聊天应用程序即将出现。 只是问问付钱的人。 随着公司大规模部署这些系统(并依靠它们在家中工作),高管们开始面对一系列早期采用者都非常了解的问题。 工作场所聊天可以加剧公司之间的内斗,帮助划分公司,例如社交媒体划分国家,并促进员工组织。 最高管理人员而非雇员在这些服务的支票上签名。 尽管他们不太可能摆脱它们,但许多人还是不可避免地要打击他们随心所欲的性质。

“A lot of my CEO and founder friends talk about this,” one venture capitalist, who asked to remain anonymous because being bearish on Slack would harm his brand, told me. “The problematic employee, the employee who would sit around at the lunchroom and tell people how bad this place is — that’s just happening on Slack, and it’s amplifying.”

“我的许多CEO和创始人朋友都在谈论这一点,”一位风险投资家告诉我,他要求保持匿名,因为对Slack持空对他的品牌不利。 “有问题的员工,会在午餐室坐下来告诉人们这个地方有多糟糕的员工,这只是在Slack上发生的,而且还在不断扩大。”

Workplace chat alters conversations at work similar to how social media alters the public discourse. Apps like Slack remove friction from communication and turn people into avatars, enabling rapid collaboration but also leading people to say things they wouldn’t in person. Much like social media, information travels fast on these platforms, but their features can also lead to infighting, sniping, and group harassment. And as the backlashes to Facebook and Twitter demonstrate, any rapidly adopted communication technology will eventually face scrutiny.

工作场所聊天会改变工作中的对话,类似于社交媒体如何改变公众话语。 诸如Slack之类的应用程序消除了沟通中的摩擦,使人们变成了化身,不仅可以实现快速协作,还可以使人们说出自己不愿面对的话题。 就像社交媒体一样,信息在这些平台上的传播速度很快,但是它们的功能也可能导致内斗,狙击和团体骚扰。 正如对Facebook和Twitter的强烈反对所表明的那样,任何Swift采用的通信技术最终都将受到审查。

The Slack backlash won’t involve full abandonment (mea culpa on this prediction), especially as companies rely on services like it to work from home, but CEOs will put on restraints. Some are already auditing all private channels in an attempt to limit shit talking. Others are spending more time setting boundaries for how conversations should play out on these services.

Slack的强烈反对不会完全放弃(这个预测的意思是“罪魁祸首”),尤其是当公司依靠像这样的服务在家中工作时,但是CEO会有所节制。 有些人已经在审核所有私人频道,以限制狗屎说话。 其他人则花费更多的时间为对话在这些服务上的播放方式设定界限。

“It will have to evolve, especially in the U.S., the more that we are operating remote,” Joel Flory, CEO of camera app VSCO, told me. “It cannot be used the way it was, as almost like the watercooler chat. It has to be more thoughtful.”

摄像头应用程序VSCO的首席执行官乔尔·弗洛里(Joel Flory)告诉我:“我们必须在越来越多的地方进行远程操作,这必将发展,尤其是在美国。” “它不能像以前那样使用,就像在饮水机聊天中一样。 它必须更加周到。”

Beyond internal politics, executives are also paying attention to how employees use tools like Slack to organize. Workers at companies like Away, Andela, and the New York Times have recently used Slack to put leadership on blast and leaked those conversations to advance their interests. As Slack spreads, this type of action will spread with it. And even the most open companies are unlikely to tolerate it for very long, as was the case with Google.

除内部政治外,高管还关注员工如何使用Slack等工具进行组织。 AwayAndela《纽约时报》等公司的工人最近使用Slack领导领导层,并泄露了这些谈话以提高他们的兴趣。 随着Slack的扩散,这种类型的动作也会随之扩散。 而且即使是最开放的公司也不太可能忍受很长时间,就像Google一样。

The way Google reacted to its employee rebellions could preview what other companies might do as they face their own. Over the past few years, Google employees organized protests on its custom-built communications tools, believing the company’s pledge to let its people speak their minds. Google did listen to its employee concerns. But after the protests, it also cut down its internal communication network: It reduced its employee town halls from weekly to monthly, banned political discussions on its internal mailing lists, and retaliated against organizers of internal protests, according to those organizers.

Google对员工叛乱的React方式可以预见其他公司面对自己的情况时可能会做些什么。 在过去的几年中,Google员工针对其定制的通信工具组织了抗议活动,认为该公司承诺让人们说出自己的想法。 Google确实听取了员工的担忧。 但是,在抗议之后,它也削减了内部沟通网络:这些组织表示,它将其雇员市政厅从每周减少到每月禁止内部邮件列表中的政治讨论 ,并对内部抗议组织者进行报复

“Overall, a culture of openness and feedback and employee engagement is tied up with the innovation we create,” Google chief legal officer Kent Walker told me at the time. “We value that; we need to find a way to make it work at scale.” Then Google made its choices.

Google首席法律官肯特·沃克(Kent Walker)当时对我说:“总体而言,开放,反馈和员工敬业精神与我们创造的创新息息相关。” “我们重视这一点; 我们需要找到一种使之大规模运行的方法。” 然后,谷歌做出了选择。

(You can find the full conversation with Walker, and much more, in my book, Always Day One.)

(您可以在我的著作Always Day One中找到与Walker的完整对话,以及更多内容。)

Now, as companies find themselves in similar positions, some may react in the same way. “Will companies hammer down? I’m sure some will,” Margaret O’Mara, a history professor at the University of Washington who studies the tech industry, told me.

现在,随着公司处于相似的位置,一些公司可能会以同样的方式做出React。 “公司会失败吗? 我敢肯定,一定会有。”研究技术产业的华盛顿大学历史教授玛格丽特·奥玛拉(Margaret O'Mara)告诉我。

Aaron Skonnard, CEO of Pluralsight, a tech skills training company, considered what his reaction would be if his employees organized a union push using internal chat. “I do see how if that were happening to me it would cause me to think twice,” he said. Enough to remove the app? “I don’t think so,” he said. “I’m a firm believer in transparency and freedom of speech.”

技术技能培训公司Pluralsight的首席执行官亚伦·斯科纳德(Aaron Skonnard)考虑到,如果他的员工使用内部聊天组织工会推动,他的React是什么。 他说:“我确实看到那件事对我来说会如何使我三思而后行。” 足以删除该应用程序? 他说:“我不这么认为。” “我坚信透明度和言论自由。”

Slack declined an interview request, but its VP of communications and policy Jonathan Prince shared a statement. “We believe that transparency and open communication are more important and valuable today than ever before,” he said. “Slack provides a great way to establish a consistent dialogue with your most critical resource — your team — to demonstrate commitment to listening to employees and to foster alignment, motivation, and engagement.”

Slack拒绝了采访请求,但其沟通和政策副总裁Jonathan Prince发表了声明。 他说:“我们认为,透明和开放的沟通在今天比以往任何时候都更加重要和有价值。” “ Slack提供了一种与您最关键的资源(您的团队)建立一致对话的好方法,以表现出倾听员工的承诺,并促进结盟,积极性和敬业精神。”

Ultimately, many CEOs and analysts I spoke with said it’s up to company leaders to create a healthy culture and make sure it’s lived out in its communication tools. “The onus is on the CEO,” Flory said. “Our focus has been on the values,” Skonnard said. These tools have been a godsend for many seeking to maintain company cohesion as they go remote. But with that said, an adjustment period is on the way.

最终,与我交谈过的许多CEO和分析师都说,要由公司领导者来营造健康的文化并确保其在沟通工具中得以体现。 “这是首席执行官的责任,”弗洛里说。 “我们的重点一直放在价值观上,”斯科纳德说。 这些工具对于许多寻求保持公司凝聚力的人来说是天赐的礼物。 但话虽如此,调整期仍在进行中。

OneZero is publishing this story in an exclusive syndication partnership with Big Technology, a newsletter by Alex Kantrowitz. You can sign up here.

OneZero 将与Alex Kantrowitz的时事通讯Big Technology独家联合发布该故事。 您可以 在这里注册







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