tiktok 手机验证_TikTok经过验证的硅谷正在创新

tiktok 手机验证

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Welcome to Buy/Sell/Hold, Marker’s weekly newsletter that’s 100% business intelligence and 0% investment advice. Each week, our writers Steve LeVine and Rob Walker make sense of the most important developments in business right now — and give them a Buy for clever moves or positive trends, a Sell for mistakes or missed opportunities, or a Hold if they’re noteworthy but too early to call.

欢迎阅读Marker的每周新闻“ 买/卖/持有” ,其中包含100%的商业情报和0%的投资建议。 每周,我们的作家Steve LeVineRob Walker都会了解当前业务上最重要的发展情况,并为他们提供机智的举动或积极趋势的买入 ,为错失或错失机会的卖出 ,或在值得关注的情况下持有。但还为时过早。

T️TikTok和硅谷的创新干旱🏜️ (🏜️ TikTok and Silicon Valley’s innovation drought 🏜️)

The Buy/Sell/Hold Analysis


About a month from now, TikTok — the Chinese-owned, video-sharing phenomenon — must sell its U.S. operations. Given the app’s 50 million daily users, this forced divestment by President Trump has ignited a frenzied auction now pitting tech giants Microsoft, Oracle, and Twitter against one another.

关于从现在开始一个月,的TikTok - T他中国人拥有,视频共享的现象-必须出售其美国业务。 鉴于该应用程序每天有5000万用户,特朗普总统的这笔强制撤资引发了一场疯狂的拍卖,如今科技巨头微软,Oracle和Twitter相互竞争。

The White House and Big Tech are dressing up the TikTok saga as a combined story of national security and opportunistic capitalism amid unfortunate geopolitical tension between the U.S. and China. But the ultimatum to ByteDance, TikTok’s owner, is more accurately understood as a sordid window into Silicon Valley’s utter failure to innovate, and a warning signal of its transformation into a mere guardian of long-established turf. It is the Valley nakedly abandoning its long-argued orthodoxy that it can and should be left alone to invent its way into global tech leadership.

在美国和中国之间不幸的地缘政治紧张局势下,白宫和大科技公司正在装扮TikTok传奇,将其视为国家安全与机会主义资本主义的结合故事。 但是,TikTok的所有者ByteDance的最后通more被更准确地理解为硅谷彻底创新失败的肮脏窗口,并警告其转变为长期存在的草皮的守护者。 正是硅谷赤裸裸地放弃了其久负盛名的正统观念,它可以而且应该被单独留下来发明其成为全球技术领导者的方式。

Huawei, another target of the Trump administration’s tech war with China, best foreshadowed the optics. In remarks to reporters in March 2019, chairman Guo Ping said, “The U.S. government has a loser’s attitude. They want to smear Huawei because they can’t compete with us.”

特朗普政府与中国进行技术战争的另一个目标华为,最恰当地预示了光学技术。 董事长郭平在2019年3月对记者的讲话中说:“美国政府有失败者的态度。 他们想给华为涂片,因为他们无法与我们竞争。”

This is about more than just the sale: ByteDance produced the hottest new social media platform on the planet, and Facebook, in typical fashion, responded by unabashedly copying TikTok, adding a feature called Reels to Instagram, just as it has copied older IPs like Snapchat and Twitch or absorbed firms like Oculus and WhatsApp. The rest of the tech community has either remained silent about confiscation as a business practice, or jumped headlong into the fray.

这不仅仅是销售:ByteDance生产了地球上最热门的新社交媒体平台,Facebook以典型的方式做出了回应,毫不掩饰地复制了TikTok,在Instagram中添加了名为Reels的功能,就像它复制了旧IP一样。 Snapchat和Twitch或像Oculus和WhatsApp这样的吸收公司。 其余的技术界人士要么对没收作为一种商业惯例保持沉默,要么全力以赴。

Silicon Valley is just fine with the gun put to the head of ByteDance, whose negotiating leverage is much-diminished given the circumstances — an American tech company will get a sweetheart deal because the Chinese company cannot walk away entirely from the sale. Just another day wringing out profit from vulnerable, innovative rivals for Silicon Valley, once a libertarian-tinged bastion of bootstrapping free enterprise, now a profiteer of the standard shakedown.

硅谷非常适合ByteDance的负责人,在这种情况下,ByteDance的谈判杠杆大大降低了-美国科技公司将获得一笔甜心的交易,因为中国公司无法完全摆脱出售。 就在前一天,硅谷从脆弱的,有创新精神的竞争对手那里榨取了利润,硅谷曾经是自由主义者引导自由企业的堡垒,现在却是标准调整的获利者。

Verdict: Sell


Steve LeVine

史蒂夫·莱文 ( Steve LeVine)

⚡闪电回合⚡ (⚡ Lightning Round ⚡)

⚡ Amazon Expands Its Real Estate Footprint. Another sign that the perma-WFH trend might be overblown: The e-commerce giant revealed it’s expanding its office space by 900,000 square feet across New York, Phoenix, San Diego, Denver, Detroit, and Dallas, as part of a move to add 3,500 corporate jobs to its roster, according to the Wall Street Journal. 2,000 of those new jobs will be based out of Amazon’s New York City offices in the historic building that used to be Lord & Taylor’s flagship store, which Amazon purchased from WeWork in March for more than $1 billion. Coming shortly after Facebook’s decision to lease 730,000 additional square feet of office space in Manhattan, it seems like Big Tech is taking advantage of rising vacancies and dipping real estate costs to score a deal. Buy.

⚡亚马逊扩大了其房地产足迹。 永久性WFH趋势可能过分的另一个迹象:这家电子商务巨头透露,其正在扩大纽约,凤凰城,圣地亚哥,丹佛,底特律和达拉斯的办公室面积900,000平方英尺,这是此举的一部分据《 华尔街日报》报道,该公司名册上将新增3500个企业职位。 这些新工作中的2,000个将来自亚马逊在纽约市历史建筑中的办公室,该建筑曾经是Lord&Taylor的旗舰店, 亚马逊于3月以超过10亿美元的价格从WeWork手中购得 。 在Facebook决定在曼哈顿再租赁730,000平方英尺的办公空间后不久,Big Tech似乎正利用空缺率上升和房地产成本下降来达成交易的机会。 购买。

Uber Unveils Its Monthly Membership. In the midst of threatening to shut down operations in California over a judge’s orders last week to classify its drivers as employees, the ride-sharing company expanded its Uber Pass subscription service from its initial test markets to over 200 U.S. cities on Tuesday. Pass costs $24.99 a month in exchange for an underwhelming variety of discounts, including free Uber Eats delivery on grocery orders over $30. Arriving late to the subscription game at nearly twice the cost of Amazon Prime ($12.99 a month), you’d think Pass would offer members more — especially in the middle of a pandemic when people aren’t going anywhere. Sell.

⚡Uber公开了 它的月度会员资格。 由于威胁 上周根据法官下令将其驾驶员归为雇员的命令 关闭加利福尼亚的运营,这家乘车共享公司周二其Uber Pass订阅服务从最初的测试市场扩展到了200多个美国城市。 Pass每月收费24.99美元,以换取各种各样的折扣,包括在30美元以上的杂货店订单中免费提供Uber Eats。 延迟到订阅游戏的费用几乎是亚马逊Prime的两倍(每月12.99美元),您会认为Pass将为会员提供更多服务-特别是在人们无处可去的大流行中。 卖。

⚡ Airbnb Files to Go Public. The longtime subject of IPO speculation finally announced it had submitted its S-1 to the SEC on Wednesday, launching what could be one of the biggest, most-anticipated public offering sagas of the decade. Hit hard by pandemic lockdowns, the online rental marketplace was reportedly last valued at $18 billion following a new $1 billion funding round this April — a steep drop from its $31 billion valuation in 2017 — and the following month saw projections that its 2020 revenue would be halved and layoffs of nearly 2,000 employees. But with guest bookings beginning to rebound — and the current stock market surge — 2020 may yet turn out to reward Airbnb for choosing this moment to enter the fray. Hold.

⚡Airbnb文件公开。 长期以来, 首次公开招股的话题最终宣布,它已于周三向证券交易委员会提交了S-1债券,这可能是十年来最大,最受期待的公开发行股票之一。 在大流行封锁的打击下, 据报道 ,在线租赁市场在今年4月进行了10亿美元的新一轮融资后,其最新估值为180亿美元,远低于其2017年的310亿美元的估值,并在下个月看到其2020年的收入将达到减半和裁员近2000名员工 。 但是随着旅客预订量开始回升 -以及当前的股市激增-2020年可能仍会奖励Airbnb选择此刻进入竞争的时刻。 保持。

⚡ Seated Raises $30 Million. Of all the startups you might not expect to raise money during a pandemic, a restaurant reservation service offering cashback rewards ranks pretty high. That hasn’t stopped Seated, which on Tuesday announced it had raised $30 million in a deal led by Insight Partners and is acquiring VenueBook, which allows people to reserve venue spaces. With the U.S. currently suffering a singularly apocalyptic crisis for both the restaurant and live events industries, Seated — which now also offers takeout and delivery options through its Seated at Home service — and its investors seem to be playing a very long game. Sell.

⚡坐在筹集3000万美元。 在大流行期间您可能不会期望筹集资金的所有创业公司中,提供现金返还奖励的餐厅预订服务的排名很高。 但这并没有阻止Seated,该公司周二宣布已在Insight Partners的领导下筹集了3,000万美元, 收购了VenueBook,这使人们可以保留场地。 由于美国目前在餐饮和现场活动行业都遭受着世界末日的特殊危机,Seated(现在也通过其Seated at Home服务提供外卖和送餐选择),而投资者似乎在玩很长时间。 卖。

📈数字: 97% (📈 The Number: 97%)

That’s how much Walmart’s online sales grew in the second quarter of 2020, compared to the same period last year.


It was a remarkable performance for the big-box giant, particularly considering Walmart’s reputation as a laggard when it comes to e-commerce. It has long appeared to be fumbling around in response to rival Amazon’s expansion: That includes its big bet on online retailer Jet.com, a $3.3 billion acquisition that it shut down in May, in a move that might have looked like yet another setback. But now it seems that Walmart’s e-commerce arm (headed by Jet.com’s founder, Marc Lore) has found its footing, adding online-ordered curbside pickup options to the mix. This surprising bump in online orders was an exclamation point on a blowout quarter, with same-store sales up 9.3%. A few other big retailers saw similar boosts: Home Depot’s sales were up 23%, Lowe’s up 35%, and Target’s (which also benefited from embracing curbside pickup) up 24%. Lots of people love to hate on the “big box” store phenomenon (seemingly showing its age as a relic of the ’80s and ’90s), but it seems that when tested, these giants can keep up.

对于大型巨头而言,这是一个了不起的表现,尤其是考虑到沃尔玛在电子商务方面的落后者声誉。 长期以来,它似乎一直在为应对竞争对手亚马逊的扩张而四处摸索 :这包括它对在线零售商Jet.com的大笔赌注,该公司在5月份被关闭,以33亿美元的价格被收购 ,此举可能看起来又是一次挫折。 但是现在看来,沃尔玛的电子商务部门( 由Jet.com的创始人马克·洛尔(Marc Lore ) 领导 )已经站稳了脚跟,在网上订购了路边提货选项。 在线订单的这一突飞猛进是井喷季度的一个惊叹号,同店销售额增长了9.3%。 其他一些大型零售商也看到了类似的增长 :Home Depot的销售额增长了23% ,Lowe的销售额增长 了35% ,Target的销售额 (也受益于路边提货的 推动 ) 增长了24% 。 很多人都喜欢讨厌“大盒子”商店现象(似乎表明它是80年代和90年代遗物的年代),但似乎经过测试,这些巨头可以跟上潮流

— Rob Walker


📖 Marker’s Long Read: How 3M — the manufacturing giant that makes Post-It notes and Scotch tape — blew its reputation on the N95 mask fiasco.

er Marker的详读: 3M —制造Post-It便条和透明胶带的制造巨头如何在N95面具惨败中大放异彩

🔎Marker的新注视🔎 (🔎 Marker’s New Fixation 🔎)

If you’re a Netflix user, there’s a sound you probably don’t even realize you’re very familiar with: the two ta-dum beats that play at the start of a Netflix original — its “sonic logo.” A recent episode of Twenty Thousand Hertz — a podcast about sound design — takes a deep dive into how that effective sonic logo was created. Netflix executives wanted something “cinematic” that didn’t use words (à la “This is CNN”), and explicitly wanted to avoid anything that suggested a video game or computer operating system. There were a slew of submissions, many hours of painstaking tweaks, and extensive consumer testing, culminating in listeners who associated the sound with terms like “dramatic,” “interesting,” and (jackpot!) “movie.” Yet another reminder that something that seems so taken-for-granted is often the result of massive time, energy, and creative effort.

如果您是Netflix用户,那么您甚至可能甚至还没有意识到自己对这种声音很熟悉:在Netflix原始音乐的开头播放的两个ta-dum节拍-它的“声音徽标”。 最近的一集《 二十万赫兹》 (关于声音设计的播客)深入探究了如何创建有效的声音徽标。 Netflix的高管想要一些不使用文字的“电影”(即“这是CNN”),并明确希望避免使用任何暗示视频游戏或计算机操作系统的东西。 大量的提交,许多小时的艰苦调整和广泛的消费者测试,最终导致听众将声音与“戏剧性”,“有趣”和(大奖!)“电影”相关联。 另一个提醒是,看起来如此理所当然的事情通常是大量时间,精力和创造力的结果。

— Rob Walker


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(尚未注册接收买/卖/持有?您可以 在这里注册 。)

翻译自: https://marker.medium.com/tiktok-proved-silicon-valley-is-done-innovating-66dfbe1abc82

tiktok 手机验证





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