小米fortnite_“ Fortnite”发行商Epic Games希望从内部改变App Store业务 杂色的傻瓜...


Epic Games wants to change the app store business from within. Earlier this week, the company behind Fortnite, Gears of War, and the popular Unreal video game series tried to bypass the onerous revenue-sharing model that lets Apple (NASDAQ:AAPL) and Google skim 30% off every in-game transaction made in titles installed through their app stores.

Epic Games希望从内部改变应用商店的业务。 本周早些时候, FortniteGears of War和流行的Unreal 视频游戏系列背后的公司试图绕过繁重的收益分享模型,该模型使Apple ( NASDAQ:AAPL )和Google在进行的每笔游戏交易中都减少了30%的折扣。通过其应用商店安装的游戏。

Both companies were quick to fight back, removing Fortnite from their mobile app stores. Epic had its finger on the trigger for its own reply, filing lawsuits against Google parent Alphabet (NASDAQ:GOOG) (NASDAQ:GOOGL) and Apple before the end of the day.

两家公司很快进行了反击,将Fortnite从其移动应用程序商店中删除。 Epic 力图触发自己的回复,在一天结束之前对Google的母公司Alphabet ( NASDAQ:GOOG )( NASDAQ:GOOGL )和苹果提起诉讼。

Will Epic get its way, or is the 30% app-store slice of revenue here to stay?


到目前为止的故事 (The story so far)

Published on Thursday, Aug. 13, the latest version of battle royale phenomenon Fortnite came with a new payment option. In-game items and the V-Bucks game currency used to be tied directly to the Apple App Store’s payment system when purchased from an iOS device, and to the Google Play Store when using an Android device. Now, both iOS and Android have an “Epic direct payment” option.

8月13日星期四发布的最新版本的大逃杀现象Fortnite带有新的付款方式 。 从iOS设备购买时,游戏内物品和V-Bucks游戏货币通常直接绑定到Apple App Store的支付系统,而在使用Android设备时,绑定到Google Play商店。 现在,iOS和Android都有“史诗直接付款”选项。

Epic’s own payment service runs an end-around on the traditional app store revenue model, dodging the 30% slice that Apple and Google collect and passing most of it on to the gamer in the form of a 20% discount. Epic says that this is not a temporary rebate but a permanent policy.

Epic自己的支付服务在传统应用商店收入模型上进行了终结,避开了苹果和谷歌收取的30%份额,并将其大部分以20%折扣的形式转嫁给了游戏玩家。 史诗表示,这不是暂时的回扣,而是永久的政策。

Just a couple of hours later, Apple had removed Fortnite from the App Store. Google followed suit later in the evening.

仅仅几个小时后,苹果便从 App Store中删除了Fortnite 。 谷歌在当晚晚些时候跟进。

Speaking of following suit, Epic filed a lawsuit against Apple and another one against Google before midnight on Thursday. The game developer is prepared to fight for its right to run an in-house payment system and pass the savings on to consumers.

说到随后的诉讼,Epic在周四午夜之前对苹果提起诉讼,对谷歌提起另一诉讼。 游戏开发商准备为自己的权利而运行内部支付系统,并将节省下来的费用转嫁给消费者。

重犯 (Repeat offender)

This is not Epic’s first revolt against burdensome app store policies. The company avoided Google’s Play Store in 2018, distributing Fortnite through several alternative app stores such as the Epic Games Store instead. But that decision backfired as Android users found it difficult to install and update the game through stores not named Google Play, and the whole independent-publisher idea required additional steps to allow your phone or tablet to install packages from non-Google sources. So Epic gave up on that experiment after 18 months and agreed to comply with the Play Store’s policies. Fortnite has been back in the Google Play Store since April 2020.

这不是Epic首次反对繁重的应用商店政策。 该公司在2018年避开了Google的Play商店改为通过Epic Games Store等多个替代应用商店来分发Fortnite 。 但是,这一决定适得其反,因为Android用户发现很难通过未命名为Google Play的商店来安装和更新游戏,并且整个独立发行商的想法都需要采取其他步骤来允许您的手机或平板电脑从非Google来源安装软件包。 因此,Epic在18个月后放弃了该实验,并同意遵守Play商店的政策。 自2020年4月起, Fortnite便重新回到Google Play商店

A similar revolt against Apple’s App Store policies is largely impossible because the iOS platform on iPhones and iPads is hardwired to only accept software packages from the Apple App Store. There are no third-party alternatives here, and I am not aware of any hacker-style method that could be used to bypass Apple’s hard-nosed restrictions. Epic was simply forced to agree to Apple’s policy because there was nothing else to do.

对苹果的App Store政策进行类似的反抗在很大程度上是不可能的,因为iPhone和iPad上的iOS平台被硬接线为仅接受Apple App Store的软件包。 这里没有第三方替代品,而且我不知道有任何黑客风格的方法可以用来绕过苹果公司刻薄的限制。 Epic只是被迫同意苹果的政策,因为别无他法。

更大的图景 (The bigger picture)

Epic agrees that its new payment service breaks the terms of service in the Apple and Google app stores. But the company also argues that the 30% publisher cut is onerous and anti-competitive and that the customer would be better served with lower-cost alternatives such as direct credit card payments or a PayPal link, all of which would charge transaction fees of 4% or less. These options would provide less revenue to the app store and more to the app developer, allowing companies like Epic to reduce the final fee paid by the gamer.

Epic同意其新的付款服务违反了Apple和Google应用商店中的服务条款。 但该公司还辩称,将发布商削减30%的费用是繁重且反竞争的,客户可以通过直接信用卡付款或PayPal链接等低成本替代方案获得更好的服务,所有这些替代方案均会收取4的交易费% 或更少。 这些选项将为应用程序商店提供更少的收入,为应用程序开发人员提供更多的收入,从而使像Epic这样的公司可以减少玩家支付的最终费用。

“By blocking consumer choice in software installation, Apple has created a problem so they can profit from the solution,” Epic wrote in a public statement. The legal filing pressed this point even further: “Apple could not maintain its 30% tax if it did not unlawfully foreclose competition.”

Epic在公开声明中写道:“通过阻止用户选择软件安装,苹果公司创造了一个问题,因此他们可以从该解决方案中受益。” 法律文件更进一步说明了这一点:“如果不非法取消竞争,苹果将无法维持其30%的税。”

Google’s app store policies are slightly less onerous but still harsh enough to force Epic’s hand in the long run. And the 30% fee on in-app purchases is the same as Apple’s.

Google的应用商店政策虽然没有那么繁琐,但从长远来看仍然足够严厉,足以迫使Epic介入。 应用内购买的30%费用与Apple相同。

The game developer is fighting a larger battle than its own demons here. Epic aims to change the app store game for everyone.

游戏开发商在这里要比自己的恶魔进行更大的战斗。 Epic旨在为所有人改变应用商店的游戏。

“Epic’s position is that all mobile developers and consumers have the right to choose alternate payment providers that charge less, as is the norm on all other general-purpose computing platforms, including Web, Windows, and Mac,” the company wrote. “We expect to see a general change in smartphone practices industrywide for all developers that brings greater value and freedom of choice to consumers.”

该公司写道:“ Epic的立场是,所有移动开发商和消费者都有权选择收费较低的替代支付提供商,这是所有其他通用计算平台(包括Web,Windows和Mac)上的普遍做法。” “我们希望所有开发人员都能在整个行业范围内看到智能手机惯例的总体变化,从而为消费者带来更大的价值和选择的自由。”

史诗能赢吗? (Can Epic win?)

It might sound crazy, but Epic actually stands a chance of getting the law on its side here. Apple’s app store fees have been challenged before, forcing Cupertino to reduce the fee from 30% to 15% when people subscribe to a service by using an iOS app. Media-streaming giants Netflix and Spotify led the fight for this change, and Netflix has gone as far as officially dropping its support for starting a subscription directly from the iOS app.

这听起来很疯狂,但Epic实际上有机会在这里支持法律。 苹果的应用商店收费之前一直受到挑战,迫使库比蒂诺在人们使用iOS应用程序订阅服务时将收费从30%降低到15%。 媒体流巨头NetflixSpotify领导了这一变革,而Netflix甚至放弃了对直接从iOS应用程序启动订阅的支持。

Unsurprisingly, Spotify has voiced support for Epic’s fight.


“Apple’s unfair practices have disadvantaged competitors and deprived consumers for too long,” Spotify said in a tweet. It should be noted that Spotify is suing Apple in a separate legal process, calling the iPhone maker a “monopolist” with a bad habit of anti-competitive behavior.

Spotify在推文中说:“苹果公司的不正当行为使竞争对手处于劣势,剥夺了消费者太长时间。” 应当指出的是, Spotify正在单独的法律程序中起诉苹果 ,称iPhone制造商是“垄断者”,具有不良的反竞争行为习惯。

Epic also has enthusiastic support from Chinese digital media giant Tencent (OTC:TCEH.Y), which owns 40% of the company and thus has a vested interest in achieving the right outcome here.

Epic还获得了中国数字媒体巨头腾讯 ( OTC:TCEH.Y )的热情支持,该公司拥有该公司40%的股份,因此对在这里取得正确的结果具有既得利益。

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Image source: Getty Images
图片来源:Getty Images

这场战斗在哪里结束? (Where will this battle end?)

I don’t expect Apple or Google to back down quickly. This legal battle could drag out for years, limited mostly by Epic’s willingness to absorb lost sales on the Android and iOS platforms. Users are largely taking Epic’s side here because lower fees and app stores with fewer restrictions would be good for the consumer. There’s big money in play here, giving Epic a tougher row to hoe. Apple’s services, including App Store sales, collected $46 billion in revenue last year and has become Cupertino’s fastest-growing profit center. Google is more tight-lipped about its Play Store results, but the numbers should be similar there.

我不希望苹果或谷歌会Swift退缩。 这场法律斗争可能会持续多年,主要是因为Epic愿意吸收Android和iOS平台上的销售损失。 用户在这里主要是站在Epic的一边,因为较低的费用和较少限制的应用程序商店将对消费者有利。 这里有很多钱可玩,这给Epic带来了更艰难的竞争。 苹果的服务,包括App Store的销售, 去年收入达到460亿美元,并已成为库比蒂诺增长最快的利润中心。 Google对其Play商店的结果持谨慎态度,但那里的数字应该相似。

The ideal outcome here probably lies somewhere between keeping the status quo and dropping the app store fees altogether. Smaller revenue-sharing slices could work out in everybody’s favor. As a consumer, I would obviously love to see Epic’s actions lower the app store fees. As an Alphabet investor, I don’t even mind losing some sales in exchange for a more user-friendly experience that should inspire growth in the number of installed apps.

这里的理想结果可能介于保持现状和完全降低应用商店费用之间。 较小的收益分成部分可能对所有人有利。 作为消费者,我显然希望看到Epic的行为降低应用商店的费用。 作为Alphabet的投资者,我什至不介意损失一些销售以换取更人性化的体验,这应该会激发已安装应用程序数量的增长。

Originally published at https://www.fool.com on August 15, 2020.

最初于 2020年8月15日 发布在 https://www.fool.com

翻译自: https://medium.com/the-motley-fool/fortnite-publisher-epic-games-wants-to-change-the-app-store-business-from-the-inside-the-8475346e581d






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