自动部署 持续集成_自动集成和部署到远程服务器

自动部署 持续集成

P- What’s Version Control?- What’s Docker?- What’s CI/CD?

P- 什么是版本控制? - 什么是Docker? - 什么是CI / CD?

目的 (Objective)

The goal is to give a friendly look into GitLab CI/CD with an example application that helps to get started without having to read all of GitLab documentation.

目的是通过一个示例应用程序对GitLab CI / CD进行友好的了解,该应用程序有助于入门,而无需阅读所有GitLab文档。

总览 (Overview)

Continuous Integration works by pushing small code chunks -commits- to your application’s codebase hosted in a Git repository, and, to every push, run a pipeline of scripts to build, test, and validate the code changes before merging them into the main branch.


Continuous Delivery and Deployment consist of a step further CI, deploying your application to production at every push to the default branch of the repository.


These methodologies allow you to catch bugs and errors early in the development cycle, ensuring that all the code deployed to production complies with the code standards you established for your app.


One of the major benefits of using Gitlab CI/CD is that you are freed from the cumbersome process of creating workflows using a lot of third-party plugins and tools.

使用Gitlab CI / CD的主要优点ØNE是你使用了很多第三方插件和工具的创建工作流程的繁琐的过程中解放出来。

If your codebase hosted on a version control system other than GitLab, and you want to use GitLab CI/CD you can read about Repository Mirroring.

如果您的代码库托管在除GitLab之外的版本控制系统上,并且您想使用GitLab CI / CD,则可以阅读有关存储库镜像的信息

If you’re coming over from Jenkins, you can also check out handy reference for converting your pipelines.


入门 (Getting started)

GitLab CI/CD is configured by a file called basic .gitlab-ci.yml placed at the repository's root. The scripts set in this file are executed by the GitLab Runner.

GitLab CI / CD由位于存储库根目录的名为basic .gitlab-ci.yml的文件配置。 该文件中设置的脚本由GitLab Runner执行。

To add scripts to that file, you’ll need to organize them in a sequence that suits your application and are by the tests you wish to perform. To visualize the process, imagine that all the scripts you add to the configuration file are the same as the commands you run on a terminal on your computer.

要将脚本添加到该文件,您需要按照适合您的应用程序的顺序对其进行组织,并通过您希望执行的测试进行。 为了可视化该过程,假设添加到配置文件中的所有脚本与在计算机的终端上运行的命令相同。

The scripts are grouped into jobs, and together they compose a pipeline.

这些脚本被分组为job ,它们共同组成了一个管道。

流水线 (Pipelines)

We can struct pipelines as we want because YAML is a serialization human-readable language


The assumption to build 3 pipelines:


  • Project Pipeline installs dependencies, runs linters, and any scripts that deal with the code.

    Project Pipeline将安装依赖项,运行linters,以及处理该代码的所有脚本。

  • Continuous Integration Pipeline runs automated tests and builds a distributed version of the code.


  • Deploy Pipeline deploys code to a designated cloud provider and environment.


Steps that pipelines execute are called jobs. When you group a series of jobs by those characteristics it is called stages. Jobs are the basic building block for pipelines. They can be grouped in stages and stages can be grouped into pipelines.

管道执行的步骤称为作业 。 当您根据这些特征将一系列作业分组时,称为阶段 。 作业是管道的基本构建块。 它们可以分为多个阶段,各个阶段可以分为多个管道。

基本管道 (Basic Pipelines)

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Example basic /.gitlab-ci.yml pipeline configuration matching the diagram:


  - build
  - test
  - deploy

image: alpine

  stage: build
    - echo "This job builds something."

  stage: build
    - echo "This job builds something else."

  stage: test
    - echo "This job tests something. It will only run when all jobs in the"
    - echo "build stage are complete."

  stage: test
    - echo "This job tests something else. It will only run when all jobs in the"
    - echo "build stage are complete too. It will start at about the same time as test_a."

  stage: deploy
    - echo "This job deploys something. It will only run when all jobs in the"
    - echo "test stage complete."

  stage: deploy
    - echo "This job deploys something else. It will only run when all jobs in the"
    - echo "test stage complete. It will start at about the same time as deploy_a."

In this hierarchy, all three components are considered three different pipelines [{build_a, build_b}, {test_a, test_b}, {deploy_a, deploy_b}].


The main bullets -build, -test, and -deploy are stages and each bullet under those sections is a job


Jobs will be executed based on the order listed in the stages directive.


You can make deploy_a deploys to a staging server and deploy_b deploys to the production server using the only directive which will trigger jobs when pushing commits to the branch under the only directive


deploy-production:stage: deployscript:
- ./deploy_prod.shonly:
- master

Note: pipelines' names are custom. you can rename deploy-production to what makes sense for you.

注意 :管道的名称是自定义的。 您可以将deploy-production重命名为对您有意义的名称。

You can use CI Lint to write and validate your YAML file before adding it to the root of the repository (GitLab repository UI > left sidebar CI/CD > Pipelines CL Lint button)

在将YAML文件添加到存储库的根目录之前,可以使用CI Lint编写和验证您的YAML文件( GitLab存储库UI>左侧边栏CI / CD> Pipelines CL Lint按钮 )

You can also get started by using one of the templates available through the UI. You can use them by creating a new file, choosing a template that suits your application, and adjusting it to your needs:

您也可以通过使用UI中可用的模板之一来开始使用。 您可以通过创建新文件,选择适合您的应用程序的模板并根据需要进行调整来使用它们:

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After saving your file to the root of the repo, it will be detected by GitLab as a CI/CD configuration and start executing

将文件保存到存储库的根目录后,GitLab会将其检测为CI / CD配置并开始执行

If you go to left sidebar CI/CD > Pipelines you will find your jobs stuck and if you click one of them you will see the following issue:

如果转到左侧边栏CI / CD>管道 ,则会发现作业卡住,如果单击其中之一,则会看到以下问题:

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亚搏体育app Runner (GitLab Runner)

GitLab Runner is the open-source project that is used to run your jobs and send the results back to GitLab. It is used in conjunction with GitLab CI/CD, the open-source continuous integration service included with GitLab that coordinates the jobs.

GitLab Runner是一个开源项目,用于运行您的作业并将结果发送回GitLab。 它与GitLab CI / CD结合使用,GitLab CI / CD是GitLab随附的用于协调作业的开源持续集成服务。

安装GitLab Runner (Install GitLab Runner)

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GitLab Runner can be installed and used on GNU/Linux, macOS, FreeBSD, and Windows. You can install it using Docker, download the binary manually, or use the repository for rpm/deb packages that GitLab offers. In this blog, I’ll install it as a docker service

可以在GNU / Linux,macOS,FreeBSD和Windows上安装和使用GitLab Runner。 您可以使用Docker安装它,手动下载二进制文件,或使用GitLab提供的rpm / deb软件包的存储库。 在此博客中,我将其作为docker服务安装

安装Docker映像并启动容器 (Install the Docker image and start the container)

Before you begin, ensure Docker is installed.


To run gitlab-runner inside a Docker container, you need to make sure that the configuration is not lost when the container is restarted. To do this, there are two options, which are described here. when asked for the image while installation I have typed alpine:3.7 which is light and enough for the purpose.

要在Docker容器中运行gitlab-runner ,您需要确保重新启动容器时配置不会丢失。 要做到这一点,有两个选项,其中描述了这里 。 在安装时要求提供映像时,我键入了alpine:3.7,它轻巧且足以满足要求。

Note: If you are using a session_server, you will also need to expose port 8093 by adding -p 8093:8093 to your docker run command.

注意:如果您正在使用session_server ,则还需要通过将-p 8093:8093添加到docker run命令来公开端口8093

注册跑步者 (Register the Runner)

The final step is to register a new Runner. The GitLab Runner Container won’t pick up any jobs until it’s registered.

最后一步是注册一个新的亚军。 在注册之前,GitLab Runner容器不会接收任何作业。

After you finish registration, the resulting configuration will be written to your chosen configuration volume (e.g. /srv/gitlab-runner/config), and will be automatically loaded by the Runner using that configuration volume.

完成注册后,结果配置将被写入您选择的配置卷(例如/srv/gitlab-runner/config ),并由Runner使用该配置卷自动加载。

To register a Runner using a Docker container:


  1. Run the register command:

  • For local system volume mounts:

docker run --rm -it -v /srv/gitlab-runner/config:/etc/gitlab-runner gitlab/gitlab-runner register

If you used a configuration volume other than /srv/gitlab-runner/config during install, then you should update the command with the correct volume.


  • For Docker volume mounts:

docker run --rm -it -v gitlab-runner-config:/etc/gitlab-runner gitlab/gitlab-runner:latest register

2. Run the register command:


Please enter the gitlab-ci coordinator URL (e.g. https://gitlab.com) 

3. Enter the token you obtained to register the Runner:


Please enter the gitlab-ci token for this runner

You can get URL and token from Settings>CI/CD>Runners>Expand>Set up a specific Runner manually

您可以从“设置”>“ CI / CD”>“ Runners”>“展开”>“手动设置特定的Runner”获取URL和令牌

Now time to restart the pipeline that stuck and then you can find it executed successfully.


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部署方式 (Deployment)

I’ll mention here accessing a remote server using ssh through YAML script


To deploy for a cloud provider easily, you can use dpl


添加SSH密钥 (Add SSH key)

When your CI/CD jobs run inside Docker containers (meaning the environment is contained) and you want to deploy your code in a private server, you need a way to access it. This is where an SSH key pair comes in handy.

当您的CI / CD作业在Docker容器中运行(意味着环境已包含在内)并且您想要在私有服务器中部署代码时,您需要一种访问它的方法。 这是SSH密钥对派上用场的地方。

Make sure you can connect to the server before jumping to GitLab CI

跳至GitLab CI之前,请确保您可以连接到服务器

You will first need to create an SSH key pair. For more information, follow the instructions to generate an SSH key. Do not add a passphrase to the SSH key, or the before_script will prompt for it in the YAML file.

您首先需要创建一个SSH密钥对。 有关更多信息,请按照说明生成SSH密钥请勿在SSH密钥中添加密码,否则before_script将在YAML文件中提示输入密码。

Here, I generate SSH RSA key

在这里,我生成SSH RSA密钥

ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -C "example"

The -C flag adds a comment in the key in case you have multiple of them and want to tell which is which. It is optional.

-C标志在键中添加注释,以防您有多个注释并想知道是哪个。 它是可选的。

After that, we need to copy the private key, which will be used to connect to our server, to be able to automate our deployment process:


# Copy the content of public key to authorized_keys
cat ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys

Use the following command to show the content of id_rsa and copy it:


cd .ssh && cat id_rsa
  • Go to GitLab UI sidebar>settings>CI/CD>Variables>Expand

    转到GitLab UI边栏>设置> CI / CD>变量>展开
  • Add a variable called SSH_PRIVATE_KEY and in the Value field, paste the private key you just copied from the server (if it’s AWE EC2 it will be the content of the /.pem file)

    添加一个名为SSH_PRIVATE_KEY的变量,然后在“值”字段中,粘贴刚从服务器复制的私钥(如果是AWE EC2,它将是/.pem文件的内容)
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添加部署密钥 (Add Deploy Key)

Deploy keys allow read-only or read-write (if enabled) access to your repository that’s cloned on a server.


  • Got to GitLab UI sidebar>settings>Repository>Deploy Keys>Expand

    转到GitLab UI边栏>设置>存储库>部署密钥>扩展
  • Create title and in the Key field paste the content existing in id_rsa.pub

    创建标题,然后在“ 密钥”字段中粘贴id_rsa.pub现有的内容

cd .ssh && cat id_rsa.pub
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Time to write the YAML file:


# Includes deployment pipeline only
image: alpine:3.7
    - deploy
  ## Optionally, if you will be using any Git commands, set the user name and
  ## and email.
  #- git config --global user.email "user@example.com"
  #- git config --global user.name "User name"

    stage: deploy
        - apk add openssh-client # Add SSH client for alpine 
        - eval $(ssh-agent -s) # Run the SSH client 
        # Adding environment's variable SSH_PRIVATE_KEY to the SSH client's agent that manages the private keys
        - echo "$SSH_PRIVATE_KEY" | tr -d '\r' | ssh-add -
        # Create the SSH directory and give it the right permissions
        - mkdir -p ~/.ssh
        - chmod 700 ~/.ssh
        # Connecting to the server using SSH and executing commands like pulling updates to the cloned repo
        - ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no username@host_ip_address "cd /project && git pull"
        # -o StrictHostKeyCheking=no is to disable strict host key checking in SSH
        - master

By default, alpine doesn’t come with an SSH client. That’s why I’m using the alpine package manager to add SSH client. You have to change commands depending on your flavored Linux system if you don’t use alpine in the runner registration or YAML configuration.

默认情况下,alpine不附带SSH客户端。 这就是为什么我使用alpine软件包管理器添加SSH客户端的原因。 如果您在运行程序注册或YAML配置中未使用alpine,则必须根据自己的Linux系统更改命令。

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Hope this tour serves you well.


Incredible resources on the internet though, so be sure to share what you can’t live without in the comments.


翻译自: https://levelup.gitconnected.com/automating-integration-and-deployment-to-remote-server-63a2b6576ebf

自动部署 持续集成





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