ipad pro_一个iPad Pro一个月

ipad pro

I’m a software developer and a month ago I decided to buy an iPad Pro with the Magic Keyboard to see if it was possible to use it as my main device. Some of my daily activities include the following ones:

我是一名软件开发人员,一个月前,我决定购买带有魔术键盘的iPad Pro,以查看是否可以将其用作主要设备。 我的一些日常活动包括以下活动:

  • Reading

  • Watching videos

  • Writing articles on medium

  • Using chat apps such as Slack

  • Having video conferences via Google Meet or Zoom

    通过Google Meet或Zoom召开视频会议
  • Doing code reviews

  • Coding, coding and more coding


你能用iPad做到所有这些吗?(Can you do all that with an iPad?)

The short answer is yes. But that’s not the question we should be asking ourselves, the question is if you can be as productive as with a PC. You don’t want a device that slows you down right?

简短的答案是肯定的。 但这不是我们应该问自己的问题,而是您是否可以像PC一样高效地工作。 您不希望使用会降低速度的设备吗?

您可以像使用PC一样高效吗? (Can you be as productive as with a PC?)



Using an iPad Pro is a nice experience, it is an awesome device that lets you do a bunch of things a computer doesn’t it is even better in some aspects but much worse in others.

使用iPad Pro是一种不错的体验,它是一种了不起的设备,可让您执行许多计算机无法完成的事情,在某些方面甚至更好,而在某些方面则更糟。


Reading on an iPad is much better than doing it on a PC I just like much more swiping directly on the screen than just scrolling with the trackpad.


看视频 (Watching videos)

I love watching videos on my iPad, the screen is beautiful the sound is great and I just love the portability.


在媒体上写文章 (Writing articles on medium)

The experience is fantastic, I love how the magic keyboard feels on your hands, I’d say it feels much better than the terrible butterfly keyboard on previous Macs. So you can definitely write articles from your iPad.

体验很棒,我喜欢魔术键盘在您手上的感觉,我说它的感觉比以前的Mac上糟糕的蝶形键盘好得多。 因此,您绝对可以通过iPad撰写文章。

闲聊 (Chatting)

Using chat apps is just as easy as doing it in a PC, so I’d say there is no major difference between an iPad and a PC.


召开视频会议 (Having video conferences)

Having Video Conferences on an iPad is not bad, but not great either. When I have video conferences on my PC, I usually have a second screen with a document on it or even on the same screen multiple documents, with an iPad this becomes just a mess. Even if you can multitask on an iPad but the screen is just too small to have multiple apps open and being able to work in all of them at the same time.

在iPad上进行视频会议也不错,但也不是很好。 当我在PC上进行视频会议时,通常会在第二个屏幕上放有一个文档,或者甚至在同一屏幕上有多个文档,而在iPad上,这简直是一团糟。 即使您可以在iPad上执行多任务,但屏幕也太小,无法打开多个应用程序,并且无法同时在所有应用程序中运行。

You can actually connect a bigger screen with the USB-C port but you cannot have different content on each screen.


Something that really surprised me is that you can actually share your iPad screen and let the others see what you’re doing! One big advantage from doing it from an iPad and not a PC is that you can use a notes app with the Apple Pencil to explain things with ease.

让我真正感到惊讶的是,您实际上可以共享iPad屏幕,让其他人看到您在做什么! 从iPad而非PC上进行操作的一大优势是,您可以将注释应用程序与Apple Pencil一起使用,以轻松地进行解释。

代码评论 (Code Reviews)

Doing code reviews is one of the most important and common tasks for a developer, normally you do them on a daily basis and more than once a day.


GitHub has improved their app so much and you can almost do everything you do on the web browser from your iPad, but it still has its flaws.


On the web browser you can do a multi line comment, on the app you can’t. That doesn’t mean that you can’t use your iPad’s web browser to review the PR, but then what’s the point of having an app installed if you’re not going to use it?

在网络浏览器上,您可以执行多行注释,而在应用程序上则不能。 这并不意味着您不能使用iPad的网络浏览器来查看PR,但是如果您不打算使用该应用,那么安装该应用又有什么意义呢?

Sometimes, when I do code reviews, after looking at the changes I switch to that branch and see the changes on my side, that’s not possible with an iPad, at least not in a simple way.


编码 (Coding)

Coding on an iPad just sucks.


There are no real code editors for iPad, there are some apps that allow you to code and run your code on the cloud and get the result back, but that’s just too slow and it’s not worth the money they charge you for that.


There are other tools such as Codeanywhere. A platform that allows you to code directly from your web browser. It’s not bad, but it still needs to get better. Auto completion for JSX, TSX doesn’t work and you can’t run mobile apps in there.

还有其他工具,例如Codeanywhere 。 一个允许您直接从Web浏览器进行编码的平台。 不错,但仍然需要改善。 JSX的自动完成功能,TSX无法正常工作,您无法在其中运行移动应用程序。

There is no Xcode for iPad, meaning you cannot work on iOS apps from your iPad.


Another thing that I tried was using a Raspberry Pi, connect it to my iPad with the USB-C cable and then either ssh into it or use a Remote Desktop app and work directly from my Pi but there were a lot of things I didn’t enjoy,

我尝试过的另一件事是使用Raspberry Pi,通过USB-C电缆将其连接到我的iPad ,然后通过ssh插入它或使用远程桌面应用程序直接在我的Pi上工作,但是我做过很多事情享受,

  • You still cannot run mobile apps

  • Code editors for the Raspberry Pi are not great

    Raspberry Pi的代码编辑器不是很好
  • If you use your iPad to power your Pi, it drains the battery of your iPad really fast (remember the magic keyboard uses the iPad’s battery as well).


So far, non of my attempts to code on an iPad were successful, so I decided to give my iPad another chance. I tried leaving my main PC on, with SSH and Remote Desktop enabled, I downloaded a terminal app and a Remote Desktop app on my iPad but it’s just a terrible experience. Here’s why,

到目前为止,我在iPad上进行编码的尝试均未成功,因此我决定再给iPad一个机会。 我尝试将主计算机保持打开状态,并启用SSH和远程桌面,然后在iPad上下载了一个终端应用程序和一个远程桌面应用程序,但这真是太糟糕了。 这就是为什么

  • If your internet connection is not fast enough then the Remote Desktop feels supper laggy.

  • iPad’s commands interfere with your computer’s ones.

  • The trackpad gestures from the Magic keyboard doesn’t work well on the Remote Desktop, so you end up having to use the touchscreen inside the Remote Desktop session and it just slows you down.


结论 (Conclusion)

The iPad Pro is a great device, it allows you to do basic work related stuff such as watching video tutorials, reading, doing simple code reviews, writing articles and chatting.

iPad Pro是一款很棒的设备,它使您可以进行与基础工作相关的工作,例如观看视频教程,阅读,进行简单的代码审查,编写文章和聊天。

When it comes to coding, I’d say it is not worth it. If you are planing to buy an iPad and use it as your main computer and code from there I’d say DON’T DO IT.

说到编码,我会说这是不值得的。 如果您打算购买iPad,并将其用作您的主要计算机,然后从那里购买代码,我会说不要这样做。

For a lot of different professions an iPad Pro can easily substitute a PC, but not for developers, at least not right now. I’m still waiting for GitHub Codespaces to be officially released to give my iPad another opportunity to become my main device for coding.

对于许多不同的职业,iPad Pro可以轻松替代PC,但对于开发人员却不能,至少现在还不能。 我仍在等待GitHub Codespaces正式发布,以使我的iPad再次有机会成为我的主要编码设备。

翻译自: https://medium.com/swlh/a-month-with-an-ipad-pro-f7b03b9ca871

ipad pro





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