

Data scientists are trying to build an AI system that can win a gold medal at the world’s premier math competition


The 61st International Mathematical Olympiad, or IMO, may go down in history for at least two reasons:


  • Due to the COVID-19 pandemic it’s the first time the event has been held remotely


  • It may also be the last time that artificial intelligence doesn’t compete.


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资料来源: https : //

Indeed, researchers view the IMO as the ideal proving ground for machines designed to think like humans. If an AI system can excel here, it will have matched an important dimension of human cognition.

实际上,研究人员将IMO视为设计为像人一样思考的机器的理想试验场。 如果一个AI系统在这里能胜出,它将与人类认知的重要方面相匹配。

“The IMO, to me, represents the hardest class of problems that smart people can be taught to solve somewhat reliably,” said Daniel Selsam of Microsoft Research.


Selsam is a founder of the IMO Grand Challenge, whose goal is to train an AI system to win a gold medal at the world’s premier math competition.

塞尔萨姆(Selsam)是IMO大挑战赛( IMO Grand Challenge )的创始人,该挑战赛的目标是训练AI系统在世界顶级数学竞赛中获得金牌。

国际数学奥林匹克[IMO]-历史 (International Mathematical Olympiad [IMO] — History)

The International Mathematical Olympiad (IMO) is a mathematical olympiad for pre-college students, and is the oldest of the International Science Olympiads. The first IMO was held in Romania in 1959. It has since been held annually, except in 1980. More than 100 countries, representing over 90% of the world’s population, send teams of up to six students, plus one team leader, one deputy leader, and observers.

国际数学奥林匹克( IMO )是面向大学预科生的数学奥林匹克,是国际科学奥林匹克中最古老的奥林匹克。 第一次国际海事组织于1959年在罗马尼亚举行。自1980年以来,每年举行一次。代表世界90%以上人口的100多个国家派出了多达6名学生的小组,另加一名小组组长,一名副主席领袖和观察员。

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The best young math students in the world compete every year at the International Mathematical Olympiad (Source:
每年,世界上最好的年轻数学学生都参加国际数学奥林匹克竞赛(资料来源: http : // )

The content ranges from extremely difficult algebra and pre-calculus problems to problems on branches of mathematics not conventionally covered at school and often not at university level either, such as projective and complex geometry, functional equations, combinatorics, and well-grounded number theory, of which extensive knowledge of theorems is required. Calculus, though allowed in solutions, is never required, as there is a principle that anyone with a basic understanding of mathematics should understand the problems, even if the solutions require a great deal more knowledge. Supporters of this principle claim that this allows more universality and creates an incentive to find elegant, deceptively simple-looking problems which nevertheless require a certain level of ingenuity.

内容从极度困难的代数和微积分问题到学校通常不涉及的数学分支问题,也常常在大学级别不涉及,例如射影和复杂几何,功能方程,组合数学和扎实的数论,其中需要定理的广泛知识。 尽管解决方案允许使用微积分,但由于不需要一个数学原理,即使解决方案需要大量的知识,任何对数学有基本了解的人也应该理解微积分。 支持该原理的人声称,这可以实现更大的通用性,并且可以激励人们寻找优雅,看似简单的问题,但仍需要一定水平的独创性。

The selection process differs by country, but it often consists of a series of tests which admit fewer students at each progressing test. Awards are given to approximately the top-scoring 50% of the individual contestants. Teams are not officially recognized — all scores are given only to individual contestants, but team scoring is unofficially compared more than individual scores. Contestants must be under the age of 20 and must not be registered at any tertiary institution. Subject to these conditions, an individual may participate any number of times in the IMO.

选拔过程因国家/地区而异,但通常由一系列测验组成,每项进行中的测验招收的学生较少。 大约有50%得分最高的个人选手获得了奖励。 球队并没有得到官方认可-所有分数仅提供给个人参赛者,但是非正式地比较了球队得分而不是个人分数。 参赛者必须未满20岁,并且不得在任何大专院校注册。 在满足这些条件的前提下,个人可以多次参加IMO。

The International Mathematical Olympiad is one of the most prestigious mathematical competitions in the world.


In January 2011, Google sponsored €1 million to the International Mathematical Olympiad organization.


评分,格式和程序 (Scoring, format and Programme)

The competition consists of six problems. Each problem is worth seven points for a maximum total score of 42 points. No calculators are allowed. The competition is held over two consecutive days; each day the contestants have four-and-a-half hours to solve three problems. The problems chosen are from various areas of secondary school mathematics, broadly classifiable as geometry, number theory, algebra, and combinatorics. They require no knowledge of higher mathematics such as calculus and analysis, and solutions are often short and elementary. However, they are usually disguised so as to make the solutions difficult. Prominently featured are algebraic inequalities, complex numbers, and construction-oriented geometrical problems, though in recent years the latter has not been as popular as before.

比赛包括六个问题。 每个问题价值7分,满分为42分。 不允许使用计算器。 比赛连续两天举行; 每天,参赛者有四个半小时的时间来解决三个问题。 选择的问题来自中学数学的各个领域,大致可分为几何,数论,代数和组合数学。 他们不需要高等数学知识,例如微积分和分析,解决方案通常简短而基本。 然而,它们通常被伪装成使得解决方案困难。 突出的特征是代数不等式,复数和面向构造的几何问题,尽管近年来后者没有像以前那样流行。

Each participating country, other than the host country, may submit suggested problems to a Problem Selection Committee provided by the host country, which reduces the submitted problems to a shortlist. The team leaders arrive at the IMO a few days in advance of the contestants and form the IMO Jury which is responsible for all the formal decisions relating to the contest, starting with selecting the six problems from the shortlist. The Jury aims to order the problems so that the order in increasing difficulty is Q1, Q4, Q2, Q5, Q3 and Q6. As the leaders know the problems in advance of the contestants, they are kept strictly separated and observed.

除东道国外,每个参与国都可以向东道国提供的问题选择委员会提交建议的问题,从而将提交的问题减少到候选清单中。 小组负责人比参赛者提前几天到达IMO,并组建IMO评审团,负责与比赛有关的所有正式决定,首先从入围名单中选择六个问题。 陪审团旨在对问题进行排序,以使难度递增的顺序为Q1,Q4,Q2,Q5,Q3和Q6。 由于领导人提前知道了参赛者所面临的问题,因此将他们严格分开并加以观察。

Each country’s marks are agreed between that country’s leader and deputy leader and coordinators provided by the host country (the leader of the team whose country submitted the problem in the case of the marks of the host country), subject to the decisions of the chief coordinator and ultimately a jury if any disputes cannot be resolved.



海事组织和人工智能(IMO & Artificial Intelligence)

Solving IMO problems often requires a flash of insight, a transcendent first step that today’s AI finds hard — if not impossible.


For example, one of the oldest results in math is Euclid’s proof from 300 BCE that there are infinitely many prime numbers. It begins with the recognition that you can always find a new prime by multiplying all known primes and adding 1. The proof that follows is simple, but coming up with the opening idea was an act of art.

例如,数学上最古老的结果之一是公元前300年的欧几里得证明,有无限多个质数。 首先要认识到,总是可以通过将所有已知的质数相乘并加1来找到一个新的质数。下面的证明很简单,但是提出一个开放的想法是一种艺术行为。

“You cannot get computers to get that idea,” said Professor Kevin Buzzard (Faculty of Natural Sciences, Department of Mathematics, Imperial College London).

伦敦帝国理工学院数学系自然科学学院的凯文·巴扎德(Kevin Buzzard)教授说:“您无法使用计算机来实现这一想法。”

The IMO Grand Challenge team is using a software program called Lean, first launched in 2013 by a Microsoft researcher named Leonardo de Moura. Lean is a “proof assistant” that checks mathematicians’ work and automates some of the tedious parts of writing a proof.

IMO Grand Challenge团队正在使用名为Lean的软件程序,该程序于2013年由微软研究员Leonardo de Moura首次启动。 精益测试是“证明助手”,可以检查数学家的工作,并使编写证明的乏味部分自动化。

De Moura and his colleagues want to use Lean as a “solver,” capable of devising its own proofs of IMO problems. But at the moment, it cannot even understand the concepts involved in some of those problems. If it’s going to do better, two things need to change.

De Moura和他的同事希望将精益作为“解决方案”,能够设计出自己的IMO问题证明。 但是目前,它甚至无法理解其中一些问题所涉及的概念。 如果要做得更好,则需要改变两件事。

First, Lean needs to learn more math. The program draws on a library of mathematics called mathlib, which is growing all the time. Today it contains almost everything a math major might know by the end of their second year of college, but with some elementary gaps that matter for the IMO.

首先,精益需要学习更多的数学知识。 该程序使用一个名为mathlib的数学库,该库一直在增长。 如今,它几乎涵盖了数学专业的学生到大学二年级时可能知道的所有内容,但是对于IMO来说却存在一些基本的差距。

The second, bigger challenge is teaching Lean what to do with the knowledge it has. The IMO Grand Challenge team wants to train Lean to approach a mathematical proof the way other AI systems already successfully approach complicated games like chess and Go — by following a decision tree until it finds the best move.

第二个更大的挑战是教精益该如何利用其所拥有的知识。 IMO大挑战团队希望通过遵循决策树直到找到最佳动作,来训练精益技术以数学证明方式像其他AI系统已经成功地处理象棋和围棋这样的复杂游戏一样。

“If we can get a computer to have that brilliant idea by simply having thousands and thousands of ideas and rejecting all of them until it stumbles on the right one, maybe we can do the IMO Grand Challenge,” said Buzzard.


But what are mathematical ideas? That’s surprisingly hard to say. At a high level, a lot of what mathematicians do when they approach a new problem is ineffable.

但是什么是数学思想? 令人惊讶的很难说。 在高层次上,许多数学家在解决一个新问题时所做的事情是无法理解的。

“A key step in many IMO problems is to basically play around with it and look for patterns,” said Selsam. Of course, it’s not obvious how you tell a computer to “play around” with a problem.

Selsam说:“许多IMO问题的关键步骤是从根本上解决问题并寻找模式。” 当然,告诉计算机如何“解决”问题并不清楚。

At a low level, math proofs are just a series of very concrete, logical steps. The IMO researchers could try to train Lean by showing it the full details of previous IMO proofs. But at that granular level, individual proofs become too specialized to a given problem.

从低层次上讲,数学证明只是一系列非常具体的逻辑步骤。 IMO研究人员可以通过向其展示IMO先前证明的全部细节来尝试训练精益。 但是在这样的细粒度水平上,单个证明对于特定问题变得过于专业化。

“There’s nothing that works for the next problem,” said Selsam.

“没有下一个问题可以解决,” Selsam说。

To help with this, the IMO Grand Challenge team needs mathematicians to write detailed formal proofs of previous IMO problems. The team will then take these proofs and try to distill the techniques, or strategies, that make them work. Then they’ll train an AI system to search among those strategies for a “winning” combination that solves IMO problems it’s never seen before. The trick, Selsam observes, is that winning in math is much harder than winning even the most complicated board games. In those games, at least you know the rules going in.

为此,IMO大挑战小组需要数学家为以前的IMO问题撰写详细的正式证明。 然后,团队将获取这些证明,并尝试提炼使它们起作用的技术或策略。 然后,他们将训练一个AI系统,在这些策略中进行搜索,以找到一种“成功的”组合,以解决IMO前所未有的问题。 Selsam观察到,诀窍在于,赢得数学比赛比赢得最复杂的棋盘游戏要困难得多。 在这些游戏中,至少您知道规则。

“Maybe in Go the goal is to find the best move, whereas in math the goal is to find the best game and then to find the best move in that game,” he said.


The IMO Grand Challenge is currently a moonshot. If Lean were participating in this year’s competition, “we’d probably get a zero,” said de Moura.

IMO大挑战目前是一个月球。 如果穆罕默德(Lean)参加今年的比赛,那么“我们可能会得到零分”,德穆拉说。

But the researchers have several benchmarks they’re trying to hit before next year’s event. They plan to fill in the holes in mathlib so that Lean can understand all of the questions. They also hope to have the detailed formal proofs of dozens of previous IMO problems, which will begin the process of providing Lean with a basic playbook to draw from.

但是研究人员有一些基准试图在明年的事件之前达到。 他们计划填补mathlib中的漏洞,以便精益可以理解所有问题。 他们还希望获得数十个以前的IMO问题的详细正式证明,这将开始为精益生产提供基础的参考手册。

At that point a gold medal may still be far out of reach, but at least Lean could line up for the race.


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