

Software development has a lot of abbreviations, and every day new ones appear. In this article, I’ve compiled some frequently used software development terms. It is better that you know them (if you don’t already) if you don’t want to feel lost in this world.

软件开发有很多缩写,而且每天都有新的缩写出现。 在本文中,我编译了一些常用的软件开发术语。 如果您不想迷失在这个世界上,最好了解他们(如果您还没有的话)。

Lets’s go!


常用缩略语 (Common Acronyms)

  1. ES: Abbreviation of ECMAScript. ECMAScript (or ES) is a general-purpose programming language and was initially designed to be a Web scripting language.

    ES: ECMAScript的缩写 ECMAScript(或ES)是一种通用编程语言,最初被设计为Web脚本语言。

  2. IDE: Abbreviation of Integrated Development Environment. And IDE is a software application that provides facilities to programmers for software development.

    IDE: Integrated Development Environment的缩写 IDE是一个软件应用程序,为程序员提供了进行软件开发的便利。

  3. GUI: Abbreviation of Graphic User Interface. A GUI or graphical user interface is a form of user interface that allows users to interact with electronic devices through a graphical interface.

    GUI: 图形用户界面的缩写 GUI或图形用户界面是用户界面的一种形式,它允许用户通过图形界面与电子设备进行交互。

  4. IIFE: Abbreviation of Immediately invoked function expression. An IIFE is a JavaScript function that runs as soon as it is defined.

    IIFE: 立即调用的函数expression的缩写 IIFE是一个JavaScript函数,它在定义后立即运行。

  5. DOM: Abbreviation of Document Object Model. The Document Object Model or DOM is a programming interface for HTML and XML documents.

    DOM: Document Object Model的缩写。 文档对象模型或DOM是HTML和XML文档的编程接口。

  6. JSON: Abbreviation of JavaScript Object Notation. It is a data-interchange format.

    JSON: JavaScript Object Notation的缩写 它是一种数据交换格式。

  7. AJAX: Abbreviation of Asynchronous JavaScript And XML. Ajax is a set of techniques using web technologies on the client-side to create asynchronous communication in web applications.

    AJAX: 异步JavaScript和XML的缩写 Ajax是在客户端使用Web技术在Web应用程序中创建异步通信的一组技术。

  8. AVIF: Abbreviation of AV1 Image File Format. It is a new, highly efficient image compression format.

    AVIF: AV1图像文件格式的缩写 这是一种新型的高效图像压缩格式。

  9. HTML: Abbreviation of HyperText Markup Language. It is the standard markup language for documents designed to be displayed in a web browser.

    HTML: 超文本标记语言的缩写 它是设计用于在Web浏览器中显示的文档的标准标记语言。

  10. XML: Abbreviation of eXtensible Markup Language. XML is a markup language designed by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) to establish a syntax for encoding documents that both machines and humans could read.

    XML: 可扩展标记语言的缩写 XML是一种由万维网联盟(W3C)设计的标记语言,用于建立一种语法,以编码机器和人类都可以阅读的文档。

  11. SEO: Abbreviation of Search Engine Optimization. The SEO Abbreviation is used to define the process of improving the quality and quantity of website traffic by increasing the visibility of a website.

    SEO: 搜索引擎优化的缩写 SEO缩写用于定义通过增加网站的可见性来提高网站流量的质量和数量的过程。

  12. UX: Abbreviation of User Experience. UX abbreviation is used to define the design process to create products that provide meaningful and proper experiences to users.

    UX: 用户体验的缩写 UX缩写用于定义设计过程,以创建可为用户提供有意义和适当体验的产品。

  13. JS: Abbreviation of JavaScript. JavaScript is the main programming language of the Web.

    JS: JavaScript的缩写 JavaScript是Web的主要编程语言。

  14. REGEX: Abbreviation of Regular expression. A REGEX is a regular expression of a sequence of characters that define a search pattern.

    REGEX: 正则表达式的缩写 REGEX是定义搜索模式的一系列字符的正则表达式。

  15. API Abbreviation of Application programming interface. An API enables two different applications to talk with each other for making some parts of the code available.

    API 应用程序编程接口的缩写。 API使两个不同的应用程序可以相互通信以使部分代码可用。

  16. CDN: Abbreviation of Content delivery network. A CDN is a highly-distributed of servers that help minimize delays in loading web page content by reducing the physical distance between the server and the user.

    CDN: Content Delivery Network的缩写 CDN 是高度分散的服务器,可通过减少服务器与用户之间的物理距离来最大程度地减少加载网页内容的延迟。

  17. CMS: Abbreviation of Content management system. A CMS is a software application used for creating and maintaining digital content.

    CMS: Content Management System的缩写 CMS是用于创建和维护数字内容的软件应用程序。

  18. ERP: Abbreviation of Enterprise resource planning. ERP abbreviation is used to refers to a sort of software that organizations use to manage day-to-day business activities.

    ERP: 企业资源计划的缩写 ERP的缩写是指组织用于管理日常业务活动的一种软件。

  19. CRUD: Abbreviation of Create, read, update, and delete. In programming, create, read, edit, and delete are the four essential functions of data manipulation.

    CRUD: 创建,读取,更新和删除的缩写 在编程中,创建,读取,编辑和删除是数据操作的四个基本功能。

  20. MVC: Abbreviation of Model, View, and Controller. MVC abbreviation is used to define a software design pattern commonly used for developing user interfaces that distribute the program logic into three elements.

    MVC: Model,View和Controller的缩写。 MVC的缩写用于定义软件设计模式,通常用于开发将程序逻辑分为三个元素的用户界面。

  21. UTC: Abbreviation of Coordinated Universal Time. UTC is the primary time standard by which the world regulates clocks and time.

    UTC: 世界协调时间的缩写 UTC是世界各地用来调节时钟和时间的主要时间标准。

  22. EOF: Abbreviation of End of File. The EOF abbreviation is used to indicates the end of a file.

    EOF: 文件结尾的缩写。 EOF的缩写用于指示文件的结尾。

  23. FIFO: Abbreviation of First In First Out. FIFO abbreviation is used to indicate that the first item is the first item out in a queue.

    FIFO:的缩写先进先出 FIFO的缩写用于表示 第一项是队列中的第一项。

  24. FTP: Abbreviation of File Transfer Protocol. The FTP abbreviation is used to refers to a protocol widely used to transfer files between computers.

    FTP: File Transfer Protocol的缩写 FTP的缩写是指广泛用于在计算机之间传输文件的协议。

  25. SDK: Abbreviation of Software development kit. An SDK is a collection of software development tools in one installable package.

    SDK: 软件开发套件的缩写 SDK是一个可安装软件包中的一组软件开发工具。

  26. JDK: Abbreviation of Java Development Kit. A JDK is an implementation of the Java Platform.

    JDK: Java Development Kit的缩写 JDK是Java平台的实现。

  27. JRE: Abbreviation of Java Runtime Environment. It is the part of the JDK that contains and organizes the set of tools and minimum requirements for executing Java applications.

    JRE: Java Runtime Environment的缩写 它是JDK的一部分,包含并组织用于执行Java应用程序的工具集和最低要求。

  28. JVM: Abbreviation of Java Virtual Machine. The JVM is the virtual machine that allows computers to run Java programs as well as programs written in other languages that are also compiled to Java bytecode.

    JVM: Java虚拟机的缩写 JVM是一种虚拟机,它允许计算机运行Java程序以及用其他语言编写的程序,这些程序也已编译为Java字节码。

  29. SOAP: Abbreviation of Simple Object Access Protocol. SOAP is used to define a messaging protocol specification for exchanging structured information by web services.

    SOAP: 简单对象访问协议的缩写 SOAP用于定义用于通过Web服务交换结构化信息的消息传递协议规范。

  30. SQL: Abbreviation of Structured Query Language. The SQL language is used in programming for managing data in a relational database.

    SQL: 结构化查询语言的缩写 SQL语言用于在程序中管理关系数据库中的数据。

  31. JDBC: Abbreviation of Java Database Connectivity. JDBC is an API for the Java language which defines how a client may access a database.

    JDBC: Java数据库连接性的缩写 JDBC是Java语言的API,它定义了客户端如何访问数据库。

  32. ORM: Abbreviation of Object Relational Mapping. An ORM is a programming technique used for converting data between incompatible systems using object-oriented programming languages.

    ORM: Object Relational Mapping的缩写。 ORM是一种编程技术,用于使用面向对象的编程语言在不兼容的系统之间转换数据。

  33. ETL: Abbreviation of Extract, Transform, Load. The ETL abbreviation is used to define a type of data integration that refers to the three steps (extract, transform, load) used to mix data from multiple sources.

    ETL: Extract,Transform,Load的缩写 ETL的缩写用于定义一种数据集成类型,它是指用于混合来自多个源的数据的三个步骤(提取,转换,加载)。

  34. OOP: Abbreviation of Object-oriented programming. OOP is a programming paradigm based on the notion of objects.

    OOP:面向对象编程的缩写 OOP是一种基于对象概念的编程范例。

  35. REST: Abbreviation of Representational state transfer. REST defines a programming architectural style that provides standards for communication between computer systems.

    REST: 代表性状态转移的缩写 REST定义了一种编程体系结构样式,该样式为计算机系统之间的通信提供了标准。

  36. CSS: Abbreviation of Cascading Style Sheets. CSS is a style sheet language used for describing the presentation of a document written in HTML.

    CSS: 级联样式表的缩写 CSS是一种样式表语言,用于描述以HTML编写的文档的表示形式。

  37. CVS: Abbreviation of Concurrent Versioning System. CVS is a version control system that tracks all changes in a set of files.

    CVS: 并行版本控制系统的缩写 CVS是一个版本控制系统,可跟踪一组文件中的所有更改。

  38. CSV: Abbreviation of Comma-separated values. A CSV file is a delimited text file that uses a comma to separate values.

    CSV: 逗号分隔值的缩写 CSV文件是带分隔符的文本文件,使用逗号分隔值。

  39. TDD: Abbreviation of Test-driven development. TDD is a software development process that is based on the repetition of a short development cycle: requirements are turned into specific test cases, and then the code is fixed so that the tests pass.

    TDD: 测试驱动开发的缩写 TDD是一个软件开发过程,它基于较短的开发周期的重复:将需求转换为特定的测试用例,然后对代码进行固定以使测试通过。

  40. BDD: Abbreviation of Behavior-driven development. BDD is a behavioral driven development strategy, which has evolved from TDD, but it is not a testing technique. BDD defines a common language among all stakeholders and developers.

    BDD: 行为驱动开发的缩写 BDD是一种行为驱动的开发策略,它是从TDD演变而来的,但它不是测试技术。 BDD在所有利益相关者和开发人员之间定义了一种通用语言。

  41. XP: Abbreviation of Extreme Programming. XP is a software development method that organizes people to produce higher-quality software more productively and try to reduce the cost of changes in requirements by having several short development cycles.

    XP: Extreme Programming的缩写 XP是一种软件开发方法,可以组织人们更高效地生产更高质量的软件,并通过缩短几个开发周期来尝试降低需求变更的成本。

  42. UAT: Abbreviation of User Acceptance Testing. UAT is the last phase of the software testing process

    UAT: 用户验收测试的缩写 UAT是软件测试过程的最后阶段

  43. AD: Abbreviation of Active Directory. AD is Microsoft’s proprietary directory service.

    AD: Active Directory的缩写 AD是Microsoft的专有目录服务。

  44. SAAS: Abbreviation of Software as a Service. SaaS is a software solution that is purchased from a cloud service provider on a pay-per-use model.

    SAAS: 软件即服务的缩写 SaaS是一种软件解决方案,是按使用量付费模式从云服务提供商处购买的。

  45. UUID: Abbreviation of Universally unique identifier. A UUID is a 128-bit number used to identify information in computer systems.

    UUID: 通用唯一标识符的缩写 UUID是一个128位数字,用于标识计算机系统中的信息。

  46. WYSIWYG: Abbreviation of What you see is what you get. Microsoft Word is a common example to define a WYSIWYG editor. You have a blank page with some format tools, words, images, tables, and so forth. What you see on the screen is exactly what you see when you print the document.

    所见即所得:的缩写你看到的是你会得到什么 Microsoft Word是定义WYSIWYG编辑器的常见示例。 您有一个空白页面,其中包含一些格式工具,单词,图像,表格等。 您在屏幕上看到的正是您打印文档时看到的。

  47. SMACSS: Abbreviation of Scalable and Modular Architecture for CSS. SMACSS is a style guide based in five categories (base, layout, module, state, theme).

    SMACSS: CSS可扩展和模块化体系结构的缩写 SMACSS是基于五个类别(基础,布局,模块,状态,主题)的样式指南。

  48. SOLID: Abbreviation of Single responsibility principle, Open-closed principle, Liskov substitution principle, Interface segregation principle, and Dependency inversion principle. SOLID is a mnemonic acronym for five design principles designed to make software designs more flexible, understandable, and maintainable.

    SOLID: 单一责任原则,开闭原则,Liskov替代原则,接口隔离原则和依赖反转原则的缩写 SOLID是五个设计原则的助记符缩写,旨在使软件设计更加灵活,易于理解和可维护。

  49. YAGNI: Abbreviation of You Ain’t Gonna Need It. YAGNI is a principle of XP that sets that a programmer should not add functionality until deemed necessary.

    YAGNI:“ You 'll Not're Need It're Need it的缩写” YAGNI是XP的一项原则,该原则规定程序员在认为必要之前不应添加功能。

  50. GNU: Is a recursive acronym for “GNU’s Not Unix. GNU is an extensive collection of free software, which gave rise to the family of operating systems popularly known as Linux.

    GNU:是“ GNU的Not Unix”的递归首字母缩写 GNU是广泛的自由软件集合,它产生了一系列操作系统,通常被称为Linux。

If you are in the software development world, I am sure you know most of these acronyms or will do so in the future.


I would love to receive feedback, so what other acronyms not on this list do you consider essential?


Thanks for reading me!








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