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Heuristics define approaches to problem-solving, system mental representation and in a broader way, a way of thinking. Heuristics we handle daily largely impact the way we think.

启发式方法定义了解决问题的方法,系统的心理表示以及更广泛的思维方式。 我们每天处理的启发式方法在很大程度上影响了我们的思维方式。

This article is meant to demonstrate the use and pertinence of typical programing and engineering heuristics in the management field. As I often noticed in my work experience, we tend to develop a much more rational approach on engineering problems than in the management ones. It is mainly due to the fact that program design is logical and computational by nature. At the opposite, management involves much more human problematics and fuzzy decision makings. The rationalisation process of management often invites to a deep dive into archetypal and fake rationality. For exemple, uses of poorly collected metrics, misuses of data and fuzzy ideas that falsely look binary because these are framed in diagrams are frequently observed in the management process of many organisations even at NASA. Even if management tends to be a rational science, it is hard to apply a logical thinking as safe and trivial as in programatic thinking.Organisations tend to be more fuzzy than programs and that is not new, meanwhile, due to the trivial logic thinking of programming, the domain is gifted with a rich heuristics and paradigms library that should be useful to management people and help us all gain in rationality.

本文旨在说明管理领域中典型编程和工程启发式方法的使用和相关性。 正如我在工作经验中经常注意到的那样,对于工程问题,我们倾向于开发一种比管理问题更为理性的方法。 主要原因是程序设计本质上是逻辑和计算的。 相反,管理涉及更多的人为问题和模糊的决策。 管理的合理化过程通常会引起对原型和假性理性的深入研究。 例如,使用收集不佳的度量标准,滥用数据以及模糊的想法,这些想法看起来是二进制的,因为这些都是以图表的形式出现的,即使在美国国家航空航天局(NASA)的许多组织的管理过程中也经常观察到这种情况。 即使管理趋于成为一门理性科学,也很难像在程序化思维中一样应用安全和琐碎的逻辑思维,而组织往往比程序更加模糊,这并不是新事物,同时由于琐碎的逻辑思维,通过编程,该领域拥有丰富的启发式和范例库,该库对于管理人员有用,并有助于我们所有人获得理性。

Here is a collection of raw but resourceful heuristics commonly used in programming and engineering ( not only ). Take it as it comes.

这是通常在编程和工程中(不仅是)使用的原始但资源丰富的启发式方法的集合。 顺其自然。

为什么管理应该受到计算启发式技术的启发? (Why should management get inspired by computational heuristics ?)

Any organization that designs a system (defined broadly) will produce a design whose structure is a copy of the organization’s communication structure.


— Melvin E. Conway 1967

—梅尔文·康威(Melvin E. Conway)1967

Here are some facts:


  • we live in a computational world

  • a large amount of activity, exchange and value exists only in a digital ecosystem

  • businesses and organisations are becoming more and more digital in its structures and tools

  • there is a fair chance that as you ( a management fellow) work closely on a daily basis with engineers and programers.

  • computation seems pretty limitless

  • computation is either logical or dysfunctioning.


As Conway stated there definitely is a symmetry effect between the organisation and its system, but we must take in account that the balance between the device built by an organisation and the organisation itself is not the same than in the 60’s. Today, a large amount of companies rely on their home designed back-offices, CRMs, web-apps. As it is true that these devices structures reflect the organisation’s one, the opposite is now equally true. In a broader observation, the way our society and businesses are structured around the web and digital tools reinforces the probability that your organisation‘s structure should reflect [ the web and digital tools one ]. If not, I encourage you to think about it, it might be interesting.

正如Conway所说,组织及其系统之间肯定存在对称效应,但我们必须考虑到组织所构建的设备与组织本身之间的平衡与60年代的平衡是不同的。 如今,许多公司都依赖于他们在家设计的后台,CRM和Web应用程序。 这些设备的结构确实反映了组织的结构,事实恰恰相反。 从更广泛的角度来看,我们的社会和企业围绕Web和数字工具的结构方式增强了您的组织结构应反映[Web和数字工具之一]的可能性。 如果没有,我鼓励您考虑一下,这可能很有趣。

And… The more you will think like a geek, the more you will optimize your communication with the geek team. And that is good for everybody.

而且……您越会像极客一样思考,就会越多地优化与极客团队的沟通。 这对所有人都有好处。

面向对象的管理 (Objet-oriented management)

In computer sciences, the core concepts of Object Oriented Programming ( OOP ) are : encapsulation, abstraction, inheritance, polymorphism and each element can be considered as an object ( ex : functions, variables, constants, classes of object, etc… )

在计算机科学中,面向对象编程(OOP)的核心概念是:封装抽象继承多态,并且每个元素都可以视为一个对象 (例如:函数,变量,常量,对象类等)

Encapsulation is a phenomenon by which each object keeps its state private, inside a class. Other objects don’t have direct access to this state. Instead, they can only call a list of public functions — called methods.

封装是一种现象,通过这种现象,每个对象都可以在类内保持其状态为私有。 其他对象没有直接访问此状态的权限。 取而代之的是,它们只能调用公共函数列表(称为方法)。

Abstraction means that each object only exposes high-level actions and relevant for external object. Abstraction is considered as an extension of encapsulation because it naturally inherits from it

抽象意味着每个对象仅公开高层操作,并且与外部对象相关。 抽象被认为是封装的扩展,因为它自然地继承自封装

Speaking inheritance, it is a sort of genetic link between objects with similar attributes that are not self-generated but inherit common logics from [ less specific ] objects.


Polymorphism is the propriety of an object class to be employed via the same interface that its parents.


In the management field, Object Oriented Management (OOM) derived from programming aims at obtaining results scoring the “Total Quality” defined as the quality of the results from the client’s point of view. Every aspect of the project is an object. The trick is to define those objects in a relevant way from your project’s perspective.

在管理领域,源自编程的面向对象管理(OOM)旨在获得对“总质量”评分的结果,该“总质量”从客户的角度定义为结果的质量。 项目的每个方面都是一个对象。 诀窍是从项目的角度以相关方式定义这些对象。

We tend to define two objects types : Static ones ( cannot self-alter , ex : physical spaces, projects, tasks, etc…) and Dynamic ones ( can alter other objects state, ex : organizations, groups, humans, etc…)


Objects in OOP are usually connected by relations of hierarchy, action upon, dependency, triggers…


The main advantages of such paradigm are the development of a rational strategy and representation of an organisation or a project, a better, healthier approach to conceptualisation of the management itself, a methodology “assorted” to the computational part of your organisation. It is an extremely powerful and reliable framework and offers a great set of mechanisms for conceptual thinking and creativity in management.

这种范例的主要优点是:制定合理的策略并代表组织或项目,采用更好,更健康的方法来管理本身的概念,将方法“分类”到组织的计算部分。 它是一个功能强大且可靠的框架,为管理中的概念性思维和创造力提供了很多机制。

等级制度和继承原则 (hierarchy and inheritance principles)

While engaging on Object Oriented concept and its principles, the inheritance principle offers a new way of empowerment across the hierarchy. Indeed, one of the most obvious mechanisms of the organisation’s hierarchy structure is the relocation and delegation of responsibilities and tasks. An inheritance conceptualisation of hierarchy let us operate a fine-tuning of the responsibilities repartition over the team and gives a chance to the organisation to build an optimal and rational empowerment strategy as each node of the hierarchy inherits from the parent one, but also compositely inherits from classes like its particular field of expertise, a team, etc… enriching the objects identity.

在继承面向对象的概念及其原理时,继承原理提供了一种跨层次的新授权方式。 实际上,组织层次结构最明显的机制之一是责任和任务的重新分配和委派。 层次结构的继承概念使我们可以对团队中的职责重新分配进行微调,并为组织提供了构建最佳和合理的赋权策略的机会,因为层次结构的每个节点都从父级继承而来,但也可以综合继承来自诸如其特定专业领域,团队等类别的课程……丰富了对象的身份。

图表示 (the graph representation)

Graphs are mathematical structures representing relations between objects and are basically made up of nodes which are connected by edges.


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A simple graph with 6 nodes and seven edges, Wiki

In graph theory, relations can be directed ( edges link nodes asymmetrically ) or undirected ( edges link nodes symmetrically ).


In OOM , we tend to represent the organisation and its object’s set as a tree structure which is an undirected graph where two nodes are connected by exactly one path.


Graph theory is a powerful tool for management heuristics as it offers a wide specter of abstraction methods and logics but also a resourceful ruleset for Object Oriented design in management as it can frame any relation or state of these entities



Sets, in set theory roughly are collections of object. Theoretically any object can be collected in a set and a set can also be considered as an object.

集合论中,集合大致是对象的集合。 理论上,任何对象都可以收集到集合中,并且集合也可以视为对象。

Sets in logical structures are designed to contain objects sharing common properties ( for exemple, classes inheriting from the same parent class ).


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Exemple of sets represented in Euler Circles. Wiki
欧拉圆代表的集合的例子。 维基

Sets can be represented in Euler circles diagrams particularly useful for demonstrating complex hierarchies and overlapping collections. The most useful tools from set theory are its operators :

集合可以用欧拉圆图表示,这对于演示复杂的层次结构和重叠的集合特别有用。 集合论中最有用的工具是其运算符:

We define two sets : A and B which respectively contain na and nb objects.

我们定义了两个集合: AB ,分别包含nanb对象。

  • Union of A and B, denoted A B is the set of all objects that are a member of A, or B, or both.


  • Intersection of A and B, denoted A ∩ B is the set of all objects that are members of both A and B.


  • Set difference of A and B, denoted A \ B is is the set of all object of A that are not in B.

    AB的集合差,表示为A \ BA不在B中的所有对象的集合。

  • Symmetric difference of A and B, denoted AB is the set of all objects that are a member of exactly one of A and B.


  • Cartesian product of A and B, denoted A × B, is the set whose members are all possible ordered pairs, (a, b) where a is a member of A and b is a member of B.

    AB的笛卡尔乘积t(表示为A × B)是一个集合,其成员都是可能的有序对(( ab ),其中aA的成员, bB的成员

Management strategy and design often rely on a naïve or intuitive set conception ( ex : teams, products, customers… ) and can be rationalized and controlled by a reliable approach of the set theory : a tool that proved to be solid and powerful in many fields such as computer sciences.


控制,可靠性,测试和覆盖范围 (control, reliability, test and coverage)

In software design, tests are conducted to provide the engineering team with informations about the quality and reliability of a feature or a set of features.


The tested proprieties of a system indicate if :


  • the system meets its requirements.

  • the system responds correctly to all sort of inputs.

  • the system performs its duty in time.

  • the system is usable.

  • the system can function in the proper environment and context

  • the system achieves the right results.


There exist different levels of test and controls that let the engineering team explore the most wider range of features, uses and mechanisms to spot the design weak spots :


  • Unit testing refers to tests that verify the functionality of a single part of software. In an object-oriented approach, this is usually at the class level.

    单元测试是指验证软件单个部分功能的测试。 在面向对象的方法中,这通常是在类级别上。

  • Integration testing seeks to verify the interfaces between components against a software design.


  • System testing verify that the system in its whole meets its requirements.


In the management pipeline, during the design of a structure, a test framework following this guideline can be implemented concurrently to the core system. Managing teams can adopt a test-driven approach ( which consist of a step by step incremental design process where test and controls are determined before strategy and structure and where these are defined by the tests and controls. )

在管理管道中,在结构设计期间,可以在核心系统上同时实施遵循该准则的测试框架。 管理团队可以采用测试驱动的方法(包括逐步设计过程,其中在确定策略和结构之前确定测试和控制,并由测试和控制定义它们。)

版本控制 (Versioning)

In software programming, version control is a set of systems managing changes to the project. It is a powerful tool useful in the development pipeline. Ones of its heuristics are :

在软件编程中,版本控制是一组管理项目更改的系统。 它是在开发管道中有用的强大工具。 它的启发式方法是:

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A VCS branching tree graph. Wiki
VCS分支树图。 维基
  • Branching that consist of managing multiple concurrent versions of the same project. In this way, different versions can be deployed in different environment or different team members can work on encapsulated versions of the same project implementing new features ( for exemple but mainly) without disturbing the others members workspace and avoiding conflicts.

    由管理同一项目的多个并行版本组成的分支。 这样,可以在不同的环境中部署不同的版本,或者不同的团队成员可以在同一项目的封装版本上工作,以实现新功能(例如,但主要是),而不会打扰其他成员的工作空间并避免冲突。

  • Change commit protocols that let the team deal with implementations with a defined nomenclature and with a robust history of the project.


  • Merging which means incorporating changes made in a specific branch to another with conflicts resolving and detection.


  • Promotion means changing the official release from one branch to another.


All these heuristics brought by VCS ( version control systems ) are secure ways to collaborate on and deploy a management strategy and structures. Ideally, each project on each field in a professional environment should be gifted of an appropriate VCS. As each actor gets a proper workspace and material, peer reviewing and collaboration becomes rational and dramatically trivial, release of stable versions of the projects gain controls and the notion itself of stable version becomes true in the most fuzzy projects.

VCS(版本控制系统)带来的所有这些启发式方法都是在管理策略和结构上进行协作和部署的安全方法。 理想情况下,在专业环境中每个领域的每个项目都应有适当的VCS。 随着每个参与者获得适当的工作空间和材料,同行评审和协作变得理性而极为琐碎,发布稳定版本的项目将获得控制,并且稳定版本的概念本身在大多数模糊项目中也将变为现实。

奖励:PlantUML (Bonus : PlantUML)

PlantUML is an open-source tool allowing users to create UML ( Unified Modeling Language ) diagrams from a plain text language. Various extensions exist to interpret and render PlantUML diagrams from web browsers plugins to text editors extensions.

PlantUML是一种开源工具,允许用户从纯文本语言创建UML(统一建模语言)图。 从Web浏览器插件到文本编辑器扩展,存在各种扩展来解释和渲染PlantUML图。

It lets the user easily create a wide range of diagrams without worrying about elements styles or positions. Different modes are accessibles such as Sequence Diagrams, Use case diagrams, Class diagrams, Activity diagrams, Components… etc ( total : 19 different diagrams types are supported )

它使用户可以轻松创建各种图表,而不必担心元素样式或位置。 可以访问不同的模式,例如序列图,用例图,类图,活动图,组件等(总共:支持19种不同的图类型)

Here is a syntax exemple :


left to right direction
actor "Developer" as dev
package Computer {
usecase "Write code" as UC1
usecase "Manage server" as UC2
usecase "Go on imgur" as UC3
dev --> UC1
dev --> UC2
dev --> UC3

And the result :


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© Author’s content

The syntax is quite trivial and there is a great project documentation over the web. This is a tool that can be used after a quite short learning period and eases the production of diagrams. A really helpful tool for rational thinking notebooks, team communication and internal doc.

语法非常琐碎,并且网上有大量的项目文档。 该工具可以在很短的学习时间后使用,并且可以简化图表的生成。 一个对理性思考笔记本,团队沟通和内部文档非常有用的工具。

精选的法律依据 (A curated collection of laws to live by)

Engineers and developers often talk and rely on a lot of rules and some of these are particularly true and useful in the management field. Here are some of them.

工程师和开发人员经常会谈论并依赖许多规则,其中一些规则在管理领域特别真实和有用。 这里是其中的一些。

Ockham’s razor


Entities should not be multiplied without necessity.


— William of Ockham


In management, this law is particularly true and we can observe how over-sized teams underperform due to lack of synchronisation means or poor quality members.


Brooks’s Law


Adding human resources to a late software development project makes it later.


— Fred Brooks


We consider that the necessary time to train a new member to act on the project will always be larger than the time it takes to finish it. The team has time consuming teaching tasks and the new member is not enough agile to act on a project that he barely knows.

我们认为培训新成员参与该项目的必要时间总是比完成该项目所需的时间长。 团队的教学任务很耗时,新成员还不够敏捷,无法执行他鲜为人知的项目。

Gall’s Law


A complex system that works is invariably found to have evolved from a simple system that worked. A complex system designed from scratch never works and cannot be patched up to make it work. You have to start over with a working simple system.

总是可以找到一个有效的复杂系统,它是从一个有效的简单系统演变而来的。 从头开始设计的复杂系统永远无法工作,也无法进行修补以使其正常工作。 您必须重新开始使用简单的系统。

— John Gall


This law is a good warning that helped me a lot but it also is the reason of my most unpleasing past failures.


Goodhart’s Law


Any observed statistical regularity will tend to collapse once pressure is placed upon it for control purposes.


— Charles Goodhart


That simply means that when a measure becomes a target, it ceases to be a good measure. Metrics incoherences and distorted goals are recurrent management problematics. I would complete this quote by an Albert Einstein’s one :

这只是意味着,当一项措施成为目标时,它就不再是一项好措施。 指标不一致和目标失真是经常性的管理问题。 我要用爱因斯坦的一句话来完成这句话:

Some things can be counted but don’t count, other count but cannot be counted.


Hick’s law


Decision time grows logarithmically with the number of options you can choose from.


— William Edmund Hick and Ray Hyman


One should be aware that flexibility can be the most time consuming value. Rationality needs asceticism and asceticism leads to rationalisation.

应该意识到,灵活性可能是最耗时的价值。 理性需要禁欲主义,禁欲主义导致理性化。

Hofstadter’s Law


It always takes longer than you expect, even when you take into account Hofstadter’s Law.


— Douglas Hofstadter


A day to day constatation in our work life that too often makes us stress out and develop guilt. Being aware of it makes delays so much healthier.

工作生活中的日常琐事经常使我们感到压力和内。 意识到这一点会使延误变得更加健康。

Hutber’s Law


Improvement means deterioration.


— Patrick Hutber


In other words, complex systems are fragile balances.


Kernighan’s Law


Debugging is twice as hard as writing the code in the first place. Therefore, if you write the code as cleverly as possible, you are, by definition, not smart enough to debug it.

调试的难度是一开始编写代码的两倍。 因此,如果您尽可能聪明地编写代码,那么就定义而言,您就不足以调试它。

— Brian Kernighan

—布赖恩·克尼根(Brian Kernighan)

The same applies to system design and strategy. This quote should invite to a real effort in robustness in the conception because weak spots, when released become too hard to strengthen and the next point is a real reinforcement.

这同样适用于系统设计和策略。 这句话应引起人们对构想鲁棒性的真正努力,因为薄弱点在释放时变得难以强化,而下一点是真正的强化。

Murphy’s Law


Anything that can go wrong will go wrong.


— Edward A. Murphy, Jr


That doesn’t mean that your paranoïa is always true and justified but instead, when probabilistically, a problem can exist, it will exist in an infinite time space.


翻译自: https://medium.com/magne-io/trying-to-disrupt-your-management-model-fe70141801d3






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