python 创业_如何在下午使用python和破折号创业

python 创业

成为企业家(Become an Entrepreneur)

A few years back, I started exploring ways to make extra money and always saw affiliate marketing pop up as a popular option. I did some research and decided to give it a try. I picked a niche I thought I’d enjoy: Reviewing food. I created a website and tried to build a business around reviewing beef jerky, and I called it Ultimate Jerky Review (UJR)! Although I shut down the website since it wasn’t a very lucrative endeavor, I learned a lot about how to set up and get started affiliate marketing.

几年前,我开始探索赚钱的方法,并且总是看到联盟营销是一种流行的选择。 我做了一些研究,并决定尝试一下。 我选了一个我认为自己喜欢的小众:评论食物。 我创建了一个网站,并试图建立一个围绕牛肉干的评论业务,并将其称为Ultimate Jerky Review(UJR)! 尽管由于这不是一项非常有利可图的工作,所以我关闭了该网站,但我学到了很多有关如何建立和开始联盟营销的知识。

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Ultimate Jerky Review website through Word Press
通过Word Press的Ultimate Jerky Review网站

建立数字业务(Building a Digital Business)

DO NOT spend your money on premium templates and expensive hosting packages through companies like WordPress! If you know a little Python and Linux, it is easy to design your own website and host it on the cloud.

不要通过WordPress之类的公司花钱购买高级模板和昂贵的托管程序包! 如果您了解一点PythonLinux ,则可以轻松设计自己的网站并将其托管在云上。

In this article I’ll explain how to build a business IN LESS THAN A DAY using Plotly’s Dash framework and Amazon’s Affiliate program. Although I use Amazon in my example, there are TONS of affiliate programs online to try!

在本文中,我将解释如何使用Plotly的仪表板框架和亚马逊的联盟计划在不到一天的时间建立一个企业。 尽管在我的示例中使用的是亚马逊,但仍有大量在线会员计划可以尝试!

  • What is Affiliate Marketing?


  • Becoming an Affiliate


  • Searching Products


  • Introduction to Dash


  • Building the Website


  • Hosting the Dash App


什么是会员营销?(What is Affiliate Marketing?)

Through the power of affiliate marketing, I can have a business with no need to keep inventory or produce any product myself. In a nutshell, affiliate marketing is simply driving sales of someone’s product through my own platform for a kickback. For example, I can create a website, sign up to be an Amazon Affiliate, create product links through the affiliate portal, add those links to my website and drive traffic to those products using marketing techniques like blogging and Search Engine Optimization.

通过会员营销的力量,我可以开展业务,而无需自己保留库存或生产任何产品。 简而言之,会员营销只是通过我自己的平台来推动某人的产品销售以获取回扣。 例如,我可以创建一个网站,注册成为Amazon Affiliate,通过会员门户创建产品链接,将这些链接添加到我的网站,并使用博客和搜索引擎优化等营销技术来吸引这些产品的访问量。

If someone buys the product using my link, I get a commission from Amazon. That means affiliate marketing is performance-based, and it does require some effort to be successful. Regardless, the startup costs are pretty low.

如果有人使用我的链接购买产品,我将从亚马逊获得佣金。 这意味着会员营销是基于绩效的,并且确实需要付出一些努力才能成功。 无论如何,启动成本非常低。

成为会员 (Becoming an Affiliate)

Thanks to Amazon’s size and scale, they have streamlined the affiliate application process. Some companies make you jump through a few hoops to become an affiliate, like chatting with someone over email. As an additional feature, Amazon can grant access to the Product Advertising API through the affiliate account.

由于亚马逊的规模和规模,他们简化了会员申请流程。 有些公司会让您跳入困境成为会员,例如通过电子邮件与某人聊天。 作为一项附加功能,Amazon可以通过会员账户授予对Product Advertising API的访问权限。

To become an Amazon Affiliate, go to the Amazon website and find the link, Become an Affiliate under the Make Money with Us column:


Image for post

Follow the instructions to set up the account. Once approved for an account, enter your tax and payment information, and you’re all set!

按照说明设置帐户。 批准帐户后,输入您的税收付款信息,一切就绪!

搜索产品 (Searching Products)

Once the affiliate account has been approved, the affiliate homepage has a search for items by keyword or ASIN/ISBN. Use the search to generate an affiliate link. When searching for products, the results will display along with a Get Link button.

会员帐户获得批准后,会员主页上将通过关键字或ASIN / ISBN搜索商品。 使用搜索生成会员链接。 搜索产品时,结果将与“获取链接”按钮一起显示。

Image for post Affiliate item keyword Search

Amazon supplies three types of links: Text and Image, Text Only, and Image Only. In my example template later in the article, I’m using the Image Only link. The steps are as follows:

Amazon提供了三种类型的链接: Text和ImageText OnlyImage Only 。 在本文后面的示例模板中,我使用的是“仅图像”链接。 步骤如下:

1. Search for item.2. Click Get link button. 3. Click the Image Only tab.4. Click the Highlight HTML button to copy the link data.

1.搜索项目2。 单击获取链接按钮。 3.单击仅图像选项卡。4。 单击“突出显示HTML”按钮以复制链接数据。

I’ll cover how to construct the links using the copied HTML code when I cover creating the website template. For now, paste the copied code into a text editor.

在介绍创建网站模板时,我将介绍如何使用复制HTML代码构造链接。 现在,将复制的代码粘贴到文本编辑器中。

达世币简介 (Introduction to Dash)

Dash is a framework for Python written on top of Flask, Plotly.js, and React.js. Dash and Plotly are vast and powerful tools, and this is only a taste of what they can do! If you’re already familiar with Dash, skip to Building the Website. Otherwise, start by installing Dash.

Dash是在Flask,Plotly.js和React.js之上编写的Python框架。 Dash和Plotly是强大的工具,这只是他们可以做的事! 如果您已经熟悉Dash,请跳至建立网站。 否则,请先安装Dash

Install Dash using pip:


pip install dash

I’ll give a brief refresher, but for a complete walk-through of Dash basics, checkout my Introduction to Dash article:


Dash apps are composed of a Layout and Callbacks:


布局 (Layout)

The layout is made up of a tree of components that describe what the application looks like and how users experience the content. Components are added through component libraries. Dash ships with multiple component libraries like dash_core_components, dash_html_components, and Dash DataTable.

布局由描述应用程序外观以及用户如何体验内容的组件树组成。 通过组件库添加组件。 Dash附带了多个组件库,例如dash_core_componentsdash_html_componentsDash DataTable

回呼 (Callbacks)

Callbacks make the Dash apps interactive. Callbacks are Python functions that are automatically called whenever an input property changes.

回调使Dash应用程序具有交互性。 回调是Python函数,只要输入属性发生更改,就会自动调用它们。

Callbacks are made up of Inputs and Outputs. The functionality works through the app.callback decorator. Inputs and Outputs are simply the properties of a component that a user can interact with. For example, an Input could be the option I select from a droplist and an Output could be a bar graph.

回调由输入输出组成。 该功能通过app.callback装饰器起作用。 输入和输出只是用户可以与之交互的组件的属性。 例如,输入可以是我从下拉列表中选择的选项,输出可以是条形图。

短跑引导组件 (Dash Bootstrap Components)

In addition to Dash’s core libraries, I use the Dash Bootstrap Component library to simplify website responsive design. Similar to how the dash-html-components library allows me to apply HTML using Python, the dash-bootstrap-components library allows me to apply Bootstrap’s front-end components that are affected by the Bootstrap CSS framework.

除了Dash的核心库之外,我还使用Dash Bootstrap Component库来简化网站响应式设计。 类似于dash-html-components库允许我使用Python应用HTML的方式类似, dash-bootstrap-components库允许我应用受Bootstrap CSS框架影响的Bootstrap前端组件。

Install the library using pip:


pip install dash-bootstrap-components

The responsive grid system in bootstrap CSS and the convenient container wrappers allow for a lot of customization. It helps make the site look good on mobile devices, which is very important these days!

引导CSS中的响应式网格系统和方便的容器包装器允许进行大量自定义。 它有助于使该网站在移动设备上看起来不错,这点现在非常重要!

Bootstrap’s grid system uses a series of containers, rows, and 12 columns in which one can lay out and align content. Those have been included as components in dash-bootstrap-components library as Container, Row, and Col.

Bootstrap的网格系统使用一系列容器,行和12列,在其中可以布置和对齐内容。 这些已作为dash-bootstrap-components中的组件包括在内 图书馆为 ContainerRow ,和Col

建立网站 (Building the Website)

Between HTML and Bootstrap CSS component libraries, Dash has all the functionality I need to build a unique and responsive landing page to market products. Below is a template to get started.

HTMLBootstrap CSS组件库之间,Dash具有构建针对市场产品的独特且响应Swift的登录页面所需的全部功能。 下面是一个入门模板。

Image for post
Landing Page Template

Before getting into the code, I’ll explain the file structure I’m going to set up for the web app.


档案结构 (File Structure)

The file is the file that contains the code for the dash app! Dash requires that things like images and static files be placed in an assets folder. This file structure is simple to start; however, additional files will be added depending on the frameworks used to host it.

文件index.py是包含破折号应用程序代码的文件! Dash要求将诸如图像和静态文件之类的内容放置在资产文件夹中。 这个文件结构很容易启动。 但是,将根据托管它的框架添加其他文件。

Image for post
Web app file structure

Notice that the background image is stored in the assets folder. To keep things cheap, I recommend surfing the web for stock photos that you can use for a background image.

请注意,背景图像存储在资产文件夹中。 为了保持便宜,建议您在网上浏览可用于背景图片的库存照片

If you want a logo, there are a lot of free logo creator websites. Otherwise, try using a gig-site, like Fiverr to find professional digital artists for affordable rates! If you have a logo, remember to include it in the assets folder.

如果您想要徽标,有很多免费的徽标创建者网站。 否则,请尝试使用类似Fiverr的演出网站,以实惠的价格找到专业的数字艺术家! 如果您有徽标,请记住将其包括在资产文件夹中。

创建 (Creating

Now it’s time for the fun part… The code! Start by loading dependencies for Dash and the component libraries:

现在该是有趣的部分了……代码! 首先加载Dash和组件库的依赖项

import dash
import dash_core_components as dcc
import dash_html_components as html
import dash_bootstrap_components as dbc
from dash.dependencies import Input, Output, State
from dash.exceptions import PreventUpdateimport flask
from flask import Flask

Notice I import flask too. That will make hosting the Dash app simpler, so I recommend including it.

注意我也导入了烧瓶。 这样可以简化Dash应用的托管,因此我建议将其包含在内。

Instantiate the Flask server and Dash. To use Dash bootstrap components, set the external_stylesheets value to dbc.themes.BOOTSTRAP

实例化Flask服务器和Dash。 要使用Dash引导程序组件,请将external_stylesheets值设置为dbc.themes.BOOTSTRAP

server = Flask(__name__)app = dash.Dash(__name__,server = server ,meta_tags=[{ "content": "width=device-width"}], external_stylesheets=[dbc.themes.BOOTSTRAP])app.config.suppress_callback_exceptions = True

Notice I set the config option suppress_callback_exceptions to True. This Dash project does not actually require any callbacks. Regardless, I include this bit of code in case I decide to build a multi-page website with advanced features in the future.

注意,我将配置选项prevent_callback_exceptions设置为True 。 该项目短跑实际上并不需要任何回调。 无论如何,如果将来我决定构建一个具有高级功能多页网站,我都会包含这些代码。

Dash应用程序布局 (The Dash App Layout)

Remember, apps are composed of a layout and callbacks. The template layout is a simple pattern using Bootstrap components:

请记住,应用程序由布局和回调组成。 模板布局是使用Bootstrap组件的简单模式:

Image for post
Website Template

Notice the Headers and footers are created using dbc.Jumbotron. A Jumbotron is a lightweight component that helps content stand out. It takes up a lot of space on the screen which makes it great for showcasing buttons and messages.

注意,页眉和页脚是使用dbc.Jumbotron创建的。 Jumbotron是一种轻巧的组件,可帮助内容脱颖而出。 它在屏幕上占用了大量空间,非常适合展示按钮和消息。

You can simply replace the bold values with your own, but I recommend playing around and adding more components to customize the header and footer. You can even use an image or insert a custom logo!

您可以简单地用自己的粗体值替换,但我建议您试一下并添加更多组件以自定义页眉和页脚。 您甚至可以使用图像或插入自定义徽标!

header = dbc.Jumbotron([dbc.Container([
html.H1("Your_Website_Here.Com", className="display-3"),
html.P("Find super deals at"),
html.P(" " " "),
html.P(" ")
], fluid=True) #end container
], fluid=True)# end jumbofooter = dbc.Jumbotron([dbc.Container([
html.P("123 Fake ST NE", style= {'text-align': 'center'}),
html.P("MN 55445", style= {'text-align': 'center'}),
html.P('Copyright © 2020 Your_Website_Here - All Rights
],fluid=True)#end container
] ,fluid=True)#end jumbo

Notice I use html.P as placeholders. That way it is easy to add a tagline or more text if needed.

注意,我使用html.P作为占位符。 这样,如果需要,可以轻松添加标语或更多文本。

To programmatically create the dbc.Card components that store the image link, I create a helper function named make_card():


def make_card(alert_message, color, cardbody, style_dict = None):
card = html.Div([html.P(" ")
, dbc.Card([dbc.Alert(alert_message, color=color)
,dbc.CardBody(cardbody)])#end card
,html.P(" ")
,html.P(" ")
])#end div
return card

Notice the function uses dbc.Alert to automatically create a colored header for the card.


Next I’ll create a function to help build the series of cards inside the dbc.Container between the jumbotrons.


def create_body(items):
b = []
for item in items:
b.append(dbc.Col(make_card(item[0], "primary", item[1])))
return b

Notice I wrap the make_card function with dbc.Col so the cards are spaced apart in the UI.Notice the make_card function takes in a list of lists and uses the first value, item[0], for the card’s dbc.Alert message and the second list value, item[1], for the card’s dbc.Cardbody.

注意,我用dbc.Col包装了make_card函数,以便卡在UI中隔开。注意, make_card函数接收一个列表列表,并将第一个值item [0]用于卡的dbc.Alert消息和卡的dbc.Cardbody的第二个列表值item [1]

Now it is time to populate the cards using the items I want to promote!


通过创建链接列表添加产品 (Add Products by Creating a List of Links)

In a text editor, paste the html that copied from clicking the Highlight HTML button after searching for items on the Affiliate page. It will look something like this, but it will appear as a long string:

在文本编辑器中,在“会员”页面上搜索项目后,粘贴通过单击“突出显示HTML”按钮而复制的html。 它看起来像这样,但将显示为长字符串:

<a target="_blank"  href="">
<img border="0" src="//" ></a><img src="//"
width="1" height="1" border="0" alt="" style="border:none !important; margin:0px !important;" />

Notice the link contains 3 components:


1. An HTML “a” tag with a href value. 2. An HTML “img” tag with src value inside of the “a” tag from part 1. 3. An HTML “img” tag outside the “a” tag.

1.具有href值HTML“ a ”标记。 2.一种HTML“IMG”与“”的标签的SRC值从内部部分1 3,一种HTML“IMG”标记在“a”的标签以外的标签。

I will only use the first 2 parts. Using the Dash HTML component library, it is easy to recreate the link’s component structure. In addition to the link, I give the link a name. For example, if I have 1 item in the item list:

我将只使用前两个部分。 使用Dash HTML组件库,可以轻松地重新创建链接的组件结构。 除了链接之外,我给链接起一个名字。 例如,如果我在项目列表中有1个项目:

item_lists = [
["item_name", html.A(id = 'item1', href= value
,children = [html.Img(src = value)])]#end item 1
] #end item list

Notice the list begins with item_name, followed by the affiliate link.Notice, I give the html.A component a unique ID. That will make it easier to use in callbacks.

请注意,列表以item_name开头,然后是会员链接。注意,我给html.A组件一个唯一的ID。 这样可以更轻松地在回调中使用。

构造布局 (Construct the Layout)

Now that the layout components can be constructed using the functions, and the item_lists is populated with affiliate links, I’ll put it all together and set the app.layout.

现在,可以使用函数构造布局组件,并用关联链接填充item_lists ,我将它们放在一起并设置app.layout

def create_layout():
layout = html.Div(style={
'background-image': 'url("/assets/people-2557483.jpg")',
'background-position': 'center',
}, children = [
, dbc.Container(id = 'card-cont', children = [dbc.Row(create_body(item_list))], style = {'background-color':'white', })# end container
, footer
] #end children
) #end div
return layoutapp.layout = create_layout()if __name__ == '__main__':
app.run_server(debug = True)

Notice the function create_layout pulls the background image from the assets folder. Notice I pass the item_lists into create_body function inside the children argument for dbc.Container.

注意,函数create_layout从资产文件夹中提取背景图像。 通知我通过item_lists孩子论据dbc.Containercreate_body功能。

Congratulations! You just created your first affiliate website!

恭喜你! 您刚刚创建了第一个会员网站!

Image for post
Landing Page Template

完整的代码(Complete Code)

Here is the complete website template code! You will need to populate the item_lists with your own links.

这是完整的网站模板代码! 您将需要使用自己的链接填充item_lists。

import dash
import dash_core_components as dcc
import dash_html_components as html
import dash_bootstrap_components as dbc
from dash.dependencies import Input, Output, State
import dash_table
from dash.exceptions import PreventUpdateimport flask
from flask import Flaskserver = Flask(__name__)
app = dash.Dash(__name__,server = server
,meta_tags=[{ "content": "width=device-width"}]
, external_stylesheets=[dbc.themes.BOOTSTRAP])app.config.suppress_callback_exceptions = Trueheader = dbc.Jumbotron([dbc.Container([
html.H1("Your_Website_Here.Com", className="display-3"),
html.P("Find super deals at"),
html.P(" " " "),
html.P(" ")
], fluid=True) #end container
], fluid=True)# end jumbofooter = dbc.Jumbotron([dbc.Container([
html.P("123 Fake ST NE", style= {'text-align': 'center'}),
html.P("MN 55445", style= {'text-align': 'center'}),
html.P('Copyright © 2020 Your_Website_Here - All Rights Reserved.')
],fluid=True)#end container
] ,fluid=True)#end jumbodef make_card(alert_message, color, cardbody, style_dict = None):
return html.Div([html.P(" ") , dbc.Card([dbc.Alert(alert_message, color=color)
,dbc.CardBody(cardbody)])#end card
,html.P(" ")
,html.P(" ")
])#end divdef create_body(items):
b = []
for item in items:
b.append(dbc.Col(make_card(item[0], "primary", item[1])))
return bdef create_layout():
layout = html.Div(style={
'background-image': 'url("/assets/YOUR-BACKGROUND.jpg")',
'background-position': 'center',
}, children = [
, dbc.Container(id = 'card-cont', children = [dbc.Row(create_body(item_lists))], style = {'background-color':'white', })# end container
, footer
] #end children
) #end div
return layoutitem_lists = [["coca cola t-shirt" , html.A(id = 'item1', href="item link", children = [html.Img(src="image link" )])]
, ["coca cola t-shirt" , html.A(id = 'item2', href="item 2 link", children = [html.Img(src="image 2 link" )])]]# end item listapp.layout = create_layout()if __name__ == '__main__':
app.run_server(debug = True)

Now that the landing page is completed, it is time to explore hosting the Dash App.

现在,登录页面已完成,是时候探讨托管Dash App了。

托管Dash应用 (Hosting the Dash App)

Before getting into it, to host the dash app you will want two things:


  1. A domain name

  2. A web server


购买域名(Buying Domain Names)

To get a domain name for the web site, use a domain name provider like GoDaddy. Domain names are typically pretty cheap! My UJR domain name was

要获取该网站的域名,请使用域名提供商,例如GoDaddy。 域名通常很便宜! 我的UJR域名是

A domain name is an identification string that defines a realm of administrative autonomy, authority or control within the Internet.


Simply search google for cheap domain names, shop around and find the best deal you can! Try to make the domain name relevant to the products you’re trying to sell.

只需在Google上搜索便宜的域名,然后货比三家,即可找到最优惠的价格! 尝试使域名与您要销售的产品相关。

查找Web服务器 (Finding a Web Server)

It is fairly easy to find virtual hardware on which you can host a web page. I’ve previously reviewed a few hosting options for DIY web projects. I think the company offers some of the best prices for the amount of compute power available. I’ve used DigitalOcean a few times too. Both are stable and affordable options! It is best to do your own research, but I’d recommend either of those options to start.

查找可以在其上托管网页的虚拟硬件相当容易。 我之前已经审查了一些用于DIY Web项目的托管选项。 我认为hetzner.com公司提供了一些可用计算能力的最佳价格。 我也使用过DigitalOcean几次。 两者都是稳定且负担得起的选择! 最好进行自己的研究,但我建议您选择其中一种。

To serve the website to external users across the web requires some kind of web server back-end. Nginx is a lightning fast, open-source web server framework that is easy to use and perfect for this use-case! Along with Nginx, I am using uWSGI to set the website to run as a service that runs in the background when the Linux operating system boots up.

要通过网络为外部用户提供网站,需要某种类型的Web服务器后端。 Nginx是一个闪电般快速的开源Web服务器框架,易于使用,非常适合此用例! 我与Nginx一起使用uWSGI来设置网站,使其在Linux操作系统启动时作为在后台运行的服务运行。

Although it isn’t difficult to host the website, the process contains many steps. Review the complete step-by-step guide to hosing Dash applications on Linux in my hosting guide:

尽管托管网站并不难,但该过程包含许多步骤。 在我的托管指南中查看有关在Linux上托管Dash应用程序的完整分步指南:

Once the site is hosted, look into protecting your domain using a service like Cloudflare. Cloudflare offers web-infrastructure and website-security services including DDoS mitigation, Internet security, and distributed domain-name-server services. It is completely free to set up too!

托管网站后,请考虑使用Cloudflare之类的服务来保护您的域。 Cloudflare提供Web基础结构和网站安全服务,包括DDoS缓解,Internet安全和分布式域名服务器服务。 设置也是完全免费的!

最后的想法 (Final Thoughts)

Building the site and becoming an affiliate is the easy part of the job! The hard part is directing people to your site and converting those users into customers! Now that you understand how simple it is to create a website and get started with affiliate marketing, nothing is stopping you from starting a business in an afternoon! Find your niche, build links for interesting products, market your site and watch the money roll into your bank account!

建立网站并成为会员是工作的轻松部分! 困难的部分是将人们引导到您的网站,并将这些用户转化为客户! 既然您了解了创建网站并开始会员营销的过程非常简单,那么没有什么可以阻止您在下午开始业务了! 找到您的利基市场,建立有趣产品的链接,营销您的网站,并观察资金存入您的银行帐户!

Thanks for reading! Please view my other articles if you’re interested in Programming and Data Science:

谢谢阅读! 如果您对编程和数据科学感兴趣,请查看我的其他文章:


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