

Java中的继承是什么?(What is Inheritance in Java?)

Inheritance is a process of defining a new class by using already defined class so that newly defined class can use data members(attributes) and member functions (methods) of the already defined class.


Already defined class is called as Parent class or Base Class or Super class .


Newly defined class is called as Child class or derived class or Sub class .


继承的优点: (Advantages of Inheritance :)

  1. Newly created class (child class) can use the attributes(instance variables ) and methods (instance methods ) of already defined class (Parent class ) without re-defining them in child class. This way code re-usability is improved.

    新创建的类(子类)可以使用已定义的类(父类)的属性(实例变量)和方法(实例方法),而无需在子类中重新定义它们。 这样,代码的可重用性得到了改善。
  2. A child class can have its own instance variables and instance methods.

  3. A child class can override the parent class instance methods.


NOTE : When child class inherits parent class , all the instance variables and instance methods are accessible with child class object depending on access modifiers (private/default/protected/public ) used for instance variable and methods in parent class.Basically one copy of variables and methods of parent class is created in child class [just for understanding].


NOTE :When instance variables and methods of parent class have public or protected access modifier then child class object can directly access them but if they are declared as private then child object won’t be able to access them directly and hence public getters and setters are required for such private variables .


private variables are visible to the class in which they are declared.


继承的语法: (The syntax for inheritance :)

public class Parent {//instance variables of parent class//instance methods of parent class}public class Child extends Parent{//instance variables of child class//instance methods of child class}

Let’s see an example of Inheritance.


Animal class as parent class.


package com.vikram;

public class Animal {

    //instance variables of Animal class
    public String name;
    public String body;
    public boolean brain;

    //parameterized constructor to initialized instance variables
    public Animal(String name, String body, boolean brain) { = name;
        this.body = body;
        this.brain = brain;

    //public getters and setters for instance variables
    public String getName() {
        return name;

    public void setName(String name) { = name;

    public String getBody() {
        return body;

    public void setBody(String body) {
        this.body = body;

    public boolean getBrain() {
        return brain;

    public void setBrain(boolean brain) {
        this.brain = brain;

    //instance methods of Animal class
    public void move() {
        System.out.println("Animal move() called...");

    public void eat() {
        System.out.println("Animal eat() called...");

Dog as a child class of Animal class.


package com.vikram;

public class Dog extends Animal{

    //instance variables of Dog class
    public int legs;
    public String color;

    //parameterized constructor to initialize instance variables
    public Dog(String name, String body, boolean brain, int legs, String color) {
        super(name, body, brain);
        this.legs = legs;
        this.color = color;

    //getters and setters for instance variables
    public int getLegs() {
        return legs;

    public void setLegs(int legs) {
        this.legs = legs;

    public String getTail() {
        return color;

    public void setTail(String tail) {
        this.color = tail;

    //instance methods of Dog class
    public void run(){
        System.out.println("Dog run() called... ");

    //overriding move method of Animal class in dog class
    public void move() {
        System.out.println("Dog move() called... ");
        super.move();//calling move() of Animal class.

Main as driver class


package com.vikram;

class Main {
    public static void main(String args[]) {

        //creating object of Animal class and calling instance methods
        Animal animal = new Animal("Elephant","Big",true);

        //creating object of Dog class and calling Animal and dog instance methods
        Dog dog = new Dog("Jeffy","Medium",true,4,"Black");
;//calling run() method of Dog class
        dog.move();//calling move() method of Dog class;//calling eat() method of Animal class


In the above example, Animal is parent class and Dog is child class. Now we can say that all the instance variables (attribute) and instance methods of parent class are part of child class as well. Hence we can say that every Dog is an Animal. So in the case of inheritance, there is always an IS-A relationship between subclass and superclass.

在上面的示例中, Animal是父类, Dog是子类。 现在我们可以说父类的所有实例变量(属性)和实例方法也都是子类的一部分。 因此,我们可以说每只都是动物。 因此,在继承的情况下,子类和超类之间始终存在IS-A关系

构造函数如何与继承一起使用? (How do constructors work with Inheritance?)

When a child class object is created it invokes a constructor and this child class constructor invokes the parent constructor. Let’s see an example to understand this …

创建子类对象时,它将调用构造函数,而此子类构造函数将调用父构造函数。 让我们看一个例子来理解这个……

package com.vikram;
//parent class
class Person{
    public Person() {
        System.out.println("Parent constructor called!!!");
//child class inheriting parent class
class Employee extends Person{
    public Employee() {
        here super() call is implicit but we can explicitly write it when
        we want to call parent class parameterized constructor using
        System.out.println("Child constructor called!!!");
//driver class
class Main {

    public static void main(String args[]) {
        Employee employee = new Employee();

输出:(OUTPUT :)

Parent constructor called!!!
Child constructor called!!!

You can see that when a Child class object is created then the child’s no-argument constructor is called but internally the first statement in this constructor is a super call to parent class constructor which is hidden. So first parent class is loaded and its constructor is executed then child class is loaded and its constructor is executed in JVM.

您可以看到,当创建Child类对象时,将调用该子级的无参数构造函数,但是在内部,该构造函数中的第一条语句是对父类构造函数的超级调用,该父调用已隐藏。 因此,首先加载父类并执行其构造函数,然后加载子类并在JVM中执行其构造函数。

有哪些不同类型的继承? (What are the different types of Inheritance?)

  1. Single Inheritance

  2. Multilevel Inheritance

  3. Multiple Inheritance

  4. Hierarchical Inheritance

  5. Hybrid Inheritance


1.单一继承:(1. Single Inheritance :)

One class extends other class eg. class B extends class A.

一类扩展了另一类,例如。 B级扩展了A级。

Image for post
Single Inheritance

2,多级继承(2.Multilevel Inheritance :)

In this type of inheritance, class B extends class A and class C extends class B.


Image for post
Multilevel Inheritance

3,多重继承(3.Multiple Inheritance :)

In this type of inheritance one class A extends two classes B and C.


Image for post
Multiple Inheritance

Note: Java doesn’t support multiple inheritances.


4,层次继承 (4.Hierarchical Inheritance :)

In this type, more than one class extends the same parent class.


Image for post
Hierarchical Inheritance

5,混合继承(5.Hybrid Inheritance :)

Combining two or more types of above inheritance will be a hybrid inheritance.


Image for post
Hybrid Inheritance

Java中的成分是什么?(What is Composition in Java?)

The composition is another OOPs feature in Java and there exists “HAS-A” a relationship between the classes .Eg. Let's say we have two classes Car and Engine. Then there is a relationship of “HAS a” between Car and Engine. So we can say Car has an Engine.

组合是Java中的另一种OOPs功能,并且类之间存在“ HAS-A ”关系。 假设我们有CarEngine这两个类。 在汽车和发动机之间存在“ HAS a ”的关系。 所以我们可以说Car有引擎。

So there will be two classes Car and Engine and Car class will have an instance variable of Engine class.


Let’s see the program for the same.


Engine class


public class Engine {

    public String fuelType;
    public int cc;
    public int maxTorque;
    public int maxPower;

    public Engine(String fuelType, int cc, int maxTorque, int maxPower) {
        this.fuelType = fuelType; = cc;
        this.maxTorque = maxTorque;
        this.maxPower = maxPower;

    public String getFuelType() {
        return fuelType;

    public void setFuelType(String fuelType) {
        this.fuelType = fuelType;

    public int getCc() {
        return cc;

    public void setCc(int cc) { = cc;

    public int getMaxTorque() {
        return maxTorque;

    public void setMaxTorque(int maxTorque) {
        this.maxTorque = maxTorque;

    public int getMaxPower() {
        return maxPower;

    public void setMaxPower(int maxPower) {
        this.maxPower = maxPower;

    public String toString() {
        return "Engine{" +
                "fuelType='" + fuelType + '\'' +
                ", cc=" + cc +
                ", maxTorque=" + maxTorque +
                ", maxPower=" + maxPower +

Car class


public class Car {

    public String brandName;
    public String color;
    public Engine engine;
    public String model;

    public Car(String brandName, String color, Engine engine, String model) {
        this.brandName = brandName;
        this.color = color;
        this.engine = engine;
        this.model = model;

    public String getBrandName() {
        return brandName;

    public void setBrandName(String brandName) {
        this.brandName = brandName;

    public String getColor() {
        return color;

    public void setColor(String color) {
        this.color = color;

    public Engine getEngine() {
        return engine;

    public void setEngine(Engine engine) {
        this.engine = engine;

    public String getModel() {
        return model;

    public void setModel(String model) {
        this.model = model;

    public String toString() {
        return "Car{" +
                "brandName='" + brandName + '\'' +
                ", color='" + color + '\'' +
                ", engine=" + engine +
                ", model='" + model + '\'' +

Main as driver class


public class Main {

    public static void main(String args[]){

        Engine engine = new Engine("Petrol",1498,98,200);

        Car car = new Car("Honda","Silver",engine,"2020");

        System.out.println("Car Object is : "+car);

输出:(OUTPUT :)

Car Object is : Car{brandName=’Honda’, color=’Silver’, engine=Engine{fuelType=’Petrol’, cc=1498, maxTorque=98, maxPower=200}, model=’2020'}

The advantage of using composition is that we can control the visibility/accessibility of instance variable engine in the Car class.


Both Inheritance and Composition improve code re-usability.


继承和组合有什么区别? (What are the differences between Inheritance and Composition?)

  1. Inheritance is the “IS-A” relationship between the child and parent class whereas the composition is the “HAS-A” relationship between two classes.

    继承是子类和父类之间的“ IS-A”关系,而构成是两个类之间的“ HAS-A”关系。

2. In the case of an inheritance child class can override parent class instance methods but this is not applicable in the case of composition.


So this is the end of the article and I hope you have understood the concept of Inheritance and Composition in Java. If you find this article useful then share it with your friends. Follow me for similar articles.

所以这是本文的结尾,希望您理解Java中的继承和组合的概念。 如果您发现本文有用,请与您的朋友分享。 跟我来类似的文章。

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