

舞弊! 假! 假! (Fraud! Phony! Fake!)

I’ll never forget the time I spent a summer at Facebook. I had an opportunity most people can only dream of. I stepped into a robust engineering culture and a community of mission-driven people. The perks were everything you’ve heard of and more. I ate at gourmet cafeterias, rode free commuter buses with Wi-Fi, and had all the free tech gear I wanted.

我永远不会忘记我在Facebook度过一个夏天的时间。 我有一个大多数人只能梦想的机会。 我走进了强大的工程文化和一个由任务驱动型人员组成的社区。 这些福利是您所听说的一切,甚至更多。 我在美食餐厅用餐,乘坐带有Wi-Fi的免费通勤巴士,并拥有了我想要的所有免费科技装备。

That said, I remember my first week being the toughest week of the summer. The people who ran the intern program decided to gather several of the summer interns and set up a happy hour for us. During the happy hour, all the interns were asked to mention which school we attended, which team we were working on, and what we wanted to accomplish by the end of the summer.

也就是说,我记得我的第一周是夏天最艰难的一周。 参加实习计划的人决定召集一些暑期实习生,并为我们设立欢乐时光。 在欢乐时光中,所有实习生都被要求提及我们上的那所学校,我们正在研究的团队以及在夏末之前我们想要完成的工作。

The first intern:


“Stanford University. I’ll be working on the Android team for Facebook marketplace. I want to completely revamp how sellers display their items and help them sell faster.”

“斯坦福大学。 我将在Facebook市场的Android团队中工作。 我想彻底改变卖家展示商品的方式,并帮助他们更快地销售商品。”

Then the second:


“Brown University. I’ll be working on the Marketing Data Science team. I want to create new algorithms that will help us reach new demographics.”

“布朗大学。 我将在市场数据科学团队中工作。 我想创建新的算法,以帮助我们达到新的受众特征。”

Then there was me:


“Uh, I went to, I mean, I go to Baylor University. I’ll be working on the Data Center Infrastructure team, and I’m not sure what I want to do yet.”

“呃,我是说我去了贝勒大学。 我将在数据中心基础架构团队中工作,但我不确定我想做什么。”

There was a deafening silence.


“Harvard University. I’ll be working on …” The rest of the interns continued their introductions.

“哈佛大学。 我将继续努力……”其他实习生继续介绍他们。

I felt so many emotions. I didn’t feel I belonged among such accomplished individuals. I didn’t deserve to be put in the same group. I felt intimidated by their robust skill sets and extraordinary visions to change the world. When I looked at what I had to offer, I paled in comparison.

我感觉到很多情绪。 我不觉得我属于这样有成就的人。 我不应该被放在同一个小组。 他们强大的技能和非凡的愿景改变世界,令我感到震惊。 当我查看所提供的东西时,相比之下我显得苍白。

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(not actually me, but definitely the feels haha)


You may not have had an internship or job yet, but you’ve felt the same exact emotions I just described. Maybe you’ve written “Hello World” and thought “Who am I kidding? I’m not a programmer.” Maybe you’ve talked to a software engineer and felt intimidated by their robust knowledge of programming. Maybe someone asked you a programming question, and you felt like a phony because you couldn’t answer it.

您可能还没有实习或工作,但是您已经感受到了与我刚才描述的完全相同的情感。 也许您写了“ Hello World”,然后想着“我在跟谁开玩笑? 我不是程序员。” 也许您已经与软件工程师进行了交谈,并因其强大的编程知识而感到害怕。 也许有人问您一个编程问题,您感觉像个假人,因为您无法回答。

These feelings of uncertainty, intimidation, and illegitimacy aren’t isolated occurrences — they are a part of a larger experience many have come to know as “impostor syndrome.” Impostor syndrome is any feeling of professional inadequacy. You feel you don’t belong because everyone else has “it” figured out.

这些不确定,恐吓和非法行为的感觉并不是孤立的现象,它们是许多人都称为“淫秽综合症”的丰富经验的一部分。 冒名顶替综合症是任何职业不足的感觉。 您觉得自己不属于别人,因为其他人都明白了这一点。

Impostor syndrome can plague programmers of all levels. The number of proficient programmers who still feel like they’re not good enough will surprise you. You’re not hurting yourself if you experience the feelings that come with impostor syndrome. But you are in trouble if you give into those feelings.

冒名顶替综合症会困扰各个级别的程序员。 仍然觉得自己不够出色的熟练程序员的数量会让您感到惊讶。 如果您体验到冒名顶替综合症带来的感受,就不会伤害自己。 但是,如果您屈服于这些感觉,就会遇到麻烦。

The rest of this article covers two things: how to recognize if you’re giving in to impostor syndrome and how to overcome it. I’ll share personal stories of how I experienced feelings of uncertainty, intimidation, and illegitimacy throughout my programming journey.

本文的其余部分涉及两件事:如何识别自己是否屈服于冒名顶替综合症以及如何克服它。 我将分享一些个人故事,讲述我在整个编程过程中如何经历不确定,恐吓和不合法的感觉。

I’ll also share the ways I overcame those feelings. By the end, you’ll walk away with proven strategies and approaches to help you push through impostor syndrome and make unbelievable progress in your own programming journey. Sound good? Let’s get started.

我还将分享克服这些感觉的方式。 到最后,您将摆脱行之有效的策略和方法,以帮助您克服冒名顶替综合症,并在自己的编程过程中取得令人难以置信的进步。 听起来不错? 让我们开始吧。

您是否在冒充综合症? (Are You Giving In to Impostor Syndrome?)

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Almost anyone can recognize when they’re scared or uncertain, but recognizing when you’ve given in to that fear and uncertainty can be difficult. The crazy thing? Two programmers can both experience the feelings that come along with impostor syndrome, but produce vastly different results.

几乎每个人都可以识别出他们何时害怕或不确定,但是很难识别出您何时被给予恐惧和不确定性。 疯了吗? 两个程序员都可以体验冒名顶替综合症带来的感受,但是产生的结果却大不相同。

Several years ago I attended a two-hour coding workshop. The instructor was going to take us through nuanced programming principles like recursion and classes. As I made my way to the entrance, I could feel my stomach tighten up. I thought of all the coding concepts I didn’t know and how I struggled to even write a simple function. I walked in and sat down at a table by myself.

几年前,我参加了一个为时两个小时的编码研讨会。 指导老师将带我们了解诸如递归和类之类的细微编程原理。 当我进入入口时,我会感到肠胃紧绷。 我想到了所有我不知道的编码概念,以及如何努力编写一个简单的函数。 我走进去,独自坐在一张桌子旁。

I was scared to talk to anybody because I was convinced every person knew more than I did. My worst fear would soon be confirmed. The person facilitating the meetup asked everyone who was comfortable with a programming language to raise their hands. Everyone’s hand went up — except mine. Talk about intimidating.

我不敢与任何人交谈,因为我确信每个人都比我了解更多。 我最担心的事情很快就会得到证实。 参加聚会的人要求熟悉编程语言的所有人举手。 每个人的手都举了起来-除了我的。 谈谈恐吓。

The instructor encouraged people to ask questions as he went along. He wanted the workshop to be interactive. You know what I did? I stayed silent the entire time. Within the first five minutes of the workshop I was lost, but I was too scared to ask questions because I wanted to look confident. Other people spoke up and worked through their problems while I wallowed in my uncertainty.

讲师鼓励人们在他进行过程中提出问题。 他希望研讨会能够互动。 你知道我做了什么吗? 我一直保持沉默。 在研讨会的前五分钟内,我迷路了,但是我很害怕问问题,因为我想看起来很自信。 当我沉迷于不确定性时,其他人则大声疾呼并解决了他们的问题。

I left the workshop and felt a deep regret. I learned nothing. I wasted two hours of my time.

我离开了工作室,深感遗憾。 我什么都没学我浪费了两个小时的时间。

Looking back, I can recognize that I gave in to impostor’s syndrome. I know I gave in because I allowed my uncertainty and fear to hold me back from growing.

回顾过去,我可以认识到我屈服于冒名顶替综合症。 我知道我屈服是因为我允许我的不确定性和恐惧阻止我成长。

That’s what giving in to impostor syndrome for programmers looks like. You not only experience feelings of being a fraudulent programmer, but you allow those feelings to hold you back from developing your programming skills.

这就是让程序员屈服于冒名顶替综合症的样子。 您不仅会感到自己是欺诈性程序员的感觉,而且还让这些感觉使您无法发展自己的编程技能。

When you look back at your programming journey, in what ways have you given in to impostor syndrome? How have you allowed feelings of uncertainty or being a fraud prevent you from learning? Maybe you lost confidence in your learning direction because someone asked you a random coding question you couldn’t answer. Maybe you avoided a coding meetup because you felt judged by the established engineers at your last one.

当您回顾编程过程时,您以何种方式屈服了冒名顶替综合症? 您如何允许不确定感或欺诈行为阻止您学习? 也许您对学习方向失去了信心,因为有人问了您一个无法回答的随机编码问题。 也许您避免了一次编码聚会,因为您在最后一个会议上被既定的工程师判断了。

Whenever you code or do anything related to programming, I encourage you to ask yourself, “How did I get better today?” I ask this question anytime I get done working on a project, attending a coding meetup, or trying to learn a new coding concept. If I can answer “yes,” I know I conquered impostor syndrome for that day. If the answer was “no,” I know I can do better to manage my impostor syndrome next time.

每当您编写代码或进行任何与编程有关的事情时,我都鼓励您问自己:“今天我如何变得更好?” 每当我完成项目工作,参加编码聚会或尝试学习新的编码概念时,我都会问这个问题。 如果我可以回答“是”,那我就知道自己那天克服了假冒综合症。 如果答案为“否”,那么我知道下次我可以做得更好,以应对假冒综合症。

As you find ways to get better, you’ll overcome impostor syndrome, which takes us to our next question.


如何克服假冒综合症? (How Can You Overcome Impostor Syndrome?)

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When you look at established programmers, you may feel like a phony compared to them. When you’ve realized your coding skills aren’t where they should be, you may think of other programmers who are ahead of you.

当您看着成熟的程序员时,与他们相比,您可能会觉得很虚假。 当您意识到自己的编码技能不在应有的水平时,您可能会想到其他领先于您的程序员。

Impostor syndrome tries to make programming all about the other person. If you want to overcome those feelings of intimidation, uncertainty, and illegitimacy, you need to focus on you. That’s where we’ll start.

冒名顶替综合症试图使关于别人的一切编程。 如果您想克服那些恐吓,不确定和不合法的感觉,则需要专注于自己。 那就是我们开始的地方。

Strategy #1: Focus On What You Produce


Before going into any endeavor where you’ll code or learn about coding, do your best to focus on your results. Impostor syndrome will tempt you to look at other people’s progress and what they’re accomplishing. Then you’ll feel bad because you’ll lose in comparison.

在进行编码或学习编码的任何工作之前,请尽力将精力集中在结果上。 Impostor综合症会诱使您查看其他人的进步及其成就。 然后,您会感到难过,因为您会失去比较能力。

If you want to beat impostor syndrome, you should concentrate on your past results and the results you expect to produce. That way, you never lose because you’re comparing your results against what you’ve already done. If your results are better, you’ve improved. If not, you can further refine your workflow and find a way to improve for next time.

如果您想击败冒名顶替综合症,您应该专注于过去的结果和期望产生的结果。 这样,您就永远不会失败,因为您将结果与已经完成的结果进行了比较。 如果您的结果更好,那么您已经有所改善。 如果没有,您可以进一步优化您的工作流程并找到下一次改进的方法。

Strategy #2: Put On Your Learner’s Hat


When I went to my first coding meetup, I felt nervous. I was scared I’d be the worst programmer in the room. Instead of letting other people’s competency throw me into analysis paralysis, I decided to put on a learner’s hat. I did this by being upfront about where I was at as a programmer. I told people I didn’t know what to work on, but that I was there to learn.

当我第一次参加编码聚会时,我感到很紧张。 我很害怕自己会成为房间里最糟糕的程序员。 我没有让别人的能力让我陷入分析瘫痪,而是决定戴上学习者的帽子。 我是通过预先了解自己作为程序员的身份来做到这一点的。 我告诉别人我不知道该做什么,但是我在那里学习。

To my surprise, people responded with kindness and openness. They showed me what projects they were working on. I’d ask a question about their problem-solving approach, and they took time to explain what their code was doing.

令我惊讶的是,人们以友好和开放的态度回应。 他们向我展示了他们正在从事哪些项目。 我想问一个有关他们解决问题的方法的问题,他们花了一些时间来解释他们的代码在做什么。

When you position yourself as a learner, people tend to open up and make themselves available to you. In most cases, people are even more inclined to help you along your programming journey. The best part about positioning yourself as a learner? They won’t (and shouldn’t) judge you.

当您将自己定位为学习者时,人们会开放并向您开放。 在大多数情况下,人们甚至更倾向于在编程过程中为您提供帮助。 关于将自己定位为学习者的最好的部分是? 他们不会(也不应该)判断你。

Strategy #3: Find People of Peace


Throughout the night the meetup’s facilitator went around to each person and asked what they were working on. I dreaded the moment he would come to me and I’d have to tell him I was working on nothing. With 30 minutes left to go, he approached me. He asked what I was working on, and I said, “I have no idea, but I’m learning from watching.” His face went blank, and then he smiled. He sat down next to me and encouraged me. He said to never stop learning and that I was doing exactly what I should be doing at my stage of programming. He was my person of peace.

整个晚上,聚会的主持人走到每个人身边,询问他们在做什么。 他来找我的那刻让我感到恐惧,我不得不告诉他我什么都不做。 还有30分钟的路程,他走近我。 他问我在做什么,然后我说:“我不知道,但是我正在从观看中学到东西。” 他的脸一片空白,然后他微笑了。 他坐在我旁边鼓励着我。 他说永远不要停止学习,而我正在做我在编程阶段应该做的事情。 他是我的和平人。

People of peace are anybody who’s willing to show you the programming ropes. The facilitator was an unexpected person of peace but was much needed nonetheless. He provided pivotal encouragement and pointed me in the right direction. Be on the lookout for people of peace. They’ll make your programming journey a lot easier.

和平的人是愿意向您展示编程绳索的任何人。 主持人是一个出乎意料的和平人物,但仍然非常需要。 他提供了重要的鼓励,并向我指出了正确的方向。 警惕和平的人。 它们将使您的编程旅程变得更加轻松。

Strategy #4: Fixate on Growth


Like I mentioned earlier, growth is the best indicator that you didn’t give in to impostor syndrome. It’s also a great way to overcome impostor syndrome.

就像我之前提到的,增长是您不会屈服于冒名顶替综合症的最好指标。 这也是克服冒名顶替综合症的好方法。

If you want to overcome those feelings of uncertainty and intimidation, you should focus on how you can get better — even if that progress seems minute or incremental. Keep a book on hand so you can always have something to keep your nose in. Run through mock interviews so that you can refine your interview skills, but also learn how to anticipate potential interview questions.

如果您想克服那些不确定和恐吓的感觉,那么您应该专注于如何变得更好—即使进步似乎微不足道或渐进。 随身携带一本书,这样总可以保持您的鼻子感。通过模拟面试进行操作,以便您可以提高面试技巧,还可以学习预期潜在的面试问题。

If you’re looking for a great programming book to help you grow, I recommend checking out Grokking Algorithms, which is an illustrated guide for teaching algorithms! If you’re looking to get into interview questions, try reading Cracking the Coding Interview.

如果您正在寻找一本不错的编程书来帮助您成长,那么我建议您查阅Grokking Algorithms ,这是图解教学算法的指南! 如果您想了解面试问题,请尝试阅读 破解编码面试

Strategy #5: Ask Thoughtful Questions


This strategy should be #1 because it has never failed me. I love asking thoughtful questions. Questions are disarming, even for the snobbiest of programmers, if you ask them the right way. Asking thoughtful questions ties in with positioning yourself as a learner, but it takes the learner’s hat strategy a step further. When you ask a question, you’re also asking for advice. People love to give advice. I suggest you take advantage of that.

该策略应该是#1,因为它从未使我失败。 我喜欢问一些深思熟虑的问题。 如果您以正确的方式问问题,那么即使对于最自以为是的程序员,问题也无法解决。 提出深思熟虑的问题与将自己定位为学习者有关,但是这会使学习者的帽子策略更进一步。 当您提出问题时,您也在寻求建议。 人们喜欢提出建议。 我建议您利用它。

The one caveat is don’t be gimmicky or demand answers. Put yourself in the other person’s shoes. Maybe you’re talking to a more experienced programmer. Maybe you’re talking to a peer who you think has made more progress than you.

一个警告是不要花哨或要求答案。 把自己放在另一个人的鞋子里。 也许您正在与经验更丰富的程序员交谈。 也许您正在与一个认为自己取得了比您更大的进步的同事交谈。

If you want to make sure your questions are thoughtful, I encourage you to allow your curiosity to form your questions.


If you’re talking to more experienced engineers, ask them questions about their most recent project. Try to understand what makes them great engineers and how you can follow suit. I’ve used this tactic before and, to my surprise, came out with a coding mentor.

如果您正在与经验丰富的工程师交谈,请向他们询问有关他们最近的项目的问题。 尝试了解是什么使他们成为优秀的工程师,以及您如何效仿。 我以前曾经使用过这种策略,而令我惊讶的是,出现了一名编码导师。

If you’re talking to peers who’ve made great progress, ask them what encouraged their most recent progress. Celebrate them. Their response will surprise you. They’ll point you to the same resources that have helped them. They’ll want to help you experience the same success they achieved.

如果您正在与进步很大的同伴交谈,请问他们是什么鼓励了他们最近的进步。 庆祝他们。 他们的回应会让您感到惊讶。 他们将为您指出对他们有帮助的资源。 他们将希望帮助您体验他们所获得的同样的成功。

Strategy #6: Master Google Search


If you find yourself coding by yourself and doubting your skills, start Googling questions. When I did this I searched for phrases like “how to become a better coder,” “coding problems for beginners,” and “simple coding exercises.” Those Google searches not only led me to discover problems I could solve with ease but also to problems where I was in over my head. In the end, my programming skills improved because I had a better understanding of where I stood as a programmer.

如果您发现自己编码并怀疑自己的技能,请开始使用Google搜索。 当我这样做时,我搜索了诸如“如何成为更好的编码器”,“初学者编码问题”和“简单编码练习”之类的短语。 这些Google搜索不仅使我发现了可以轻松解决的问题,而且还发现了我头上的问题。 最后,我的编程技能得到了提高,因为我对自己作为程序员的立场有了更好的了解。

The best part about Google search is that it’s always within reach. You don’t have to leave your workspace, and you have a wealth of resources at your disposal. Whether you’re with people or by yourself, you always have the ability to grow.

关于Google搜索的最好之处在于,它始终可以触及。 您不必离开工作空间,并且有大量资源可供使用。 无论您是与人相处还是与他人在一起,您始终都有成长的能力。

Strategy #7: Listen, Listen, Listen


Finally, when in doubt, listen. When I was at the Python meetup, I took time to listen. When I wasn’t asking questions, I paid attention to what the other coders were saying. I also watched how they approached problems. I was able to understand how great programmers communicated and that writing problems on a whiteboard was a helpful visual for solving problems.

最后,如有疑问,请听。 当我参加Python聚会时,我花了一些时间听。 当我不问问题时,我注意其他编码人员在说什么。 我还观察了他们如何解决问题。 我能够理解出色的程序员之间的沟通方式,并且在白板上书写问题对于解决问题很有帮助。

大家都怀疑,但您可以从中学到 (Everybody Doubts, But You Can Learn From It)

All in all, it’s OK to experience intimidation or a lack of belonging. It’s OK to experience impostor syndrome. Your programming journey is your own. It’s not about other people and how much better — or worse — their skill sets are but about finding ways to grow your own skills. If you find yourself becoming weary, check out a great article on emotional self-care for programmers here.

总而言之,可以受到恐吓或缺乏归属感。 体验冒名顶替综合症是可以的。 您的编程旅程是您自己的。 这并不关乎其他人,而是他们的技能组有多好(或差),而是关于寻找提高自己技能的方法。 如果您发现自己厌倦了,请在此处查看有关程序员的情感自理的出色文章。

We discussed the surefire methods for how to recognize when you’ve given in to impostor syndrome. We also talked about seven effective strategies for overcoming feelings of intimidation and uncertainty. The journey is long, but worth it. I guarantee you will encounter impostor syndrome again at some point in the future. The biggest encouragement I have for you is that even expert coders still experience doubt, uncertainty, and illegitimacy. The goal is to learn how to manage it — that’s how you overcome it.

我们讨论了surefire方法,以了解如何识别虚假冒充者综合症。 我们还讨论了七种有效的策略来克服恐吓和不确定感。 旅程很长,但值得。 我保证您将来会再次遇到假冒综合症。 我为您提供的最大鼓励是,即使是专业的编码人员,仍然会遇到疑问,不确定性和非合法性。 目的是学习如何管理它-这就是您如何克服它。

Keep learning and keep coding. I’m rooting for you!

继续学习并保持编码。 我为你加油!

“This post originally appeared on <a rel=”nofollow” href=”"></a>"

“此帖子最初出现在<a rel="nofollow" href=""> </a>上”



BAT脚本解决IDM报警提示问题-清理IDM的特殊标记 脚本能解决IDM这个下载工具探测到用户使用过非法序列号而报警弹窗问题。 脚本会清理IDM写入系统里的特殊标记,避免IDM下次启动再弹窗警告。 注意要配合防火墙屏蔽IDM访问特殊服务器。 这样才能达到不会再被IDM写入标记的目的。 比如 IDM跳出窗口 提示, ------------------------------------------------------ 一个假冒的序列号被用来注册 Internet Download Manager。 IDM 正在退出... ------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------ Internet Download Manager has been registered with a fake Serial Number or the Serial Number has been blocked.Be aware that the cracked product may work incorrectly and download files with errors.Thus we advise you to purchase the full-featured product. ------------------------------------------------------ 类似上面的IDM警告提示都可以用清理脚本来解决问题。 不要期待官方IDM的安装或者卸载程序 会擦除那些IDM故意写入的标记。 那是不可能的。 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 脚本针对 IDM 的版本 V6.31 build2 即 脚本能解决问题 V6.31 build3 即 脚本能解决问题。 未来版本 这个不敢保证一定能解决,要看IDM作者的方案是否变化。 操作系统 Windows7 X64 最好是同样的系统,其他系统无法保证结果。 如果是Windows8.1 或者 Windows10 的64位系统,也可能可以使用脚本, 但我没针对其他系统测试,也是无法保证结果。 下载之前注意系统差别,考虑好再决定是否要下载。 IDM = Internet Download Manager 官方网站 IDM下载最新版 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 鱼 IDM连接的验证序列号服务器 IDM版本 上面这两个版本都会经常试图连接上面的两个服务器。 渔 网络上到处都是相似的信息, 比如关于 IDM跳出假序列号提示信息的解决方法,如果搜索网络, 就会发现我们可能会被这些类似的信息淹没。信息很多,然而却没一个管用的。 大家都是照搬别人的东西,也不仔细测试,然后就随意发帖了。 实际上IDM在变化,脱离IDM版本说解决方案 就相当于扯淡。 那到底是如何发现IDM试图连接的具体地址,以及如何找到IDM写入的特殊标记呢。 1 虚拟机。提供干净环境,可以快速恢复测试环境,高效率多次重复测试。 2 NetLimiter。它本质上是个流量监控工具。但不妨碍使用它的网络监控能力。 无论是运行在虚拟机里的IDM还是直接运行的IDM,都逃不过NetLimiter的监测, IDM尝试连接的地址都能被NetLimiter拦截下来,我们想怎么测试都可以。 3 Process Monitor。这是微软的工具。设置一下用来监控IDM网络访问情况。 它访问网络的时间,什么网址,都可以过滤出来。 4 Total Uninstall。卸载软件,但如今要想干净卸载都必须有些监控能力。 这里我就把它的文件和注册表监控能力用上了。 5 防火墙,实际上这个主题和防火墙关系不大。但后期屏蔽IDM倒是一定用得到。 这不一定非得是指系统自带的防火墙,可以是第三方防火墙软件。 用它屏蔽软件对网络的访问,那普通应用软件是毫无办法突破的。 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~




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