

A generation growing up in an addictive and attention-hungry world can thank a tech-enabled advertising industry, but believe it or not, the internet was once advertisement free. Both the Advanced Research Projects Agency Network (ARPANET) and the National Science Foundation Network (NSFNET), early iterations of the modern internet, had policies that banned commercial use by companies on their networks.

在一个令人着迷且令人上瘾的世界中成长的一代人可以感谢技术驱动的广告行业,但不管您信不信,互联网曾经是免费的广告。 现代互联网的早期版本,高级研究计划局网络(ARPANET)和国家科学基金会网络(NSFNET)都制定了禁止公司在其网络上进行商业使用的政策。

However, with the advent of email, marketers found a way around the acceptable use policies and began sending what would later become known as “spam.” Not long after, in the 1990s, website owners began using display ads to generate the revenue that would support their content. In fact, the mainstream banner ad commonly believed to be the first was placed on Wired magazine’s former online off-shoot HotWired in 1994. It was an AT&T ad that displayed the words “Have you ever clicked your mouse right here? You will” in rainbow font. This ad proved to be wildly successful, enjoying a clickthrough rate (CTR), the ratio of users who click on the ad to the number of total users who view a page, of 44%. For comparison, the average CTR in the Facebook newsfeed as of 2020 is 1.11%.

但是,随着电子邮件的出现,营销人员找到了一种解决可接受使用政策的方法,并开始发送后来被称为“垃圾邮件”的内容。 不久之后,在1990年代,网站所有者开始使用展示广告来产生支持其内容的收入。 实际上,通常被认为是第一个的主流横幅广告是在1994年刊登在Wired杂志以前的在线分支HotWired上的。这是一则AT&T广告,上面写着“您是否曾经在这里单击过鼠标吗? “您将”以彩虹字体显示。 该广告获得了巨大的成功,点击率(CTR)达到了44%,该点击率是点击广告的用户占查看页面总数的比例。 相比之下,截至2020年,Facebook新闻提要的平均点击率是1.11%。

At the turn of the millennium, Google introduced AdWords, its search advertising program that would later be renamed “Google Ads.” AdWords would serve as the foundation of a wildly successful business engine that today brings in over $100 billion in annual revenue for Google. The same advertising model also nets Facebook over $60 billion and Twitter around $3 billion each year, and has given birth to a virtual world where attention and money are synonymous.

千年之交,Google推出了AdWords,它的搜索广告程序后来被更名为“ Google Ads”。 AdWords将成为业务引擎取得巨大成功的基础,该业务引擎今天为Google带来了超过1000亿美元的年收入。 相同的广告模式每年还为Facebook和Twitter带来超过600亿美元的收入,为Twitter带来约30亿美元的收入,并且孕育了一个虚拟世界,其中注意力和金钱是同义词。

Given a reality where for-profit companies, of course, value profit above all else, the introduction of the ad economy has drastically shifted the focus of every aspect of a company — hiring, branding, sales, and perhaps most significantly, product design. A radical change in product design principles can be witnessed far beyond the walls of companies like Google and Facebook since it’s become abundantly clear that all one needs to sell an ad is consumer attention. Tools like Google Ads and Unity Ads make it easy to monetize attention on web pages and apps, while platforms like help influencers find sponsors to monetize the followers that give them attention.

考虑到营利性公司当然重视价值高于一切的现实,广告经济的引入已极大地转移了公司各个方面的关注点-雇用,品牌,销售,也许最重要的是产品设计。 产品设计原则的根本变化可以目睹远远超过像Google和Facebook这样的公司,因为人们已经很清楚地知道,出售广告的所有需求都是消费者的关注。 诸如Google Ads和Unity Ads之类的工具可以很容易地通过网页和应用程序将注意力货币化,而Fango.me之类的平台则可以帮助影响者找到赞助商,从而通过使关注者货币化。

For every product, from newsletters and podcasts to video games and mobile apps, there is an employee or founder, beholden to the income statement, designing the product to capture more and more of the user’s time. We can observe this concretely in the most common metrics that product designers use to define the success of their product. Daily active users (DAU) and monthly active users (MAU) are the number of users who engage in some way with the product on a daily or monthly basis, respectively. These numbers rule the product world and have aligned the development process with business objectives. Other key performance indicators (KPIs) measuring attention include pageviews, time spent on a page, session duration, bounce rate (number of users who visited one page and left), paid and organic traffic, number of user actions per session, and the list goes on and on.

从通讯,播客到视频游戏和移动应用程序,每一种产品都有一个雇员或创始人,他们注视着损益表,设计该产品来捕获越来越多的用户时间。 我们可以在产品设计师用来定义其产品成功的最常见指标中具体观察到这一点。 每日活跃用户(DAU)和每月活跃用户(MAU)分别是每天或每月以某种方式与产品互动的用户数量。 这些数字统治着产品世界,并使开发过程与业务目标保持一致。 衡量关注度的其他关键绩效指标(KPI)包括网页浏览量,在页面上花费的时间,会话持续时间,跳出率(访问过一个页面并离开的用户数量),付费和自然流量,每个会话的用户操作次数以及列表继续。

Product designers aren’t optimizing for these metrics to monopolize attention (or so they say), but rather to boost “user engagement.” Somehow these sound very different but practically speaking are indistinguishable. A designer will add a feature to an app — the ability to infinitely swipe through a friends’ photos, the chance to win more virtual currency, the opportunity to collect more followers and likes — because it gets the user to stay longer and demonstrate a higher level of “engagement” with the app. And thus, we end up with addictive social media platforms and near-hypnotic video games with myriad ill effects (see

产品设计师并没有针对这些指标进行优化以垄断注意力(或者说他们说),而是提高了“用户参与度”。 从某种意义上说,这些听起来非常不同,但实际上并没有区别。 设计师将为应用程序添加功能-无限滑动好友照片的能力,赢得更多虚拟货币的机会,收集更多追随者和喜欢的机会的原因-因为它可以使用户停留更长的时间并展示出更高的应用的“参与度”水平。 因此,我们最终会上瘾的社交媒体平台和具有多种不良影响的近催眠视频游戏(请参阅 )。

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Discussion around solving addictive technology often centers around the consumer, with solutions like screen time awareness, feed blockers, and child usage limits, or around the product designer, with calls for regulating the product development process or tools to help product designers make more ethical decisions. However, such solutions focused on these individuals merely address symptoms of the deeply rooted system created by the ad economy. What if there’s a better way?

有关解决令人上瘾的技术的讨论通常围绕消费者,涉及屏幕时间意识,饲料阻滞剂和儿童使用限制等解决方案,或者围绕产品设计师,涉及调节产品开发过程或工具以帮助产品设计师做出更道德的决定的呼吁。 。 但是,针对这些人的此类解决方案仅能解决广告经济所产生的根深蒂固的系统的症状。 如果有更好的方法怎么办?

One solution is regulating the advertising industry. In the same way that ARPANET and NSFNET once policed their spaces, imagine if the entire internet could have an acceptable use policy that detailed where, if anywhere, ads could be displayed. We could limit ad content and online sponsorships to 18+ spaces, removing the economic incentive for companies to design their products to be attention-grabbing for children and teenagers. Alternatively, we could limit ads to be shown within a certain timespan during a user session or only at a certain time of day, which might be more stomachable for companies with young audiences. However we slice it though, regulation would be fraught with loopholes and would likely be difficult to enforce at scale — given the difficulty in verifying the identity of people using the internet or to track user sessions. Indeed, many jurisdictions require viewers to be a certain age to watch porn and that alone has proven near impossible to enforce.

一种解决方案是规范广告行业。 以与ARPANET和NSFNET曾经监管其空间的方式相同,想象一下整个互联网是否可以有一个可接受的使用策略,详细说明可以在何处显示广告。 我们可以将广告内容和在线赞助限制在18个以上的空间,从而消除了公司设计产品以吸引儿童和青少年的注意力的经济动机。 另外,我们可以限制广告在用户会话期间或仅在一天中的某个时间段内展示,这对于年轻受众群体的公司来说可能更容易接受。 但是,尽管我们对此进行了剖析,但由于存在难以验证使用互联网的人的身份或跟踪用户会话的困难,因此监管将充满漏洞,并且可能难以大规模实施。 确实,许多司法管辖区都要求观看者一定年龄才能观看色情影片,仅事实证明,这几乎是不可能的。

Moreover, the internet functions almost entirely without a governing body. The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) manages IP addresses and the corresponding domain name system (DNS) so that servers, users, and other resources can connect to the internet. However, it certainly does not regulate the type of content that is uploaded. Before we can regulate ad content we need a central authority with the power to gatekeep or monitor massive amounts of content. Although this is technically challenging and potentially dangerous from a political standpoint, it’s possible we’re already heading in this direction. In fact, Brown’s own Professor John Savage has begun exploring what this might look like with other experts in the field (read more on Brown’s website).

此外,互联网几乎完全没有管理机构运作。 互联网名称与数字地址分配机构(ICANN)管理IP地址和相应的域名系统(DNS),以便服务器,用户和其他资源可以连接到互联网。 但是,它当然不能调节上传内容的类型。 在监管广告内容之前,我们需要一个中央机构来控制或监视大量内容。 尽管从政治角度来看这在技术上具有挑战性,并且有潜在的危险,但我们可能已经朝着这个方向前进。 实际上,布朗自己的教授约翰·萨维奇(John Savage)已经开始与该领域的其他专家探讨这种情况(请参阅布朗网站更多信息 )。

Another solution could be designing an even more effective business model. On the one hand, this seems preposterous as ads are growing more lucrative each year; the cost per click (CPC) for Google Ads is inflating. On the other hand, people really hate ads. While the popularity of the traditional pay-per-product model has fallen off with the rise of the internet (and as users increasingly expect free products), perhaps the market has reached a tipping point. Perhaps, we’ve already discovered a more profitable business model. Companies like Netflix and Salesforce have shown that a subscription model can be very fruitful (Salesforce sells customer relationship management software on a subscription, generating more than $3 billion in annual revenue). Further yet, a number of startups have seized on the freemium model as a way to gobble up market share and open up the funnel to convert potential users to paid customers. Companies like Slack and Airtable have artfully crafted tiered pricing strategies that include free tiers, enabling them to quickly reach unicorn status (a status held by startups that have a valuation greater than $1 billion). It’s hard to tell whether a successful non-ads model could truly displace a company like Google, but there is the possibility that a combination of consumer/government scrutiny and an appealing alternative could shift their corporate strategy.

另一个解决方案可能是设计一个更有效的业务模型。 一方面,这似乎荒谬,因为广告每年都在增长,利润越来越高。 Google Ads的每次点击费用(CPC)膨胀。 另一方面,人们真的很讨厌广告。 随着互联网的兴起,传统的按产品付费模式的流行度下降了(并且随着用户对免费产品的期望越来越高),也许市场已经达到了临界点。 也许,我们已经发现了一种更有利可图的商业模式。 像Netflix和Salesforce这样的公司已经表明订阅模式可以非常有效(Salesforce通过订阅销售客户关系管理软件,每年产生超过30亿美元的收入)。 此外,许多初创公司已经抓住了免费增值模式,以此作为吞噬市场份额和开放渠道以将潜在用户转换为付费客户的途径。 Slack和Airtable等公司精心设计了包括免费套餐在内的分层定价策略,使它们能够Swift达到独角兽身份(估值超过10亿美元的初创公司所拥有的地位)。 很难说成功的非广告模式是否能真正取代像Google这样的公司,但消费者/政府审查与有吸引力的替代方案相结合可能会改变其公司战略。

Imagine then, a world in which we design our products not to be an optimal space to display advertisements but rather to be valuable enough to consumers that they actually pay for them. Or maybe we’ve found another way to divert costs from the user to still deliver free products. Which success metrics might then dominate the product development landscape? Maybe user satisfaction scores, maybe user engagement numbers still, or maybe even just pure profit. In any case, the internet is extraordinarily young and still rapidly evolving. Market and policy adjustments can happen (and have happened) astonishingly quickly. Not to mention, the ad industry is the root of a lot of other hot-button issues like anticompetitive behavior and lack of data privacy. So hopefully, in just a few years, this could be our much improved reality.

想象一下,在这个世界中,我们设计产品的目的不是展示广告的最佳空间,而是对消费者来说足够有价值,他们可以实际为广告付费。 或者,也许我们已经找到了另一种转移成本的方式,以仍然免费提供产品。 哪些成功指标可能会主导产品开发前景? 也许是用户满意度得分,还是用户参与度,甚至仅仅是纯利润。 在任何情况下,互联网都非常年轻,并且仍在Swift发展。 市场和政策调整可能会Swift发生(并且已经发生)。 更不用说,广告行业是许多其他热门问题的根源,例如反竞争行为和缺乏数据隐私。 因此,希望在短短几年内,这可能是我们已经大大改善的现实。

Conflict of interest: Griffin is currently an employee at Google.


Published exclusively in Brown Tech Review. Image source.

独家发表在《布朗技术评论》上。 图片 来源







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