

My favourite meme is the wonderful “I have no idea what I’m doing” dog. Surely there is no greater role model! Look at Bailey the Golden Retriever working on her science experiment. Does she care that she has no idea what she’s doing? She does not. She’s trying it anyway.

我最喜欢的模因是美妙的“我不知道我在做什么”狗。 当然,没有更大的榜样! 看看从事科学实验的金毛百利 。 她是否在乎自己不知道自己在做什么? 她不做。 她无论如何都在尝试。

I love this meme. I used to have a picture of this dog taped above my monitor. I’d glance up at it all “You and me both, dog!” as I struggled through some difficult new thing. And there was always a difficult new thing.

我爱这个模因。 我以前在监视器上方贴着这张狗的照片。 我会瞥一眼“狗狗,你和我两个!” 当我在艰难的新事物中挣扎时。 而且总是有困难的新事物。

为什么我们不谈论学习呢? (Why Don’t We Talk More About Learning?)

Our industry doesn’t talk much about learning. That’s weird because learning is our #1 most important skill. We can’t be successful without it. Tech is enormous. There’s a huge range of things we need to know, and it all changes constantly. Every day, there’s a new framework, a new piece of infrastructure, a new build tool, a new architectural hot topic. Suddenly, everyone’s namedropping some technology and it can feel like “Did I miss a public service announcement? Where did that thing come from?”

我们的行业很少谈论学习。 这很奇怪,因为学习是我们最重要的技能之一。 没有它,我们就无法成功。 科技是巨大的。 我们需要知道很多事情,并且它们总是在不断变化。 每天都有新的框架,新的基础架构,新的构建工具,新的架构热点。 突然,每个人的名字都在使用某种技术,感觉就像“我错过了一项公共服务公告吗? 那东西是哪里来的?”

Keeping up to date with software means we’re constantly learning. We can’t do our jobs without it. But we don’t talk much about it.

与软件保持同步意味着我们不断学习。 没有它,我们就无法完成工作。 但是我们对此不多谈论。

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Probably not the first picture they took? Photo by Duc Viet Hoang on Unsplash.
大概不是他们拍摄的第一张照片吗? Duc Viet HoangUnsplash上的 照片

我们的Instagram生活 (Our Instagram Lives)

That’s a problem. When we don’t explain how we know all the things we know, we’re not admitting that it took work to get there. For newer people in the industry, that creates unrealistic expectations. If everyone else just seems to magically know a bunch of stuff and you don’t, it can feel like you’re not good enough. It can feel like you’re not meant to be here.

那是个问题。 当我们不解释我们如何知道我们所知道的事情,我们不承认它采取 工作到那里。 对于行业中的新人而言,这会带来不切实际的期望。 如果其他所有人似乎都神奇地知道很多东西,而您却不知道,那可能会感觉您不够出色。 感觉就像您注定不会在这里。

It’s the Instagram problem, where everyone else’s life looks effortlessly perfect. We don’t see the untidiness hidden just out of sight, the 20 pictures that got discarded before the one that came out right. We see people use their knowledge, but we don’t show the knowledge being acquired. We don’t get to see the documentation that was incredibly unintuitive, the wrong paths, the terrible first prototypes, the ideas that took weeks before they clicked.

这是Instagram问题 ,其他人的生活看起来毫不费力。 我们看不到隐藏的不整洁之处,即20张照片在正确出现之前就被丢弃了。 我们看到人们在使用他们的知识,但是我们没有显示正在获得的知识。 我们看不到文档非常直观,错误的路径,可怕的第一批原型,想法花了好几周才被点击。

We don’t tell new people that learning can be slow and frustrating and difficult sometimes, and that that’s just… normal. If learning is the #1 skill, persistence is probably #2. Some things just take time.

我们不会告诉新人有时候学习会变得缓慢而沮丧,困难,而那只是……正常。 如果学习是第一技能,那么持久性可能就是第二。 有些事情只需要时间。

所以我们应该大声学习 (So We Should Learn out Loud)

In a talk I gave last year, I said that the reason we have senior engineers is so someone will ask the stupid questions:


  • “Wait, what does that word mean?”

  • “Can you explain this like I’m five?”

  • “Why are we doing this?”

  • “What problem are we trying to solve?”

  • “Doesn’t something like this already exist?”


I sometimes ask questions in meetings when I already know the answer if I’m sure that most other people don’t. It’s less scary for senior people to ask.

如果我确定其他大多数人都不知道,我有时会在会议上问一些我已经知道答案的问题。 老年人问这个问题并不那么害怕。

For the same reason, I try to learn publicly: I block out learning time in my work calendar and am clear about what I want to get out of it. “By the end of these two hours, I’ll know enough websockets to make a terrible chat app.” I did. It was so terrible. It was the best.

出于同样的原因,我尝试公开学习:我在工作日历中浪费了学习时间,并且清楚我想从中学到什么。 “到这两个小时结束时,我将了解足够的网络套接字来制作一个糟糕的聊天应用程序。” 是的 太可怕了 那是最好的。

学习学习 (Learning to Learn)

Learning is a skill on its own — something you get better at as you do it and as you figure out what works for you.


For example, I used to spend time trying to find the “best” place to start from, trying to choose the most important aspects of this new topic I was learning about. I’ve concluded that (for me!) starting by reading an arbitrary article works just as well as reading a Wikipedia page on the topic, so I just choose something I didn’t understand and go read about that. Repeat. If I keep doing that for a couple of hours, I’ll build up a good picture of what matters.

例如,我曾经花时间尝试寻找“最佳”起点,试图选择我正在学习的这个新主题的最重要方面。 我得出的结论是(对我来说!)从阅读任意文章开始以及与阅读有关该主题的Wikipedia页面一样有效,所以我只是选择一些我不了解的内容并继续阅读。 重复。 如果我继续这样做几个小时,那么我将对重要事项有一个很好的了解。

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“All told, a monad in X is just a monoid in the category of endofunctors of X, with product × replaced by composition of endofunctors and unit set by the identity endofunctor. Got it.” Photo by Hal Gatewood on Unsplash.
“总而言之,X中的单子仅是X的终结者类别中的一个单义词,乘积×被终结者的组成所取代,单位由终结者的身份设定。 得到它了。” 图片由 Hal GatewoodUnsplash拍摄

If it’s a topic I find boring or difficult, I’ve learned that I can make it more engaging by immediately using whatever I just read (e.g. by writing a blog post or an internal document summarising what I just learned). My brain has infinite patience for reading about things that I want to write about or teach to someone else. Coding exercises and small projects have the same effect: I can learn theory forever, but there’s nothing that cements the knowledge like using it in a project.

如果这是一个我觉得无聊或困难的话题,我已经了解到可以立即使用刚刚阅读的内容(例如,撰写博客文章或总结我刚刚学到的内容的内部文件)来使其更具吸引力。 我的大脑对阅读我想写的东西或教别人的东西有无限的耐心。 编码练习和小型项目具有相同的效果:我可以永远学习理论,但没有什么像在项目中使用它那样巩固了知识。

都是可以学习的 (It’s All Learnable)

I think the most important realisation in tech is that everything is learnable. Absolutely everything. Some of this stuff is difficult and there are a ton of things to know, but none of it is magic. Worst case, it will just take time.

我认为技术上最重要的认识是,一切都是可学习的。 绝对一切。 这些东西有些很难,还有很多事情要知道,但是没有什么是魔术 。 最坏的情况是,这将需要时间。

If you’re a junior person, don’t feel bad if it feels like there are a lot of things you don’t know. That’s normal. There are a lot of things to know! Familiarity will come with time… until you enter a new domain and then you’ll be back to having no idea what you’re doing again. Keep learning how to learn and new concepts will click a little faster every time.

如果您是初中生,如果感觉到很多事情您都不知道,也不要感到难过。 那很正常 有很多事情要知道! 熟悉会随着时间的流逝而发生……直到您输入一个新域,然后您又回到不知道自己在做什么。 继续学习如何学习,新概念每次都会更快一点。

If you’re a senior person, please show that you’re learning too. Share resources, ask questions, and tell people whatever cool thing you just found out. We’ll make our industry better if we admit that the #1 skill is learning — and that it takes a ton of time.

如果您是高级人士,请表明您也在学习。 共享资源,提出问题,并告诉人们您刚刚发现的任何有趣的事情。 如果我们承认#1技能正在学习,则将使我们的行业变得更好,这需要大量的时间。

翻译自: https://medium.com/better-programming/why-learning-is-the-most-important-skill-in-tech-990f36e4106f






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