

“A breakthrough in machine learning would be worth ten Microsofts.” — Bill Gates

“机器学习方面的突破将使十个微软值得。” - 比尔盖茨

In science and engineering, from computer systems to physics, machine learning methods are widely employed. Besides, marketing sites such as search engines, recommenders (i.e. Netflix, Amazon), advertisers and financial institutions use machine learning for content guideline, prediction of customer experience, compliance, or risk.

在科学和工程领域,从计算机系统到物理,机器学习方法被广泛采用。 此外,搜索引擎,推荐器(例如Netflix,Amazon),广告商和金融机构等营销网站都使用机器学习来获取内容指南,预测客户体验,合规性或风险。

Machine learning as a discipline aims to develop and understand computer programmes that learn from experience to predict or control them.


As a result, machine learning has become quite popular in recent years, and many machine learning tools have been developed. Some classes teach you how to learn and understand, even though you don’t have advanced knowledge of programming and mathematics at the university level.

结果,机器学习近年来变得非常流行,并且已经开发了许多机器学习工具。 即使您没有大学一级的编程和数学知识,有些课程也会教您如何学习和理解。

First, let us watch this short video and understand the fundamentals of Machine Learning. This clip allows you to understand what machine learning is, what are machine learning types, how it functions with basic examples as well as how machine learning is applied in different industries.

首先,让我们观看这段简短的视频并了解机器学习的基础知识。 该剪辑使您能够了解什么是机器学习,什么是机器学习类型,它如何通过基本示例运行以及如何在不同行业中应用机器学习。

Simplilearn Simplilearn

Now, if you are a non-techie and are interested in machine learning, then you might be wondering and have the following set of questions in your mind:


  1. How to better understand machine learning if I don’t have enough basic skills/technical background?

  2. Should I be part of any institute that teaches machine learning?

  3. How much would it charge me to learn machine learning?

  4. Would it be too challenging to learn mathematics involved in machine learning?


Machine learning uses a lot of mathematics and programming. Can a non-technical person, therefore, learn machine learning? Yes, even if you are a person not having a technical background, you can learn machine learning if you follow the right course.

机器学习使用了大量的数学和程序设计。 因此,非技术人员可以学习机器学习吗? 是的,即使您不是一个技术背景的人,只要遵循正确的课程,就可以学习机器学习。

Here, I’ll show you the right way to address the responses to the questions earlier in the thread as well as suggestion for you to choose the courses to learn machine learning without having foundational knowledge. It would be best if you took the concrete initiatives below,

在这里,我将向您展示正确处理方法的方法,以解决该主题前面部分对问题的回答,并建议您选择无需基础知识即可学习机器学习的课程 。 最好采取以下具体措施,

The reason I advise you to begin with the Andrew Ng course before you start to learn programming is that it gives you an opportunity to see if machine learning is something that you’d be interested in before spending a plenty of time on it.

我建议您在开始学习编程之前就先开始吴德华(Andrew Ng)课程,原因是它使您有机会在花大量时间学习机器学习之前是否对它感兴趣。

技术机器学习的方式 (How technical machine learning is)

Machine learning is, overall, quite a technical area as it uses programming, statistics and mathematics to apply mathematical algorithms to data.


To use the machine learning models, you may need to know how to code in a programming language such as Python.


The computer models use a lot of mathematics to function. Linear algebra, calculus and probability theory are part of the mathematics used in machine learning models. Nevertheless, some courses teach you how models of machine learning work if you do not already know about mathematics. I recommend that you start there and then learn more about machine learning mathematics.

计算机模型使用许多数学函数。 线性代数,微积分和概率论是机器学习模型中使用的数学的一部分。 尽管如此,如果您还不了解数学,一些课程会教您如何学习机器学习模型。 我建议您从那里开始,然后进一步了解机器学习数学。

If you want to work with large data sets or want a career in machine learning, then you will also have to learn SQL.


如果我没有足够的基本技能/技术背景,如何更好地理解机器学习? (How to better understand machine learning if I don’t have enough basic skills/technical background?)

I would suggest you continue with the course Andrew Ng from Stanford University if you are interested to learn machine learning.

如果您想学习机器学习,我建议您继续学习斯坦福大学的Andrew Ng课程。

In this course, you will learn about the most efficient methods of machine learning and how to practice them and allow them to work for yourself. Above all, you will learn not just the theoretical concepts of learning but also the practical know-how to apply these concepts efficiently and effectively to new problems. It is perhaps the most popular machine learning course as Andrew Ng does an outstanding job of intuitively describing machine learning and models.

在本课程中,您将学习最有效的机器学习方法,以及如何实践它们并使它们自己工作。 最重要的是,您不仅会学习学习的理论概念,还将学到将这些概念有效地应用于新问题的实践知识。 这可能是最受欢迎的机器学习课程,因为Andrew Ng在直观描述机器学习和模型方面做得非常出色。

I advise you to start there so you can see if machine learning is something you’re interested in before you spend a lot of time studying programming and mathematics.


如何学习和练习机器学习编码? (How to learn and practice machine learning coding?)

Before being able to implement the learning models of the machine, you would need to know how to program.


What is the smartest programming language to practice for machine learning?


Now, watch the short video here to explore more about this.


Siraj Raval Siraj Raval

The most preferred programming language will be Python. Because it is the most common machine language, it is relatively easy to study, and it has several integrated libraries which allow you to implement algorithms for machine learning quickly. To order to learn Python, I would encourage you to take this MIT course on edX.

最优选的编程语言是Python。 因为它是最常见的机器语言,所以它相对容易学习,并且它具有几个集成的库,可让您快速实现用于机器学习的算法。 为了学习Python,我鼓励您参加edX上的MIT课程

When you have learned how to program in Python, I will encourage you to do some simple Python data analysis. Data analysis is used a great deal in machine learning, particularly in preparing the data to function well with the machine learning models. For learn data analysis in Python, I would recommend you use this YouTube series to learn pandas and Numpy with these lecture notes.

当您学习了如何使用Python进行编程时,我将鼓励您进行一些简单的Python数据分析。 数据分析在机器学习中被大量使用,特别是在准备数据以使其与机器学习模型良好配合的过程中。 要使用Python学习数据分析,我建议您使用本YouTube系列丛书 ,以这些讲义学习熊猫和Numpy。

For machine learning, there are several other programming languages, and one of them is R. It is a programming language built specifically for statistics and is therefore also very popular in statistical fields. This has a variety of built-in libraries and a reasonably large community of support. However, I would recommend that since most machine tutorials are in Python, you learn Python over R.

对于机器学习,还有其他几种编程语言,其中一种是R。这是一种专门为统计而构建的编程语言,因此在统计领域也非常流行。 它具有各种内置库和相当大的支持社区。 但是,由于大多数机器教程都使用Python,因此我建议您使用R来学习Python。

获得编程技能后该怎么办? (What to do after acquiring programming skills?)

I advise you to take the course on deep learning taught by Andrew Ng after knowing Python.

我建议您在了解Python之后参加由Andrew Ng教授的深度学习课程

Deep learning is a subset of machine learning with algorithms that function very well when a lot of data is available. We have become very common in recent years because of the sharp increase in data available to companies.

深度学习是机器学习的一个子集,其算法在大量数据可用时运行良好。 近年来,由于公司可用数据的急剧增加,我们变得非常普遍。

First, it is worth taking a more practical training course on the computer that will teach you how to apply the various Python machine learning algorithms. I‘d advise this book. Nonetheless, it will be a great option to watch this YouTube series.

首先,值得在计算机上参加更实际的培训课程,该课程将教您如何应用各种Python机器学习算法。 我建议这本书 。 尽管如此,观看此YouTube系列视频还是一个不错的选择。

You will now be capable of applying your own machine learning algorithms on your datasets. You will do so by using your personal data sets to use machine learning or compete in Kaggle machine learning competitions.

您现在可以将自己的机器学习算法应用于数据集。 您将通过使用您的个人数据集来使用机器学习或参加Kaggle机器学习竞赛来做到这一点。

学习机器学习中涉及的数学是否太有挑战性? (Would it be too challenging to learn mathematics involved in machine learning?)

If you’d like to understand how mathematically the machine learning models behave, how the machine learning methods can be optimized wholly, and if you intend to have a career or research role in machine learning, so you need to study maths related to it.


In mathematics, we need to learn and practice three essential topics, which are given below:


  • Calculus(Integration, Derivatives and Partial Derivatives) by MIT

    麻省理工学院的微积分 ( 积分,导数和偏导数 )

    Calculus(Integration, Derivatives and Partial Derivatives) by MITNote: This youtube playlist will give you a thorough understanding of Calculus.

    麻省理工学院的微积分 ( 积分,微分和偏导数 ) 注:youtube播放列表将使您对微积分有透彻的了解。

  • Probability and Statistics by MIT

    麻省理工学院的概率 统计

    Probability and Statistics by MITNote: The link here brings you to a great website with engaging graphs/animations/charts that allow you to play and understand the concepts.

    麻省理工学院的概率统计 注: 这里链接带您进入一个具有吸引力的图形/动画/图表的出色网站,使您可以玩耍和理解概念。

  • Youtube series of Linear Algebra (The University of Texas at Austin)


    Youtube series of Linear Algebra (The University of Texas at Austin)Note: I would also suggest this playlist for a conceptual understanding of Linear algebra.

    Youtube系列线性代数(德克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校) 注:我也建议使用此播放列表 ,以从概念上理解线性代数。

机器学习的高级课程 (A premium course of machine learning)

If you need there are premium machine learning courses as well, from which you can learn from no prior knowledge in programming to be able to develop machine learning models on your own.


The paid course that I would suggest the one offered by DataCamp, which would teach you Python skills needed by a data scientist to succeed, Mathematics, and how machine learning models can be applied.


You can get the free unlimited access of DataCamp through September, 9.


关键要点 (The key takeaway)

After the above steps, learn to read and implement research articles for deeper understanding, try as well to take part in hackathons and Kaggle competitions to prove your skills.


So now start to learn machine learning. Best wishes!

因此,现在开始学习机器学习。 最好的祝愿!

If you have any question in your mind or have suggestions, please comment below.


Thanks for the reading.


翻译自: https://medium.com/datadriveninvestor/incredible-tips-for-a-non-techie-to-learn-machine-learning-d86e36a88e94






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